View Full Version : Introduction to Hellblazer

2007-10-12, 02:28 PM
Heya all, I'm a recently-admitted geek with a newfound penchant for graphic novels. Now, I've heard that them thar Hellblazer novels be a good read, but I be wonderin' - where do I start? Logically, I thought Original Sins (the first collection, right?) but it's expensive at local stores and All His Engines isn't, seems interesting, has been recommended and is apparently a good place to start too. So, what do I do? Me hearties... or... something..?

2007-10-13, 03:33 PM
As a long-time John Constantine fan, I have a few recommendations to make:

1. Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits

Although it isn't the first John Constantine story, it's one of the best. It's also very accessible. This was the first Hellblazer graphic novel I bought, and I was immediately sucked in to the story.

Don't let the fact that they based the film off this comic prejudice you against it.

2. Swamp Thing: A Murder of Crows

It isn't actually a John Constantine book. But the events chronicled within are essential to his backstory, introducing his relationships with other DCU and Vertigo characters and showing his willingness to sacrifice anyone in order to win. And it's a great book. One of Alan Moore's best.

3. Hellblazer: Rare Cuts

The definitive John Constantine story: a haunting horror story with both human and demonic monsters, with all the gritty, seemy, nasty themes that Constantine fans have come to know and... uh, love? It's also an origin story, setting up John's motivations for becoming a magician and con artist, inspiring many of his later quests, and setting up Nergal as one of John's most dangerous nemeses.

Original Sins isn't bad, but by then the comic had some way to go to find its proper shape, and the graphic novel has a rather odd structure and unsatisfying ending, due to things that happened with the ongoing title.

Haunted is fairly meh. It's OK, but it won't leave any lasting impression on you. Take it or leave it.

Garth Ennis' Hellblazer: Bloodlines is a kind of follow-up to Dangerous Habits. And its also a brilliant comic book in its own right.

Mike Carey's recent run on the title was very good. Underrated in fact. Quite a few of his stories have been collected in graphic novel form by now. Not sure what they're called, but give them a try, if your wallet will stretch that far. All His Engines was one of these, I think.

Zael Zuran
2007-10-13, 05:40 PM
I second Dangerous Habits. Ennis is where the book came to life for me. (The Delano run had some amazing stuff in there. It had a lot of turds too.)

2007-10-14, 07:52 AM
Thanks! Dangerous Habits it is, then. Any preferences for where next?

2007-10-14, 08:54 AM
Well, after a bit of John Constantine, I always like V for Vendetta, or something of a similar vein. Tried that? Or are you just looking for more of the character Keanu killed? :smallsigh: