View Full Version : What if all precision damage had a minimum of 1 per damage dice if inapplicable?

2019-09-03, 04:49 PM
If you made a rule that says that if a target isn't subject to precision damage they still take 1 damage per damage dice (maybe half in the case of non damage dice) would rogue be broken? Other classes?

You use 6d6 sneak attack against an earth Elemental at 70 feet away in a fog cloud and still deal 6 damage extra from sneak attack.
+Immunity to crits
+No discernable anatomy
+Inability to see them
+More than 30 feet away

How would this affect builds? The core fighter? Other effects?

2019-09-03, 05:09 PM
It seems like a negligible change in that it adds a trivial amount of damage. If you are at the levels where you have 6d6 sneak attack, 6 damage is a fairly small and trivial amount.

However, rulewise, how are you categorizing what -is- a sneak attack vs what isn't. Obviously its not flanking. In your example is the target considered "flatfooted" because he doesn't know the rogue is there?

I guess you just need to verify what states allow the sneak attack because it kinds of seems like the rogue is just going to get the 6 damage to every attack at this point, and more in the case of an actual sneak attack. Is that your intention?

And, better question, what are you trying to "fix" with this houserule? Because I don't see it fixing anything. Unless its to convince a particular player that his sneak attack is worthwhile because he/she is getting frustrated at the sheer amount of time that its denied. If so I don't think this will help that much.

2019-09-03, 05:29 PM
It seems like a negligible change in that it adds a trivial amount of damage. If you are at the levels where you have 6d6 sneak attack, 6 damage is a fairly small and trivial amount.

However, rulewise, how are you categorizing what -is- a sneak attack vs what isn't. Obviously its not flanking. In your example is the target considered "flatfooted" because he doesn't know the rogue is there?

I guess you just need to verify what states allow the sneak attack because it kinds of seems like the rogue is just going to get the 6 damage to every attack at this point, and more in the case of an actual sneak attack. Is that your intention?

And, better question, what are you trying to "fix" with this houserule? Because I don't see it fixing anything. Unless its to convince a particular player that his sneak attack is worthwhile because he/she is getting frustrated at the sheer amount of time that its denied. If so I don't think this will help that much.

I was hoping that with a bow with the force enhancement that the damage would be enough to be relevant. Would bypassing damage reduction in that way be useful in combination with the damage?

2019-09-03, 05:31 PM
The no discernable anatomy and immunity to crits I'd have no real issue with this rule. Because it would mean that a rogue isn't basically completely useless against a constructs, undead, etc. Though I'd still rule that the one doing the sneak attack would still need to follow the other rules if sneak attack, catch flat footed, denied dex, flanked, etc.

The further than 30 ft I don't know about automatically dropping all the damage to 1's.. if you want to sneak attack beyond 30 ft without investing in the ways already created for doing so, I'd consider having an attack penalty, like a -2 attack per 30 ft on top of the normal range increment penalties. So trying to sneak attack with a dagger (with far shot let's say) at 90 ft would be -4 (for 2x30ft ranges beyond the norm sneak attack range) + -6 (for 3 extra range increments of a thrown dagger) for a total of a -10 on the attack.

Adding the damage to creatures you just flat out cannot see, I would say definite no.

2019-09-03, 05:38 PM
Depends. Are rider effects still a thing? Can I use my Hamstring feat (Song and Silence) and deal 4 extra points of damage against the elemental who'd normally be immune to it? If yes, then I'd say it might be a tad too powerful, as often the damage itself isn't the worst part of the precision damage. For either two feats (Martial stance and Hamstring) or a feat and a dip, you can grab a longbow and halve everyone's speed from a mile away. No save.

There are other nasty riders as well, like Staggering Strike (CAdv) and Crippling Strike (Rogue Special Ability). Craven (Champ of Ruins) would still allow for crazy damage.

If riders are out, then I'd still prefer to use my action on litereally anything else.

2019-09-03, 05:52 PM
Saying that it still deals 1 point of damage but doesn't apply riders is too complex. If it applies the damage it also applies riders. So that's what the question is about. If you do use this ruling, I would make it apply only to creatures with racial/type immunity or with no discernable anatomy, not to the last two clauses.

2019-09-03, 05:56 PM
No rider effects if the full damage isn't applied.

If I wanted to run a 3.5 core only campaign from level 1 to 6, would this be enough? Would it help if no enemy had damage reduction?

2019-09-03, 06:02 PM
No rider effects if the full damage isn't applied.

If I wanted to run a 3.5 core only campaign from level 1 to 6, would this be enough? Would it help if no enemy had damage reduction?

Idk... 3 points of damage isn't really a lot, even at lv 6.

Honestly, I'd just do what I do, which is say that every precision damage deals half damage to creatures immune to it (kind of like a stronger Penetrating Strike) as long as the other conditions are still met (30ft, no concealment, etc)

It hasn't broken anything in like 5 years since we've implemented this houserule.

2019-09-03, 06:40 PM
How about if I allow the following?

If Rogue level less than 5
All levels are Rogue


If Rogue level greater than 4

Then, option to reduce sneak attack damage to 1 per 1d6 sneak attack damage and all damage done if this option is selected bypasses damage reduction and hardness of enemies (not objects) and has no restrictions just like power attack damage can work if you can't see a target, if it's immune to critical hits, etc?

I want to allow big damage vs some things and not as much vs others.

If that's still not a good idea, is there a better trap remover class for damage? Homebrew might be okay.