View Full Version : Necromancy wizard10/ blood hunterX is broken

2019-09-01, 08:33 AM
So, necromancy wizards at level 10 can't have their hit point maximum decreased. That's one of the major draw backs of the blood hunter. Am I missing something here or is a necro-wizard-hunter immune to dropping their hit point maximum? If so, I'm imagining fun shenanagins.

2019-09-01, 08:49 AM
That's a big investment to make, the hit point reduction for Blood Hunter's isn't a big enough drawback that I would take 10 levels into Necromancer Wizard just to mitigate.

In the event that you do take 10 Wizard levels (I have done so on a Blood Hunter, having rolled incredible stats) I would recommend War Magic, Evocation, Abjuration and Divination.

You have less hit points to work with leading up to that 10th level bonus, you're going to be more frail than you would have been as a straight Blood Hunter until then.

2019-09-01, 09:14 AM
It's not really broken at all, you'd be immune to the max hp reduction NOT the damage and you'd comparatively lose 20hp from those 10 Wizard levels anyway. Then you'd be left with 10 levels of a non martial class (or subclass), with a d6 hit die and delayed martial progression (unless you went to 5 BH first, in which case you'd just see your damage drop off drastically as the levels increase).

Is there still ways to make it work? Sure, you still Haste, Shadow Blade (no reason you can't put you're Rite on it), Shield etc. But it'd end up being interesting yet subotimal to say the least, never mind broken.