View Full Version : Adventures guild D&D 3.5 / FP Gestalt in character

2019-09-02, 02:51 PM
It is morning, as you walk into the adventure’s guildhall. It first glances it appears to look like a tavern. All be it every patron is armed to the teeth. To the left side of the room there is the bar tender and to the Right was two clerks at the job request board. The all female staff was very easy to pick out with them all wearing white long sleeve shirts blue and black vests and a long black skirt.

One a long dark-haired clerk talking with, a Muscular white-haired and large horned female minotaur. Wearing just a mini skirt and an even smaller shirt.

.As the other clerk with short red hair. Wave at you. Saying sorry we just posted the new jobs earlier this morning, but we have two requests left. If you are looking for work or would you like to form a party first ?”

2019-09-02, 03:48 PM
The black wolf moved through the guildhall, his size was imposing and his sheen black coat would make him difficult to see should any of these men have encountered such a wolf in the wilds. The only thing that really distracted from its large size were the orange seemingly glowing eyes that seemed far to intelligent to be a normal companion. He glanced to the others he entered with and allowed them to make the first contact with the guild's staff.

2019-09-02, 04:42 PM
Kami enter the guildhall and went straight to the red haired girl, after shed told the situation Kami said she will be back and start walking towards the bar tender, she pass next to the big wolf and gave him a glance (maybe he will be suitable for the next mission), she reaches the bar tender and ask for a drink while she starting to evaluate everybody in the hall looking for a party.

2019-09-02, 04:56 PM
A harpy, not the most common thing to see in civilization, begins walking towards the clerk. She rolls her shoulders and winces, muttering under her breath. "Hi. Yea I'm here for some work, any parties available?"

2019-09-02, 05:39 PM
Kat is one of those well armed patrons. She is a human with black short hair and eyes. Aside from hardy traveling clothes, she has a bow over her back with matching quiver, a sword, knifes, empty glass orbs, strips of leather, and several pouches on her belt, and a backpack. She doesn't appear to be wearing any armor. If anyone can see magic her backpack is magical.

She sits at one of the tables drinking alcohol and sharing her time with some npc adventurers. To a social eye they don't seem to know each other all that well, but they are getting along and jolly.

She pauses her conversation when she sees the massive black wolf moving through the guildhall. She stares for a while before she excuses herself from her company. Her eyes locked on target she approaches Parrish. She says to the wolf's owners, "Hello. Interesting company you keep." She asks in common to the wolf, "Hello. Do you want some food?" She squats and asks his owners. "Can he be petted?" She tentatively reaches out to the wolf.

2019-09-02, 06:43 PM
The wolf met eyes with Kat and he understood that some were not afraid of a huge wolf at least not in a setting such as this. He cleaned up well and he tilted his head down to let her pet his head if she wanted to. After all he was here to find allies in his ambitions, and he had not been petted in awhile, not since the fire. His eyes shifted to the side to the ones she addressed before petting him, wondering what they thought of all this. And though he could probably find out he had no desire at this time.

2019-09-02, 08:15 PM
A kobold wearing a heavy shawl around their sholders, and a few tinder twigs between their teeth moves through the adventure's guildhall. pouches upon pouches wrapped around their body as they moved with an ease of silence through the guild

"Work? What kind of work is left?"

2019-09-02, 10:11 PM
A scrappy looking halfling with a rascalish grin and a rather large crossbow jumps up on a table, the feat no less impressive for the fact that he doesn't spill a drop from his man sized wine cup.

"Corgi Bunce here, I aim to put together a crew of myself and up to six more, I need at least two front liners, a caster, and a tracker would be handy, any takers?"

2019-09-02, 11:20 PM
She notices the wolf tilt his head down. "He is very well trained." She scratches him behind the ear. She asks him, "Who is a good boy? Who is a good boy?" She rubs and scratches his neck. With the other hand she reaches behind her and pulls out a bundle of cloth. She lays the cloth on the floor and unfolds the top. The cloth contains fat smoked sausages and salted meat. Hard biscuits on the side and dried vegetables. She leaves the meat and most likely things a dog would eat, but plucks some dried vegetables for herself. She introduces herself to Parrish, "My nickname around here is Kat."

She asks him, "What is your name?" She doesn't seem to be asking anyone near him. She is speaking in common, but her face/tone looks like she genuinely expects the animal to talk to her.

The food is a trail ration, a full meal. It was likely inspired by a dwarf ration considering the meat portions.

2019-09-03, 02:46 AM
A small raven haired alabaster skinned humanoid and dressed in all neon pink enters the halls. Almost unarmed, scanty and holding natural beauty equaling or outshining her mortal peers, she surveys the scene with her unnatural cerulean jewels.

Pet and girl. Busy.

Harpy, sword girl, kobold and clerk girl. Busy.

Other patrons. Busy.

Boisterous halfling on the table. Free.

She moves towards him, her feminine movements causing her hip to sway several times, showing her legs as her heels make several moderate, melodious cracks until she stops by him, smiling.

"Hello, you seem to be alone. I am afraid that I am a bit out of the loop but I am also curious. Mind if I join you on the table?"

2019-09-03, 08:50 AM
As he saw a bunch of singular individual enter the hall Kami finished her drink with a large sip and smashing the cup in the bar, moved towards the Halfling, standing next to the exotic looking girl and speaked to the halfling:

"Are you about to dance?"

2019-09-03, 10:29 AM
Parrish looked to the girls offering and he sniffed them for traces of anything he might not like, but finding none he snatched them up and swallowed them almost entirely whole. He licked his muzzle to make sure to clean up the juices from the sausages and other meat. He was aware this girl was talking to him and even introducing himself. He watched her for a moment as she asked for his name and he spoke in common although the wolf's mouth was not as easy to move for speech as his natural or goblin form. "Parrish"

He glanced to the others in the room and he turned to the halfling Corgi and nodded his head, he was willing to work with anyone if their goals aligned.

2019-09-03, 12:01 PM
Dre-lock the lizardfolk with her cat enter the hall looking at the assembled, noticing the board and the need for a party.
Well I am looking for work and I am looking to join in with a bunch

Morbis Meh
2019-09-03, 03:46 PM
Adelaide walked into the seemingly cramped building and hesitated a moment when someone spoke to her. It took her a moment to realize it wasn't first speech but it didn't hamper her understanding. It would be foolhardy to go on a hunt alone so Adelaide mused that it would be somewhat prudent to group up with others.

She hadn't donned the mantle yet so she seemed like a lithe young woman of average height in otherworldly garb but compared to the random spread of individuals in the room it seemed unlikely that she would stick out.

She casually saunters over to the lizard folk and speaks softly "Is it always common for these followers to hop around like children and imbibe intoxicants early in the morning?"

2019-09-03, 04:06 PM
The food is perfectly safe for consumption and contains no tricks.

Parrish's answer draws surprise from Kat. The surprise makes it seem like she didn't expect him to talk. She keeps giving him scratches. She quietly explains, "I did think you were a wolf at first. I didn't suspect otherwise until after I put the food down."

Now that she is pretty sure he isn't a wolf she clarifies her name's spelling. "Kat with a K."

"I can speak with animals. I thought you would answer my question but not in common." She grunts a singular time in amusement at the absurdity.

She follows Parrish's eyes toward Corgi. She says to her wolf, "My last group fell a part. I've been searching for another, and that last table holds no future." She asks him, "Would you like to group up with Corgi? Are you practiced at tracking?"

She raises her voice and answers Corgi's call. "I'm a healer."

2019-09-03, 07:27 PM
There's a thump from past the doorway to the guildhall and a muffled moan before an elvish woman staggers through the door with one hand rubbing at her forehead. A mass of raven locks frames her face and even in the light of the hall the glow of her mismatched eyes is obvious. Strange tattoos cover what pale and blue tinged skin isn't covered by her vest and trousers.

Seeing the crowd already forming within the hall she pauses, red filling her cheeks before she darts towards the counter. After listening to the news from the redhead she steps back from the counter and looks over many figures filling the Guildhall. Her blue and white gaze runs across the cat bearing elf and lizardfolk, the group forming around the boisterous halfling, the harpy, and the kobold before she moves with a quick stride.

Coming to a stop before the kobold, one hand coming up to point at the weapon strapped to the kobold's back. "Excuse me but that's a..." She pauses and chews at her lower lip, head tilting down slighlty. "Fire... leg... no... hand?" Focusing back on Smoke she lets her arm drop to her side, fingers stroking the circle marked on her palm. "Ummm... Firehand I think?"

2019-09-03, 11:23 PM
The kobold jumps at the elvish woman coming up closer to him. Crouching into a more defensive position he looks up to her through smoke tinted glasses. "No firehands! We're in a building!" the creature retorts, before seeing the rifle they didn't put away. He thinks for a moment, noticing though it was the musket, and biting his lip back. deciding not to hide it since its already out there "No touchie musket." Last thing he needed was adventurers messing with his rifles or 'accidentally' causing an incident that he'd be blamed for.

2019-09-03, 11:48 PM
The wolf nodded his head at her answer of tracking. He was fair enough, he had the scent abilities in both this form and his natural form. Tracking via scent just made sense for a canid. He looked to her and he said "I can speak in many tongues, or with no tongue." He wanted to make it clear he was not trying to keep secrets but disclosing everything might be a bad idea. "I can do many things." His wolf tongue made sure his communication was short but sweet but his answer to her about his skills and he looked to her then to the man named Corgi and he stepped forward as if to make it perfectly clear he was in.

2019-09-04, 01:50 AM
Seeing as a large group was forming around the boisterous halfling, the harpy decides to make her way over. "Only six? Sounds like you've got a few takers already. The more the merrier, I say."

2019-09-04, 05:27 AM
Kat stops petting the wolf. She folds up the food cloth on the ground and reaches behind her to put it in her backpack. "A polyglot? Impressive. And, possibly telepathy. If you need to use telepathy It's not something I'm uncomfortable with." She smirks at him saying he can do many things. "I already believe that."

She raises her voice again toward Corgi. "Healer and tracker."

She stands up and heads over to the halfling. She stops near Tika the harpy and introduces herself to anyone listening. "People around here call me Kat." She motions to the large wolf. "He is Parrish."

2019-09-04, 05:30 AM
The kobold's crouching has Radret frowning, and the small lizard's retort brings a flush to her cheeks. Shaking her head she smiles at the kobold. "It's a musket then? And I was just curious. I've only heard of them in passing and this is my first time seeing one." With a quick nod she clasps her hands behind her back. "See. No touchie. Just curious 'bout something I've never seen before." After a glance at the ever growing crowd around the halfling she turns back to smoke and smiles. "I'm Radret. Have you been an adventurer long?"

2019-09-04, 06:14 AM
The kobold jumps at the elvish woman coming up closer to him. Crouching into a more defensive position he looks up to her through smoke tinted glasses. "No firehands! We're in a building!" the creature retorts, before seeing the rifle they didn't put away. He thinks for a moment, noticing though it was the musket, and biting his lip back. deciding not to hide it since its already out there "No touchie musket." Last thing he needed was adventurers messing with his rifles or 'accidentally' causing an incident that he'd be blamed for.

The kobold's crouching has Radret frowning, and the small lizard's retort brings a flush to her cheeks. Shaking her head she smiles at the kobold. "It's a musket then? And I was just curious. I've only heard of them in passing and this is my first time seeing one." With a quick nod she clasps her hands behind her back. "See. No touchie. Just curious 'bout something I've never seen before." After a glance at the ever growing crowd around the halfling she turns back to smoke and smiles. "I'm Radret. Have you been an adventurer long?"

Kata raises her head from the table and her work. She is sitting on a corner of the room sprawling over her rifle which she has been maintaining. The weapon itself has been modified to not rely on finicky black powder, instead using the power of SCIENCE! and electricity. Not that she could really explain how all the gizmos worked to the uninitiated in tech lingo, but she had improved the weapon to the point that when fired the projectiles would look for the path of less resistance. The weapon is also enchanted to help on aiming. Besides the weapon there are several standardized batteries holding the charges and bullets to power the device. Even a baby could use it. If Kata had room for emotions, and hadn't removed most of them when upgrading herself, she would be fuzzy and warm. Now it was only a distant memory.

Still she stood up and went towards the kobold and the elven woman, and offered her own weapon to her.

"It's not loaded, as long as you don't swing it with intent to break it it should be fine. I would still advise to keep your fingers out and away from the trigger, and don't point it at anyone."

She looks at the Kobold, blinks, and gives a short nod.

"If you would need maintenance on your weapon, let me know. I am used to work with them."

2019-09-04, 06:58 AM
"Hello, you seem to be alone. I am afraid that I am a bit out of the loop but I am also curious. Mind if I join you on the table?"

"Not at all, please do, you fancy yourself an adventurer?"

2019-09-04, 07:00 AM
As he saw a bunch of singular individual enter the hall Kami finished her drink with a large sip and smashing the cup in the bar, moved towards the Halfling, standing next to the exotic looking girl and speaked to the halfling:

"Are you about to dance?"

"Sadly, I can't dance, and my singing makes small children cry, so I am forced to make my living as an adventurer."

2019-09-04, 07:02 AM
Parrish looked to the girls offering and he sniffed them for traces of anything he might not like, but finding none he snatched them up and swallowed them almost entirely whole. He licked his muzzle to make sure to clean up the juices from the sausages and other meat. He was aware this girl was talking to him and even introducing himself. He watched her for a moment as she asked for his name and he spoke in common although the wolf's mouth was not as easy to move for speech as his natural or goblin form. "Parrish"

He glanced to the others in the room and he turned to the halfling Corgi and nodded his head, he was willing to work with anyone if their goals aligned.

Corgi nods back at the wolf, indicating likewise.

2019-09-04, 07:06 AM
Seeing as a large group was forming around the boisterous halfling, the harpy decides to make her way over. "Only six? Sounds like you've got a few takers already. The more the merrier, I say."

"Well met. One of my talents is I can link minds telepathically, six plus myself at a time up to about 120 feet, it is very handy for communication and keeping tabs on people in the warrens."

2019-09-04, 07:10 AM
Kat stops petting the wolf. She folds up the food cloth on the ground and reaches behind her to put it in her backpack. "A polyglot? Impressive. And, possibly telepathy. If you need to use telepathy It's not something I'm uncomfortable with." She smirks at him saying he can do many things. "I already believe that."

She raises her voice again toward Corgi. "Healer and tracker."

She stands up and heads over to the halfling. She stops near Tika the harpy and introduces herself to anyone listening. "People around here call me Kat." She motions to the large wolf. "He is Parrish."
"Well met. I am a bit of a healer myself, mostly mundane, handy with surgery or a wand in the down time, and I can...divert some damage from my teamates in the heat of battle, Mostly though, I just try to put as many bolts into the meanies as possible until they stop screaming and bleeding."

2019-09-04, 09:37 AM
"Not at all, please do, you fancy yourself an adventurer?"

"Sadly, I can't dance, and my singing makes small children cry, so I am forced to make my living as an adventurer."

Linny maintains her smile as she steps up onto the table.

"That explains the reason you are on the table."

She pauses, letting her voice fade into the background, to allow Corgi's replies to the queries of potential teammates who are joining the table as she listens. Once the question and answer session dies down, she turns to the crowd and spots familiar faces among them.

"Ah, Renard. Your timing could not be more impeccable. Have your troupe start us off with something slow, would you? We are about to have a very special performance today and we do not want waste such beautiful stage. Once my partner is familiar with the dancing floor, you and your boys can transition into a faster song."

As the slow music wafts through the air, the fey creatures shifts her gaze back to the halfling's eyes, takes his hand and place it on her left shoulder, grasping the other hand with her own.

"Our interaction seemed to have drawn some eyes and interests. Since we are already up here, let's not waste the opportunity to put on a show to draw more attention towards your cause. While we are at it, I can tell you more about myself. Now, I heard you cannot dance. Let me help you learn. Once you are familiar with the steps, we can go faster. Now, just relax, do not let go and follow my movements."

Linny makes the first move. She begins her dance with a series of practiced footwork as she guides the halfling through the makeshift stage.

Perform (Dance):[roll0]

2019-09-04, 12:30 PM
Parrish nodded his head and he established a mindlink with Kat to make it that much easier for them to communicate without needing to speak aloud and look a little odd.

'As you wish, this might be easier for one us to communicate in such a large group'

He nodded to Corgi and they seemed to have an understanding. Turning his mind to Kat

'What jobs exist? What do we hunt?'

Scarlet Thirst
2019-09-04, 02:10 PM
A young boy sets alone in the darkest corner of the guild hall unnoticed. A long sigh escapes his slightly parted lips as he looks at the large groups forming up.

https://media.karousell.com/media/photos/products/2018/08/28/owari_no_seraph_mika_cosplay_1535438203_9e72dfba_p rogressive.jpg

He snaps his fingers and an elderly valet approaches him.

"Why yes Master Aeneas, have you come to a decision so soon?"

The boy looks a bit perturbed and then beckons the valet closer as he whispers into his ear.

"How delightly young master, yes at once young master" He says fervently as he stands stern and erect, quickly approaching the large crowd.

The valet announces himself abruptly.


"Oh my pardon the intrusion, you all are clearly sorting such pertinent matters but I do hope you are willing to hear me out. I am Aestabas, servant to the house of Nostradaemos and have come to ask a favor to anyone willing. My young master, Sir Aeneas Ignatius Von Nostradaemos the Third, Count of Vauntil, would like to be considered to be a part of any willing group taking part in today's quest. He is willing to pay 100 gold upfront and another 100 gold upon completion of said quest so long as he is allowed to take ownership of a certain item he has taken fancy to and is currently in search of. I dare say are there any takers?"

2019-09-04, 05:16 PM
The bird-woman weighs the pros and cons of working with nobility. On on hand, he could be a weakling with more money than sense. On the other, he could be well equipped, competent, and lucratively attractive to outlaws. Nodding to herself as she comes to a decision, she steps forward and responds to the servant with as much etiquette as she has learned.

"I am Tika, a traveler from distant lands seeking a new place to call home. Please inform your lord that it would be a privilege and a delight to work alongside him."

2019-09-04, 05:26 PM
Kat says to Corgi, "Sounds useful. I have no telepathic abilities though I don't mind using such abilities. My healing is uncommon, and I have no talent working flesh with my hands. A healing wand. Do you intend to spend your own money on this group?" Kat may be assuming adventurers in the guild care about their own coin and selfishly wouldn't heal someone they barely know. "Diverting wounds. How interesting. A proficient crossbow welder as well. I have a few other support abilities as well that should come in handy."

She thinks to Parrish, her internal voice less harsh, "The telepathy should allow some privacy as well. Would you like to keep hidden that you can talk? I'm unsure of your prevarications. You mentioned you are a polyglot. We might share a rare language that would allow us to communicate in private without telepathy. You speak Infernal, yes? How about Celestial?" She answers his next question. "There were several jobs earlier. I'm not sure what remains. I needed a group that fits before I could accept any job." The answer may be unsatisfactory, but she is implying that she wants to group up with Parrish. The harpy as well possibility since Kat talked to her.

She stares at the lady on the table before the valet approaches.

She says to the newcomer. "Aestabas. People around here call me Kat. What's the item? How valuable is it? I'm not taking two hundred gold for something that's worth three hundred."

Scarlet Thirst
2019-09-04, 06:47 PM
"Lady Kat and Lady Tika, the pleasure is all mine." Aestabas says with a formal bow.

"This item is a family heirloom, a sword that belongs to the ancient Nostradaemos line and I assure you in it's rusted and antiquated state it is merely a babble to anyone else" He states to the women. "However it belonged to Sir Aeneas grandfather whom he was very esteemed with and is a treasured memento. Hence the hefty sum of gold."

"I do have my doubts about the sword even being in this region but I am moreso looking for an opportunity for my lord to become more self sufficient and I am aware of this lands peculiar problems with an overzealous goblin population"

2019-09-04, 09:32 PM
The kobold looks to Radret and Kata. "Long enough for it.. and it shouldn't need maintenance" he replies. "They call me.. Smoke." he takes the musket and puts it into a small pouch on his side sliding it down and inside a space far too small.

He looks over Aestabas "I hate Goblins. They get in everything."

2019-09-05, 05:25 AM
The kobold looks to Radret and Kata. "Long enough for it.. and it shouldn't need maintenance" he replies. "They call me.. Smoke." he takes the musket and puts it into a small pouch on his side sliding it down and inside a space far too small.

He looks over Aestabas "I hate Goblins. They get in everything."

Nice making you an acquaintance Smoke. There are many that disregards firearms. We also share a dislike for goblins

"Lady Kat and Lady Tika, the pleasure is all mine." Aestabas says with a formal bow.

"This item is a family heirloom, a sword that belongs to the ancient Nostradaemos line and I assure you in it's rusted and antiquated state it is merely a babble to anyone else" He states to the women. "However it belonged to Sir Aeneas grandfather whom he was very esteemed with and is a treasured memento. Hence the hefty sum of gold."

"I do have my doubts about the sword even being in this region but I am moreso looking for an opportunity for my lord to become more self sufficient and I am aware of this lands peculiar problems with an overzealous goblin population"

Have you tried using magics to track the heirloom? It might be a good idea to do that before compromising to the expedition if your quests is to find the sword. I mean, slaying goblins is always a good thing, but if you are happy to throw gold at the problem...

2019-09-05, 05:25 AM
Radret twists about at the approach of another figure, head tilting as she peers at the strange object offered out to her. Slowly she reaches out and takes it from Kata's grip, gaze curious as she shifts it around in her grasp. "They look so different from one another." Her gaze flits from rifle to musket and back. "But... what's a trigger?" Sliding her hands apart she grasps the barrel and the stock as she lifts it up to eye level.

The kobold's words distract her and she turns a smile on Smoke, lips stretching further into a grin as she watches the kobold sink the long musket into a small pouch. "Smoke... I'll have to remember that." As Smoke's attention turns to Aestabas she frowns and lets her head bob in a nod, a twist of her body letting her hold the rifle back out to Kata. "Agreed. Goblins are horrid things."

2019-09-05, 05:35 AM
Radret twists about at the approach of another figure, head tilting as she peers at the strange object offered out to her. Slowly she reaches out and takes it from Kata's grip, gaze curious as she shifts it around in her grasp. "They look so different from one another." Her gaze flits from rifle to musket and back. "But... what's a trigger?" Sliding her hands apart she grasps the barrel and the stock as she lifts it up to eye level.

Kata moves to accompany Radret movements, like a concerned mom caring for a baby.

"Well yes, this one has taken quite a lot of work and personal designs. I would say it's quite unique, but the basic principle is the same." She gets a bit twitchy fearing that the elf will look down the barrel and makes sure she can't. It's not a loaded weapon, and there is no risk, but it would be bad to get into that habit. "That's the trigger pulling it activates the mechanism that fires the weapon. It's simple enough, and you need way less strength to pull that than to pull a bow's string."

Scarlet Thirst
2019-09-05, 06:04 AM
Aestabas lets out a loud fake cough.

"Ah yes madame, magics haven't seemed to get us very far. Some rubbish of interference due to the method of transportation. As you very well know lead has always been a traditional component for containers of anything deemed valuable, and I promise you this instance is no different. We have tried in vain to find a magic wielder of sufficient capabilities but it seems far out our league. Are perhaps suggesting that you know and individual capable of such a feat?" Aestabas ask the newcomer with a skeptical tone. He seems a bit ruffled by the woman's appearance and armament.

"Of course she doesn't, does she look like the sort to rely on anything so archaic you old penguin?" a youthful voice called out.

"Lets just be done with it already, I'll make short work of these little goblins and be back home with grandfathers sword before sun down." Sir Aeneas boasted lazily.

"Do mind your manners my lord, especially in the presence of your fellow adventures!!" the old penguin scolded.

The young man raised up and then bowed perfectly as he slapped his cape out of his way with a snap.

"Sir Aeneas Ignatius Von Nostradaemos III, Count of Vauntil at your service" he says seductively.

"Instead of puffing your chest out you should be offering my new found companions some of stock from our vineyards. I'll have you lot know that Vauntil has the greatest vineyards in all of Caliphas . That subtle breeze from the lake keeps the grapes at just the perfect temperature to ripen evenly. And of course good grapes mean even better wine am I not wrong?" the youth says with a charming grin.

"Sir Aeneas!!!" Aestabas scolds once more.

2019-09-05, 08:48 AM
"Well yes, as a matter of fact yes..."

Kata looks at the kid and sterns her look. She has more or less the same appreciation for those that disregard magic than those that disregard anything else. Options are a good thing to have.

"Magic is a tool. It is a useful tool to solve some problems, and with proper study reliable. And tools beg to be used by a competent craftsman... While bypassing the lead in the case would be complex it should be possible to locate the case. If you have seen the case directly it should be pretty doable to identify whether it is nearby."

There is a hint of a smile and her stern face grows softer when the kid introduces himself.

"Magos Katherine d'Cannith, you can call me Kata."

When the wine is offered she produces a flask of cold tea from her cloak, which clearly wasn't there earlier and stirs it a little to make it apparent it's more or less full.

"I'm good."

She makes the flask disappear again into the all too thin cloth.

2019-09-05, 11:16 AM
Kat flinches at being called a Lady. "Yes, well. You can call me whatever you like. Just don't call me a Lady."

"A sword whose value is only sentimental." She looks over toward the young man. She looks like she is thinking then shrugs. She says to the valet, "I'll keep such a sword in mind as we explore. Just keep in mind that finding the sword isn't a guild quest."

2019-09-05, 12:19 PM
Well, for those that did talk to the guild girl. She informs you that there are two quests available. That is very similar and that is to deal with one of two groups of goblins. 1 group is ambushing the main north road and the other the main south road. As you are also expected to locate and exterminate there nest as well that will be in the area. they both pay the same. 100 gold for mission complete and a bonus of 1 gold for every goblin head delivered to the guild. and 5 gold for every enslaved person you rescue. Also, Beowulf also will be willing to pay a better rate, for buying any metal weapons you take form the goblins. As he plans to melt them down and make steel bars with them to make other things with them later. (Normally it would be half value but he will buy them at 75% value.) Also, the clerk will mention that you may want to stock up on anti toxin and health potions as on of Beowulf’s wives is a potation maker. As both tribes of goblins use poisons. She also recommends a large party as goblins breed very rabidly. and there could be a lot of them.

2019-09-05, 02:11 PM
Smoke looked around to the rest of the people there. North or south didn't matter too much it would seem. What was important for him was getting a proper group who would be able to hold down the line, and keep the attention away from him. On one hand there was the loud halfling but there is likely others who could work as distractions for his work. The important thing was the people not dieing out before they dealth a good blow on the goblins

2019-09-05, 04:28 PM
Oh great, he's one of the former. Tika thought. Oh well, its only one or two adventures, and 200g is 200g.

Speaking of gold, the bounties from the guild is quite generous. Tika wishes some of the bandits she encountered on the way over had some extra-dimensional bags. Shame she might not be able to take full advantage of it.

"If the local goblins are as dangerous as the guild is implying, we should probably hit one nest as hard as possible, instead of going at both at half strength."

2019-09-05, 05:25 PM
Radret pays Kata's hovering no mind as explinations fill the air, a smile curling her lips at the mention of how easy it is. "Good. I'm... well..." Her cheeks flush a bright red. "Not that strong. 'though it seems rather complex for something you fight with."

The conversation around her turning to magic has her smiling, a hand coming up to chest height. The tattoos covering her form seem to pulse and flicker as she spreads her fingers, the circle upon her palm lighting up a shimmering blue. Above her hand vines sprout from nothing and wiggle their way horizontally forming a length the size of a quarterstaff. The vines twist and compress before taking the wooden form of Kata's rifle, a very poorly done copy or perhaps mockery. "Magic has it's uses." Shifting the false rifle around she tries holding it a few different ways, including with what passes for its barrel pressing against her shoulder. "And if you have trouble seeking something through a lead box perhaps scry for all lead boxes within the area?"

Still toying with the wooden model she glances between Smoke and Kata. "These are... at range only? Like crossbows without the string?" The object within her hand withers to nothing as she reaches out, fingers spreading and a thin black haze seeping from her hand. The smoke twists and shifts before spreading out as stone that forms a small wall a mere half inch thick, as wide as her shoulders, and up to her chin with numerous holes of various sizes and widths leaving the wall gaping. "Can you use holes like these or do you need them bigger like a bow would?"

The words of the harpy have her looking up, a frown curling her lips. "You'd really put this many people in a goblin's den?" She pauses before tilting her head. "Those are all underground for the most part right?"

2019-09-05, 05:32 PM
dre-lock, asks beowolfs wife about the anti toxin prices, acquireing a couple. Then she hangs around waiting for others to gather their things, she did not care which was chosen both paid and that was enough for her.

Scarlet Thirst
2019-09-05, 05:59 PM
"Duly noted Ms Kat, and Lady D'Cannith your patience is appreciated. If you if do find a way to foil that confounded lead lining I would be most pleased indeed." Aestabas says with a wrinkled smile.

"Although this Beowulf person sounds quite troubling. I would hate for them to waste their time on such a dusty old antique."

"Enough, it would do you well to stop talking ill of grandfathers sword. I am sure the only dusty thing around here is you. Now lets get on with the party formation shall we. Preferably one with those brave enough to hold a formation and stay quiet at the very least."
The young count said with the color draining from his already pale face.

He gazed at all the seasoned hunters armed with rifles and wondered if he wanted to find himself on the wrong end of such devices.

2019-09-05, 06:23 PM
Linny maintains her smile as she steps up onto the table.

"That explains the reason you are on the table."

She pauses, letting her voice fade into the background, to allow Corgi's replies to the queries of potential teammates who are joining the table as she listens. Once the question and answer session dies down, she turns to the crowd and spots familiar faces among them.

"Ah, Renard. Your timing could not be more impeccable. Have your troupe start us off with something slow, would you? We are about to have a very special performance today and we do not want waste such beautiful stage. Once my partner is familiar with the dancing floor, you and your boys can transition into a faster song."

As the slow music wafts through the air, the fey creatures shifts her gaze back to the halfling's eyes, takes his hand and place it on her left shoulder, grasping the other hand with her own.

"Our interaction seemed to have drawn some eyes and interests. Since we are already up here, let's not waste the opportunity to put on a show to draw more attention towards your cause. While we are at it, I can tell you more about myself. Now, I heard you cannot dance. Let me help you learn. Once you are familiar with the steps, we can go faster. Now, just relax, do not let go and follow my movements."

Linny makes the first move. She begins her dance with a series of practiced footwork as she guides the halfling through the makeshift stage.

Perform (Dance):[roll0]

Corgi ever game for a challenge flashes a mischievous grin and gives the dance a go, who knows, there may be no dances tomorrow, so why not seize the moment?

Perform (dance-untrained): [roll0]

2019-09-05, 08:52 PM
The large wolf creature hearing the prey is Goblins nods in agreement to the mission. He speaks directly to Kat's mind 'The gold is useful, but as for a gold per head' he shook his head 'Goblins must be destroyed, body and soul'

He stepped toward the others, this beautiful black wolf with eyes far to intelligent to be some random mutt. He looks to the the group thoughtfully, knowing that in the tight tunnels there would be an issue bringing them all. He glanced back to Kat 'The smaller ones can move more easily in their tunnels, to many and the creatures' traps will catch them.'

He looked to Corgi and mentally spoke to him so only he and Kat could hear 'It would be best to learn what this pack can do, their abilities and weaknesses over dancing. Goblins are brutal foul beasts, I will claim no reward for heads returned because I will leave no heads behind.'

2019-09-06, 12:13 AM
Sonari hadn’t really known what to do at first. It wasn’t the first time she had entered a guild hall like this, but it might as well be. The guild presence in Karak Bak wasn’t anything more than a formality, the dwarven soldiers supported by the monks and warriors of Sonari’s temple did more than enough to keep the local monster populations nice and culled. Entering as late as she did, she caught the tail-end of the guild girl clerk’s explanation. Troubles like these, with goblins no less, they were practically unheard of. “Master Chaggorak was right,” she thought as she approached the guild girl clerks, and the nearby group of people, “we are sorely needed in the wider world.”

Approaching the group of adventurer’s that were seemingly discussing the quests at hand, Sonari tentatively spoke up. “Ahh, excuse me? The guild clerk recommended that we fom a party for whichever quest we do. Do you have a place for one more?”

2019-09-06, 02:11 AM
She sighs at being called Ms then nods to Aestabas. "I doubt Beowulf is paying as much as you for that sword. The sword should be safe as long as everybody knows its sentimental worth."

She thinks to Parrish, "I find gold useful. It allows me to buy better drink and food." She pauses at him saying he'll destroy the goblin's souls. "Ah. You are a barghest. I've studied barghest. Restoring a soul once a barghest destroys the thing can be impossible. Soul destruction makes me uneasy even if they are the lowest filthy goblins." She isn't saying no yet. "I don't care if their heads are eaten. The others may care more about the gold than I. The metal recovery fee may be more worthwhile than carrying around weighty severed heads."

She says, "Parrish seems ready to hunt goblins." She gives the wolf a pat.

She thinks to Parrish, "Adventurers should know every quest they risk their life for gold. They make the choice to enter trapped tunnels and risk death. I suspect some or most will die this quest if we stay together but I do not know which ones. If the group divides, I have a good feeling about you, Kata, and Sir Aeneas though that may be the gold. Corgi, Tika, Smoke and Radret show promise."

"Did I hear something about poison? If given time to prepare, I know some magic that will help the group."

2019-09-06, 02:17 AM
Still toying with the wooden model she glances between Smoke and Kata. "These are... at range only? Like crossbows without the string?" The object within her hand withers to nothing as she reaches out, fingers spreading and a thin black haze seeping from her hand. The smoke twists and shifts before spreading out as stone that forms a small wall a mere half inch thick, as wide as her shoulders, and up to her chin with numerous holes of various sizes and widths leaving the wall gaping. "Can you use holes like these or do you need them bigger like a bow would?"

"Nice wall, could you do it out of something we could see through? Glass or amber perhaps?. With proper training you can use them at zero range. But yes, they are designed for range." She takes a bullet out of her pocket and tosses it to Radret, it is small, smaller than an arrowhead. Yet so lethal when projected with tremendous force. "As long as this can pass through, I'll find a way to get it through."

Well, for those that did talk to the guild girl. She informs you that there are two quests available. That is very similar and that is to deal with one of two groups of goblins. 1 group is ambushing the main north road and the other the main south road. As you are also expected to locate and exterminate there nest as well that will be in the area. they both pay the same. 100 gold for mission complete and a bonus of 1 gold for every goblin head delivered to the guild. and 5 gold for every enslaved person you rescue. Also, Beowulf also will be willing to pay a better rate, for buying any metal weapons you take form the goblins. As he plans to melt them down and make steel bars with them to make other things with them later. (Normally it would be half value but he will buy them at 75% value.) Also, the clerk will mention that you may want to stock up on anti toxin and health potions as on of Beowulf’s wives is a potation maker. As both tribes of goblins use poisons. She also recommends a large party as goblins breed very rabidly. and there could be a lot of them.

Kata looks at the clerk with a blank expression. "A hundred per goblin den? And we should stock on antitoxin? Yeah... sounds like a job I would rather not take. Most places I've been sell antitoxin for 50 gp, it sounds like too much unreasonable risk for little reward. Speaking of... is there any place where we can find alchemical reagents?"

2019-09-06, 10:40 AM
Linny is astonished. No botches in the twirls, spins and steps. She is also surprised that he did not slip and fall off the table. Not only did he do every technique right even with the music gradual rise in speed but he was also almost in perfect synchronicity with her movements. On his first try. As the music slows down, they abide by the tempo, shifting back to a slow waltz.

"You dance good for a first timer. I did not catch your name."

2019-09-07, 07:48 AM
The large wolf creature hearing the prey is Goblins nods in agreement to the mission. He speaks directly to Kat's mind 'The gold is useful, but as for a gold per head' he shook his head 'Goblins must be destroyed, body and soul'

He stepped toward the others, this beautiful black wolf with eyes far to intelligent to be some random mutt. He looks to the the group thoughtfully, knowing that in the tight tunnels there would be an issue bringing them all. He glanced back to Kat 'The smaller ones can move more easily in their tunnels, to many and the creatures' traps will catch them.'

He looked to Corgi and mentally spoke to him so only he and Kat could hear 'It would be best to learn what this pack can do, their abilities and weaknesses over dancing. Goblins are brutal foul beasts, I will claim no reward for heads returned because I will leave no heads behind.'

Corgi links Kat and Parrish into his collective.

<Keep what you kill, Sir Wolf, dead men collect no gold at all, I wish only for a successful expedition and the return of all whole and hale. I can make some antitoxins, but as a group, we should negotiate a better price.>

2019-09-07, 07:53 AM
Linny is astonished. No botches in the twirls, spins and steps. She is also surprised that he did not slip and fall off the table. Not only did he do every technique right even with the music gradual rise in speed but he was also almost in perfect synchronicity with her movements. On his first try. As the music slows down, they abide by the tempo, shifting back to a slow waltz.

"You dance good for a first timer. I did not catch your name."

Halfling's luck that, Corgi Bunce, at your service, Corgi says with a slight bow. And you are? Will you be joining us?

2019-09-07, 07:57 AM
She sighs at being called Ms then nods to Aestabas. "I doubt Beowulf is paying as much as you for that sword. The sword should be safe as long as everybody knows its sentimental worth."

She thinks to Parrish, "I find gold useful. It allows me to buy better drink and food." She pauses at him saying he'll destroy the goblin's souls. "Ah. You are a barghest. I've studied barghest. Restoring a soul once a barghest destroys the thing can be impossible. Soul destruction makes me uneasy even if they are the lowest filthy goblins." She isn't saying no yet. "I don't care if their heads are eaten. The others may care more about the gold than I. The metal recovery fee may be more worthwhile than carrying around weighty severed heads."

She says, "Parrish seems ready to hunt goblins." She gives the wolf a pat.

She thinks to Parrish, "Adventurers should know every quest they risk their life for gold. They make the choice to enter trapped tunnels and risk death. I suspect some or most will die this quest if we stay together but I do not know which ones. If the group divides, I have a good feeling about you, Kata, and Sir Aeneas though that may be the gold. Corgi, Tika, Smoke and Radret show promise."

"Did I hear something about poison? If given time to prepare, I know some magic that will help the group."

To the Collective

<I agree with your assessment, and the strength of those you have selected. I can only join the seven, but a larger group will have more success than a smaller, though stealth will be nigh impossible, it will be a war. You have a useful magic for poisons? The poison is troubling, adventurers usually have the armor and fortitude to stay the course, but just a scratch of venom might bring one low.>

2019-09-07, 04:48 PM
Kat looks over the newest adventurer, Sonari, and says, "We're still in the process of forming the group. We're already many and I see no issue with you joining as well."

To the mental collective, "This is different. Not many adventurers can use telepathy so easily. How easily can you switch your seven?"

She answers Corgi's question out loud. "If I had time to prepare different spells I could ready enough Delay Poisons for everyone. It'd put a strain on my magic, but that is something I could do. Curing everyone's poison is a different matter. That is a much more difficult task. I could help cure some though assuming I have any magic left at adventures end."

"I have some shopping to do. I'm going to need sacks to carry the scrap metal."

2019-09-07, 04:53 PM
"I have some shopping to do. I'm going to need sacks to carry the scrap metal."

"I have enough extradimensional space to carry whatever we can loot."

2019-09-07, 07:53 PM
To the mental collective, "This is different. Not many adventurers can use telepathy so easily. How easily can you switch your seven?"

<"It only takes a few seconds to attune myself to add a member to my collective, I can sever the connection almost instantaneously. Not something to do in combat, but easy enough outside of it.">

2019-09-07, 09:27 PM
"Nice wall, could you do it out of something we could see through? Glass or amber perhaps?. With proper training you can use them at zero range. But yes, they are designed for range." She takes a bullet out of her pocket and tosses it to Radret, it is small, smaller than an arrowhead. Yet so lethal when projected with tremendous force. "As long as this can pass through, I'll find a way to get it through."

The wall turns to dust as Radret runs a hand across her chin. "Glass yes... but easily broken it would be." Reaching out she manages to catch the small bullet, gaze focused as she stares down at it. "Such a tiny thing." Handing the bullet back she frowns, a hand coming up to tug at one of her ears. "I can mix some glass in for seeing windows... But I can't make anything that you could see and shoot through without holes or it breaking on touch."

The conversations flow past her as she stares at nothing for a brief moment, energy flickering across her tattoos while small shapes form and collapse within the black mist swirling over her palm. Eventually she drops her arms to her side and looks around, ears twitching and eyes widening as she catches snippets of conversation. "I can carry another twenty pounds or so in my pocket. Can't do anything against poison... maybe I can find a wand to help?"

2019-09-08, 12:11 AM
The kobold rolls his eyes a bit. "I can cure poison. But I will need the basic healer's kits. Lots of them." He looks about at the group. "Unless there is some other way around it.. but curing poison takes a lot out of those kits. You just need to not die before I get to you.

2019-09-08, 08:06 AM
As the halfling introduces Corgi detaches himself and bows to her, Linny cannot help but smiles at the gentleman. She hears cheering and wooing behind her so she excuses herself for a bit. She turns and waves at love-struck individual and watches as he latches himself to his friend saying "Oh my god, she notices me." As he is distracted, the small fey turns back to her dance partner and curtsies.

"I go by Line."

She leans next to his ears.

"But you can call me Linny."

Linny draws back as the faster music resonates in the hall again. She begins to dance after reassuring the halfling needs not to hold her hands this time as they will be dancing apart this time and ask him to join her in the dance once again.

"I've been listening to those who joined your movement against the goblins. Seems we share the same desire to decimate the goblin population. I would be thrilled to join your extermination squad. What I bring to the group is a whole slew of tricks that can increase our odds of survival. I can explain more about my abilities once you link me to your mind. You see, my abilities require a great deal of coordination to be effective."

2019-09-08, 07:40 PM
Sounds like Kata will be able to haul all the scrap iron. "That is one less concern. I only need to pick up some traveling supplies then I am ready to depart."

"Healer's kits and antitoxin are expensive. I'll provide my own."

2019-09-08, 11:15 PM
"I can also assist with carrying things. Unfortunately, I don't really have anything to deal with poison. I am, however reasonably confidant in my ability to off some of the little blighters."

2019-09-10, 07:35 AM
"Well eitherway, we're not going to get anywhere just standing around here. I'm going to the north nest to work on a containment field." the kobold states, before looking back at the guild girl. "Anything else I need to do here first though?"

2019-09-10, 01:26 PM
The guild girl smiles as she informs you that "Patches" has a deal with the adventurers guild. Has a deal in place were anti toxin sells for 10 gold. and most other medical supplies at about half the normal rate. And for Reccords who will be going to what guild quest.

2019-09-10, 04:55 PM
"We have enough people for a group. That's enough for me currently. We have a direction."

Kat follows Smoke's lead. She walks to the guild girl.

"We're wanting the northern quest."

2019-09-10, 05:09 PM
Parrish would walk with Kat to the guide girl and he too nodded his head in indication of his commitment to the quest.

2019-09-11, 04:01 PM
Kami was very quiet and silent watching the party interact, she barely smiled when the Halfling got a dancing lesson.

"I Will also go north, you'll need someone that can slice some heads"

She reached the small coin bag under her ropes with some difficult "stupid spirits...", only to found 3 silver coins on it

"Guess no antitoxin potions for me...", she hide back her coin bag.

2019-09-11, 07:19 PM
"North or south doesn't matter to me." Radret pauses, gaze flitting between Smoke and Kata. "Kinda curious to see the... firearms in action though. So if there's room..." Twisting slightly she reaches out, hand vanishing up to the elbow in mid air. She shifts as if rooting for something before pulling a pouch out of nothing, a quick peek in having her frown. Tugging on one ear with the hand not holding the pouch she gives a small sigh. "With the deal going on... 10 of the anti toxin and... 4 healer kits be enough do you think?"

If I've got the prices right that's 100g for the anti toxin and 100g for the healer kits? As half off should put them at 25g a piece right? As a note the wand to deal with poison is expensive! Seeing as it's a 4th teir/level/whateveryacallit spell.

2019-09-11, 09:33 PM
OCC that is 10 gold coins not 100. also a healers kit goes for 25 gold.

2019-09-11, 11:33 PM
Parrish would use his mind link to Kat.
'Perhaps it would be wise to buy some, if they are so cheap. I have the coins'
He shook his flanks and showed a small purse tucked up onto his collar like belt.
'Perhaps ten should do?'

((OOC: Parrish is gonna buy 10 Anti-toxins then))

2019-09-12, 06:06 AM
The guild girl smiles as she informs you that "Patches" has a deal with the adventurers guild. Has a deal in place were anti toxin sells for 10 gold. and most other medical supplies at about half the normal rate. And for Reccords who will be going to what guild quest.

(OOC: Kata is not buying anything, but she makes sure she is listed as tackling the requests unless there is a clear detrimental side to doing so, like sending assassins after her for not completing the quest.)

"Well eitherway, we're not going to get anywhere just standing around here. I'm going to the north nest to work on a containment field." the kobold states, before looking back at the guild girl. "Anything else I need to do here first though?"

"I'm going with you." As she moves she raises her hand and a minute construct materializes there. A flame fires for an instant on top of it, and then the light reshapes into a rune animating the construct to life. It unfurls wings like those of a dragonfly and starts beating them silently taking flight. It flies out of a window and starts traveling north towards the goblin's den coordinates at a fast pace.

"I sent one of my spotters forward as we move."

(OoC: Kata just summoned a marked expeditious messenger, an intelligent homunculus, it lasts for 5 hours and has telepathic contact with Kata up to one mile. It's task is to scout ahead the goblin den and do a couple of reconeissance runs, it will be flying up, far from goblins that might detect it (15 stealth check), it's also pretty fast with a 100 ft perfect fly speed)

"North or south doesn't matter to me." Radret pauses, gaze flitting between Smoke and Kata. "Kinda curious to see the... firearms in action though. So if there's room..." Twisting slightly she reaches out, hand vanishing up to the elbow in mid air. She shifts as if rooting for something before pulling a pouch out of nothing, a quick peek in having her frown. Tugging on one ear with the hand not holding the pouch she gives a small sigh. "With the deal going on... 10 of the anti toxin and... 4 healer kits be enough do you think?"

If I've got the prices right that's 100g for the anti toxin and 100g for the healer kits? As half off should put them at 25g a piece right? As a note the wand to deal with poison is expensive! Seeing as it's a 4th teir/level/whateveryacallit spell.

"Should be more than enough."

Before leaving Kata makes sure she has all her gear with her, and ensures the six batteries strapped across her chest are topped at six charges each.

"Your skills will be a great asset on creating a chokepoint Radret, we can surely find a good place from where to get the goblins attention focused on us and get them move out of their den. Finding the right place for a fight is always a good idea, so we need the goblins to come to us. Now that I think about it, could someone stage something for the goblins to ambush? If they believe they have the initiative they'll be more confident."

2019-09-12, 08:32 AM
After Corgi explained about his variant of telepathy once he linked her to his mind and several others, Linny breaks the break dance choreography for a more freestyle form.

(Telepathy to Corgi) I am a unique kind of bard. Unlike those standard bards utilizing performance to enhance the effectiveness of steel and brawn, I utilize my dancing to create other beneficial magical effects. I can grant our group boons; the ability to teleport themselves to safety, resist elemental attacks, avoid or negate magical attacks perhaps some physical attacks such as traps, render someone untraceable, move in difficult terrain without hindrance or enhancing stealth from hiding in plain sight to turning invisible. At my current experience, I can spread out a boon to three members. Of course, I can lessen the amount of individuals that I grant the boons to create a stronger version of one of my effects of my abilities or focus multiple boons on one person or a smaller number. However, the abilities lasts about 6 seconds and as I said before, they need a great deal amount of coordination to work because once I granted the boons, it will require effort from our members to use them before they expire such as the active teleportation and the ability to turn invisible. I am also to a certain extent, psychic. I have assortment of abilities that are quite useful in battle and out of it. I can redirect attention to our most resilient member, see from our scout's eyes to relay back information and allow a person to move out of harms way if they are crowded by enemies. These abilities are long lasting and contingencies which I can activate once I meet their conditions. I can only have two such contingency per person. But they are more limited than my dance magic. Like my dance magic, coordination is crucial for my abilities' effectiveness. In addition, I can use magic to hamper spellcasters and can remove minor ailments by touch. In short, I am a versatile caster.

The fey humanoid stops dancing once the music ends, curtsying to the crowd and the halfling.

"I enjoyed my time with you. Thank you for being such wonderful dance partner. I hope to be able to dance with a good-looking gentleman like you again. If we survive that is."

Linny kisses Corgi on the cheek and parts from him.

"While I would like to dance for the whole day as this could be the last time before our probable demise, I am rather dehydrated and famished from our dance off. If you excuse me. I am going to nourish myself before introducing myself to our collective and future teammates."

She hops down with grace to settle down at a nearby table and orders some food and ale. As her sustenance arrives, she tunes her mindlink to the collective.

(Telepathy to Collective) Hello, I am Line. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can work together. If you have any questions about my capabilities, feel free to ask me in person or via telepathy.

2019-09-12, 03:34 PM
(Mindlink to Parrish) "Perhaps the arrangement between Patches and the Guild won't last forever." She appraises the small purse. "Ten is a lot, but such a discount makes the purchase a wise investment. Poison isn't an uncommon occurrence for an adventurer. I can go with you and pay for them." She is offering to talk to Patches for Parrish and spend his money for him.

Kat watches the summoned messenger fly away. Kata and many of the others continue to surprise.

(Telepathy to Collective) Kat gives Line an acknowledging grunt.

2019-09-12, 09:32 PM
With gold spent and supplies acquired Radret promptly shoves them into the ripple in the air before moving towards the gunners, eyes locked on the construct Kata sends off. "That's... I'm not quite sure what that was... A spotter you called it? How alive is it?"

She distractedly tugs at her ear, a hum drifting from her even as her eyes never leave the drone's exit window. "If need be I can burn power to lock the created things in place. Or simply warp what is already there for shelter. Or openings." A grin curls her lips as she drops her hand to her side. "Caves and tunnels may be too large but I've a few tricks for making doors."

2019-09-14, 02:17 PM
Kat coughs and grunts in front of the guild girl to bring attention to herself. She repeats herself, "We'd like to accept the mission for the northern road."

2019-09-14, 02:28 PM
The crafty kobold gets ten of the medkits, as he knows he's going to burn through them rather quickly.

2019-09-15, 01:34 AM
Linny uses her cutleries to cut her meat into slices. She stabs her fork into a slice, lifting it and into her mouth. She gazes at Kat and the clerk during the time she chews her food and savor the smoky flavor.

2019-09-16, 04:42 PM
dre-lock buys 3 anti toxins and then waits for the others..

2019-09-16, 08:37 PM
Seeing that Kat accepting the mission on behalf of the party, Linny settles near the barghest with her food and mug.

"Excuse me. I cannot help but wondering if you are her pet?"

She points toward Kat.

2019-09-18, 01:28 PM
The guild girl smiles. As she then says "One moment please I will see what we have in our stocks."As she walks away. A short while later. She returns with the items you requested.

As you make your way out and through the city, it is normal city life as you pass market stalls. you see guards and as they patrol the city when you get to the city gate. you notice there is a lot more gurads. and sentries mannning the wall. (last chance to pick up anything in town.) As you notice that this is an inner wall with farmming going on inside this wall between this wall and the outer wall that has even more guards and armoured golems as well guarding it.

As you make your way out. You see that there is nothing, not even grass. for exactly 250 yards form the wall. But there is still life as you see a large group of female minators some washing there clothing In the large river. others well looks more like swimming and spear fishing. About 150 yards form the wall. As only one of them was on guard.

As you make your way into the forest. The Road starts to narrow only to 10 feet. The vegetation is thick with ferns, moss and redwoods trees.

(OK guys I am going for a vacation for two weeks. So I may not be able to post. But what I want is three spots, Listen or perception checks. and on the 10-foot wide road. is there a matching order. if so what is the order ?"

2019-09-23, 04:10 PM
three spots, Listen two checks
spot checks, listen checks = Perception checks
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]

2019-10-09, 10:52 AM
OCC Ok everyone, I am back forming my vacation. Were did everyone go ?)

2019-10-11, 01:14 PM
OCC Ok everyone, I am back forming my vacation. Were did everyone go ?)

check the ooc page, still here

2019-10-11, 11:31 PM

roll dice if that is rolling being of the needed