View Full Version : Help with something similar to a megazord/voltron

2019-08-30, 03:59 AM
Hey Guys,

I'm currently playing a theurgy wizard who took the forge domain. I've been expending all of my uses of channel divinity to create an assortment of tiny creatures, vehicles, and action figures for when I finally pick up animate objects this level. The goal is to be able to use different things I've created and have them assemble like a megazord, voltron, devastator etc...and then go wreck stuff. Is that possible? I don't see anything thing RAW or RAI that would preclude it. If you were/are a DM how would you rule it? By combining say five tiny creatures does it suddenly become a large creature and what happens to the stats? Is this just a rule of cool endeavor or are their some benefits you can think of that make this arguablely better than having 10 individual tiny creatures hitting for a bunch of damage every turn? Thanks for the help!

2019-08-30, 06:24 AM
As a DM I would have them combine into an appropriately sized animated object. It would be cool, but ther would be no particular advantage as I would just handle the assembly as one construct.