View Full Version : The Tearing of the Weave (IC) Pt 2

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2019-08-26, 06:01 AM

In Wheloon, a city known for its vibrant green slate roofs, a new temple to Mystra is in the final stages of construction. But something rings false among the heavenly spheres -- or at least among those who mouth the pieties of Mystra while plotting magical mayhem behind closed temple doors.

And that's just the beginning. . . .


Our heroes have uncovered the mystery of the fake temple and tracked the Sharrans to their hideout in the Vast Swamp. Having defeated the undead half-dragon Ketsarra Shadowscale and the shadar-kai Kithlord Thieraven the party now ponders the large shadowy orb that exists in the hall of the Lost Refuge.

The first IC thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?385424-Ghostfoot-s-Tearing-of-the-Weave-IC).


Anthony gathers together some of his utilitarian equipment as the Purple Dragons take up sentry positions while your guide Morn and the rescued spellcasters wait nervously. The knight of Mystra ties the waterskin to the rope and swirls it about, casting it towards the shadow sphere. It bounces off, repelled by some force or barrier that the central sphere possesses.

As the healers among you tend the myriad wounds sustained, Temiryl checks over the bodies of the many fallen foes with assistance from Anthony.

Items prefixed with an (*) are magical.

Ketsarra Dragonscale

*MW heavy wooden shield
*MW spear
javelin x6
vial of unholy water x4
*a featureless silver disc hanging from a silver chain

Starweaver Bestra Mornscroll

MW full plate
MW light steel shield
MW heavy mace
*blue cloak
*a featureless silver disc hanging from a silver chain
pouch of 18gp

Starweaver Deinyn Fembrys

heavy mace
chakram x10
*blue cloak
full plate armour
*a featureless silver disc hanging from a silver chain
*a crystal sphere with a dark inner heart and twinkling lights within

Father Shan Thar

*potion x2
*potion x1
full plate armour
heavy steel shield
*a featureless silver disc hanging from a silver chain

Kithlord Thieraven

*vial of oil
*MW spiked chain
*elaborately decorated cold iron armband with 6 inch internal spikes (a gal-ralan)
pouch of 10gp
an interesting note (see below)
*hooded black iron lantern with mithral filagree & crystalline panels tinted bright gold
*black silk gloves
*black silk tunic stitched with runes of gold thread
*embroidered black silk armband

Shadar-Kai warriors

*gal-ralan x6
*MW studded leather x5
MW studded leather
MW spiked chain x5
spiked chain
MW comp shortbow (+2 str) x5


Kithlord Thieraven

My Mistress cannot break the bargain that tied your people's souls to Her holy realm, but I guarantee that if Her plans are successful, you will have a home on Faerun where your kind will not feel the curse's effects. The Vast Swamp should make a perfect base for your people to gather and establish a true presence in the world. None will suspect it, and no prying eyes will detect it save a few crude tribes that you may slaughter or subjugate as you see fit. Success in this endeavor will in turn lead to other successes, and in due time your kind will have many places you can live without fear of losing your souls.

As always, She grants you access to the Shadow Weave, and I offer more training in its use. We urge you to convince more of your kind to affect this gift. You have already seen its benefit and in the coming months and in the years afterward, your people will come to know its power.

- Esvele Graycastle

The secret door that the Kithlord attempted to escape through becomes apparent on detailed inspection. A hidden catch causes the statue to rotate, delivering one individual at a time into whatever chamber lies beyond, before reverting.

Separately, the normal iron door to the north is locked.

Casting her detect magic focus onto the shadowy orb dominating the room Temiryl observes a strong aura of conjuration radiating from the sphere.

2019-08-28, 12:25 PM

After healing anyone who needs it, Kilus examines the items retrieved. "These Sharrans are richly equipped. What we have done today is likely not the end of this hunt. I can feel it."

The letter's not loading for me. Anyone else?
Using Detect Magic.

Here's a pile of checks for the items, in order!

Spellcraft checks:

UMD checks:

2019-08-28, 03:21 PM
Savin, mostly healed, begins looking about, checking to make sure those fallen are dead before looking around at the various doors and windows that no one snuck off or that no one was sneaking up on them, though he is stymied by the iron door. "Pick the lock or smash it down?" he asks the group.
As the note is found and read, he comments "So, these rats have sold off their souls for a bit of land and power. Haha! The butcher always gets his price for the pound of flesh, as these fools should have known. Though, it doesn't sound good for these swamp rats. Have any of you heard of this Greycastle?"

2019-08-30, 09:26 PM
Temiryl looks and feels significantly better, now that she's fully healed.

"I suspect the shadow region to be some kind of summoning effect, or perhaps a portal of some kind to another place or realm." Watching the waterskin bounce off, she suggests "If it is a portal, it may only allow living things to pass? Or it may be keyed to something specific - perhaps the amulets, or these things." She holds up a gal-ralan distastefully between two fingers and shudders.

"I have a device that will allow me to determine the enchantments on some of these items - I can examine only a few items right now, the others will need to wait until I have regained my magic - which ones shall it be?"

"Let me try opening the lock first; if it proves too challenging for me, then we can try brute force or magic."

The device is an Artificer's Monocle - it let's someone with 5 ranks in Arcana who casts Detect Magic study an item for 1 minute and get the same benefits as Identify. Given that Temiryl has been studying the shadow blot and looking over the loot, I'd say she can identify maybe 4 or 5 items.

2019-09-08, 08:48 AM
"I haven't heard a thing about this particular Greycastle. Funny thing none of them seems to have a key to this door. I'd say, yes, we open it, but only after we have checked the doors more easily accessed."

I assume Ray of Enfeeblement should have ended by now. If not, waiting until it does. Voting to check the doors at AH15, AK11, AK35 as per this map (https://images2.imgbox.com/46/85/Zr7VWvNG_o.png), but can live with X22 being opened right now.

2019-09-08, 09:31 PM
"I have a device that will allow me to determine the enchantments on some of these items - I can examine only a few items right now, the others will need to wait until I have regained my magic - which ones shall it be?"

The device is an Artificer's Monocle - it let's someone with 5 ranks in Arcana who casts Detect Magic study an item for 1 minute and get the same benefits as Identify. Given that Temiryl has been studying the shadow blot and looking over the loot, I'd say she can identify maybe 4 or 5 items.

"Hm. Well, identifying one of those spiked bands would let us assume about the whole lot. What else is most likely to be unusual ..." The priest quietly suggests a few pieces.

Gal-ralan first, then the lantern and crystal sphere, then maybe the silk gloves and/or tunic. Scrolls, wands and armaments are less likely to have plot-related enchantments.

"I'd say, yes, we open it, but only after we have checked the doors more easily accessed."

William concurs. "And I think we should stay quite wary despite the appearance that all their forces were concentrated here. Frankly, I've been anticipating more traps, though the ambushes have been villainous enough."

2019-09-13, 09:59 PM
Temiryl pulls out a single glass lens encased in a brass ring that's enscribed with tiny eldritch runes. Fixing it over one eye, she spends several minutes examining some of the more interesting enchanted items.

Assuming that I spend a first level spell slot to cast Detect Magic again, we'll ID the following 11 items with the Monocle:

A gal-ralan
A silver disc
A blue cloak
Crystal sphere
Iron lantern
The 3 black silk items
The spiked chain
2 wands

2019-09-14, 04:25 PM
As the rest of you discuss the next course of action, Temiryl spends some minutes poring over the various items mindful of the risk of dark magics & deceitful Sharrans.

+2 Gal-ralan: This device provides a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws (+4 vs death effects, energy drain and effects that affect the wearers soul. For the duration that it is worn the wearer suffers a -1 penalty to Constitution. Shadar-kai wear these to affix their souls to their bodies and prevent them being drawn back to the Plane of Shadow.
Disc of Secrets (silver disc): This is a simple unholy symbol/ divine focus of Shar, cloaked with shadow illusion magic to obscure it's nature. A command phrase reveals it's true nature - a disc of black jet surrounded by a ring of purple amethysts.
+1 cloak of resistance (blue cloak)
Starry Gnosis (crystal sphere): Shadow Weave artifact. Cumulative 30ft radius bewitching effect culminates in dominate person. Also grants darkvision to holder. The Shadow Weave is a force of magic similar to the Weave & originates from Shar rather than from Mystra. Anyone who doesn't posses the Shadow Weave Magic feat whom uses a Shadow Weave item will be slowly driven mad. You recall tales that originally this jewel adorned a massive statue of Shar in the Temple of Old Night in Calimport.
Dark Lantern (ToM pg 156): shadowy illumination 60ft on command, as per dusk and dawn shadowcaster mystery
Shadow Hands, novice (black silk gloves) (BoNS pg 149): once worn for 24 hours these grant use of the shadow garrotte maneuver
Tunic Steady Spellcasting (black silk tunic) (MiC): +5 competence bonus to Concentration
Shadow Maniple (black silk armband) (MiC): 3/ day when you cast a spell with shadow descriptor (or a shadowcaster mystery) you heal hp equal to level of spell cast.
+1 spiked chain
wand of eagles splendor (33 charges)
wand of CLW (30 charges)

PS there was a third wand too

2019-09-15, 03:21 PM
"Well, let me give you a hand." he says to Temiryl as he inspects the lock.
"Anyting worth our time in that haul?" he asks over his shoulder.

Search for trap

Aid another for Disable Device

2019-09-20, 04:16 PM
Savin checks out the locked door to the north. It's definitely locked but he doesn't discern any tricks or traps of note. Meanwhile Temiryl and Kilus continue to inspect the items of interest.

Meanwhile the four Purple Dragons continue to stand guard. They nervously eye the looming shadowy sphere hanging in the hall, also watching the various doors and the secret door to make sure no ambushes get by them.

Identifying really can be a headche in 3.5. The way I read it, using UMD to ID an item does trigger the item in question and use a charge.

But, I notice in MiC the updated rule stating Spellcraft DC+10 identifies an item, so that gives Temiryl ~3 more IDs.

And, then the remaining items are all static (ie worn/ wielded, not specifically 'activated') so I think it's reasonable for Kilus' UMD to ID these safely.

So, long story short here's the rest of the info on the remaining loot:

+1 heavy wooden shield
+1 spear
javelin of lightning
wand of bane (20 charges)
+1 studded leather armour (x5)

I think that's everything...tell me if I've missed something.

2019-09-21, 06:23 AM
As Kilus and Temiryl describe the findings Anthony stays alert to repel possible counterattacks. When they are done he says "For now, I think I'll take one of the cloaks." and does just that, putting it on as he lets the rest of the loot lie on the floor for immediate taking or eventual sorting. "Open some doors, shall we?" He looks at Temiryl.

2019-09-23, 06:16 AM
"Mm, I can make good use of those wands ..." If none of his companions object, Wil picks up and carefully stows the cure and splendor wands, as well as the javelin of lightning.

2019-09-24, 09:24 AM

After looking over the items carefully, Kilus shrugs his shoulders. "I see nothing here that would be of great use to me. If we divide it by shares later, I would prefer to simply find an enchanter or something else. I have also learned to make do with little - such a wealth of magic items was never available when I was learning from my mentor."

"If anyone is left in this complex, they will know we are here. The spirits are tired, and I have no more Daylight to provide in the shadows this day. I do feel like we have slain the enemy leadership here, though."

2019-09-29, 07:56 PM
"I have learned to make do with little - such a wealth of magic items was never available when I was learning from my mentor."

"That's laudable, Kilus. Many people expect heroes to grab at any power. Being comfortable doing without ... that reflects well on you." William claps Kilus on the shoulder. "And gives you the edge when tools are taken away, too."

2019-10-06, 06:28 AM
Seeing no one else interested, Anthony takes black silk gloves and tucks them in his pocket. "Grim, Malark, and any volunteers, please follow me." Anthony goes west to open some doors, one way or another. He starts with the one accessible from the corridor there.

Open the door at AH15. If nothing alive or animate in there, do the same to the door at AK11.

2019-10-11, 02:53 PM
"Yes sir" respond the troopers. Anthony checks the first door, leading to an interior chamber in the west of the keep. There is little of note in there, a rubble-choked room where it appears someone has been sleeping in a very makeshift resting spot.

With Grim & Malark accompanying him Anthony opens the second door. This opens to a large muddy field along the wet of the building. Some rubble has fallen from the keep and the enclosing exterior wall, and some weedy undergrowth has taken hold in the northern end of the yard.

Two doors are evident. A wooden gate leads onward into what you suppose is another exterior area to the north, and a door leads east back into the keep at the base of the squat tower that rises above the great hall.


2019-10-12, 01:38 AM
Having opened the door, Anthony advances north towards the corner and observes the yard. He then lets it be and leads Grim and Malark back and to the similar door on the eastern side, which he also opens to observe what's there.

Opening AK35.

2019-10-12, 07:37 AM

Kilus follows behind the others, bow and spell ready in case of trouble. "I doubt we'll find much here. That last battle was large enough to wake the dead, as they say."

2019-10-12, 09:29 AM
William nods as he trails Kilus. "And an earless beast would even be able to feel some of those mighty magics and dolorous blows."

2019-10-12, 03:43 PM
Savin watches for a moment, a squint in his eye as he sees the group spreads out, standing with his chain in his hands for a few moments, not sure what to do. With a shrug, he gets behind others as he comes up to the swamp man while grabbing a javelin, just in case. "Is evil this pervasive in your land? The north has other terrors but magicks such as these are rare indeed."

2019-10-12, 04:11 PM
The gate opens to another muddy yard overgrown with sparse weeds and fallen rubble. There are no entrances to the keep visible but gate to the north presumably leads on to another exterior area.


2019-10-12, 04:21 PM

"No, not such directed darkness as this. More usual are the evils that come from things that simply 'don't care.' A lizard-lion doesn't care that it's evil to take someone's leg - it simply does as is its nature, leaving us to deal with the consequences. Or take the fey; to them, a mortal girl starving to death while dancing with them is not something that matters or is worth remembering.

It is the gift of man, and other civilized races, to act and guide such beings towards right or wrong, whether through words, wards, or wounds. Yet even in the cities, many of our own kind seem just as apathetic; there is no community there. That is an understanding that I certainly share with most of the druids I've met."

2019-10-13, 06:12 AM
"Now, lads, I'll leave you in charge of this southern courtyard, the room with the shadowy sphere and the door leading north out of it. Meanwhile, we'll go and check the rest of the yard and the building."

Proposing we leave Purple Dragons to watch over the cleared area and ourselves go to open the door R29.

2019-10-19, 03:02 PM
The gate opens into what might have once been a lovely garden, now choked with weeds, creeping vines and overgrown bushes. There is no clear ground within, the plant life even seeming to spill through a ruined doorway into the base of the octagonal tower. Beyond the partly-obscured doorway the interior of the tower appears dark and quiet.


2019-10-22, 04:45 AM
Through the weeds and bushes Anthony approaches the partly-obscured doorway. He stops near it, adjacent to the wall, and takes a quick look inside.

Move silently: [roll0] not because Anthony expects himself to be really silent, but because there is no downside in trying
Spot: [roll1]

2019-10-22, 01:04 PM
Savin watches Anthony with an arched eyebrow as he stalks off. If anything was a danger and didn't hear the commotion earlier, than it would have been a heavy sleep indeed.
Taking the other side wall forward, he walks with with his javelin raised.

Move to I-25-ish

2019-10-22, 10:25 PM

Kilus advances into the garden, turning to peer into the opening into the tower.

Move to P28ish

2019-10-24, 06:30 PM
William follows not far behind the Mystran warrior, watching the skies more than the footing.

PQ 27 looks like a good spot. Hey, we got any more grells coming to eat our brains? :smalltongue:

2019-11-22, 04:10 PM
Beyond the weed-choked doorway is a large dark octagonal room, the ground floor of the squat tower. A spiral staircase in the center of the room leads up to the floor above. Rubble is piled about the floor, a dark jagged hole in the ceiling where it has partially collapsed.

Three doors are also evident through the gloom, one leading to the far courtyard and one presumably back towards the Great Hall. The remaining door leads to an as-yet-unexplored area of the interior.


2019-11-23, 01:23 AM
Anthony spends his last cantrip to cast Light on the shield, then walks in, shining, armed, and extra careful when walking under the hole in the ceiling. He examines the state of this part of the building, trying to guesstimate whether it's sound enough to go upstairs. If it seems so, he does just that.

Immediate: Protection Devotion if attacked or something falls down
Know (architecture and engineering): [roll0]

2019-11-24, 11:45 AM
As Anthony walks is, Savin follows a few steps behind. Once the knight has checked, he moves into the room and move to the door on the far side.

Move to T-20 and listen

2019-11-25, 05:05 AM
As Anthony moves into the darkened chamber there is a low growl and a shifting of shadows in the farthest corner. A fearsome howling echoes through the shadows, the baying chilling your nerve somewhat but thankfully the terror effect shrugged off by champions such as yourselves.

More shadows ripple as two shadar-kai step forward vicious chains swirling at Anthony. As they engage two small undead lizardfolk fire from where they skulk on the spiral stairs swathed in shadows, one of the arrows striking Anthony for 5 damage.

Surprise round:

Bay vs Will DC13
Sav (1d20+4)[15]
Ant (1d20+6)[23]
Kil (1d20+8)[28]
Wil (1d20+8)[27]

Shadar-Kai vs Anthony
spiked chain (1d20+4)[11] damage (2d4)[7]

shortbow vs Ant (1d20+3)[22] damage (1d4+2)[5] + Poison vs Fort DC13 (1d20+7)[15] (no effect)
(sorry, per SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#immediateActions) cannot use an immediate action if you are flat-footed)
shortbow vs Sav (1d20+3)[13] damage (1d4+2)[5]

Sav (1d20+3)[12]
Ant (1d20+3)[14]
Kil (1d20+3)[18]
Wil (1d20)[13]
Lizardfolk (1d20+2)[14]
Shadar-Kai (1d20+3)[15]
Baying Hound (1d20+5)[17]

Rubble costs 2x to move through

=> Kilus

2019-11-25, 09:36 PM

Kilus clambers over the rubble, moving to the edge of the hole in the wall. Spotting the enemies, he tries a different tactic, pursing his lips and giving a long-drawn-out whistle that seems to, for a moment, flare and take on the noise of the howl of a cold winter wind.

Move to O25, cast Winter's Chill on the bottom Shadar-kai. Fort Save DC16 or [roll0] cold damage and it becomes Fatigued.

2019-11-30, 02:46 PM
Kilus casts his spell at the shadar-kai, but the elfin warrior resists the chill of winter. From deeper in the room there is a low growl as shadows shift subtly. Something, snarling and snapping, advances across the ruined chamber and Anthony manages to bring his shield up to ward off the savage lunges. As he does the shadar-kai lash out again, one inflicting a nasty gash to his leg for 10 damage as he finds himself surrounded.

Shadar-Kai Fort DC16 vs Winter Chill (1d20+2)[18]

Hound vs Anthony
bite (1d20+7)[13] damage (1d6+4)[5]

Shadar-Kai vs Anthony
spiked chain (1d20+6)[22] damage (2d4)[7] + sneak (1d6)[3] (hit, since no Dex bonus if flat-footed)

Shadar-Kai vs Anthony
spiked chain (1d20+6)[19] damage (2d4)[3] + sneak (1d6)[5]

knowledge check
Will (1d20+5)[16]
Ant (1d20+2)[7]
=> The presumed canine creature that now attacks Anthony is likely a shadow mastiff, an evil extraplanar hound from the shadow realm. In anything other than full daylight or a daylight spell it is effectively invisible (total concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#totalConcealment))

=> Anthony

2019-12-01, 01:37 AM
Anthony says a word and both his sword and his shield burst aflame. He then starts swinging the sword around, trying to get his revenge upon the shadar-kai.

Blades of Fire from the wand.
One action point to get extra attack this round.
Starting with shadar-kai in RS25, then, if he has enough, the one in PQ23
Sword: [roll0] miss [roll1] for [roll2] cold iron and [roll3] fire (incl. know devo +1, furious counterstrike +2)
Sword: [roll4] miss [roll5] for [roll6] cold iron and [roll7] fire (incl. know devo +1, furious counterstrike +2)
Sword: [roll8] miss [roll9] for [roll10] cold iron and [roll11] fire (incl. know devo +1, furious counterstrike +2)
Whatever the outcome, step to RS23 if possible (and use the remaining attack, if any). If RS23 turns out to be occupied, point it to Savin.

Sword AoO (if applicable): [roll12] miss [roll13] for [roll14] cold iron and [roll15] fire (incl. know devo +1)
Sword AoO (if applicable): [roll16] miss [roll17] for [roll18] cold iron and [roll19] fire (incl. know devo +1)
Sword AoO (if applicable): [roll20] miss [roll21] for [roll22] cold iron and [roll23] fire (incl. know devo +1)

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.

2019-12-01, 04:36 AM
Anthony swings his flaming sword about, hitting the two shadar-kai for 17 and 20 damage easily dispatching them both. Advancing on the smaller shadowscale lizardfolk they both leap from the staircase loosing their bows once more. Again an arrow strikes Anthony, for 5 damage.

shortbow vs Anthony (1d20+3)[23] damage (1d4+2)[5] + poison Fort DC13 (1d20+7)[27]
crit? (1d20+3)[15] damage (1d4+2)[6]

shortbow vs Savin (1d20+3)[16] damage (1d4+2)[3]

=> William, Savin, Kilus

2019-12-01, 08:15 AM
The towering Damaran, an easy target, manages to dodge the hastily shot arrow. Stepping forward methodically, he growls out "You and your ilk should have fled back but now you'll share the fate of your bretheren." as he chain spins overhead and he lashes out at the hapless lizardfolk.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 49
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Move Action
Move to Q-23

Trip attack Q-21 with his spiked chain
[roll0] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll1] includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

If successful, follow up attack granted by Improved Trip
[roll2] includes +4 for prone

[roll3] + [roll4] skirmish

Critical 20/x2
[roll5] includes +4 for prone

Granted Maneuvers [roll7] and [roll8] , and, in case of duplicate [roll9] and/or [roll10]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Vanguard Strike
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flame
5 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
Crusader -
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+ Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+ Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
+ Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
+ Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Mighty Throw : Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
+ Baffling Defense :Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
0 + Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2019-12-01, 09:12 PM
His magic having been ineffective, Kilus relies on another traditional method of dealing with a foe: Archery. He nocks an arrow to his trusty bow, aims, and fires smoothly.

Move to P26, shoot at Q21
[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-12-03, 06:25 PM
Williams advances toward the far corner, his morningstar suddenly glowing with a piercing light. "Where is that damned howling coming from ...?"

Activate Sun Devotion and double move safely to S22. If the doggie's still near that corner, it's now in true sunlight.

2019-12-07, 04:49 AM
Savin leaps over the rubble. Chain swirling he smashes it into the nearest undead archer for 13 damage, obliterating it. Kilus shoots at the remaining archer hiding behind the staircase, missing it.

William walks into the ruined chamber. His morningstar held high the shadows are dispersed revealing a large black mastiff-like dog. It's edges are fuzzy and indistinct as shadows try to cling to it, but the divine sunlight makes it clear enough. Snarling it lunges at William and the source of hated light, but he easily evades it.

Hound vs William
bite (1d20+7)[8] (also another -4 I forgot IGG stance) damage (1d6+4)[6]


=> Anthony

2019-12-07, 07:05 AM
Annoyed by the pesky archer, Anthony ignores it for now and makes a step to flank the now revealed black shadow hound. His sword and shield burst ablaze again and he makes a quick succession of three swings with the sword, trying to take down this hound once and for all.

Step to T23.
Swift: a charge of Blades of Fire
Full: Flashing Sun full attack

Longsword: [roll0] miss [roll1] for [roll2] slashing cold iron and [roll3] fire (incl. +2 flanking, -2 flashing sun, +1 know devo, +1 furious counterstrike)
Longsword: [roll4] miss [roll5] for [roll6] slashing cold iron and [roll7] fire (incl. +2 flanking, -2 flashing sun, +1 know devo, +1 furious counterstrike)
Longsword: [roll8] miss [roll9] for [roll10] slashing cold iron and [roll11] fire (incl. +2 flanking, -2 flashing sun, +1 know devo, +1 furious counterstrike)

Granted next: [roll12]

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.

2019-12-07, 03:04 PM
With three sure blows Anthony cuts down the savage shadow mastiff. The sole remaining opponent, the small lizardfolk archer, scuttles to the far door and turns loosing an arrow at Savin which strikes for 5 damage. It lets out a mad, rasping laugh as the arrow strikes home.

shortbow vs Savin (1d20+3)[20] damage (1d4+2)[5] + poison Fort DC13 (1d20+8)[28]

Sorry, I omitted to shift Anthony to T23 before I did the map. He's there.

=> William, Savin, Kilus
Finish him!

2019-12-07, 11:21 PM
Growling as the arrow bites, Savin looks at the last standing lizardfolk as he flicks his chain, causing gore to go flying. Pulling the arrow out, he charges forward and spins his deadly chain.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 44
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Move Action
Move to Q-21 (text says charge but he just moves)

Trip attack R-19 with his spiked chain
[roll0] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll1] includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

If successful, follow up attack granted by Improved Trip
[roll2] includes +4 for prone

[roll3] + [roll4] skirmish

Critical 20/x2
[roll5] includes +4 for prone

Granted Maneuvers [roll7] , and, in case of duplicate [roll8] and/or [roll9]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Vanguard Strike
3 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
Crusader -
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
0 Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
+ Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
+ Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Mighty Throw : Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
+ Baffling Defense :Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
0 + Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2019-12-10, 12:15 AM
William rushes at the fallen undead to help make certain it stays fallen.

Walk to S20 and make a melee attack with +4 for prone: [roll0], damage versus undead while glowy [roll1]

2019-12-10, 09:26 AM

Kilus fires a final arrow at the final foe.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-12-10, 11:14 AM
As the undead abomination cackles Savin advances on it. His chain whips about but the slight creature manages to duck out of the way. Not so lucky moments later when William bashes it with his glowing weapon for 10 damage and the blasted thing is smashed to bits.

The rubble-choked room is now cleared of foes. Doors lead west (presumably outside), southwest, and south (presumably back to the Great Hal), while the spiral staircase ascends to the upper floor of the ruined squat tower.

2019-12-10, 04:11 PM
Spitting on the remains of their fallen foe, Savin looks at the others. "That door or up?" he says, irritation on his face as he rubs the arrow wound.

2019-12-11, 11:50 AM
"Up. Give me a moment and I'm after you."

It takes more than just a moment for Anthony to fully recover. More like two minutes and two zaps from a wand. Then he is ready to follow (or lead, as Savin prefers).

Lesser vigor x2

2019-12-11, 11:11 PM
Wil nods and stands quietly as the glow fades from his morningstar, breathing deeply and murmuring verses from a Celestial chant as he waits for Anthony's magic to complete its course.

2019-12-12, 10:01 PM

Kilus glances at his other companions, seeing no major injuries. "At least these foes have more determination than deadliness. Let us see what other knowledge we can prise from this place."

(he checks the bodies)

2019-12-13, 04:47 PM
A few moments respite is taken with no challenges or interruptions. Kilus checks over the fallen foes and finds a few coins but little else of use.

shortbow (small) x2
poisoned arrows (small) x 40
spiked chain x2
MW studded leather armour x2
gal-ralan x2
shortbow x2
arrows x40

2019-12-14, 09:03 AM
Once everyone has reset, Savin nods to the group and proceeds to go up, as cautious as a man of his size can be.

2019-12-19, 03:58 AM
While Anthony heals and the bodies are looted, Temiryl searches the doors to the south and southwest, looking for any signs of traps or alarms. Once the others indicate their desire to head upwards, Temiryl readies her bow.

"Ready whenever you all are, I guess?" she whispers, scanning the staircase for anything that might indicate an enemy presence.

Given we've got a couple of minutes or so, taking 10 on Searching the doors, for a total of 24.

Scan the staircase, if applicable:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2019-12-20, 01:20 AM
Wil nods. "Yes. Let's finish this."

2019-12-27, 03:10 PM
Savin ascends the ruined staircase slowly, his eyes taking a moment to adjust to the poor light in the tower room above. The upper room is as dark and dismal as a subterranean dungeon. There is a clinking of metal and Savin spies several emaciated but still-living lizardfolk shackled to the walls of the chamber. They shift weakly heads raising as they notice his presence. "Beware, scaleless one!" hisses one.

Crunch! Savin is struck from behind a brutal blow as massive jaws clamp around him for 24 damage. He turns as he is released from the grip seeing a massive creature looming over him, an ogre-sized humanoid creature that has all the lethal features of a dire crocodile - powerful jaws drip with his blood, a multitude of sharp teeth, heavy, thick reptilian scales. A deep inhuman voice rasps several words in an incomprehensible language before settling to a more familiar heavily-accented common Chondathan tongue "For my chains or for my dinner? I care not which". It roars a challenge at him beckoning with it's clawed hands.

Hide (1d20+11)[31] vs Savin Spot (1d20+10)[11]

Tem (1d20+3)[15]
Sav (1d20+3)[4]
Ant (1d20+3)[8]
Kil (1d20+3)[23]
Wil (1d20)[13]
Evil (1d20+5)[16]

Ant (1d20+2)[15]
Wil (1d20+5)[9]
You know it is not of this world (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#outsiderType), but that's about all.

Surprise round
crocodile demon vs Savin
bite (1d20+11)[29] damage (2d8+18)[24]

@u-b I'm having trouble with the link to Anthony's sheet, could you please repost a link for me please?

Savin starts at F10 (this square has cover w/r/t room)
All other PCs are assumed to start in square E10 (this square can't see into the room, properly anyway)
Must ascend E10->F10->F9 (anyone can therefore move to F9 without provoking AoO)
Stairs are steep and cost x2 movement to enter (ie to move to F10)
Floor has collapsed in SE of room (H11/ H12)

=> Kilus

2019-12-27, 10:44 PM

Kilus moves up the stairs, past his stricken ally, who is in the jaws of the demon. He then turns and casts a spell at it, conjuring a spray of dust aimed at its eyes.

Kilus moves to F8. I think the croc may still be biting Savin, and thus unable to AOO? Tumble check if it'd help [roll0].
Kilus' AC is 17, but he has Protection from Evil via a class feature, which may help against this foe. +2 deflection vs evil, +2 resistance on save vs evil.
If it can still make AOOs after the move (ie, no AOO triggered, and is capable) then cast defensively [roll1] vs DC 16.

Then Kilus casts Sandblast. 10' burst, semicircle, hits only Croc-man. [roll2] non-lethal damage, and Reflex DC 16 or Stun for 1 round.

2019-12-28, 04:28 AM
Kilus dashes past, ducking under the massive jaws as they snap at him. He casts his spell, a semicircle of dust and sand blasting out temporarily hampering the beast as it roars in frustration.

I think the croc may still be biting Savin, and thus unable to AOO?
Actually, it can still AoO. It attacked Savin in the surprise round (not an AoO) and while it can grab/ grapple, Savin has the Jotunbrud feat which negates this ability. Just knock off an Action Point to auto-avoid the AoO this time otherwise you'll be toast.

Kilus caster level check (1d20+6)[17] vs SR15
croc Ref DC16 (1d20+8)[15]

=> stunned 1 round (and can't AoO)

=> Party

2019-12-28, 04:48 AM
Rushing up the stairs to close with the beast, William throws his heart (and lungs) into a celestial chant. Blue-gold frost coalesces on the party's weapons.

E10 is where we start, not the first square we move into? Then I should be able to reach B9 with one move action. If we also spend movement on E10, then I'd be at D9.

Boosting bardsong with inspirational boost (swift action) and badge of valor (immediate action as soon as my turn's over). If I counted correctly, that leaves me with one 1st-level bard spell slot and no uses of the badge. +3 to everyone's charm and fear saves, +3d6 cold damage.

2019-12-28, 09:38 AM
Temiryl cautiously enters the room, rapidly gesturing and chanting as she moves. As she completes her spell, she and her allies become infused with a sudden burst of speed.

Moving to G9 with the assumption that I'll be able to see and target everyone with the Haste spell.

+1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves; 30' enhancement bonus to movement; and extra attack on full attack action.

Last one until we rest - enjoy!

2019-12-30, 03:58 PM
Savin howls out in anger as the bizarre creature tries to engulf him, tearing away bits of muscle and skin in the process. Managing to pull himself free as his friends launch into an assault on the skulkers, he calls out "We are no easy meal, fiend! My horse will wear a saddle made from your hide when we are done!" as a fire lights in his eyes.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 19
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 20 +12
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Free actions
5ft step to E-9 (I don't think anyone is there).

Full Round action
Haste attack

[roll1]+ [roll2] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down
[roll5] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll6]includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

1st nonhaste attack

[roll8]+ [roll9] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down if still standing
[roll12] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll13]includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

2nd nonhaste attack

[roll15]+ [roll16] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down if still standing
[roll19] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll20]includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

Granted Maneuvers (1d3)[3] , and, in case of duplicate (1d3)[1] and/or (1d3)[3]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Vanguard Strike
3 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
× Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1
time per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution; +12 hit points;
and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves; but gives a -2 penalty to AC. You
cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged.
Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds. 1/7
× Bardsong +3 to everyone's charm and fear saves, +3d6 cold damage.
× Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves; 30' enhancement bonus to movement; and extra attack on full attack action.
Crusader -
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
0 Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
+ Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
+ Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Mighty Throw : Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
+ Baffling Defense :Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
0 + Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2019-12-31, 01:43 AM
Anthony comes up the steps and next to the croco-monster. He swings the sword at it. "Just finish it now, will you?"

Move to E8.
Vanguard strike (sword): [roll0] for [roll1] slashing cold iron and [roll2] cold (incl. haste and know devo +1; if this hits, everyone gets +4 on attacks against the croc until Anthony's next turn)
Swift: WRT Savin

Granted next: [roll3]

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.
=> Savin (again)

2019-12-31, 09:49 AM
As Anthony joins in the fray Savin sees a moment of distraction in the creature as the knight swings his blade and launches into another attack in that space of a heartbeat.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 19
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 20 +12
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Full Round action
Haste attack

[roll1]+ [roll2] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down
[roll5] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll6] includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

1st nonhaste attack

[roll8]+ [roll9] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down
[roll12] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll13] includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

2nd nonhaste attack

[roll15]+ [roll16] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down
[roll19] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll20] includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

Granted Maneuvers [roll21] and [roll22], and, in case of duplicate [roll23] and/or [roll24]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Vanguard Strike
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flame
5 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
× Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1
time per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution; +12 hit points;
and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves; but gives a -2 penalty to AC. You
cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged.
Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds. 2/7
× Bardsong +3 to everyone's charm and fear saves, +3d6 cold damage.
× Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves; 30' enhancement bonus to movement; and extra attack on full attack action.
Crusader -
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
+ Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
+ Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Mighty Throw : Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
+ Baffling Defense :Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
0 + Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-01-01, 04:55 PM
William dashes in to close with the monster as his celestial chant imbues your weapons with frost. Temiryl also rushes up the stairs her spell bringing magical swiftness to the party.

Savin howls and lashes out with his chain for 9, 12 & 12 damage, his final blow tangling the reptilian creature sending it tumbling to the ground with a great thud, the blue-gold magical frost inflicting an additional 3, 0 & 1 damage. The captive lizardfolk grunt in encouragement as it tumbles.

Anthony moves in, swinging at it as it struggles on the ground, his weapon turned by the unnaturally tough hide inflicting only 2 damage. It's enough for Savin though, he takes the opportunity and strikes again for 10, 11 & 13 damage, plus 6 & 1 from the intense cold.

E10 is where we start, not the first square we move into? Then I should be able to reach B9 with one move action.
I make it C9, hope that's okay.

5ft step to E-9
5ft step has to be to the top of the stairs at F9. But you can make another 5ft step using WRT.

Savin is using a +1 chain, right? Sheet says MW in one place and +1 in another.

croc beast vs Savin trip
vs DC19 (1d20+12)[23]
vs DC31 (1d20+12)[15] => Prone

Croco beast is prone

=> Kilus

2020-01-02, 08:56 AM
Dropping his bow, Kilus retrieves his little-used greatclub, a large chunk of shaped hickory with a curved end, and moves to whack the creature on its head.

5' Step to E7.
Base to-hit is +5, +1 masterwork, +1 Haste, +4 Vanguard strike = +11 total. Target has -4 AC for being prone.
Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1] bludge and [roll2] cold

Hit [roll3]
Damage [roll4] bludge and [roll5] cold

2020-01-02, 03:55 PM
Kilus whacks the crocodilian creature across the snout, the blow largely ineffective but still searing frost damages it for 3 damage. With a great roar of anger that feels like it shakes the very foundations of the tower, the beast lurches to its feet...

=> AoOs
Everyone except Temiryl gets an AoO vs the prone beast as it rises.

2020-01-03, 03:20 AM
As the croc thing starts to rise, Anthony tries to cut one of its arms from under it. Not having big hopes now in the success of the attack, but also not having a better plan.

Sword AoO: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing cold iron and [roll2] cold (incl. haste, know devo +1 and vanguard strike +4)

2020-01-03, 09:27 AM
"I do not think so." Savin says as he lashes out again with his chain.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 19
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 20 +12
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6


[roll1]+ [roll2] Bardsong

Critical 20/x2

If successfully does more than 10 points, follow up with Improved Trip from Knock-Down
[roll5]touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll6] includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

Effects ~
× Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1
time per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution; +12 hit points;
and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves; but gives a -2 penalty to AC. You
cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged.
Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds. 2/7
× Bardsong +3 to everyone's charm and fear saves, +3d6 cold damage.
× Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves; 30' enhancement bonus to movement; and extra attack on full attack action.
Crusader -
0 + Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
0 +Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
+ Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
+ Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Mighty Throw : Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
+ Baffling Defense :Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
0 + Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-01-03, 09:51 AM
Kilus brings his club around for another swing, but his clumsy strike misses.

Same stats as previous roll.
To-hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1] and [roll2] cold.

2020-01-03, 03:12 PM
Blows rain down from William, Anthony and Kilus but are easily turned by the creatures tough hide. Savin however brings down a mighty arcing blow, smashing the beast across the back for 14 damage and finally bringing it down for good in a broken bloody heap.

The captive lizardfolk, hanging in their chains, grunt weakly again at the besting of their jailer. You note the keys to their shackles on the body of the fallen beast.

2020-01-04, 09:45 AM
Not willing to take chances with regeneration or what else this thing might have to prolong its existense, Anthony hacks its head off (this takes some time) and kicks it some distance away from the body. He plans to observe both pieces for as long as he is in the room. Then he cleans and sheathes the sword, zaps his healing wand twice at Savin and proceeds to release the lizardfolk. "Do you understand Common? What can you tell me about this place?"

Coup de grace until the head comes off. Then lesser vigor on Savin, twice, for +22 hp over two minutes.

2020-01-04, 07:20 PM
Seeing the threats head go rolling across the floor, Savin lets his rage wash away. Stumbling a bit, he steadies himself for a moment as Anthony bless him. "My thanks." he says roughly as sweat drips from his brow.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 19
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 42
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Effects ~
Crusader -
0 + Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
0 +Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
+ Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
+ Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Mighty Throw : Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
+ Baffling Defense :Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
0 + Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-01-06, 12:30 AM
Temiryl shudders as she sees Anthony performing the brutal, but possibly necessary task of mutilating the body of the croco-demon. To distract herself from the gruesome act, she sets about attempting to free the nearest chained lizardfolk captive using her lockpicks.

"Do any of you speak the trade tongue?" she asks. "Are you Sharptooths? We come from Kessessek, and have slain Ketsarra."

2020-01-06, 01:17 AM
William doesn't turn away from the gore like some of his companions, simply giving a nod of satisfaction as the task is finished. Then he turns to the shackled unfortunates and tries to assess their healing needs.

I speak all kinds of stuff, so I imagine I can translate if necessary. Draconic, Sylvan, maybe one of the regional languages ... ?

Heal check, see how these fellas are doing -- does anything come to my attention beyond the obvious? [roll0] I don't think the Healing Hands skill trick will apply, but if it does, somebody gets [roll1] hit points cured.

2020-01-15, 05:38 AM
Anthony hacks and hacks, the head of the crocodilian monstrosity taking some time to chop free. As he does so the rest of you turn your attention to the captives. Temiryl starts to free the captives while William looks them over. It is evident to his trained eye that they are all very weak (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#exhausted) from their captivity and will need some time to recover properly.

"Yes, we are of the Sharptooth tribe," rasps one of them in poor common Chondathan tongue, "I have the name Gathan. I am - was - chieftain of all Sharptooths. These kin have the names Kurash, Gruss, Sithen and Ashala. You hairy ones have defeated a great foe here. You have earned fat bellies full of flesh. And it pleases me that Ketsarra Shadowscale is slain. Her Shadowscales and their pet hairy ones have been a dangerous threat. Do they still come through the shadow gate and turn our warriors to death? Are any Sharptooth left?"

"What of Kessessek?" speaks another, Ashala, "Kessessek is my brood mate. He still lives, and continues to bring Semuanya's guidance to the tribe?"

The other three lizardfolk simply stare impassively, evidently not understanding the conversation and too weak to participate.

2020-01-18, 05:00 PM
Looks like the forum ate a post I thought I made a couple days ago. ... If the following calls for a Diplomacy roll, [roll0]

"I think this ruin was the heart of their works, Gathan. No one is likely to try to get through its shadow gate from this side ... but we don't know yet how to close it, and we don't know what might come from the other side. Have you seen shadow people come? Yes, Ashl-- Ashala, Kessessek lives and leads well. His connection to Semuanya helped us fight off the dead ones." William tries to focus the lizardfolk's attention on the beautiful part of the truth, not the ugly.

2020-01-20, 03:06 AM
Temiryl continues her work in freeing the captive lizardfolk, nodding at William's words.

"Kessessek now rules the Sharptooth tribe in your stead, Gathan. In the face of the threat of the Shadowscales, the Sharptooths have joined forces with the Blackscale and the Poison Dusk tribes. They were all alive and well when we left the tribe yesterday, though we did fend off a Shadowscale attack. Kessessek was concerned about further reprisal, so he elected to lead the tribe deeper into the swamp in the hopes of leading the Shadowscales away from the fort and giving us the best chance at striking at their leaders." She shrugs somewhat helplessly. "We do not know what may have transpired in the last day or so, though we can only assume that Kessessek's decision was the correct one."

"As for the shadow gate, we have not yet had a chance to study it; anything at all that you can tell us about it would be useful."

2020-01-20, 12:42 PM
As the others speak with the lizard men and tend to them Savin, feeling better, grabs the body of the fallen creature and drags it away from the others as he inspects it for any information or loot.

2020-01-20, 07:59 PM

Kilus joins in his inspection of the unnatural creature.

2020-01-23, 05:02 AM
Savin and Kilus inspect the fallen brute but find nothing further of interest, other than the keys to the manacles.

Gathan, Ashala and the others nod their heads at the news of Kessessek and the rest of the lizard tribes. Ashala hisses quitely, pleased at her mates success. After a pause Gathan takes a deep breath and speaks "That is good. Kessessek leads wisely and will bring many feasts to the tribes. He is chieftain now and so my time with the tribe must end. The Shadowscales and the hairy ones - shadow people - come from their lair within the shadow gate. That is where I will journey next. I will not relent until every last one of them is rent limb from limb and land is bathed in their blood. From their piled bones a great hill shall form a nest for Scaled Ones to shelter and rest. We will never need fear or fight them again. It must be so."

2020-01-23, 10:53 AM
"Do you know how to operate this shadow gate? The access seems to be blocked by some force effect at the moment. Might be keyed to something, but so far we didn't check."

2020-01-24, 04:11 PM
"I have seen them come and go through the shadow, the Shadowscales and the hairy meat men - I mean 'humans'. It seemed simple. There was no witchcraft or trickery to my eyes."

2020-02-24, 06:06 AM
"Will look into it after we have secured the area. We can lead those not fit for a fight to a safe area where our friends are waiting. Then let's check the tall tower now, shall we?"

2020-02-24, 09:32 PM
"It may well be that only creatures and the possessions they carry may pass through the shadow portal," Temiryl muses. "So far we have only attempted to throw objects through it, to no effect. But experiments with the portal must wait for now - we have not yet completely explored and secured this fort; and I for one would greatly appreciate the opportunity to rest and recuperate my spells before we attempt to pass through it, especially if more shadowfolk await us on the other side." She stands and gathers up her bow. "Where to next?"

If my reckoning is correct there are doors at the base of the tower stairs, the room behind the secret door in the main hall, and whatever other hidden doors we have yet to discover. Anything else?

2020-03-01, 10:41 AM
At Temiryl's comment, Savin blanches. "I am not eager to go to this world of shadows. Fighting these Shadowscales... driving them back... yes, that is something I am behind.
Going to them... Seems a fools errand."

2020-03-02, 01:08 PM
"Those strange grell creatures we fought earlier - every creature has a nest. They must have a lair somewhere around here. They look like they'd have an odiferous one, but I haven't smelled anything yet. I wonder if there is a basement?"

2020-03-04, 09:28 PM
"Unless we can determine a way to close the shadow portal from here, I fear that we must take the fight to them lest the Sharrans return in greater numbers," Temiryl replies to Savin.

"The grell do fly - perhaps they make their lair on the top of the tower or fort?" Temiryl suggests. "Or maybe they've retreated through the shadow portal; they are strange and alien creatures, so it difficult to guess at their behaviour. I suggest that we search the rooms that we do know of first, and following that, I have a spell that will reveal to me any hidden doors in this place."

2020-03-05, 07:30 PM
Privately, William agrees with both Savin and Temiryl. The idea of going into the shadow world hunting a sneaky enemy about whom little is known ... deeply disturbing. But it must be done for the good of this world.

He doesn't say that aloud, though he wears no mask against secret thoughts. With Temiryl suggesting something more straightforward and less uncertain, the priest is quick to agree. "Yes. Ashala, are you* ready to leave this room and go to the protection of our friends? We must continue soon."

Using the Draconic wordform that indicates plural 'you', not singular. Just sayin'.

2020-03-06, 03:56 PM
"We can move if we must," says Ashala, "If there is somewhere nearby where we can recover ourselves, our journey to seek out our tribe will be less arduous."

Lizardfolk are currently exhausted (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#exhausted) so move at half speed until they get 1 hour rest.

2020-03-09, 04:15 AM
"We can leave you in the protection of our soldier friends whilst we continue our exploration of the fort," Temiryl offers kindly. "And you can rest and recuperate alongside us tonight until you are ready venture onward."

She guides the Sharptooth lizardfolk to the Purple Dragons in the southern courtyard and explains to the soldiers that they are freed captives of the Sharrans, who will be resting with the group until they gain strength enough to rejoin their people in the swamp. Barring any other unforeseen incidents, Temiryl returns to the remaining unopened door at the bottom of the tower staircase.

"Here next, I presume?"

2020-03-09, 05:10 AM
Anthony accompanies Temiryl and lizardfolk to the courtyard where the Purple Dragons are waiting, then accompanies Temiryl back. He stands next to the door with sword and shield ready, but leaves enough room for Temiryl to check for traps and actually open it. "Yep. Go ahead."

2020-03-10, 04:18 PM
Nodding, William says, "Grace moves me with the tempo." He seems to be saying he's ready to continue, but the phrase is unfamiliar -- maybe obscure Sunite literature?

2020-03-13, 01:20 AM
Temiryl performs one more quick check of the door, before cautiously opening it, sword at the ready.

Listen check for movement behind the door: [roll0]

2020-03-14, 04:59 AM
Stepping over the shattered undead and slain shadar-kai, Temiryl checks the door before opening it. Beyond is a small dark room. A storeroom by the looks of it, large crates and casks arranged in an orderly manner about the chamber.


2020-03-14, 10:03 AM
Kilus quickly checks over the room for anything out of the ordinary. "I'll check, but I doubt there's anything here."

Search [roll0]
Moving things along. Next door?

2020-03-15, 06:38 AM
Letting any volunteers search the storeroom, Anthony provides some light for as long as his shield is still glowing. "I think we should leave central doors alone and go past the statue. Not sure if we should operate the statue as it was intended or let Savin smash a clean way through."

2020-03-17, 04:20 AM
Kilus checks the crates, finding a good supply of preserved foodstuffs, clothing (mostly cloaks that are either deep black or the blue of Mystra, as well as many boots) and some other assorted mundane supplies. The casks hold a sour but palatable wine.

2020-03-20, 12:52 AM
Letting any volunteers search the storeroom, Anthony provides some light for as long as his shield is still glowing. "I think we should leave central doors alone and go past the statue. Not sure if we should operate the statue as it was intended or let Savin smash a clean way through."

"Well, those doors are going to have to be opened eventually, so we might as well do it whilst we are here..."

Temiryl quickly investigates the southern door leading from the tower to the hall, before proceeding to open it.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2020-03-20, 04:10 PM
Temiryl checks the door leading south from the rubble-strewn ground floor of the squat tower toward the great hall. Detecting nothing of note she opens it revealing a short, dusty vestibule with a rusty iron door, this one presumably leading directly into the hall. No tricks or traps are evident on the rusty iron door but it is sturdily locked.

2020-03-21, 11:21 AM
As Temiryl doesn't find anything, Savin grinds his teeth. "What next?"

2020-03-21, 05:03 PM
"Back outside and around?" William suggests.

2020-03-30, 07:00 AM
Temiryl gives a slight "Tsk!" of irritation. She nods at William. "Maybe the key is hidden in that secret chamber? It's the only place left explore, not including the roof and any other hidden rooms. Shall we move on?"

Assuming the rest of the party also goes, Temiryl heads back to the central hall and the formerly secret door, though she stills stays well clear of the shadow portal and its tendrils.

2020-03-31, 09:43 AM
A look of irritation, quickly gone, moves across Savins face. Rolling his hand forward towards the secret chamber, he mutely moves forward towards it.

2020-04-01, 01:08 AM
"It might be dark in there, and I am not sure about means to operate the way back. Still want to go?" Anthony whispers. By now, his shield is no longer shining, and he does not volunteer to go first.

2020-04-06, 12:36 AM
"With all certainty," William replies. He moves up beside Savin at the entrance to the hidden chamber, leaving enough room for the giant man to get his chain swinging if need be.

2020-04-09, 04:30 PM
Savin and William move up to the statue concealing the secret passage, while Anthony, Kilus & Temiryl hang back at the ready.

William steps up to the statue of the ancient queen and locates the hidden catch that the shadar-kai had triggered earlier. Pulling the catch there is a faint grinding sound as hidden machinery is activated. The statue and a section of the wall rotate around again, presenting the small platform. There is room for a single person at a time to stand on the platform.
This is like a resetting revolving door. Each time you pull the catch the statue/ platform swivel, pause, and then resets potentially taking one person through the secret door to whatever is on the other side.

2020-04-09, 08:47 PM
As the door opens, then closes and resets, Savin looks at William. "Do it again. I'll enter and you follow right after, eh?" He says as he waits to enter, chain hanging loosely in his hands.

2020-04-10, 01:08 AM
"Wait a minute. I'll be back." Anthony sheathes the sword, departs and soon returns with Grim. He shows Grim the hidden catch that operates the revolving door. "We'll need you to operate it if and when we all go to the other side. I am not sure if it could be operated from the other side, so you' re to remain here to let us back if it couldn't." Then he draws a sunrod from a special-purpose rod-sized pocket of his outfit. He strikes it at the shield to activate it. "I'll put it on the floor of the revolving door, so you can see even if it is dark beyond. Kick it off when you are on the other side before you step off the platform so that the light remains with you. I think you should not step off right away though, so that when we operate the door again, you are still on it and can tell us what is beyond."

2020-04-10, 05:34 AM
Grim stands as indicated. Sword at the ready, he is prepared to help operate the door if you have trouble on the far side.

2020-04-10, 10:38 PM
Savin, arching an eyebrow but keeping his manners about what he thinks of city folk and their plans, nods in agreement as he move forward and prepares to kick the rod out if needed. Carefully he moves forward, wary of any darkness or shadow that lies before him.

2020-04-11, 03:47 PM
Savin steps forward and pulls the catch. With a soft grinding sound the section of wall rotates away swiveling him out of sight...

You find yourself in a small hidden passageway built into the walls. The tiny area would be pitch black were it not for the sunrod at your feet.

From where you stand you can see one door not too far ahead, as well as the rear of what appears to be another secret door leading back into the lower level of the tower where you had been previously.


2020-04-12, 04:44 AM
"Savin?" Temiryl calls softly through the wall. "Can you hear us? Are you okay? Tell us, what do you see?" She anxiously grips the hilt of her sword, waiting for his reply.

2020-04-12, 11:45 AM
"Aye, another room here." he says as he surveys for a moment before pulling the rod and stepping off the platform, looking around.

Spot check

2020-04-12, 03:57 PM
Savin kicks the sunrod off the platform into the room and steps carefully off after it into the small corridor. The platform rotates back to the group in the main hall, sans Savin. Evidently it has an 'automatic-reset' function as he didn't even need to pull the catch on his side of the contraption in order to send it back.

Looking about, Savin notes that the secret door leading to the northern tower has a lever next to it to operate it. He also notes a barely discernible flickering murky half-light visible beneath ordinary door nearby.

2020-04-29, 08:49 AM
Savin ponders for a few moments before pulling the lever, waiting to see what is on the other side of the door as he prepares to charge forward.

2020-04-29, 12:32 PM
Having heard back from Savin, Anthony follows through the rotating secret door.

2020-04-30, 02:20 PM
Kilus summons a ball of Light onto an arrow, nocks it, and then goes through the rotating door next. Let's see what more secrets hide in this dismal place. Hmmm...isn't Shar a goddess of secrets?

2020-05-01, 05:50 AM
Savin pulls the lever and the secret door in front of him (U26) opens, as expected into the base of the tower where the bodies of the shadar-kai, undead Shadowscales and the shadow mastiff still lie.

Anthony and Kilus come through and join him, having to come through singly as the rotating door accommodates one at a time. The three of you are now in the hidden passageway, a door ahead of you (V27) with a shadowy light barely visible under it now with Kilus' magical light clearly illuminating everything.

2020-05-04, 11:50 PM
"I wonder if there's some way we can jam this open so we don't have to cut the group in half," William mutters. "It didn't seem like enough room in there for everyone."

Untrained, but I have a (bardic) knack for it: [roll0]

2020-05-05, 02:03 AM
"We have opened a secret door leading to the tower. You could go there, either through the rotating door or all the way around, so that you have an unrestricted access when we open another door here." Anthony reports.

2020-05-06, 03:44 AM
"I'll head there now," Temiryl says in response to Anthony.

Longbow in hand, she dashes back around to the tower to the newly-discovered door to the other side of the secret passage. Once there, she uses some of the fallen rubble to prop the secret door open, just in case there is some mechanism to automatically close it.

2020-05-08, 04:08 PM
William tries to jam or otherwise disable the rotating mechanism but the machinery proves stubbornly resistant to his efforts. Meanwile Temiryl skirts back around to the tower, and after Anthony opens the secret door from the other side she is able to shift several blocks of fallen masonry to prop it open and freely move into (and out of) the secret passageway.

2020-05-10, 08:21 AM

"And here you are again. Shall we proceed?" Kilus gestures forward with the Light on the tip of his bow. "I am ready to be done with this place, although the magic portal...thingie...is not a next step that I look forward to at all."[/COLOR]

2020-05-10, 12:00 PM
Savin, with a smirk, circles around the back and taps Temiryl on the shoulder. "Well, it was seems like that is that." before looking at Kilus, smirk draining from his face. "Yeah.. that. Best we get on with it if we are going to do it."

2020-05-12, 06:05 AM
Temiryl gives a slight start of surprise as Savin taps on her.
"What? Yes? Oh, I see. Very amusing," she says, clearly completely unamused.

"Okay, let me have a look at this next door... bring that light a little closer, will you?" She moves through the hidden passage to the door and examines it for traps or other alarms.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

Edit: wow that's bad. Might take a 10 or 20 on that Search check - it's not like we're in a hurry right now.

2020-05-15, 04:56 PM
Temiryl spends some time searching over the door in the secret passage and its surrounds. She doesn't find anything of note, nor hear anything. Eventually she steps aside, and Savin steps up to warily open the door.

Beyond is a small private room, a shrine of sorts. A black wooden disc about 3 foot in diameter surrounded by a ring of purple, symbol of Shar, hangs on the far wall. Below it sits a small altar. On the altar sits a small ceramic lamp and an opened letter. The lamp burns with a flickering dim shadowy light, somewhat illuminating the darkness but also dampening your brighter light in equal part.

2020-05-16, 01:40 AM
"Can you identify this strange lantern and generally check here for magic?" says Anthony sheathing the sword taking the letter. He takes it outside and reads both what is written on the envelope, if anything, and the actual contents.

2020-05-16, 07:41 AM
Wil steps up to do as Anthony suggests, opening his mind to the currents of magic with a quiet word and a gesture.

My Spellcraft is +10. If you prefer me to roll, here are some checks:

2020-05-16, 11:58 AM
"Perhaps we'll find a better clue here. I don't want to travel to some unnatural shadow place."

K: Religion [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

2020-05-17, 05:43 AM
William searches the room for magic, finding nothing. Nevertheless he and Kilus inspect the items that are present. The lamp itself doesn't seem to be particularly special but the oil burning within it is apparently some sort of strange alchemical creation as it emits shadow rather than light as it burns.

Meanwhile Anthony opens the letter and reads it out:



Savin (1d20+2)[17]
Anthony (1d20+9)[14]
Kilus (1d20+1)[13]
William (1d20+12)[19]
DC15: The Lady of Loss and the Dark Goddess are titles of Shar
DC18: The Mysteries could be a reference to Mystra, whose titles include Lady of Mysteries

history or local (Cormyr)
Temiryl (1d20+5)[19]
Anthony (1d20+2)[13]
Kilus (1d20+1)[12]
Anthony (1d20+6)[19]
Kilus (1d20+1)[20]
DC15: The Dusk Lord was the ruler of Sessrendale, which Archendale conquered in 1232 DR.

2020-05-17, 07:02 AM
"I think we've seen all that is there to see." When the others confirm that they are done with the room, Anthony gathers everyone to discuss the findings. He reads the letter again and pulls out Mhair's map (https://i.imgur.com/nillfys.png). "Morn, do you know the Monastery of the Ebon Dome? It's not necessarily an active monastery, probably old and deserted, somewhere around here." - Anthony points at the monastery marked on the map - "I think we would be much more comfortable going overland than through the shadow passage, that is, if you are able to lead us."

2020-05-17, 09:54 PM
Temiryl enters the room and hidden room and looks it over.

"An unusual substance, and potentially useful in the right circumstances," she says, referring to the alchemical lamp oil. "I wonder if they have a supply here somewhere?"

Temiryl proceeds to search the small altar and holy symbol for anything they may conceal, while listening to Anthony read the letter aloud.

Taking 20 on a Search check for 34

Temiryl turns to the others. "This monastery of the Ebon Dome may not be nearby. From what I can remember, travelling through places such as the Shadow Realm can affect time and distance," she says, struggling to recall her lectures on the subject. "The monastery may well be in another country, another continent, or even another world. I have heard that some mages can use shadow passages such as the one described as short-cuts between locations." She shrugs. "While unusual, it is by no means unnatural. I, myself travelled here to Cormyr from Evermeet via a magical portal; a journey over sea and land that would takes weeks, achieved in a smattering of heartbeats."

2020-05-18, 08:57 AM
Anthony nods at Temiryl's words. "Might be so. Hm. Someone named Despayr was told to be led by a shadar-kai to reach the destination, wich suggests that navigating there might be non-trivial. We don't have a shadar-kai at hand, ready and willing to lead us. Might be lucky to procure one on the other side, but, failing that, how we are supposed to find the way there?"

2020-05-18, 11:51 AM
At Temiryl's comment, Savin's eyebrows raise in apprehension. "That sounds both unusual and unnatural to me. I have no interest in going to other worlds. At all." in a no-nonsense voice.

Chewbacca might need some prodding.

2020-05-18, 01:34 PM

"Traveling beyond the spirit realm is something I haven't considered, either. That's the domain of wizards...and fools. This plane of shadows sounds unnatural, and not somewhere where I would have my powers."

Having a hard time not using my vocabulary on an INT-8 character

2020-05-20, 10:08 PM
"I am not saying that it's my preferred course of action, but unless someone else knows where this Ebon Dome monastery is located, the portal is currently the only option available to us as far as I can determine," Temiryl says, feeling a little overwhelmed. "As for how to get there, if we do pass through the shadow portal... well, the letter says that there's a shadow version of this keep on the other side, so maybe we will find directions there? Or maybe we can convince the shadar-kai on the other side that we are converts to the worship of Shar, like the others sent to this keep from the temple in Wheloon? Or capture and charm or threaten them into revealing the location of the monastery? Whatever we choice of action we take, we will have plenty of time to discuss and plan while we rest, something that I am sorely in need of!"

2020-05-22, 12:37 PM
Savin, as those who work with magic continue their discussion, looks about. "Well, if its rest and discussion..." he says as Temiryl wraps up, "this are is fairly defensible, as long as we put blockades in place to deal any interlopers."

2020-05-29, 05:49 PM
Temiryl searches the small shrine and surrounds while everyone talks things through. She doesn't find anything further of interest, and having completed the search you all make your way back past the horses to the gatehouse where your guide, the Purple Dragon troopers, the apprentices, Halish the Mystran cleric and the lizardfolk are all resting and recuperating, the various groups in uncomfortable proximity to each another.

"Monastery of the what?" says Morn, chewing and spitting as he checks over his crossbow. "Never heard of it. If you ask me could be all sort o' ruins in the Swamp here. I ain't never been in this far though. That's only for crazy folk you ain't never goin' to see again."

Overhearing the conversation Ashala also speaks up "Other tribes speak of ruinsss but none near here."

Gathan lumbers over, the former chieftain flexing his great scaled arms as his tail knocks a chair over. He grabs the map with his taloned claw and squints at it looking at it from several angles. "I know these landsss. This drawing is scaleless liesss. There is nothing. No path. No stone place. No humansss." he hands it back roughly, stating simply "They nest in Shadow."

2020-05-30, 08:54 PM
William sighs. "A discomforting truth. Friends, shall we forge into the depths of the Shadow, or simply dust off our hands and call this a victory?" He mostly keeps his eyes on Anthony, expecting that the Mystran follower may feel a divine calling to continue.

2020-05-31, 06:24 AM
Anthony meets William's gaze. "So far, we have not foiled their plans, we've just raided their two forward bases. So I'll go and I'll welcome anyone fool enough to follow. The alternative course of actions would be to perform more research and procure more help, but I'm afraid we might be pressed for time."

2020-05-31, 03:46 PM
Savin, mood dark, uses his javelin to draw figures in the dirt as the others speak. He knew how foolhardy this was. Spinning the javelin about, he uses the buttend to erase whatever he drew.
With a heavy sigh and a shake of his head, he says "I left my family only a year or two ago to see what there was to see of the world. I had no idea, or inkling, to see another world. Especially one of shadows. But I like that less than the thought of the mauraders coming and going without a response. And leaving a fight unfinished doesn't sit well with me, either." Looking at the others before settling on Anthony, "Choose your own path without guilt, friends, but I will join our knighly friend here on his crusade." he says, the words slow and forced out.

2020-06-01, 02:50 AM
Temiryl assumes an I-told-you-so expression.

"Agreed. This is by no means a victory, we have merely delayed whatever ultimate plans the Sharrans have in place. If we abandon our quest now, the shadow-worshippers could well be back in weeks or even days."

"Having felt the touch of their spell-draining..." she shudders at the memory. "It is not something I would have other practioners of the Art subjected to. I believe our best course of action is to maintain the foothold we have established, rest and recuperate, and learn what we can from the one called Bestra. Then press forward and halt them at their source."

2020-06-04, 05:15 AM
"You'll have my support as well, Anthony. And may our gods' holy light wash away the shadow." William seems pleased at his companions' dedication.

2020-06-05, 09:38 PM

"I always laughed at the adventurers who traveled far and challenged the wilds unknowing. And now?" Kilus shrugs and sighs. "I guess that may make me one of them. I suppose we ought to see this through. But perhaps we should rest and commune with the spirits first... in the gatehouse?"

2020-06-06, 11:20 AM
"The gatehouse would seem most defensible as we make our plans." Once everyone agrees, the lanky northerner moves in and reinspects it for any traps or critters they may have missed. When its been cleared to his satisfaction, he moves to set up a quick barricade of the entrance before stripping of his chain shirt, scratching himself vigorously. Finding his water, he washes his face, hand, and then his body of the grime that covers him. Laying back, he relaxes a bit. "Shadow Realm." he says as he shakes his head to himself before smiling.

2020-06-12, 02:10 AM
Anthony takes time to sort the loot and pack most of it on Purple Dragons' horses, primarily the cheap and/or bulky stuff. As he does, he writes a list of everything so packed. The few things that are not yet identified go to a separate heap to be identified no later than in the morning. He gives all poisoned arrows to the lizardfolk to transport to their smaller cousins who apparently know how to deal with the things. He then writes some other things.

Addressed to any Purple Dragons and true followers of Mystra, including Constal Tholl and Tunaster Dranik, including the events fo far and our immediate plans.List of loot (to be finalized) (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BSumSz7sP0bcYyhUsu6WUTgOmQzA52g9W2k1jSs6j0s/edit#gid=860738771)

1. Everything is to be auctioned shortly after the arrival to Wheloon
2. Of the proceeds, 1000gp is to be distributed evenly among the four Purple Dragons and the guide that bring it to town
3. Another 1000gp is to be donated to the temple of Chauntea with personal thanks to Katriana Donohar
4. The rest is to be put in the bank and await anyone of the following five named individuals to claim it (list of names provided)
5. If not claimed within one year, the money is to be distributed according the last will(s) attached
6. Anthony's personal horse(s), along with all their gear and packs, if they are brought to town, are to be stabled and await being claimed by Anthony
7. If not claimed within one year, they are to be sold, the stables to be paid from the proceeds, and the rest of the proceeds sent to Anthony's parents in Suzail (names and address provided)Anthony wills the wealth to be used to establish a true temple of Mystra in Wheloon in place of the false temple. Tunaster Dranik, a cleric of Mystra, is to be offered the position as the head of the temple.Saying that he is doing well, but going on a dangerous mission in the swamps east of Wheloon. Saying there will be a lot of stories told when he is back to Suzail.

2020-06-13, 02:10 PM
Savin watches as Anthony begins scribbling his notes before moving towards the loot they had liberated. "Well, if we are going to certain danger to some Shadow realm... well, best make use of what we have for now." as he begins rummaging through.

If no one else is going through this, Savin will take the 9 potions of CLW and 3 potions of CMW.
Also, there is a vest of resistance... I think. Looks like it was Temiryl's. If can, he'll take that, too.

Someone should probably take the scroll of restoration. Savin can't use it but he'll take it in case needed and someone who can cast it can use it.

2020-06-13, 04:38 PM
Savin marshals the Purple Dragons soldiers to help him clear out the gatehouse and set it up for a safe nights rest. Equipment is stripped and piled in an orderly fashion for Anthony to work through.

While the remains of the undead are unceremoniously dumped in a corner of the courtyard outside the 'fresher' bodies have clearly caught the attention of the hungry & malnourished lizardfolk. After much squealing and shrieking in disgust from the wizard's apprentices the lizardfolk are sent away to nourish themselves out of sight and out of earshot, eventually returning more energized to rest near the fireplace.

As well as his quartermaster skills Anthony spends some time tending to the bewitched cleric, using his faith to help his fellow Mystran overcome his enchantment.

Halish (1d20+8)[28]
Halish (1d20+8)[25]

Still to do: questioning of Bestra & prep for Upside Down! Gathan is itching to go crack some skulls.

The other lizardfolk captives (incl Ashala) intend to gather their tribe to secure the fort.

The night will pass uneventfully. Feel free to post if you wish. I'll try to update again tonight.

2020-06-14, 05:09 AM
The unconscious & badly injured Sharran priestess, Bestra, is restrained by the soldiers as Temiryl casts her charm spell. Even near death Temiryl senses that the woman has a strong mind and has resisted the attempted enchantment.

casting twice I presume?

charm person vs Bestra Will DC15

Bestra stable but still in negative hp. Unarmed & unarmoured.

2020-06-16, 11:06 AM
Having spent a cantrip to confirm that Halish should be in his right mind, Anthony wakes him up.

"Back with us, friend? Sorry for not letting you sleep, but I had to improve the chances that my magic will work, and now we plan to tackle this shadow portal real soon. Can you give us advice or any other valuable information you might have overheard or otherwise discovered? I plan to leave these three youngsters in your care. One of them is free from domination and two others are not. Cast Resurgence on them while they are asleep and they'll come to their senses, if maybe with more than one try."

With those rolls, I believe a single Resurgence is enough to free him of the enchantment.

Also, any luck with monocling the portal? Anthony can even do that himself now that it is the morning.

2020-06-18, 01:11 AM
Temiryl helps with the sorting of the equipment and securing of the gatehouse, trying her best to keep the sounds of the starving lizardfolk "replenishing their strength" from her keen elven hearing.

After several failed attempts to enchant the Sharran priestess, Temiryl turns to the others. "Her training and devotion are too strong for me," she says dejectedly. "And now I am exhausted. I can perhaps try again in the morning, once I have had time to rest, but that may also leave me less prepared to face whatever lies on the other side of that portal. That said, whatever information we might be able to glean could be more valuable than an extra spell or two." Temiryl takes a bite of food and chews slowly, staring into the fire. "What does everyone else think? I can also attempt to use the Artificer's Monocle on the portal in the morning - it is best suited for the analysis of magical items, and I do not know if the portal is a magical construction or some kind of enduring spell."

2020-06-19, 07:24 AM
William suggests, "I too may pressure Bestra's mind in the morning. Perhaps she simply resists arcane spellweaving better than prayers; after all, she is clearly affected by Shar's dark potency. It may be that Sune's charm will help."

We don't seem to be hurting for healing ... Using charm person may be better than saving the spell slots for lesser vigor.

2020-06-23, 05:30 AM
Halish comes right, the powerful enchantment overcome with the help of Anthony and their shared religion. "A thousand apologies. The darkness, shadows clutching at my mind - unnngh!" He clutches at his temples. "I don't know what they've done to me. They made me pass through a Shadow Gate in Wheloon. I passed through and became different." Even as he says this shadows flicker across his being and he becomes hard to focus on for a moment, before reverting to normal. "It's strange, I can become one with the shadows if I concentrate hard enough".

"But the orb through there in the Hall is different again from the Shadow Gate. It's a portal, of sorts anyway. They come and go through it to another place. I think the Sharrans and the undead lizards have a base through there. They took some of the enthralled through, now that I think about it it sounded like a regular occurrence to be escorting people through. I haven't seen any come back. Mystra save them, poor souls"

You're going to need Analyse Portal if you want to discern more about the shadow orb in the Great Hall. It radiates strong transmutation magic.

2020-06-24, 07:53 PM
"She will, Halish. She will," William offers, putting a gentle hand on the man's shoulder.

2020-06-25, 08:12 AM
"The gate in Wheloon caused you to succumb to their power... but how sure are you this one won't do the same?" Savin asks, skepticism plainly evident on his face.

2020-06-28, 02:45 AM
Anthony gets himself equipped to go to the other side. He does not intend to, at the moment, but decides it would be better to be equipped anyway. He approaches the shadow portal and pokes it with the lance to establish the boundary. He then somes closer to the boundary and tries to touch it with his hand. Assuming the boundary resists his hand, he turns back, puts on one of magical silver disks, and repeaths the whole procedure once again. If the boundary still resists his hand, he turns back, takes one of gal-ralans and repeats the procedure with a gal-ralan in his hand. Anthony does not proceed if he finds himself able to penetrate the barrier.

2020-07-01, 05:44 AM
"I guess I don't," says Halish. "I mean it looked different and they definitely treated that one with more caution. But I don't know for sure"

Anthony prepares himself and moves back to the wrecked battlefield that is the great hall. The shadowy orb still hangs in the air, tendrils of shadow writhing and extruding around the hall.

Cautiously approaching, he touches it with the tip of his lance - and instantly he disappears! He is quite simply suddenly gone.

Surprisingly, the sphere yields as if there is nothing there at all. Anthony finds the hall around him very suddenly oddly different, as if he is actually somewhere else, alone. The room is a vastly more ruined replica of where he just stood. The doors columns and statues are cracked and peeling, and one of the larger doorways to the west has collapsed and simply opens out into shadowy night. Other intact doors still lead north south and west.

The hall is cool, and a heavy oppressive gloom fills the air, and three hanging lanterns barely illuminate the room. Shadows gather in the corners and you observe the absence of colour - everything is in shades of grey, Anthony included.

A 5ft diameter glowing white orb hangs in the air, a negative reflection of the orb that you have just touched with the lance.

2020-07-01, 07:56 AM
Anthony uses the lance to touch the glowing white orb. If it does not react, he will step closer.

2020-07-01, 03:07 PM
Kilus looks on with worry. "Never have I passed through something like this."

2020-07-02, 05:49 AM
A few moments later the dark orb pulses and Anthony reappears in front of Kilus, lance held out in front looking whole and untainted.

2020-07-02, 12:06 PM
"So, we have this thing tested. Not keyed to anything, as long as you are anyone, and works just fine both ways. I don't feel changed and I suppose the transfer is as safe as these things ever get. The hall beyond is in ever more ruins than this one. It is illuminated by lanterns, so someone takes care of it, but is still quite gloomy and I am sure I would not notice any shadar-kai even if there was a dozen camping right there. Funny thing, not only the whole place is in shades of gray, but this blue cloak becomes a shade of gray too, along with the rest of myself, actually. I don't think it changes anything practical, except maybe for rainbow-type spells."

"You can go ahead and ask Bestra about the monastery and ways to get there, but I'd say we can delay that until we are done with the keep on that side. We probably should tell Purple Dragons to watch for us back with more news and leave this half of the keep when we are ready to leave that half. Hm, Halish, do you mind a short trip there to help us with shadow part of the keep?"

Know (any): [roll0] regarding the ways the gloomy colorless nature of the plane affects the spells

2020-07-02, 06:07 PM
"You can go ahead and ask Bestra about the monastery and ways to get there, but I'd say we can delay that until we are done with the keep on that side."

William is leaning in the doorway looking ill-at-ease as Anthony speaks. "Hm. She might also have something useful to say, deliberately or accidentally, about the immediate environs as well. And if she knows we're right around the metaphysical corner and coming back to write her a letter of recommendation, her information on that topic will be more reliable than about anything we might encounter days down the road. I think I'll have a word with her now."

The priest motions to Temiryl. "If you would, watch me for magical influence while I try to remind our beloved friend what's in her best interest. I don't trust her not to have some subtle magic in store. Glancing at Anthony might be wise, too. He says he's unchanged ..." Then he goes to the priestess and opens negotiations by pinching her cheek. "A little color in your cheeks -- you would look so much better in rose, you know. Good morning, Bestra, at least for us. Bestra, my companions and I will soon be spending some time in the Shadow, first in the keep on the other side of the portal, then heading toward the Ebon Dome. What can you tell me that I'll find useful? Your well-being hangs in the balance. Cooperate well enough, and we'll plead with the magistrates for clemency. Don't, and you'll be hurt very badly before your premature death; most people here have suffered from your works already, and the lizardfolk need to restock their larders." He leans in with icy eyes. "Make yourself useful. Tell me about the keep."

[roll0] plus any circumstance modifiers. If I can spend a use of dragonfrost inspiration bardic music to make my eyes extra-icy, I will.

I neglected to update my bardic knack for the level-up, so the Intimidate score on my sheet is only 1 off what it's supposed to be, not 2 off. I'll be fixing all the knack mods shortly.

And Sense Motive for any response: [roll1]

2020-07-03, 03:08 AM
Temiryl rouses herself from a night of restful trance, feeling a little more sure of herself; she'd even trimmed her acid-ravaged hair - while not the best result, at least it was a little more even.

She thought back over the memories of yesterday's battles, and her successful use of the Haste spell. Somehow the lessons of her instructors at Tower Reilloch made a little more sense now, and she felt confident enough to try out some of the other spells taught to her that she previously felt were beyond her capabilities. Temiryl picked up her freshly oiled and sharpened sword, giving it a few test swings before sheathing it. Even the blade felt more comfortable in her hands, and she had an idea or two about how to improve her effectiveness in a melee...

The priest motions to Temiryl. "If you would, watch me for magical influence while I try to remind our beloved friend what's in her best interest. I don't trust her not to have some subtle magic in store. Glancing at Anthony might be wise, too. He says he's unchanged ..."

Temiryl nodded at William. "Learn what you can," she says quietly to the priest. "But as we discussed last night, if she proves resistant to your questioning, we can always attempt enchantment again. I will keep one eye on Anthony, but I trust the Sharran least."

She hangs back as William approaches Bestra, keeping an eye open for any subtle attempts at spellcasting, resting one hand on the hilt of her sword and the other near her component pouch. Occasionally she glances at Anthony, just in case he suddenly feels compelled to protect or free the priestess of Shar.

Sense Motive on Bestra: [roll0]

Let me know if Spot/Spellcraft rolls are necessary.

2020-07-03, 03:34 PM
Savin watches as Anthony preps and then, not surprisingly, pokes his lance into the shadow. Seeing it returned unscathed slightly improves his mood. Slightly. "You want to wait for the others or were you planning on charging in by yourself?" he asks with a ghost of a smile as tries to break the tension.

2020-07-14, 05:00 AM
Bestra's eyes flicker open and she blinks a few times, struggling to regain her senses. Presently raises her head, trying to hold herself proudly despite her captivity.

"So you're going through to the other side, you think you can defeat the devout of Shar? Ha, Jherremor will make short work of you the moment you set foot in the shadow citadel. You'll have scant opportunity to enjoy the gloom of the Shadow Realm. And even if you elude him, then what? Do you expect Sithierel to simply ferry you through the shadow to the Ebon Dome? Pathetic! You'll have to brave the swamp on foot since your beliefs make you too squeamish to command the dead like you ought. Oh, the Shadowscales will have some sport! No, the Cyricists at the monastery may be weak fools but you'll not get close to them, not even close, more's the pity."

She closes her eyes and lapses into silence, evidently trying to think happy thoughts as William interrogates her with the lizardfolk Gathan looming over her talons ready to tear out her throat at any sign of deceit.

you feel that despite her bravado she is largely telling the truth.
Enhanced Magic: Spells with the shadow descriptor are enhanced on the Plane of Shadow. Such spells are cast as though they were prepared with the Maximize Spell feat, though they don’t require the higher spell slots.
Furthermore, specific spells become more powerful on the Plane of Shadow. Shadow conjuration and shadow evocation spells are 30% as powerful as the conjurations and evocations they mimic (as opposed to 20%). Greater shadow conjuration and greater shadow evocation are 60% as powerful (not 40%), and a shade spell conjures at 90% of the power of the original (not 60%). To calculate the effect of such spells, take advantage of Maximize Spell to garner maximum hit points or maximum damage, then apply the percentage above.

Impeded Magic: Spells that use or generate light or fire may fizzle when cast on the Plane of Shadow. A spellcaster attempting a spell with the light or fire descriptor must succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the level of the spell). Spells that produce light are less effective in general, because all light sources have their ranges halved on the Plane of Shadow.

Despite the dark nature of the Plane of Shadow, spells that produce, use, or manipulate darkness itself are unaffected by the plane.

2020-07-17, 01:41 AM
"I believe you, Bestra," says William, grasping her shoulder with a gauntleted hand. "And yet I'm still going to confirm what you say about Jherremor before I write you a letter of recommendation. We'll be back. Unless your friend slaughters us all, I suppose, which would be fortunate for Shar's little charade here but less lucky for you personally. So wish us luck!" He smiles coldly, gives her shoulder a tight squeeze, and moves to join the others preparing to throw themselves into the Shadow.

2020-07-22, 12:16 PM
"I'm ready when you are." says Anthony casting a spell to light up his sword just when everyone's assembled near the portal. He intends to be the first one to step in.

Spells that use or generate light or fire may fizzle when cast on the Plane of Shadow.
So, just fine if we bring them in already cast? Anthony's bringing one shining sword then.

Still not sure if Hamish is going with us.

2020-07-25, 06:45 AM
"Bestra said, probably truthfully, that we're likely to be attacked as soon as we cross over. You didn't see any danger when you went through a moment ago?" William sounds a bit surprised as he reviews his equipment for possible preparations.

2020-07-25, 07:10 AM
"Nope. Nothing of the sort. Though I am very sure I wouldn't spot a hidden shadar-kai even if the room was crawling with them. The downside of my trip, now that I think of it, is that they probably are more aware now that we are coming. No idea where they would choose to confront us - near the portal or farther off. Guess we'll have to live with it."

2020-07-26, 09:03 AM
"Well worth it to understand how the portal works, Sir Anthony -- well worth it. When you were across, could you see this room at all?" William asks. "If not, at least any watcher wouldn't know exactly when we're about to make the transition."

2020-07-26, 01:06 PM
"It's generally dark there, but there are lanterns on the walls and I doubt I can hide from a canny observer. More so, the glowing orb that is there instead of this dark one here does pulse on use, announcing arrivals. The room itself is basically like this one, only more ruined and pretty much dim, so we will start near the center, but probably will not be able to illuminate all of it right away, at least not the corners."

2020-08-18, 03:33 PM
"Dont' worry" Savin says Anthony as he steps forward "...I'll only be a heartbeat behind you. Ready?" With that, he unlimbers his chain as he gets ready to follow the knight through.

2020-08-19, 12:06 PM

Kilus readies his bow and steps through the portal with a slight shiver when the others do.

2020-08-21, 01:38 AM
William moves through the shadow portal just behind Anthony and Savin, a weapon in his hand and a song on his lips.

2020-09-30, 04:41 AM
You step forward into the shadowy sphere. The instant each of you touch it, the hall around you feels very suddenly oddly different, as if you are actually somewhere else entirely. The bodies of the shadar-kai are absent, as are your supporting Purple Dragons who were standing guard a moment ago. It is just the seven of you now.

Halish grips his morningstar tightly as the hulking lizardfolk outcast Gathan flexes his sharp talons "Where are they...?" he hisses "Let us show them to fear us".

This room is a vastly more ruined replica of where you just stood. The doors columns and statues are cracked and peeling, and one of the larger doorways to the east has collapsed and simply opens out into shadowy night. Other intact doors still lead north south and west.

The hall is cool, and a heavy oppressive gloom fills the air, and three hanging lanterns barely illuminate the room. Shadows gather in the corners and you observe the absence of colour - everything is in shades of grey, yourselves included.

A 5ft diameter glowing white orb hangs in the air, a negative reflection of the portal that you have come through.


All light radiuses halved.
The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

2020-09-30, 05:22 PM
The darkness weighs on Savin from the beginning, raising his hackles in the process. His chain hangs loose and he is cognizant of it not scraping on the ground as he looks around. Looking at Gathan, he give him a blank look as he says "Keep your peace for now. We know not their numbers and it is best if we catch them by surprise." Taking a few steps forward, he turns his head left and then right before before muttering. "Doors or passageway? I say passageway unless anyone has reason to try those doors. Harder to sneak up on us past some doors than a shadow darkened hallway."

2020-10-03, 10:48 AM

Kilus looks around. The place is familiar, yet not...and dark. The spirits, his constant companions, are strangely silent. He shivers slightly, and make sure his bow is ready.

"Agreed, let's go down the passageway," he whispers. "Perhaps we can get out of here without a fight. I'd rather make this trip as fast as possible."

2020-10-03, 11:33 AM
Anthony nods, and with a sword in hand leads the way through the passage. He is not particularly stealthy, in a full plate and with a glowing shield, but does take care not to make excess noise.

2020-10-04, 11:22 AM
Putting a hand on Anthony's shoulder, Savin whispers "Give me a five count before following." as the lumbering northerner move out ahead.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 51
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Move to AE-29

Move Silently

Effects ~
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
-- Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
Stance - Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-10-05, 05:21 AM
William keeps in back of the party. He's looking around, bemused and fascinated by the lack of color, a quality he hadn't considered at all.

2020-10-23, 05:06 PM
Savin moves ahead through the gloom, Anthony and Gathan not too far behind.

The ruined passageway leads through to a crumbling hallway open to the midnight-black swamp beyond. A silent, sluggish bayou is barely visible in the murk outside. To the south, a flickering lantern can just be seen battling against the shadows as it hangs from the branches of a moss-covered blueleaf tree, eerily illuminating a nearby pathway and the walls of a structure beyond.


All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the tree provides bright light to 10ft radius.

2020-10-25, 07:39 AM

Kilus follows, looking at how light sources propagate out. "Is it safe to use a lot of lighting here, or will we just be lighting a beacon saying "People are here"?"

2020-10-25, 12:04 PM
Savin, stopping to look, turns back to the group. Pointing to his left, he makes a motion with one arm, like a snake wiggling or river flowing. Pointing to his right, he puts his arms together the separates them, to show the group the path splits. Once they understand him, he begins to move towards his right, as he shifts his chain to his right hand and pulls out a javelin.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 51
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Move to AJ-30 and see what he can see.

Effects ~
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
-- Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
Stance - Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-10-25, 03:39 PM
William replies quietly, "Probably safe. The shadows seem to swallow up anything far off ... I doubt this light could even be seen fifty paces away."

Seeing Savin prepare a javelin, William does the same, his jaw tightening at the prospect of violent danger.

2020-10-29, 11:32 AM
Anthony just follows at a distance, though he is somewhat annoyed by Saving being very difficult to see. Anthony also keeps looking around to be aware of at least the area, if not of the inhabitants.

2020-10-31, 04:34 AM
Savin moves forward, keeping a watchful eye around him. In the courtyard he spies many more trees -blueleafs and black cypresses, each with gloomy lanterns hanging from their branches.

At the southern end of the island, in addition to the ruined gatehouse, you see through the shadows a jetty extending out over the water of the bayou.


All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the tree provides bright light to 10ft radius.

2020-10-31, 07:55 AM
"Lanterns - they must require fuel unless they're magical. Someone may be here."

2020-11-01, 03:14 PM
Squatting to check the tracks on the path, Savin then proceeds to move forward, keeping as silent as possible as the odd world gives him the creeps.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 51
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Move to AO-25

[roll0] +5 if its Search or +11 if its spot to see if he notices any tracks.
Effects ~
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
-- Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
Stance - Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-11-06, 04:28 PM
Savin pauses to check for signs of passage in the pathway and surrounding muddy courtyard. There are fairly recent imprints of several types present - human footprints as well as slighter prints presumably from the elfin shadar-kai. Also the distinctive clawed prints of the mostly-skeletal Shadowscale lizardfolk creatures. More puzzling are very recent clawed prints that appear to be from a great cat roaming the yard - a large feline creature. It's not clear if it's a quadruped or bipedal. You see signs of both sorts of movement.

On closer inspection the lanterns hanging from the trees are not giving off any scent or other signs of combustion, suggesting that they must be magical lights. Observing the nearby area he sees the path circle through the spooky overgrown courtyard before heading through the ruins to the (presumed) northwest.

On the way the path branches to the ruined gatehouse to the southeast, in even worse condition than the main body of the keep. Portions of the walls still stand, serving to hold up a dilapidated makeshift roof of split planks. Past the gatehouse the pathway also branches southwest to the jetty. An ungainly keelboat is now visible moored at the jetty. Benches for rowers sit low in the water and you can make out several skeletal-looking figures motionless at the oars. A small lantern hangs from the vessel's bare mast and another from the bowsprit. Out in the water you can make out a beacon of pallid light - a channel marker of some kind.

Checking the tracks again the humanoid tracks seem to lead only toward the moored vessel, while the lizardfolk tracks lead in the direction of the gatehouse and to the northwest trail but not toward the boat. The large feline prints are more chaotic and seem to criss-cross the general area.


All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the trees provide bright light to 10ft radius.

2020-11-09, 04:42 PM
William follows a few paces behind Savin into the courtyard. He glances up at the sky, wondering whether he'll see stars or a moon.

2020-11-10, 08:59 AM
Pausing and considering, Savin makes his way back to the group. "I think there is something prowling... stalking about. Humanoids went towards the boat, while lizardfolk went that way." as he points towards the gatehouse and ruins to the northwest. "Pretty wide open area, so we'd be exposed for some time. Do we deal with the lizardfolk and whatever is hunting the area first or move to the boat? I don't relish having a group behind us and getting caught between a hammer and anvil." he says emphatically.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 51
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Effects ~
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
-- Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
Stance - Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-11-10, 12:59 PM
"I'd rather kill everything that moves, provided it does not run away sufficiently fast, then report to Purple Dragons before venturing forth. No strong preference about the order, but might as well start with the main building. Securing the boat ahead of other things also makes sense, provided there is understanding that we don't intend to just leave on it."

2020-11-11, 04:52 AM
William looks skyward, seeing neither stars not moon, just the perpetually greying featureless dusky heavens. His observations interrupted by Gathan's response to Kilus.

"Yesss, I like this plan. We will kill everything we find." He flexes his talons, tongue darting in and out as he looks around for targets.

2020-11-12, 07:27 PM
William looks at the decaying building. "Well, it's held up this long, I suppose it probably won't suddenly collapse on us. Let's just try to avoid bumping into the walls ..." He laughs, a sound very out-of-place here. "Lead the way."

2020-11-13, 05:06 PM
Savin looks a William, a bit disconcerted by his reaction, before arching his eyebrows as he shakes his head in agreement before moving off.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 51; Current ~ 51
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Move to AW-30, if he doesn't spot anything in that area, he moves towards BA-23.

Effects ~
+ Crusader's Strike : Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
+ Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target.
+Mountain Hammer : Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
+Douse the Flame : Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
+ Battle Leader's Charge : No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
-- Iron Guard's Glare : Enemies take -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
0 + Flashing Sun : Gain extra attack.
0 + Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 + Cloak of Deception : Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 + Shadow Jaunt : Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as standard action
Stance - Child of Shadow : You gain concealment as long as you move.

2020-12-19, 02:38 PM
Savin moves through the gloomy orchard toward the collapsed gatehouse. The rest of your group follow closely behind, wary of this unnatural place and not quite sure what to expect.

As you approach the ruined building you detect a shuffle of movement and see the telltale glittering twin pinprick eyes of undead Shadowscales lurking in the shadows. With a hissing of hatred multiple forms within heft crude greatclubs of wood and bone...

Tem (1d20+3)[22]
Sav (1d20+3)[19]
Ant (1d20+3)[15]
Kil (1d20+3)[19]
Wil (1d20)[1]
Gathan (1d20-1)[4]
Halish (1d20-1)[4]
Shadowscales (1d20)[5]

All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the trees provide bright light to 10ft radius.

=> Party (excl. William)

2020-12-20, 11:20 AM

Kilus moves forward to get a better view, then shakes his head. He mutters a short incantation, and a ball of flame appears at his hand with a flare of light. He throws it at one of the creatures, where it connects with a sizzling sound.

Move to AS28, Produce Flame (7 minutes/7 attacks).
Ranged attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] fire damage.
Crits [roll2], [roll3] One off from a crit, but max damage. Not bad.

2020-12-20, 03:17 PM
Before the creatures can react, Savin quickly circles around, knowing Anthony can block up the one hole, as he hopes to do the same on the other side.
As the creatures come back into sight, he launches his javelin before shifting his chain from one hand to both.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 58; Current ~ 58
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6
Rages (1) ~

Move to AY-28

Throw javelin at AY-30
[roll1] + skirmish [roll2]

Crit 20/x2

Granted Maneuvers [roll5] and [roll6], and, in case of duplicate [roll7] and/or [roll8]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Vanguard Strike
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flame
5 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
Stance - Child of Shadow: You gain concealment (20%) as long as you move.
× Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1
time per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution; +12 hit points;
and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves but gives a -2 penalty to AC. You
cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged.
Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds.
- Crusader's Strike: Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
- Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against the target.
- Mountain Hammer: Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
- Douse the Flame: Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
- Battle Leader's Charge: No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
- Iron Guard's Glare: Enemies take a -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
- Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 Flashing Sun: Gain extra attack.
0 Mighty Throw: Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
- Baffling Defense: Use Sense Motive check to dodge the attack.
0 Cloak of Deception: Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 Shadow Jaunt: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as a standard action

2020-12-21, 06:44 AM
Anthony says a word and his sword and his shield burst aflame. Anthony then charges forward at an undead lizardfolk.

Free: know (religion): [roll0] (inc. collector of stories +5) -> actual bonus +3 to attack and damage, of which only +1 is already included below
Swift: zap a charge of blades of fire
Full-round: charge to AW31

Sword: [roll1] for [roll2] slashing cold iron and [roll3] fire (incl. charge +2 and know devotion +1 which should be +3; also not included +4 damage from Wil's stance)
Granted next: [roll4]

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.

2020-12-26, 06:23 PM
Kilus hurls a ball of fire which explodes upon the lead shadowscale, engulfing it for 13 fire damage. Anthony charges straight in chopping at the creature for 14 damage cutting it down in a smoldering heap. Meanwhile Savin circles around the side tossing a javelin at a hissing foe for 11 damage. Next to him he sees a crude wooden cage and inside it, hands tied and bound to a stout wooden post, is a single live lizardman. It's eyes widen at the chance of salvation and it struggles against its bonds.

The shadowscales surge forward, some swinging their jagged clubs others throwing crude javelins. Somehow in the chaos you are all unscathed. With a harsh guttural growl another steps forward out of the shadows, a great huge beast as large as an ogre, eyes glowing like embers and shadows cloaking it. Its massive club arcs down sending masonry and timbers crashing with its huge strength, the blow thankfully dodged by Anthony even as he also wards away its snapping jaws!

Gathan, former leader of the Sharptooth tribe, rushes forward next to Anthony to engage his hated foes, claws slashing. Just behind, Halish invokes a prayer to Mystra bolstering all of you with courage and determination.

Sorry, I can't recall who has light sources. If you could remind me please that would be great. Pretty sure Anthony does...here's some checks just in case
Kilus 20% miss (1d100)[53]
Savin 20% miss (1d100)[14] Miss?

Shadowscale vs Savin
javelin (1d20+3)[18] damage (1d6+5)[7]

Shadowscale vs Anthony
javelin (1d20+3)[14] damage (1d6+5)[11]

Shadowscale vs Savin
greatclub (1d20+6)[13] damage (1d10+11)[18]

Shadowscale vs Anthony
Charge! greatclub (1d20+8)[21] damage (1d10+11)[13]

Blackscale Shadowscale vs Anthony
Greatclub (1d20+6)[19] damage (2d8+17)[25]
Bite (1d20+4)[9] damage (1d6+7)[10]

Gathan vs shadowscale
move 30ft
claw (1d20+6)[16] damage (1d4+3)[4]

move 20ft
cast bless (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bless.htm)

All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the trees provide bright light to 10ft radius.

=> Party

2020-12-27, 09:55 AM
Temiryl advances towards the decrepit building, gesturing and speaking words of arcane power. She flicks a pinch of dust at the group of undead lizardfolk, which burst into a cloud of brightly glittering sparkles.

Move 30' to AU29.

Cast Glitterdust at intersection AY32-AZ33, Will save DC16 vs blinding.

Punishing Stance active.

2020-12-28, 06:15 PM
As he narrowly avoids the returning javelin, having to duck low but popping right back up as whirls his chain high in a feint only to lash out low to try and drag the shadow spawned creature from its feet.
" 'Ware the back! Don't let them circle around!" he calls out to his friends.

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 58; Current ~ 58
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6
Rages (1) ~

Full Round
Trip attack AY-29 with his spiked chain
[roll0] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll1]includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

If successful, follow up attack granted by Improved Trip
[roll2]includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2
[roll4] includes +4 for prone

Trip attack AY-29 with his spiked chain
[roll6] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll7]includes +4 for Jotunbrud and +4 from Improved Trip

If successful, follow up attack granted by Improved Trip
[roll8]includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2
[roll10] includes +4 for prone

Granted Maneuvers [roll12]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Vanguard Strike
3 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
Stance - Child of Shadow: You gain concealment (20%) as long as you move.
× Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1
time per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution; +12 hit points;
and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves but gives a -2 penalty to AC. You
cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged.
Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds.
- Crusader's Strike: Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
- Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against the target.
0 Mountain Hammer: Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
0 Douse the Flame: Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
- Battle Leader's Charge: No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
- Iron Guard's Glare: Enemies take a -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
- Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 Flashing Sun: Gain extra attack.
0 Mighty Throw: Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
- Baffling Defense: Use Sense Motive check to dodge the attack.
0 Cloak of Deception: Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 Shadow Jaunt: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as a standard action

2020-12-29, 07:14 AM
William brings his bright light and his Celestial song into the heart of the fray, coating his allies' weapons with glimmering ice.

I'll strike up a Dragonfrost Inspiration, +d6 cold damage for weapons and +1 to save against charm/fear. Move to AW30 ... no relation to WD-40; that'd be a grease spell. :smalltongue: At least two of the shadowscales should now be in bright light from my continual flame.

2020-12-29, 07:37 AM
As Anthony's sword and shiend chill, he lights them ablaze again. Strangely, the effects do not cancel each other. Instead, the cold stays on the inside, surrounded by the burning flame. Then Anthony attacks the big one.

Anthony had 21 AC for the round because of his charge, so I believe the counter-charge should hit. I proceed with this assumption.

Step to AW32 only if the big one would otherwise have cover
Flashing sun full attack (one extra attack, all at -2 to hit)
Longsword [roll0] for [roll1] slashing cold iron, [roll2] cold and [roll3] fire (includes flashing sun -2, bless +1, furious counterstrike +2, know devotion +3)
Longsword [roll4] for [roll5] slashing cold iron, [roll6] cold and [roll7] fire (includes flashing sun -2, bless +1, furious counterstrike +2, know devotion +3)
Longsword [roll8] for [roll9] slashing cold iron, [roll10] cold and [roll11] fire (includes flashing sun -2, bless +1, furious counterstrike +2, know devotion +3)
Longsword confirm: (1d20+17)[23] for (1d8+9)[12]

Granted next: [roll12]

2021-01-06, 02:38 PM
Temiryl moves forward, a poof of shimmering sparkles bursting among the foul undead, blinding one of them. Savin strikes at another, his chain striking true despite the shadows but he can't wrestle the unnaturally strong creature to the ground.

William advances up behind Anthony and Gathan with his celestial powers infusing your weapons with powers of frost. Anthony lashes out at the great creature looming over him. Unperturbed by its massive lethal attacks he chops at one huge leg for 23 damage sending it stumbling and follows up with a fatal blow to its neck for 17 damage the hulking undead monster crashing to the ground. That foe dealt with he spins and with a backhand blow strikes at the nearby blinded Shadowscale for 19 damage.

Will save DC16 vs Glitterdust
(1d20+1)[3] the shadowscale vs Anthony is blinded

Sav miss chance 20% (1d100)[22]
vs trip DC16 (1d20+5)[16]

Sav miss chance 20% (1d100)[86]
vs trip DC24 (1d20+5)[25]

All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the trees provide bright light to 10ft radius.

=> Kilus

2021-01-09, 03:17 PM
Kilus moves around to the western edge, and, looking in, casts a spell. The silvery-white light of the moon coalesces around the flame in his right hand, before shooting out in a bolt that connects the two closest shadowscales.

Move to AW27. Casting Moon Bolt on the two closest shadow scales.
A living creature struck by a moon bolt takes 1d4 points of Strength damage per three caster levels (maximum 5d4) [roll0]. If the subject makes a successful Fortitude saving throw DC 19, the Strength damage is halved.

An undead creature struck by a moon bolt must make a Will save DC 19or fall helpless for [roll1] rounds, after which time it is no longer helpless and can stand upright, but it takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and Will saving throws for the next minute.

2021-01-23, 06:23 AM
Beams of pearly moonlight shoot from Kilus, bathing the two closest shadowscales in shimmery light that causes them to collapse, overwhelmed. The remaining two advance on Anthony clubs raised high. One swings and misses but the other, even blinded and covered with glittering magical substance, manages to catch him for 12 damage.

Halish, seeing the way blocked into the ruined gatehouse, circles around past Kilus and Savin to join Gathan, morningstar raised high. Gathan meanwhile lashes out, talons tearing into a shadowscale for 5 & 7 damage.

Form the pier to the west, not too far away, comes a snarling growl. Those of you not engaged in the gatehouse see a couple of beasts rise to their feet on the foredeck of the strange boat, shadowy somewhat formless lizard or canine-like beasts alerted by the sounds of battle. They snap and snarl from where they are and you observe that each of the creatures has two heads - two sets of snapping jaws each!

Shadowscales Will DC19 vs moonbolt

blind shadowscale vs Anthony
greatclub (1d20+6)[25] damage (1d10+11)[12] miss 1-50 (1d100)[73]
bite (1d20+3)[4] damage (1d4+4)[6] miss 1-50 (1d100)[57]

shadowscale vs Anthony
move to AW31
greatclub (1d20+8)[14] damage (1d10+7)[8]

double move

Gathan vs shadowscale
claw (1d20+7)[27] damage (1d4+3)[4] + cold (1d6)[1]
crit? (1d20+7)[16] damage (1d4+3)[6]
claw (1d20+7)[14] damage (1d4+3)[4] + cold (1d6)[1]
bite (1d20+5)[18] damage (1d4+1)[5] + cold (1d6)[2]

All light radiuses halved.

The place is gloomy - those with normal vision can ordinarily see up to 60ft as shadowy light (ie concealment) with darkness beyond. Double the range to 120ft for lowlight vision.

The lantern in the trees provide bright light to 10ft radius.

1 shadowscale is blinded, 2 are helpless

=> Party

2021-01-23, 08:12 AM
"More of the same, Gathan! Let's finish them off." Having incited some more violence, Anthony proceeds to "finish them off", swinging his sword at the nearest shadowscales.

WRT Gathan. Starting with AW32. If it is kiled, step to it's place. Subsequent flanking with Gathan not included.

Longsword [roll0] for [roll1] slashing cold iron and [roll2] cold (bless +1, furious counterstrike +2, know devotion +3)
Longsword [roll3] for [roll4] slashing cold iron and [roll5] cold (bless +1, furious counterstrike +2, know devotion +3)

Iron Guard's Glare in effect. While you are in this stance, any opponent that you threaten takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls against your allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against you. Enemies you threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.
=> Gathan (again)

2021-01-23, 02:41 PM
With a flurry of masterful sword strokes Anthony cuts down the two shadowscales facing him. Inspired by his dominance, Gathan falls on one of the overwhelmed undead, ripping into it for 20 damage. It twitches, still clinging to unlife but utterly helpless.

Gathan vs helpless shadowscale
claw (1d20+7)[16] damage (1d4+3)[7] + cold (1d6)[2]
claw (1d20+7)[27] damage (1d4+3)[5] + cold (1d6)[2]
bite (1d20+5)[8] damage (1d4+1)[2] + cold (1d6)[2]

The only two shadowscales left are helpless.

@u-b, you may still 5ft step if you wish

=> Party (excl. Anthony)

2021-01-25, 12:48 PM
Seeing Kilus disable the only two left, Savin pounces on the nearest as he pulls out some rope from his pack, working to hog-tie the undead. "Do we think we can extract any information? Or do we send them back to the land of the dead?"

AC ~ 20 Current ~ 20
HP ~ 58; Current ~ 58
AP ~ 6; Current ~ 6
Rages (1) ~

Use rope

Granted Maneuvers [roll1]
1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Battle Leader's Charge

Effects ~
Stance - Child of Shadow: You gain concealment (20%) as long as you move.
× Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter; up to 1
time per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution; +12 hit points;
and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves but gives a -2 penalty to AC. You
cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged.
Your rage lasts up to 7 rounds.
- Crusader's Strike: Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6+3.
0 Vanguard Strike: Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against the target.
0 Mountain Hammer: Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.
0 Douse the Flame: Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
- Battle Leader's Charge: No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage.
- Iron Guard's Glare: Enemies take a -4 penalty on attacks against your allies.
Swordsage -
- Burning Brand: Gain +5-ft. reach, deal fire damage.
0 Flashing Sun: Gain extra attack.
0 Mighty Throw: Grab foe, throw him up to 10 ft.
- Baffling Defense: Use Sense Motive check to dodge the attack.
0 Cloak of Deception: Turn invisible until the end of your turn.
0 Shadow Jaunt: Teleport 50 ft. through shadows as a standard action

2021-01-26, 08:49 PM
"We can try, but I don't expect the undead to be as talkative as fey would be."

2021-01-28, 04:53 AM
William doesn't stop his chanting, so he has no voice in the discussion. He simply places himself between Kilus and the new multi-jawed threat as he maintains his magic.

I'll move to AW25.

2021-01-29, 04:22 AM
Seeing the remaining undead lizardfolk fall, Temiryl moves to stand alongside William. She readies an arrow to fire if either of them make a move in the direction of the party.

"No point provoking them yet if there is no need," she says softly.

Move to AV25.
Ready an action to fire an arrow.

2021-02-19, 05:34 PM
Savin grabs a rope and swiftly binds a powerless Shadowscale, even as Gathan in his fury tears the other to pieces.

In the cage, the lizardfolk captive hisses and chirps, clearly excited at the prospect of freedom. It struggles at its bonds but remains bound firmly to the post.

"Chieftain, you have come! Others of our tribe have been taken but may yet live!"

Over at the pier, the two shadowy beasts on the foredeck continue their loud snarling but make no move to disembark. There is a slight shift in the shadows on the deck and the skeletal oarsmen raise their oars in perfect unison. The mooring line falls away against the jetty as the oars dip into the still dark waters and the craft slowly pulls away from the jetty.

Gathan vs helpless shadowscale
claw (1d20+7)[16] damage (1d4+3)[7] + cold (1d6)[6]
claw (1d20+7)[25] damage (1d4+3)[4] + cold (1d6)[1]
bite (1d20+5)[10] damage (1d4+1)[2] + cold (1d6)[6]

Boat moves 5ft SW away from jetty.

=> Party

2021-02-26, 11:40 PM
"We should be catching the boat. Can you stop it?" says Anthony as he starts to run. This results in a lot of noise and a moderate progress. He does not hope to be able to jump onto the boat, which he expects to be even further away by the time he is on the pier, but is still determined to continue.

Granted: 1
Run 60 feet to AV19.

2021-02-27, 02:51 PM
As Anthony rushes past, William falls in behind him, uncertain the reason for the concern but satisfied taking direction from a seasoned warrior.

I guess I'll head to AX20 while keeping up the bardsong. I'm fine with letting these guys go without a fight, but if Anthony manages to stop them, I'm also fine with kicking their butts. :smallsmile:

2021-03-01, 08:38 AM
"We.... probably should not let them get away," Temiryl mutters, and dashes towards the jetty. She pauses to gesture and incant arcane words, quickly flicking a vial in the direction of the retreating boat.

Move to AW19.
Cast Slow, centred on the boat - Will DC 17 saves.

2021-03-05, 06:22 PM
Anthony and William dash towards the retreating vessel as Temiryl casts a spell. The strange boat slows in the water, struggling as if moving through molasses as the skeletal rowers actions slow to a crawling pace.

slow will dc17

skeletal oarsman (1d20+2)[5]
skeletal oarsman (1d20+2)[17]
skeletal oarsman (1d20+2)[9]
skeletal oarsman (1d20+2)[8]
dusk beast (1d20+8)[23]
dusk beast (1d20+8)[18]

=> Savin & Kilus

2021-03-11, 09:33 PM
Lacking anything sufficiently long-ranged at this time, Kilus runs after the others (dash 60').

2021-03-27, 02:32 PM
The boat continues to glide through the black water, slowly pulling away from the jetty and toward the distant beacons of light in the bayou. The mechanical motions of the skeletal oarsmen have slowed due to Temiryl's spell, but they still propel the vessel on its course.

The two two-headed shadow beasts growl and hiss from the foredeck, raising themselves up to watch you as they drift away, tails whipping and snapping with excitement against the wooden planks.

At the rear of the boat, on the coxswain stand, the shadows coalesce and reveal the form of a lone shadar-kai man, heavily tattooed and pierced. He stands with his arms crossed, observing you impassively as his vessel departs.


=> Party

2021-04-05, 04:07 AM
William stops running to dig through his pack. He holds up an orb that gleams faintly in the half-light, and out of nowhere a silvery hammer of force suddenly strikes at the shadar-kai.

Using my hammersphere. It's got 170' range and runs for 7 rounds -- might be enough to trash the rowers even if the shadar-kai goes back into the shadows. Initial attack roll [roll0], damage [roll1] force ... it's not clear from the item's description (MIC page 161) whether it deals just 3d6 or adds +2 for caster level like the spell does.

In case of crit threat on a nat20, [roll2] to confirm, adding [roll3] more damage.

2021-04-05, 10:06 PM
Seeing William summon his magical force hammer to attack the shadar-kai, Temiryl nods in agreement."A good idea," she mumbles.

She dashes towards the slowly departing vessel, making it onto the pier. Raising one hand in a repeat throwing motion, she releases a flurry of silvery darts that dive unerringly towards the helmsman.

Move 30' to AZ15.

Spending a 1st level spell slot, a charge from Gloves of the Starry Sky, and an Action Point to boost caster level to cast Magic Missile.

Damage: [roll0]

Wow. Minimum damage. Thanks RNG. :smalltongue:

2021-04-06, 12:42 PM
Anthony hurries closer to the jetty and, when he thinks he's just close enough, speaks a command word. A large scorpion appears on the boat. It tries to snatch someone with its claw.

Move either to AX16, if I can reach the boat from there to summon a scorpion using an amber amulet of vermin (spell range 50 feet), or to AY16 otherwise (that should be positively enough).
Granted: [roll0] and [roll1] next [roll2]

Claw: [roll3] miss [roll4] for [roll5] grab [roll6] constrict [roll7]

Scorpion round 1 of 10

2021-04-09, 07:08 AM
Kilus hurries out onto the dock, stopping near the end and casting a spell. A crocodile fades into existence, looking slightly disoriented in this strange, shadowy realm. It then attempts to bite the shadar-kai.

I hadn't even remembered the summoning option! Move to BD15, spontaneous cast of SNA2 for a crocodile.
Bite [roll0]
miss chance? [roll1]
Bite damage [roll2]
If bite is successful, grapple [roll3]

2021-04-17, 09:48 PM
William stops and holds forth a ruby-studded silver sphere. As the smug shadar-kai watches ignorantly, a divine dwarvencraft hammer appears in the gloomy swamp air behind him. He turns and notices the movement just a moment too late as the spiritual weapon smashes into him for 11 damage.

Temiryl dashes along the pier, silver darts flashing from her hand towards the helmsman striking for another 8 damage. Anthony, nearby, uses his amber amulet and a monstrous scorpion appears on the boat behind the fey, perched on the catwalk above the oar pit. It strikes out at the shadar-kai with its claw but the man dodges narrowly avoiding the lethal snicker-snack. Kilus begins casting a spell focusing on bringing forth more creatures to halt the progress of the boat.

Dashing out of the ruined gatehouse Halish invokes a prayer to his god Mystra, although the shadar-kai seems to shrug off the effect. Gathan barrels past him, the former chieftain of the lizardfolk loping towards the pier, stooping to pick up a fallen javelin as he runs.

On the boat there is a flurry of activity. The shadar-kai whirls to face the massive scorpion looming over him, lashing out with a wicked spiked chain as he does. The dark words of a curse roll from his lips and you see the summoned creature shrink back slightly as the words of power affect it. And with the continuation of the swirl the fey is gone, shadowy blotches shifting and obscuring momentarily where he once stood.

Up on the foredeck the two dusk beasts turn their attention towards the scorpion. Their shadowy forms shift and elongate unusually, twin necks and long tails stretching out to snap and whip at the scorpion from afar for 3 & 3 damage.

Meanwhile the skeletal rowers in the oar pit below continue with their task, very slowly moving their oars as they paddle the boat ever so slightly further away from land and out into the bayou.

I think Kilus' SNA has a 1 round casting time so crocodile appears next round (in any event the attack roll missed).

Hamish move & cast
shadar-kai save vs Halish's hold person
Will DC14 (1d20+8)[18]

Gathan pick up javelin & move

Dodge vs scorpion +1 AC
Free: hexblade curse!
scorpion will save vs DC12 (1d20+1)[9] => -2 to attack, save, damage, ability & skill checks
Standard: shadar-kai vs scorpion
spiked chain (1d20+10)[12] damage (2d4+4)[10]
Hide in Plain Sight (1d20+10)[26] (shadar-kai is only visible with a Spot check of 26 or greater)

dusk beasts vs scorpion
bite (1d20+10)[14] damage (1d8+2)[7]
bite (1d20+10)[12] damage (1d8+2)[10]
tail (1d20+8)[26] damage (1d4+1)[3]

bite (1d20+10)[14] damage (1d8+2)[5]
bite (1d20+10)[14] damage (1d8+2)[3]
tail (1d20+8)[22] damage (1d4+1)[3]

Bad DM rolling! :smallfurious:

=> Party

2021-04-18, 02:44 PM
William scowls as his target vanishes into protective darkness, but his summoned hammer doesn't miss a beat. It swats at a skeletal rower while William reaches back to retrieve a small cloth-wrapped package from his pack. The cloth unrolls to reveal a runed javelin.

With the distance penalty, it's impossible for William to make that Spot check to see the shadar-kai. So I'm switching to a rower, whichever is closest to the shadar-kai.

Move action to redirect spiritual weapon, which then attacks a skellie, [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage. Can't crit undead.
Standard action to retrieve javelin of lightning from pack.
5-foot step closer to shore.

2021-04-23, 03:13 PM
William's spiritual hammer whirls about and smashes into one of the skeletal rowers for 8 damage. The animated bunch of bones collapses to the oar-pit deck in pieces as it comes apart.

2021-04-24, 09:11 PM
Temiryl makes a vexed sound as the Shadar-kai helmsman vanishes. "We need to halt that boat!" she calls.

Temiryl glances around, a risky plan quickly forming. She chants and hurls more silvery darts, this time at one of the skeletal oarsmen, then heads back off the pier. "I'm going to try to get on the boat from the other bank," she tells Anthony as she passes.

Spending another 1st level spell slot and charge from Gloves of the Starry Sky to cast Magic Missile at a skeleton.
Damage: [roll0]

Move to AW13.

2021-04-25, 04:21 AM
Anthony waits for whatever Kilus summons to appear, then moves along the pier towards Kilus, stopping a short distance away from him. "I want a hippogriff on them. On the rowers, if this would not work." He gets the holy symbol of Mystra out in the open and then tries to channel some of the goddess' energy through it. The scorpion, meanwhile, does what the scorpions do...

Move: to BB15
Standard: turn undead check [roll0] damage [roll1] out to 60 feet => a total of 8 hit dice affected as long as individual hit dice are 3 or less; those affected flee for a minute, or, if they have just one hit die, are destroyed instead
Swift: WRT Kilus (the suggestion comes after Kilus' turn, but before the summoning is finished, so if Kilus starts a summoning, can alter it to incorporate the suggestion)

Claw: [roll2] miss [roll3] for [roll4] grab [roll5] constrict [roll6] vs dusk beast #1
Claw: [roll7] miss [roll8] for [roll9] grab [roll10] constrict [roll11] vs dusk beast #2
Sting: [roll12] miss [roll13] for [roll14] poison [roll15] CON DC14 vs dusk beas (grabbed or random)
=> Kilus takes his turn normally then acts again

2021-04-27, 12:18 PM
The summoned crocodile appears, but misses. already resolved

Kilus begins summoning another creature (SNA2). Inspired by his ally, the spirits cooperate and a hippogriff appears almost immediately next to the boat, attacking one of the rowers. Kilus then fires an arrow at the closest Shadar-kai.

Crocodile takes its turn.
I then start my full round action, but my next turn comes up almost immediately after thanks to WRT, so the full round action is finished.
It's now the start of my next turn, so my new summon appears, and my crocodile gets to go again.

Hippogriff appears on western side of the boat, attacking skeletons.
Claw [roll0] for [roll1] slash Crit not confirmed, rolled a total 8 to hit
Claw [roll2] for [roll3] slash
Bite [roll4] for [roll5] b/p/s

Tail slap [roll6] for [roll7] bludgeoning

Then Kilus also gets to take his action and shoots.
Shortbow [roll8] for [roll9].

2021-05-21, 06:40 PM
Silvery darts zap from Temiryl, flashing towards the boat and blasting one of the skeletal oarsmen to pieces for 12 damage. Kilus' magic summons a crocodile, which snaps at the shadowy shadar-kai only to have the fey fade and flicker as one with the shadows of the realm.

Anthony calls on Mystra's holy power to cleanse the remaining undead, and all of the remaining skeletons collapse and clatter to the deck in a shower of bones. His summoned scorpion scuttles forward, perched atop the oar pit it snips and swipes at the two dusk beasts hitting for 8 and 6 damage.

Kilus' summoning continues and a majestic hippogriff appears flapping its wings in the swamp night. It swoops toward the dusk beasts hitting for 5 damage. Kilus himself takes aim at where the shadar-kai was, barely able to make out the shifting shadows. His shot goes wide though. Halish and Gathan continue their dash toward the pier.

Back on the boat, the blot of shadow that is the shadar-kai swings a spiked chain expertly, the weapon tearing into the surrounded scorpion for 12 damage. A dusk beast siezes the advantage finishes off the scorpion with two bites for 9 & 10 damage. As the defeated scorpion fades from existence the beast turns and strikes out with its tail at the hippogriff for 5 damage. The final dusk beast turns its attention to the hippogriff too, striking for 4, 6 & 4 damage.

dusk beast 1 vs grapple DC13 (1d20+10)[17] 8 damage
dusk beast 2 vs grapple DC17 (1d20+10)[26] 6 damage

Kilus spot vs shadar-kai (1d20+9)[28]

shadar-kai vs scorpion
spiked chain (1d20+12)[28] damage (2d4+4)[12]
Hide in Plain Sight (1d20+10)[12] (shadar-kai is only visible with a Spot check of 12 or greater)

dusk beast vs hippogriff
bite (1d20+10)[22] damage (1d8+2)[4]
bite (1d20+10)[29] damage (1d8+2)[6]
tail (1d20+8)[16] damage (1d4+1)[4]

dusk beast vs scorpion
bite (1d20+12)[28] damage (1d8+2)[9]
bite (1d20+12)[26] damage (1d8+2)[10]
tail vs hippogriff (1d20+10)[20] damage (1d4+1)[5]

=> Party

2021-05-21, 11:18 PM
"Shadar-kai is the only one able to move the boat now!" shouts Anthony sheathing the sword and drawing a javelin.

2021-05-23, 09:18 PM

"Beast friends, destroy the shadow person!" Kilus orders his summoned allies as he takes aim with his bow again.

Spot [roll0] if needed
Shortbow [roll1] for [roll2]

Claw [roll3] for [roll4] slash
Claw [roll5] for [roll6] slash
Bite [roll7] for [roll8] BPS

Tail slap [roll9] for [roll10] bludge Crit confirm: 22 total roll, for +10 damage!

2021-05-23, 10:33 PM
Enacting the first part of her plan to board the vessel, Temiryl chants and gestures towards her feet. Feeling a surge of magical energy imbuing her legs, she dashes towards the stream. With her magically-boosted speed she leaps over the water and lands gracefully on the opposing bank. She then continues to move, following the water's edge towards the boat, keeping her eyes on what is happening.

Standard Action: casting Expeditious Retreat for +30' to movement speed and +12 to Jump checks.

Move Action: Move and jump over the mouth of the stream; with +18 to Jump and 20' run up should clear it easily, but just in case: Jump Check [roll0]
Then continue moving along the edge of the water, and should end up in square BB-8

Spot Check for the shadar-kai: [roll1]

2021-06-04, 05:38 PM
Anthony draws a javelin as the battle on the skiff rages. Kilus fires at the shadowy murk that is the shadar-kai. The shot is almost good but the action of the melee sending the combatants spinning out of the way at the last minute.

As they face off, the crocodile catches the wicked fey with a mighty slap of its tail, a crushing blow for 23 damage. Meanwhile the hippogriff flaps about the other end of the craft, claws raking a dusk beast for 7 & 8 damage.

Temiryl dashes forward, leaping across the dark bayou waters to land in the firm mud and reeds of the far bank as she shadows the now-idle boat.

I should have adjusted the shadar-kai hide roll for -20 for being in melee. So actually an easy spot DC -8 (adjusted by -1 per 10ft) to see him at BK-12.

=> William
+ NPCs

2021-06-14, 04:03 PM
With the shadowy humanoid back in relatively clear sight, Wil returns his spiritual weapon's attention to where it began. He maneuvers along the shore, trying to line up just right with the boat in case he needs to unleash lightning.

Move action to redirect spiritual weapon, which makes 1 attack on the shadar-kai: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] force damage. If a miss chance applies, [roll2] for that.

Move action to try to get into a position farther west from which I can launch a javelin-based lightning bolt and hit all three targets. If that's not really feasible, I'll try for one dusk beast and the S-K instead.

Thanks for the nudge!

2021-06-19, 04:26 PM
William, Gathan and Halish all advance forward to get the vessel back in range. William's spiritual weapon hovers about the trickster fey but cannot strike it, and Gathan's hurled javelin similarly flies wide.

Bloodied from the blow from the crocodile the shadar-kai whirls its spiked chain about again, the blow cracking into the deck missing the scaly animal. At the other end of the boat the ephemeral dusk beasts strike out at the flapping hippogriff, tails whipping about and shadowy necks extending weirdly to deliver ferocious bites against the flying beast. Overcome by the multitude of attacks the summoned hippogriff disappears in a pulse of diminishing energy.

Gathan vs shadar-kai
javelin (1d20+2)[15] damage (1d6+3)[6]

shadar-kai vs crocodile
spiked chain (1d20+12)[13] damage (2d4+4)[10]
Hide in Plain Sight (1d20-10)[1] (shadar-kai is only visible with a Spot check of 1 or greater)

dusk beast vs hippogriff
bite (1d20+10)[17] damage (1d8+2)[7]
bite (1d20+10)[22] damage (1d8+2)[7]
tail (1d20+8)[28] damage (1d4+1)[3]

dusk beast vs hippogriff
bite (1d20+10)[16] damage (1d8+2)[9]
bite (1d20+10)[30] damage (1d8+2)[9]
tail (1d20+8)[19] damage (1d4+1)[2]

Map largely unchanged

=> Party

2021-06-24, 11:45 AM

The crocodile continues to thrash about on the boat, swinging its long tail like a greatclub. Kilus fires another arrow at the shadar-kai.

Spot [roll0] if needed
Shortbow [roll1] for [roll2]

Croc tail slap [roll3] for [roll4]

2021-06-25, 12:32 PM
Anthony throws a javelin at one of dusk beasts, preferably the more wounded one. Then he draws another javelin.

Cold iron javelin: [roll0] for [roll1] (incl. +1 know devotion)

What do you think, folks, should I blast the beasts, the shadar-kai, or neither? I don't think the beasts are a concern without humanoid rowers on board, but it seems like a waste of a consumable item to lightningbolt just the S-K. (Or maybe I worry too much about saving consumables, I don't know.)I had a habit in computer games to save expendable stuff "for later" because you often lack an opportunity to restock and you might need it for a tough boss fight or some such. When the time finally came, much much later, using most of that stock would be a waste of action. That said, I do not think the guy is getting anywhere if anyone has a Glitterdust left, so I don't really care.

2021-06-25, 07:14 PM
Temiryl chants and points a small piece of cut crystal at the shadar-kai. All the colour drains from her and lances from the tip of the crystal prism to wash over her target. Now completely invisible, Temiryl swaps her bow for her sword.

Casting Blinding Colour Surge at the shadar-kai; Will DC 16 negates the blindness.

Invisibility for 6 rounds.

Move action & free action to stow longbow and draw longsword.

2021-07-02, 08:50 AM
William's spiritual weapon continues to bash at the poorly-hidden shadow warrior. William himself growls, "Can't get a good line ..." and swaps out the magical javelin for a standard one.

I can Spot the shadar-kai automatically this round. [roll0] to hit his possibly blinded AC for [roll1] force damage.

2021-07-09, 06:21 PM
Kilus fires his bow, missing the darting shadar-kai as it melee's with the crocodile. Anthony tosses a javelin his shot thunking into the side of the boat.

Temiryl casts a spell the sorceress suddenly disappearing from sight even as a beam of colour lances out and strikes the shadar-kai. The shadow fey cries out and stumbles as his sight is suddenly stolen from him, the opportunity all that William needs as his spiritual hammer smashes into the fey for 11 damage sending him sprawling motionless to the deck.

On the jetty Halish pulls forth his crossbow, loading it as next to him the lizardman Gathan leaps into the water surging through the dark swamp water towards the boat.

With only the two dusk beasts and Kilus' summoned crocodile left on the boat the shadow beasts snaps and growl at the reptile at the opposite end of the boat but make no move to advance on it.

Will DC16 vs Temiryl blindness

Swim (1d20+12)[26]

2021-07-10, 12:03 AM
Anthony throws the second javelin at one of dusk beasts and draws another one. "We've won, so don't spend any limited stuff and don't go in melee."

Cold iron javelin: [roll0] for [roll1] (incl. +1 know devotion)

2021-07-15, 06:17 AM
Temiryl was preparing to make a leap onto the vessel, but realises the sense in Anthony's words. So instead she walks invisibly towards the boat, returning her sword to its scabbard and pulling out her longbow; then snaps a shot at the closest duskbeast.

Move closer towards the boat, sheathing sword, draw longbow as a free action.

Longbow attack (includes +2 for being invisible): [roll0] vs flat-footed.
Damage: [roll1] plus skirmish [roll2]

2021-07-17, 08:40 AM
William nods at Anthony's command, then calls out "Nice shot!" when Temiryl is revealed by her archery. He keeps a wary eye on the figures in the boat -- if it were him in there in place of the shadar-kai, he would've played dead quite a while ago.

Is the shadar-kai faking it? [roll0]

2021-08-07, 06:32 PM
Anthony throws a javelin at the beasts on the vessel, hitting one for 10 damage. Temiryl shoots the other with her bow for 15 damage as Halish fires his crossbow the bolt thunking into the deck. The shadowy beasts howl in rage at the attacks, one dropping prone on the deck seeking to evade the attacks while the other, goaded to action, leaps down onto the catwalk above the oar pit, neck snaking out unnaturally and jaws clamping down as it bites at the crocodile for 6 damage. You spy Gathan surfacing near the boat, the lizardman looking for a handhold to haul himself up on deck to attack the two dusk beasts.

Halish vs dusk beast
crossbow (1d20+2)[13] damage (1d8)[6]

dusk beast vs crocodile
bite (1d10+10)[15] damage (1d8+2)[6]

Sense Motive? Is the shadar-kai faking it?

As far as you can tell from where you are the shadar-kai seems unconscious or dead.

2021-08-09, 08:50 AM
Temiryl moves a little further along the edge of the water, nocking another arrow to her bow and snapping a shot at the duskbeast she can see most clearly.

Move 10' to activate Skirmish.

Longbow attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus skirmish [roll2]

2021-08-09, 10:29 AM
Anthony throws one more javelin at one of the dusk beasts. So far, so good. "You don't have to get onboard, Gathan! Just make sure they are not going anywhere!"

Cold iron javelin: [roll0] for [roll1] (incl. +1 know devotion and -4 melee or prone; the later should not apply if the beast targeted has attacked the crocodile with reach)

2021-08-12, 11:22 AM

The crocodile continues to obey Kilus, attacking the enemies while Kilus supports it with his shortbow.

Shortbow [roll0] for [roll1]

Croc tail slap
[roll2] for [roll3]

2021-08-13, 12:03 AM
Temiryl lines up a clear shot at the dusk beast as it advances along the catwalk above the oarpit. She shoot and hits it squarely for 8 damage sending it collapsing to the oars below. Anthony and Kilus both pepper the remaining one, hitting for 10 and 3 damage respectively despite it's attempts to seek cover.

As the crocodile moves forward to engage the remaining dusk beast it lashes out seeking to catch the animal by surprise. But the summoned crocodile's thick armoured hide resists the bite and it counters with a mighty tail slap for 13 damage the last remaining foe crumpling in a heap on the foredeck.

dusk beast vs croc (readied attack)
bite (1d20+6)[13] damage (1d8+2)[8]

Gathan hauls himself up the side of the boat from the dark waters, the muscular lizardman stalking the deck as he checks the vessel for any further danger and then waves that it is clear.

End combat

2021-08-27, 03:00 AM
With their foes apparently defeated, Temiryl backs up somewhat and then executes a magically-enhanced leap from the shoreline onto the deck of the boat. Once safely aboard, she moves to the body of the shadar-kai to see if it still lives, and can be taken for questioning.

When the shadar-kai is either confirmed dead, or stabilised and secured, she works with Gathan to manoeuvre the vessel back to the dock as best they can. Once that task is complete Temiryl sets about searching the boat and the bodies for anything of interest or value (besides the boat itself).

Jump to get to the boat should succeed given that it's about 15'-20' from shore; but just in case: [roll0]
Heal check on the shadar-kai: [roll1]

I don't think we're in a rush right now, so I'll take 20 on searching the bodies and boat (Search: 34)