View Full Version : Empires 5 - Glitterhome Gala (IC)

2019-08-26, 11:45 PM
The Glitterhome was a rather unique Grymlan construction in that its design had a rather high level of unity throughout its construction. The station orbited the gas giant called Glitterring so that the giant's ice rings were visable from the dome as a sparkling sea of diamonds as the light of Homesun reflected off of them. This was possible thanks to a giant dome that covered the main tourist areas, and habitable structures, a hexagonal framework of metal and reinforced glass to allow maximum visibility while keeping the atmosphere from venting into space seemingly held aloft by a central stalk tower that was known to have the rooms with the best views, with a price. The tourist trade had picked up since Proxos' visit as Grymlans and Aliens came to see if the station was truly real, or had imploded since his visit.

Beyond the normal resort activities such as dining, relaxing services, and exciting rides, tours, and shopping opportunities, rumors of major event was taking place in the upper levels of the central spire a meeting of the minds was taking place, as the leaders of the various starpowers had been invited to meet, mingle, carouse, and to do that magic that keeps the galaxy spinning, argue.

Arrivals was in the underside of the station. A bustling spaceport that quickly services shuttle craft with wings of Zippyzap fighter craft at the ready to both fend off any unsavory sorts, but also to support the point defense systems with dealing with unwanted meteors. The interior was clean and spacious with plants lining corridors and small trees planted where space was permitted. Wood, and warm lighting soften the appearance of the cold metal of the station while abstract murals added wild splashes of color. For those arriving to meet with the other starpowers, they would be escorted to one of the four exterior lifts that ran up the length of the stalk till it reached the top giving a fine view of the station as they ascended, to where Jeejee Scrapseeker was waiting for them. A large meeting hall had been made available, with several Grymlan Delicacies, and some imported ones in anticipation for some guests, were available on tables and alcohol would flow freely. An electronic pedestal was set up in the far end of the room where the letters, "OwO" glowed brightly, behind which was a large window that allowed people to admire the view as the vigorous beats of Grymlan Space Rock was piped in over speakers. Outside of the meeting hall the visitors would be told that down the side corridor were some smaller rooms should they feel the need to use them, clean, soundproof and private.

Jeejee leaned against the railing, wearing a black dress with silvered designs of ivy leaves done in a fractal pattern. Beas Datanet was next to her, wearing the dark purple uniform of an officer with which a white metal dangled on the breast of her jacket. Flash meanwhile at one of the tables in his own ostentatious attire while the young Ndoda Uqalin was playing with a handheld device.

"They should flighthere soon-soon." Jeejee said with a toothy grin. "I have Maxgood feeling about this!"

2019-08-27, 11:38 AM
The Mier Formica had heard of this part of space from their close ally The Melfynians as they raved on about the birthplace of OwO. The ship flew closer to the Glitterhome as windows opened up in two locations so that guests on the ship could admire the ice rings and the structure itself. Taking a small detour so that all the outwards beauty could be observed the ship made way for the spaceport.

If anyone present had seen a Mier Formica ship before they would note that this design was different from the battle ships or even previous diplomatic ships, it was less compact and seemed to have room for other lifeforms to travel in its interior. Some of the ants that made up the ship shifted their locations to create a path from the ships interior to the floor and two lifeforms emerged. One is a Insectoid and the other a Halfling when they vacated the bridge the bridge turns into the Mier Formica representative as seen in other social gathering including the initial meeting with Guardian, after this the ants that make up the ship alter positions to take up less space now that no other life forms have to be supported within and the ship shrinks down considerably in size.

The three Mier Formica representatives are guided from the spaceport towards a lift and while going up the halfling remarks "Dude this is one tall building, far out!" to which the insectoid shakes it head. Reaching the top the party is greeted by someone that introduces themselves as Jeejee Scrapseeker.

The Mier Formica representative steps forward shakes Jeejee's hand and speaks "Greeting Jeejee Scrapseeker we are the Mier Formica and these are Zetrik a Insectoid race from sector C17 and Dave a Halfing from sector C19". Zetrik extends one of his nine arms to shake Jeejee's hand and Dave tips two of his fingers to his forehead before lowering them in a arch with a cheerful "Yo!" all while munching on a rainbow carrot. The representative continues after the short introduction "We have heard much about you and yours from the Melfynians and found it prudent we come for a visit. We hope that our relations can be peaceful and long lived. We have brought with us a gift from our home world which we hope is to your liking." The centre of mass that makes up the representative open up and a small sapling is produced from it one of the arms picks it up and holds it forwards to Jeejee. "This is a sapling that sprouted from the tree under which our Queen resides, the tree is one of our greatest treasures that we use in all of our terra forming efforts we hope that its offspring finds a good home here." The representative waits for Jeejee to respond.

After the dealing with the Grymlan Combine the three representatives can be found in the meeting hall enjoying food, drink and the view.

2019-08-27, 04:44 PM
The trip out to Glitterring in a heavily modified SDS had been one of the least comfortable experiences of Diplomat General, 3rd Class Kossav Kilm's life. Crammed into a tiny metal box with two heavily armed and just as heavily inexperienced recruits, the translator, and the cracked-egg spy, they had all gotten to know each other very well and Kilm knew almost all of their secret and conflicting missions here. The guards were there to spy, one for the Ridiss Family and one for either Prisze or Sonoss or possibly both. The translator was there to operate the equipment and serve as a backup in case he was incapacitated, but she had some separate diplomatic mission involving the Ndoda, which had led Kilm to have a conversation with her about how he could operate the equipment perfectly well on his own and that if she had anyone to talk to, she didn't need to wait for him to be incapacitated. The spy was a mystery to him, mostly because he had made it perfectly clear what he was onboard for and that if any of the others interfered they would end up going out the airlock, and so, being a very diplomatic person, Kilm had conveniently forgotten everything the spy said by the next day. The real problem, he thought, was not the impossible conditions or the fact that the guns hadn't been removed from the ship, but that the presence of several Pocket Factories lining the main compartment constantly reminded him of another alien device strapped to the hull, a big black box labelled "Prosperity's End Special Delivery" in highly unauthorized graffiti. Being the only person on board without a secret assignment and control of a WMD had done a number on his morale.

The ship entered the spaceport without any particular incident, and the five Jesska proceeded up one of the lifts to the main hall. Kilm and the translator shimmered in glittering silver uniforms, while the guards behind them wore duller gray suits and a dull green backpack. The spy had gone all-in on appearances and worn a literal cloak and dagger: his body was covered by an amorphous black cloak, which was broken only by a thin necklace with a small knife hanging from it. He pulled the cloak's hood over his head as he stepped out of the lift and slipped off, but the others ignored him.

"Hail, Seeker of Scrap," he said. "I am Diplomat General, 3rd Class Kossav Kilm of the Commonwealth of Zara. I am honored - "

"And I'm Zurada Sonoss, translator - " the translator cut in, but Kilm continued speaking.

"I am honored to be in your presence." He fiddled with one of the dials on his translation device. Zurada slowly drew away.

After the standard greeting of the host, Kossav Kilm set out on his mission - to speak with representatives of the Kronin and Celestia Enterprises, should they be present.

Zurada Sonoss sought out the Ndoda, hoping to have something to show for her work.

The spy stood in the largest shadow he could find, near the entrance of the side corridor that led to the private rooms. His job was to wait for someone else to approach him.

2019-08-27, 06:41 PM
Nozdak had heard a lot about the grymlans during his many diplomatic missions. They were a very different species from the Konin. They were always a point of interest among Kronin scientists which is the reason Corporal Zgrix had asked to accompany him on this mission. That and they had some important business to attend to with the other stelar powers. As he stepped off his ship clad in his new red and black suit created for him from the Ndodas cloth. He greeted the grymlans who had come to welcome them. "The Kronin thank you for this invitation. I have been wanting a chance to see what your culture is like. I am sure we will enjoy our selves. This place is very... glittery."

After the standard greeting of the host, Kossav Kilm set out on his mission - to speak with representatives of the Kronin and Celestia Enterprises, should they be present.
He spotted one of the people he was looking for and walked over with Zgrix and their procession of 8 guards. "Hello, I assume you are one of the representatives I am to meet with on the topic of diplomatic affairs. I am Admiral Nozdak, second in command of the Kronin empire." He turned to a guard who held up a large metal black box.

2019-08-27, 11:31 PM
As one of the powers to quickly adopt OwO, no doubt the Melfynians would have to attend the Gala. The Melfynian working tirelessly to incorporate OwO into Melfynus, Wendeq, no doubt chose himself as the representative to pay their allies a visit. The trip was rather uneventful as they had the assistance of their insectoid neighbors to pave the way and in relatively short time a cluster was able to arrive at Glitterhome unmolested.

The Rastar stuck outside was actually in a much better position than his peers in these sort of events as Wendeq made sure to have him 'hooked up' by the Grymlans so to speak. It was a way for the giant to still be able to participate with in the Gala, probably not as much as one would like, but that was a start.

There was nothing else to do really. After exchanging pleasantries with Jeejee along with updates on the completion of the Hub's integration in Melfynus, The Harkan asked of the new UwU which he hopes will make it to Melfynus promptly and "I better get one of the shinier models with high performance. I don't mind if its an untested prototype!" Just as important was the state of affairs of OwO on the Grymlan's side of the galaxy- there have been some alarming things he heard of a certain group which the Melfynians were starting to become a little cautious of but hopefully it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

2019-08-28, 01:38 PM
A sleekly smooth black ship comes in to land at the spaceport. A rather simple triangular design it appears to be painted or made of a material that soaks in almost all light. Exiting the ship is a trio of figures, one from each of the dominant bloodlines, a smaller orange furred, fox-like Driskite, a midnight black furred hyena-like Strassite and a rather cheerful looking dog-like Shu with golden fur sporting a rather large grin. The Driskite in the lead of the three inclines her head to Jeejee and then steps forward with a paw shaped hand. "Greetings JeeJee Scrapseeker, I am Ouren Dris'Thelle, and I am the newly elected leader of the Etherites. We share the hopes of all for a peaceful, productive and just all around magical gala," in a higher pitched melodious voice. Gesturing to her to companions, "We bring a creation rather uniquely suited to the Grymlan physiology. It is a wrap for one's tail, flexible until locked in place with Word and Will. Similar commands can set it to be a rather unique ornamentation responding to thought, mood or music."
As Ouren describes it, the device takes on a rainbow of hues dancing across a myriad of tiny fibers spun and woven together and interspersed with larger crystals seemingly random intervals.
"It is made from a rather interesting biological nanofiber we found recently and augmented with some crystals made on our homeworld and prepared specifically for you."

2019-08-28, 08:51 PM
Bigger and more bombastic than before, Ool Vulk's ship slips into Grymlan space. The Lyraen adventurer is very much looking forward to his time in Grymlan space. He steps off his ship decked out in a brilliant red coat, torso bare underneath it to show off a bit, and the rest of him adorned with trinkets, trophies, and all sorts of other paraphernalia. He looks more like a gentleman-pirate than a noble lord now.

By his side is a short, Lyraen female, who gapes in awe at the...chaos inherent to the Grymlan culture. Together, they stride into the room with Jeejee, Ool oozing confidence and she ogling everything in sight. "Jeejee!" Ool calls, "Ah! You look more beautiful each time I see you." He spreads his paws wide and grins. "I do hope everything is going well."

In the meantime, his plus one steps back a bit and looks around, looking a bit overwhelmed and lost in the midst of all this.

2019-08-28, 10:45 PM
General Greeting

Jeejee warmly greeted people as they arrived, cordially accepting gifts. She spoke up loudly to get peoples attention, "Starpowers of Axiom, I warmgreet you to the openhome of Glitterhome. I hope your timestay is very shiny with maxjoy to be had."

Antsy Guest and a Halfling

"Ah, yes-yes. Goodgood relations muchgood between our peoples." Jeejee said as she accepted the plant, handing it off to Beas to put it somewhere sunny till a proper spot could be found for it. "Goodgood for jinglyshine exchange as well." She paused as she pondered for a moment. "Muchsad, Grymlans have little infodata on what Mier Formica can offer, perhaps you could infogive and we dealcraft later, no-no?"

The Melfynian Connection

Jeejee smiled as she saw the Harkan, "Hi-hi, UwU app should go-go shortly for your people. You wantneed talkytalk about the Core? Side rooms privatesafe for that."

Something Something Commonwealth of Zara

"Hi-hi Kossav Kilm," Jeejee greeted the man. "I seehear rumortalk that Zara craftprint advance sneakysneak methods. The Combine always wantsneeds friendlyfriends with shiny tech. Maybe we could dealcraft?"

Shiny Shiny Etherites

"Oh shiny-shiny" Jeejee said as she admired the gift. "I hope-hope your leaderterm is Maxgood. Perhaps you could showtell how you craftmake this?" Jeejee motioned to the gift she had recieved. "Combine seehears magic and thinkknows it fixrigs the same cosmic powers, yet littleknow how magic actually fixrigs."

Ool What'cha say...

"You flatterspeak." Jeejee laughed at Ool Vulk's antics, and sighed. "I wantwant to say yes-yes, but muchstuff has gone clang. There was hiddenmeet with the Sisters and Chorus about the Core. Grymlans, who have friendlyhelped in the past, were not invited. If not for seekinglight then Grymlans would not seehear of such events. Births questions of what other secrethidden stuff the Sisters and Chorus seek to hidesight from us." The Grymlan woman clenched her fist hard before relaxing it. "But if Combine cannot have trustfaith with Sisters or Chorus, then Grymlans will have to seektruth the nature of the Core ourselves. Such a dangerplace might be goodgood for habitation."

2019-08-28, 11:53 PM
Tezh Consensus Arrival to the Glitterhome:

The sleek black Tezh naval frame blinks into existence a moderate distance from the towering structure, taking due caution for other arriving vessels as well as any stray material from the ice belts of the planet. Garrote hails the station and requests docking instructions, and proceeds to the designated location promptly. When settled Their inner structure opens and allows Talotius and a Stozudal to debark, Thorvald's intensely black pelt glistens in contrast to his colorful garb under the lights as he looks around in awe and comments to the Tezh Speaker quietly before they move away from the landing pad into the main structure.

Once they are inside and into the main hall, Thorvald splits from the Speaker to mingle and sample all manner of things available to those with an appetite. The Tezh serving as his translator - a geodesic sphere hovering just at his left shoulder - briefly links with OwO to update dictionaries, dialects, and cultural references and he makes a valiant effort of interacting with the Grymlan staff while perusing the tables here and there. When he inquires about beverages and gets directed to the bar, his ears perk in the indicated direction and he hastens over to see what is recommended.

Talotius watches his traveling partner enjoying himself and is pleased, entertainment like this is somewhat lost on the head of state; they do not eat or drink, have no need of sleep, and while social company is pleasant it is not the same as companionship. Thorvald's presence grants the Tezh Speaker a bit of a surrogate so that the Grymlan offerings do not get wasted on the Consensus' attendance.

Their thoughts wander briefly in admiration of the stations construction and placement, and then They are reminded by a soft blinking sub-frame that there was something in particular They came to do. Talotius calls over one of the staff "Could you direct Us to Jeejee Scrapseeker, please?"

When they locate the Grymlan leader, Talotius' shoaling sub-frames make a wide armed half-bow style gesture "It is a pleasure to see you again Jeejee Scrapseeker, We are impressed by Glitterhome and appreciate the offer of hospitality."

One of the parabolic discs breaks away from Talotius' figure and drifts towards the Grymlan "We believe you expressed an interest in this one when last We met. After the Lyraen conference, the Tezh inhabiting this sub-frame requested to be assigned to your person, and We have approved of it. They are capable of communicating with the Consensus any time you desire, though Their data link is limited for the safety and security of both Tezh and Grymlan networks. This sub-frame has been upgraded to accommodate a private and secure voice only link to the Consensus' Secretary of State if you ever have need of it."

2019-08-29, 12:27 PM
He spotted one of the people he was looking for and walked over with Zgrix and their procession of 8 guards. "Hello, I assume you are one of the representatives I am to meet with on the topic of diplomatic affairs. I am Admiral Nozdak, second in command of the Kronin empire." He turned to a guard who held up a large metal black box.
"Hail, Admiral Nozdak. I am Kossav Kilm, Diplomat General of the Commonwealth of Zara." His eyes darted to the black box, reminding him yet again of the similar-looking one back on his ship. He swallowed hard and absently fiddled with his translator dials.

"We have two proposals for you. The first is an exchange of technology and practices between our powers: our spycraft for your microplating. The second is a pact of non-aggression between us, an ensurance that we shall not take hostile action against each other again."

Something Something Commonwealth of Zara

"Hi-hi Kossav Kilm," Jeejee greeted the man. "I seehear rumortalk that Zara craftprint advance sneakysneak methods. The Combine always wantsneeds friendlyfriends with shiny tech. Maybe we could dealcraft?"

"Indubitably so, Seeker of Scrap." He glanced around, looking for the translator. Something was clearly going wrong with his device - he didn't even know what "indubitably" meant. He desperately twisted the dial.

"What would you offer for our spycraft?"

Gaius Hermicus
2019-08-29, 12:33 PM
Entering the Gala was an Ikhuun wearing an iron and garnet crown over her horns. Escorted by eight heavily armed warriors and with a few additional weapons on her person. The Rothuun were aiding the Eye of the Horizon in their war against the Grymlans, and they were taking no chances.

The Kronin: <Here's the technology we promised you, Admiral. Our training methods will turn animals into war machines capable of destroying any enemy army. Use them well.> Kzarna hands a sheet of notes to Nozdak, explaining minor techniques and complications in the technology.

To the Entire Assembly: <I am willing to trade this technology to anybody else. If you are interested, see me in the downstairs café. I will be waiting there.>

2019-08-29, 12:39 PM
Entering the Gala was an Ikhuun wearing an iron and garnet crown over her horns. Escorted by eight heavily armed warriors and with a few additional weapons on her person. The Rothuun were aiding the Eye of the Horizon in their war against the Grymlans, and they were taking no chances.

The Kronin: <Here's the technology we promised you, Admiral. Our training methods will turn animals into war machines capable of destroying any enemy army. Use them well.> Kzarna hands a sheet of notes to Nozdak, explaining minor techniques and complications in the technology.

"Yes this strategy is quite intriguing, we never thought of using creatures for war. There are some space frogs near us which should do nicely"

"Hail, Admiral Nozdak. I am Kossav Kilm, Diplomat General of the Commonwealth of Zara." His eyes darted to the black box, reminding him yet again of the similar-looking one back on his ship. He swallowed hard and absently fiddled with his translator dials.

"We have two proposals for you. The first is an exchange of technology and practices between our powers: our spycraft for your microplating. The second is a pact of non-aggression between us, an ensurance that we shall not take hostile action against each other again."

Nozdak nodded as the diplomat spoke, "Yes you are quite close to us, and you invaded our mines. I am impressed with your infiltration skill. Yes I am here to trade you our tech in exchange for yours and I will happily sign the treaty.

2019-08-29, 02:58 PM
General Greeting

Jeejee warmly greeted people as they arrived, cordially accepting gifts. She spoke up loudly to get peoples attention, "Starpowers of Axiom, I warmgreet you to the openhome of Glitterhome. I hope your timestay is very shiny with maxjoy to be had."

The Melfynian Connection

Jeejee smiled as she saw the Harkan, "Hi-hi, UwU app should go-go shortly for your people. You wantneed talkytalk about the Core? Side rooms privatesafe for that."
The Harkan quickly interjected with an "Ah! Yes! That thing! Terrible business isn't it? Yes, we should use one of the side rooms for that. You never know who you can trust these days..." although interestingly enough, the Harkan never did lead into the side room and instead opted to remain for a while.

Instead it was a more public affair which he wouldn't mind being overheard when he said "I heard that getting more consumers to the UwU has been hard? Something about religious fanatics decrying the app in favor of their belief being superior or something? At least for friendlyfriend Lyraens?" Probably something along those lines. These things do get lost in translation with so many races and cultures but the intent was indeed obvious.

Bigger and more bombastic than before, Ool Vulk's ship slips into Grymlan space. The Lyraen adventurer is very much looking forward to his time in Grymlan space. He steps off his ship decked out in a brilliant red coat, torso bare underneath it to show off a bit, and the rest of him adorned with trinkets, trophies, and all sorts of other paraphernalia. He looks more like a gentleman-pirate than a noble lord now.

By his side is a short, Lyraen female, who gapes in awe at the...chaos inherent to the Grymlan culture. Together, they stride into the room with Jeejee, Ool oozing confidence and she ogling everything in sight. "Jeejee!" Ool calls, "Ah! You look more beautiful each time I see you." He spreads his paws wide and grins. "I do hope everything is going well."

In the meantime, his plus one steps back a bit and looks around, looking a bit overwhelmed and lost in the midst of all this.
"And I do believe its a pleasure to finally meet the esteemed Master Ool" Wendeq had no trouble saying. Strangely enough the Lyraen had some popularity in Melfynus as even "my colleague Rundhrul will be regretting he didn't come to Glitterhome. He tried to meet you in your homeworld, if you've heard, but it seems an adventurous fox like yourself knows better than to dabble in borring affairs of religion and such."

And of course in order to observe proper protocol, asked a little about the female Ool was with. While he didn't anything of her, Wendeq certainly welcomed a good surprise to prove him wrong if she was good enough to be in the company of Ool.

But how can anyone be as interesting as Ool? Observing the various trophies, "I must say, you have quite a few interesting things on you. Perhaps maybe you can tell me of your explorations and such. It should be enlightening..." which the Lyraen will be given all the time he wanted to expound on before Wendeq moves on to more current affairs. The one on everyone's mind. "I guess your next expedition will be towards the core?" he asked with a chuckle.

Entering the Gala was an Ikhuun wearing an iron and garnet crown over her horns. Escorted by eight heavily armed warriors and with a few additional weapons on her person. The Rothuun were aiding the Eye of the Horizon in their war against the Grymlans, and they were taking no chances.

The Kronin: <Here's the technology we promised you, Admiral. Our training methods will turn animals into war machines capable of destroying any enemy army. Use them well.> Kzarna hands a sheet of notes to Nozdak, explaining minor techniques and complications in the technology.

To the Entire Assembly: <I am willing to trade this technology to anybody else. If you are interested, see me in the downstairs café. I will be waiting there.>
Reluctantly, Wendeq moved downstairs where Ikhuun was as "I believe you have something that belongs to me" although its apparent that something was already making himself comfortable. More comfortable than he should be. "This idiot Ristoll should have already done it" and the Harkan protested quite energetically before Wendeq gave him the eye to continue "but if you are interested we can discuss affairs of the state. I think the Rothuun and the Melfynians share similar interests and hopefully through it we can repair our already tense relations." before he waved the distraction, Ristoll, off.

2019-08-29, 11:31 PM
Three hatchlings missing. Their teacher missing. A seemingly harmless event taken over by Eradicators, violent filth of the galaxy. At least the Council had received word of two galactic meetings. If any decent creature had the hatchlings, they would be brought there. Newly named Umkhonto Shurik Talwoq hoped that he was right. A large red Nemikhomo waited about Glitterhome with the other pilots and some members of his Guard who refused to wait for his return in the home systems. As the first time the Umkhonto had properly left the solar system (ignoring that Guardian business), Captain Iruk was duty-bound to accompany him into the meeting as protection and aide.

“Umkhonto, are you sure your presence would not be better served at the Core meeting?”

Shurik’s eyes flicked to his Captain. “Ukiphosa was cleared by the Council to attend the meeting as my representative before her official retirement. She’ll be more than sufficient.”

As they entered the interior, Iruk could smell a Ndoda, as well as see the unmistakeable behavior of someone trying to approach.
“Umkhonto, I believe your attention is requested. There is a Ndodan scent coming from near our host as well. I do not smell any blood.”

Shurik raised his headlap slightly in acknowledgement. “Follow the scent. I will deal with them and our host. No arguments. The hatchlings are of the utmost importance.” Glaring at the Captain to ensure he went ahead of him to the tables, the Umkhonto followed more slowly to approach JeeJee. However much another alien wanted his attention, if someone weren’t dying, proper greetings must be made first.

“I am Umkhonto Shurik Talwoq of the Ndoda. Thank you for welcoming us into Glitterhome. I bring you a bolt of our finest cloth, soft and colorful enough for any den and strong enough to patch a ship and act as solar sails. I have not had the pleasure of meeting a Grymlan before, may I ask you for your name?”

Meanwhile Captain Iruk couldn’t believe their luck. He had pardoned himself to pass the other aliens without greeting only to find Uqalin, the cheeky hatchling, playing a game on some strange device while a male Grymlan looked on.

“Uqalin! Thank the Suns you’re unhurt. Do you know where the others are?” Iruk crouched down to be face level with the hatchling, before remembering there was a Grymlan nearby and picking himself up from the disturbingly sand-free floor.

“The Ndoda thank you for taking care of this hatchling, but we will be taking him back home with us. I am Captain Iruk. Am I correct in assuming you are responsible for removing Uqalin from the Nephret Hotel?"

2019-08-30, 10:42 PM
The Kronin had many people to meet that day and after finishing up CWZ ambassador Nozdak had 3 others he had to meet with. First he decided, spotting the Ndoda and glancing down at the little figure wrapped around his leg, he would return something.

The Ndoda
He walked over to the Ndoda with the hatching. She was a bit smaller than the other hatchlings he had noted, he wasn't sure if this was age or genetics. Her scales were a silvery with hints of blue and purple, and she had been outfitted by the Kronin with a combination of the Ndoda cloth and battle armor. She had a small metal pinned to her chest plate, It was a metal Nozdak had earned when he was young for his hard work and effort. He walked up to the Ndoda who already had a hatchling, Hello, I am Admiral Nozdak, second in command of the Kronin army, I believe this is yours. he handed over the hatchling, Over the few months they had the Ndoda Nozdak had grown somewhat attached to the young hatchling, he would be sad to see her go. NO! he shook off his feelings of attachment attachment was a dangerous feeling in battle. He saluted to the Ndoda and turned to leave.


Nozdak walked to meet the reprosentitive he was to meet with. Trade number two he though. One more after this and he would be done, He had been very busy lately and would finally be able to take a short "vacation" after this. Hello, I believe I have business with you", he pushed a button on the box that the guards were carrying, they placed it on the ground and it expanded up. The front panel slid down revealing a suit of jet black armor. "What do you think? Its made from a new very strong microfiber we have discovered. This tech will let you use that to you advantage. It can be used on ships and on troops, it is also much lighter and stronger than anything else in the galaxy." Though he was tired he still spoke with authority as drained as his voice was.

The Duenem

I am Admiral Nozdak, I believe you expressed a desire to exchange technologies?

Gaius Hermicus
2019-09-02, 08:32 AM
Melfynians: Kzarna stares down at the Melfynian. Very, very slowly, she hands him a sheet of notes. <It takes guts to demand something so valuable from an enemy. Especially since we owe you nothing. I admire that bravery. Perhaps we can work out a deal?>

OOC: Offer to trade War Beasts to the Melfynians in exchange for the promise of a future tech, and an agreement that the Melfynians will not trade War Beasts to anybody else for at least three rounds.

2019-09-02, 02:56 PM
Some time after all the known guests arrived, a nondescript ship pulled into the spaceport of Glitterhome, grey and lacking any obvious markings. It was a small vessel, likely only large enough for ten people - at most - to travel in comfort, depending on the size of the being. Certainly, it was too small for a Rocthuri, though many more Grymlan could fit inside then the average human. Speculating on the number of Mier Formica is plausible, but functionally irrelevant, especially as the metal door finishes docking procedures. Everything up to that point was a standard vessel entering into the space station above Glittering. The vessel had even engaged in conversation with OwO aided flight control Grymlans for standard docking procedures, and procured a location as normal. However... the doors opened, and it became clear that this was not the average ship.

Marching out of it - unaccompanied by any others, not even a translator - was a humanoid figure in red and black military fatigues. While many different species develop (or don't develop) clothing for various reasons, the past ten Galactic Years have been enough time for various historians to determine many different comparative histories, and notice certain trends. Trends such as: when it comes to military outfits, a majority of them are - at first - designed with camouflage in mind. When fighting on planets, having appropriate colors to help blend into the surroundings can help save lives. Of course, over the years, such ground fighting often peters off as a species becomes more technologically advanced. The clothing, however, has been around for so long that it just becomes traditional garb for many to wear, even if there are some more formal options.

This humanoid was not wearing the formal option. His clothing was a mix of reds and black, which begs the question: just where would such a person blend in? The starbursts upon the being's shoulders likely meant something as well, as there were five such pips in a well ordered line on either side of the humanoid's collarbone. The boots were made of some strange leather that looked strong and durable, while still making little to no sound as the muscular roughly two meter tall creature continued it's purposeful stride down the disembarkation ramp. While an escort was provided by the Grymlans, the being held firmly to the sword strapped to it's waist on it's left side and walked without aid or direction by a now quick-to-catch-up guide, who was surely asking questions but was being ignored.

Security was called in and gave polite warnings, and were also ignored as the individual continued without pause towards the meeting hall. Weapons were drawn, and less polite warnings were made. Still, the humanoid in military fatigues did not stop, though the hand on the sword... twitched. Camera views, when slowed down enough, were just barely able to make sense of why all other weapons nearby were sliced in two and rendered non-functional.

One final, valiant stand, was made just outside the door of the actual Gala itself. Shouts could be heard from inside the hall, even over the Space Rock beats. Grymlan guards were making very violent demands. Individual security teams inside with their charges were making obvious moves to stand near enough to their wards to be able to make better judgement calls. OwO up on it's electronic pedestal looked... confused. The music stopped, and sounds of a fight could be made out from within the Gala.

Speaking calmly, OwO said over the thwacks and thuds, "A speciaw guest has awwived. Youw safety is ouw second highest pwiowity, so be awawe that OwO wiww stop him if needed, but OwO thinks he is just hewe to tawk. No one has been excessivewy hawmed so faw. Pwease be nice, and he'ww be nice too. Pwobabwy. Rude, though. But nice enough."

The doors to the Gala opened with more force than they had before, and striding in, carrying three guards - one in each hand - was the humanoid in military fatigues. His sword was sheathed at his belt, and he dropped the guards on the ground as he - for it seemed to be a man, though one with a third arm and hand - continued straight to the stage with Jeejee Scrapseeker. His left hand resting on his sword, the man in military garb adjusted the black beret that sat upon his reddish orange short cropped hair, and spoke.

His voice was in no way muffled by the white porcelain mask, the front of which was locked in a furrow of terrible anger. Everyone on the left side of the room had a good view of the left side of the man's triangular full head mask: it was a picturesque view of jovial joy. Those on the right could seem the utter sadness of the right side of the mask. Yet still, his words came out clear and strong, like he was used to giving orders, and he managed to address everyone in the room as he asked, "I trust I have your bleedin' attention?"

2019-09-02, 03:25 PM
For once, the Duenem delegation was not headed by Telescopic Radiance. Instead, Conditoner Mint had been sent to coordinate trade and deals surrounding technology, with the military coordinator Jet Stability. Mint had a lot of deals to get through, in very little time.

The Duenem

I am Admiral Nozdak, I believe you expressed a desire to exchange technologies?

Mint looked the Admiral up and down. "That is indeed correct. We both have new advancements over the rest of the galaxy, and operate utterly outside of each others areas of influence. A trade is mutually beneficial."

Some time after all the known guests arrived, a nondescript ship pulled into the spaceport of Glitterhome, grey and lacking any obvious markings. It was a small vessel, likely only large enough for ten people - at most - to travel in comfort, depending on the size of the being. Certainly, it was too small for a Rocthuri, though many more Grymlan could fit inside then the average human. Speculating on the number of Mier Formica is plausible, but functionally irrelevant, especially as the metal door finishes docking procedures. Everything up to that point was a standard vessel entering into the space station above Glittering. The vessel had even engaged in conversation with OwO aided flight control Grymlans for standard docking procedures, and procured a location as normal. However... the doors opened, and it became clear that this was not the average ship.

Marching out of it - unaccompanied by any others, not even a translator - was a humanoid figure in red and black military fatigues. While many different species develop (or don't develop) clothing for various reasons, the past ten Galactic Years have been enough time for various historians to determine many different comparative histories, and notice certain trends. Trends such as: when it comes to military outfits, a majority of them are - at first - designed with camouflage in mind. When fighting on planets, having appropriate colors to help blend into the surroundings can help save lives. Of course, over the years, such ground fighting often peters off as a species becomes more technologically advanced. The clothing, however, has been around for so long that it just becomes traditional garb for many to wear, even if there are some more formal options.

This humanoid was not wearing the formal option. His clothing was a mix of reds and black, which begs the question: just where would such a person blend in? The starbursts upon the being's shoulders likely meant something as well, as there were five such pips in a well ordered line on either side of the humanoid's collarbone. The boots were made of some strange leather that looked strong and durable, while still making little to no sound as the muscular roughly two meter tall creature continued it's purposeful stride down the disembarkation ramp. While an escort was provided by the Grymlans, the being held firmly to the sword strapped to it's waist on it's left side and walked without aid or direction by a now quick-to-catch-up guide, who was surely asking questions but was being ignored.

Security was called in and gave polite warnings, and were also ignored as the individual continued without pause towards the meeting hall. Weapons were drawn, and less polite warnings were made. Still, the humanoid in military fatigues did not stop, though the hand on the sword... twitched. Camera views, when slowed down enough, were just barely able to make sense of why all other weapons nearby were sliced in two and rendered non-functional.

One final, valiant stand, was made just outside the door of the actual Gala itself. Shouts could be heard from inside the hall, even over the Space Rock beats. Grymlan guards were making very violent demands. Individual security teams inside with their charges were making obvious moves to stand near enough to their wards to be able to make better judgement calls. OwO up on it's electronic pedestal looked... confused. The music stopped, and sounds of a fight could be made out from within the Gala.

Speaking calmly, OwO said over the thwacks and thuds, "A speciaw guest has awwived. Youw safety is ouw second highest pwiowity, so be awawe that OwO wiww stop him if needed, but OwO thinks he is just hewe to tawk. No one has been excessivewy hawmed so faw. Pwease be nice, and he'ww be nice too. Pwobabwy. Rude, though. But nice enough."

The doors to the Gala opened with more force than they had before, and striding in, carrying three guards - one in each hand - was the humanoid in military fatigues. His sword was sheathed at his belt, and he dropped the guards on the ground as he - for it seemed to be a man, though one with a third arm and hand - continued straight to the stage with Jeejee Scrapseeker. His left hand resting on his sword, the man in military garb adjusted the black beret that sat upon his reddish orange short cropped hair, and spoke.

His voice was in no way muffled by the white porcelain mask, the front of which was locked in a furrow of terrible anger. Everyone on the left side of the room had a good view of the left side of the man's triangular full head mask: it was a picturesque view of jovial joy. Those on the right could seem the utter sadness of the right side of the mask. Yet still, his words came out clear and strong, like he was used to giving orders, and he managed to address everyone in the room as he asked, "I trust I have your bleedin' attention?"

Mint was concerned. This seemed remarkably similar to a few years ago at a similar event.

"Yes." Mint communicated via its speakers. There seemed little else to say. It was really not prepared for this, and these beings seemed to know a lot.

Outside Jet Stability kept monitering everything on its far more limited systems. It would be scrapped before it let this being wander in and out only speaking riddles. Again.

2019-09-02, 05:08 PM
Nozdak turned at the sound of the announcement and saw the figure step up on stage. He instinctively placed his hand on his own blade. Swords were not the typical weapon of the Kronin but most of the officers had one. It was partly ceremonial, his blade was a swirling mix of black metal and molten lava making up a long curved blade. The hilt of the sword was a lighter silver with the symbol of his rank carved into it. The pommel was intricately carved to look like a fist with sun rays extending from it.

His hand went to it now and rested casually on it. He didn't think he would need it but it was better to be safe than sorry. He gestured to his guards who stepped forward and got in position in case things went south.

"Good then it is settled, I will just have you agree to our terms and we will be in business."
He turned to his guard who handed him a holoscreen. "This has all the information on it that you will need."

2019-09-03, 01:16 AM
Precious Little Things

"I'm namecalled Jeejee Scrapseeker, High Coordinator of the Grymlan Combine." Jeejee said as she accepted the cloth from Umkhonto. "I thinkfeel this is first time intromeeting, but not-first meeting of Ndoda and Grymlan you'll.." At this point Shurik had found Uqalin. "Ah, you seekfound him."

Flash had looked up from his hand computer where he had been sending out some of the latests updates over UwU. From behind his rhinestone visor, he grinned affably. "Yes-yes. Bad-bad business with the Rothuun and hotel. I'm Flash Starshine, Coordinator for Farseeker Enterprises and Fluffyshine Grooming." He nodded to Unqalin. "I not-know about others, Kit clingoned my tail and I tried seekfinding his parents. No luck, so brought him homeways. Figured it not-right to leave him there."

Jeejee arrived with Umkhonto. "Flash brought him homeways after the Rothuun incident. We bodypatch the Maxbest we could."

"Yes-yes. Kit lost tail during events." Flash added with a nod to Jeejee, "Not-have much-knowledge of your people. We thinkbet, and didn't bodypatch him with falsetail."

Commonwealth of Zara

"Yes-yes. Combine wantneed in seekfinding similar knowledge. Would be interested in craftmaking connections for closework in future for easier infoshare."


Jeejee had followed the Harken off to the side room. "Yes-yes." She admitted. "OwO has much-resistance from other star-powers. We try no-hostile introductions of OwO to others because OwO wantneeds willing participants. I would wantneed the One to have busywork, but they are Muchbig to do solo, and togetherwork with Rass iffy as they have pasttimes been more pushy against OwO than the One. No-sure about Iteus." She cocked her head as she added, "You have craftplans?"


Jeejee smiled as she greeted the Talotius, though there were hints of trouble under her pleasant facade. "Muchwelcome. I hope your stay is pleasurefull." As he offered the sub-frame she gave the Tehz a calculated look as she held it in her hand. "Why now-now does Chorus offer talkytalk device? Meetingleak of SoS seemed to showtell that the Combine with other starpowers, not muchvalue to be included."

Party Crashing

Jeejee's attention was drawn to the masked man entering the room in a brusk manner. She fixed the man interrupting the evening with a glare. "You have limittime till security arrives. You best showtell maxquick."

Below in the spire, Grymlan security teams were rearming and organizing.

2019-09-03, 10:45 AM

Jeejee smiled as she greeted the Talotius, though there were hints of trouble under her pleasant facade. "Muchwelcome. I hope your stay is pleasurefull." As he offered the sub-frame she gave the Tehz a calculated look as she held it in her hand. "Why now-now does Chorus offer talkytalk device? Meetingleak of SoS seemed to showtell that the Combine with other starpowers, not muchvalue to be included."

The suspicious response does not surprise the Speaker, though They feel what could be described as sadness to have a race as upbeat and boisterous as the Grymlans pull back from Them. "This Tezh wished to spend time with you of their own accord" and the small parabolic disk pulsed with light briefly and emitted a chirp of sound. The Aether stone motes twinkled in amusement and direct a comment to the sub-frame "We would encourage you to speak more slowly."

A second longer and lower piched sound is issued, but goes unanswered. The diminutive sub-frame tries one more time and a small voice emits from the frame with machine-gun rapidity and precisely zero punctuation "HELLO-JEEJEE-WE-ARE-HAPPY-TO-GREET-YOU-OURSELVES-PLEASE-FORGIVE-US-THIS-IS-THE-FIRST-TIME-WE-HAVE-SPOKEN-OUT-LOUD-BEFORE-AND-IT-TAKES-PRACTICE-TO-GET-IT-RIGHT-APPARENTLY."

"Much improved" Talotius says approvingly before returning to Jeejee "Regarding the meeting with the Sisterhood of Silence a thorough observation would note that We disagreed with their secrecy on such an important matter as this. The Sisterhood's 'solution' of containment is also not one that we consider viable and the efforts of Our siblings - such as yourself - are vital to any hope of success." The motes within the Aether stone pulse in unison but the red one glows most brightly during these comments.

"We apologize for not approaching earlier on this topic, as the Combine has been outspoken about looking beyond the barrier of the Vigil since the beginning. We Tezh have similarly been interested but not in a position to act or provide support, without the knowledge that was provided in that meeting we also had no basis to contact any of our elevated siblings. Instead we worked with the SPR, Droccen, and Rocthurhi to get to a point where we could approach the Sisterhood and request more sensitive information than they are normally comfortable sharing. After that meeting We Tezh had planned to open inquiries with various siblings to see if anyone would be willing to work with us on getting more information on the capabilities and numbers of Same, but the data breach occurred before we could make contact on our own terms with interested siblings."


Door Crasher

Talotius turns to face the apparently uninvited guest. The Speaker is as inscrutable as always when quiet, the motes in the Aether stone glimmer and pulse in silent unison.

"Your entrance would suggest that whatever 'normal channels' of communication could have been attempted have not been effective. Greetings. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. How may We be of service?" The humanoid has been only as violent as he needed to be to get into the event, which the Tezh approve of and hope that whatever he needs to discuss further can show similarly admirable restraint.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-09-03, 11:35 AM
The New Arrival:

Hearing the sudden disturbance from above, the Rothuun rush to see what has happened. The Urthuun, backed by her three bodyguards, growls at the new arrival. Something about this military-suited man makes her nervous. <What are you here for? Tell us your name and purpose in bursting in like this.> Behind her, the bodyguards point their guns at the figure, standing a fair distance out of sword range.

2019-09-03, 12:17 PM
Café with Ikhuun:
"We would be pleased to an exchange of technologies, though neither of us have a direct use in the short term. Hopefully as the start of a common cause for the galaxy as a whole."

"You have our attention. Normally one starts with an introduction. I am Ouren Dris'Thelle." Ouren's words and posture stand in harsh contrast to the raised hackles and wary eyes of her companions.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-09-03, 02:34 PM
In the Café: <Of course, there can be no possible disadvantage to a technological exchange of such a manner. We would be more than willing to trade with you.>

Trade War Beasts to the ETH in exchange for Trade League

2019-09-03, 11:43 PM

Nozdak walked to meet the reprosentitive he was to meet with. Trade number two he though. One more after this and he would be done, He had been very busy lately and would finally be able to take a short "vacation" after this. Hello, I believe I have business with you", he pushed a button on the box that the guards were carrying, they placed it on the ground and it expanded up. The front panel slid down revealing a suit of jet black armor. "What do you think? Its made from a new very strong microfiber we have discovered. This tech will let you use that to you advantage. It can be used on ships and on troops, it is also much lighter and stronger than anything else in the galaxy." Though he was tired he still spoke with authority as drained as his voice was.
While war wasn't his thing, Wendeq still had to show some support towards Nozdak. "That does look nice though I wouldn't be able to fit in that. We'll come out with our own line soon enough if its as good as you say, especially if we can use if for ships and troops" or in the Melfynian's case, one of both. "This will be especially useful for unruly neighbours. Noise complaints have been an issue lately" he bubbled- laughed for the mouthbreathers.

And on his end, "you'll find what you're looking for over there" which was a room he pointed towards. "Have you tried the Grymlan's new UwU? Very useful. It has information about anything. You should give it a try!" Wendeq said, ending his pitch with one of the Harkan's appendages mimicking an elbow. A shame starfishes can't wink. And that's not even the best thing. "If you want to relieve some stress, I believe the Grymlans also have some interesting games" and it looked like the kronin could use it.

Leaving Nozdak to it, Wendeq only said in parting, "if you need anything else, do let me know. Regular business partners are always a good thing."

Melfynians: Kzarna stares down at the Melfynian. Very, very slowly, she hands him a sheet of notes. <It takes guts to demand something so valuable from an enemy. Especially since we owe you nothing. I admire that bravery. Perhaps we can work out a deal?>

OOC: Offer to trade War Beasts to the Melfynians in exchange for the promise of a future tech, and an agreement that the Melfynians will not trade War Beasts to anybody else for at least three rounds.
"And it takes a certain degree of boldness for you to host that lively party. Yet if not for either of us being so gutsy we wouldn't be here now, would we?" Wendeq said as he took the notes, watching Ristoll leave at the same time.

Thinking on that transmission from Ristoll and how that sly bastard survived a year on Ikhal, Wendeq simply replied that "we are agreeable to that deal Ristoll worked out. We're also happy you've brought him back unharmed although I can't speak for what'll happen on his way back." Retrieving a note on himself, Wendeq slid it over to Kzarna. "That room'll have it. Just key in your identifier and let the UwU work its magic. You may even find other interesting things. Other than our contribution, the Gryms have quite the collection. I find them explosive. Melfynus can't have that you see."

If Kzarna wanted nothing else, the Harkan would leave only adding "if you're happy with the Melfynian's contribution in the UwU and want more, feel free to ask. If nothing else I'm happy to find the Rothuun are firmly honouring their agreements and wouldn't mind working out more deals for the future." He hid it sell but there was satisfaction in Wendeq's voice. There were some interesting times ahead, he hopes.


Jeejee had followed the Harken off to the side room. "Yes-yes." She admitted. "OwO has much-resistance from other star-powers. We try no-hostile introductions of OwO to others because OwO wantneeds willing participants. I would wantneed the One to have busywork, but they are Muchbig to do solo, and togetherwork with Rass iffy as they have pasttimes been more pushy against OwO than the One. No-sure about Iteus." She cocked her head as she added, "You have craftplans?"

After some thought, Wendeq said in a voice solemn enough for Jeejee to think he and the well known Rundhul might as well have been from two completely distinct species, "there are... options we've simulated. This is of course coming from an... idea..." the Harkan said without any further elaboration. "I wouldn't want to spoil today's festivities on it. Instead how about I send them to you on our way back and then you'll have the time to think on it? This isn't a decision to be made lightly, I'm sure."

And then as if he realized something from somet- someone he spotted earlier, "if you are interested, I may be able to introduce you to someone if you have the time now. We Melfynians found their assistance quite useful with that, uh..., thing" cough.

2019-09-04, 08:54 AM
Mint was concerned. This seemed remarkably similar to a few years ago at a similar event.

"Yes." Mint communicated via its speakers. There seemed little else to say. It was really not prepared for this, and these beings seemed to know a lot.

Outside Jet Stability kept monitering everything on its far more limited systems. It would be scrapped before it let this being wander in and out only speaking riddles. Again.

Nozdak turned at the sound of the announcement and saw the figure step up on stage. He instinctively placed his hand on his own blade. Swords were not the typical weapon of the Kronin but most of the officers had one. It was partly ceremonial, his blade was a swirling mix of black metal and molten lava making up a long curved blade. The hilt of the sword was a lighter silver with the symbol of his rank carved into it. The pommel was intricately carved to look like a fist with sun rays extending from it.

His hand went to it now and rested casually on it. He didn't think he would need it but it was better to be safe than sorry. He gestured to his guards who stepped forward and got in position in case things went south.

Party Crashing

Jeejee's attention was drawn to the masked man entering the room in a brusk manner. She fixed the man interrupting the evening with a glare. "You have limittime till security arrives. You best showtell maxquick."

Below in the spire, Grymlan security teams were rearming and organizing.

Door Crasher

Talotius turns to face the apparently uninvited guest. The Speaker is as inscrutable as always when quiet, the motes in the Aether stone glimmer and pulse in silent unison.

"Your entrance would suggest that whatever 'normal channels' of communication could have been attempted have not been effective. Greetings. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. How may We be of service?" The humanoid has been only as violent as he needed to be to get into the event, which the Tezh approve of and hope that whatever he needs to discuss further can show similarly admirable restraint.

The New Arrival:

Hearing the sudden disturbance from above, the Rothuun rush to see what has happened. The Urthuun, backed by her three bodyguards, growls at the new arrival. Something about this military-suited man makes her nervous. <What are you here for? Tell us your name and purpose in bursting in like this.> Behind her, the bodyguards point their guns at the figure, standing a fair distance out of sword range.

"You have our attention. Normally one starts with an introduction. I am Ouren Dris'Thelle." Ouren's words and posture stand in harsh contrast to the raised hackles and wary eyes of her companions.

Viewing the guards re-gathering in the background, the private security teams taking their positions, and all the unhappy faces, the man was of three minds about the situation. None of them seemed concerned.

So many happy minds. So many sad opinions. We warn them, and they do nothing. The masks briefly flicker through various emotions, before settling once more on the face of anger.

"It should go without mention,
I can cause more than apprehension,
You may refer to me as Wrath."

Those close enough can feel the anger and the distaste coming from the man calling himself Wrath. "And I hate these stupid rhymes."

Oh but you must! It's so fun!

It makes many of them quite dreary.

I hate the two of you.

We Know.

Wrath's internal fight does not seem to sway him, as the military man says, "So I'm doing away with all that nonsense. It may take over occasionally. Can't help that. Shut up and listen. I don't have much time."

"We've tried to warn you for several years, but no one is listening. No one is preparing. The Revolution comes. Your Maturation caught the attention of Efficiency Ground, who reported it to our leader, who woke up for the first time in any memorable eon. Now they're spinning up plans to throw you all adrift. My personal opinion? They are more full of themselves then many others, though, so they sent multiple warnings, just to see if any of you are capable of being more than third rate evolutionary inconsistencies."

With the hand from his back, Wrath lifted his beret, while scratching his head with his right hand and gripping the railing with his left. "So far? None of you are. You answer my question, though, and I'll answer what I can of some of yours. Lots of you seem to be here to do deals and trades, while some others are off, far away, talking about what they think they are sure is the biggest threat right now. Ask yourself, though - really ask yourself - ARE YOU F***ING SURE?"

Gaius Hermicus
2019-09-04, 09:14 AM
Wrath is a Deadly Sin:

<Clearly, since you are here speaking with us now, you have something to tell us. Then pass on your message, and cut the cryptic bulls**t!>

2019-09-04, 09:24 AM
"We've tried to warn you for several years, but no one is listening. No one is preparing. The Revolution comes. Your Maturation caught the attention of Efficiency Ground, who reported it to our leader, who woke up for the first time in any memorable eon. Now they're spinning up plans to throw you all adrift. My personal opinion? They are more full of themselves then many others, though, so they sent multiple warnings, just to see if any of you are capable of being more than third rate evolutionary inconsistencies."

With the hand from his back, Wrath lifted his beret, while scratching his head with his right hand and gripping the railing with his left. "So far? None of you are. You answer my question, though, and I'll answer what I can of some of yours. Lots of you seem to be here to do deals and trades, while some others are off, far away, talking about what they think they are sure is the biggest threat right now. Ask yourself, though - really ask yourself - ARE YOU F***ING SURE?"

The motes within the Aether stone pulse sharply as Talotius choral voice rises, the Speaker has apparently had enough of rhyming, cursing, and belittling attitudes "You, and any who came before you that We have record of, have only dealt in ambiguities. Arriving at a gathering to play pronoun games and cast your gaze down upon the siblings gathered here with amused or angry clucking. That behavior helps none."

Since many other secrets and efforts at discreet knowledge have been made a mockery lately, the Speaker might as well continue the trend. The humanoid's physiology reminds him of the encounter at the Droccen Coronation and a being that is inhabited or channeled through by multiple intelligences is not foreign to the Tezh.

"Who is it that we speak to now - Arbiter? Was it Orator that was at the Coronation? Is Conveyance the one to report to 'our leader' - and if so, why? Who is the 'our leader' you refer to? If you want your 'warnings' to be observed and reacted to for the dire threat that they are then speak plainly about them, unless the whole goal is to set the maturated siblings up for doom and then gloat over none of us being 'worthy' or 'ready' for the stage of development that was thrust upon us all."

"No puzzles, no teasing, no hints - be useful or begone." Talotius' rant (for a Tezh) ends and They stand silent and utterly focused on the humanoid waiting for answers.

2019-09-04, 10:03 AM
This, this was bad. Another unknown quantity in a group with high tempers fortelling doom. Again. Quickly, Conditoner Mint jumped in.

"Everyone, hold your tempers and tongues. Tempers are high enough, and we have limited time." it broadcasts. "Woe did not remain long at the !Exchange! so speak fast and to the point."

Conditoner Mint eyed up the being again. "QUESTION. What do you mean by your question? Are we sure that The Same is the greatest threat in the galaxy? If that is the question, the Duenem don't believe that, as they are at least contained, whereas yourself, the Jester and Woe have all acted using advanced understandings which we have no guard against. If you are warning us of worse, then there is worse. If that is not the question, please phrase it differently."

Mint suddenly gives off a slight clicking noise. "If it helps extend communication time, speak faster or send information packages. I can record all of it and send it to all here."

"As for questions, QUESTION. How do we listen and how should we prepare? What are these plans to set us adrift entailing? How much time do we have?"

Mint was acutely aware it was merely a researcher currently tooled for diplomacy. This was far beyond what it had expected.

2019-09-04, 11:07 AM
Before the rude interruption:

General Greeting

Jeejee warmly greeted people as they arrived, cordially accepting gifts. She spoke up loudly to get peoples attention, "Starpowers of Axiom, I warmgreet you to the openhome of Glitterhome. I hope your timestay is very shiny with maxjoy to be had."

Antsy Guest and a Halfling

"Ah, yes-yes. Goodgood relations muchgood between our peoples." Jeejee said as she accepted the plant, handing it off to Beas to put it somewhere sunny till a proper spot could be found for it. "Goodgood for jinglyshine exchange as well." She paused as she pondered for a moment. "Muchsad, Grymlans have little infodata on what Mier Formica can offer, perhaps you could infogive and we dealcraft later, no-no?"

The representative looks at Jeejee and wonders if the translations are off before realising that they are not.
"Yes we have not shared an abundance of information about ourselves but if you are open for discussions we can infogive and dealcraft. We are the Mier Formica we are many but act as one even now the link to our queen is active and can be spoken to through us."

Viewing the guards re-gathering in the background, the private security teams taking their positions, and all the unhappy faces, the man was of three minds about the situation. None of them seemed concerned.

So many happy minds. So many sad opinions. We warn them, and they do nothing. The masks briefly flicker through various emotions, before settling once more on the face of anger.

"It should go without mention,
I can cause more than apprehension,
You may refer to me as Wrath."

Those close enough can feel the anger and the distaste coming from the man calling himself Wrath. "And I hate these stupid rhymes."

Oh but you must! It's so fun!

It makes many of them quite dreary.

I hate the two of you.

We Know.

Wrath's internal fight does not seem to sway him, as the military man says, "So I'm doing away with all that nonsense. It may take over occasionally. Can't help that. Shut up and listen. I don't have much time."

"We've tried to warn you for several years, but no one is listening. No one is preparing. The Revolution comes. Your Maturation caught the attention of Efficiency Ground, who reported it to our leader, who woke up for the first time in any memorable eon. Now they're spinning up plans to throw you all adrift. My personal opinion? They are more full of themselves then many others, though, so they sent multiple warnings, just to see if any of you are capable of being more than third rate evolutionary inconsistencies."

With the hand from his back, Wrath lifted his beret, while scratching his head with his right hand and gripping the railing with his left. "So far? None of you are. You answer my question, though, and I'll answer what I can of some of yours. Lots of you seem to be here to do deals and trades, while some others are off, far away, talking about what they think they are sure is the biggest threat right now. Ask yourself, though - really ask yourself - ARE YOU F***ING SURE?"

The representative observed while the new guest efficiently got rid of his obstacles and listened to his speech. Stopping Dave from cheerily walking forward they speak:

If a revolution is on its way surely there is something to be toppled, since we are 'Third rate evolutionary inconsistencies' that can't be us. What is the revolution against?"

2019-09-04, 01:02 PM
Wrath, huh, what is it good for:
"No, of course we aren't sure that the Same are the biggest threat. Are they one on a galactic scale, certainly. You and your predecessors however give little information, and even your 'cut to the quick' is hardly that. You still speak of Revolution, of Efficiency Ground. Of vague pronouns as some serious and vulgar threat. If you have more information about the forces at play tell us what you can so that we can prepare. Apparently your Leader likes something of an even game when they play, then give us the rules of the game."

2019-09-04, 11:11 PM

Jeejeed inwardly sighed this particular line of political talk would only put a dampener on party at large, it was something to be addressed in more secluded surroundings. "You speak-talk of together-work. but I have no-faith that it will be easy. Combine have their own craft-print for Core and we will show-tell at the Council. Grymlans very-open to together-work, yet I feel that there will be too-too Many-Big-Bosses with much-talk with little-work for show. Rothuun, and like-powers, have show-tell of their craft-plans for Core times-past, and with their chummy-stance with Eradicators they might use Core-talks to fighty-fight with neighbors under false-plan of seeking the Core. We'd want-need together-work from Council, but much-feel that after-talks Combine will have to force-plot our craft-print solo."

She sighed outwardly as she pocketed the sub-frame and forced a smile and motioned Talotius to rejoin the crowd of people enjoying themselves, "Come-come, this is fancy-party. Let's leave-talk of Core to Council meeting."


"If we can meet-greet safely then yes-yes." Jeejee said. "We hold-talk in confidence yet Combine is no-go for any max-fast sneakhidden business. We want-need time to think-think."

2019-09-04, 11:36 PM
Angry Boi

Jeejee irritably lashed her tail, "Same are max-threat that we can threat-gauge. You speak-tell of bigger threat with funny-talk of star-power we have no-see or no-heard of. You might as well be show-telling about some myth-born monster sneak-hiding in clothes-room."

OwO's hologram grew brighter at the far end of the room, though its voice played out over the speakers, "Pewhaps if WWath couwd teww us who Efficiency Gwound and the leadew it wepowts to is, then those gathewed might have a bettew undewstanding. Pewhaps by stawting at the beginning with who youw peopwe awe?

2019-09-05, 09:07 AM
Wrath is a Deadly Sin:

<Clearly, since you are here speaking with us now, you have something to tell us. Then pass on your message, and cut the cryptic bulls**t!>

The motes within the Aether stone pulse sharply as Talotius choral voice rises, the Speaker has apparently had enough of rhyming, cursing, and belittling attitudes "You, and any who came before you that We have record of, have only dealt in ambiguities. Arriving at a gathering to play pronoun games and cast your gaze down upon the siblings gathered here with amused or angry clucking. That behavior helps none."

Since many other secrets and efforts at discreet knowledge have been made a mockery lately, the Speaker might as well continue the trend. The humanoid's physiology reminds him of the encounter at the Droccen Coronation and a being that is inhabited or channeled through by multiple intelligences is not foreign to the Tezh.

"Who is it that we speak to now - Arbiter? Was it Orator that was at the Coronation? Is Conveyance the one to report to 'our leader' - and if so, why? Who is the 'our leader' you refer to? If you want your 'warnings' to be observed and reacted to for the dire threat that they are then speak plainly about them, unless the whole goal is to set the maturated siblings up for doom and then gloat over none of us being 'worthy' or 'ready' for the stage of development that was thrust upon us all."

"No puzzles, no teasing, no hints - be useful or begone." Talotius' rant (for a Tezh) ends and They stand silent and utterly focused on the humanoid waiting for answers.

This, this was bad. Another unknown quantity in a group with high tempers fortelling doom. Again. Quickly, Conditoner Mint jumped in.

"Everyone, hold your tempers and tongues. Tempers are high enough, and we have limited time." it broadcasts. "Woe did not remain long at the !Exchange! so speak fast and to the point."

Conditoner Mint eyed up the being again. "QUESTION. What do you mean by your question? Are we sure that The Same is the greatest threat in the galaxy? If that is the question, the Duenem don't believe that, as they are at least contained, whereas yourself, the Jester and Woe have all acted using advanced understandings which we have no guard against. If you are warning us of worse, then there is worse. If that is not the question, please phrase it differently."

Mint suddenly gives off a slight clicking noise. "If it helps extend communication time, speak faster or send information packages. I can record all of it and send it to all here."

"As for questions, QUESTION. How do we listen and how should we prepare? What are these plans to set us adrift entailing? How much time do we have?"

Mint was acutely aware it was merely a researcher currently tooled for diplomacy. This was far beyond what it had expected.

Before the rude interruption:

The representative looks at Jeejee and wonders if the translations are off before realising that they are not.
"Yes we have not shared an abundance of information about ourselves but if you are open for discussions we can infogive and dealcraft. We are the Mier Formica we are many but act as one even now the link to our queen is active and can be spoken to through us."

The representative observed while the new guest efficiently got rid of his obstacles and listened to his speech. Stopping Dave from cheerily walking forward they speak:

If a revolution is on its way surely there is something to be toppled, since we are 'Third rate evolutionary inconsistencies' that can't be us. What is the revolution against?"

Wrath, huh, what is it good for:
"No, of course we aren't sure that the Same are the biggest threat. Are they one on a galactic scale, certainly. You and your predecessors however give little information, and even your 'cut to the quick' is hardly that. You still speak of Revolution, of Efficiency Ground. Of vague pronouns as some serious and vulgar threat. If you have more information about the forces at play tell us what you can so that we can prepare. Apparently your Leader likes something of an even game when they play, then give us the rules of the game."

Angry Boi

Jeejee irritably lashed her tail, "Same are max-threat that we can threat-gauge. You speak-tell of bigger threat with funny-talk of star-power we have no-see or no-heard of. You might as well be show-telling about some myth-born monster sneak-hiding in clothes-room."

OwO's hologram grew brighter at the far end of the room, though its voice played out over the speakers, "Pewhaps if WWath couwd teww us who Efficiency Gwound and the leadew it wepowts to is, then those gathewed might have a bettew undewstanding. Pewhaps by stawting at the beginning with who youw peopwe awe?

Looking out at the assembled crowd, their lines of inquiry only made Wrath angrier. "Really? You are some of the best of the Maturation, and you know nothing? You haven't bothered to even look into things yourselves! You've begged others to do it for you! The Sisterhood of Silence doesn't know everything! So now you beg for me to educate you?"

"Fine. Just know you are all useless in my eyes. So I will lay it out to you little babes who suckle for scraps of mother's milk, since it seems like you are unable to do better, damn you all! Can't you feel it?"

Looking at the Rothuun and then the Tezh, the three armed man continues, "I thought I was speaking to intelligent beings, and at least one of the two you shows a glimmer of hope, even if you are vastly off base. You use different names, so I know not what our Leader is called from those, but yes, Efficiency Ground has reason to believe that our Leader is one of the Designationary's Artificial Intellects."

"As for Efficiency Ground itself?" Wrath looked at the Etherite delegate and then up to OwO. "Can't answer that. Though I have the misfortune of being stuck here talking to you all, I am still a representative of their armed forces, and I will not share information that gives a potential political power - no matter how currently ignorant - any future advantages. You want to know more about us? Find us. We have a solar system to protect just like you all do."

The Duenem's question, though, seemed to cause Wrath to pause for a second, "At least one of you is asking for a pertinent detail. I judge the rest of you to badly fail. Prepare quickly, you don't have much time left. If your governments have resources they can still redirect, do it. Even just stockpiling your species with it's version of necessities, be it food, air, energy or what have you will be enough. I am the last warning you'll receive. It's now or never."

"Because," looking at the Mier Formica last, Wrath finishes, "The Revolution is against all the Galaxy. Everyone's little plans, everyone's trades and deals, the friends you've made and the enemies you've protected against. Everyone. It's all going to be different."

"And that's all the mother's milk you babies are going to get."

2019-09-05, 09:58 AM
Looking out at the assembled crowd, their lines of inquiry only made Wrath angrier. "Really? You are some of the best of the Maturation, and you know nothing? You haven't bothered to even look into things yourselves! You've begged others to do it for you! The Sisterhood of Silence doesn't know everything! So now you beg for me to educate you?"

"Fine. Just know you are all useless in my eyes. So I will lay it out to you little babes who suckle for scraps of mother's milk, since it seems like you are unable to do better, damn you all! Can't you feel it?"

Looking at the Rothuun and then the Tezh, the three armed man continues, "I thought I was speaking to intelligent beings, and at least one of the two you shows a glimmer of hope, even if you are vastly off base. You use different names, so I know not what our Leader is called from those, but yes, Efficiency Ground has reason to believe that our Leader is one of the Designationary's Artificial Intellects."

"As for Efficiency Ground itself?" Wrath looked at the Etherite delegate and then up to OwO. "Can't answer that. Though I have the misfortune of being stuck here talking to you all, I am still a representative of their armed forces, and I will not share information that gives a potential political power - no matter how currently ignorant - any future advantages. You want to know more about us? Find us. We have a solar system to protect just like you all do."

The Duenem's question, though, seemed to cause Wrath to pause for a second, "At least one of you is asking for a pertinent detail. I judge the rest of you to badly fail. Prepare quickly, you don't have much time left. If your governments have resources they can still redirect, do it. Even just stockpiling your species with it's version of necessities, be it food, air, energy or what have you will be enough. I am the last warning you'll receive. It's now or never."

"Because," looking at the Mier Formica last, Wrath finishes, "The Revolution is against all the Galaxy. Everyone's little plans, everyone's trades and deals, the friends you've made and the enemies you've protected against. Everyone. It's all going to be different."

"And that's all the mother's milk you babies are going to get."

Talotius' motes flare in irritation. "We do not 'beg for education', we seek details from which we will educate ourselves. Supposedly you come to set things on a correct course, yet you deflect any direct question and castigate everyone present for the ignorance which many are aware of and actively trying to remedy. 'Can't answer that', again and again - you have Us waste both our times playing guessing games from extreme disadvantage while you assail us from a position of impenetrable superiority and pompous belligerence."

"Question: What ARE you allowed to discuss freely, so that We can forego ambiguities and get to useful data?"

2019-09-05, 10:22 AM

Jeejeed inwardly sighed this particular line of political talk would only put a dampener on party at large, it was something to be addressed in more secluded surroundings. "You speak-talk of together-work. but I have no-faith that it will be easy. Combine have their own craft-print for Core and we will show-tell at the Council. Grymlans very-open to together-work, yet I feel that there will be too-too Many-Big-Bosses with much-talk with little-work for show. Rothuun, and like-powers, have show-tell of their craft-plans for Core times-past, and with their chummy-stance with Eradicators they might use Core-talks to fighty-fight with neighbors under false-plan of seeking the Core. We'd want-need together-work from Council, but much-feel that after-talks Combine will have to force-plot our craft-print solo."

She sighed outwardly as she pocketed the sub-frame and forced a smile and motioned Talotius to rejoin the crowd of people enjoying themselves, "Come-come, this is fancy-party. Let's leave-talk of Core to Council meeting."

Talotius nods gravely "We are certain it will be challenging, but We look forward to the possibilities it will bring."

The parabolic disk emits an excited sound when Jeejee deposits it in a pocket - the 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEE' turning into a muted 'eeeeeeeeeee' for a moment before falling silent.

"If you have time We could introduce you to Thorvald, he is a hobbyist tinkerer and has been fascinated by Glitterhome since our arrival."

Gaius Hermicus
2019-09-05, 11:12 AM
Wrath is a Deadly Sin:

<I do not take kindly to insults, scum. You claim to be superior to us? You claim that you will disrupt all of this? Everything that the galaxy tries to organize? Why tell us then? What motive can you have for revealing your plans? I can think of no reason, other than that you are not as powerful as you want us to believe, and need us to assist you in some purpose. So get to the f***ing point already, bastard! If you want something from us, ask directly, and if you're simply here to gloat, then get out of here before we force you to!> Kzarna snorts angrily. Behind her, the Rothuun bodyguards heft their rifles and squint down the barrels at the Wrath. At the first sign of hostile movement, they will fire.

2019-09-05, 12:18 PM
To wrath: You stand hear speaking to us about the end of the world, a great threat. I know this is coming, ever since the coronation. My people and I have spent the time between then and now preparing for this threat. I assume their is something other than the core to worry about. If you came to warn us why do you knot give us more information. Our leader has been preparing my nation to face this faceless threat but to truly be ready for it knowing what kind of threat it is would help. Before we began expanding the only threats on our planet were ones that could be shot of battled physically. Since we expanded I have learned of new threats like converting people to your beliefs or out witting using intelligence. All we know is there is a threat. We are preparing as best I can.

2019-09-06, 10:58 AM

"If we can meet-greet safely then yes-yes." Jeejee said. "We hold-talk in confidence yet Combine is no-go for any max-fast sneakhidden business. We want-need time to think-think."
"It's as safe as you've made Glitterhome" which would eventually prove inadequate. But the unknowing Wendeq at the time only said that much before leading Jeejee towards one of the groups he saw had decided to attend the Gala as well. The group from Zara.

Passing by Kossav Kilm and then Zurada Sonoss with only a polite greeting afforded to them along with the expression of some regret there was some other business which had them occupied instead, the pair would finally reach the spy after doubling back to where they began. That was embarrassing... But it was a wonder Wendeq was able to identify the spy as all bipeds seemed the same to him- even if these were differentiated from most because they had scales.

Introductions were quick as the first, the host needed no other introduction other than "Jeejee Scrapseeker. I hope you can find this good fellow's services to be useful for the future after you've had time to think-think. We've found his sneakhidden, maxfast as it was, to be exceptionally helpful for that thing and the results? They should speak for themselves." That would have been the only reason for this introduction but "even if you find his services unnecessary you may find his insight useful for dealing with your current... problems..." though the latter reference to those problems were laced with a tinge of disgust.

Looking out at the assembled crowd, their lines of inquiry only made Wrath angrier. "Really? You are some of the best of the Maturation, and you know nothing? You haven't bothered to even look into things yourselves! You've begged others to do it for you! The Sisterhood of Silence doesn't know everything! So now you beg for me to educate you?"

"Fine. Just know you are all useless in my eyes. So I will lay it out to you little babes who suckle for scraps of mother's milk, since it seems like you are unable to do better, damn you all! Can't you feel it?"

Looking at the Rothuun and then the Tezh, the three armed man continues, "I thought I was speaking to intelligent beings, and at least one of the two you shows a glimmer of hope, even if you are vastly off base. You use different names, so I know not what our Leader is called from those, but yes, Efficiency Ground has reason to believe that our Leader is one of the Designationary's Artificial Intellects."

"As for Efficiency Ground itself?" Wrath looked at the Etherite delegate and then up to OwO. "Can't answer that. Though I have the misfortune of being stuck here talking to you all, I am still a representative of their armed forces, and I will not share information that gives a potential political power - no matter how currently ignorant - any future advantages. You want to know more about us? Find us. We have a solar system to protect just like you all do."

The Duenem's question, though, seemed to cause Wrath to pause for a second, "At least one of you is asking for a pertinent detail. I judge the rest of you to badly fail. Prepare quickly, you don't have much time left. If your governments have resources they can still redirect, do it. Even just stockpiling your species with it's version of necessities, be it food, air, energy or what have you will be enough. I am the last warning you'll receive. It's now or never."

"Because," looking at the Mier Formica last, Wrath finishes, "The Revolution is against all the Galaxy. Everyone's little plans, everyone's trades and deals, the friends you've made and the enemies you've protected against. Everyone. It's all going to be different."

"And that's all the mother's milk you babies are going to get."
After he left Jeejee with the spy, Wendeq with no further business decided to mingle around eventually reaching the Kossav Kilm he passed earlier by the time the gatecrasher made his violent intrusion. At first Wendeq was simply content to watch the Matured deal with it, he done enough already over the years he reckoned and didn't want to split his attention on too many things. Someone had to have already looked into things after the whole debacle at Empress Sai's coronation right?

Probably not.

While it may sound like Wendeq was discussing things with Kilm, there would be quite a difference in tone to his earlier discussion with the reptilian when he discussed stately matters. He was going down a list and verbally ticked off his observations one by one starting with "their leader existed for a long time... probably predated the Sisterhood themselves if they are as clueless as we are... may have a reason to be asleep or whatever it was before it woke up to our anomalous nature... see themselves as a bigger threat than the Same... aren't a part of Axiom, apparently, if we are to assume the implications of Wrath's solar system and the Sisterhood's earlier findings..."

Wendeq pulled up something and began to skim through its record. Not quite UwU but still enough for the job.

As he was reading through it was just casual, like he was using Kilm as a sounding board, that he continued just enough to continue that thing which wouldn't even qualify as a conversation, "my best bet is that they might be an extra galactic threat the Same were created to deal with although I'm not sure what is the quarrel a maybe Caller AI might have with us. I mean if it even has power issues like Guardian, or I assume since it had to sleep just like it, does it mean we are an alternative power source or are anathema to its core directives? I wouldn't ask Wrath t- ah!" No need for a sounding board now that he believed he found it.

"Just give me a moment..." he said as he logged into the Glitterhome hub as a new user he made up on the spot. The name? Grym Lancy. The avatar eventually projected as a hologram through Glitterhome's infrastructure? The main man of the popular stealth based game of the Grymlans with the very same name.

Red and black. That was the first hint. The projection of Grym Lancy immediately asked Wrath, "and how was your leader's... oh... 30854.26.11.54 GT give or take nap? Good?" while the Harkan continued tapping away. Pulling up the picture of Wrath's supposed leader to be shown in another projection. A egg shaped AI much like Guardian but in black and red. "I guess we should be flattered, given how the Designationary's Artificial Intellects seem to hoard their power sources even from their own, that your leader has seen it fit to increase its own consumption and quicken its own depletion just to deal with us."

Of course its all just an assumption but a military person wouldn't wear anything else but the colours of who he represents and "all evidence, at least from what we have makes me certain its Arbiter although then again, no one has been forthcoming about this swill. You can of course, give us more information or wait until we have enough time to backtrack Arbiter's last known activities. So maybe we should go to R2 and start from there? Apparently that was one of the places Arbiter had to deal with extra-galactic threats of the Beyond which Guardian suspected one of its own has headed to as well. Or maybe we can just burn some time hunting down Caller Archives at the edge of the galaxy which may yield nothing so why bother?"

But still that is a little too hard. "I'm unsure if your revolution is to stop your newly maddened leader from abusing his own directives or to take away our own Matured GLDs, the latter it seems since you are asking us to hoard up and hide instead of waiting to die out at least but you're going to have to be a little more straight with us if you are expecting our assistance. Or better yet, you can just nick some of your leader's own power source and hand it over to us. We can just pass it over to Guardian and let the Caller AIs sort out their issues on their own. Odd that the Efficiency Ground only started to act after Guardian started with his own nap, no?" which was the end of that as the holographic projection of Grym Lancey started to fade although Wendeq continued with his tapping as though he was recording this himself.

2019-09-06, 11:05 AM
Nozdak looks hard at wrath, What are you, what do you hide behind your mask?

2019-09-06, 11:19 AM
Talotius' motes flare in irritation. "We do not 'beg for education', we seek details from which we will educate ourselves. Supposedly you come to set things on a correct course, yet you deflect any direct question and castigate everyone present for the ignorance which many are aware of and actively trying to remedy. 'Can't answer that', again and again - you have Us waste both our times playing guessing games from extreme disadvantage while you assail us from a position of impenetrable superiority and pompous belligerence."

"Question: What ARE you allowed to discuss freely, so that We can forego ambiguities and get to useful data?"

Wrath is a Deadly Sin:

<I do not take kindly to insults, scum. You claim to be superior to us? You claim that you will disrupt all of this? Everything that the galaxy tries to organize? Why tell us then? What motive can you have for revealing your plans? I can think of no reason, other than that you are not as powerful as you want us to believe, and need us to assist you in some purpose. So get to the f***ing point already, bastard! If you want something from us, ask directly, and if you're simply here to gloat, then get out of here before we force you to!> Kzarna snorts angrily. Behind her, the Rothuun bodyguards heft their rifles and squint down the barrels at the Wrath. At the first sign of hostile movement, they will fire.

To wrath: You stand hear speaking to us about the end of the world, a great threat. I know this is coming, ever since the coronation. My pepolpe and I have spent the time between then and now preparing for this threat. I assume their is something other than the core to worry about. If you came to warn us why do you knot give us more information. I have been preparing my nation to face this faceless threat but to truly be ready for it knowing what kind of threat it is would help. Before we began expanding the only threats on our planet were ones that could be shot of battled physically. Since we expanded I have learned of new threats like converting people to your beliefs or out witting using intelligence. All we know is there is a threat. I am preparing as best I can.

After he left Jeejee with the spy, Wendeq with no further business decided to mingle around eventually reaching the Kossav Kilm he passed earlier by the time the gatecrasher made his violent intrusion. At first Wendeq was simply content to watch the Matured deal with it, he done enough already over the years he reckoned and didn't want to split his attention on too many things. Someone had to have already looked into things after the whole debacle at Empress Sai's coronation right?

Probably not.

While it may sound like Wendeq was discussing things with Kilm, there would be quite a difference in tone to his earlier discussion with the reptilian when he discussed stately matters. He was going down a list and verbally ticked off his observations one by one starting with "their leader existed for a long time... probably predated the Sisterhood themselves if they are as clueless as we are... may have a reason to be asleep or whatever it was before it woke up to our anomalous nature... see themselves as a bigger threat than the Same... aren't a part of Axiom, apparently, if we are to assume the implications of Wrath's solar system and the Sisterhood's earlier findings..."

Wendeq pulled up something and began to skim through its record. Not quite UwU but still enough for the job.

As he was reading through it was just casual, like he was using Kilm as a sounding board, that he continued just enough to continue that thing which wouldn't even qualify as a conversation, "my best bet is that they might be an extra galactic threat the Same were created to deal with although I'm not sure what is the quarrel a maybe Caller AI might have with us. I mean if it even has power issues like Guardian, or I assume since it had to sleep just like it, does it mean we are an alternative power source or are anathema to its core directives? I wouldn't ask Wrath t- ah!" No need for a sounding board now that he believed he found it.

"Just give me a moment..." he said as he logged into the Glitterhome hub as a new user he made up on the spot. The name? Grym Lancy. The avatar eventually projected as a hologram through Glitterhome's infrastructure? The main man of the popular stealth based game of the Grymlans with the very same name.

Red and black. That was the first hint. The projection of Grym Lancy immediately asked Wrath, "and how was your leader's... oh... 30854.26.11.54 GT give or take nap? Good?" while the Harkan continued tapping away. Pulling up the picture of Wrath's supposed leader to be shown in another projection. A egg shaped AI much like Guardian but in black and red. "I guess we should be flattered, given how the Designationary's Artificial Intellects seem to hoard their power sources even from their own, that your leader has seen it fit to increase its own consumption and quicken its own depletion just to deal with us."

Of course its all just an assumption but a military person wouldn't wear anything else but the colours of who he represents and "all evidence, at least from what we have makes me certain its Arbiter although then again, no one has been forthcoming about this swill. You can of course, give us more information or wait until we have enough time to backtrack Arbiter's last known activities. So maybe we should go to R2 and start from there? Apparently that was one of the places Arbiter had to deal with extra-galactic threats of the Beyond which Guardian suspected one of its own has headed to as well."

But still that is a little too hard. "I'm unsure if your revolution is to stop your newly maddened leader from abusing his own directives or to take away our own Matured GLDs, the latter it seems since you are asking us to hoard up and hide instead of waiting to die out at least but you're going to have to be a little more straight with us if you are expecting our assistance. Or better yet, you can just nick some of your leader's own power source and hand it over to us. We can just pass it over to Guardian and let the Caller AIs sort out their issues on their own. Odd that the Efficiency Ground only started to act after Guardian started with his own nap, no?" which was the end of that as the holographic projection of Grym Lancey started to fade although Wendeq continued with his tapping as though he was recording this himself.

"For examples of those not listening at all to what I just said," Wrath waves a hand over towards the Rothuun. "As for the rest of you..."

"The Kronin's words do not match what we know of their deeds, unless your version of preparing is to gather armies. See to your people as a whole. If you eat, see they are fed. If you have shame, see they are clothed. If you only feel safe when surrounded by trained warriors, then do that. It might help. All of it might help. Or it might be too late."

"And I have been discussing things as freely as I can. My Leader assured us that the translation matrices would properly convey all words..." Warth suddenly stopped before repeating, softly, "All words."

Oh that is quite clever!

That's a horrible thing to do.

That's why they know nothing. They're only getting half the message.

"That damn prankster! None of you have empathetic chi. Know that I have misjudged you all, and it is not your fault. Prepare how you can. I have to go. Efficiency Ground must be warned." Wrath's body glows a bright light of white, before it disappears.

The nondescript ship he arrived in makes an immediate departure, barely following basic protocols, before it reaches a point where it's Gravity Latch Drive powers up and leaves.

2019-09-06, 01:38 PM
"For examples of those not listening at all to what I just said," Wrath waves a hand over towards the Rothuun. "As for the rest of you..."

"The Kronin's words do not match what we know of their deeds, unless your version of preparing is to gather armies. See to your people as a whole. If you eat, see they are fed. If you have shame, see they are clothed. If you only feel safe when surrounded by trained warriors, then do that. It might help. All of it might help. Or it might be too late."

"And I have been discussing things as freely as I can. My Leader assured us that the translation matrices would properly convey all words..." Warth suddenly stopped before repeating, softly, "All words."

Oh that is quite clever!

That's a horrible thing to do.

That's why they know nothing. They're only getting half the message.

"That damn prankster! None of you have empathetic chi. Know that I have misjudged you all, and it is not your fault. Prepare how you can. I have to go. Efficiency Ground must be warned." Wrath's body glows a bright light of white, before it disappears.

The nondescript ship he arrived in makes an immediate departure, barely following basic protocols, before it reaches a point where it's Gravity Latch Drive powers up and leaves.

If the Speaker's frame had lungs to sigh with, they would be doing it heavily right now. This encounter went pretty much as expected, and the overall tone is the same. There may be danger but these 'warnings' are just a game that does them no good trying to play.

The Tezh are far from incapable though, and the challenge to come find Wrath's controllers would get answered - add it to the growing list of things needing attention, alongside finding out which faction tried to imply the Consensus in some behavior that is completely beyond their character and historical actions.

"That was less than helpful" the choral voice says to the general gathering and turns away from where Wrath stood in order to check on Thorvald and see what his traveling companion is up to, noting that the man missed most of the activities and is mildly gawking from over at the bar.

2019-09-06, 02:45 PM
If the Speaker's frame had lungs to sigh with, they would be doing it heavily right now. This encounter went pretty much as expected, and the overall tone is the same. There may be danger but these 'warnings' are just a game that does them no good trying to play.

The Tezh are far from incapable though, and the challenge to come find Wrath's controllers would get answered - add it to the growing list of things needing attention, alongside finding out which faction tried to imply the Consensus in some behavior that is completely beyond their character and historical actions.

"That was less than helpful" the choral voice says to the general gathering and turns away from where Wrath stood in order to check on Thorvald and see what his traveling companion is up to, noting that the man missed most of the activities and is mildly gawking from over at the bar.

"I disagree," replied Mint. " We now have information, and ways to prepare. I shall provide everyone with a copy of events that have transpired here so we can research it better."

Whatever was happening, at least now they had leads. Whatever this empathetic chi was, hopefully the Duenem could pick it up in their previous recordings.