View Full Version : Rules Q&A Taking 10 on Spellcraft for a Wizard to learn spells from scrolls: Source?

2019-08-25, 05:54 PM
This is how I've played, but where is this stated in the FAQ, errata, or RAW that this is allowed, aside from Skill Mastery?

2019-08-25, 06:36 PM
The general rule is that you can take 10 as you're not threatened or distracted (i.e. out of combat.) Therefore something has to say you're explicitly not ALLOWED to take 10, for that to be true. Spellcraft doesn't have such a prohibition, therefore you can take 10 under these favorable conditions. It will still take the full amount of time to do so.

Checks Without Rolls
A skill check represents an attempt to accomplish some goal, usually while under some sort of time pressure or distraction. Sometimes, though, a character can use a skill under more favorable conditions and eliminate the luck factor.

Taking 10
When your character is not being threatened or distracted, you may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10. For many routine tasks, taking 10 makes them automatically successful. Distractions or threats (such as combat) make it impossible for a character to take 10. In most cases, taking 10 is purely a safety measure —you know (or expect) that an average roll will succeed but fear that a poor roll might fail, so you elect to settle for the average roll (a 10). Taking 10 is especially useful in situations where a particularly high roll wouldn’t help.

2019-08-25, 08:34 PM
Psyren has it, this falls under "general use" of skills and Take 10. Thus it follows the usual restrictions, you can Take 10 if you're not threatened, and study time is a valid time to use it.

2019-08-26, 12:21 AM
Magic Circle against Evil provides an example of being allowed to take 10 on spellcraft, for a secret roll at that.

So no issue.

2019-08-30, 06:15 PM
Thankee, all!

This is the counterargument document I'm preparing (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uNv2UcMvFqg1eE_O5Bm-FCysY_kQiwq6Cd4pDoAvEO4/edit?usp=sharing) based on research by y'all and me.

2019-08-30, 07:35 PM
Ah, well if you're working on a larger project, you might find the Taking 10 resource in my signature of interest.

2019-08-31, 04:57 PM

This was for one specific instance for one GM. I only saw your taking 10 resource after sending the info to our GM. We still await word.