View Full Version : Throw me some plot points (Air Nodes, Tharizdun, Lolth, Far Realms)

2019-08-24, 10:37 PM
I got some really good ideas last time around. I am running a portion of a longterm campaign where my DM wanted to take a break and run a PC for some time. Setting is 3.5 Realms. Party consists of:

14th lvl Cleric of Mystra
12th lvl Transmuter
12th lvl Cloistered Cleric Archer build
12th lvl Fighter

The cleric is an optimizer, the Transmuter is my DM who isnt a 3.5 wiz, and the other guys are tagging along because they like playing.

They just finished a section of the story, defeated many drow and minotaurs and bested an earth node. Up next they will encounter an air node through some prompting, but i am open to hear abour fire and water nodes if you have something. Major pieces in motion already are Lolth and Tharizdun. I was going to go with an arakocra vs. gargoyle plot for the air node, and involve the rod of seven parts/wind dukes of aaqa at some capacity. Members of the party have already encounter one or more of the elemental princes at some stage in their life. Not afraid to use planar stuff, just no heavy chronomancy please.


2019-08-24, 11:00 PM
Uh, well, here's some random pulp crap:
- The Cult of Elemental Evil wants to gain access to four elemental nodes, one of each type, to perform a powerful ritual
- Long ago, four elemental nodes, one of each type, were used as the anchor for a ritual to [imprison a powerful entity/protect an area/seal a portal/open a portal/empower an artifact]
- The drow have long vied with the Cult of Elemental Evil for control of powerful earth nodes in the Underdark
- A water node set in the source of a city's water supply imbues all the citizens who drink its water with slight, fast-fading magical power
- Lolth grants some of her driders the ability to spin special heat-resistant webs so that they can combat the elementals and fire cultists guarding a fire node; the drow wear hazmat suits of this flame retardant silk
- Fanatical genasi serve as the mortal agents of the Elemental Princes. One of these, a water genasi, wants to seize control of the abovementioned water node (or perhaps manipulate it to enslave/brainwash/whatever the city's populace).

2019-08-25, 07:11 PM
I will be using all of these. thank you