View Full Version : DM Help Wolf-related boon

2019-09-02, 06:02 PM
First off all, the players playing Fabien Tealeaf, Antoine Roqueveron, Walter Nupkins and Rolan Amakiir should leave this thread now, as it's dark and full of spoilers.

My game takes place in the post-post apocalypse (meaning that most of the mad max shenanigans are over and society is well on its way to properly rebuilding itself again) of a formerly very high-magic world. During their travels the PCs have had several encounters with a pre-apocalypse construct powered and controlled by a fey spirit (the spirit itself was not aware of its true nature while it was part of the construct). The PC's (all level 7 currently) eventually killed it properly and removed the core housing the fey spirit. Attached to the core was a more recent device that had been used to force the construct to hunt down someone for a shadowy organisation. This device was a rather crude construction and kept triggering even after the death of the intended victim, forcing the construct to keep hunting by inflicting pain on the spirit and slowly driving it mad.

The players destroyed the core to free the fey spirit which would normally cause it to return to the fey-wild. A natural 1 on disposing of the core and a failed wisdom save instead caused the spirit to take refugee in the body/mind/soul of the party artificer. After a number of RP encounters between the artificer and the spirit the artificer managed to calm the creature down somewhat, and pledged to join the spirit in hunting down its torturers. The spirit itself is contained to the artificer's body so can't provide much in the way of direct help, but he could change/improve/adapt the artificer's body to better aid him in the hunt.

So, tl;dr: One of my PC's managed to get himself semi-possessed by a powerful and rather mad fey wolf spirit. He managed to calm the spirit down somewhat and promised to help hunt down those responsible for the spirit's past pain and suffering.

What would be a suitable and thematic boon to give that PC? I don't want it to be too powerful right off the bat as this was the result of a rather unplanned series of events, and I don't want to give one player something very powerful when everyone else gets nothing, but I do believe the PC should get something directly tangible out of this promise as his character ran and is still running a serious risk by having the spirit share his body. Something that grows over time is also perfectly fine, as it gives me time to ensure the other players also gain some sort of boon to keep things fairly balanced.

Things I've considered so far:

Lycanthropy without the ability to pass on the curse and without a major alignment shift (and with some limits place on the amount of times he can transform).
Being able to wildshape into a wolf (meaning any creature with wolf in the name, not just the cr 1/4 wolf) as a druid of the PC's level could (maybe using the moon druid's CR progression).
Being able to invoke the wolf's aspect, giving bonuses to movement speed, perception and survival, but giving penalties to social and knowledge skills while in that stance.

I'd love to hear everyone else's ideas and suggestion for this situation.

2019-09-02, 06:03 PM
It is likely really overpowered, but pack tactics is incredibly thematic to the wolf

2019-09-02, 06:47 PM
This is a fey spirit inside of an artificer. A little magic seems to be in-order!

Why not look at the Locate Creature spell and see about modifying that, or giving access to it as-is and limiting the use to 1/day or 1/week or something without using any of the artificer's slots? This could be the fey's desire and affinity for tracking targets combining with the artificer's skill in conducting magical energies. Play with the range and conditions, or don't. Either way, it's a useful thing the character wouldn't normally have access to.

Advantage on perception checks tied to hearing or smell (pick one when giving) could also be nice.