View Full Version : The Unicorn & its telapathy

2019-08-26, 09:40 PM
I am curious if a Unicorn which can speak sylvan, elvish and celestial can communicate via telepathy with a PC who does not speak any of those?

If I was judging in game as DM I'd let it convey emotions but not words. What's the official ruling though?

FWIW, the situation is one of the Cleric PC's is likely to call upon his deity for help. I was thinking about letting the deity Conjure a Celestial and a Unicorn was once VERY helpful to a party I DM'd for even if it didn't seem that impressive at first.

2019-08-27, 12:27 AM
Assuming you're asking about 5e (in which case, this post should really go in that section), page 9 of the MM covers how telepathy works. Officially speaking, so long as the target knows at least one language, telepathic communication is possible even if the two don't have any languages in common.

2019-08-27, 01:09 PM
Assuming you're asking about 5e (in which case, this post should really go in that section), page 9 of the MM covers how telepathy works. Officially speaking, so long as the target knows at least one language, telepathic communication is possible even if the two don't have any languages in common.

Yes it does belong over there! I was browsing and clicking like crazy I guess.

Thank you for answering also. I am not good at figuring out which book to look in.

2019-08-27, 01:38 PM
TMO: Moved.