View Full Version : Rules Q&A Path of War Expanded -- Wind Lance Maneuver Question

2019-09-03, 06:58 PM
(Tried to search for this but as far as I can find, it's only come up once in one of the DSP threads and wasn't answered, heh.)

Wind Lance is a 6th level Tempest Gale Strike that reads:

"Your attacks strike with the force of a mounted cavalry charge. Make a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals deals double damage. If you make this attack with a thrown weapon at the end of a charge, the attack instead deals triple damage."

It has an initiation action of 1 Standard Action, as Strikes generally do, and Pathfinder's rules require making a melee attack at the end of a charge anyway.

So, the question is: how am I supposed to activate the triple damage clause, exactly? Martial Charge appears to work, RAW... by the text of that feat, I can execute a charge by moving 5ft toward a creature and then initiate Wind Lance as a standard action "at the end of my charge". But there doesn't seem to be any other RAW way of initiating this strike at the end of a charge and make it a ranged attack. Changing the maneuver to a Boost makes it technically work but only if you make a melee attack with a "throwing" weapon.

Question is purely theoretical at the moment, though I might use answers to houserule it for my home games. Mainly asking how you think the maneuver was "supposed" to work, I guess, because requiring Martial Charge to trigger the triple damage clause doesn't feel intentional.


2019-09-03, 07:02 PM
Despite the praise DSP gets for implementing some much needed systems to PF, they could've definitely been more clear with their descriptions, both for PoW as well as for Psionics.

Onto the actual question, I'd say this is a special rule that allows you to make a thrown attack at the end of a charge, taking precedence over the standard rule. I'd still require a full-round action to charge, though

Kris Moonhand
2019-09-04, 04:43 PM
They might have had the Charging Hurler (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Charging%20Hurler) feat in mind when making it? Seems like a mistake, possibly something that got changed about the Discipline that originally allowed you to make charging thrown attacks?

2019-09-04, 06:50 PM
They might have had the Charging Hurler (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Charging%20Hurler) feat in mind when making it? Seems like a mistake, possibly something that got changed about the Discipline that originally allowed you to make charging thrown attacks?Well, even as written Charging Hurler doesn't let you use it because you can't initiate the maneuver at the end of the charge without Martial Charge anyway. Charging Hurler would work if I changed it to a Boost, I suppose, but was sort of hoping for a fix that doesn't involve still needing a feat to make it work as (it seems to have been) intended, heh.

It's likely that it got edited during formatting or something; DSP's products are usually well edited, just some stuff like this slips through occasionally. Could always just change the last line to something like "If you initiate this maneuver with a thrown weapon after moving in a straight line towards the target for at least 10 feet, you may deal triple damage instead of double damage. If you do, you receive a +2 bonus to your attack roll with this maneuver and a -2 penalty to your AC until the beginning of your next turn, as if you had performed a charge." I guess, but ehhhh and also that templating is awful.

edit: maybe "You may perform this maneuver as a full-round action. If you do, you may move up to twice your speed in a straight line toward this maneuver's target and make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, receiving a +2 bonus to your attack roll and a -2 penalty to your AC as if you had performed a charge. If this attack hits, you deal triple damage instead of double damage."

That's a ~bit more precise and clean, anyway.

2019-09-04, 07:44 PM
Yeah, it doesn't work. My personal errata (http://www.bpfindley.com/PoWErrata.html) for this is "You can initiate this maneuver as a fullround action in order to make an attack with a thrown weapon after moving a distance of at least your speed and up to double your speed in a straight line. This counts as a charge, and does triple damage."