View Full Version : Want to optimize on a rogue/ranger

2019-08-28, 11:45 AM
Best way to optimize a rogue/ranger starting off a new campaign

2019-08-28, 12:03 PM
what are you trying to optimize around, skill monkey, melee, ranged?..

Any specific race you are looking at?

Any specifics about the campaign, such as undead heavy or so forth?

Are we talking PF, 3.5, 3.PF?

2019-08-28, 12:41 PM
For Ranger/Rogue, I'd suggest instead using Wilderness Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogueVariantWilderness Rogue), and take Wild Cohort (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) for a companion/flanking partner. You get the same type of character without even taking any Ranger levels.

Use the Mystic Ranger variant in Dragon 336 p105, which delays several class features by one or two levels in exchange for getting significantly better spellcasting. That gets 0-level spells at Ranger 1, and gains a new spell level every even-numbered Ranger level until you have 5th level spells at Ranger 10. Use the Frostblood Half-Orc in Dragon Magic, and if possible combine the Desert Half-Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs) variant with that (a tundra is technically a desert). You'll get Endurance as a racial bonus feat from Frostblood Half-Orc, but if you would later gain that feat from another source you can instead pick any feat you qualify for to replace gaining it a second time. Mystic Ranger delays getting Endurance until Ranger 4, at which you can take Sword of the Arcane Order in Champions of Valor instead.

Ideally you'll want to use the Half-Humans and Humanlike Races variant in Races of Destiny p150, which allows you to qualify for things as though you're a Human, instead of as though you're an Orc. This allows you to take Magical Training in PGtF, which gives you a few 0-level spell slots and a spellbook with a few 0-level Wizard spells to prepare in those slots. You've scribed those spells into your spellbook and you prepare and cast those from that spellbook, so per the Rules Compendium you're able to add more spells to that spellbook via a method identical to that which Wizards use, even if you don't have spell slots to cast them from. This gives you your own spellbook that you can prepare Wizard spells from in your Ranger spell slots via Sword of the Arcane Order, and a few utility 0-level Wizard spells.

Consider going Ranger/Scout instead, with the feats Swift Hunter and Greater Manyshot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greaterManyshot). Ideally you'll only get four levels of Scout, since more Ranger levels gets you better BAB, saves, and more spellcasting. If you want to go melee, take Wildshape Ranger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#ranger) and stay in the form of a Fleshraker dinosaur or something else that has pounce and plenty of attacks. In that case you want to hit Ranger 5 asap, even if it means delaying Swift Hunter until 9th level. You can still use Mystic Ranger with that, and cast (Lesser Rod of) Extended Wraithstrike if you have Natural Spell.

So something like Frostblood Desert Half-Orc (half-human), Mystic Wildshape Ranger 5/ Scout 4/ MWRanger 11 for the final build, with Magical Training at 1st, probably Combat Reflexes or Expeditious Dodge or Power Attack at 3rd, Sword of the Arcane Order as a bonus at 4th, Natural Spell at 6th, Swift Hunter at 9th, and whatever else you want after that. Consider swapping some of the levels after 9th for Warshaper and/or Master of Many Forms for better combat ability when wild shaped, in exchange for less skirmish and skill points.

2019-08-28, 01:59 PM
There are some other interesting options that should be kept in mind, such as using Trap expert ranger ACF from dungeonscape (pretty sure that is the right book) to trade track for disable device and the ability to disable magical traps. Arcane hunter from CM gives you arcane magic users as favored enemies, Nemesis feat BoED gives you the ability to detect favored enemies within 60', and Skilled City-Dweller AFC from cityscape lets you trade ride for tumble which is great you can also trade your animal companion for a familiar from the same source. Distracting Attack afc PHBII questionably lets you flank an enemy by yourself after your first attack each round. On the rogue side, wilderness rogue is interesting and Penetrating Strike for melee or Disruptive Attack for ranged are great choices along with craven for obvious reasons.

Going with a 2 weapon fighting build ranger 2-4/rogue 3/assassin(or avenger) x could be an interesting and powerful character.

2019-08-28, 04:46 PM
what are you trying to optimize around, skill monkey, melee, ranged?..

Any specific race you are looking at?

Any specifics about the campaign, such as undead heavy or so forth?

Are we talking PF, 3.5, 3.PF?

Also are we talking about focusing on TWF and SA, do we have partial BAB/Save bonuses?

I'm also partial to the Champion of the Wild ACF from CC that lets a ranger trade in spellcasting for feats.

2019-08-29, 07:47 PM
Sorry guys been a not so good day. I'm kind of stuck between using ranged and sa and twf. This is a 3.5 campaign only have had 2 sessions so far I'm a elf rogue 2

2019-08-29, 08:20 PM
Ah, you've already started play as a Rogue or I would recommend peeking at Swift Hunter for Ranger/Scout instead of Ranger/Rogue.

There's a similar feat for Scout/Rogue, but you're probably looking at something like Rogue 3/Scout 4/Rogue +12/Sneak Attack Class 1 which gives you +5d6 /+5 Skirmish and +9d6 Sneak Attack. Swift Ambusher from Complete Scoundrel. Cleric dip for Travel Devotion is never a miss here, of course.

Depends on what you wanted from Ranger exactly, though, you don't get an animal companion or free archery feats this way. Main reason Swift Hunter is ~slightly better than Swift Ambusher.

2019-08-29, 08:41 PM
Sorry guys been a not so good day. I'm kind of stuck between using ranged and sa and twf. This is a 3.5 campaign only have had 2 sessions so far I'm a elf rogue 2

I'd recommend going into Ranger after 3rd so you can start getting a better BAB and get the weapon style feats...probably stay in until at least Ranger 6.

I'd also recommend the Champion of the Wild to trade in spellcasting for feats.