View Full Version : Unique SLAs

2019-09-01, 09:38 AM
From the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#spellLikeAbilities)

A few spell-like abilities are unique; these are explained in the text where they are described.

What creatures have unique SLAs? Is there a list anywhere?

2019-09-01, 10:30 AM
Truenamers, for one...

2019-09-01, 10:38 AM
There are actually quite a few, because any time an (Sp) ability is listed but not in a statblock list alone it's technically unique by the definition given in the SRD -- for example, the Nixie's Charm Person just has a 24 hour duration but is otherwise the same as the spell. Most other "unique" SLAs are similar, just slightly modified versions of an actual spell.

As far as truly unique abilities:

Most Mephits, Demons, and Devils have a % chance (Sp) ability to summon other monsters of their type that don't function like a printed spell.

Some Dragon kinds have unique (Sp) abilities; the Black Dragon's Corrupt Water, Blue Dragon's Create/Destroy Water, Gold Dragon's Detect Gems and Luck Bonus.

Those are the main SRD ones I could find, anyway. I know some classes give unique (Sp) abilities, as well, like the Jade Phoenix Mage in Tome of Battle has an (Sp) capstone called Emerald Immolation. There are probably more in non-SRD sources.

2019-09-01, 11:21 AM
Warlock and Dragonfire Adept invocations, Enlightened Spirit invocations, many of the prestige classes in BoED and BoVD grant unique spell-like abilities, a few domains, etc.

2019-09-03, 09:14 AM
If it says "this is the equivalent of a Nth-level spell", doesn't actually copy a specific spell, and has the (Sp) tag, that counts.

2019-09-03, 09:44 PM
Someone asked this question recently: if we delve into monsters, the list would be fairly large.

A lot of base classes and PrCs also have "unique" SLAs: for instance, the Paladin's Summon Mount ability is designated as an SLA.