View Full Version : Tool - Fear Inoculum (New album)

2019-08-31, 12:07 PM
So Tool released their new album after a 13 year wait, and since I couldn't find any discussion of it I thought I would make this thread to discuss it.

I'll start off with saying I really love this album. I expected it to be great, but I also expected it to be their weakest output, however I enjoyed it more than both Opiate and Undertow, which are brilliant efforts in their own right.

My favorite track is 7empest, but I think all the six songs have their place, and I find my ranking shifts with further listens, having listened it through about 8 times by now.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on the album?

2019-09-02, 12:11 PM
Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. While having new Tool for the first time in 15 years is exciting, I'm also approaching it with a bit of trepidation. I'm hoping for at least another Lateralus (because hoping for another Ænima is a surefire way to set myself up for disappointment), but worried that what I'll actually get is another 10,000 Days, which I really, thoroughly disliked.

2019-09-02, 12:16 PM
If you didn't like 10000 Days then you're not going to like it.