View Full Version : Help find the ~Commoner (Super)~ posting

2019-08-29, 10:41 AM
A while ago I read a thread (probably from even longer ago) which took the idea of Commoner levels giving NPCs only CR +1/4, and then made a new Commoner class that leveled up by 4 HD at a time.

I have been doing searches here and on google trying to find it but have not been able to do so.

Does anyone remember this thread? Even the title or author would help me do a better search.

Mike Miller
2019-08-29, 11:08 AM
Hmmm, I do remember that thread. I will try to find it

2019-08-29, 12:49 PM
I think it might've been called "The Ultimate Fighter fix" or something.

I remember a thread about how Humanoid hitdice only give +1/2 CR, and that was pretty strong too.

2019-08-29, 07:47 PM

The one I remember?

2019-08-29, 10:11 PM

The one I remember?

That’s the one! 👍

Thanks for finding it. It had nothing to with Commoner which tripped up all my attempts.

Such a crazy idea, but clever and fun to consider.

2019-08-29, 10:21 PM
I think it might've been called "The Ultimate Fighter fix" or something.

Post #27 in the thread: “... it is the Fighter Fix to end all fighter fixes.”
Nice memory.

2019-08-29, 10:45 PM
That thread gave me cancer. Following the link to the featmaster gave me super cancer.

Please send clerics.

2019-08-30, 05:59 AM
That thread gave me cancer. Following the link to the featmaster gave me super cancer.

Please send clerics.

Evil clerics incoming!!!! Every once in a while a 3.5 epic game is on these boards that says homebrew: yes, any and is like quad or penta gestalt.


If I tristalt the humanoid and feat master with the perfectionist at 21st level how many times do i have to take toughness if I took any epic vow of poverty fix?

Watch out those evil clerics are casting a quest spell with terms for you to solve the madness.

2019-08-30, 07:42 AM
Class: Perfectionist...
It doesn’t seem all that interesting on its own, but it does satisfy some sense of “being better”. It might be interesting to see how people play it, what different personalities they bring to it as the class itself is almost a blank slate.

Re gestalt/tristalt/quadstalt.
I wonder how you all handle such things? I remember AD&D had you pay to level ALL your classes in a multiclass individually, so would be 2x/3x/4x the xp to advance in 3.x.
Alt, maybe some sort of LA adjustment?
How do you all keep a sense of “grounding” in the game setting? Or do you end up with all the NPCs/monsters also gestalt and just make it a setting feature?

2019-08-30, 07:59 AM
That thread gave me cancer. Following the link to the featmaster gave me super cancer.

The Humanoid at least is playing in/with the rules of the game. And on its own it actually kind of works.

Featmaster... it just seems silly? I mean, good to relieve some pressure from feeling feat-starved, but its not intended to be played, it is just god-mode applied to feats.