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View Full Version : Player Help Help kitting out an epic level character?

2019-08-27, 12:00 AM
Right so... I've only ever kitted out characters up to level 3, so i'd like some help kitting out my new level 21.

My build is Fighter 5/Warrior of Darkness 10/Annointed knight 6 (my DM allowed some backstory shenanigans)

stats are: 20, 9, 14, 12, 8, 19

I'm speced partially into tanking with feats like Greater Heavy armor optimization and Shield Focus, but im even more specialized in Bastard Sword (Weapon focus, Weapon specialization, improved Critical, epic weapon focus)

My bastard sword is my ancestral Relic, so the Material can change but not the sword type

I have WBL - 2035 GP (Solorian Truesteel Bastardsword)

we're still pre-session 1, but I don't really want to change my build.

We're using the armor as DR and combat facing rules from UA if that changes anything.

Please Provide a source for any suggestions, the perfect suggestion does me no good if I can't show it to the DM. Thank you for the help.

(OK what I've got so far: Cowl of Warding (mindblank, Freedom of movement), Soulfire Armor (Negative stuff immunity) Warrior of darkness grants me 1/day Demon wings lasting an hour and and 40 minutes, blindfight + tremor sense, buying a havarsack) Still have too much money left just based off level 20 WBL (541,200 GP left)

2019-08-27, 12:14 AM
I'd start with this thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items

2019-08-28, 03:17 AM
If you plan on being in melee, I'd say a Starmantle Cloak is a must.

2019-08-28, 06:06 AM
Right so... I've only ever kitted out characters up to level 3, so i'd like some help kitting out my new level 21.

I'm not an expert at kitting out, but I do know this: at level 21, you aren't really looking at epic items, due to the x10 price hike for epicness. A +10-equivalent nonepic sword costs 200k GP, but an actual epic +6 sword with no other abilities costs 720k; likewise, a Belt of Magnificence +6 (+6 to all six stats) is 200k, but an epic +8 item for a single stat costs 640k. Basically, for at least the first 5 levels of epic, you're just filling out nonepic items. Actual epic loot is a matter for quite a bit later. As such, the item guides for nonepic will still be applicable - you can just buy more of it, such as getting tomes for Con and Dex and getting all your weapon/armour/shield to maxed nonepic abilities.

Deep epic item choice (where you actually have the WBL to get epic items) is quite a bit harder to find guides for, as few people play deep into epic without significant houseruling (there's also the issue that permanent epic spells can duplicate a lot of things magic items can do, with the only real downside being that they can be dispelled). One item that is amazingly good is the Rod of Excellent Magic, but it's an item for casters, not martials.

2019-08-28, 10:47 AM
Are you allowed multiple powers on a magic item (other than weapons and armor)?

For your sword, based on the feats you've taken I'm guessing you're going for a straightforward attack and damage build. If so Collision (MiC p.31) is worth looking at, it does +5 damage which, as it's a flat bonus not extra dice, is multiplied on a critical. As you're now an exalted character presumably you'll be facing a lot of evil foes, so Holy (DMG p.225) would also probably be good for +2d6 damage against evil creatures.

Also check out Weapon Crystals (MiC p.64). A crystal of Adamant Weaponry can help protect your ancestral relic from damage, and the Demolition and Truedeath crystals allow you crit constructs and undead.

If you're making your weapon out of Solarian Truesteel I presume it's for the +1 to confirm critical hits? If so, you might be interesting in the Power Critical feat (CW p.103) which gives +4 to confirmation rolls.