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2019-08-27, 09:12 PM
Our journey begins many leagues south of the elven city of Forndell in the small trading port of Qsen situated where the the Usival river empties into the Mornanén sea.

Qsen is a relatively new settlement, in fact by elven standards it has not been around long enough to bother updating the maps. However to the towns of the shorter lived races that inhabit the nearby valleys it has brought a wealth of goods and opportunities.

The Old Stag Tavern & Inn is located just inside the eastern city gate facing the Bluestone mountains. It is one of the oldest building in the port and one of the few taverns in the city that lies away from the docks and caters to those that would prefer to avoid the rowdy sailors. It is well known among the locals for the sausage and colcannon served with a mug of house made melomel and a slice of seasonal pie. The sound of a flute and vielle drift through the hall while the last of the morning chill burns away as the August sun breaks over the mountains and light spills into the valley.

[OOC] The Plague of Tamor Town (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?596503-OOC-The-Plague-of-Tamor-Town)

2019-08-27, 11:54 PM
Cuddy Sharp-Ear, or as he introduced himself to the bar waitress, "Laurens", is seated near a corner of the Old Stag too nervous to eat. His cloak's hood is drawn over his head to conceal his ears. He is keeping an eye out for all the comings and goings of the popular place. Hiding in plain sight was a specialty of his, but he still had to avoid being recognized. He had already dulled his naturally handsome features with a few dabs of makeup from his disguise kit, but one could never be too careful when his old guildmaster Boss Hatchet was involved.

"Stupid.... stupid..." he mutters to himself. "Gold's nearly gone. Gotta find a new line of work..."

He brings the now warm ale to his lips and takes a small sip. He let out an exasperated sigh.

"Getting out of town for a while is probably a good idea, too."

His fingers snake down to his coin pouch and he jangles the last few gold coins he has to his name. It had been too dangerous to retrieve his coin stash from his safehouse. Besides, Boss Hatchet probably has already helped himself to the loot as recumpence for the money that Cuddy had been fleecing from him.

Of course, only his blood could pay back the debt in full.

So, maybe it was time to try his hand at adventuring. Preferably as far away from Qsen as he could get.

2019-08-28, 12:14 AM
Taara dreamed last night. She dreamed of Domorn's sickly face as she shot him. She dreamed of the crackle of the fire, the warmth and smell that came with it. She dreamed of strange shapes hanging over her and watching her every move. She dreamed of finally catching her first rabbit, restraining it, and snapping its neck without remorse. She dreamed of the struggle that came with trying to skin it without a sharp blade, eventually just eating it fur-on and raw, as she didn't have a fire to cook it with. Suddenly, Maut's hulking form appeared over her, and the haze and figures returned. One of them handed her an arrow. She shot Maut and ran for what seemed like hours, before finding that he had not been chasing her- she had killed him too; he uttered in draconic- "Traitor..." before falling to the grassy ground and Taara sprung awake with a jolt.

In a cold sweat, she looked around the room. The bow rested, as it had for the last six years, on her pack, arrowless. Her coin pouch, a few small coins poorer, was inside the pack, hidden well under her darts and other accoutrements. The only things from the dream that remained true was the warmth of the sunlight beaming through the window and the sounds and smells of cooking over a flame. She took a deep breath, sighing "Good grief..." to herself in elvish as she dropped back on the mattress.

While it wasn't extravagant, she had never slept on such a mattress; she only had a very small cot that she often had to share with Chand at the monastery, and the stone and dirt of the forest caves was certainly not comfortable for her first year there, though she eventually accumulated enough furs to at least keep warm in the cold winds. The pillow was another matter; she felt like she could sit cuddling it for hours like one of her captured rabbits.

Her stomach growled, and she looked down at her belly- lightly muscled, though slightly emaciated from malnutrition. Lying there for a few moments, she sprang out of bed, packed her things, and made her way downstairs, walking with her staff, a stick about half her height that had many short, snapped branches. Tied tight to a string, her rabbit's foot dangled from one of the branches.

She had never been allowed drinks at the monastery, though she had seen a few of the dragonborn drinking from time to time, buying from a dwarf passing through the mountains. Channeling them as best she could, the short young elf made her way to the bar, trying her best to play an adult elf who could more easier partake in such beverages.

"Melomel and a slice of pie, if you please," she said kindly, clattering a couple coins- change from the gold she paid in for the room the night before- onto the bar.

Deception to say "hey, I'm not that young, gimme an alcoholic drink": [roll0] EDIT: Oops, forgot what her charisma was. That's an 11, not an 8.

Q: How much coin should I mark down for her stay and her breakfast?

2019-08-28, 02:49 AM

Adamas has his blanket sprawled on the flour and has commandeered a table to himself. He has not yet figured out that they are communal. The other patrons have not objected yet, probably because Adamas, even crouched in a blanket is taller than many of the aforementioned patrons, and certainly as wide as two or three of them. Or perhaps it has to do with warhammer resting closely by the wall, which is fully one and a half meter tall.

Adamas has a look of concentration in his face as he looks the map sprawled in front of him. It is obvious it is hand-made, and not in a good way. His jaw working on his Chewing Stones, making strange grinding noises in the process, Adamas harumphs and puts the map away. He is obviously not there yet.

The rest of the table is covered with the dishes of Adamas meal. There were two full plates of sausage and colcannon, followed by three slices of seasonal pie. The mug of melomel is also empty. All in all, an excellent meal. Not as spicy as a real Goliath meal, but Adamas, as a cook himself, approves mightily.

Taking his diary out, Adamas starts to write in less-than-perfect runes.

"Second day in Tamor Town. Food good. Secret of maps not yet found."

Frowning, he adds

"Have to find work. Strange coins less and less. Maps expensive"

2019-08-28, 06:42 AM
The morning sun rises on Danica as she tosses and turns restlessly in bed, the wan light eliciting a groan as she fights the growing urge to slumber through the day. Sleeping at night had become an uncertain proposition for the dhampir during her teens, and it had become no less so with adulthood. Still, she fights the urge, rising with a yawn and wincing as a ray of sunlight passes over her eyes. Her scattered handful of hours worth of sleep would have to suffice. People had need of her talents. Someone always did.

The dhampir clothes herself quickly, donning one of her practical but elegant dresses: a conservative item of grey damask, embroidered at the hems with black lace. She lifts her skirts in a genteel manner as she descends the stairs from the lodgings in the Old Stag's upper floor into the common room. She approaches the bar, waiting her turn to order with a smile.

"Sausages, colcannon and a small slice of pie, if you please. And a glass of the melomel to wash it down," she says, once the bartender turns their attention to her. She pays up front, providing a small tip, hoping silently that the sausages will be bloody as she turns and leaves the bar, looking for a seat. Sadly, most of the tables are occupied, even at this hour, so she wouldn't be able to enjoy any solitude this morning. Still, there was one table that only had one resident... albeit a very large and imposing one.

Something in Danica rankles at the very concept that such a boorish brute could possibly be threat to her.

"I should tear out his-"

She silences the line of thought, shaking her head and taking a deep breath, before approaching the goliath and his disarmingly large weapon without a hint of trepidation.

"My apologies, sir. Would you object to me sharing this table while I break my fast?" she asks with a smile.

2019-08-28, 06:58 AM

Lost in his effort to write, Adamas is surprised to hear a voice so close to him. His face shoots upwards, only to come at eye-level with a very pale and pretty lowlander girl.


But then his brain catches up. Adamas may appear slow but he is actually quire perceptive. Looking quickly around he notices that he is the only one sitting alone and that no other empty seats exist.

He looks back to the lady.

"A fair and winning day to you, nice lady! Yes please please sit. I will make room for you. Silly Lowlanders make small tables instead of one big one. That way, there would have been room for all."

With quick gestures, he packs his maps, diary, writing instruments and the like and makes room. He also piles up his plates and puts them down on the floor. Noone breaks things in Cheoienos-Hearth unless they can afford to replace them. Very few can.

Adamas asks seriously.

"Is that enough?"

In Cheoienos, crowding would be a challenge to a pushing contest. But this pale creature would not offer a fair challenge. Also, perhaps the Lowlanders do not allow their females to participate. They have some crazy costumes regarding their females, for sure.

2019-08-28, 08:12 AM
"More than enough," she smiles pleasantly, her Sziedskian accent more noticeable now. "Thank you kindly."

She takes one of the newly freed seats, looking up at the giant of a man with a degree of interest.

"Lowlander, you say. I take it that you are not a local, then?"

2019-08-28, 10:09 AM

Adamas laughs a deep rumbling laugh

"Hur hur hur....

No I am not a local. I am not from this low place in general. I am Trunksplitter. I am from the Spire in the North. Traveled many days o see how lowlanders manage to expand so much. Us, the Naghuvpu, Goliaths as you call us... we stay put. Fight for our life every day. This is how we stay strong.

I came yesterday. Lory sitting over there showed me this inn. Nice place.

And you. Are you from here? Do you know friend Lory?"

Adamas looks, as he continues to chew his Stones, making grinding noises all the while.

2019-08-28, 10:19 AM

Cuddy notes the new arrivals at the Inn, particularly the hulking goliath he had escorted here the night before. He sees the girl Danica (though he does not yet know her name) approach the brute. They both look capable, and perhaps he could make a new friend of both of them. He needed friends.

When called by Adamas ,he finishes his ale and leaves it carelessly on his table before standing, kicking his chair back, and walking to the table.

"Good morning, friend!" He proclaims to the Goliath. He pulls out a chair and seats himself, flinging his cloak over the back of the chair with a flourish which allows the hood to fall back from his head, revealing his elfin ears. He grins at Danica with full swagger. "I see you are already making new friends." He extends his hand to Danica "Laurens, Duke of Calinheim, at your service."

He then calls out to a nearby barmaid for pie and another ale, pulling two gold coins out of his pouch and holding them in the air.

"Adamas here has me to thank for his first taste of civilized life. I do hope you are enjoying our little town's hospitality," he says, giving the goliath's massive bicep a friendly pat.

2019-08-28, 10:38 AM
Convinced she played her part well enough to get her drink, she looked out across the room. All the tables were full, or nearly full, and when they weren't, someone was using the open chair as a leg-rest as some of the elderly dragonborn were prone to do. Finally, she saw one table that had an open chair, and there sat a hulking man. Perhaps bigger than Maut? ...No, she'd take a fight with this man over a light squabble with Maut any day of the year, considering her current relationship with the green dragonborn. She watched a young man approach; a night elf of some kind. She'd seen one or two go through the temple before she started her training, but never more than one each year after the reputation of the monks started to dwindle from her accidental thefts.

Hearing a single *clink* behind her as something hit the table, for a moment she thought the bartender had somehow managed to place both her mug and plate on the table in the same instant. Almost congratulating him, she saw only the plate and a heaping slice of pie; it seemed the bartender saw her size and thought a bigger serving would have been better. And, though she did not order it, on the side of the plate was also a heaping helping of colcannon and sausage. She was sick of meat- she'd been eating it raw for some time- but she shrugged and bowed respects to the bartender. Among the monastery, she was the shortest, and took misplaced pride in the fact she could bow lower than them.

Precariously lifting the plate and her staff at the same time, she wove between the tables towards the free seat. She lifted the plate up high, struggling to not elbow sitting customers in the head. Taking the empty seat as an invitation to come near, she didn't take the seat, leaving it for the night elf to take. Noticing the hammer leaning up against the wall, she set her rabbit's-foot staff up against it and sat on the floor, setting her plate down as she started to braid her six years of unkempt, straight, red-purply hair that went past her waist and flanked her shoulders front and back. Though Suthyra, her master, had not been so used to people with hair, she was able to teach Taara this much, at least.

She pressed herself against the wall, stretching out her legs and laying her plate on her blue, dirty dress. She would be lying to herself if she didn't glance at the large man's muscles, before looking back to her food and quietly taking small bites.

2019-08-28, 11:48 AM
Danica is about to reply to Adamas, when his friend 'Lory' suddenly joins them, unleashing a barrage of questions at both her and the goliath that she wasn't really prepared for. Still, she instinctively takes his hand when it is offered, shaking it daintily.

"Danica Novotny, physician," she replies, eyeing his attire as he mentions his title. "At yours as well."

She glances between Adamas and Laurens, trying to gauge this situation.

And an Insight check: [roll0]

2019-08-28, 12:22 PM
Granig, a middle aged orc wearing a traveling cloak and boots that are falling apart, sits at the bar looking at a cup of fruity mead. Slowly he lifts the cup and takes a drink. He swills the liquid around his mouth for a second before swallowing, then sighs.

"Eh. It's fine."

He's taking another drink when the conversation happening at the table behind him picks up, and he turns around to glance back at the group congregating behind him. He watches as the goliath collects up the maps and notes.

Huh. Maybe he's a scholar too.

For a second he considers going over to join the conversation, but the table looks to be getting full, and at the last moment shyness wins out and he turns back around. He sits nursing his drink quietly listening in on the conversation.

2019-08-28, 12:53 PM

Adamas smiles when 'Lory' appears in the table, revealing in the process a set of rock-like teeth.

"Pretty lady - harumph, Danica I mean - this is Lory. He is a Duke, he says. I am not sure what that is. He is not a Chief or a Chieftain, so ...not sure."

Hearing of hospitality, Adamas frowns

"I thought this was sausage and pie. Is it called hospitality?"

He then laughs with his own joke.

"Hur hur hur. It is nice. But wait when you taste my food. Ah, and the fungal beer of my people. Seasoned in the dark and mixed with boar blood. Drunk when it stops foaming, otherwise it burns the mouth. And the clothes. True bliss"

As Danica replies, Adamas watches as a wispy young elf also comes and sits nearby. She leaves her ...weapon next to his. This, in his village, would be a sign of coming to parlay in peace. But parlay of what? The way she moves reminds Adamas of the rock tiger of his homeland. A deceptively lethal creature.

As she sits down to eat, Adamas looks questioningly at the others. He then addresses the newcomer.

"Little miss, win fair and always. Are you here to parlay? Do you want to share our... my.. food? I am Trunksplitter. Will you spill drink with me?"

Adamas orders the newcomer a tankard, as he watches curiously. Maybe he misunderstood...

2019-08-28, 01:48 PM
The tankard in a waiter's hands extended to Taara. She looked up into the big man's eyes quietly. He mentioned something about not knowing the lowland folk, implying he was from mountains- she had to tread carefully, in case he was some sort of undercover killer, hired my Kaj, Maut, or the new leader of the monastery, whoever that was. He was certainly playing up his lack of knowledge of the people down in these lands. She accepted the tankard quickly and scooted away a foot from the table of the giant.

"Um, is my staff fine where it is?" she asked, looking back at the goliath. She chugged the drink; she hadn't drank since she found a stream in the woods the day she left a couple of days ago. Wiping her mouth clean, her hunger was reawakened and she started to eat quicker. She watched the room while she shoveled food into her mouth like a squirrel digging a hole to bury an acorn. An orc approached and then turned around. She continued talking, mouth full of drink, pie, and sausage: "I can move it, if you want?"

2019-08-28, 08:26 PM
Ellis makes her way to the main room of the Old Stag, a little blearily. Murr... Coffee, she grunts at someone who looks employed by the tavern, then shakes her head a little. Sorry. Please get me some coffee? she asks, her voice a lot more polite the second time around. She looks around at the various folk about, and comments Odd crew today, looks like.

2019-08-28, 11:35 PM

Adamas slowly realizes that the elf left her stuff by accident there. Nevertheless, she didn't seem to contest anything.

"There is not problem, little miss. Stay here in our table. Do you have a name? Are you from here?"

2019-08-28, 11:57 PM
Still cautious, Taara scooted back to where she sat, leaving her plate behind. It was almost empty, anyway (though she had avoided the colcannon). She decided to curl up and answer the big person's questions, talking like Kaj would when Maut wanted him to tell the other children something.

"No, I'm not from here. I was in the mountains, then I was in the forest, and then I was here," She explained as simply as possible. "My name- or, the name I have been called- is Taara. It means 'Star' in the dragon people's language. But you may call me whatever you like. I have not been called Taara in some time." She paused, curious where the giant man had come from if not the monastery's mountains. She channeled Maut, asking several pointed questions at once. "Where are you from? Is 'Trunksplitter' your name, or is it like a title? What's it like where you're from? Why are you here?"

2019-08-29, 12:47 AM
The head server of the Old Stag is Tammy, a middle aged human with gray/blue eyes and golden curls tied back with a ribbon.

"Melomel and a slice of pie, if you please, I'm not that young, gimme an alcoholic drink"
Tammy: "You must be from out of town luv. We don't have many rules 'bout drinkin' round these parts, just don't go making a fool of yourself or Ogg over there" She gestures with her head towards a large mound in the corner "might toss you in the river." She lowers her voice "They say that he's got ogre blood running through his veins." She goes off to fetch the order.


The melomel tastes of rich berries and sweet honey with notes of oak. It hides the strength of the alcohol well.
It is 18-20% alcohol by volume. Optional DC 14 Con save per mug to resist the effects.
1 failed save is tipsy
2 failed saves is merry
3 failed saves is drunk and you might get thrown in the river.
Characters that weight over 250 pounds have advantage.
Characters that have never had alcohol before have disadvantage.

A weary teenager stumbles through the eastern gates of the city. He staggers into the Old Stag tavern and calls out "The town of Tamor has been beset by a terrible plague and needs help." before collapsing onto the floor.

There are pustules covering his body and he is running a fever.
He is in a coma and is not waking up without long term care.
From the bleeding sores on his thighs it would appear that he rode a horse nonstop from Tamor, but there is no horse near the gates. He was probably in terrible agony before he collapsed.

A guard that was following the youth sees him collapse and runs off to get aid from the local healers.

2019-08-29, 02:16 AM

Adamas is taken back from the outburst of questions. Holding fingers up to count, he answers

"Taara. I like that name. I think I will call you Staara. So that you are a star in two languages.

You walked quite a bit, then, young miss Staara. I have also. I am from the Spire, the great mountains to the North. Many days travel from here.My people are the Goliaths, or the Naghuvpu, the Ancients of the Stone. I came here to see how do the silly Lowlanders fare so well, when they are so weak. I am looking for their secret, see?

And yes, I am called Trunksplitter for now. It is a name and a title, because I won the competition of splitting a tree 's trunk three times in a row. My full name, I have to know you better to tell you."

Tired from all that talking, Adamas takes a downs his drink in one gulp. But then suddenly a commotion begins. An even smaller lowlander, almost a child stumbles. Adamas looks around bewildered and takes a look.

"Does this thing happen often? This boy here rode a lot and in pain. Probably had a horse.

Good boy. Tough, a fighter and a winner. I like him. I accept his challenge. I will help."

He picks up his bag and starts towards the door. He stops.

"Where is this Tamor town?"

2019-08-29, 03:00 AM
Granig continues to drink for a moment before the words sink in, then he stands up sharply, almost knocking his chair over.

He rushes over to the fallen teenager, stooping to feel his breathing, lifting his eyelids to look at his eyes, then knocking lightly on his skull and listening to the sound.

"Ah. He's not waking up soon. He needs healer."

Granig stands up and turns to Tammy, saying, "Someone needs to fetch the town healer."

2019-08-29, 04:45 AM
Danica freezes when the youth bursts in, hurrying over to examine the boy.

"No need to trouble them for now," she says in the direction of the orcish-looking man who called for the healer. "I am a physician myself."

Then she notices the teen's pustules.

"I would advise we do not touch him bare-handed. No sense transmitting this disease further. I will retrieve my apothecarium and begin a full examination."

She sprints back up to her room as quickly as she can with her lengthy skirts, retrieving a messenger bag of dark leather. Quickly enough, she is back in the common room, kneeling down next to the boy. She reaches into her bag, retrieves a pair of gloves, and begins examining her new patient thoroughly.

Rolls ahoy.
Medicine: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]

2019-08-29, 05:32 AM
Using passive scores, if that's okay.

Ellis, no longer concerned with getting a drink, is already on her way to attempt to Lay On Hands the poor fellow when Danica advises against it. She stays near the unconscious man, listening to his breathing and preparing to heal him, damn the consequences, should he begin slipping further towards death.

2019-08-29, 06:02 AM
Granig looks down at his hands, grimacing.

"Normally I think, 'Disease is in hands of fate. Might get it, might not. No way to know.' But... sickness might pass through hands," he says, contemplative. "I'll go clean, then look for healer. It's good you're physician, but they might know the sickness. And I don't want to carry him to bed and feed him water."

Granig steps outside of the tavern while Danica goes for her equipment. Outside he crouches, grabbing a handful of soil and rubbing his hands with it. When they're dry and suitably earthy, he steps half back into the tavern.

2019-08-29, 09:14 AM
Taara smiles when Trunksplitter names her, and smiles again when she finds he isn't worthy of suspicion. She inches closer and closer until she's watching from the floor like she did while listening to one of Domorn's stories. She almost sprung to her feet in order to hug him, like the children would do at the end of one of these stories, when...

Someone burst in, announced a problem, and then collapsed to the floor. People ran out, some of the people near to the table went up to check on him. Some people said some things about what's going on. Taara stood still watching the commotion, like a deer who had been caught in her own sights. Instead of reacting, she decides to just turn and smile at the big man: "I like you, Trunksplitter. You're a nice big man."

2019-08-29, 09:38 AM

Cuddy had been watching the introductions excitedly. This was a group of talented individuals that perhaps it was best to hitch his star to. Maybe he would survive his circumstances after all. Win friends and influence people, he thought. It served him well on the streets, and it may very well save his life now.

He enthusiastically introduces himself as Laurens, duke of Calinheim to Taara, and loudly enough for the rest of the bar patrons to hear while simultaneously feigning modesty.

It is when the youth of Tamor stumbles into the bar that Cuddy gets more animated. His fingers reach inside his cloak to the hilt of a concealed dagger instinctively, but relaxes when he notes that the youth was clearly some rural yokel and not one of Boss Hatchet's hired blades. Still, seeing the pathetic youth tugged at Cuddy's inner good-nature. Something he had forgotten that he still possessed. Something about a young man in trouble. He even kinda looked like a friend he had back on the docks. Besides, leaping to a call to adventure in another town would serve the multi-purpose of making him look heroic, ingratiating him with this group of talented individuals, and getting him the hell out of Qsen.

"Boy, where is this town you speak of? I will gladly aid your folk in their time of need." He says. He crouches before the lad, next to Danica. "My dear physician," Cuddy says. "How may I assist you in rendering aid to this poor wretch?"


Edit (After seeing Investigation result): He continues to Danica. "Do you note the sores on the poor lad? Look to be from heavy riding. I recognize them from my early days at the equestrian academy. Poor boy."

He turns to Adamas headed out the door, "Trunksplitter! Do you see the boy's horse outside?"

Edit2: Fixing color issue.

2019-08-29, 09:44 AM
"Hmm. Comatose. Ulcers on the inside leg, possibly from abrasions to pustules he had there. Aggravation from riding is quite possible" Danica says, nodding her agreement to 'Laurens' hypothesis as she concludes her preliminary examination. "This boy is going to require extensive and prolonged care, for the coma alone. But these abcesses... the coloration and distribution are, in combination, do not indicate any disease I familiar with," she frowns, gesticulating with her hands in an arcane shape, prestidigitating any residue from the boils away.

She stands up, pulling her newly cleaned gloves off.

"I fear he may be beyond mundane healing, and while I have magical means of dealing with simple injury, expunging disease is currently beyond my talents in that arena. If anyone can, they can borrow my medical gloves to help avoid contracting this disease."

2019-08-29, 04:36 PM
"this 'Laurens' man is a pile of gold coins in an empty body that they cherish for no other reason than that they exist," Taara thought with disgust, and couldn't help but remember the time she was deathly ill. "calling a very sick boy a wretch..." she grit her teeth, scowling over Lory's shoulder. Without looking away, she took the seat that she thought was meant for the "Duke". After looking that direction for a few moments, she went back to her food and drink.

2019-08-29, 05:10 PM
"Hmm. Comatose. Ulcers on the inside leg, possibly from abrasions to pustules he had there. Aggravation from riding is quite possible" Danica says, nodding her agreement to 'Laurens' hypothesis as she concludes her preliminary examination. "This boy is going to require extensive and prolonged care, for the coma alone. But these abcesses... the coloration and distribution are, in combination, do not indicate any disease I familiar with," she frowns, gesticulating with her hands in an arcane shape, prestidigitating any residue from the boils away.

She stands up, pulling her newly cleaned gloves off.

"I fear he may be beyond mundane healing, and while I have magical means of dealing with simple injury, expunging disease is currently beyond my talents in that arena. If anyone can, they can borrow my medical gloves to help avoid contracting this disease."

Let me try, Ellis says. Ellis, by the way, she adds as she gets the gloves on.

She places her hand in the least-painful looking spot on the man, and attempts to channel her energies into him.

Laying On Hands.

2019-08-29, 11:29 PM
Tammy looks upon the face of the youth "I recognize 'im, he is the son of Urdur the innkeeper in Tamor, though for the life of me I cannot remember the poor lad's name."

""Does this thing happen often? Where is this Tamor town?"
Tammy: "No sir, Mr. Trunksplitter, this is quite unusual if you ask me." She points out the window to the open city gate "Follow the road to the northeast, it will get you there sure 'nuff. The guardhouse across the way has a local map if you wish to take a look."

"Someone needs to fetch the town healer."
Tammy: "One of the watchmen of the gate ran off after he collapsed, I suspect a healer will be hear shortly."

Soon after the youth announces the plague and collapses several of the patrons decide that they are better off somewhere else, and after Danica's diagnosis the majority of the remaining patrons decide to leave as well.

With the 18 medicine you also notice that the poor lad had lost a lot of blood and would have been making death saves soon, but with Ellis' healing this is no longer a problem.-----

As Ellis begins to pour energy into the young man she feels a slight resistance and for the briefest moment a faint yet unmistakable tinge of evil before the resistance gives way. Many of the pustules burst and spew their contents before knitting closed and smoothing over. The bleeding on his thighs stops and the skin repairs itself. His breathing stabilizes but he is still unconscious.

I am going to say that you cured a secondary infection and healed for a little bit, he now has a fighting chance to survive with prolonged treatment. You realize that the primary plague he is suffering from is not natural and still lingers.-----

Disturbed by the ruckus of scraping benches a short overly fat man wearing fancy cloths and a few too many rings, likely a merchant of some kind from out of town, comes down from the rooms. Upon seeing the youth on the floor and hearing the diagnosis he pulls out a hankerchief covered in ruffles and covers his mouth and nose. With a nasaly voice he says "Ohh get that dead... thing out of here before we all catch the Shadow Rot. You" he gestures feebly with his free hand at Adamas causing his jowls to giggle "dispose of that mess and I will give you a shiny copper." His eyes look over the rest of the assembly and gradually land on Cuddy and stay there for a moment before he turns with a harrumph and starts to waddle back up the stairs.

You have seen this man before, he has had occasional dealings with Boss Hatchet but you have never had the opportunity to catch his name. He is the type that remembers only the people that he thinks are important and dismisses almost everyone else. It is unlikely that he currently knows of your predicament as he is not that close to Boss Hatchet.

Shadow Rot is not a real disease, merely something the wealthy elite think all the poor people have by nature of being poor.

2019-08-30, 01:59 AM

Adamas gives Staar a smile, just before chaos ensures.

It seems several skillful people were around. Adamas knew very little about disease, but the others seem to know. He is especially taken back by the warrior next to him, curing the boy.

This is powerful faith!

Peaking outside, he tries to see the horse

Perception [roll0]

Then the fat man comes. Adamas tightens his grip on his maul and looks angrily at the man.

"Go up, Lardface, or I will carry you out of the room. Now! And I challenge anyone to stop me!"

Adamas looks at the others.

"So, clever and pretty people. And clever Master Ork but approximately as pretty as Trunksplitter. Lad goes to sleep. He can have my room. I go to town to help. Master Lory also comes. Wee miss lady Staar, wanna come to? We will have food for the road, be sure. I am excellent cook, you know.

Master Innkeeper! Please fill our waterskins and give us cheese, bread and meat for the road.

You miss Danica? You know disease. Perhaps you can come help?

You, Master clever Ork? Or Master Healer-Warrior?

Adamas pauses in thought.

"I don't know Low customs. Should we tell the Chieftain of this town before we leave? Or his strongmen? Will we offend them if we leave?

And they have maps!"

he concludes happily. At last, something to do. He was getting soft here.

2019-08-30, 02:24 AM
The appearance of the fat man seemed to lessen her feelings she had against Laurens. The only folks as bulbous as him at the monastery would have been the extremely old and withering dragonborn, given their share and more to honor their achievements (often these were those who disliked the presence of orphans). This man, a human, dared to order a man worthy of great respect with the prospect of the cost of a loaf of bread. She spat. She'll get back at him later.

doesn't lighten my heart to go back closer to the mountains, but... She thought, grumbling under her outward smile. She fetched her staff, and strolled up to Trunksplitter.

"I don't think lowland 'chieftains' have strongmen, Trunksplitter. These folk throw sparkling coins at their enemies until they stop attacking them. Cowards." she spat again, leaning on her staff. "The strongest are meant to lead, and the strongest below them are meant to follow. The wise are who the strong follow, but fools think themselves wise and strong, when they are neither. Stupid and fat is all they are." she turned to the others.

"I have no need for coin, really, so I don't care much for asking for a reward for any efforts offered. Feel free to go looking for one, but I will be walking around town. To get to know the place. I feel we would be returning here if a reward was offered?"

2019-08-30, 05:22 AM
Danica nods approvingly as Ellis concludes her work.

"Stabilised now, at least," she says with a grim smiles, prestidigitating her gloves clean so that Ellis can safely remove them. "Danica Novotny," she adds, now that the other woman doesn't seem to need to concentrate.

Then the heavyset merchant enters the room, and begins talking about shadow rot. Danica scowls, her blood seething at his complete disregard for another man's life.

Follow him back up! Tear his throat! Feed! Drink! Drink him dry!

The dhampir runs her tongue over her teeth, feeling her fangs begin to extend, and takes a deep breath. Then several more, until she feels her thirst lessen. And realises that Trunksplitter has been speaking to her.

"Hmm? Sorry, were you asking if I wanted to aid Tamor?" she asks. "I am a physician. Aiding a plague-ridden town is my duty. I believe my answer should be obvious," she smiles.

2019-08-30, 06:41 AM
At Adamas' words, Granig looks down. No. It okay. Granig is pretty on the inside.

"I am Granig, and I will come to Tamor," Granig says, stepping up to Danica and the group. "Am not really healer, but I will come and pray for the sick. Will be good to travel with you all, look at your maps, hear your stories, tell you about the god Sky."

2019-08-30, 08:37 AM

Cuddy looks to Granig, then to Danica, then to the youth prostrate at his feet. "Plague, eh... Argyros' feathers..." he breathes, his pretentious accent slipping into his normal Qsen common.

He speaks to Danica and Granig, his accent re-poshed. "I'm no physician, my dear doctor, but I confess my heart aches for this poor fellow and his... ahem... fellows in Tamor. I will join with you."

As if anticipating the incredulous response he pulls back his cloak to display his carefully concealed blades. "I am capable of defending myself and others. I will be no useless lump like our... ahem... portly friend upstairs." He scowls toward the top of the stairs.

"So... uh... the sooner the better, eh?"

2019-08-30, 09:25 AM
To Tamor we go, Ellis says. What kind of people would we be if we just left them to suffer, knowing we could help?

2019-08-31, 12:41 AM
Peaking outside, he tries to see the horse
The youth's horse is not anywhere near the gate.

"That young lad that came through not to long ago? He was running on foot."

"Go up, Lardface, or I will carry you out of the room. Now! And I challenge anyone to stop me!"

Adamas' outburst terrifies the fat man so much that as he tries to run away he looses his balance and falls down the stairs cracking his head. He is unconscious.

You successfully intimidate him, he rolled a 2 on a DC 5 to try to run up the stairs on his short fat legs and takes 3 damage."
Tammy: "Would you look at that, the pompous fool slipped on his own tongue and fell down the stairs." She eyes the remaining patrons. "Isn't that right boys" There are murmurs of agreement.

In the guard station behind a pane of glass there is a map drawn on a large piece of parchment made of a single deer hide. It has been updated several times over the years. The person on duty tells you that Tamor is approximately 35 miles [56 km] from Qsen. Smaller copies of the map are for sale for 1.5 gp each, watertight map case included.

She spat.
Tammy: "I understand your sentiment but I'd appreciate if you didn't go spittin' in me establishment, thank ye very much."

During your wanderings you are able to find several places that sell serviceable hunting arrows, they should work well for anything short of the most heavily armored opponents.

Most of the city is devoted to the docks (warehouses, ship maintenance, taverns for sailors, etc.) Qsen is not large enough for a slums to develop. The nicer looking estates are on the hills to the south.

I intend to make a map of the city, but it might be a while.

Ellis is the only one in the room that notices Danica's momentary lapse in control.

I did a bunch of GM rolls for everyone in order to move things along. The DC to notice Danica's control slipping is her passive deception (14 atm).

As the last of you are preparing to leave the Old Stag a watchman approaches the inn with a rather unlikely trio. A female tabaxi, a male gnome, and a dwarven ... you can't quite tell. They are lead in where they do a quick examination and hear the events from Tammy. The gnome approaches Danica and Ellis and rummages around in his bandoleer. He hands the two of you one small vial each followed by a clockwork pigeon with a small scroll case affixed to it (scroll case is about 2 inches long by 1/2 inch in diameter). "I understand that you might be headed out to Tamor to investigate, these are potions of stamina for your trouble. If you uncover anything we should know about put the message it this pigeon and wind it up a bit, best to be outside in a clearing when you do."

Removes one level of exhaustion.
As the trio discuss different theories of treatments between themselves you wonder if the cure is going to be worse then the disease.

2019-08-31, 05:18 AM
Granig is quiet as the group prepares to leave, thinking to himself as he watches the preparations, looking at the sky to read the weather, looking at the clothing and footwear of the rest of the group.

"Uh. I am thinking. I think 'What if one of us gets sick? Will the others carry?' And I think, 'Hm. Two days to town, we not know if shops and food there. We not know if water there safe.' I am thinking to look for a horse and wagon, maybe extra food. I don't think it silly idea. Will anyone help me look?"

As the weird trio discuss treatments, Granig wanders off to look for someone who could lend or rent them a horse and wagon for the journey. He has 10 gold to spend (more if anyone wants to help). If he can find them, and if there's any gold left, he'll look for a water barrel and some spare feed and rations to stock it with.

Not sure if the search will need any rolls.
Here's a persuasion check if needed for the bartering
Persuasion: [roll0]

2019-08-31, 06:46 AM

Adamas laughs as the fat man falls down

"He lost the fight with the steps! Hur hur hur...."

Adamas is not cruel, he was just raised in a culture where winning is everything

Coming outside, he goes straight to buy the map and he looks adoringly at the nice case.

A real map! I am getting closer!

He then learns of the boy's run

"Hey clever people, listen! The boy run here! He run 30 miles! The lad is a winner, as I said"

When the half-orc mentions buying a horse and wagon and supplies, he looks perplexed

"Master Orc Sky-watcher, I can find food in this places. I can find enough for everyone. And I can carry someone if its wounded, no problem. Here, see"

Adamas looks for a cart or something nearby that would strain his strength.

Adamas takes good hold and, muscles bulging, he picks it up and takes a walk up and down the road. In the end, he puts it where he found it, no sweat in his brow.

"See? Carrying no problem. But if you still want to buy mule, I have some money."

2019-08-31, 08:01 AM

"Yes... a horse. Unfortunately mine is... umm... not available. I am rather penniless unfortunately." Cuddy says to Granig. He reaches into his pouch and withdraws five gold coins. "I hope this helps."

2019-08-31, 09:20 AM
I'll chip in what I can as well, Ellis says, taking a coinpurse with 10 GP out. But I think our best bet would be a good horse and a cart or wagon. It might be a tight squeeze, but we'll manage.

2019-09-01, 01:10 AM
Adamas finds a rain barrel that is mostly full and carries it about. Many onlookers cheer at the feat of strength, but some of the watchmen are a little unsettled.


In searching the city you find that carts and horses are hard to come by as they are in high demand. Someone is willing to sell you a cranky old mule for 10 gold. You might have better luck on one of the farms along the road.

You find a broken down cart belonging to a carpenter. He was going to have his apprentice fix it up, but the kid ran off and signed up to be a shipwright to sail the high seas in search of adventure. He is willing to let you have it for 5 gp, but you will have to effect repairs yourselves. One of the side walls is missing entirely, the axle has a large crack in need of mending or replacement, and a wheel needs work. It shouldn't take too long to get it functional if you work together and ignore the missing side board.

The cart is physically large and strong enough for a seated driver, two people laying in the back, and some luggage, although it would be a bit cozy.

He has an old set of tools that he is willing to part with for 7 gold or borrow to fix the cart for 1 silver.

Feed and rations are readily available (list price in PHB). You are able to locate an empty Quarter Cask (small barrel that holds 50 liters [13 gallons]) for 5 silver. Although any water stored in it will taste of whiskey until it has been washed many times.

Sorry for the minimalistic post, it was a long day.

2019-09-01, 03:11 AM
Granig accepts the broken cart from the carpenter, paying out 5 gold pieces from his ragged coinpurse. Checking that the others aren't leaving without him, he steps up to the broken cart, closing his eyes as he begins to pray. He imagines rains falling from the sky, the water collecting and unifying on the ground, becoming one whole piece again. He imagines clouds meeting in the sky and merging, two parts becoming joined. Finally he imagines lightning flashing down from the sky to strike sand, melting the earth into a solid piece.

After a minute spent concentrating, Granig opens his eyes, waves his staff, and casts Mending on the broken cart.

Dragging the cart back to the group, he says, "Adamas, still want to pull this?"

2019-09-01, 03:14 PM

Adamas looks at the cart and that is enough to stop him gazing admirably at his new map and shaking the potion to see how it changes color. He big face splits into a grin.

"Ancients harken! I wager all of you that I will pull this all the way to Tamor, even through the night! Who wants to take the challenge?

So, pretty and smart people, come! Who will ride here?"

He puts his backpack back, keeping only his weapon and his waterskin, and grabs the rails. If noone steps up, he starts merrily dragging the cart towards the city exit.

2019-09-01, 04:15 PM
Taara was smiling as she wandered back to the town gates. She was lost in thought thinking of her new hunting arrows, Trunksplitter, and how the fat man tripped and fell, burying thoughts about the monastery and pursuing assassins. Undoubtedly she gets a few glances which she pays no mind to during her walk. She glared at the rich peoples' estates in the south hills thoughtlessly and expressionlessly.

Finally, she returned to the gates to see the five she had seen before, Trunksplitter pulling a broken up wagon. Without saying anything and keeping her head down, she started walking parallel to him while clutching the straps of her pack with one hand and using her staff with the other. The arrows in the quivers shook with each step.

2019-09-01, 04:37 PM
Ellis chuckles when Adamas makes his declaration. Thank you, she does say, though, not wanting the man to feel unappreciated.

She also takes a few minutes to talk to the carpenter about using his tools, but considering the rush, decides to buy a set outright, so she can repair on the go.

2019-09-03, 12:09 AM
And so the heroes of our story venture forth on their quest and the people of Qsen ... well they went about their normal routine like any other day because it would be silly to expect a large fanfare. Except Tammy, she wishes you luck and hopes that you can save those people.

About a mile and a half down the road you find a dead horse on the side of the road with lots of blood on the saddle.

The saddle was put on in a hurry by inexperienced hands.

It looks like the horse died of a combination of disease and exhaustion.

If you have any last minute purchases in Qsen go ahead and wrap them up.

2019-09-03, 12:27 AM

Adamas stops pulling the cart for a bit, when he sees the carcass of the horse. He bents closer to look at it.

"This must be the horse of the boy left back, see? The saddle was wrong. The horse was sick and ridden to the death."

Adamas looks to see if there are any other signs of what could have happened before moving on.

Perception [roll0]
Investigation [roll1]

2019-09-03, 01:03 AM
Taara smiles and waves back at Tammy when she wishes them luck. When she sparred with some of the dragonborn children, it was common for Chand to have done the same... as images in her mind jumped to Domorn again, she tried to stop thinking and just walked, keeping pace with Trunksplitter. She walks with him, all the way up to the dead horse.

She poked at it with her stick, trying to identify portions of it that are not diseased (and thus would be edible)

Animal Handling: [roll0]
Medicine: [roll1]
Additional (Nature, I guess?) to see if any bits of it are edible: [roll2]

Though she was not experienced with horses, Taara nodded at Trunksplitter's remark. She had seen a saddle or two on pack animals coming through the monastery. Trunksplitter pointed out the horse's disease. It was slightly unnerving to her that such a sickness could affect a horse just as well as a man. Even so, she searched it for edible parts.

2019-09-03, 08:51 AM

Cuddy had largely been silent as the final journey preparations were made. His principal concern was keeping his head down to avoid being seen. When the cart arrived he was content to rest his lithe frame inside, but would occasionally walk along side if pressured to do so.

At the sight of the horse, sickly and dead, he paused. "I knew that the lad had had a horse," he says, using his real accent.


He echoes Taara's thoughts by saying "What kind of plague affects beast as well as man?" He says, though mostly out loud to himself. Again, now that they have cleared the city he has definitely relaxed on the accent. "The boy was brave. Pray that his courage will be rewarded if there is any justice in the world." He looks back mournfully toward Qsen. "He certainly won't find it there, by Argyros."

OOC for DM:
I think Cuddy would have an affinity for Argyros, being a rogue who will eventually go Arcane Trickster.

2019-09-03, 02:59 PM
Animal Handling: [roll0]
Medicine: [roll1]

Poor horse, Ellis says. Might've only been an animal, but they deserved better than this. Unfortunately, not much we can do. Should we burn the body, to help prevent infection? Or is that a bad idea?

2019-09-03, 11:41 PM
Adamas looks to see if there are any other signs of what could have happened before moving on.

You see a faint trail of blood leading from the horse back to Qsen.

She poked at it with her stick, trying to identify portions of it that are not diseased (and thus would be edible).

Without knowing which diseases the horse might have had it is difficult to determine if any of it is currently edible.

Should we burn the body, to help prevent infection? Or is that a bad idea?

There is a small stand of alder not too far away. However it would be fresh cut wood and would give off a lot of smoke when burned.

2019-09-04, 05:04 PM
Granig comes to a stop and looks over the dead horse along with the others. He nods along to Cuddy's observations.

"Sometime disease comes for people, sometimes for livestock. Strange to see it for both." He crouches to peer at the dead animal. "Only a little more sick than the boy at the inn, or it wouldn't have fallen so close to town."

He looks up around at the others.

"Can anyone feel magic? Sense spirits? Might find out more about the sickness."

Animal Handling: [roll0]
Medicine: [roll1]

2019-09-05, 02:11 PM
I can, Ellis says, taking a moment to open her senses to the otherworldly.

Divine Sense usage!

2019-09-05, 10:23 PM
Ellis opens her senses and can feel the lingering traces of evil within the corpse. It has the same stench as the evil she felt while healing the son of Urdur.

2019-09-06, 11:01 AM
There's no outright possession or anything, Ellis says, but it feels malicious. More than an ordinary sickness-there's something sinister to this.

2019-09-06, 11:45 AM
There's no outright possession or anything, Ellis says, but it feels malicious. More than an ordinary sickness-there's something sinister to this.

"Suppose that might be why it affected the horse, too?" Taara asked Danica.

2019-09-06, 12:44 PM
Danica's preparations before leaving had mostly consisted of ensuring all her remedies were fully stocked, and was happy to take a spot on the cart when one was available. She has frowned all the way through the group's examination of the horse's carcass, and the look of concern only intensifies at Ellis' proclamation.

"Then, if I may offer my professional opinion? We should burn the carcass," she says firmly. "If this disease can pass between man and beast, then the last thing we need is scavengers contracting it from this corpse and spreading it elsewhere."

2019-09-07, 07:08 AM
"Hm. Then we should listen to the physician," Granig says, standing back up and looking around. He wanders towards the clump of alder trees and starts breaking off branches with calloused hands. He looks back at the others as he works.

"Anyone have axe for trunk and splitting?"

2019-09-07, 10:22 AM
Ellis looks briefly into her pack, and shakes her head. I've a shovel, but no axe.

2019-09-07, 02:27 PM

Adamas wordlessly takes out one of his handaxes and passes on. He starts using the other to cut branches, until he notices how soft the ground is.

Adamas takes a young tree, and heaving mightily, attempts to uproot it. At first, nothing happens . But then Adamas shouts "Stone give me strength!" and his hands become rock hard/ Slowly, very slowly. the tree gets uprooted all together.

Adamas, panting, let's out a yell

" I won. The tree lost."

2019-09-07, 02:50 PM
Ellis chuckles a little. Yes, yes you did. Let me help you get the rest of the wood we'll need, though-no sense tiring our cartman out.

With that, she moves to the next tree, pushing while he pulls.

Helping Adamas with his tree duty.

2019-09-07, 02:59 PM
Taara scowls a little bit at Ellis's chuckling. It felt disrespectful to her, to laugh at someone strong. She, too, tries to push a tree down:


After a moment of trying, she stops and just continues walking along the road. She leaves the party there to burn the dead horse. She's faster than any of them anyway, and she'll be careful.

Going ahead. If Taara sees something approaching her, she'll keep her distance, but if something like runs at her she'll run at full tilt back down the road.

2019-09-08, 12:37 AM
Working together with ax, saw, and in some cases raw strength you manage to get a pile of wood together that is enough to at least start cremating the horse.

A little while after you light the fire one of the city guards rides up from Qsen to investigate the column of smoke. "What are you doing building such a fire this close to the city? ... What is that smell?"

I am assuming that the pyre was built over the corpse and the guard cannot see the horse, rather then trying to lift the dead horse weighing over 1500 lbs [680 kg] onto a pile of wood.

While scouting ahead Taara finds a small trade caravan that had departed from Qsen before you, but is moving at a slower pace.

2019-09-08, 12:43 AM
interesting, Taara thought. It would certainly be so if these people were headed to Tamor. But it would be far more likely it would be bound for the town she came through on her way to Qsen.

She kicked off her sandals and returned them to her pack, overtaking the rear wagon of the caravan, looking up and wide-eyed at the driver. "Hello?" she said, childishly as possible. "Where're you headed?"

2019-09-08, 12:33 PM
Not sure if you heard, but a man came in half-dead with sickness. His horse died on the way-we're burning the body to cleanse it, Ellis replies.

2019-09-09, 09:53 AM

Finally, some way I can prove useful Cuddy thinks as he approaches the guard with his hands open and spread in a gesture of welcoming.

"My fine fellow," he says, the ducal accent returning. "There is talk of plague nearby, this horse has been afflicted and we are trying to spare our fair city of any of the troubles from the outlying settlements. If we have disrupted an ordinance I assure you that we are managing the fire and preventing its spread. You may return to your duties confident in our good intent. Thank you for your service."


2019-09-09, 10:38 PM
"Where're you headed?"

"Greeting fellow traveler, we are headed to Choux by way of Brimel."

Brimel is the town Taara came through on the way to Qsen.

Guard: "I am aware of the poor lad, I will send a few persons of the fire brigade to ensure that this is properly contained. We would not want the city to burn down like Lindan."

He rides back to Qsen.


As the fire burns into the corpse the smoke takes on bazaar shapes and forms as it rises into the sky and the smell is most repulsive.

Failed save results in incapacitated due to vomiting.

A little while later a cart pulls up with a few members of the fire brigade.

2019-09-09, 10:49 PM
"ah, I see," Taara muttered. So Trunksplitter is just going to have to keep pulling... she sighed, having hoped to allow the big man time to rest. Either way, she needed to rest too."not where I'm headed, but oh well. Carry me to the fork? I'm headed to Tamor, all by my lonesome. It would be good if I could get a small rest on my way."

2019-09-09, 11:39 PM

His work completed, Adamas watches the discussion with the guard. The foul smoke from the fire takes him by surprise and he coughs a bit, but his strong constitution can handle it.

"This is an evil, rotten smoke. We will be proceeding, mister guard.

Everyone here? Ready to move on?

Hold on, where is Staar?"

2019-09-10, 09:49 AM

Damn, I'm good... Cuddy thinks to himself. Because of course the guard left them be because of his charm.


Edit (after failed con save): As soon as the guard turns away, Cuddy bowls over and vomits to the side, desperately pushing his boots back to avoid being splashed. He falls to his knees, coughing and hacking.

2019-09-10, 10:00 AM

Rolling Con save.

Ellis takes a deep breath in front of the fire, and her throat catches. She tries to contain it, but staggers to the side of the road, and vomits out the contents of her last meal.

Urgh... she lets out. We should be more careful with the fire, in the future.

2019-09-10, 01:01 PM
Granig's eyes narrows as he watches the swirling smoke flow up from the pyre. He wrinkles his nose at the smell, stepping backwards as he sees the other succumb to the stench.

"You were right, Ellis. This reeks of evil."

"We... should go. When I set out, thought this would be good diversion, fun company. Didn't think it would be a thing of evil. A poison that pollutes the air, desecrates the sky. My faith feels heavy, pulling me down, into this sickness, to this plague town."

The smell overwhelms him, and he staggers back, gesturing to the fire team to stay back.

Constitution: [roll0]

If Granig saves, he'll try and help treat the others, looking around for any stomach-settling herbs.
Medicine: [roll1]
Survival(?): [roll2]

2019-09-10, 11:26 PM
"Carry me to the fork? I'm headed to Tamor, all by my lonesome. It would be good if I could get a small rest on my way."

"Well if you do not mind giving an old man some company, you can ride along for a while." The old man begins talking and talking in one incredibly long unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that you do not have a chance to interrupt, it is really quite hypnotic.


Granig knows that with a bit of fresh air and some water everyone should recover.


After a while it becomes apparent that you have harvested enough wood to finish the job and nothing living or undead is going to emerge from the pyre. Leaving the fire to the guards to take care of you move on.

The fork in the road is about 8 miles [13 km] away. The group makes better time then the Taara does with the merchants and you arrive at about the same time.

At the fork there is a small rest stop / campground with a building that is open on two sides and a fireplace for cooking. Also there is a farm nearby.

2019-09-10, 11:59 PM
Taara sprinkles in affirming sounds along with nods. This man's rambling stories were like Domorn's, except they seemed to have no end or moral. Also that they weren't really stories in the real sense of the word. All the same, she absorbed the information and thanked him as she leapt off, immediately noticing the party. She approached them, waving after the caravan as she did so. As soon as she was sure the old man wasn't looking, she returned her sandals to her feet.

"Oh! Hello, Trunksplitter," she said, craning her neck to look at him. "I was getting tired of walking so I went ahead until I found that wagon. I was thinking about going off to catch some food but I lost track of time. He had good stories to tell."

2019-09-11, 07:54 AM

Adamas carefully ties two lknots in his Counting Cords, to remember he pulled out the trees and moved the cart. As he goes, he keeps seeking Taara to see if she is nearby. Somehow, the lithe human - the very dangerous small human- has become his concern.

When he sees her, Adamas smiles.

"Hi Staara. I see you found friends."

Taking his map out, he tries to see if there are anymore resting stops nearby.

"It is still early to stop. Let's eat and then push on"

2019-09-11, 11:06 AM
Perhaps we should stop by the farm-see if anyone spotted anything, Ellis says. And, if not, warn them of potential danger.

2019-09-11, 11:10 AM

Cuddy had already flung his pack to the ground next to an accommodating stump on which he sits. He had removed his boots and was rubbing his sore feet when he heard Trunksplitter's proclamation of continuing. He frowns. "I say we take more time than lunch," Cuddy says. He is too tired to even bother with the ducal accent.

He points a thumb toward the farm "I agree with Ellis, maybe we can stop there and see if there is some food we can purchase. I would rather save our pack rations for emergencies."

2019-09-11, 12:20 PM

Looking at the farm, Adamas nods sagely.

"Friend Lory is right. These people should be warned. But I can pick enough food for all of us. These are green lands.

However, with some items like eggs and cheese, I can create a feast fit for chiefs!"

Adamas stops. Perhaps these lowlanders do not know that eating cooked food together is a sign of trust. He will see.

2019-09-11, 12:23 PM
Ellis nods, and heads for the door to the farm. As she goes, she pats Adamas's shoulder. Thank you-for all the help, and the kindness. We appreciate it, she says with a smile.

When she reaches the farm's door, she knocks three times, loud enough to be heard, but not so roughly as to sound aggressive.

2019-09-11, 12:33 PM

Cuddy accompanies Ellis to the farm. If it comes down to haggling and bargaining he may be of some assistance.

"So... what's your story?" he asks Ellis as they make their way to the door. "That big hammer of yours has definitely seen some use."

2019-09-11, 01:03 PM
Taara goes out looking for rabbits and other small animals, catching them off guard and pouncing on them.

Survival: [roll0]

2019-09-11, 01:22 PM

Cuddy accompanies Ellis to the farm. If it comes down to haggling and bargaining he may be of some assistance.

"So... what's your story?" he asks Ellis as they make their way to the door. "That big hammer of yours has definitely seen some use."

My dad's a former Paladin, Ellis replies. This wasn't actually his-it was my mom's. She fought with him, for a time, before the kids came. She still kept prepared-helped that my dad needed someone to spar with-but she chose to be a leader, rather than a warrior.

I'm actually kinda going against what the parents want here-they'd rather we all live quiet, peaceful, happy lives, she continues. After dad got crippled doing the hero work... Well... I dunno. He's happier than ever, even if he has trouble walking, because he's home. He gets to be with the family. And I think they're worried about losing us. But, at the same time, I can help. I can fight. I can make the world a better place-and they understand that. They know that I wouldn't be happy not helping. So... What was the question again? Ellis finishes, with a light chuckle.

2019-09-11, 01:37 PM

The half-elf nods, following Ellis' words. When she finishes he frowns. "I wish I could claim the same. Having a family and all that. Gives you something to live for, maybe even fight for. I envy you..." he trails off, staring absently at the farmhouse door. "I suppose you could say the dockworkers in Qsen were my fathers, the whores my mothers. 'Course, I did find a family of sorts, but they didn't exactly put a premium on 'loyalty.' I never thought about leaving a place better than I found it. Maybe I can change that with this plague business."

"I'm not a duke, though I haven't exactly been trying to play that role around you lot." He finally says.

2019-09-11, 02:14 PM
Ellis ***** her head. When did you claim to be a duke? she asks. And I'm sure you'll find people who actually care about you-you, not what you can do for them.

2019-09-11, 02:17 PM

"Eh... you... uh... may hear a couple of our company refer to me as such. I may have encouraged it. It usually makes it easier to deal with people when they think you are someone important." Cuddy says.

2019-09-11, 02:21 PM
You are important, Ellis says.

2019-09-12, 12:16 AM
There are plenty of elderberries in the area easily found and ripe for the picking.

For those of you that are looking for something with a bit more sustenance, grouse and rabbits are around. However, attempting to run them down on foot only yields only a few rather young specimens. Switching to bow and arrow (or other ranged means) yields better results. You are also able to find some wild garlic, leaks, mint, and mushrooms.


At the farmhouse most of the family is still out working the fields, but a nice old lady answers the door. "Welcome, welcome, what can we do for you."

This farm is well know to the locals for selling fresh seasonal vegetables and dairy goods to road weary travelers. Currently they have squash, tomatoes, carrots, beans, and kale as well as the house cheese, butter, milk, and eggs. One silver lets you supplement your foraging results with enough to make a nice hearty meal for the whole group.


Taking his map out, he tries to see if there are anymore resting stops nearby.
This is the only rest stop that is well kept with a roof and hearth along the road, however there are other farms and clearings along the way.

2019-09-12, 09:26 AM
At the farmhouse most of the family is still out working the fields, but a nice old lady answers the door. "Welcome, welcome, what can we do for you."

This farm is well know to the locals for selling fresh seasonal vegetables and dairy goods to road weary travelers. Currently they have squash, tomatoes, carrots, beans, and kale as well as the house cheese, butter, milk, and eggs. One silver lets you supplement your foraging results with enough to make a nice hearty meal for the whole group.

Not too much, ma'am, Ellis says in response. We're just here to warn you that someone from Tamor came recently, infected with some horrible disease. He's okay-for the moment, at least-but you'd be well advised to be careful.

Besides that, any chance we could procure some good meal supplies?

When the woman offers ample ingredients for a mere silver, Ellis takes it in a heartbeat. Thank you very much, ma'am! We appreciate your generosity. Here's hoping your harvests are bountiful!

2019-09-12, 10:31 PM
Taara nimbly and lightly climbed up Trunksplitter's back, reading the map while hanging over his shoulder. She looked it over, spotting the mountains on the right and the road the caravan was going down.

"Where's your home on this map, Trunksplitter?" Taara asked eagerly.

2019-09-13, 01:52 AM

Adamas looks up open mouthed as the human girl climbs up his back like he isa tree. He then laughs heartily and extends his shoulder so that she has more space to sit.

The question flusters him and he spends some seconds thinking.

"This is it, little human friend. As I understand, this part shows where the sun rises and this where it sets. Then, this much represents how much a human can walk in a day. Then my home..."

He sets the map down under a rock so that it doesn't fly away and walks ten full steps, Taara still in his back.

'... it is around here"

He then turns to Taara and says

" I saw rabbits and hares. Should we go collect our food? I think our pretty and clever friends do not know how."

If Taara follows he gives her two of the javelins, and he helps her pick food.

2019-09-13, 10:09 AM
"Wow, that's pretty far, Trunksplitter," Taara remarked. "I lived not too far from here, actually, just down the other road, through the forest and into the mountains." as he mentions hunting, Taara climbed down Trunksplitter's arm, expecting it to lower like a strong tree branch before snapping back up. Instead, it only bowed slightly, and she dropped, landing [roll0] nimbly, on her feet.

"that sounds nice, Trunksplitter." she added with a wide smile.

2019-09-13, 10:09 AM

"That was easy..." Cuddy murmurs to Ellis as he assists her in carrying their procured produce back to the group. "She could have easily charged five times as much for this. This is cheaper and better than anything I could get in Qsen."

2019-09-13, 02:34 PM
She's probably just happy for some company. Family's great, but the same people day-in, day-out makes a change of pace welcome, Ellis replies. Or she's just nice. It happens.

2019-09-15, 12:57 AM
Taara remained quiet while hunting. A black rabbit clearly visible against the green and yellow grasses dashed by, and thanks to her reflexes she pounced on it. It struggled against her grip before falling still, freezing like a mouse trying to live through an encounter with a snake. She looked down at it through the messy shorter hairs that didn't get into her braids, and it looked back with the cutest glimmer in its eyes, reflected in the sunlight. She stared at it for a moment, before setting it in a more comfortable position on her arm and petting it with the other, caressing its fluffy body. Taara went and found Trunksplitter, offering the rabbit to him and returning to the wagon for the rest of their time on the road, allowing the big man to do the deed instead if he wished.

2019-09-15, 02:45 PM

Adamas manages to snare a rabbit with his javelin and he also gathers herbs, wild onions and garlic and some mushrooms. When Ellis and Cuddy come back from the farm, his face splits in a broad grin. He digs out his cooking tools and expertly skins and seasons the rabbits. Instead of making a stew, he fries the rabbits in butter, herbs, onions and garlic using pinches of spices he carries with him. He the takes the eggs, floor and cheese and makes small cheese pies which he roasts alongside the mushrooms. The beams and carrots go with the rest of the onion into a salad. Soon, the camp smells like a tavern, and Adamas proudly presents his creation.

"Clever and pretty friends, come and eat! This is good foo, you will see!"

Do I need to roll? If yes, I assume it is a wisdom roll and [roll0]

EDIT: This is hilarious! He is trained in cooking and his first time is a Nat one! Something tells me the pepper fell on the food as he was cooking, and the mushrooms were rotten and bitter.

2019-09-16, 10:59 PM
Adamas is not used to the relatively small an delicate eggs available in this area and gets some egg shells into the food. However, to someone that chews on rocks that is really not much of a problem.

While Adamas did the cooking Ellis makes the repairs to the cart.

Moving right along, lets wrap up anything remaining along the road.
You push through the night taking shifts sleeping on the cart and taking a few more short rests for meals.

The next day by mid morning you arrive on the outskirts of Tamor.

As you enter the town from the south you notice that it is eerily quiet and unusually still, there is not a single person in the fields.

You hear something the fields on the left side of the path.
You hear something the fields on both sides of the path.
Tamor Town Map (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yVmYiTPQ_FcQwgELxhknWONpx0TMaxbK)

2019-09-16, 11:01 PM
Taara takes a good look around.


She hears something, coming from either side. She reaches for an arrow, but stays quiet.

2019-09-17, 12:43 AM

Adamas rolls the cart into the town. His ears pick something moving on the side. He stretches and in the process unslings his javelins and puts them nearby, keeping his maul close with the other.

2019-09-17, 09:34 AM
Ellis, feeling a little suspicious of the area, hefts her shield and has her hand ready to grab her hammer. Something's to the left... she mutters, just loud enough for the others to hear.

2019-09-17, 03:02 PM
Granig stops, sensing the sudden tension in the others. He looks around, but sees no cause for alarm beyond the complete lack of people - not surprising, if the town really is in the grip of a plague.

Taking a step closer to Taara, Granig does his best attempt at a whisper, "Is something wrong?"

2019-09-17, 05:31 PM
Granig stops, sensing the sudden tension in the others. He looks around, but sees no cause for alarm beyond the complete lack of people - not surprising, if the town really is in the grip of a plague.

Taking a step closer to Taara, Granig does his best attempt at a whisper, "Is something wrong?"

"On both sides," Taara whispers back after a moment. "If they're being quiet it's either they're unfriendly or they're putting up a surprise party for one of us, and I think it might be both, except without the party." she pulls out her bow, nocking an arrow ready to shoot at something coming from the right. "can you keep pulling us, Trunksplitter? We'll have to divide our attention between both sides.

2019-09-18, 01:46 AM

Adamas looks in brief confusion. Why should he keep on pulling? They knew were enemy was, let's just charge.

On the other hand, walking into a trap and still winning could be fun. Making sure his weapons were within arms reach, Adamas starts to pull the wagon again.

2019-09-18, 03:35 AM
Granig casts his eyes skyward, muttering a short prayer before following after Adamas.

"Light shine on us, wind speed us, cloud cover us."

Granig is casting bless on Taara, Adamas, and himself.

Add a plus d4 to attack rolls and saves while it's maintained, up to a minute.

2019-09-18, 08:26 AM

"I think we may have trouble... Both sides, not just the left," Cuddy murmurs, reaching into his cloak and taking a dagger into each hand, deftly flicking them into view. He silently maneuvers himself beside Ellis. He was used to street brawls and they tend to be fierce, quick, and brutal.

"Draw their attention and I will do the knife-work..."

2019-09-18, 08:10 PM
As the party moves through the short wall and carefully continues along the road into the center of town the steady susurrus continues to emanate from the fields until it sounds like it is coming from all around you. However, whatever it is that is causing the sound is ether not interested in you, or is unaware of your presence.

2019-09-18, 08:17 PM
Ellis scowls. I do not like the sound of that at all.

2019-09-19, 02:07 PM

Cuddy eyes the street on which they are standing. He notes a shed standing by the wall. Standing out in the open was suicide, that much was clear.

He winks at his companions and ducks into the shed, dipping inside and pulling out a dagger in each hand.


2019-09-19, 11:01 PM
Taara readies to shoot at anything that comes lunging out at the cart.

2019-09-20, 12:42 AM
The susurrus continues around you. As you carefully study the fields for threats you catch the occasional glimpse of movement, something small is moving around out there, but nothing is jumping out and attacking you.

2019-09-20, 09:38 AM
Ellis looks to her compatriots, and says I'm going to move ahead a little bit-far enough from you that if I get attacked, I won't drag you into it. Then... See what's up.

Before anyone really has a chance to stop her, she strides on ahead, finding a good, open spot, and calls out, loudly. Greetings! Please, show yourself-I come with no ill will!

2019-09-20, 10:15 PM
With Ellis' call the susurrus comes to a stop. Nothing happens for a little bit then you hear somebody shouting "Hello? Is somebody there?" from inside the town.

2019-09-21, 06:26 AM

Adamas looks around, but can see nothing. But he is tired of waiting.

"I go to find out"

And with that, maul in hand, he goes to check the bushes.

2019-09-21, 06:31 AM
With Ellis' call the susurrus comes to a stop. Nothing happens for a little bit then you hear somebody shouting "Hello? Is somebody there?" from inside the town.

Yes-I'm here! Ellis calls back. Are you safe?

2019-09-21, 10:02 PM
As Adamas moves through the fields he discovers what what making the noise. It was the sound of hundreds of rats eating all of the food that was being grown by the townsfolk.


After a few moments a man wearing a habit comes around the nearest building about a hundred feet away. "If you care for your safety stay out of the town for it is beset by a terrible plague."

2019-09-21, 10:09 PM
We're aware, Ellis replies. We ran into someone sick with it before we came-that's why we're here, actually. We're hoping that we can render assistance.

2019-09-22, 12:50 AM

Adamas makes a disgusted face and walks back.

"There are a great many rats there, eating the village food. I am no doctor, but that seems bad to me. I say we burn the rotting food."

When the villager comes, Adamas looks seriously.

"What Mr Lorrie said. We will beset the plague ourselves."

He the whispers to Ellie

"What does 'beset' mean?"

2019-09-22, 10:20 AM
They're dealing with the plague-it's attacking them, Ellis says to Adamas.

2019-09-22, 02:01 PM
Granig looks with interest at the field, before wading off the path into the crops. He does his best to get close enough to inspect one of the rats, looking it over for signs of disease from as close as he can get without the rats fleeing.

I think I'd make a medicine roll to support this? Or perception.

Medicine: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2019-09-23, 11:24 PM
"You are here to help? Then enter at your own peril."

After you come over to the building he is standing by: "Do you know if young master Varre make it to Qsen?"


The food that the rats have not gotten to yet is not rotten.

It is difficult to discern much about the health of the rats without acquiring a specimen but from what you are able to tell by observing them they appear to be acting normally.

2019-09-24, 10:20 AM
I believe so.

Ellis describes the man who they encountered, seeing if he sounds familiar.

2019-09-24, 02:06 PM

Cuddy remains hidden in the shed, daggers out, listening on to the exchange but keeping out of sight in the event his skills are required.

2019-09-24, 10:28 PM
"Yes that is Varre, how is he doing?"


Cuddy is currently about 200 ft away from the conversation right now.

2019-09-25, 05:38 AM
He's... Ellis says, thinking about her words. Alive. Not well-but when we left, he was at least not dead.

2019-09-25, 07:56 AM

Okay then... Good to know.

Cuddy sneaks closer to the group.


2019-09-25, 10:39 PM
Taara, not seeing any immediate danger, gets off the cart and goes as near as Ellis is.

"when did this start?" she asks, leaning on her staff. Her hair drags on the ground slightly behind her; she had let it down when she slept.

2019-09-26, 01:15 AM
"I hope the healers of Qsen are taking good care of him. I do not know exactly when it started, but most of the town had already succumbed to the sickness when I arrived a few days ago from the nearby monastery. I have been doing what I can but I am just a humble friar."

He sees Cuddy, "You can come out my friend, there is nothing you need to hide from here."

2019-09-26, 02:10 AM

Seeing as that noone answers him and that he can contribute nothing to the discussion, Adamas lights up a torch and starts to scare away the rats, saving all the food he can and putting it into the cart. The villagers might need it.

2019-09-26, 09:32 AM
Taara begins a cold sweat at hearing the word "monastery" but returns to calmness when she realized they said "nearby" monastery.

She looks around. Are there any people looking out from the buildings, others watching us, or is everyone pretty much lying down in their beds?


2019-09-26, 10:41 AM
"I hope the healers of Qsen are taking good care of him. I do not know exactly when it started, but most of the town had already succumbed to the sickness when I arrived a few days ago from the nearby monastery. I have been doing what I can but I am just a humble friar."

Your help is valued, Ellis replies.

2019-09-27, 10:16 PM
"I am brother Mathias, let me show you to the inn."

He leads you into town to the Prancing Pony. There is no activity at all in town, the only sounds are from the wind and the stream.

The Inn is filled with the entirety of the village. Everyone is laying on makeshift beds and wrapped in blankets. There is only one person that is moving about doing what she can to care for the sick.

"That is Elyn, Varre's mother. Elyn and her husband Urdur run the Inn."


Adamas makes progress in harvesting food from 1 of the 17 fields within the town's walls.


I linked a map of the town in a previous post so that you have an idea of the town layout.
It might have been overlooked, there is a link in the first post of the OOC thread.
Also I will probably be unable to post this weekend.

2019-09-28, 09:17 AM
Ellis looks over the people, doing a quick count as to how many there are. Who's most ill? she asks. I have a small amount of healing magic I can use, but limited enough that I don't want to waste it.

2019-09-29, 05:28 PM
Taara watched Ellis go to the inn. She stood for a while, then returned to Adamas, who was harvesting the food.

"Hey, Trunksplitter," She began, quietly and timidly. "Did you have parents where you came from?"

2019-09-30, 12:21 AM

Trunksplitter, deep in his newfound interest in the farming arts, takes a minute to process the question.

Just when he thinks he has started to understand the lowlanders, something comes up. Don't they have parents here? They do, he saw children and their mothers back in Qsen.

"Of course I did, Staar! I have a father, Bearhugger, a mother Moondotter, two brothers, Stonespitter and Pathwalker, and a bigger sister, Riverrun. But I am the strongest and taller of them all, Riverrun the wisest, Pathwalker the quickest and Stonespitter the funniest.

Do you have brothers and sisters?"

2019-09-30, 12:48 AM
Taara sits and contemplates how to respond.

"None of the people I trained with at the monastery had siblings, no. Most of us were unwanted children or orphans. The dragon-people avoided talking about parents or siblings around us, but I heard the word from one of the boys when another wouldn't stop asking him about it." She wiped a tear. "I don't know what I am though. Unwanted, or orphan."

She paused for a moment, looking up at Trunksplitter, with a neutral face looking back at him. Almost like a star.

"What are you, though, Trunksplitter, if you're here?"

2019-09-30, 04:46 AM

Adamas stops and looks Taara in the eye. He is not sure how to respond.

"My people have a saying. They say children are the gift who graces the giver. Life is harsh in my lands. People die easily or are left to die, if they cannot help the tribe anymore. But children are never left. Whoever left you must have been really stupid, even for a Lowlander.

We also say something else. Family is given, friends are picked. So perhaps you are not unwanted or an orphan after all."

Adamas continues picking food.

"But what am I? I am an explorer! I am here to find how Lowlanders can be so weak and stupid and still do so well"

2019-10-01, 09:28 PM
Mathias returns to carefully feeding broth to the townsfolk.

There are over 40 people laid out in the inn. The young and the elderly are in the worst shape. There are several children that are on the edge of death held in their unconscious mother's arms.

Elyn says "You should treat the youngest first I think they need the most help. I am doing what I can, but the town apothecary is on a trip to Forndell and is not expected to be back for quite some time."

You know from the map you got, or studied in Qsen, that the city of Forndell is over 100 miles away.

2019-10-01, 09:32 PM
Ellis moves to five of the most ill children in turn, healing them as best she can.

Lay On Hands, one point to each kiddo.

2019-10-03, 02:29 PM

Adamas sees by chance the inn and can barely make out the chimney. By habit, he starts to wonder how good food would have been there. And the idea strikes him.

There is fully stocked kitchen there. Probably supplies too. And there is a whole village to feed.

He starts picking vegetables again, but with a purpose. Carrots, onions, potatoes all go into great heaps. As the day progresses, Adamas works like someone possessed, first cleaning the vegetables, feeding the fire, having water boiled, spices brought in. But after four or five hours, a large cauldron of vegetable soup laced with potatoes, onions and bacon is ready. When the monk comes back, Adamas pours out bowls for everyone in the village.

2019-10-03, 06:33 PM
Ellis, once the healing is complete, asks Adamas Need any help? I'm not a great cook, but I've got a strong back, and I know how to pick the food properly.

2019-10-04, 10:52 PM
Taara silently helps Adamas harvest. She lets her mind wander from her traumas while doing so, just repeating what Adamas told her over and over in her head.

2019-10-07, 08:21 AM

With so many helping hands, Adamas finishes very quickly. He manages to make some food for the next day as well, and for his teammates to eat.

If he has time, after he himself eats, Adamas will go and explore the town.

Not sure how much time is left in the day. If he has time, Adamas will go and explore the town for anything that would explain what happened here, paying attention to wells and other places who could have been the sources of the illness.

Also, should we ask who was the first to get sick or something?

2019-10-08, 09:57 PM
Ellis' healing does much to help the children, but they are not out of the woods yet.


With the party cooking and caring for the sick Mathias and Elyn are able to get some much needed rest.

It is around 7 PM but there are still a few hours of daylight left.

Adamas walks through town getting the general lay of the place.

Tamor is build on a hill adjacent to the Usival river. There is a stream that flows through the middle of town powering the a grain-mill and sawmill with waterwheels and feeding into the river.

There is a working fountain in the middle of the town square where many townsfolk probably get their water.

The livestock pen next to the butcher's has several carcasses lying where they fell in various states of being consumed by scavengers. The water troughs appear to have water flowing through them.

I am assuming that you are not entering into any of the other buildings yet.

2019-10-12, 02:23 PM
Taara silently follows Adamas around as he looks through town. She dips her hand in the fountain water, trying to imitate what Ellis was doing.

2019-10-12, 09:57 PM
Zarron Gemblossom has been on the road for some time, the accumulated grime and the occasional scrape from hiding or otherwise avoiding predators testify to the fact.

This might well be a fool's errand, for the newly-minted bard to set out after the motley crew going towards Tamor Town. But what else was there to do? Almost every reputable adventuring group require adventuring experience, but to get adventuring experience, one must join an adventuring group. A vexing chicken and egg problem to be sure.

Inexperience is but one part of the half elf's problems. Pedigree is one, for he was an orphan on the streets until he found a temporary apprenticeship. His skin color is another impediment. Certainly no one has shouted "Darkie!" or hurled another racial slur in his face, but Zarron's street smarts can easily sense the caution and unease in the eyes of everyone he talks to. There is a guardedness likely due to his skin color that does not appear to exist for a fairer skinned elf. Unfortunately for the half elf, he seems to have inherited his night elven parent's skin color.

But by far, the biggest stumbling block is Zarron's youth. The silver-haired dark-skinned half elf bard is midway through his 15th year, or so he appears to be no matter how old he tries to pass himself as, since he doesn't really know for certain how old he actually is. In the City, nobody wants to recruit such a young greenhorn like him; but further away, perhaps the standards are more lax.

And so, Zarron creeps into the quiet town. In the distance, his perceptive eyes spy the lumbering Goliath that appears to be making the rounds. The first interaction is key - someone that big will likely laugh in his face and tell him to go home. On the other hand, if he makes contact with someone less masculine, he might even get a slot into the group.

Finally deciding on a course of action, Zarron strives to avoid the Goliath's attention as he penetrates further into this dead village.

Stealth (vs Adama and Taara's perception): [roll0]

2019-10-14, 04:30 AM

Adamas walks around unmindful of the little elven bard that tiptoes around him. After identifying the dead livestock as diseased, he tries to see where the initial outbreak was, even by going in houses, until it gets dark.

2019-10-14, 06:50 AM

Upon ascertaining the Goliath's course of action, who seems to be methodically searching for something, young Zarron heads off in the opposite direction. The big lug was checking out the stables; Zarron sneaks by him easily, as well as the female wood elf skulking about, as he makes his way to poke his head in the Butcher shop. He will continue to circle around by visiting the Tanner and the Carpentry shop as well, looking for signs of life other than these two.

2019-10-14, 11:09 AM
Ellis, after trying her best to cheer the sick villagers, takes a few moments to head outside. She finds a spot to sit, and just meditates, breathing in deep breathes.

You left home to do good. You're doing good here-just maybe not as much as you expected. It's not about being a big, glorious hero-it's about lifting up those in need, she thinks to herself.

2019-10-15, 12:17 AM
Adamas and Taara find no specific spot that stands out as an epicenter of the outbreak, it is like the whole town was hit at the same time.


Aside from the other adventurers and a mule in the pen next to the stables, Zarron finds nothing alive that is larger then a rodent on the south side of the stream that cuts through town.


With everyone in the center of town among the buildings the sound of hungry rodents gorging on crops returns.

2019-10-15, 01:15 AM
Zarron enters the stables, and approaches the mule with some nuts from his rations.

"Hey there, what're you doing all alone in this village?"

The boy makes a point to observe the creature (is it healthy or sickly?) as he pats it down to befriend it.

Rolls, if applicable.
Animal Handling: [roll0]
Medicine: [roll1]

2019-10-16, 12:59 AM
The mule eats the nuts and lets Zarron pet it. However he is not able to discern if the mule currently is sick.

2019-10-16, 09:31 AM
Unable to elicit any more information from the stables, Zarron gives the mule one last pat and exits the door.

There was a heavily-armored human woman sitting very close by, apparently sighing to herself. Well, it seems like his hand was forced.

"Greetings!" he approaches Ellis, putting on the deepest voice (and probably attempting to stand on his tippy-toes without actually doing so), "My name is Zarron Gemblossom. I was sent here to help you with the situation here!" he attempts to lie.

Deception! [roll0]. Vs. Insight.

2019-10-16, 11:38 AM

Rolling dem bones.

Ellis nods and stands. She heads over to the new man, and says Greetings, stranger.

She puts an armored hand on his shoulder, with just enough force to impress on him that lying further is a bad idea. I'll let you redo your greeting-if you're honest this time, we won't have an issue. If not... she trails off, leaving the implications unsaid.

2019-10-17, 10:11 AM
Zarron's voice suddenly rose by an octave, and he starts squeaking like the 15 year old that he is.

"Umm. I was thinking maybe I could join your group. I mean, if you need some help investigating this plague..."

2019-10-17, 10:35 AM
And your name? Ellis asks, letting go. Or were you telling the truth about that? My friend, we will gladly accept all the help we can get, but honesty is the best policy. If no one sent you, and you're merely here because you wish to do good... Well, I can understand that.

2019-10-18, 08:38 PM
Taara wandered off from Adamas, finding Ellis with the night elf boy. She sits next to Ellis and starts to braid her hair, resting her staff nearby.

2019-10-18, 09:17 PM
And your name? Ellis asks, letting go. Or were you telling the truth about that? My friend, we will gladly accept all the help we can get, but honesty is the best policy. If no one sent you, and you're merely here because you wish to do good... Well, I can understand that.

"Y-y-yes Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am," Zarron stammers (all the while internally lamenting that the first person he has to encounter was a paladin) as he points to a badge on his chest that states:

Zarron Gemblossom

Before he could say anything more, a growl escapes from the stomach. It seems that in his haste, he neglected to imbibe of any food for that day.

2019-10-18, 09:20 PM
Ellis nods, and sits back. She lets Taara braid her hair, and says The villagers are in the inn. They're mostly sick, with just a few tending to them. But... Why lie, Zarron? You come with good intentions-there's no need to hide that.

2019-10-18, 09:32 PM
"Your Lady Paladin-ship, it wasn't a lie, technically," Zarron protested, gaining a bit more bravado now that his honor was being questioned. "I met this teen who said the town of Tamor needs help. It was hard to find work in Qsen and when I went to pack up my things hoping to join you, you already left. So I sent myself here. Maybe got lost a bit on the way. So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view!"

2019-10-18, 09:43 PM
Don't be smartass, Ellis says with a smirk. You know full-well that's not what you meant. I just want to know-why lie? Why pretend to be anything other than you are?

You're a young man, who learned that people were in need of help. So, you went to help them. That's noble, that's heroic, that's whatever platitudes you want to lather on it, but above all, that is good. You are doing good by choosing this course of action. When you do good, there's no reason to hide-it's worse to hide it, she says, thinking back to the stories her father had told her. Let me tell you about my father. He's a man of valor, a man who never stands ashamed of what he's done. And he's an inspiration-to me. To my family. To everyone in my home. To everyone he's met. But that's because he never hid himself. Even in the darkest depths of the vilest pits of hell, he stood proud as a champion of all that's good in this world. It frightened those who would stand in opposition to him, and it gave bravery to those who felt they were too weak to truly to be good.

I can only hope to be a fraction the person he was and is, but the point, she says, realizing she's gone a little long, is that you're a good man. You've got nothing to hide.

2019-10-18, 09:51 PM
Zarron rolls his eyes internally at the concept of him being a "good man." He's done quite a bit of thievery in the past while a child out on the streets, and has certainly told his fair share of "white lies" and "tall tales".

But seeing as how the lady could knock him five ways into Tuesday with one strike using her gauntleted fists, he feels it safer to just humor her instead.

"I'll do my best to keep that in mind, your lady paladin-ship," he responds, obviously still unaware of her name and too intimidated to ask.

2019-10-18, 10:49 PM
Taara finishes braiding Ellis's hair. It's beautiful, expert, and much better than when she braids her own hair, considering she can actually see it this way. She starts to kick her feet out, letting them fall back and hit whatever she's sitting on, as she starts to braid her own purplish hair that hangs long.

She speaks suddenly, addressing Zarron. "Are you hungry?" She says simply. Her pale blue eyes peek out from between the hair and her brown wood elf skin, staring the half-night elf in the eye. Her staff falls over with a clatter, which she doesn't react to.

2019-10-19, 01:16 AM
When he makes eye contact with the beautiful wood elf, Zarron fights an ultimately losing battle to meet her gaze.

Whatever was wrong with him? He'd have no issue entertaining a pub full of people, but butterflies were fluttering in his stomach. A thick lump seems to have formed in his throat, which seems to have thoroughly dried up.

The boy is first to avert his eyes, and after debating whether to look at her eyes or the rest of her, decided that looking at the floor felt the most comfortable.

He fishes out the opened pack of trail rations, and before he dug in, summoned the deepest, most baritone voice he can muster and replied (still resolutely avoiding eye contact), " Thank you for your concern, my lady. I was in such a hurry, I just forgot to eat, that's all!"

2019-10-19, 02:28 AM

Adamas walks in just as the young human dugs out his rations.

"Who is this?" he booms. And then notices the rations.

"And what is this? No trail rations, I have made excellent broth!"

Without waiting for a reply, he serves a big bowl of broth to the young man, with a big chunk of bread next to it.

He addresses the others

"I cannot find where the plague started. It is everywhere. The rats are again eating the supplies and maybe the other stores also have supplies."

2019-10-19, 02:42 AM
Taara finishes braiding, and just stares forward at Zarron for a while. Not searching for eye contact, or in a disapproving sort of way. Just forward, with a neutral expression.

When Trunksplitter rounds the corner, she jumps to her feet and approaches him, turning away from him when she reaches 5 feet away.

"Yawn," She fakes, stretching her lightly muscled, sleeveless arms out over her head with cracks and pops.

2019-10-19, 10:52 AM
Ellis asks May I? as she goes to ladle herself some soup. With Trunksplitter's permission, she fills her bowl (slightly chipped and lumpy-it was made by one of her siblings at a young age) and takes a deep draught of it.

A fine meal indeed, Adaamas. Where'd you learn to make it this good?

2019-10-19, 12:47 PM

Adamas slurps his own bowl, and makes sure that Ellis has some of the bread.

"I like to cook, that is all. I am a big man, and I need lots to eat. I learned to do it the way I like it. You liked it? Good, good. When we get some meat, you will really see the People's cooking. It is a shame I don't have yogurt, it makes excellent sauce."

2019-10-19, 08:47 PM
Zarron is thoroughly intimidated by the Goliath and is still reeling after the big man yanked the rations out of his hands and shoves a bowl of hot stew in his face instead. And so he says nothing, save for taking a tentative sip out of the stew. The tempo accelerates with each passing moment as the half elf finally realizes just how empty his stomach was, and how delicious the concoction was.

2019-10-19, 11:38 PM

Adamas slurps his own bowl, and makes sure that Ellis has some of the bread.

"I like to cook, that is all. I am a big man, and I need lots to eat. I learned to do it the way I like it. You liked it? Good, good. When we get some meat, you will really see the People's cooking. It is a shame I don't have yogurt, it makes excellent sauce."

True, a big man you are. Solid muscle, though, Ellis says, giving him a friendly slap on the back. Couldn't ask for a more solid man to work with.

2019-10-20, 08:00 AM
Taara looks around at her companions, then back to Zarron. She wasn't all that smart, but what Ellis said seemed like some sort of subtle dig at this Zarron boy. She didn't know exactly what, so she doesn't say anything, and walks over to fetch her staff from the ground, and goes on to eat some of the soup. Cooked food hasn't been entirely common for her over the last 6 years, especially not cooked meat, and she enjoys it with a smile...

...Quickly turning back to a neutral expression.

2019-10-20, 08:55 AM
At Ellis' mention of Adamas' considerable bulk, Zarron pauses eating, casts a sideways glance at his scrawny twig of a bicep, seems to make an involuntary sigh, and then goes right back to eating, pretending that nothing was wrong.

Performance: [roll0]

2019-10-20, 12:02 PM

Adamas takes a second to process what solid means, experimentally pushing his - rock hard- biceps. He then smiles and then laughs heartily.

"Har har har, thank you! I am so lucky, to meet such clever and nice people among the Lowlanders!

I will be here for you all. We are a band now. "

2019-10-20, 10:59 PM
After a long day the light fades away to night and the stars come out.

2019-10-20, 11:37 PM
It having been a long day for him, Zarron mustered enough courage to thank the hulking Goliath for the soup, and briefly entertained the sick villagers at the tavern. He agreed to take the last watch, before finding himself a comfortable hayloft in the stables with the mule he befriended and going right to sleep.

2019-10-21, 09:04 AM
Ellis says We should set a watch, in case of animal attacks or bandits. We've enough people we can probably have two to a shift. I'll take first watch-and light plenty of torches for myself. No night vision.

Using Passive Perception 15.

If I need to roll, let me know.

2019-10-21, 07:02 PM
Taara lies under the stars and goes to sleep looking at the little twinkling dots she was named after. She drifts off before voicing which watch to take.

2019-10-21, 11:45 PM

"You can rest. I will take first watch and then wake up Ellis. Then we will wake Staar and then Zarron. Done, see?"

2019-10-23, 12:18 AM
The night passes without event with utter silence, except for the susurrus of the rats.

In the morning you discover that one of the elders passed away.

2019-10-23, 12:48 AM
By rights Zarron should have been shaken by the death, but the youthful bard does not appear to be in significant distress. His street upbringing has unfortunately brought him in close contact with mortality at a young age, and he has been inured to people dying in their sleep in the streets.

Of course, this is no ordinary street, and this is no ordinary street rat. While keeping a respectful distance, Gemblossom tries to wrack his mind on whether such a death was natural (aka old age) or was hastened by the plague.

Medicine: [roll0]

2019-10-23, 01:51 AM

Trunksplitter just shakes his head when he hears that an elder has died. That is what elders do. In his tribe, when elders can no longer contribute, they are left in the snow to fend for themselves.

But the Lowlanders seem to have taken this seriously. With a shrug, Trunksplitter picks up a shovel and intyerns him into the ground.

2019-10-23, 08:57 PM
Taara silently watches Trunksplitter put the old man into the ground, clutching her staff, quivering.

She doesn't at all agree with Trunksplitter's apparent attitude towards the situation of the death of an elder. But she does not voice this either.

She doesn't cry, but she stands still for a long while, paralyzed in thought. Domorn's name echoes in her head, the voices of the dragonborn chasing her through the burning section of wood, Chand's beaten face as she turns and runs. Her dinner for the next three days after: A rabbit or mouse, caught by her own hand. This old one had died on her watch, in a way, though she had not declared it- she felt like she was the problem, that she had killed the elder. She tried to remember if she had had another hazy episode like she had six years ago. Her mind spiraled into single phrases: "Your fault", "Killed them", "Leave", "Loneliness", intermixed with the names of her old friends.

Then, she finally notices her stomach rumbling. She struck herself roughly across the temple, and goes off to find a rat or something to eat.

To find rat: [roll0]

2019-10-23, 09:28 PM
Zarron sees the monk hit herself in the head for no good reason and leaves abruptly. Mystified, he starts to shadow her stealthily.

[roll0] 12 total, as rolled in OOC. Probably not enough to beat her passive perception.

2019-10-24, 01:22 AM
Zarron is unable to determine if the death was directly or indirectly from the plague.


There is a small graveyard on a nearby hill outside of town where you lay the person to rest and Mathias conducts a simple service.


Your water-skins are beginning to run low.

2019-10-24, 07:05 PM
Ellis finds Mathias and Elyn, and asks them When did this all start? Was there any signs of it coming? Anything else you think might help?

2019-10-24, 07:38 PM
Zarron finds his curiosity overpowering his thirst, and so he continues to shadow the monk who seems to be looking for something.

2019-10-24, 07:41 PM
Taara hears something behind her- she turns and looks, descending into a crouch, thinking it might have been a rat. She stands in disappointment, noticing it was only the night elf boy.

She turns back around and continues going about finding a rat or two. "What is it?" she asks Zarron, facing away.

2019-10-24, 08:20 PM
Zarron jumps as the monk ducks.

"I--I saw you punch yourself in the head and take off so I followed you to see if you're okay," he stammers.

2019-10-24, 09:03 PM
Taara continued looking, deep in thought. This boy was new to her entirely- he obviously wasn't like Kaj, who was a leader and was stoically quiet, nor was he exactly like Maut, who was always asking questions boastfully. Chand is the closest to this Zarron- jumpy- but they weren't exactly the same. This confused Taara: everyone she had met since she left the forest was the same as one of her three friends in some way, or at least the same as one of her masters.

She sighed as she turned over a rock or something, looking for rats. "Where are you from?"

2019-10-24, 11:24 PM
Elyn: "I was on a trip with my son over to some of the farms to the east to do some trading. When I got back a few days ago I found the town already beset by this plague. After applying what little medicine I know it became apparent that we would need help so I sent my son to Qsen for aid."

Mathias: "The day before yesterday I came into town with my mule on a routine supply run for the monastery up the path that heads up into the mountains to the east. During the trip I noticed some unusual activity among the wildlife. It might have been my imagination but I think the creatures of the forest might have been fleeing from something in the mountains."

2019-10-25, 11:24 AM
Ellis thanks the people for their answers, and finds some of the others in their little adventuring party. She locates Zarron and Taara first, telling them I talked to some of the villagers who're still up. One of them mentioned that, as he was returning to Tamor, the animals seemed to be fleeing the mountain.

It's not much, but if that's the source, we might do more good there than here.

2019-10-25, 03:23 PM

Trunksplitter is not sure how important the finding of Ellis are, but he nods anyway.

"I am, myself, tired of the rats in the fields.The food will be needed after we find the cure. I will go in the field and kill those rats. Perhaps we can see if they are sick after. Anyone with me?"

2019-10-26, 02:56 AM
"Qsen ma'am," Zarron replies. He doesn't press for a reply when it appears that she is lost in her own thoughts.

Instead, when the Goliath arrives, Zarron is eager for some action. "Yeah let's go beat up those rats. They were so loud last night. Are there any cats here who can help kill them?"

2019-10-26, 03:37 AM
Taara cracks her knuckles and begins doing some warm-up stretches, in silent agreement with the others' sentiments. This thing in the mountains was intriguing, but also creepy. She doesn't like creepy.

She stands from her stretches, jumping in place with her feet together to work up a sweat. After a little bit, she stops and pulls out her bow and sets her quivers right. Taara approaches and stays near Trunksplitter until they find rats, where she'll let him charge in while she shoots from the back.

2019-10-28, 11:23 PM
Zarron points to the fruit tree right in front of the closest field. "Can you give me a boost, Mr. Trunksplitter sir?"

Ensconced above the tree leaves, Zarron has a bird's eye view of the situation. Taking out his pan flute, the bard starts to play, forcing a bit of magical force into the effort.

Instead of music, what instead comes out appears to be a cacophony of cat screams and yowls, continuing unabated and increasing in volume as time passes!

Initiative: [roll0]
Athletics to climb: [roll1]. Advantage roll, if applicable, should Adamas assist. [roll2]
Cast Minor Illusion, to goad the rats to run for it. DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check to disbelieve.

2019-10-29, 10:32 AM
Realizing she'll need to get in close to kill the rats with all this cover they've got, she cracks her knuckles and readies up.

2019-10-29, 03:18 PM

Trunksplitter at first starts, trying to see where the cats are. As soon as he realizes that it is the young bard who does it, he waits, his hammer at the ready, to see if rats are going to come out.

He is in a mood for some bashing.

2019-10-30, 12:52 AM
The sound of cats causes some of the rats to run away, but most of the rodents are made of tougher stuff, or are just too far away.

Zarron is in a tree mid field about 40 ft due east of the shed next to the Inn on the map.
Other characters are in the vicinity of the shed unless they would like to specify otherwise.

Zarron has acted in the surprise round, the other characters can act in whatever order the players happen to post in.
One swarm has been dispersed and only a few of the larger tougher rats from it remain. They are 20 ft east of the tree.
Swarm 1 is about 90 ft NW of the shed, Swarm 2 is about 80 ft NE of the shed.
I can post a proper battle-map if it would help.

2019-10-30, 01:20 PM

Tired of waiting, Adamas walks towards the rats in north and west.

"I am going to kill some rats!" he yells as he strides to the field. When he gets there, he jumps into the field and starts laying at the rats with his great maul.

"Ancients, harken!"

Walk to the field - probably taking two rounds- and then attacking when in range
[roll0] dmg [roll1]

2019-10-30, 06:16 PM
Ellis shrugs, and says Right with you, buddy.


2019-10-30, 11:04 PM
Not wanting to get in close where the rats might bite her, Taara decides to shoot an arrow at the rat swarm Ellis and Trunksplitter were trying to kill. She moves closer so she's confident she's in range. A haze seems to try to take her over, as she pulls back the arrow like had happened to Domorn, but she shakes it off and looses it into the swarm of rats.

Move to AL17; Shortbow arrow against Rat Swarm 1: [roll0] hit: [roll1]

2019-10-31, 12:27 AM
The barbarian and the paladin surge forward to rid the farmlands of the infestation, however the pesky little rodents are not what they are used to fighting and manage to evade their attacks. Then an arrow flies in and skewers a few of the rats.

The surprise round is now complete.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Zarron is currently in the tree at AX x 19, there are 4 rats near it remaining from the dispersed swarm.
Adamas and Ellis are with a rat swarm 1 at AH x 10.
Taara is at AL x 17.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D

For round one of combat:
@Zergrinch, Zarron is 180 ft away from the rest of the party so the intended targets for both Bardic Inspiration and Vicious Mockery are out of range.
You can go back and edit you post if you want to do something else, otherwise your bardic inspiration has not been used yet and the Vicious Mockery will target the closest available rat.
Swarm 1: 19/24
Swarm 2: 24/24
Tough Rat A: 4/4
Tough Rat B: 4/4
Tough Rat C: 4/4
Tough Rat D: 4/4

2019-10-31, 01:21 AM
Barely has he gotten comfortable in his elevated vantage point, when Zarron spies his allies leaving him to fight a swarm much further away.

"Hey! Don't leave me here!" he yells out.

Unable to do much of anything else, the bard secures his pan flute, brings his rapier out, points it threateningly at the nearest tough rat, and yells several invectives at it.

After which, Zarron descends from the tree and rushes towards the party, giving the swarm in between them a wide berth.

I don't have a ranged weapon... How silly of me to climb that tree!
Action: Vicious Mockery against nearest tough rat. DC 13 WIS save [roll0]. On fail: [roll1] psychic damage and its next attack is made at disadvantage.
Move: Down the tree, towards the west (avoiding the rat swarm to the northeast).

2019-11-01, 10:40 PM
Taara backs up at hearing Zarron's plea, and turns around. She aims and shoots at a rat at the base of the tree he's in.

Move to AP/19. Shortbow shot at one of the individual rats: [roll0] hit: [roll1]

2019-11-04, 11:59 PM

Adamas, in full combat mode, once again sweeps his great maul in a wide circle, trying to get as much of the rats as possible

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2019-11-05, 01:25 AM
Ellis and Adamas tear into the mass of rats and the giblets go flying as their weapons strike true.
The rats try to fight back but cannot keep up with your footwork.

Taara's arrow zips past its intended target, scaring the rodent causing it to run away.

Zarron's mockery is not quite vicious enough to cause the rats any harm. They look around in confusion not sure of what just happened.

The round one is now complete.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Zarron is at AW x 19.
Adamas and Ellis are with a rat swarm 1 at AH x 10.
Taara is at AP x 19.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.
Rat A at BB x 17
Rat B at AZ x 20
Rat C at AZ x 20
Rat D at AZ x 20

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D
Swarm 1: 11/24
Swarm 2: 24/24
Tough Rat A: 4/4
Tough Rat B: 4/4
Tough Rat C: 4/4
Tough Rat D: 4/4

2019-11-05, 02:28 AM
Wading chest-deep into the grain fields, Zarron plays a discordant tune on his flute while subtly directing most of the dissonant sound into one of the few rats that remained after his illusion, before slowly making his way towards Taara and the rest of the group.

Vicious Mockery against Tough Rat B. DC 13 WIS save [roll0] to avoid [roll1] psychic damage and have disadvantage on next attack.
Move full speed to AT20.

2019-11-05, 02:34 AM
Taara continues to move as she nocks another arrow, stacking up with Zarron. Without paying any mind to him, she looses her arrow and allows it to sail just over his shoulder. Her expression doesn't change, but she watches Zarron intently.

Move to AS20. Attack Tough Rat C with shortbow shot: [roll0] hit: [roll1]

2019-11-05, 03:08 AM
Zarron nearly jumps out of his skin as an arrow whizzes just over his shoulder and impales one of the rats against the ground. He stares wide-eyed at the wood elf monk, the rash part of him wanting to berate her, and the rational part of him not daring to say anything lest she shoots a hole through his chest.

2019-11-05, 06:06 AM


Adamas bellows triumphantly as his maul crushes rats left and right. He continues to attack viciously left and right, trying to preserve the food all the while.

[roll0] dmg [roll1]

2019-11-05, 10:48 AM
Ellis stays quiet, leaving the others to banter against the animals, as she swings with her hammer.


2019-11-06, 01:56 AM
Many more rats fall to the ferocious assault. There are only a few left and in their panic they are unable to retaliate.

Zarron's psychic attack causes another rat to flee in terror with a migraine.

Taara's arrow skewers one rat.

The round two is now complete.

The rats have not rolled above a 5 yet on attack rolls.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Zarron is at AT x 20.
Adamas and Ellis are with a rat swarm 1 at AH x 10.
Taara is at AS x 20.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.
Rat A at BB x 17
Rat B at BA x 21
Rat C Dead
Rat D at AZ x 20

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D
Swarm 1: 5/24
Swarm 2: 24/24
Tough Rat A: 4/4
Tough Rat B: 1/4
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: 4/4

2019-11-06, 02:04 AM
Taara charges around and ahead from where Zarron is, firing an arrow into the pile and then as it whistles by ineffectually, she drops her bow for her quarterstaff and readies to attack.

Move to AV-20; fire arrow with shortbow: [roll0] hit: [roll1]

2019-11-06, 02:07 AM

"Strong Ellis, take the other ratpack. I have this one! Haha!"

Trunksplitter continues to stamp, crush and pulp rats in great swings.

[roll0] dmg [roll1]

2019-11-06, 02:46 AM
Zarron sends another lancing melodic blow with his flute at the closest tough rat, before pivoting behind Taara so that he is behind her. After what she just pulled, there is no way he is standing between her and her targets.

Vicious Mockery vs. Tough Rat D. DC13 WIS [roll0] save to avoid [roll1] psychic damage and have disadvantage on its next attack roll.
Move to AU21.

2019-11-06, 10:37 AM
Understood! Ellis says, waiting just a moment for an opening, then charging the other swarm.

Waiting for the rats to be dead, then moving to the next swarm.


2019-11-07, 12:53 AM
Adamas turns the last few rats into a pulp as Ellis moves off to find the next group to deal with.

Taara and Zarron struggle to deal with a few lone rats.

Round three is now complete.

Ellis is about 120 ft away from the next swarm, luckily there is a path almost the whole way so there is no difficulty dashing or risk to the crops.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Adamas is at AH x 10.
Ellis is at AN x 11.
Taara is at AV x 20.
Zarron is at AU x 21.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.
Rat A at BB x 17
Rat B at BA x 21
Rat C Dead
Rat D at BC x 20

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D
Swarm 1: Dead
Swarm 2: 24/24
Tough Rat A: 4/4
Tough Rat B: 1/4
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: 4/4

2019-11-07, 01:45 AM
His music wasn't really going to kill rats well enough, Zarron rues, as the tougher rats resist the subtle effects of his enchantment. If he is to be useful to the group, he must find a weapon that allows him to physically attack from afar.

Stepping towards the paladin, he shouts an insult to the tough rat that withstood the shrill melodies he'd been sending at it, willing it to run away or keel over.

Move to AU19.
Action: Vicious Mockery against Rat B. DC 13 Wis save [roll0] to avoid [roll1] psychic damage.


2019-11-07, 02:27 AM
Realizing the rats are far too quick for her to catch up and beat to death, and with them running anyway, Taara instead runs forward to where the tough rat she impaled lay dead, and examines it quickly.

Move to AZ-20, where Tough Rat C lays dead. I know if she moved from the left side of AV-20 she would not be able to reach, but can we say she used her full 35 movement as I haven't been doing and went to the middle of AV-20? That way she could move to AZ-20.
Medicine Check, I suppose: [roll0]

2019-11-08, 01:47 AM

The last rat crushed, Adamas roars his success to the sky. He then makes a knot on his Counting Cords and runs to the other swarm, his maul in his hand.

2019-11-09, 12:59 AM
Ellis and Adamas are on the move to the other group of rats that they spotted earlier.

Zarron is learning that these rats have heard far worse insults from the locals.

Taara's quick examination of the dead rat shows no signs of infection.

Round four is now complete.

The Medicine Check is high enough to know for sure that the rat does not have the plague, but it would take a few minutes for you to confirm this conclusion with an autopsy it once combat is over.

Ellis is about 60 ft away from the next swarm, Adamas is about 120 ft away.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Adamas is at AN x 11.
Ellis is at AT x 12.
Taara is at AV x 20.
Zarron is at AU x 19.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.
Rat A at BB x 17
Rat B at BB x 23
Rat C Dead
Rat D at BC x 20

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D
Swarm 1: Dead
Swarm 2: 24/24
Tough Rat A: 4/4
Tough Rat B: 1/4
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: 4/4

2019-11-09, 01:25 AM
Taara drops the rat and continues to advance, smacking one rat across the body with her staff, then turns around and kicks the other after running up to it. She turns to Zarron: "What were you doing?" she asks, standing over the three rat bodies.

Move to BA22 and attack Rat B with quarterstaff: [roll0] hit: [roll1]
Move to BB21 and attack Rat D: [roll2] hit: [roll]1d4+3[/roll[

2019-11-09, 08:01 AM
Zarron is, of course, too far to engage any of the rats in melee, and his only ranged option doesn't seem to be affecting these really shameless rats in any way. But really, what else can he do, other than continue to think of creative insults for the rodents?

"I'm trying! I'm trying to attack them!" he replies in exasperation, more at himself really, as he tries to direct the vitriol of his words to the remaining rat swarm.

Move gingerly through the field, to AV17.
Vicious Mockery vs Rat Swarm 2. DC 13 WIS save [roll0] to avoid [roll1] psychic damage and have disadvantage on next attack.

2019-11-09, 10:17 AM
Ellis continues, knowing that left unchecked, the rats will be a problem. Perhaps not as bad as the plague, but a problem nonetheless.

2019-11-11, 01:19 AM
Ellis is almost in position attack the next group of rats.

Adamas is still on the move.

It appears that Zarron has finally found and insult that works on rats.

Taara easily dispatches two rats with one strike each.

Round five is now complete.

Ellis is only a few feet away and can attack the rats next turn.

Adamas is about 60 ft away.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Adamas is at AT x 12.
Ellis is at AW x 13.
Taara is at BB x 21.
Zarron is at AV x 17.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.
Rat A at BB x 17
Rat B Dead
Rat C Dead
Rat D Dead

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D
Swarm 1: Dead
Swarm 2: 20/24
Tough Rat A: 4/4
Tough Rat B: Dead
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: Dead

2019-11-11, 01:29 AM
Taara runs forward and smacks at the last tough rat twice. The Quarterstaff misses poorly, and her following kick throws it through the air.

Move to BB18
Attack with Quarterstaff: [roll0] hit [roll1]
Attack with kick: [roll2] hit [roll3]

2019-11-12, 02:15 AM
After more careful maneuvering in the grain field, Zarron stows his flute and takes out his (brand new, never-used) rapier. It would be a shame to christen it on the loathsome ichor of vermin, but by this time the young half-drow really just wanted to cut the stubborn rats up by this point. Still too far away to hit them, really, Zarron merely brandishes his rapier at the rats and threaten them with horrible, unspeakable tortures he would visit on their ratty behinds if they don't clear off.

Move to AW15.
Vicious Mockery against remaining rat swarm. DC 13 [roll0] WIS save to avoid [roll1] psychic damage and have disadvantage on next attack roll.

2019-11-13, 02:33 AM
Ellis moves in and attacks the rats slaying a few they try to fight back but they are confused from the mockery.

Adamas is almost in position attack the next group of rats.

Round five is now complete.

Using Ellis' rolls the were made a few posts ago but have not been used.

Rat swarm rolled a nat 20 and a 10 to hit Ellis which is a miss thanks to disadvantage from mockery.

Adamas is only a few feet away and can attack the rats next turn.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Adamas is at AW x 13.
Ellis is at AY x 12.
Taara is at BB x 18.
Zarron is at AW x 15.
Rat swarm 2 is located at AY x 12.
Rat A Dead
Rat B Dead
Rat C Dead
Rat D Dead

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
17, Rat Swarm 1
16, Ellis
14, Rat Swarm 2
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats A, B, C, & D
Swarm 1: Dead
Swarm 2: 13/24
Tough Rat A: Dead
Tough Rat B: Dead
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: Dead

2019-11-13, 02:55 AM
In a burst of speed, Zarron finally draws adjacent to the swarm, and starts stabbing away at the filthy rodents!

Of course, in his excitement, he seems to have aimed at where the rats are, and not where they are going to be.

Move to AY13.
Attack swarm with rapier. To hit: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1] piercing. Crit: [roll2]

2019-11-13, 11:26 PM
Taara dashes up to the rat swarm.

Move to past the middle of BA-15 with 35 ft move; dash the rest of the way to AZ-11

2019-11-14, 01:28 AM
AC:14 HP:15

Finally arriving at the second rat swarm, Trunksplitter starts laying his maul around, stomping and crushing rats with abandon

Atk [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2019-11-15, 01:27 AM
While running Taara catches a foot on a pumpkin vine but manages to recover.

The entire party converges on the last swarm Adamas is able to kill several rats before the swarm disperses and the largest of the remaining rats fight back.

They manage to nip at the ankles of Adamas and Ellis. One of them scrambles up Taara's leg and into her clothing where it takes a really good bite.

Round six is now complete.

Way back when in the OOC I said that dashing in the fields requires a acrobatics check. In order to expedite things I rolled for Taara, you just made it.
Zarron has advantage from flanking by the time he gets there, but still misses.

There is now one tough rat left for each of you.
14 to hit Adamas for 1 damage.
19 to hit Ellis for 1 damage.
Nat 20 on Taara for a whopping 2 damage.
miss on Zarron.

Tarra can spend an action to ether taker her cloths off or stay modest and rummage around trying to get it out by beating a 5 on a strength or dexterity ability check to get rid of the rat.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Adamas is at AY x 12.
Ellis is at AY x 12.
Taara is at AZ x 11.
Zarron is at AY x 13.
Rat E is located at AY x 12.
Rat F is located at AY x 12.
Rat G is located at AY x 12.
Rat H is located at AY x 12.

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
16, Ellis
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats
Swarm 1: Dead
Swarm 2: Dispersed
Tough Rat A: Dead
Tough Rat B: Dead
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: Dead
Tough Rat E: 4/4
Tough Rat F: 4/4
Tough Rat G: 4/4
Tough Rat H: 4/4

2019-11-15, 01:56 AM
Zarron looks at the rat. The rat looks at Zarron. Both are looking very intently at each other.

Zarron's sword arm twitches. Yes, lull it into a sense of security. After that...


Rapier hit. [roll0]. Hit: [roll1]. Crit: [roll2]
Move full speed backwards, risking a single attack of opportunity.

And another miss. Alas, Zarron is too green to stab anything right in front of him. In fact, he almost stabbed himself in the foot. Agile little bugger!

Zarron stumbles back towards the grass and away from the melee, unsure of what he should do next.

2019-11-15, 02:16 AM
Taara screams softly, jabbing herself where she felt the rat, but inevitably missing as it wriggles around. She tosses her staff aside and starts to remove her clothes, unhindered by what she would be revealing.

The teal, slightly dirty sleeveless dress comes off, revealing slightly dirty and grass stained underclothes underneath. Her skin, like elves' skin, is smooth and slightly glimmering in the sunlight, and like wood elves, a brown shade. On her back, clearly visible as she drops to get the rat off her, is a white tattoo of a silver dragon.

"Get this thing off me," she indicates the rat, not seeming quite herself.

2019-11-15, 12:26 PM
Ellis shouts back, saying Stand strong! Be calm! as she swings at her own target.


2019-11-17, 11:54 PM

Seeing Taara fall, Adamas loses some of his cheerfulness and wades into the other rat swarm brows furrowed. His maul starts crushing rats left and right.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2019-11-18, 11:58 PM
Adamas and Ellis kill two of the remaining rats

The one climbing on Taara tries to bite again but losses its grip and falls to the ground.

Zarron manages to get away from the rat but damages a pumpkin is the rush.

Round seven is now complete.

No rolls above a 10 this round.
Only 2 rats left.

PDF battlemap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UkUaI-QM3GsNlgryOAqQS8EuXQngiIcW/view)
PNG battlemap (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LcV-8AkFVC_fGEdPJvCeSi5C4N4m1IwU)

Adamas is at AY x 12.
Ellis is at AY x 12.
Taara is at AZ x 11.
Zarron is at AW x 14.
Rat G is at AY x 12.
Rat H is at AY x 12.

Initiative when relevant:
19, Adamas
16, Ellis
13, Taara
7, Zarron
6, Rats
Swarm 1: Dead
Swarm 2: Dispersed
Tough Rat A: Dead
Tough Rat B: Dead
Tough Rat C: Dead
Tough Rat D: Dead
Tough Rat E: Dead
Tough Rat F: Dead
Tough Rat G: 4/4
Tough Rat H: 4/4

2019-11-19, 12:25 AM
Taara rolls over and crushes the rat with her fist, while still on the ground. She grabs it, and tears it open spilling blood on the ground and her knees as she sits on the ground.

Fist: [roll0] hit: [roll1]
Second attack if necessary: [roll2] hit: [roll3]

2019-11-19, 01:21 AM
Zarron lifts a foot out of the sticky pumpkin mess he's made, and once again tries to stab into the remaining little bugger.

Move to AX13.
Rapier vs last remaining rat at AY12. [roll0] to hit. [roll1] piercing damage plus [roll2] on crit.

2019-11-19, 01:50 AM
With Taara and Zarron' s final attacks the rats have been cleared from this section of the fields.
Combat is over.

2019-11-19, 02:54 AM

Trunksplitter raises his maul in the sky and lets out a triumphant growl!

"Ancient harken! I have won, this day!"

Cleaning his weapon of rat blood and brains, Trunksplitter carefully takes out his counting cords and makes two knots. He then turns to the others.

"This was nice. This, we should do more often"

2019-11-19, 02:57 AM
Taara quickly gets her dress back on, and runs over to fetch her staff and bow before returning to Trunksplitter. Her expression is neutral again, her pale blue eyes almost seeming lifeless.

"Can you teach me to tie those?" she asks, pointing to Trunksplitter's knots.

2019-11-19, 03:15 AM

Trunksplitter only just notices that Staara was naked.

Strange custom, that one.

But he then laughs a pleased laugh.

"Sure Staara! Sure! It is good, the way of my people. See: Every Cord counts a winning or a losing. This Cord is for battles. This, for feats of strength and spirit. This, for other competitions. See? Today, I won. This is the knot for winning. It is a double knot, because I was not hurt at all. See? Like this.
This is the single winning knot. This is for a normal winning. Like this. See?

And this is the knot for losing. But it is bad luck to tie it in your Cord. I will show using my purse string. See? Like this.

Do you want me to make you Counting Cords?"

2019-11-19, 03:22 AM
Taara nods along, nodding again when Trunksplitter asks if she wants a cord of her own.

She runs her knuckles against the small of her back, touching the spot where her tattoo is.

2019-11-19, 03:30 AM

"You want the Cords! Very good! Very very good!

The leather must be stout. I will search the town for suitable leather. I will make some for you."

He then looks at Staara with unusual solemnity in his eyes

"For the People, my people, to receive the Counting Cords marks someone as a person. You are then considered an adult, because only adults can truly win or lose. Children are still...young, and learning. The Cords are usually made by the family and given by the Chief.

I am neither. But it will be my honor to make them and give them to you."

He then smiles and laughs

"Ha ha! You will be the smaller People of all People. But how fun if someone tries to fight you! They will have a smashed face, ha ha!"

Immensely amused by the idea of Staara smashing the face of a goliath, Trunksplitter goes to search for suitable leather, unless someone has something to say or do.

2019-11-19, 03:35 AM
Taara matches Trunksplitter's facial expression through his speech, paying attention to the parts about tradition and giggling when he mentions smashing faces.

She follows him to watch him find suitable leather, unless someone has something to say or do.

2019-11-19, 04:22 AM
Zarron wipes the blood and gore from the little rodent off his rapier. He looks forlornly at the remaining fields.

"We've got more to clear, and I need a ranged weapon. Do you suppose they have a crossbow around?"

2019-11-19, 11:58 AM
Ask them, Ellis replies. While I'd be a little surprised to see a crossbow about, a bow is more likely than not.

Does anyone need a bit of healing? I've not much to go around, but I can help a little.

Lay on Hands, 5 points.

2019-11-19, 10:00 PM
Zarron takes the half-smashed in pumpkin, and gingerly heads for the makeshift hospital. Hopefully, parts of it can be salvaged and be used to make a soup.

He knocks on the door and enters.

"I'm sorry about your pumpkin, sir, it was an accident. We're still trying to get rid of the rats in your fields, and they're stronger than I thought. I was wondering if you have any simple ranged weapons we can borrow to take them out from afar?"

2019-11-20, 02:15 AM
Elyn tells Zarron "You can try looking in the old guildhall, you might be able to find something."

Back before these lands were tamed and eventually settled by farmers the guildhall was used as a staging point for adventurers, now it is only ever used for storage and as a lockup for travelers that break the rules. Most of the weapons that are there are in rather bad shape and are in need of substantial repair, but you are able to fine a working shortbow, a quiver of arrows and a few shortswords.


Adamas and Taara are able to locate the tanner's shop. There is plenty of leather and leather working tools, but Tomas the tanner is still at the inn and is in no shape to provide service.

2019-11-20, 02:25 AM
Half of Taara is disappointed that she has to wait to get a cord, the other half wanting to just reach up and grab a suitable piece of leather. Somehow, a third half wells up inside her saying she never really cared if she got a cord or not.

She silently rests her arms on a countertop and scrunches her face against them, though her expression is neutral underneath the mask of her smooth brown arms. Her braided hair flops to one side.

"..." she remains quiet, staring forward at the leathers.

2019-11-20, 02:39 AM
Trunksplitter see no reason to wait. He takes a suitable piece of leather, some cutting shears and a straight piece of wood and starts making cords.

When he is done, he presents them to Staara.

"Here you are!"