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View Full Version : Optimization Building the seven sins.

Empyreal Dragon
2019-09-03, 07:22 AM
I am currently involved in a rather unusual campaign.

We have been asked/ decided to model ourselves to be the seven deadly sins.

Heres where things get wierd.

ANY rules legal options available to us.
Dragon magazine, dragonlance, raven loft, dark sun, doesn't matter we got it.

Starting character level 20

Current build set up

Pride- human cleric

Sloth- human warlock

Greed- half-dragon kyrie sha'ir shadowcraft mage.

Envy- changeling, debating druid or wildshape ranger.

Wrath- goliath bloodstorm hulking hurler

Gluttony- kobold, debating dread necromancer or archivist/erudite

Lust- thrallherd.

I would greatly appreciate assistance in this case. We're looking to conquer the universe.

2019-09-03, 07:26 AM
Wouldn't lust be a succubus?

2019-09-03, 07:50 AM
The Mod Life Crisis: Raise Thread

2019-09-05, 10:58 AM
Wouldn't lust be a succubus?

I dunno, I personally like the idea of outside-the-box thinking that doesn't strictly view Lust as "sex".

Take Darksiders 3, for example. A game in which one plays one of the 4 Horsemen, Fury, and is charged with taking down the 7 deadly sins...
When Fury goes after Lust, she is tempted with what she wants the most...recognition and admiration from her brothers, leadership of the Horsemen...Lust is about what one selfishly desires, which is not necessarily just sex.

Several of the Sins attempt to tempt Fury with their particular idiom. Sloth tries to convince her to relax and back down, offering her some of his slaves. Wrath initially makes her extremely angry during the fight, leading to her being defeated, but when she fights him with a calm, grim determination devoid of anger, he loses. By the time Fury faces down Pride, she has learned and grown enough to utterly reject Pride's offer of the two of them leading all of creation into a new Golden Age, realizing that she is too flawed, herself, to guide such a venture, and will not be deterred from her mission.

Interestingly enough, Lust is completely androgynous, and is only ever referred to in the third person with the non-specific pronoun "they", while Pride and Envy are both "she/her", and Avarice, Sloth, Gluttony and Wrath are all "he/him".

Contrast to more "classic" representation of Lust, like in Dante's Inferno, where it's a succubus-looking demon that one would expect.

2019-09-05, 11:07 AM
Dragon Magazine 323 has an article about the 7 sins, called "Seven Deadly Domains".

2019-09-05, 11:16 AM
Similarly, I'd want to go unexpected routes on these.

Take Wrath for instance. The obvious way to go is a giant angry beatstick, probably a barbarian build to use Rage.

One time, I made some bad guys for a game based on the "four horsemen of the apocalypse"

For "War", the bad guy was, as expected, an enormous tarrasque like beast.

However, instead of engaging the band of heroes directly, the creature spent the game taking it easy in a cave while using its psionic powers to manipulate two neighboring regions into war with each other. In order to defeat him,
the party had to solve a grain crisis in region 1 that was causing "famine" and causing region 1 to invade region 2 for survival's sake, while convincing region 2 to help their neighbor instead of use it as a reason to wipe them out.

I mean, eventually, after beating him at his own game, they still had to hit him with big swords for a while until he went to sleep. But they enjoyed the subverted expectations more.

So I'd make Wrath some kind of wraith or spectre or psionic class that was good at enraging others. In Pathfinder, there is a class called a Skald that is part bard, part barbarian and it can put the OTHER party members into a rage state through its music. I might go something like that.

2019-09-05, 11:24 AM
I can understand wanting to stick with wild shape, but has Envy considered the Chameleon?

The Chameleon's abilities are often portrayed as emulation for infiltration, but I feel it could represent emulation out of jealousy for those other things. It even sort of resembles abandoning your calling (original class) for a prestige class to satisfy that Envy.

Maat Mons
2019-09-05, 02:46 PM
Since the game is starting at level 20, I'd be inclined to make all the characters casters.

Pride: I feel like Pride should be one of those builds that attempts to do everything. 9th-level arcane spells, 9th-level divine spells, and melee combat. Failing that, I'd set him up with the ability to add his Charisma bonus to saves and the granted power of the Pride domain. I like the idea that he can just keep going because he refuses to believe that he can be defeated.

Sloth: I can't imagine Sloth as anything other than a debuffer. I'd be tempted to say go with a Paladin of Tyranny / Hexblade multiclass, but you'd lose too much of your spell-based debuffing. So instead I'll say Paladin of Tyranny 3 / fullcaster 17, whichever class gets the best debuffs (I don't know).

Greed: Rogue 1 / Cloistered Cleric 19 with the Able Learner feat. You're about as good at "acquiring" things as you can be, but you can still do other stuff too. Or maybe switch to Wizard for better breaking-and-entering spells. The Int focus may make up for the lower base number of skill ranks.

Wrath: I'd use the Rage Cleric from Dragon, and Combine with the Torque of Lucid Raging from Dungeon. So you'd have Mighty Rage, and still be able to cast while raging.

2019-09-05, 08:56 PM
Wouldn't lust be a succubus?

I dunno, I personally like the idea of outside-the-box thinking that doesn't strictly view Lust as "sex".

It's important to remember that lust refers to desire for anything non-material; lust for power is an example that is both very good and very common in media, but it could be for knowledge, respect, love, or of course sex. Basically, it's any desire that isn't better covered by gluttony or greed.

EDIT: For Gluttony, I'd consider Necrocarnate for literally consuming the soul energy of your fallen foes, increasing your power for the rest of the day. The problem is it lacks any of the world altering, phenomenal cosmic power of a full caster, which could be a very real hindrance when it comes to conquering the world.

2019-09-05, 09:40 PM
Greed: Rogue 1 / Cloistered Cleric 19 with the Able Learner feat. You're about as good at "acquiring" things as you can be, but you can still do other stuff too.

Another option is Ninja 1/CC 19 - that way you get Wis to AC.

For any skill monkey build of Greed, I'd strongly recommend the Master Pickpocket feat (CoS p.95).

2019-09-05, 10:30 PM
I am currently involved in a rather unusual campaign.

We have been asked/ decided to model ourselves to be the seven deadly sins.

Heres where things get wierd.

ANY rules legal options available to us.
Dragon magazine, dragonlance, raven loft, dark sun, doesn't matter we got it.

Starting character level 20

Current build set up

Pride- human cleric

Sloth- human warlock

Greed- half-dragon kyrie sha'ir shadowcraft mage.

Envy- changeling, debating druid or wildshape ranger.

Wrath- goliath bloodstorm hulking hurler

Gluttony- kobold, debating dread necromancer or archivist/erudite

Lust- thrallherd.

I would greatly appreciate assistance in this case. We're looking to conquer the universe.

I had a character based on Gluttony, worshipper of Mammon.
Half-giant cleric with the Hunger Domain to gain a bite attack. Houseruled in a feat to let me swallow whole. Focused on grappling and Enlarging.

He died though, when i swallowed a rogue who sneak attacked my guts 6 times in a round

2019-09-06, 12:44 AM
Maybe make Sloth a half golem, lich, or necropolitan, though probably necropolitan (because you don’t need to put in any real work to become one) - someone so lazy they have embraced the laziest form of unlife possible just so that they can eschewed the need to breath, eat, or drink. Undead Charisma should synergize well with Warlock.

Pride: if you want to stick to Cleric, maybe this would be a good chance to dip PrC and snag as many domains as you can, then take the Domain Spontaneity variant? You want to be as self-sufficient as possible.
Alternatively, an Archivist might also work. Unless clerics, they attempt to understand the divine from a purely analytical perspective, convinced that there is no mystery even among the realms of gods that they cannot unravel.

Gluttony: be a Ghoul Dragonwrought Loredrake (to partially make up for the Ghoul LA) Spellhoarding Wizard (Necromancy school) Kobold? And find a way to get Bite of the King. Use Shapechange to get Devourer/Barghest abilities as often as possible. Note that Barghest feeding grants extra HD, so by RAW, even though your feeding ability is temporary, you should still keep the HD...

2019-09-06, 01:26 AM
Well, this was my entry to VC to in the Swallow Whole round, may work for Gluttony (although it's based on CR rather than ECL):

10. Ok, 1 snarky comment: What no FAVA BEANS???

Clawdius Buforthon

"I ate his liver with some stygian pumpkin and a nice aleeian"

CE male Human (Natural) Were-Poisonous Giant Toad Tainted Raver Animal 2/Sorcerer 18

Medium Humanoid (human, shapechanger)


Clawdius was born in a small coastal village, and would have most likely led an uneventful life, except for two things: he inherited his father's curse of lycanthropy, and his parents were both members of a secretive doomsday cult of Leviathan, the great chaotic serpent who slumbers.
As a youngster, Clawdius was inducted into the cult: as with his father, the members were in awe of his “gift” of lycanthropy. He quickly rose in it’s ranks, often presiding over the disturbing rituals.
It’s unknown whether his unnatural craving for the flesh of sentient beings was a result of his indoctrination, the changes that the subsequent taint wrought on his mind and body, or if the desire was there all along. The rituals of the cult provided ample opportunities for him to satisfy his ghoulish desires…

Ability Scores:

Tainted Raver
Deformity (obese) feat (5th)
Final Score

+4 (perpetual rage)



(+4 in animal/hybrid form)
10 (14)

(+4 in animal/hybrid form)
+4 (perpetual rage)
20 (24)




Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Animal 1
Craft (cooking) +2, Hide +4, Jump +4
Dodge, Gape of the SerpentB, Iron WillB, Willing DeformityB
Alternate Form, Curse of Lycanthropy, DR 10/silver, Improved Grab, Low-light Vision, Lycanthropic Empathy, Posion, Scent, Swallow Whole

Animal 2
Craft (cooking) +2, Hide +5, Jump +5
Fast Healing 3, Madness, Perpetual Rage

Sorcerer 1
Concentration +3, Craft (cooking) +2, Hide +5, Jump +5
Earth Bloodline
Spells, Summon Familiar (toad)

Sorcerer 2
Concentration +6, Craft (cooking) +2, Hide +5, Jump +5

Sorcerer 3
Concentration +8, Craft (cooking) +3, Hide +5, Jump +5
Deformity (obese)B

Sorcerer 4
Concentration +9, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5

Sorcerer 5
Bluff +2, Concentration +10, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5

Sorcerer 6
Bluff +4, Concentration +11, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5

Sorcerer 7
Bluff +6, Concentration +12, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5
Silent Spell

Sorcerer 8
Bluff +8, Concentration +13, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5
Evil's BlessingB

Sorcerer 9
Bluff +10, Concentration +14, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5

Sorcerer 10
Bluff +10, Concentration +14, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +3
Arcane Preparation

Sorcerer 11
Bluff +10, Concentration +14, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +6

Sorcerer 12
Bluff +10, Concentration +14, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +9

Sorcerer 13
Bluff +10, Concentration +14, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +12
Chosen of EvilB, Rapid Metamagic

Sorcerer 14
Bluff +10, Concentration +17, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +12

Sorcerer 15
Bluff +10, Concentration +20, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +12

Sorcerer 16
Bluff +12, Concentration +21, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +12
Quicken Spell

Sorcerer 17
Bluff +14, Concentration +22, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +12

Sorcerer 18
Bluff +16, Concentration +23, Craft (cooking) +5, Hide +5, Jump +5, Spellcraft +12
Enemy of GoodB

Spells Per Day (Bonus Spells For Ability Score Shown):




2 (+2)

2 (+2)

3 (+2)

3 (+2)
1 (+2)

4 (+2)
2 (+2)

4 (+2)
2 (+2)
1 (+1)

5 (+2)
3 (+2)
2 (+1)

5 (+2)
3 (+2)
2 (+1)
1 (+1)

5 (+2)
4 (+2)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)

5 (+2)
4 (+2)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)
1 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)
1 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+1)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+2)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)
1 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+2)
4 (+1)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+2)
4 (+1)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
2 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+2)
4 (+1)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
3 (+1)

5 (+2)
5 (+2)
4 (+2)
4 (+1)
4 (+1)
3 (+1)
3 (+1)

Spells Known (Bonus Spells From Bloodline Feat Shown):


Caltrops (SC)
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Launch Bolt (SC)
Mage Hand
Preserve Organ (BoVD)
Read Magic
Slash Tongue (BoVD)


Expeditious Retreat
Hoard Gullet (DrM)
Mage Armor
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person


Blade of Pain and Fear (SC)
Jaws of the Moray (St)
Razorfangs (SC)
Slow Consumption (BoVD)


Fang Trap (SK)
Manyjaws (SC)
Keen Edge


Doom Scarabs (PHB2)
Parboil (Sa)
Vortex of Teeth (SC)
Stone Shape


Death Throes (SC)
Draconic Might (SC)
Illusory Feast (SC)
Transmute Rock to Mud


Greater Dispel Magic
Tenser’s Transformation
Transfix (SC)
Move Earth


Barghests’s Feast (SC)
Bite of the Werebear (SC)
Whirlwind of Teeth (BoVD)


Mind Blank
Polymorph Any Object
Iron Body


Maw of Chaos (SC)
Summon Monster IX (earth creatures only)

Racial/template traits -

Human: bonus feat; bonus skill point per level
Lycanthrope: +2 natural AC bonus in all forms; 2 claws and a bite in hybrid form (1d4/1d4/1d6); cannot cast spells with verbal components in hybrid form.
Giant Poisonous Toad: +3 natural armor bonus, +4 racial bonus on Hide checks, +6 racial bonus on Jump checks; poison (initial damage unconsciousness, secondary 3d6 Con).
Tainted Raver: -2 penalty to AC from perpetual rage; +2 bonus on Will saves from perpetual rage; no longer gains taint

Taint/depravity traits (mild) -

Bestial: +2 circumstance bonus on Handle Animal, Ride and wild empathy checks; -1 on Cha based ability and skill checks
Skin Seeps: +2 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks, and on grapple checks to escape a grapple or pin; -2 on Climb and Sleight of Hand checks; opponents add +2 bonus on disarm checks


Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice: 2d8+7d4+66 (96hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+4 mage armor, +2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 deflection, -2 perpetual rage), touch 11, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+8
Attack: Claw +8 (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +8 (1d4+4) and bite +6 (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Curse of lycanthropy, spells
Special Qualities: DR 10/silver, fast healing 3, low-light vision, lycanthropic empathy, scent
Saves: Fort +12 (+14 against poison) Ref +7 Will +16
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 24
Skills: Bluff +16, Climb +2, Concentration +21, Craft (cooking) +5, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +9, Hide +7, Intimidate +6, Jump +9, Listen +0, Ride +4, Spot +0
Feats: Deformity (obese)B, Dodge, Earth Bloodline, Gape of the SerpentB, Iron WillB, Multiattack, Silent Spell, Willing DeformityB
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary (+ Gobbles)
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Combat gear + 145gp
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: -

Combat Gear: cloak of charisma +2, periapt of wisdom +2, potions of cure moderate wounds (2), ring of protection +1, wand of web (10 charges), scroll of magic circle against good, scroll of nondetection

Spells: Clawdius casts spells as a 7th level sorcerer.
Spells Known (6/8/8/6, save DC 17 + spell level):
0 – caltrops, detect magic, detect poison, preserve organ, prestidigitation, slash tongue;
1st – enlarge person, expeditous retreat, grease, hoard gullet, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement;
2nd – invisibility, jaws of the moray, razorfangs, shatter;
3rd – fly, keen edge, manyjaws.
CR Highlights/Play Tips:

CR 1-5: Clawdius is primarily a melee combatant at this point. In toad form, he can grapple and swallow whole, and thanks to Gape of the Serpent, can swallow creatures of up to medium size (with some difficulty). The toad form also has a powerful poison (unconsciousness/3d6 Con) with its bite. DR and fast healing make him fairly resilient in battle. Perpetual madness boosts his Fort and Will saves, as well as its other benefits. His toad familiar (Gobbles) also adds a few hit points, and grants the Alertness feat when close. His casting is pretty limited at this point: Grease and Ray of Enfeeblement can hamper opponents; Expeditious Retreat and Mage Armor increase manoeuvrability and defence. Enlarge Person, though the Bloodline feat, carries over to toad form, allowing him to swallow creatures of large size. The Dodge feat comes from the base animal (giant poisonous toad): due to the feat reqs, it may only be available for use in toad or hybrid form. Worshipping an elder evil gives a bonus feat every 5 levels, including the thematically fitting Deformity (obese).

CR 6-10: Sorcerer casting continues to improve. Spells like Polymorph, Haste, Fly and Invisibility improve versatility and combat options. Clawdius can polymorph Gobbles into combat forms, if he's willing to risk losing his familiar. With Multiattack and Silent Spell available, he prefers to be in hybrid form, able to cast most spells and use his bite and claw attacks. Evil's Blessing is a great boost for saves, if he has time for short term buffs. Parboil is useful for preparing his enemies as meals, and debilitating to Int based casters. Jaws of the Moray and Razorfangs augment his bite attack in animal or hybrid form.

CR 11-15: Clawdius now has Arcane Preparation: this is primarily so he can make use of corrupt spells. Absorb Mind, Absorb Strength and Consume Likeness are all obvious choices. He could offset the cost with Potions of Restoration or similar methods (if Wis drops to 0, he may require someone to administer them to him: possibly Gobbles in a polymorphed form). Rapid Metamagic allows him to use Silent spells with no increased casting time, and Chosen of Evil can offer a minor boost to a roll in exchange for Con damage (not recommended most of the time). Powerful self buffs are coming online now: while there is a lot of overlap between Draconic Might and Tenser's Transformation, each has it's uses (the former also boosts his primary casting stat; the latter boosts BAB, and would be used to boost his animal or hybrid form once he is committed to melee and not casting further spells). Teleport and Greater Dispel Magic are obvious in their applications. Transmute Rock to Mud and Move Earth can help shape the battleground to his advantage. Transfix can immobilize large groups of creatures, allowing Clawdius to dine on them at his leisure. Death Throes is the ultimate "From Hell's heart, I stab at thee" spell: a nasty surprise for the party that defeats him.

CR 16-20: Quicken Spell (combined with Arcane Preparation or through Rapid Metamagic) greatly enhance action economy. Enemy of Good can be handy for the forces of good that are likely to be going up against the cult of Leviathan. Bite of the Werebear and Iron Body are yet more powerful self buffs. Mind Blank is almost a must have at these levels, and Polymorph Any Object opens up a world of options. Summon Monster X helps fill out the battlefield, even if it is only earth-based creatures, and Maw of Chaos is one of the most devastating direct damage spells out there.

General Tips/Adaptations:
Clawdius is, primarily, a thematic villain. A large chunk of his spell selection is dedicated to biting and consuming other creatures, and spells to facilitate the same. A DM could easily tweak the spell selection to make Clawdius more of a challenge for the party as an optimized caster. Earth Bloodline could also be swapped out for Water Bloodline to better fit the cult of Leviathan, if desired (Earth Bloodline offers better buffs for a melee oriented caster), or possibly Necromantic Bloodline for a more ghoulish feel.
The Domain Sorcerer ACF for either the Gluttony or Hunger domains is an option (Bite of the King is a perfect fit for Clawdius!), but, in my opinion, the cost in lost spells outweighs the benefits.
Straight Sorcerer is chosen for simplicity, but a more “gish friendly” prestige class, like Abjurant Champion, can easily be slotted in by changing some feat choices.
Clawdius works best if supported by other monsters or cult members (despite his self buffs and template-based resilience, he is relatively squishy). At lower level this would probably include Adepts, and monsters like ixitxachitl or giant toads, depending on the environment. At higher levels, krakens and aspects of Leviathan could appear.
His tactics can be tailored to a party: he can be a blaster, or a melee type. A mix of both would often be viable.

Recommended Gear:
Potions of lesser restoration (or full restoration, if you get them from a Healer) to deal with ability damage from corrupt spells etc.; runestaves to expand spell selection (if Dragon magazine is allowed, knowstones as well); raiment of the four and robe of mysterious conjuration to swap out spells on the fly; scrolls and wands of utility and defensive spells (mirror image, resist energy etc.); ability boosters (Cha mainly); a great guide for other item ideas can be found here: [3.5] Lists of Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851)

Book of Vile Darkness: absorb mind, absorb strength, consume likeness, deformity (obese), preserve organ, slash tongue, slow consumption, whirlwind of teeth
Complete Arcane: arcane preparation

Complete Mage: rapid metamagic
Dragon Magazine Compendium: earth bloodline
Dragon Magic: hoard gullet
Elder Evils: chosen of evil, enemy of good, evil's blessing, Leviathan, willing deformity
Oriental Adventures: giant toad, poisonous (including Dragon 318 update material)
Heroes of Horror: taint and depravity traits (bestial & skin seeps), tainted raver template
Player's Handbook II: doom scarabs

Sandstorm: parboil

Serpent Kingdoms: fang trap, gape of the serpent
Spell Compendium: barghests's feast, bite of the werebear, blade of pain and fear, death throes, illusory feast, draconic might, caltops, launch bolt, manyjaws, maw of chaos, razorfang, transfix, vortex of teeth

Stormwrack: jaws of the moray

2019-09-06, 07:21 AM
Just going to say if no one (pride?) is an ur priest anima-mage it just doesnt feel right.

This thread needs more advanced casters in general though.

Sloth palladin giving penalty to saves, blackguard into nar demonbinder maybe?

Lust sublime chord might work.

2019-09-06, 09:40 AM
Sloth should be the equivalent of a 4e 'lazy warlord' build: support character who just sits back and buffs allies. A generic 'god wizard' could get you there. Some form of supportomancer at any rate.

2019-09-06, 10:35 PM
you could do a spellthief to represent Envy

2019-09-06, 10:47 PM
Sloth should be the equivalent of a 4e 'lazy warlord' build: support character who just sits back and buffs allies. A generic 'god wizard' could get you there. Some form of supportomancer at any rate.

As long as they can spam slow!

2019-09-06, 11:03 PM
Are you meant to experience the sins yourselves, or to inspire them in others? Those are different design goals