View Full Version : Your character's title or moniker

2019-08-23, 01:35 PM
Hi all.

So this is just a silly one for fun.

So I was thinking of titles or aliases people become famous for, or thr normal formal onew people get.

Like the red baron
Or the 'the forgiven'
Or 'Godbow...'
Even simply just king or lord.

Think 'dark souls boss' or 'league of legend champion title'

Q1: Does your PC have a title of some kind? If so, what is it and how did they obtain it?


Q2: It you don't have one, come up with one you'd like

For Kosh...

Well he doesn't have one. But honestly it he became famous enough to have one, he'd probably just go with his subclass title. He wouldn't want a name related to glory or anything that signified privilege like lord or sir.

So just

Gloomstalker Kosh. I like that.

What's your titles gang?

2019-08-23, 01:40 PM
For my Eldritch Knight Human fighter based on Nordic warriors in Skyrim, I'm not sure what title I would like to have. All I would want is for him to be known as a good fighter.

He's already kind of known for his obvious deformity Austwulf Burnt-Ears where he has a Prince Zuko like burn on his right side and is deaf in his right ears.

2019-08-23, 01:52 PM
Special Investigator to the Open Lord of Waterdeep

It's his job to track down dangerous magical artifacts and store them where they can't do any harm. He got the job by failing spectacularly at his previous job, which was the same except without anyone noticing.

2019-08-23, 02:00 PM
My Gloomstalker Scout is known as The Grey Master.

He ended up leading a rebel faction called the Grey Hoods, so...

His real name is Gopher. Orphans in this society have only one name and are usually named after animals or things, like Gopher or Potpan, for example. So for people to be addressing him as Gopher Grey Master is quite the anomaly. He’s not even remotely comfortable with it.

2019-08-23, 02:08 PM
I'm a fan of ______slayer titles, like dragonslayer or kingslayer. The barbarian I play has been called demonslayer a few times by people aware of his first adventure, which involved killing a Barlgura.

I like having NPCs reference player characters like that give the players a sense of prestige and fame. Since I'm running a campaign right now heavily featuring demons and a red dragon, I'll probably use those for them before much longer (assuming they don't all die lol).

2019-08-23, 02:23 PM
Northerner human paladin with the moniker 'Wolfhammer'. But nowadays, he also has the title of a Dragonslayer.

He used to be a smith before his adventurer's career, taught by an old dwarven smith. Just like in many other worlds, dwarves are renowned as metalworkers and their tendency towards making artistic yet functional tools. The character took this mentality to heart, and when his training was complete, he crafted a warhammer with the business end in the shape of a wolf's head. Not quite like the traditional style of dwarves, but entirely of his own design. He gave everything in his heart and soul to create the piece of equipment.
He belongs to a semi-nomadic culture who are divided into several tribes and again into clans. His tribe is the Wolf Tribe, and in their culture wolf is a symbol of guardianship, ritual, loyalty, and spirit, and for this reason the tribe he represents are basically de facto leaders of all the northerner tribes.

Anyway, he became quickly known as Wolfhammer due to the warhammer he'd made himself.

2019-08-23, 03:11 PM
I played a somewhat antisocial dwarf ranger who was anxious about his father's successful career in lumber.

Being called "Thogdork Brambleblaster, Son of the Axe that Felled 1000 Trees" probably didn't help much.

2019-08-23, 03:27 PM
Sigurd the Wanderer

I play a Half-Orc Valour Bard with a 1 lvl dip in fighter who goes by the name Sigurd the Wanderer. I gave him the name because it sounded cool and kind of worked with the idea of a travelling skald, looking for adventure. It has since influenced the characters personality, flaws and approach to other players and NPC's. What started as a cool sounding name turned into so much more and I'll definitely continue to use it as a tool for character creation/development in future games.

2019-08-23, 03:43 PM
Aarakocra Assassin: “Nightblade”
Undead aarakocra ranger: “The Florist, Helper of Orphans”
Minotaur Theurge: “Defier of Death”
Dwarf Lore Wizard: “Prince Skari, Genocider of Orcs, Fairy Godfather”
Warforged Artillerist: “Homicidal Sand Robot”

2019-08-23, 03:47 PM
Sir Didymous Quix, Slayer of Giants, Feller of Windmills...

2019-08-23, 04:40 PM
My homebrew pit fighter is Boris the Beast.

2019-08-23, 05:25 PM
My Half-elf, College of Valor Bard Sorrell has gained himself the title of "The Red Wizard" because he spell slings and gets in melee with our barbarian and news of us traveled over the land so our reputation precedes us. I play him as a Red Mage where he uses "Black" control and damage spells and "White" healing and defensive spells and is actually pretty decent staying in melee and AC tanking while having a decent health pool.

2019-08-23, 05:35 PM
My Half Orc Barbarian with the Entertainer/Gladiator background is named Brand, but goes by the stage name Brutus Maximus.

2019-08-23, 06:12 PM
I've been "The Exiled Princess"
"The Grey Priest"
"The Green Knight"
"of Chimeria"
and "Northlander"

probably more but I cant remember.

2019-08-23, 07:28 PM
my gnome monk is called the biggun.

2019-08-23, 11:58 PM
My Archfey Warlock has a rather unhealthy habit of taunting dragons in combat. His friends call him the Dragon Mocker.

They'll probably put it on his tombstone.

2019-08-24, 12:00 AM
My tempest cleric in Curse of Strahd was the Exalted Ledaal Yuyeh, Heavenly Feather (a reference to the lightning scars from when the air goddess Mela chose her to become a cleric), Daughter of Mela Resplendant, Countess of the second rank, Cloud Wing Magistrate, Shrine Guardian of the Fourth Virtue, heir to the Blue Dragon Banner, and sometimes "that little hottie dancing on the bar".
I took the Noble background, and my DM decided that Feather was a countess and socially outranked everyone in Barovia--including Strahd ! Very useful for diplomancy.

2019-08-24, 03:35 AM
Elgoth, Son of Elgoth, The Dark One, Final Arbiter of the Nightmare Syndicate, The Whispering Dream, Slave of the Hexblade, High Priest of Tyrandraxu and Emissary of Tharizdun

This is how the latest persona of my changeling whisper bard is known. We have been experiencing some problems with a High Priestess of Tharizdun who seems to reside either in the future or the Far Realm (or both?). This persona is intended to draw her out of hiding. We took down another cult of Tharizdun (called the Nightmare Syndicate) which was led by a guy named Elgoth. When we raided one of their gatherings he was just proclaiming his newborn son as The Dark One, The Emissary of Tharizdun. We were just in time for the baby not actually to be consecrated (desecrated?), so we could safely secrete it away in an orphanage while I am now pretending to be the adult version of that child (magically aged through the blessings of Tharizdun).

The Whispering Dream part is me making good on all the rumors I spread in our downtime about the secret achievements of an underworld figure (which were actually based loosely on our party's own clandestine exploits). Slave of the Hexblade is because of my accidental one level dip into a warlock and Tyrandraxu is the forgotten deity of the metropolis we play in, whose old temple we discovered (the real high priest is a rather friendly ghost tied to the temple whom we promised to help make his God known again).

I don't have a good title yet for my role in our tiefling's thieves' guild/cult.

2019-08-24, 04:55 AM
I don't know what his clan name was originally, but when Stonebeard, my Hill Dwarf Druid 1/Light Cleric X, left the tunnels of his homeland to live in the light of Heliod's sun in a swamp which he had been sent visions of, his name was from stricken from the clanbooks and he was dubbed "Stonebeard Muckdweller." A name he uses with pride.

2019-08-24, 11:14 AM
My DM doesn't really give away titles so often, but in the version of FR that we play in my current Paladin has a title he acquired through history as "The Savior of Greenest" which is something that his family (a noble family in Waterdeep of high renown at the time) earned for him posthumously by erroneously convincing all who would listen that he slew the Blue Dragon that had been sent to lay waste to the village by the Cult of Dragons.

He was revived almost two centuries later in the families misguided attempt to recover their failing reputation and wealth. As soon as he found out that they'd managed to have history written in a way that painted him as a hero who sacrificed himself for the city he stormed out and hasn't returned to his family. He didn't in fact kill the dragon, he never even fought the dragon, he was a cocky upstart adventurer who was overrun by the Kobolds. His most recent adventures have been a long running attempt so that he can become as powerful as he was believed to have been and find out who deserves to have their name written in the history books as the Savior of Greenest.

If he were to earn a proper title, I think the one he would appreciate most is simply to be called a Protector. If he could make a reputation that overshadowed the one falsely written in history and find the truth behind what happened he could die (again) happy.

2019-08-24, 12:27 PM
I played Podo, a Kender in Dragonlance who earned the honorific of 'Dragon Taunter'.

Through a series of bad choices, the whole party had been captured by a group of wizards in some old swamp ruins. Rather than kill us directly, they had stripped us of our gear and tied us up on the edge of the swamp. Turns out they had a deal with the Black Dragon who lived in the swamp to turn over any adventurers they captured and all of the gear they carried as tribute.

Being the rogue, I was the only one able to slip free of the chains before the dragon showed up. I was able to cut our fighter free but with only one dagger between the two of us he wasnt much help. So I did the only thing I could think of.... I pleaded with the dragon to eat me.

There were 2 things typical to all Kender which Podo truly exemplified. An extremely strong desire to find and try new experiences, and a nearly complete disregard for his personal safety. He had never been eaten by a dragon before. While he was fairly certain other Kender had been eaten by all sorts of interesting monsters, he had never heard any of them telling stories of what it was like. He just had to know.

Of course, to the dragon a kender was lower on the menu than swamp rats. So he was quite confused when one swaggered up and quite respectfully asked to be eaten. This had to be a trap of some sort, he was sick or cursed or poisoned.

I argued for a good 5 minutes with the dragon why he should eat me, ending with me trying to climb his neck to get closer to his face and make the job easier. He started diving through the swamp and bouncing off trees trying to dislodge me. By the time he did, the rest of the party had all freed themselves with plenty of time to don armor, grab weapons, and sort out spell components.

2019-08-24, 12:54 PM
My barbarian/sorcerer is known as the 'Banshee of the Moonsea', since she was a Zhentarim enforcer in the Moonsea area. When she raged she would let out a wail, and thus when she wailed someone was sure to be found dead the next morning. Therefore 'if you hear the Banshee cry, someone close is sure to die!'

2019-08-24, 03:50 PM
Jaun "Aegis" is my favorite 5e character of all time. Still have to look up how the bloody word is pronounced every time.

One of my 3.5 characters is called "Smyler", and is constantly cheerful pretty much no matter the situation, but I've left it ambiguous as to whether that's a title he chooses to go by or his actual name (making his constant smiling a 'happy coincidence').

EDIT: Oh, and I often give my optimization competition entries cool monikers. Check out my sig for those, but the best has got to be "the Highly Endangered Northwest Pacific Tree Octopus". That was a fun build.