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View Full Version : I (do not) neen help to optimize OoC rogue (anymore)

2019-09-04, 02:55 AM
Well the misadventures of Sam the halfling rouge (yes I know how original) have ended with 1.000.000 gp and his memory back.

Now I get to play something else.

This was Sam anyway
Current base stats:
Str 8
Dex 27 (including 5 from inherent bonus)
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 12

The master allowed a limited retrain so this is the current situation of things that can't be changed:
Class levels: Rogue 10/ Shadowdancer 2/ Warblade 1
Feats: Dodge, mobility, combat reflexes, darkstalker
Maneuvers: WRT, leading the attack, IHS
Stance: punishing stance

Things to do:
Redistribute the skill ranks (130 as rogue, 40 as shadowdancer, 24 as warblade, this rogue got 2 "training ranks" in each of the following skill that count thoward the limit of ranks, Level+3, but are "free": disable device, search, spot, hide, tumble and move silently)

Stat improvement (level 16)

Gain some feats, lv 12 , 15 and 18

Gain 5 class levels.

That is quite the jump so I could use some help. I am pretty sure that I want a swordsage level as the 17th level for the effective martial initiator level and leadership is on the table but the DM will build all the npcs so it can't be used for cheese . Aside from that I have no particular idea of what to do now.
But as always this should be a PC built for OoC so craven and SA optimisation and the like will probably never be used.

The equipment will be probably discussed, again, in another post.
For now all I got isa ring of strength +10 weird item for a rogue but whatever now I can use composite bows, and perfect thieve's tools (unbreakable).


Only one sneak attack per round;
Take 10 means that you get a +10 on the roll but takes a couple of minutes to to but the rogue can do it on the fly;
You get full HD and 4× skill ranks on every first level in any new class and new PrC;
The DM does not use errata;
Spells that take 1 standard action takes 1 full round action to perform.
Natural 1 on skill checks is a critical failiure.
You do not have to confirm crits but a critical hit still has to surpass the opponent AC, also only the weapon dice is multiplied here (yes crit fishing is useless)
And some other weird things that probably won't be relevant.