View Full Version : Quickling reference material?

2019-09-04, 12:46 AM
Hello again,

I’ve been trying to find anything on Quicklings that would work for 3.5, my dm said we might just have to homebrew it; but I’m going to check here first :)

Uncle Pine
2019-09-04, 04:46 AM
There's a Pathfinder version (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/quickling/). As far as I know quicklings never appeared in an official 3.5e source, unless I'm missing some obscure reference to them in a Dragon Magazine issue. Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary (a 3rd party book) has a quickling template.

2019-09-04, 05:07 AM
Tome of Horrors Revised (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/3019/Tome-of-Horrors-Revised?it=1), p.301.

There was a 3E fan made conversion at the Enworld Creature Catalog, but the links all appear dead.

2019-09-04, 01:59 PM
Also, there is another Quickling in the Arcana Unearthed

2019-09-04, 02:06 PM
Huh. I'd only heard of them before. Never seen stats. I had no idea they were CE.

2019-09-05, 10:38 PM
I'm actually a bit surprised that they didn't update Quicklings in the Fey Feature (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/fey) articles.

Other "classic" fey got 3E versions in web articles: Boggart (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a) and Brownie (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a), for instance.