View Full Version : Legacy of Fire SoP/SoM/PoW IV: With A Vengeance (or 2 if they're on sale)

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2019-08-26, 11:49 AM

It's been about two weeks since you raided the One Source warehouse and rescued Reyhan. In the intervening time, he has been busy in his research, aided by Makak and Shaharazad. When you wake, you notice a note affixed to your doors. It seems that Reyhan had a breakthrough late last night, but he wants you all to be present when he activate the scroll. While most of the party has been so informed, it seems like one of your number is missing; the Water Prince said he was going out to "visit old friends" the day before and had not yet returned. While Reyhan is irritated by his absence, he still is anxious to test his theory and wants to press on without him.

What have you been doing in the intervening time?

2019-08-26, 11:45 PM
Not especially welcome in the more respectable areas of Katapesh - misconceptions about past business dealings and taxes owed, you understand - Alssariq spends the majority of his time in Reyhan's mansion. When he does leave, it's late at night and with heavy purses that are empty upon his return. Kelmarane, that bastion of civilization so far from the Pactmaster's clutches, will have a sudden influx of trading caravans in the near future and their arrival will be profitable indeed. If the oasis holds, mayhaps even a pesh plantation could be established - the future held so many possibilities.

2019-08-28, 02:04 AM
"Fascinating," Khwaja Malak will muse out loud while referencing some of Reyhan's more esoteric materials in the study of the Scroll of Kakishon. At a minimum, Reyhan and Shahrazad would be there, but so might Akaash and even Rowan, given their expertise (at least relative to the Khwaja Malak's own) to planar matters. "Yes, my drawings seem to make sense now..."

When those there prod him, he answers. "Constellations. It was the ancient, wandering Varisians that devoted themselves to Desna and the night sky, and the names of those constellations were taken from Varisian traditions. It was through the observation of celestial bodies the Varisians would guide their wanderings. Anyway, we thank these nomads for the names we might know today: the Animal Mother; the Caravan; the Dancer; the Goblin; the Jackal; the Mantis; the Owl; the Rose; the Salmon; the Sea Wraith; the Snakefang; the Stair of Stars; the Stirge; the Twins; and The Wyrm. There are also the minor constellations of the Owl King, the Prophet, and the Wagon.

"Of course, the world sees the sky differently in southern Garund and the southern parts of the world, and they have their own constellatory view based on the sky they see at night.

"Astronomers have used constellations for a variety of matters. Navigation, tidal research, even charting and accurately predicting eclipses and the occurrence of what are called 'comets.' Constellations are aids for being able to visually 'break up' the night sky for use so as not to be overwhelmed by data."

Somebody will invariably ask for a point.

"Ah, yes. So, constellations are scientific nomenclatures for groupings of the heavenly bodies usually readily visible in the sky. There is a whole other way in which portions of the sky are viewed: the zodiac, more commonly referred to as the 'Cosmic Caravan.' Here, let me show you..."

Khwaja Malak unrolls a beautiful chart from Reyhan's collection.
"Astrologers believe that a person's birth date, and the position of heavenly bodies at the time - or rather, the position of the Cosmic Caravan at their birth - tell much about a person's general personality, proclivities, and even relationship issues. Whereas astronomers have learned great insights into the working of physical knowledge, astrologers have likewise gleaned many great metaphysical insights from the manner in which they view the heavens.

"The reason I mention what some of you may even scoff at is to dismiss it out of hand. Some of the forumlae we've used for cosmology are derived from astrological assumptions viewing the Cosmic Caravan, and I think we have to rethink our maths when dealing with non-Prime planar phenomena. You see, the Cosmic Caravan is a function of our world, and ours alone. The stars, the heavens .... as vast as it all is, it is only endemic to our world - the Prime Material Plane as we know it. I know we are using a variety of different means of trying to better understand Kakishon, but these formulae - that we don't even question because they were ancient when I was young - are fundamentally flawed in this research. For that reason, 'Cosmic' Caravan is a poor name. It should merely be the 'Celestial' Caravan.

"What we need is an understanding of the resonances, conjunctions and temporal re-occurrences that guide the Great Beyond. We've only ever learned of the Great Beyond as some static nesting doll, but we know from the simplest physics that while the illustrations of the Great Beyond are useful for a general didactic look at the worlds beyond our own, it fails to capture the fact that all creation is in constant motion. For these vast super-agencies to keep from colliding and causing a chain reaction that would destroy all of known creation and universes, we have to look at all of the worlds beyond our own as operating in sort of a truly-Cosmic Dance.

"And that dance, I believe," he says, slowing to more dramatic speech as he comes to his maddened point, "is what gives rise to what I call the Omniversal Zodiac. It is a means of looking at the groupings of the known worlds of the Great Beyond as they pull away and come closer together in their Macro-Minuet."

He pulls out a series of books with dubious titles ... Climax of Dusk ... Inspiration of the Universal Solstices ... Companions Without Sins ..... and several others of equally questionable scholarship.

"Each of these books seemed to have hit on some sliver of the things I have slowly put together. You are all smarter than myself; I merely have the long life and perseverance for what I do know."

He then unrolls a long scroll with several panels of various conceptual positions of the worlds of the Great Beyond that he appears to have made himself. "In these panels, we see the Astral worlds - the worlds of philosophy. And since we understand the nature of duality and the universal constant of action/ reaction, we know that the Inner Planes - the worlds that are the fundamental building blocks of reality ..... different from the Astral, which deals with meta-reality .... we can logically assume their positions based on the tangents held between the two ... at the point of our world, the Prime."

He points to latter panels which now attempt to include the Inner, Ethereal, and transitory planes in relation to the Astral, Energy, and quintessential planes. Just looking at the scroll seems wrong, as if somehow his manic drawings are an affront to reason. His drawings are full of optical illusions and paradoxes and hurt the eyes with too much study.

"This!" he shouts in a waking fever-dream and a sense of exultation, with the sweat of a frenzy that has built over a few minutes, "THIS is how we get to Kakishon! Study the spherical transactions!"

At that point, the Khwaja Malak, who has been leaning far too often on his ring of sustenance to cover the needs of sleep and food, is overcome by exhaustion and passion and faints. He is a bright man, and learned, but he is an investigator, and not nearly as dedicated a scientist as Rowan, Akaash, and even his assistant Shahrazad. It seems that he has pushed himself a little too far to try to keep up with the more capable scholars, much to the ruin of his mental health.

2019-08-28, 06:44 AM
Akaash sighs, catching Malak before he can hit the ground. The outcome was not entirely unexpected. He looks over at Goma, "Help me carry him over to the couch. Should be fine after a rest."

Akaash has spent most of his time in aiding the research project. The commerce of the city holds little interest to him. While he is less swept up in the enthusiasm for the project than his compatriot, the academic endeavor has had a delightful lack of things trying to eat or stab him, though if they enter Kakishon that may well change quickly.

2019-08-28, 12:25 PM

Rowan also assists in the research of the scroll. He understands little of what Malak said and fears that the ravages of time may have caught up to Malak in his mind if not his body.

When Rowan awakens and sees the note, he quickly pulls out parchment and pen of his own quickly penning a letter home to his wife and daughter telling them that he should be home soon with tales and treasures to last multiple generations if he is lucky. After entrusting the letter in the care of Reyhan's servant, he leaves to join the others at the lab to see if the breakthrough is a boon or bust.

2019-08-28, 12:38 PM
The Khwaja Malak, after his episode, will have lost a massive amount of his vigor, doing little to further investigate Kakishon - leaving that in more capable hands. Instead, he starts to throw himself into quiet study with some of the strange books in Reyhan's collection, including one that becomes something of a workbook he constantly refers to, a book entitled Chain of Nights.
That is it for KM's downtime.

2019-08-29, 06:32 PM
Goma returns from a from a visit to his childhood home and old friends about town. He has a warm sense of nostalgia about him and is often lost in thought while at Reyhan's. Around the time he starts dreading the inevitable meeting of his family and Lark, the Khwaja has his eureka moment.

"I, uh... Didn't catch a lot of that. I never put much stock in star signs." He says as he helps Akaash move Malak. "But if he thinks 'spherical transactions' are the key, I'll bet he's right."

2019-08-30, 12:29 PM
Reyhan rolls his eyes at Malak's eccentric performance, but decides to press on. He draws an end table to the center of the room and places the Scroll upon it. Then, speaking in a booming voice, he touches each major island the map, naming each in turn. "Serpent Isles, Khosravi, Khandelwal, Ismaizade, Isles of Night, Kakishon"

Yet as he does so, it's clear something is wrong. Smoke starts to curl from the corners of the map, and the smell of sulfur starts to fill the air. For his part, Reyhan either does not notice or simply does not care, as he has his life's work validated before him. As he speaks the final name, an incredible eruption of fire erupts from the Scroll and you feel yourselves inexorably drawn in. In the split second that she had before being pulled in, Shaharazad touches Reyhan and teleports him to safety, but she doesn't have enough time to save herself, as she and the rest of the party are drawn inevitably downward.

You feel incredible heat, as if you were falling into an active volcano. The pain tears through your flesh, as the howling wind growls around you. A sense of vertigo overwhelms even the fire and noise, and the sensation of falling grows into a tempest of burning wind. And then, in the flaming clouds and firestorm around you, shapes begin to emerge. Men and women made of fire and smoke-adorned with glittering jewelry and wielding scimitars made of flame; their faces twisted masks of glory and cruelty- rise up through the firestorm that you are rapidly descending through. A few of them notice you and mock you with vulgar gestures as you fall before they surge upward out of sight. And then comes the last of them, a towering, burning warrior with great horns and a cruel, curves sword. The immense figure notices you as well, and even takes the time to mockingly bow at you with a sardonic smile, as if thanking you for the service you provided. And then, with a flash, he is gone as well, trailing behind a noxious plume of burning ash and searing cinders.

And then, as suddenly as it began, the vortex of fire is no more. For a moment, you can see nothing, hear nothing, fell nothing. But then, the sensation slowly returns. The sound of waves crashing on a shore; the feel of a warm breeze and the grit of a bed of sand; the smell of salt air and strange exotic flowers- all these and more slowly fill the world. As your vision holds, you behold an idyllic tropical bay. Behind you rises a hilly junglescape rife with birdlife and strange flowers. Across a shallow inlet, more of the island rises, its slopes covered with jungle as well. Above, the sky is cloudless and blue, while some distance down the beach stands a pier and a small stone hut-the only sign of civilization. Of the vortex itself, there is no sign.

All of you seem to be changed slightly, your apparel more appropriate to the more humid climate, or having other minor variations of appearance. Other than that, you appear to be in the same condition as you were an hour previously.

Well, most of you, anyway.

2019-08-30, 12:45 PM
Akaash looks around briefly. "Nice place, trip could be smoother though." Noticing the adjustment to his wardrobe, he raises an eyebrow. "Convenient."

2019-08-30, 03:01 PM
All of you seem to be changed slightly, your apparel more appropriate to the more humid climate, or having other minor variations of appearance. Other than that, you appear to be in the same condition as you were an hour previously.

Well, most of you, anyway.
Akaash, during his scan, will note that that the Khwaja Malak must have taken the brunt of the fiery heat that roared through the scroll-portal. The left side of his face and chest that you see are badly burned. And then he stands ...

The entire left side appears almost ruined - marred, charred, and scarred. Small arcs of electricity run about his completely singed leg; his entire torso and face is smoldering, sometimes with bits of flame and smoke; his left arm from the elbow to fingers appears to be frozen and cracked; and his left fingers are severely chemically burned and sometimes his ever-regrowing, blackened fingers release small scales of skin that are actually caustic (and evaporate quickly).

The right side of his body is no less dramatic. In life as a human, he was a classic brown-skinned Garundi human who later became a golden-skinned shabti. Now, his skin is alabaster white, almost luminous even, from some unknown energies underneath the surface of his skin. His handsome face far exceeds his base charisma for the quality of its almost sculpted design. So beautiful is this side of the face, that with the wreaked energies on the left side they effectively cancel out to make a strangely fetching, otherworldly (and possibly terrifying) creature.

The two features that are unaffected by the dichotomous right and left sides are his hair and eyes. His hair is not only white, but a practically glowing white. His eyes are blue, brimming with unknown and elemental energy.
He picks up his quarterstaff off of the ground, and it appears similarly blasted on one end (though still whole), and a white on the other.

2019-09-02, 01:08 AM
Alssariq was falling into a world filled with fire. Pain lanced up his legs, his back, and his eyes cried out for moisture but the heat stripped the tears from his face. He opened his mouth to scream, and felt his throat blister. All around him through the haze he could see the wavering shapes of glorious creatures, laughing at his misfortune when they deigned to acknowledge him at all. The last of them, greater and crueler than those preceding him, managed to rouse some ember of spite in Alssariq's heart and he managed a single rude gesture before passing out.

Before the world had filled with fire, he'd been leaning against a wall half-asleep. It'd taken the Kwaja all of two sentences to lose him; all of this talk of astrology and astronomy was both beyond him and uninteresting. He'd known caravan leaders who planned their journeys by the starts, and had never known them to be any richer or luckier than anyone else - as far as he was concerned, it was all a con and, while he appreciated a good con, he wasn't inclined to contribute. So, when Reyhan began to speak and smoke began to pour out of the scroll, Alssariq was leaning against the wall cleaning his nails. He didn't make it three steps towards the door before it drew him in.

He woke up with his face buried in the sand and a throat filled with pain. The sand wasn't so unusual - Alssariq had learned to walk in the desert - but the throat was new, and very painful. And was that... waves?

Slowly, he raised his head. He could smell salt water and burnt hair and flesh, and after a few blinks he could actually see his surroundings. His first thought? "Where am I?" His second? Oh gods, what happened? The source of the burning smell was obvious and horrific. "Malak?" He asked, his voice rough and raspy. "Gods, man... healing potion!" He tried to shout, fumbling about in his pockets. "Did anyone have a healing potion on them?!"

2019-09-02, 12:38 PM

Examining his surroundings after arriving, Rowan looks at where they fell from before addressing the others. "So umm... how to we leave now that we are in here?" He will then notice Malak's state and exclaim, "Malak are you alright? I thought it was pretty warm coming down here, but maybe my heritage protected me from the worst of it. Do you need healing?"

2019-09-02, 12:59 PM
Seeing Alssariq still laying in the sand, calling for healing, Malak rushes forth to Alssariq while shaking his head at Rowan.

He reaches out, his white hand beginning to glow a bright golden light and he touches Alssariq's forehead. Healing energy surges forth, healing the minor abrasions of the sand (and any more serious, unseen wounds), while at the same time reinvigorating 'Riq and removing any fatigue he might feel from his great tumble.
I know that he isn't wounded, but if Alssariq was, he heals [roll0] and the fatigue condition, if it exists, is removed.
Roll it.

2019-09-02, 02:31 PM
Goma's body responds well before he does, automatically going around and checking on the group. "Khwaja, you don't look so good. How do you feel?" He checks his armor and weapons are present and secured.

"Have we just swapped places with prisoners? You all saw them too right? I wasn't hallucinating?"

2019-09-02, 02:36 PM
Even Malak's voice is different. Not as mellifluous and rich, but more vibrant and resonant. "I feel..." and that is when he looks at himself, and his golden glowing hand, definitely not expecting to see that. "...different."

"This is strange. I don't feel in pain, but I see this oddity about me. Does anyone have a mirror?"

2019-09-03, 06:57 AM
[roll0] + [roll1] To Goma, "It seems that way. I do not care to contemplate the chaos in the city right now. The items we acquired on our last outing may help us escape, if we can employ them correctly."

He thinks for a moment. "I believe we released the efreeti warlord Jhavhul, who apparently was imprisoned here. Lovely."

2019-09-03, 11:00 AM
Malak looks around to see if Shahrazad came with, and to make sure she is alright.

2019-09-07, 12:41 AM
Shaharazad is indeed there, her ensemble shifting slightly as well. Most notably, the facepaint she wore as a tribute to Nethys also looks cracked and burnt, but it's clear that the disfigurement applies to the paint and not the face, as her natural skin tone is visible under the wider cracks. She pats herself looking for a mirror, and not finding one, she pauses for a few seconds and creates one for him. After her has a few moments, a screech is heard from the jungle and out comes a six headed quadruped, apparently irritated that you are in its territory.

If anyone wants to RP before the combat starts, use the new channel in the discord (off camera roleplaying) to do it.

2019-09-07, 03:22 AM
"Hydra!" Malak calls out. "Shahrazad, stay screened by warriors. Alssariq, Goma ... sever the heads if you can. Rowan and Akaash, hit the body; it heals, dependent on how many heads it has remaining."

Malak drops his quarterstaff, clutching his chest. His left arm, which is an arm practically of ice, claws at the part of his body that is not a pyroclastic ruin but just pure blackness. Something is there, and he plunges his hand into his chest to grab something, pulling out a greatsword of the darkest matte, reflectionless black. It almost hurts the eyes (and the mind) to gaze upon it.

Malak looks at the massive sword in his hand, a weapon that for the whole of his life would have seemed entirely out of place for him, given he was never a strong man. He looks to the extreme opposites arrayed on him .... the sword composed of the madness and death found between the stars, of pure blackness; and the gloves on his hands of the cleanest, most unspoilt white.

Malak looks to the monster ahead of him ... and in most un-Malak fashion, he charges.
SwA: Discovery! 4E into voidblade.
FRA: Charge across the sand to sunder one of the hydra's heads.
* Sunder attempt (incl. charge) [roll0], damage [roll1] slashing + [roll2] cold damage.
* If hydra takes damage, it suffers a -2 on all attack rolls for 1 round ... including AOOs when it is not its turn.

Because of charging, AC is now 21.
Those with Knowledge (arcana) may roll to try to understand what Malak just did.

2019-09-08, 05:55 PM
Alssariq moves forward as well, though not nearly as enthusiastically. Instead he stays out of reach of the creature's heads, studying how best to approach it.

Using Barroom Brawler to pick up Improved Sunder

2019-09-08, 06:30 PM
Goma reluctantly drops his tower shield, draws the recently aquired adamantine greataxe, and sends a wave of air pressure at a neck of the hydra.

Move action: Remove and drop tower shield.
Swift action: Use Death at 10 Paces.
Standard action: Make a sunder attempt on a hydra head with the axe.

Sunder: [roll0], [roll1]

2019-09-09, 06:45 AM
Akaash maneuers for a clear shot, sending a focused lance of air into the creature. arcana[roll0]

move south and west as needed for a clear shot

attack w/ destructive blast [roll1] vs touch

damage [roll2] nonlethal

bullrush [roll3]"Heads OR body Malak, doing both is a waste of effort! I am not good at butchery, so we should focus on the body."

2019-09-09, 01:43 PM
AC 23
HP 66/66

Rowan takes a step to the side to take in the beast. It is quite impressive with it's size and many heads, but that is all it is. impressive. Rowan grins as he begins to pull off the new trick he learned, gestures spring forth from his hands to channel the power called forth from the chant on his lips. Fire flickers into being coiling around Rowan like a pet seeking attention from his master, Rowan levels his staff towards the Hydra and the fire leaps at it showing it's primal ferocity.

5ft step to the right.
Full round action: Gathered Energy Penetrating Searing Primal Blast (Add ALL the Adjectives!):
Ranged Touch: [roll0] (Luck aura, soft cover not included)
DAMAGE: [roll1] Fire Damage that overcomes 21 fire resistance, and treats immunity as fire resist 19 (after reductions).

2019-09-12, 12:44 AM
Between Malak's forward assault and Goma's air pressure, two of the six heads were severed. However, Rowan and Akaash's direct approach proved more effective as the beast fell to the ground, its chest rising and falling the only thing that gave away the fact that it was still living.

What now?

2019-09-12, 12:51 AM
Malak switches the handedness of his voidblade, feeling the pyroclastic power in him grow hotter intuitively. The icy aspect of his arm and the corrosive section of his hand gives way as bursting forth from his left hand is an eruption of flame brought forth from some unknown place, reaching out as a jet of heat to then explode when it hits the hydra.
Planar Detonation, burn 2E - 1 for higher damage, 1 for AoE effect. Target just back enough on the huge creature so Malak is not hit by blowback.
Attack roll [roll0], damage [roll1] fire damagein a 15' radius.

2019-09-13, 09:23 PM
Alssariq sheaths his blade. "Where did that thing come from? And, more to the point, where are we?"

2019-09-13, 10:59 PM
As Malak finishes off the hydra, 'Zad notices a sea turtle approach the party. It shuffles closer until it is ~15 feet from you and looks at each of you soulfully in the eyes before coughing up a small scroll case. With that it turns to go back to where it came.

What do you do?

2019-09-14, 12:22 AM
His black sword no longer visible (no E in it), he goes over and opens the scroll tube. If anyone beggars caution he simply says, "Never look a gift sea turtle in the mouth."

2019-09-14, 04:07 AM
Goma slings his axe on to his back and slowly walks alongside the turtle. "Uh, thank you friend turtle. I don't suppose you know where we are or better yet, how to leave?"

2019-09-16, 06:42 AM
Akaash raises and eyebrow. "That was unusual, but I suppose we out not be surprised in this place. What is the scroll?"

2019-09-16, 11:14 AM
If the turtle is capable of responding to Goma's question, it does not show it as it continues to head to a tidal pool. Inside the scroll case are two items. The first is an egg, small in size and with brown spots on the end. The other is a piece of parchment that feels oddly cool to the touch.


2019-09-16, 11:27 AM

"Hmm... Cryptic." Rowan says as he reads the message over Malak's shoulder (the unburnt one) "So we need to hunt a shiny goat, sound it's horn that we take from it, and then give the boatman this egg to meet the message sender who will then give us ANOTHER more convoluted task. That is saying nothing about the fact that this message was supposed to come from some imprisoner, (or perhaps warden is the proper term here?) but now that being is absent"

Shaking his head with a sigh, Rowan looks around at the others and asks, "Too much weirdness to tackle on an empty stomach, who wants Hydra steaks? We can avoid the burnt bits and I will see if I can whip up a better cooking temperature... Does anyone have any salt by chance? If not we can boil some sea water for some."

2019-09-16, 11:47 AM
Akaash points to the hut. "Maybe we look there, see if there is any useful information."

2019-09-16, 02:26 PM
Goma waves goodbye to the turtle. "Oh well, worth a shot."

As he gathers his shield and restrapes it into place he says "Sure thing Rowan, I'll take well done to be on the safe side. Al'asadriel knows how long we'll be here, so having some rations seems prudent." and to Akaash "That seems like a good place to start. I can take point when everyone is prepared."

2019-09-16, 10:04 PM
"Ready when you are." Alssariq said, shrugging. This golden ram sounded expensive, that alone had his interest.

2019-09-22, 02:31 PM
After a lunch of broiled hydra, you inspect the shack. There's not much of note here; it seems that this shack once served as some sort of registration office, with the only interesting thing being a graphic about the boar and its tracks, though it's missing a chunk or two from age. Afterwards, you being your preparations for the hunt.

Okay, folks. The book has a fairly complicated random encounter list that you have to make hourly Survival checks and it was far too complex for its own good, so I'm replacing it with a skill challenge. Here's what that means for you. There are 4 skills associated with this challenge and their DCs are as follows: Survival (Easy, DC 24), Knowledge: Nature (Average, DC 29), Perception (Challenging, DC 31), Knowledge: Arcana (Difficult, 34). Since you discovered the infographic, you get a +1 to any of these checks. I'll want each of you to make a roll with one of those skills. In addition, you roll a dice in addition to said skill check to show your progress, as shown in the table below. I'll track your progress and adjudicate them in whatever order is best; if I need a second round of rolls, I'll let you know.

10 ranks in the skill, Skill Focus in that skill, 5 ranks and is class skill
1d12+skill's ability score modifier progress

5 ranks in the skill (but not class skill), or class skill and 4 or less ranks
1d8+skill's ability score modifier progress

4 or less ranks and not a class skill
1d4+skill's ability score modifier progress

For every 5 above the target DC
+1 progress

2019-09-22, 08:13 PM
Malak tries calling forth his divination spell to further investigate the scenario, but the words fail him. He then simply tries to call forth information about the local area - the simplest of tasks. Again, the words of creation fail him.

Malak sits for a moment, trying to figure out why he has changed, why he instinctively brought forth a black sword of nothingness and a gout of flame. As he ponders, he adjusts something on his face .... instinctively, and then looks, seeing that he has formed a pair of spectacles. The frame of the spectacles are attached to him at different points, drawing forth all four of the elements of the western world. He doesn't pull them away from his face entirely, not breaking the tendrils at the point wher they connect behind the ears. He then gives in to the formation, and finds that the world around him is somehow brighter, louder, and more fully revealed than before.
So, instinctively bring forth spectacles of the sheikh (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-trinity-veils#toc75). Full E (4).
Not only detect magic, but also now a total of +6 insight bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks.

Perception check, including GM-granted +1 bonus ... [roll0]

Also, I am assuming that at least a minute has gone by, or is it 2 or more?

2019-09-23, 06:45 AM
Akaash muses, "It is a possibly magical creature in an artificial land, but it is described as a boar, so perhaps it will act like one in many respects..."Nature (5 ranks and is a class skill) [roll0] + [roll1]

2019-09-23, 06:53 AM
"I can try to keep my eyes peeled, but I'm not terribly knowledgeable about boars magical or otherwise."


2019-09-23, 11:32 AM

"Well it's a good thing we have eaten, something tells me this might take a while." Rowan says as he ponders the problem of going after the boar (Ram?) to collect it's tusks (horns?) an summon a boat.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0] Includes the +1 from pamphlet.

2019-09-25, 01:30 AM
Alssariq himself sets to roving the shoreline, looking for faded prints in the island sands.


2019-09-29, 01:44 PM
After a lunch of braised hydra (and rereading the info from the shack; seems that it was warning that its long horns can gore like a boar, but the conjunction was faded from wear, leading to a bit of confusion), the party began searching for tracks. About 20 minutes later, you find what you're looking for; a set of tracks heading deeper into the island. Following them, you find yourself next to a sharp cliff face and before you can react, a shadow from above looms downward as an almost impossibly large bird of prey swoops down. It manages to grab Goma (doing 14 damage to him after DR) and begin its ascent back to its next up the cliff!

It's currently 10 feet off the ground. What will you do?

2019-09-29, 06:38 PM

"Hey that's ours! Give it back!" Rowan calls after the large avian before he concentrates and chants a spell, teleporting Goma out of the bird's grasp and back onto the ground.

Standard Action: Cast Ranged Teleport on Goma to get him out of the bird's grasp and back onto the ground.

2019-09-29, 08:11 PM
"A roc! Ancient terror bird of the skies!" Malak calls out. In reactive fear to this gargantuan threat, rock pulls from the ground and forms gleaming plates of stone all about his body. Some rocs reputedly come from the sun. Many large rocs would surely be lightning rods in the sky. And all rocs fly in the vast, high cold winds, meaning that the choice of what to use here is just as intuitive. Knowing that this great beast can pluck him easily (without fully understanding his own stone protections right now), he warily moves back, raises his left hand and channels the strange caustic minerals of the earth through him and sends it at the levitating leviathan.
SwA: Form shaitan's earthen armor, full E (dropping E), sheet updated for AC, and DR 6/ B or P (which is immaterial against this threat).
FA: 5' free move 1 square NW.
SA: Fight Defensively and use planar detonation RTA [roll0], 1E burn for [roll1] acid damage. Sheet updated for FD.

2019-09-30, 06:49 AM
Akaash leaps into the air, twisting to avoid the creature's counter, aiming a kick to drive away.fly, move up and right 15' to reach it (acrobatics to avoid AOO [roll0] + dizzying tumble Will DC19 or nauseated 1 round

energy blade [roll1]
damage [roll2] + [roll3] nonlethal
bullrush [roll4]

2019-09-30, 08:18 PM
"'Ancient bird' - you're one to talk about ancient." Alssairq murmurs, knocking an arrow and firing a shot at the bird.

[roll0] [roll1]

2019-10-02, 07:06 PM
After briefly feeling objectified, Goma gives a thumbs up to Rowan and swipes his shield at the bird, using the air pressure to deliver his blows.

Free action: Berserking for 11 temp HP to eat most of the damage in the delayed damage pool.
Swift action: Death at Ten Paces.
Move action: Challenge the birb, giving it -4 to attack anyone else, and Goma +1 attack and damage.
Standard action: Flurry Strike the roc.

Shield 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Shield 2: [roll2], [roll3]

2019-10-09, 02:48 AM
Akkash flew up to confront the beast, the force of his air pushing it back, which conveniently knocked it into position to get hit my Malak's acidic blast. Goma also landed a hit, Rowan's teleport slightly throwing off his aim, as 'Riq, unable to deal with it in his standard melee style, plunked away with his bow, as 'Zad focused as she realigned her power to be more combat focused.

The Roc struck back at Goma, but some quick shield work was enough to keep it from doing a repeat performance. The then swoops upward, about 30 feet in the air. Is it going to run, or is it coming back for another pass?

Round 2, Fight!


2019-10-09, 06:59 AM
Finding himself unable to pace the creature's climb, Akaash launches a lance of wind at it.sequence is at 1 (forgot I had it!).
move 30 ft in pursuit (with vertical costing 2 squares, can't get back in melee range)

1 SP for d6/level damage destructive blast
[roll0] vs touch
damage [roll1] nonlethal
can't trip flyers (should get the feat for that...)

2019-10-09, 03:50 PM

Rowan prepares his spell and throws it at the flying broadside of a barn above.

gathered energy primal searing blast on roc

Attack: [roll0] vs touch
Damage [roll1] fire damage

2019-10-10, 11:32 AM
If it ain't broke ...

Malak defensively fires off another gout of acid at the roc.
FA: Step 1 square SW, between Rowan and Sharazhad.
SwA: Move 1 E out of spectacles of the sheikh.
SA: Planar detonation with AoE, burn 2 E for extra damage.
* No attack roll needed, and it goes off right in the roc's face for [roll0] acid damage, Ref DC 19 halves

2019-10-10, 11:42 AM
Goma roars a challenge as he prepares for another attack from the bird.

Swift action: Encouraging Roar so everyone gets that sweet, sweet +2 to attack and damage.
Full Round action: Defensive Focus, increasing threatened area to 15ft, and recovering up to 5 maneuvers.
AOO if it comes at me (bro): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-10-14, 10:54 PM
Alssariq drops his bow, realizing that his arrows may as well be pinpricks against something that large, and instead draws his long-knife and readies a strike.

If it comes back around into melee range.

[roll0] [roll1]

2019-10-16, 04:03 AM
The roc is battered by the ranged attacks of Malak, Akaash, and Rowan. It wisely decides that the snack it had swooped down to take was not worth its live and flies back up the cliffside and out of sight.

Now that that's over, you continue hunting the trail, eventually to the beach, where it heads out into the ocean. There's another island, about 400 feet away that the beast apparently swam to. How do you plan on getting across?

2019-10-16, 04:50 AM
Goma points to his new axe. "We could fell a couple trees and make a small raft. With Akaash's wind magic a sail could get us there fairly quickly."

2019-10-16, 06:30 AM
"That is a longer-term solution, so probably wise. I think we could get there easily enough, but I do not foresee the trail ending on that island...though I could check before we continue. It would not take me long to go over and have a quick look."

2019-10-16, 11:08 AM
"Kakishon wasn't created just for an archmage who could magically fly whenever he wanted, but likely for a variety of staff and less-mobile servants, visitors, and the like," says Malak, still wondering to himself about his having tossed a great wash of acid at a giant, fantastical bird on a demiplane whose external borders fit nicely on the secondary study table when rolled out in Rayhan's library.

"I recommend we explore the island for conveyance - boats, teleportation pads, airships, whatever. As we do so, we should still be mindful that unless the Golden Ram is a construct that doesn't need to breathe, it is probably limited to this island in the first place. If a ram, even a big one, is made of gold and can still carry its bulk with positive buoyancy across the waters? I wouldn't yet want to meet so fantastically strong a creature as that quite yet until we have more information."

2019-10-16, 11:11 PM
"The gold could also be... figurative." Alssariq posits. "I'm as excited at the prospect of a goat with a solid-gold pelt as anyone, but there is the possibility. Anyway, a little exploration sounds good."

2019-10-17, 11:26 AM
"Regardless," Malak follows after Alssariq's remark, "ram are terrible swimmers. But take a look at these tracks here. If it were swimming, we would see the tracks go deeper into the water, but I am not seeing that. The tide would cover them, true, but something seems incongruous. Well, let's explore."

2019-10-17, 11:59 AM
Akaash shrugs, "Magic of some kind or another is likely, but I agree that we can look around this island first."

2019-10-21, 11:16 AM
Searching the island brought little in the way of advancing the hunt. While you were able to find new tracks of the Ram, it was clear that these were older than the ones you were following. There were a handful of wild animals along your path, but nothing that took particular umbrage to your intrusion. Searching the perimeter, you do find a couple of small boats, but they've been rotted over the ages and aren't particularly seaworthy anymore.

So what's the plan?

2019-10-21, 12:28 PM
Goma starts unhooking his shield and armor. It's a lengthy process, but less likely to lead to his untimely and waterlogged death. After gathering his discarded gear, he stores them in a pile near whatever landmark he can find just past the shoreline.

"I don't have much practice at it, but I have read about the mechanics of swimming. How hard could it be right?" He says casting a nervous eye to the water and gulping.

2019-10-21, 12:31 PM
Akaash holds up a hand. "I will take a quick look over there. I doubt that island will be the final stop, but I can at least see what is there while you lot concoct a better plan than swimming."

2019-10-21, 12:34 PM
Goma nods. "Even if we do make a boat, I want to make sure I'm not the anchor. Better safe than sorry."

If no one has any other plans he'll start felling trees for a raft.

2019-10-21, 07:24 PM
Malak shrugs while walking into the surf, letting the water lap around his ankles, sometimes splattering up to his shins.. "I have no idea how to swim. And I understand it takes strength of hews to push not only against the resistance of the water, but the various wave action. I would be a liability, I assure--" he stops, because at this point he realizes that something has changed. He is standing a few inches higher as he is walking on water!

"Pardon me a moment," he looks carefully at his feet while walking farther out along the tops of the water. The movement doesn't even seem to count as difficult, and he is not bothered a whit by chop. He concentrates and forming into shimmers of the air around his feet are the translucent images of riverboats gliding across floating waters. The visibility of these riverboat apparitions gives him a eureka moment. He walks back and onto the sand. Though he still makes an impression, it is much weaker than his normal 175 pounds would provide.

Looking at his companions he says. "I have finally figured it out. This is akasha, for those that don't know already. The magic of creation and destruction. And what we just witnessed was my use of a veil known as the boatman's ferry, itself part of the Boatman's Ensemble - part of Underworld-themed set of veils. The Scroll of Kakishon's ... release ... has turned me into a nexus, with my body looking like depictions of Nethys. So, a Nethysian nexus. The blasts of energy we saw was a 'planar detonation', and I think my overal planar convergences are related to the elemental planes ... by way of the Maelstrom."

2019-10-22, 09:23 PM
Alssariq nods along, badly faking comprehension. "Of course, it's simplicity itself. But, for those less-learned in the party... care to simplify? For example, can you do," he gestures,"that to everyone else?"

2019-10-22, 10:11 PM
"I have forgotten all of the magicks I have ever known before. All of the words of creation. And my understanding of those power-words were instrumental to my ability to tell stories properly," Malak answers after embarrassing himself for a minute with fallse displays of non-power. "It seems that this strange akashic magic I possess now is semi-personal. Either it surrounds and protects or enhances me, or I can eject it forcefully. I am the magic, if you will, that transforms to new effects. I believe that within my very body lies a planar rift to the Maelstrom, which in turn channels the base elements of the universe. If that is so, I am as much a shabti racially now as I am a different manner of creature, called an oneirogen.

"But, no, sorry," he says ruefully. "I am afraid I can only help myself in such a manner. I know that I have these strange gloves I formed which heal others, but let us call that a controlled ejection and modulation of my powers."

2019-10-22, 10:54 PM
"'Controlled ejection and modulation'..." Alssariq nods. "Of course, so simple. Turning back to the matter at hand... we may be able to scavenge materials from the huts, should we not wish to wait for Goma to finish chopping. I doubt Towan can teleport us that far, or that the roc would be willing to carry us."

2019-10-27, 02:22 PM
After sizing up a decently large tree, Goma lines up his axe and pulls it back, ready to begin chopping. Suddenly he gets the familiar feeling of an irritated woman being ignored by men. He lowers the axe and says "Um, miss Shaharazad? Perhaps you have an idea?"

2019-10-27, 03:54 PM
Shaharazad looks up, having had resigned herself to being ignored. "Well, actually, I have a few. It would take me a few moments, but I could adjust my magics to repair the boat. Another possibility is that I could turn us to dolphins or at least give us an aspect of them. Or I could just teleport us over. It just didn't seem proper to announce it at the time."

2019-10-27, 06:08 PM
"By all means, Shahrazhad, I did not retain your services to be a sycophant," says Malak, "but because your intellect and skill in things arcane far exceeded my own. Do not ever fear some 'men are intimidated by smart women' or 'never seem smarter than the master' cliche. I value you because of what you know and your resourcefulness.

"If you can teleport reliably, that may be the best option. Otherwise, the repair of the boat. An aspect of a dolphin is worrisome, because I don't know that affecting (not me) the rest of the group would ensure that enough time passes on the ensorcellments to get to where needs going. The magic running out mid-sea would be bad."

2019-10-27, 07:53 PM
"Boat! Boat is good." Alssairq says hurriedly. "Or teleportation. The dolphin idea... not so much."

2019-10-31, 12:33 AM
After inspecting the rafts, she determines repairing them is the best option. Doing so allows you to get to the next island without further difficulty. Now's the time to follow the tracks once more.

2019-11-02, 12:41 AM
Stepping away from the others, Alssariq beings to walk in a widening spiral in the hopes of picking up where the tracks left off.


2019-11-04, 11:07 AM
Soon enough, Shaharazad is able mend the raft well enough for it to be seaworthy, though you probably wouldn't want to take it more than a few miles given how cumbersome it is. Regardless, you are able to head towards the aforementioned island. By a remarkable stroke of good fortune, you see the Ram heading towards the beach as you approach. You've just made landfall, what are you going to do?


2019-11-04, 11:30 AM
Malak is sure to complement Shahrazad on her resourcefulness.
Malak makes a straight beeline for the golden ram and then fires off a cold planar convergence.
MA: I have to avoid the rock slightly, but otherwise 30' in direction of beasty.
SA: Use cold planar convergence, which has a 45' max range [roll0] RTA, damage [roll1] cold

2019-11-04, 01:10 PM
Akaash gives a word of caution, "Seems too easy for it to just be here." He pauses as Malak attacks, "Also, the trial was 'skill and skill alone, so I am not confident a direct attack will win the day."

2019-11-05, 12:07 AM
"Martial skill is still skill," Alsarriq posits as he draws his own weapon, "but I agree that this may be more difficult than it appears. For one, I question if my knife can even pierce it's fleece."

Knife in hand, he begins to circle around the creature in the hopes of coming at it from behind.

2019-11-05, 05:52 PM
"The ram might be smarter than your average beast. I don't remember anything in the note about needing to kill the creature, just blow its horn. Maybe this is a test of our bargaining skill?" Goma proposes.

2019-11-10, 05:17 PM

"Well, if we are catching it, I vote Goma to be Ram Wrangler." With that Rowan teleports Goma adjacent to the Ram. Resisting the temptation to teleport Goma unto the Ram's back.

Teleport on Goma to bring him adjacent, Spending the SP to teleport out to medium range to do so.

2019-11-13, 09:08 PM
The party did their best to approach the beast, which seemed to be giving it a wide berth. That changed when Malak blasted it and Goma was teleported closer. This was all the signal it needed and it rushed forward, attempting to knock both of them down as it went.

Malak, Goma, each of you are gonna be taking 19 damage (not counting DR), but you have a choice. Either you can attempt a Reflex save for half damage, or you can take an AoO against the beast at a -4.


2019-11-13, 09:52 PM
Malak wields an unseen (or translucent, depending on how close you are to him and your individual Perception) blade as it were two-handed, having no time to amp it with essentia, cutting along its flanks as it impacts him and moves past.
This is not Malak's turn, and that will not be included in this post. This is Malak's response to being trampled/ overrun/ whatever.

Attack with voidblade (0 E) [roll0], damage [roll1]

His shaitan earth armor is still maxed out, so he takes 13 mod damage.

2019-11-13, 10:32 PM
Stunned by the ram's sudden burst of speed, Alssariq is left to charge after it.

Moving up to the ram.

2019-11-14, 05:22 AM
Still not sure they need to harm the ram, Goma tries to bulldog it to the ground as it passes.

AOO: Trip attempt on the ram. The ram gets a +2 for having more than 2 legs.

Trip: [roll0]

2019-11-14, 11:57 AM
Akaash shrugs and joins in, leaping into the air to attempt to disable the beast.move adjacent, prefferably to a place to flank with Goma, energy blade blah blah

att [roll0] (+2 if flank)

damage [roll1] + [roll2] nonlethal
trip [roll3](+2 if flank)

2019-11-18, 12:15 PM

Rowan attempts to slow the beast down to make it easier for the others to capture or kill it.

Casting Slow from the time Sphere. Will DC 19 or staggered for as long as Rowan Concentrates.

2019-11-18, 04:42 PM
Seeing a metal-clad, giant ram, Malak steps over and then shoots the beasty with an amped up blast of lightning.
FA: 5' step SW.
SA: Planar detonation, burning 1 E for higher damage, fighting defensively (FD), RTA [roll0], damage [roll1] electricity damage.

NOTES: Cost 1 E-burn. Also, sheet adjusted for FD effect on AC.

2019-11-18, 06:44 PM
Goma charges the ram with a shout and tries to bury his axe in one of its legs.

Swift action: Encouraging Roar.
Full round action: Charge 45 ft toward the ram.

Axe: [roll0], [roll1]

2019-11-27, 03:54 AM
Things could be going better for the Ram, as it it attacked on all sides from Akaash, Goma and Malak each lash out at it (the first two being more successful than the latter), Rowan's temporal magicks slow its movements as Shaharazad rushes pat it, a trail of energy ribboning behind her. Fighting through the deceleration, it turns are releases a cloud of golden mist towards the closest chunk of characters, namely Goma, Malak, and 'Zad. As the mist clears, the latter has been turned to gold, effectively only a sculpture of your ally.

Malak, Goma, make a DC 22 Fort save or meet the same fate!
'Riq, you totally had time to make a charge rather than just move up; if you wish, I will let you retcon that into an attack. If you do, make sure you post it in a way that it's clear which is which.


2019-11-27, 08:02 AM
Akaash shifts position with a hand check, followed by a quick elbow, shoving off into a spinning axe kick. swift action - counting coup (melee touch) [roll0]

move action - brute sphere shove (melee touch) [roll1] (+1 if counting coup hits) (5 bludgeoning damage, battered)

standard - energy blade (1 SP for damage boost) (melee touch) [roll2] (+1 if counting coup OR shove hits)
damage [roll3] (+1 if counting coup OR shove hits) + [roll4] bludgeoning (+[roll5] if counting coup OR shove hits)
trip [roll6] (+1 if counting coup OR shove hits)

2019-11-27, 01:20 PM
Malak shifts his position to get a clear shot.
MA: Move 2 squares NE.
SA: Planar detonation [roll0], damage [roll1] electricity damage.

2019-11-30, 01:30 AM

Focusing on his slowing spell, Rowan steps out from behind Akaash and provides fire support.

5ft step diagonally down and to the left to avoid any soft cover.
Move Action: Focus on Slow with Easy Focus Boon.
Standard Action: Searing Blast on the Ram.

Attack: [roll0] vs Touch
Damage: [roll1] Fire damage that overcomes 21 Fire resistance.

2019-12-01, 08:42 PM
Tension: 1

The others distracting the creatures and its horrible breath, Alssariq takes the opportunity to circle around and drive his knife into the ram's hamstring.

Free: 5ft so that he's flanking
Swift: Scout (DC 10 + creature’s CR). If successful, Alssariq's AC increases by +2 vs. the ram and it's AC is at a -2 vs. Alssariq.
Standard: Brutal Strike. [roll0] (+2 if Scout was successful, that's separate from the AC malus) [roll1] (+12 if Scout was successful)

2019-12-06, 04:27 AM
While Akaash's elbow strike failed to connect, the axe kick knocked it off its feet. This was enough for 'Riq's knifework and the combined blastiness of Malak and Rowan to bring the beast down. As it fell, it started to crumble to dust, leaving seven golden plates that had made up its armored form and its two horns. One of the horns has a hole in end; this must be the one that you must sound to summon the ferry the note mentioned. As for the rest, they detect as magical, but they are tricky to identify; the non-blowing horn will take a DC 25 Spellcraft check and each plate will be a 35.

In an almost comical fashion, about 15 seconds after the beast was vanquished Goma burst free from his golden confinement, ready to take on the now already defeated foe. That left Shaharazad still petrified, but luckily that too ended in a few minutes. With the entire party now hale and whole, what's the plan?

2019-12-06, 06:35 AM
"Ha! Uh...oh, ok." Goma shouts as he breaks free from his auric imprisonment. After Shaharazad is free he says "Should we explore this island before using the horn?"

2019-12-06, 07:33 AM
"Probably wise, if you aren't feeling too stiff. May be wise to try to figure out what enchantments are on these things first though."horn [roll0] + [roll1]

plate 1 [roll2] + [roll3]
plate 2 [roll4] + [roll5]
plate 3 [roll6] + [roll7]
plate 4 [roll8] + [roll9]
plate 5 [roll10] + [roll11]
plate 6 [roll12] + [roll13]
plate 7 [roll14] + [roll15]

2019-12-06, 11:53 AM
Malak will patiently wait for Akaash's identification, meditating as he does so.I will need to know how much time goes by with Shahrazad's de-imprisonment and Akaash's identification, please.

2019-12-06, 03:05 PM
The horn you identify as a Horn of the Golden Draught (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/h-l/horn-of-the-golden-draught/). Each of the plates have a magical effect etched into them and with the right application of magic, you could use them, though only once.
Each of the plates act as scrolls; UMD or by spending an amount of spell points equal to half the spell's level (rounded up, like the Ritual Adept feat) can get them to function, each with a CL of 20. You only get 5 of the 7 however: freedom of movement, mage armor, mind blank, spider climb, and water walk.
It takes about a minute and a half, though by making a DC 20 K:Arcana check, you know that as long as a gorgon doesn't use its breath weapon on the same person twice, they will eventually break out of the effect.

2019-12-06, 03:11 PM
"The horn can remove enchantments or provide a protective ward, but only five times. The plates appear to act as rather ostentatious scrolls. One grants freedom from restraints, one an armoring ward, one protects from mental control, one lets you climb as a spider, another lets you walk on water. Not certain of the others."

2019-12-10, 02:44 AM
You decide that now you have a way off this island, you should probably take it, as you'll find no answers on where to go here. Reading the note you got from the mysterious turtle that sent you on this quest, you quickly get back to the first island you were on and use the horn on the waypoint there. It takes the better part of an hour, but a giant self-propelled galley comes down the straight ti come to a stop parallel with the dock, as part of it seems to have fire damage. Getting on board, you see a a form at the helm of the boat, but it's clearly not a living person. The more arcanely skilled among you identify it (and indeed, the ship itself) as an animated object. Besides him, you see a large upright map, displaying places of interest and waypoints to which it can travel, the northwest one marked "Sarygamysh" marked with a red ring; no doubt your current location. Apparently you need simply speak the name of which island you wish to go to and the ship will do the rest.

With that knowledge at hand, where will you go?

Long ago, visitors to these islands received a greeting from the Imprisoner. You shall receive the same.

"Greetings and Welcome, brave hunters, to the Serpent Isles. Here you will find a hunt to satisfy your thirst for challenge, danger and adventure; a tale told as you relax in the Pleasure Palace. Your task is simple: you must hunt down the Golden Ram and take its horn. There are many challenges to be faced on these islands, but only the Ram's horn can call you back the ship that will bear thee hence. Do not think to cheat the hunt, as the Golden Ram is under my protection; this is a test of skill and skill alone, of courage and cunning, not raw power. One Ram's horn you must sound and present to the boatman to gain passage. The other horn is yours to keep as a trophy and reward for your daring. May Fate smile upon you and guide your aim"

The Imprisoner is gone now. But his world remains. A world we created. You have only just arrived, but we must know if you are ally or enemy. Capable or inert. Complete the Imprisoner's task and we shall have a greater one for you; one to help fulfill your heart's desire. Give this egg to the boatman and he will bring you directly to us. We have much to discuss


2019-12-10, 07:38 AM
Suitably impressed by the conveyance, Akaash tears himself away from studying it to ask the immediate question, "Do we present the egg and find what this is all about? I would enjoy wandering and exploring, but given what we seem to have unleashed upon our world, I am loathe to spend the time idly."

2019-12-10, 03:40 PM
"Present the egg," says Malak. "If we save our own world from the efreeti, then maybe we can come back to skylark."

2019-12-10, 09:02 PM
"Agreed." Alssariq says. "Even should what we released not prove a danger, I have investments that need tending."

2019-12-12, 01:18 AM

"True enough" Rowan says at the other's worries of the efreeti on the loose. "At least we released them in Katapesh. Plenty of wealth and interest in that city to have a few competent fighters around to stave off the worst of the destruction assuming the efreeti were unsubtle with their newfound parol. Still, I would sooner be reunited with my family than worry about flaming spirits being unleashed upon the world a weeks trip away from home."

2019-12-12, 05:22 AM
At the mention of "Skylark" and "Family", Goma's eyes begin to well up. He blinks several times and wipes his sleeve aross his face.

"Right, the sooner we get back, the sooner we can put things right. If we could stop by the last island we were on so I can retrieve my gear, please." His brow furrows a moment. "If the efreeti swapped places with us, then Reyhan was the first person they came across. He's likely in danger if he's not dead already."

2019-12-12, 07:37 AM
Akaash takes the egg, holding it out and looking for the proper way to activate the animated boatman.

2019-12-14, 03:42 AM
It turns out that merely holding up the egg to the helmsman is good enough. He outstretches a hand for the egg and takes it with little fanfare. his eyes glowing green as he does so. With that, he begins to drive the ship. While the ship is reasonably fast (if you could walk on the water, you could probably keep up with it, but it doesn't get tired as you would), it's still a long distance between the islands. Roughly 8 hours later, as sunset arrives. the waning light dissolves into a misty twilight, as you see that the ocean is quickly coming to a a sudden end, as if cut by an impossibly large razor as the water falls into an infinite waterfall.

You have one round to react before the galley goes over the edge. Once it does, if you haven't manage to secured yourself to the deck somehow, you will have to make 6 Acrobatics and/or Climb checks to avoid getting buffeted by the fall. Failing consecutive checks can get you thrown overboard, so be careful!

2019-12-15, 01:13 AM
It was only a few minutes out to sea before Malak had recovered his internal store of Essentia.

Once it looks like we are about to plummet to our doom, Malak puts the E he regained into his boatsman's ferry, but otherwise tries to wrap himsel around the rigging crosshatch at the gunwale (where all the rigging comes off of the belaying pins there, so as to "spiderweb" himself in place. If that fails, his maxed out shaitan's armor and the boatsman's ferry are the best he can plan on.

2019-12-15, 07:52 PM
Seeing the edge of the world approaching, Alssariq, rather than dive for the rigging, dives for the boatman - if it was expected to pilot them, surely it wouldn't go falling off?

Belatedly, he realized that it was very possible that the construct may just be malfunctioning.

I guess this will be a grapple check?

2019-12-16, 07:44 AM
Akaash grabs the nearest solid looking rope to anchor himself, standing lightly to maneuver as needed.acrobatics:

2019-12-16, 12:00 PM
Goma buries his axehead into the wood of the boat and grips on.


2019-12-16, 01:20 PM
Malak is going to have a difficult time ...

Acrobatics [roll0]
Acrobatics [roll1]
Acrobatics [roll2]
Acrobatics [roll3]
Acrobatics [roll4]
Acrobatics [roll5]

2019-12-17, 02:19 AM

All that practicing to play hop-scotch with my little girl is finally going to pay off. Rowan thinks to himself as he attempts to stay aboard the ship.

Acrobatics Checks.
1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
4: [roll3]
5: [roll4]
6: [roll5]

2019-12-22, 01:00 PM
Not finding grabbing to boatman to be especially useful, Alssariq instead transitions to balancing carefully as he surfs the boat down the waterfall.


2019-12-22, 06:23 PM
Things could have been better for the trip down, as everyone was battered by the falling waters. 'Riq was able to keep his feet well enough, as was Akaash, but both Goma and Rowan got battered, taking 11 and 10 NL damage respectively. Rowan was almost thrown off the boat, barely managing to hold on.

Malak wasn't so lucky.

Being thrown bodily off the ship, he was battered by the waterfall worse than anyone else, taking 20 NL before Akaash can get off the deck and rescue him. For her part, 'Zad quickly shifted her magic and grew a pair of wings and floated down. But the point is that everyone got back to the ship when it 'landed'. And just in time, too, as a thick fog quickly surrounds the ship. Thankfully, the helmsman didn't start to advance until everyone was back on the ship. After another 10 minutes, the fog thins as three yellow-green lights come into clear view. A strange crescent-shaped anchorage just large enough to secure the vessel forms out of the mists, each of its small stonework tower like a small stonework tower like a small lighthouse surmounted by a brightly glowing yellow-green lantern, The harbor seems to abut to the base of a large hill of slowly roiling mist, with a third lantern at the center of the crescent, mounted over an archway leading into the hillside along a dimly lit corridor.

What will you do?

2019-12-22, 08:11 PM
Goma does a head count. "Looks like we're all still here. Anyone need a second before we move on? I was hoping to put my armor back on before we run into anything."

2019-12-23, 02:44 PM
"I am prepared, but putting on your armor and the rest of you casting any spells you feel the need to all sounds wise."

2019-12-26, 09:00 PM
Agreed. Then I suggest we make for the nearest tower. Not that we can see many options in this fog."

2019-12-27, 12:27 AM
(Speaking things over with lostsole, we realized we had an opportunity to do things different, so please excuse this slight retcon)

When Malak fell overboard during the waterfall, Akaash lept up and flew towards him without thought. However, had he been thinking, he'd have realized that with the additional weight of Malak, there wasn't enough force in to keep both of them aloft. So for a brief second, it appeared that Akaash would have to either abandon his longtime friend and ally or else share his fate when all of a sudden, a figure appears, swinging from a rope attached to the ships's sail. It was a greyish humanoid; Akaash would immediately recognize it as a doppelganger. It grabbed the pair of them and swung down back towards the boat, though between the rushing water and the movement of the falling ship, it took a round or two to get back on. Still, you all managed to get to the bottom with minimal fuss, albeit with a new addition to the crew.

2019-12-27, 09:30 AM
"The stars have heard you, Master, and I am their answer," says the gangly creature to a surprised Malak in a countertenor that makes it impossible to determine 'gender.'


[Goma's height is unknown, but as the powerhouse in the group, he might be tall, but lacking that information...]

Malak, despite being physically under-average for this group, stood tall (at 6'). Even he looks up a little at this creature. At 6'4 and a solid 215 pounds. The picture above is just the 'base form,' for this creature is outfitted for battle. It wears old, raggedy clothing, but at its back are a tall axe with spiky projections - more terrifying than even a greataxe. There is a longbow made of an unknown horn with a something that would more rightly be termed a cable than a bowstring, a rucksack, and (hanging from left hip at this time) a darkwood buckler. It wears an old gray cloak over its tunic, a tunic bound only by a cord wrapped several times around its waist. (Akaash will note that while it has a bow, it has no arrows at this time.)

It looks at Malak ... and a likely equally surprised Akaash .... through pupiless, pinkish-gray eyes. "I am Oddity. I am the Twin."

2019-12-27, 10:01 AM
"This isn't even the strangest thing that's happened today. I was turned to stone by a metal goat and ate hydra meat after crashing on to a beach in a demiplane. So pleasure to meet you Oddity, I'm Goma. Thanks for saving my friends." Goma says as he finishes strapping his armor in place.

2019-12-29, 03:35 PM
Now that the ship and its occupants has had its harrowing ordeal, Malak looks out. What surrounds the ship now? How large were the falls? What remains in field of view?

2020-01-04, 03:20 PM
As you exit the boat, the smog clears slightly, allowing you to see the lighthouses the light is emanating from. As you approach, you hear a trio of voices speaking in unison. They speak a strange, ancient sounding tongue that none of you recall hearing before, at least not since you began working for Almah all those months ago.

BRING NOT VIOLENCE TO THESE CHAMBERS. YOUR PRESENCE IS EXPECTED, GO DEEPER INTO THE CAVES BEHIND US.The strange protuberances in the wall behind them aren't just for show, they're doorknobs, as the doors are very carefully hidden.
The strange protuberances in the back wall aren't just for show, they're doorknobs, as the doors are very carefully hidden.

2020-01-04, 05:13 PM
"I hear a strange tongue, one I do not recognize ever having heard," says Malak, trying to figure things out. "And yet, I understand the words. They say: 'BRING NOT VIOLENCE TO THESE CHAMBERS. YOUR PRESENCE IS EXPECTED, GO DEEPER INTO THE CAVES BEHIND US.'

"Also, look at those strange knobs and protuberances on the wall. They appear to be cleverly disguised handles for doors."

2020-01-05, 12:42 PM
Goma squints at the indicated protuberances. "Huh, hadn't noticed those. You said 'bring not violence', does that mean leave our weapons behind?"

2020-01-05, 12:51 PM
Shaharazad answered. "I believe that as long as we keep them sheathed, we should be fine."

2020-01-05, 08:47 PM
Because it is always "out," Malak will set his quarterstaff on the ship.

2020-01-06, 07:35 AM
Akaash is unperturbed by a lack of weapons. "You know, mysterious voices saying to leave your weapons and proceed would be a great set-up for an ambush. But we may as well go ahead anyhow."

2020-01-06, 08:32 AM
"Too true Akaash, but it's our only lead on a way out of here. If it helps, I'll bring my shield along. Surely they'llsee that it's purely defensive in nature." Goma says as he thumbs a shield spike.

Leaving the great axe in the boat.

2020-01-06, 10:41 AM
Given his master's actions, Oddity will leave axe and bow on the boat.

2020-01-06, 04:33 PM

"Hmm... what language was that? Definitely not a prime plane language. I will probably be pestering you about that language Malak, I have studied many of the languages of the outer planes but have't run into that one yet." Rowan says as he rubs his chin in thought, making no move to leave his staff behind.

2020-01-06, 05:30 PM
Malak had simply heard and translated. The chatter that occurred immediately afterwards distracted him from thinking not about what he translated, but how. Malak looks and is about to answer Rowan when he stalls, opening his mouth for a second or two and then shutting it before he is taken aback.

There is a silence. Much longer than there needed to be to simply state the source language, and then longer still.

Finally, the doppelganger makes the save. "Protean," Oddity interrupts the silence, "it is the language of the self-same race. A language of change and transformation."

Malak, digesting this, looks to Oddity. "Do you understand it?"

"I am a creature of change. I understand it fluently."

"Rowan, perhaps Oddity would be a better tutor. I don't understand how I know the language, so I can't approach the language didactically."

2020-01-06, 10:22 PM
"Well, however you understand it, at least you do. Deeper questions can wait until we're out of here. Speaking of..." Alssariq gestures at Goma, he of the shield and armor. "After you."

2020-01-08, 02:06 AM
The boundaries of the cave beyond the hidden door are unsettling to look upon; they seem to pulsate and whirl at uncanny angles, and dim, multi-hued phosphorescence radiates deep with the pale walls. Even without the colored light, the passage would be disorienting, as its width and height seem to pulsate and shift, as if it were the throat of some immense creature.

As you fight to belay nausea (DC 15 Fortitude or be sickened), you hear a feminine voice calling from around the bend. "Welcome my guests. Please come forward so we may speak." As you make the turn, you see two elves. A man dressed in fine leathers who eyes you warily, and a woman who is seated on a divan across the room. Both are notably attractive. She then continues, "I greet you, my heroes from outside this reality. I am Lahapraset. I am a spirit of creation, and I wish for you to be my champions. Thank you for answering my summons. I trust that the business with the Golden Ram did not vex you overmuch-it was a convenient way for me to judge your prowess and worth. Do not mind Chevoy;" she gestures to her companion. "He is not much for conversation, but he watches over my safety. Come, let us sit together. We have much to discuss."

2020-01-08, 07:34 AM
Akaash manages to hold down his stomach. "Yes, I expect we do." Akaash replies, voice neutral. He takes a seat as requested, choosing a spot he can see both of their 'hosts'.

2020-01-08, 11:16 AM
Malak sits down. Oddity stands behind him. Malak gestures to a seat next to him for Shahrazad.

2020-01-08, 11:23 AM
Goma kneels near the center of the group, platemail not being conducive to standing quickly from plush seats. He looks about the room and says "Thank you for having us."

2020-01-08, 12:07 PM

Looking somewhat queasy, Rowan takes a seat and closes his eyes to listen as he waits for the sickening feeling to pass.

2020-01-09, 12:57 AM
Though he listens, Alssariq doesn't sit. Instead he stands, arms crossed and eyes following this 'Chevoy' warily. Whoever this lady is, he admits to doubts that she is at all interested in their own well-being - whatever she asks, he's determined to make it expensive.

2020-01-09, 07:02 AM
Lahapraset starts by telling you the backstory of Kakishon, namedly that she and her kin were captured long ago by the Wizard King Nex and forced them to create this realm, and how after the work was done, how he had betrayed them and forced them into the sub-dimension you now stand rather than return them to the Maelstrom, claiming that without the proteans that Kakishon would crumble over time. She goes on to say that the land was once peaceful, but when the Djinn and Shaitan army was imprisoned here, it damaged Kakishon's planar foundation, and while the crack is big enough for them to leave the sub-dimension and visit Kakishon proper, it's not enough to return to their homes in the Maelstrom. From the way she describes it, it's relatively recent news for her; as if it happened a month or two ago, though whether this is due to her longevity or this plane having a different time scale from the Material Plane, you can't say.

She then goes on to say that the most recent incursion (i.e., your entrance and the army's exit) did even more damage and massively strained the mind of their previous leader, Thaiyanathan. She goes on to say that they essentially have him sedated as he no longer recognizes friend from foe. Furthermore, the only other remaining imentesh protean (named Magiyawalla), has recently been captured by a shaitan named Ohberak.

She then makes you the offer: If you can slay the remaining shaitan and return Magiyawalla, she can get you off this demiplane and back home via the map you came from. She also offers to sweeten the deal with a few magic trinkets she has lying around, namedly a vial of soften earth and a wand of stone shape.

While she's being flippant, Nex wasn't wrong; without the Proteans to maintain it, the demiplane would collapse over time.

2020-01-09, 08:40 AM
Malak will confer with Shahrazad in Kelish...Shahrazad will automatically aid Malak's roll with her +13 mod.

Malak's Knowledge (Planes) w Shahrazad's aid = [roll0]

2020-01-09, 11:13 AM
Shaharazad leans in "She's trying to be flippant, but that's more or less exactly what would happen in a constructed plane like this without any proteans binding it."

2020-01-09, 11:21 AM
"I'm concerned about the possibility of different rates of time. I have loved ones and who knows what the escapees could have done with such a long head start." Goma grumbles.

2020-01-13, 07:41 AM
As if we had any other way to escape... Akaash keeps his thoughts to himself, awaiting their host's reply to Goma.

2020-01-13, 11:26 PM
"This damage, is it going to get any worse? That is, are there time constraints?" Alssariq asks, fishing for negotiating leverage.

2020-01-20, 08:27 PM
Lahapraset is a bit dismissive about Alssariq's concern, but when pressed by Malak, she will concede that should she and her kin exit the demiplane, the subsequent energies will cause it to collapse. She does state that even with them staying, between the imprisonment and subsequent release of the Djinn army, the realm is doomed anyway.

Moreover, she says it's the only way out of the demiplane, so if the party wants to faff about the islands, they're free to do so, but when they want to actually get to the business of escaping, they know where to find her. She doesn't dismiss you, but you get the feeling unless you all want to jump on board now, she will soon.

She didn't *say* anything about a differing time scale, just that you figure it could be a reason she treats something that happened centuries ago as recently as she does.

2020-01-21, 07:35 AM
Akaash frowns, I suppose we should have known that having a private realm would be too good to be true."

2020-02-22, 10:04 AM
After some discussion, you agree to help her out, though mostly in a slightly dejected 'It's not like we have a lot of options' sort of way. She tells you of three possible lines of investigation: First, there's the Isle of the Dead
waypoint. That's where the wizard Andrathi was slain by Jhavul, and she believes that their spirit still lingers there. Seondly, there's the Kakishon waypoint. That'll lead you to Nex's Pleasure Palace, where Jhavul had been living until your arrival had opened the way for him. There a few djinn that live there that might be able to get details on the shaitan that took Magiyawalla and their defenses. Finally, you can head straight to Khandelwal waypoint and where Obherak and his shaitan are located. She knows little about their stronghold other than it is warded against chaotic outsiders like herself and the entrance is likely blocked by stone, though since they need to breathe, it's likely that it gets moved periodically for ventilation.

So, what's your destination?

2020-02-22, 01:18 PM
"If the spirit of Andrathi is still around at the Isle of the Dead, they might be able to give us information on Jhavul."

He faces Lahapraset. "Do you have any information on what we might be facing here? Any notable creatures wandering the area like the hydra and the ram?"

2020-02-22, 01:28 PM
Akaash nods, "As good a place to start as any."

2020-02-24, 01:27 PM
She doesn't particularly know about the surrounding area; she and her kin can only leave this sub area for brief periods before they are drawn back here, so she doesn't have a great detail on what's there.

If there's no further objection, she brings you to an adjoining room and instructs you to get into one of the glowing pools; she can use it to teleport you to the Isle of the Dead rather than try to steer the boat back up the impossible waterfall.

2020-02-24, 02:41 PM
"How will we get between islands without the boat?" Akaash queries en route to the pools.

2020-02-24, 04:07 PM
Sharazad pipes up "I'd venture that we use the charm that we used to summon boat in the first place"

2020-02-24, 06:27 PM
Malak looks to Lahapraset. "You wouldn't happen to have charts or anything to help our navigation, would you?"

2020-02-24, 07:00 PM
She shrugs, "No, but the ship should have all the charts you would require"

2020-02-24, 11:00 PM

Ready to be off, Rowan hops into a pool. Faintly hoping that it will be heated like a bath.

2020-02-25, 12:20 AM
Alssariq nods, ready to leave but more than happy to let Rowan test the waters, as it were. Adrift, it's not as if they have the option of not trusting these strange 'proteans'.

2020-02-25, 07:33 AM
Akaash also enters the pool. "The sooner begun, the sooner ended."

2020-02-25, 11:11 AM
Malak gives a curt, nodding bow to Lahaska-piranha and heads out, Oddity following quickly behind.

2020-02-26, 05:32 PM
In an instant, you are transported to a Y-shaped pier; just long enough for a longship to dock in the middle of. It's at the lowest point on the island and a flight of marble stairs lead up a gentle slope into the island interior to the north.

Rowan, Akaash, Malak: You feel a sense of serenity; something about this place just seems to easy any worries about your situation away, leaving you feeling tranquil and a bit more at peace.

2020-02-27, 07:39 AM
Akaash looks around for a moment, eventually setting his face toward the stairs. "Onward and upward, I suppose."first instinct: I feel at ease...DANGER! Seemed wrong to play it that way though

2020-03-02, 03:39 PM

”Lovely place for an Isle of the Dead. Rowan comments before following Akaash.

2020-03-02, 06:29 PM
"Right, I'll take point then. Hopefully 'Isle of the Dead' doesn't prove prophetic."

Goma readies his shield and marches up the staircase.

2020-03-03, 01:42 AM
"Lovely what?" Alssariq murmurs, following them up. "They're just stairs."

2020-03-05, 01:07 AM
To the north of the pier, you see a massive stairway forty feet across, its treads and risers seemingly unscarred by the erosive hand of time and pristinely free of mark or debris, climbs the modest slope of the island toward the fields above. To either side of the stairs runs a row of columns of the same white stone, each column surmounted with a statue of golden marble that bears a mask of polished brass. All the statues bear the face of the archwizard Nex, but each displays him in the trappings of a different role: astrologer, explorer, scholar, teacher, poet, scribe, ruler, hunter, and warlord. As you walk up the stairs, you get a slight tingle up the back of your spines for a moment, but you otherwise feel fine. At the top of the stairs, you see a somewhat mangy cat who stands there waiting for you, only to dart off to the northeast as you start to approach.

What's the plan?

Forgive the map quality; it's a big map that I had to zoom in.

2020-03-05, 10:38 PM
"Okaaaay..." Alssariq drawls, looking at the others. "What are the odds that there's a perfectly ordinary cat lounging around the Archwizard's special pocket kingdom?"

2020-03-06, 07:34 AM
Akaash watches the feline for a moment. "Not very high. Possible he was a cat lover, but given the recent residents here, it seems unlikely that any mundane creature would survive."

He looks to the cat, speaking tentatively, "Hello?"

2020-03-06, 03:03 PM
The cat looks at you for a few seconds before suddenly running to the northeast. Whether this is because it holds secrets or if it's just a cat that got bored, you can't say.

2020-03-07, 01:02 AM
Goma pulls out a bit of hydra meat from his pack and walks after the cat, hoping his animal magnetism earns him a feline friend.

"Here kitty, I have a treat for you."


2020-03-07, 01:59 AM
The cat cautiously approaches, taking a bite of the exotic meat. It seems to pause for a second after the first bite, but it then decides to eat it with gusto. The cat then rubs against Goma's legs for a second before heading northeast.

2020-03-08, 11:24 AM

"Well, now that Goma has befriended it," Rowan says after observing the byplay between the cat and Goma, "Perhaps we should follow it northeast. It may possibly be our guide here."

2020-03-08, 10:19 PM
Alssariq shrugged. "As good as any other direction."

2020-03-09, 12:13 PM
Akaash concurs, "Agreed. If a guide-cat is the strangest thing we find on this island, I will be surprised."

2020-03-09, 09:55 PM
As you follow the cat, you see a trail throughout the island, forming a "T" junction from the stairs. Following the cat down the eastern path, you pass through an open wood of dead, leafless trees. The more botanically savvy of the party recognize them as myrtle and olive trees and it gives the island a bit of an ominous cast. Those of you felt unusually calm before now find it has passed, but if it's an effect of these trees, you can't say. The sound of rasping wood in the wind is all around, and the dry branches seem to twitch when viewed of the corner of your eyes.

Eventually, you reach a hilltop, covered with landscaped dirt and gravel, smooth swept earthen pathways, winding among graveled expanses, raked in curves, whorls, and intricate patterns and studded with larger boulders and artfully trimmed dwarf trees places sparsely throughout. Surrounding all is a rim of naked rock, roughly hewn and surmounted by thick, imposing limestone columns carved in relief, each capped with a stone griffon, dragon, lammasu, shedu, or similar winged beast. To the southeast rises a towering brass mausoleum, its facade depicting scenes of a powerful wizard working strange magic upon the world, although the carvings appear partially melted. A pair of large brass doors stand ajar in the mausoleum’s northwest side, and embedded in the bronze are blasted and blackened fragments of a human skeleton.

The figure depicted on the carvings are the Wizard King Nex

The cat rushes inside the the building, but before you can catch up with it, a sudden wave of anger and menace washes over you as you see a strange half-formed humanoid composed of the four elements. In a booming voice, he bellows at you.

"Why do you come here? What do you seek? This place was made for those who are dead. Why do the living trouble the endless sleep, the final dream?"

2020-03-09, 11:53 PM

Seeing the Brass Mausoleum, Rowan shakes his head and comments, "I hope these carvings weren't suggested by Nex himself. It would be unbearably tacky to demand depictions of himself."

When the odd elemental appears, Rowan waits warily for the more diplomatic members of the party to speak. Though Rowan stands ready to deliver fiery oblivion upon the creature if needed.

2020-03-11, 12:18 AM
Goma does his best to stay near the Khwaja and Rowan, but otherwise tries not to provoke the elemental any further.

2020-03-11, 06:07 PM
"Well, I suppose we know where the efreeti were staying..." Alssariq asides when he sees the melted stone. The elemental, however is enough to banish his jocular mood. Even in Khatapesh, home of perhaps the greatest elemental-binders on Golarion, he'd never seen anything like this. Though, what else was to be expected when raiding the treasure-realm of an archmage?

"We seek the spirit of Andrathi," he proclaims in his best barker-voice, "in order to learn more of the one called Jhavul, and so that we may leave this place in peace."

2020-03-17, 11:10 AM
"Learning. A worthy goal, but elusive. Sometimes you find it best looking inside yourself. Other times your own counsel is the last you should heed." And with that, the elemental dissipates, though you hear his voice distantly near the door. “Truth is the most terrifying thing in the world, and the most enchanting. Dare you face it? Dare you use it? Answer truthfully and enter.”

So what's the plan?

2020-03-17, 12:31 PM
Akaash pauses to consider the statement a moment before replying, "The truth is true regardless of whether I wish it to be or not. And it it is truth, we should not shrink from using it."

2020-03-17, 02:46 PM
Malak smiles, the cracked side of his face perhaps reaching higher in a smile. "Spoken like a true scholar dedicated to the search for truth. But one who has had to act as interpreter and storyteller to various tribes - and realizing that what is 'Truth' is not universal - one must realize that just because one speaks truly, doesn't mean they likewise speak truthfully. The greatest damage is done with truth wielded as a weapon - wholly or partially - by the viciously mendacious."

2020-03-17, 04:00 PM
The door opened about 3/4th the way through Malak's speech. Turns out that the riddle was rather literal and the password was 'truthfully'. Heading in, the interior of the mausoleum dazzles the eye, almost overwhelming in its intricacy. The floor and ceiling are of polished golden marble tiles, each white-veined tile set off with a framing inlay of lapis lazuli. The cornices and joints of wall, ceiling, and floor inlaid with burnished brass glow in the light of heatless crystal lamps that hang from empty air. Within these brazen borders, each wall holds an enormous mosaic of enchanted tile that moves and flows like a living thing, replaying the triumphs and tragedies of Nex in an endless refrain.

In the center of the vast, silent chamber sits a bier of plain white limestone, simply carved, its lid unadorned but for a single rune. At the bier’s head is a large marble pedestal on which stands a curious statue of a man toppled over. The statue’s head is carved of gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly of bronze, its thighs of iron, and its shattered feet of clay. At the bier’s foot is a smaller platform upon which rests an equally strange trophy: a large reptilian skull as large as a grown man, crested and glinting golden in the lamplight. The cat sits on the tomb in the middle, licking itself idly.


2020-03-17, 06:53 PM
"Stay here," says Malak to his friends. "Oddity, with me."

Malak, assisted by Oddity, will check over the place for safety...
Malak's Perception vs. traps = +21
Oddity automatically adds +2 (and also has trap-finding), so +23 total)

2020-03-17, 06:54 PM
A through inspection comes up empty; if there are any traps here, you don't see them.

2020-03-17, 07:15 PM
Letting the party know that the room appears safe, he and Oddity will approach the bier. He will learn what he can by studying the bier, the skull, and any markings.

Now in the realm of scholarship, he calls up his cohort to assist his study ...

2020-03-17, 07:31 PM
They note a few things of archaeological note, but more pressingly you discover that the skull is actually a dragon wyrmskull. As soon as you notice, the skull rises from the ground, with trails of fire beneath it. "Please, stay your blade." a cool feminine voice emanates from the skull. "If you are here, you are no doubt aware that you are a prisoner here, like Andrathi before you. If you will, I may know a way for you to escape this realm. Come, let us discuss it as pleasant folk."

2020-03-17, 08:21 PM
Malak holds his hand out in a sweep-away motion of Oddity's axe, who in turn puts his blade away. "Go on then. You are our teacher."

2020-03-19, 06:42 AM
Akaash follows with interest, standing near Malak. At the sight of the skull, he raises a single eyebrow; such things are not lightly obtained.

Then it starts moving and talking. He listens and follows Malak's lead.

2020-03-19, 01:37 PM

”This place must be truly dreadful,” Rowan says with a smirk, “Everyone we meet attempts to entice us with methods of escape.”

Afterwards Rowan watches on and listens in on the conversation.

2020-03-19, 07:31 PM
"Nope. Still don't think that's a cat." Alssariq mutters to himself. The flying, talking skull may be strange, but at least it's apparently not hostile and seems to be worried about their swords, which leaves Alssariq to only leave his hand vaguely near the sheathe of his long-knife instead of drawing it. Still, he's careful to keep the more robust members of the party between himself and the creature.

"Care to give us a name?" He calls out. "It's just, I'm not sure how to address a flying skull."

2020-03-22, 12:13 AM
She introduces herself as Venema Shodair, who was the companion of the Wizard King Nex in life. She continues with “I have waited for Nex to come to rest here for more centuries than I care to count, yet this is no concern to me. I shall continue to wait. Yet not all who have come before me have shown the same respect as you. Certainly, the one whose spirit suffuses this place respected it—he was known as Andrathi in his day, and he came to this tomb pursued by the warlord Jhavhul. For many days, Andrathi hid here and we shared many conversations, but in the end, Jhavhul found him. It is to Andrathi’s credit that he did not drag the fight in here, that he confronted Jhavhul on the steps outside. It is there that he died, and in his rage to be gone from this place, Jhavhul did not linger, and thus I survive to continue my duties. And Andrathi lingers here as well—he is but a memory and a shade, though, his soul having long passed on from here. Yet enough lingers to advise me, and what lingers is curious—as am I. How is it you have come to be in Kakishon?"

You give her the gist of your situation and she is less than pleased when you mention that Jhavul escaped as you entered; he described his as cruel and she shudders as to what he could be doing on the material plane. She goes on to mention that he was searching for something there before he was imprisoned: a being known as Xotani the Firebleeder who was incredibly powerful but was somehow locked away.

But getting back on track, she admits that she lacks the power to get you off Kakishon, but before he died, Andrathi was convinced that the proteans were the key to getting free. She suggests talking with them to get answers, but to keep your guard up when you do so; as being of primal chaos aren't always the most trustworthy.

2020-03-22, 02:58 PM
"What is it that Jhavul seeks? What does he seek to do?" asks Malak to Venema.

2020-03-22, 05:01 PM

Rowan was entertaining himself by observing the iconography around himself when a name popped up in conversation that startled him. "Wait a moment. Did you just say that this Jhavhul character was seeking out Xotani the Firebleeder? Like on purpose?" Rowan asks with a mix of horror and disbelief on his face before continuing, "Is he some sort of Ravogug cultist? Oh of course he is... that was why they were searching for the map so desperately he must have clues as to where Xotani is and they must plan on releasing it!"

Looking to the others Rowan speaks in deadly seriousness as he says, "Xotani is a Spawn of Ravogug which basically makes it a walking cataclysm made of indestructible flesh. If they truly are planning on releasing it we need to stop them or else grab our loved ones and flee overseas."

2020-03-23, 07:21 AM
Thinking back to their conversation with the protean, Akaash fishes for information, admittedly a long shot given their host's reclusive nature. "Do you know anything of a shaitan called Ohberak or a protean called Magiyawalla?"

2020-03-23, 10:31 PM
Venema doesn't nod per se, but you get a sense of understanding from her. "Ah, so you've already been in contact with them. I figure the reason you ask about those two is that the Proteans gave you a story of one of their kind being captured by the shaitan, yes? Well, I can't say how true that statement is, but they have ulterior motives."

You see, I suspect that they wish to unmake Kakishon and return it to the chaos it was formed from. However, they cannot do that as long as there are impurities in the mix. Anything that was not formed here is a hindrance to that plan, living matter or no. I suspect they wish to slay the shaitans, and would do the same to you if you weren’t so eager to leave. Obherak and his followers seek to rule here—they have no wish to leave, and thus the proteans wish them slain. Or at least reduced in strength and number to a point where they can finish them off without undue risk.”

2020-03-23, 10:55 PM
"So we could potentially leave and still have a pocket dimension to come back to in the future?" Goma asks, now a bit more interested than he was a moment ago.

2020-03-23, 11:18 PM
"Especially if our primary one is about to be consumed in fire..." Alssariq mulls, his eyes wide with fear. 'Xotani' is not a name he knows, but 'Rovagug' is and it's not a soothing one. How do you handle, how do you barter with someone who wishes only your destruction? The thought is enough to send him searching for the nearest bolt-hole. "But it'd be better still if we didn't have to use it. Venema," he asks, "do you know how Jhavul came to be here? Or Andrathi, for that matter."

2020-03-24, 07:33 AM
Akaash weighs the situation for a moment before speaking, And it is your wish that this place be maintained, so that your vigil can continue, yes? It seems you and the proteans have contradictory goals. I believe our goals are simple enough: escape in time to prevent disaster to our world. Is there anything you can do to speed us along, granting you your desired outcome? Also, the proteans claimed that the fabric of this place was weakening; do you contradict them in this?"

2020-03-24, 09:34 AM
Venema shrugged dismissively. "I actually do not care if the isle gets destroyed; If Nex returns, he can remake me easily enough, so if the isle is to be destroyed and give me oblivion, so be it. I doubt everyone on the isles shares those wishes, but that is not my concern.

As for the damage to Kakishon, the proteans are correct that the imprisonment of Jhovul and his ilk did damage the foundations, but if they gave you the impression that they it was actively deteriorating, then it was at best a miscommunication as they are not. Now, another influx like what happened when Jhovul came might destabilize the place, but until then it's holding together."

2020-03-24, 10:31 AM
Other than yourself, the shaitan, and the proteans, who else resides here?"

2020-03-31, 09:19 AM
"Andrathi actually drew them here. Jhovul and his forces were drawn into the Scroll via a ritual with the Templars of the Five Winds, but it required someone inside the scroll to shut the trap once they were in. As for who else of note is here, well, there's the remnants of Jhavul's hangers-on at the palace, the shaitan as mentioned previously. Oh, there's the azer smith up in Salenax. He was no friend of Jhovul, so he might have something to aid you, if you can get to him."

You remember hearing about them. In fact, there was a piece of art about it back in the monastery near Kelmarane. They were a group of djinn who worked to free enslaved djinn from the genie binder Kinroth ~2,500 years ago. They showed up over the centuries, but were last seen fighting Jhovul over 400 years ago.

2020-03-31, 12:17 PM
"Thank you for the information."

He looks to his companions, The azer may be worth visiting. Do we have any other questions here?"

2020-03-31, 03:22 PM
In conferring with each other, Shahrahzad and Malak both recognize the artistic murals from the monastery in Kelmarane, telling the group as such (see spoiler above).

Oddity remains quiet. Where others are fascinated by "history," to them, things were much nearer to "contemporary events" as they knew them.

"Thank you, Venema," says Malak to the wyrmskull. "May your oblivion at the destruction of Kakishon be welcome and not premature when it comes."

Looking to Akaash and the others. "I am ready to depart."

2020-04-01, 07:45 PM
Alssariq shakes his head. "Nothing here - thanks for the help."

2020-04-02, 02:22 AM

Seeing that the conversation has come to an end and the group is about to depart, Rowan asks, "Since it seems this demi-plane may cease to exist in the future, you have anything here you wouldn't mind us lugging off to the Prime Material? Preferably anything of monetary or magical value?"

Should the skull not have any such items for them to take (or refuses to answer on principle) Rowan merely shakes his head in disappointment before leaving with the others.

2020-04-02, 07:25 PM
"Perhaps" she says seriously. "Tell me truthfully. Once you get free of Kakishon, what is your plan? Sure, Jhovul is powerful and dangerous, but he has no quarrel with you. I'm sure that you could get away if you're quick enough."

2020-04-02, 07:28 PM
"People could be hurt and we can prevent that. Why wouldn't we help?" Goma says puzzled by the question.

2020-04-02, 07:41 PM

Hearing the question, Rowan turns serious in contemplation for a moment before answering, "Truthfully... such a bad riddle answer." Rowan says then grins at the joke before turning wistful, "If I am honest, running away sounds like the best idea you know? I have a wife out there and a new born baby girl that I have to protect, so packing up and fleeing is probably the wise choice. Adilade probably won't even let me finish warning her of the danger before smacking me and scolding me for wanting to run though. As a man don't I need to protect my family? And if they can't (or won't in this case) run away."

Rowan gets a fierce glare in his eyes as he grips his staff in one hand and summons arcane fire in the claws of his other hand, "Then I will just need to use flames that can make even the Firebleeder's blood run cold with fear."

2020-04-02, 08:07 PM
"I bring Nethys' succor or wrath to where it is needed. Neither is needed in a life of comfort and ease."

2020-04-03, 07:28 AM
"Jhovul needs to be stopped. If we can, we must."

2020-04-03, 08:38 PM
"Well..." Alssariq drawls. "I admit, I'm not normally one to care what some random ifrit is up to in his own corner of the wold. But, all this talk of letting loose a spawn of Rovagug? That can't be abided - if only because I still have to live in the world afterwards."

2020-04-09, 05:54 PM
Veneema dips her skull in an understanding nod. "Very well. I've disabled the guardians of this isle for you and you are welcome back here if you choose Furthermore, take this." A panel opens on the podium her skull was resting on. "It is a rod that enhances the user's magic to affect a larger area. May it help you on your journey. There's a boat charm on the dock should you need to call a galley to take you to your next destination."

It's a metamagic rod of widen spell. To adjust it to spheres, it grants a the user the widen spell feat. Furthermore, it allows them to freely widen one sphere effect a day without an increase in SP cost (though it still takes 1 step longer).

2020-04-09, 05:59 PM
Malak will take the rod only sofar as to get a chance to look at it and study it for its uniqueness, then holds it out. "Akaash .... Rowan ... probably Akaash?"

2020-04-11, 03:42 PM
"Best for Rowan, I think". And now, we should give our thanks and say our goodbyes; we have much yet to do."

2020-04-12, 03:17 PM
Alssariq nods at the choice, and gives Veneema a short bow. "Thank you for the help."

You never knew when being polite to a centuries-old spirit might prove profitable.

2020-04-15, 10:59 PM
"To this smith, Salinax, then?" Alssariq prompts, now that the discussion over the rod seems to be resolved.

2020-04-16, 01:19 AM
Malak nods. Oddity shrugs ... oddly.

2020-04-16, 06:50 AM
Akaash nod, then bows to their host before departing.

2020-04-16, 10:49 AM
Heading out, the cat that lead you here (that Goma was playing with pretty much the entire time you were talking to Veneema) has decided that it likes Goma and follows him to the dock. It takes about 2 hours for the galley to arrive, but eventually you get on and instruct it to take you to Salenax, home of the Azer blacksmith Artel Norrin. Heading on with your seven passengers (the cat having invited itself along), you begin the journey,

After another hour and a half (It now being around 3 in the afternoon), you notice another galley approaching yours. Atop it, you see a beautiful young woman in expensive clothes and jewelry. She seems to be hailing you, hoping to bring her galley alongside yours to chat.

What do you do?

The cat as a bit of a good luck charm; as long as the cat is alive, you get a +1 luck bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and caster level checks (the last one being less important for you)

2020-04-16, 10:59 AM
Akaash keeps his voice low so only his companions can hear. "Well, meeting anyone here is highly suspicious, but I suppose we may as well talk to her and find out how big a trap it is."

2020-04-16, 01:26 PM
Goma strokes the cat as he whispers "Rowan, if this is a trap I wouldn't argue with a warp on to the other boat should violence begin."

2020-04-16, 01:41 PM
"Oddity, prepare to protect Shahrazad."

Malak - to the unenlightened looking a lot like Nethys - steps to the gunwale and raises his arm. "Hail!" he calls loudly over the water.

2020-04-18, 11:02 PM
Alssariq just keeps a hand on his knife, waiting for this to turn sour on them.

2020-04-19, 01:48 PM

Rowan has been fiddling with his new magic rod, trying to figure out how to juggle having his staff in one hand, rod in the other, and still have a hand free for somatic magical gestures. Giving up that pursuit for the moment, Rowan examines the approaching vessel and nods to Goma's request. "Just say the word and I will send you over. Try to leave a clear line of fire for me if you can manage." Rowan says as he watches the developments with interest.

2020-04-19, 02:42 PM
The galley comes to rest relative to your own. "Greetings", the young elven woman says warmly. "My Mistress in the Brass Dome would speak with you.if you would hear what she has to say,” she says. “She is curious about you, and suspects you are curious about her and this world you find yourselves in. And if you are willing to help her, she can help you—you will not leave Kakishon without her aid, and should this be your desire, you would do best to accompany me back to the Pleasure Palace of Nex.”

2020-04-20, 10:09 AM
Akaash arches an eyebrow, "Just how many factions are there in this place?" he mutters under his breath.

Speaking more clearly, he inquires, "We would know with whom we are to meet. Who is your mistress and what is her position regarding the other denizens of this place?"

2020-04-20, 11:20 PM
Alssariq arches an eyebrow. The 'Pleasure Palace of Nex' sounds like something you'd read about on a ratty, perverse flier, but if it was to be found anywhere it would be here. Didn't make it any less dangerous, though.

2020-04-21, 04:46 PM
"Formally of Jhavul's employ, my Mistress Dilix now maintains the Pleasure Palace. She remained true when the vile Obherak staged his revolt to go and play warlord. She has information you will need in order to get free from this realm, so you'd be wise to seek her." She shrugged "Or if you desire to stay, she maintains the Pleasure Palace, as I said earlier. Either way, seeing her seems like an obvious step for you."

2020-04-21, 08:41 PM
"I, for one, would be thankful for a warm welcome," says Malak.

2020-04-21, 10:58 PM
"Which begs the question," Alssariq drawls, still not having lifted his hand from his knife, "Why did she send a servant to fetch us? What could she possibly want from us?"

2020-04-21, 11:03 PM
"We could speculate," says Malak, "or simply allow things to unfold by accepting the invitation. Let's assume selfish desires and danger from them, and be wary ourselves. But we serve nothing circumnavigating Kakishon while Jhavhul wreaks havoc."

2020-04-22, 02:15 AM

Hearing that they are being invited to a place called the Pleasure Palace, Rowan merely blinks for a few moments before sighing. "I am pretty sure when my wife sent me off to have an adventure going to a brothel was not the kind she was referring to." Rowan says wryly to Goma.

2020-04-22, 05:00 AM
"This part of our journey is definitely getting left out of my recounting." Goma says as he gulps.

2020-04-22, 05:11 AM
"Don't worry, Goma," says Malak, smiling ... a disturbing effect given his strange visage now ... "I am good at accounting. I will make sure details are not lost."

2020-04-22, 06:49 AM
"Don't worry Rowan, with our luck, we will end up burning the place down anyway."

2020-04-22, 07:32 AM
"Strangely, I'm both more tense and more relieved than I was before." Goma says as he rubs the cat's head.

2020-04-30, 01:22 AM
Deciding to take the woman up on her offer, you follow her to the Pleasure Palace. It's a large domed building, filled with lush furnishings and numerous pieces of art. There are only a few dozen people 'working' there that you can tell, though it's clear that at its height, this place had a staff of at least a few hundred. After being led to a central chamber, you are brought before a beautiful woman, adorned in jewels and fine silks. Having gotten word of your arrival, she has prepared a feast for you.

Do you take her up on her offer?

2020-04-30, 01:29 AM
Malak thinks it is only polite, and says as much to his fellow party members.

2020-05-02, 01:35 PM
While Alssariq is more than happy to sit and make small talk, giving every appearance of being ready and able to eat, his lips don't touch the food until at least someone else's has. And not just anyone, but ideally someone human - for all that Malak's new form is impressive, he doubts it treats poison or curses the same way as the party's more mortal members.

2020-05-02, 02:23 PM

Throwing caution to the wind, Rowan eats the food.

2020-05-02, 05:05 PM
Goma tries to remain polite while still stuffing his face. Occasionally he sneaks the cat a bite under the table.

2020-05-04, 06:56 AM
well, I guess we are eating...Akaash is slow to eat, keeping an eye on the others and watching for any reaction to the food.

2020-05-04, 08:04 AM
Malak nods to Shahrazad and Oddity to eat if they desire before doing so himself.

2020-05-13, 01:54 PM
The food is completely fine, though you suspect that the ingredients may have been created magically. She joins you in eating them, lest you think she has done something untoward. After a small bit, she speaks "So, from what my maiden Nashari tells me, I am not the first player in these lands to have attracted your attention. I assume you wish to return to your world; no one's wanted to come here since Jhavul was imprisoned here. So tell me, what are your plans for escaping this realm? "

2020-05-13, 02:28 PM
Akaash speaks guardedly, "We are exploring options. It seems there are a number of factions remaining here, each with its own wishes and promises."

2020-05-13, 02:34 PM
Malak looks around and says, "We came in, we sat down. You are feeding us. I am guessing you have been here so long and manners are so out of sorts, but you did not introduce yourself as the hostess?"

Malak's tone is not reproving, but rather curious at the strange lack of decorum.

EDIT ...

Oddity bends over and whispers in Malak's ear.

"The devils you say!" Malak says, looking to Oddity. Oddity whispers something else and Malak looks to Dillix. "My apologies, Mistress Dillix. I knew your name from your messenger when she told us of you at the ship. I thought introductions didn't happen, but it turns out I was the one who was pre-occupied mentally when they occur."

He takes a breath and continues. "That said, you are the hostess who gave the invitation. That means it is you who must describe what business, request or advice you have for us to open discussion, not for your guests to enter an interrogation."

2020-05-15, 12:20 AM
"Also," Adorei mumbles, face half-full of food, "not to be a boor, but it seems like you all have a pretty complicated little society you've built for yourselves down here. We'd hate to get involved any more than we'd have to - it's just common sense. No point helping one person or another if we can't ever get back to spend whatever they pay us."

He swallows. "This is delicious, by-the-by. My complements to your conjurer."

2020-05-15, 02:22 AM
For her part, Dilix lets Malak correct himself without mention. She does respond to his second question, though. "Very well. There are two major factions to deal with; the Shaitan and the Proteans. They've been positioning back and forth for a while, but never reaching a boiling point. Until now. With your addition to the mix, you have the opportunity to pull the balance one way or another, and I have my own people to worry about, so I was asking which side you were planning on aiding." She then turns to 'Riq. "I'll pass it along; it's so difficult to get proper ingredients in a place like this."

2020-05-15, 07:01 AM
Akaash cautiously offers further information, "We have not spoken to the shaitan. What are your thoughts on each party?"

2020-06-03, 02:18 AM
As she talks, she tells you much of the situation. A lot of it you already know, but when the topic of the azer smith Salenax comes up, she mentions that he'll likely want a piece of flint from the top of the Black Spire; apparently its of especially high quality. You also get the impression that while she has no fondness for either side, she hates Obherak more; apparently they did not get along while she was under Jhovul's employ. You're also ~95% sure she's a djinn of some sort, but that as her guest, it'd be rude to call her on it.

As the meal draws to a close, she gives Malak a bracelet which she tells you is a bracelet of friends, which will allow you to call her for aid one time. She wishes you luck on your fight and retires, leaving you to enjoy the pleasure dome (of which you're 95% certain that it's maintained its looks via illusions rather than good upkeeping) or depart, as you wish.

2020-06-03, 02:47 AM
Malak very kindly thanks Dilix for the gift, and wishes her well in some appropriately exuberant fashion.

Once she retires, "We don't know the flow of time between Kakishon and Golarion, and it is only rude to refuse her hospitality if she expressly invited us to stay, rather than leaving it to us to decide. We should be on our way.

"Shahrazad, if we get into a scrape, the rest of us are likely to be so hyper-focused that we won't think of this. Please take this bracelet of friends upon which to call Dilix if needed. Hand it to me if I ask; but if it looks like things are going awry, feel free to ask me if it is needed."

To the rest of his companions, "So, shall we get a piece of flint from the Black Spire, and see what usefulness we may gain from Salenax?"