View Full Version : Thoughts and Feedback on a custom magical "instrument?"

2019-08-29, 12:05 PM
The Order of the Fire Snake is an order of magical performers famous for blending fire-magic into their exotic performances. The order also has a dark side, a sub-faction hidden within called the cult of the bright fang, a group of assassins who use their performances to gain trust, influence, and access to targets.

I created the following custom magic item to serve as a signature instrument of the most talented performers.

Rose of the Fire Snake
This rare living rose-vine is used by the performers of the order of the Fire Snake as a sort of magical instrument. The magic of the Rose allows performers to create beautiful and wondrous illusions out of living flame. The rose is immune to fire, and draws energy from it instead of burning.
To use the Rose’s magic, a performer must know either the prestidigitation or control flame cantrip. Controlling this magic is an art, and doing so with any skill requires proficiency.
While the rose is engulfed in flame, a performer within range can use their cantrip to create the likeness of medium or smaller creatures, objects, or effects that are made entirely out of flame. These flames are warm and as bright as a torch, but are intangible and not hot enough to cause damage or start fires. They disappear if the performer does not use their action to direct them each round.
These effects can move and change form as directed by the performer, and can perform complex dances, act out scenes or stories, or perform other motions or transformations.
A proficient performer can have a maximum number of effects or creatures at one time equal to twice their proficiency modifier. No effect created by a Rose of the Fire Snake can move more than 20ft away from the rose. A performer can also fill this area with subtle scents, quiet sounds, or other harmless sensory effects during the performance.

Cool idea? Unnecessary? Needs work?

What do you think?

2019-08-29, 10:45 PM
Sounds good to me. You could just implement it similarly to Thieves' Tools, and give proficiency with them to trained members of the Order of the Fire Snake. So if someone makes any kind of check by using the Rose, then you let them add their proficiency bonus. The limit of twice their proficiency modifier sounds a little high to me, and I'd probably go with just the proficiency modifier, but I'm also having a hard time thinking of ways to really abuse it by having an extra 2 or 3 of these fire illusions since it isn't hot enough to burn things. Overall a very fun idea!