View Full Version : Down the river with touchstones

2019-08-23, 08:48 AM
There are two touchstone sites that I found that I believe are super fun and largely ignored.

The first is in planar handbook.

The astral sojourner Higher-Order Ability: 1/day, you can summon a small contingent of githyanki—the Sojourner’s original crew—to aid you, either in battle or in handling a ship. The crew, consisting of one 5th-level githyanki fighter, two 3rd-level githyanki fighters, and ten 1st-level githyanki warriors, remain until the battle is over or the character’s ship is out of danger, then vanish. They each have maximum ranks in Profession (sailor)—4 ranks for the captain, 3 ranks for the two mates, and 2 ranks for the crew (it’s a cross-class skill for these classes)—and either perform any task that needs doing on a ship or aid a character already performing the task. Though they understand the characters’ language, no matter what tongue the characters speak, the githyanki do not speak themselves. Higher-Order Uses: 2.

Thats pretty neat. you can finally use the psymbiot feat!

But what if you wanted to have a vessel for them on command?

Well, sandstorm has that covered:

sunken barge: Higher-Order Ability: Once per week, you can drop or throw half of your piece of the barge into water to cause a phantom version of the vessel to appear on that spot (which must be large enough to support the barge’s Colossal size, or nothing happens). You can then command the barge to voyage to any point on the water within one day’s travel (about thirteen miles upriver—double that when traveling downriver). When one full day has passed, the barge sinks to the bottom, along with anything and anyone still aboard, and vanishes, although your piece of the barge appears in your hand at the same time. Higher-Order Uses: 2.

Heres the barge stats:

A barge is not much more than a large, flat-bottomed hull designed to haul heavy cargoes by water. Most barges are intended to be towed by other ships or by teams of draft animals on shore, but some are fitted out as royal yachts or war barges, and equipped with a set of oar sweeps for maneuvering. Barges of this sort might have large deckhouses or weapon mounts. Barges are best employed on calm, slow rivers or canals, where maneuvering is not an issue.

Barge: Colossal vehicle; Seaworthiness +0; Shiphandling –6; Speed oars 5 ft. (poor) or drawn; Overall AC –3; Hull sections 80 (sink 20 sections); Section hp 50 (hardness 5); Section AC 3; Ram 6d6; Mounts 2 light and 2 heavy; Space 100 ft. by 40 ft.; Height 10 ft. (draft 10 ft.); Complement 120; Watch 5 plus 40 rowers; Cargo 50 tons; Cost 6,000 gp.

How do we get that speed higher? Plus even with the githyanki crew, you're short like 25 rowers. Can we assume that the barge has its own rowers? So we can then use our githyanki for manning the catapults. You know, the catapults that you have weapon focus for, you know, because your a soulbound psychic warrior 2 and can just use call weapon to get yourself some magic catapults.

Any way to get something capable of towing this thing faster, you know, without spellcaster levels if possible? This is so we can use that 6d6 ramming damage per 10' of speed.

Soliciting other fun ideas for these feats.