View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF1e] How much of Magic of Incarnum is useful for Akashic Mysteries by DSP?

2019-09-01, 06:19 PM
I never got to play around with Magic of Incarnum, but I remember the books inspired me. I loved the concepts and themes, and the system always seemed really cool to me.
These days I知 a huge fan of Akashic Mysteries, and I think DSP did an absolutely stellar job porting the system over to PF.

I知 not good at judging mechanics by just reading them, so I could use some help. How much of MoI is useful for DSP Akashic? What parts of MoI fits in, what has issues and are there any parts of MoI best left forgotten?

2019-09-01, 07:19 PM
The problem of incarnum and item slots is best forgotten. SSoulborn class too. Vizier probably makes incarnate obsolete completely. Haven't looked at MOI recently enough to say how hard soulmelds would be to adapt to veils.

2019-09-01, 11:15 PM
You can grab the classes and soulmelds relatively easily, though as stack mentioned, the soulborn doesn't hold up terribly well and the vizier kind of eats the incarnate's lunch as the dedicated "caster".

For deciding which soulmelds should be available to which akashic classes, anything the incarnate has is generally reasonable to give the vizier (and you could go the other way pretty easily), and soulborn veils are generally going to be solid on the daevic. Totemist is a little trickier because there's not a direct equivalent, but totemist soulmelds can generally act as veils for the daevic and most of the daevic's natural attack veils are solid for the totemist.

Most of the magic items and spells from MoI can port over to AM pretty directly, with standard 3.5 to PF adjustments as appropriate.

There's almost certainly going to be some cases where a veil, soulmeld, or other option is more powerful than intended when ported in between MoI and akashic classes (the place this is most likely to happen is between the daevic and totemist), but generally the system itself should handle most of the balancing. I definitely recommend porting MoI to AM rather than the other way around.

2019-09-02, 09:37 AM
You can grab the classes and soulmelds relatively easily, though as stack mentioned, the soulborn doesn't hold up terribly well and the vizier kind of eats the incarnate's lunch as the dedicated "caster".

For deciding which soulmelds should be available to which akashic classes, anything the incarnate has is generally reasonable to give the vizier (and you could go the other way pretty easily), and soulborn veils are generally going to be solid on the daevic. Totemist is a little trickier because there's not a direct equivalent, but totemist soulmelds can generally act as veils for the daevic and most of the daevic's natural attack veils are solid for the totemist.

Most of the magic items and spells from MoI can port over to AM pretty directly, with standard 3.5 to PF adjustments as appropriate.

There's almost certainly going to be some cases where a veil, soulmeld, or other option is more powerful than intended when ported in between MoI and akashic classes (the place this is most likely to happen is between the daevic and totemist), but generally the system itself should handle most of the balancing. I definitely recommend porting MoI to AM rather than the other way around.

What about feats, are there any in MoI that just don稚 work with AM?

2019-09-02, 10:23 PM
Not particularly, though most have been outright revised or replaced.