View Full Version : Exacly how does the cult of Helm work?

2019-09-04, 03:02 PM
Our party cleric who has also one level in paladin is part of a cult of Helm.

He isn't exactly a good cleric for the religius part so I have no idea what his diety expects from his followers.

Can anyone provide more information about this god?

2019-09-04, 03:20 PM
The cleric in our party is part of a cult of Helm.

He isn't exactly a good cleric for the religius part so I have no idea what his diety expects from his followers.

Can anyone provide more information about this god?

He's the Lawful Neutral (bordering on Lawful Stupid sometimes) god of vigilance and guardians (also duty and loyalty, kinda. Oh and sometimes he acts a messenger). Or to put in another way, he's the god of guarding sh— stuff, so he gets worshipped by guards, people similar to guards (paladins, knights, etc.), or people who want stuff guarded.

During the Time of Troubles he was tasked with watching the gates to the heavens (and preventing other gods from entering.) Making him similar to his mythological counterpart with a suspiciously-similar name. (Can't say any more, sorry.)

Then later on due to !!DRAMA!! 'idiot ball' reasons he gets offed by Tyr who thought he was NTRing his girlfriend (over some contrived misunderstanding.) Causing faith in Helm to decline for a while (because he's dead and not answering any calls), at least until he got better (he did).

"Who guards the guardians?" "Helm does."
"Who guards Helm then?" "Helm does."

"You do realize that the original quote was satire about paranoid husbands trying to prevent their wives from cheating on them, right?"
"Yes. Why else did you think they make Tyr kill Helm?

2019-09-04, 03:25 PM
The cult of Helm requires you to wear a helmet at all times and under all circumstances! ALL OF THEM!

But seriously he is an LN god of guardians, protection and protectors; so as long as the cleric is Lawful it shouldn't be an issue.

2019-09-04, 03:26 PM
Duty is more important than compassion.
Protect who you are supposed to wither or not they deserve it.
Prepare for battle whenever possible.
Be the trustworthy example you know nobody else is going to be.

2019-09-04, 03:31 PM
The cult of Helm requires you to wear a helmet at all times and under all circumstances! ALL OF THEM!

I propose a new magic item (artifact): the Helm of Helm. Obviously it gives you benefits on spot and initiative. And comes equipped with extra vision and other senses.

2019-09-04, 03:50 PM
He's super, super lawful.

Tell your friend playing the cleric to take the stick and wedge it, just work it real good right up in there.

Congratulations they are a Helmite.

I propose a new magic item (artifact): the Helm of Helm. Obviously it gives you benefits on spot and initiative. And comes equipped with extra vision and other senses.

Yo dawg, I heard you like Helm, so we put a helm in your Helm's helm so you can spot while you spot?

2019-09-04, 03:57 PM
I propose a new magic item (artifact): the Helm of Helm. Obviously it gives you benefits on spot and initiative. And comes equipped with extra vision and other senses.

I thought the Helm of Helm was what the black knight is wearing in Monty Python's Holy Grail? It allows you to fight without feeling pain nor dieing while protecting/guarding something?...

2019-09-04, 04:12 PM
Yo dawg, I heard you like Helm, so we put a helm in your Helm's helm so you can spot while you spot?

Helm's Helm of Helming: When worn, provides a +20 insight bonus to Profession (Sailor) and Survival checks made to steer a ship or vessel.

I thought the Helm of Helm was what the black knight is wearing in Monty Python's Holy Grail? It allows you to fight without feeling pain nor dieing while protecting/guarding something?...

That works too.

2019-09-04, 04:13 PM
He's super, super lawful.

Tell your friend playing the cleric to take the stick and wedge it, just work it real good right up in there.

Congratulations they are a Helmite.

Well this cleric is doing one **** of a job as a helm cleric.
No problem about stealing or doing a spy's work.
Also I think he is neutral-neutral now

2019-09-04, 04:18 PM
Well this cleric is doing one **** of a job as a helm cleric.
No problem about stealing
"Obviously they don't deserve Helm's blessing if they're aren't protecting their stuff well enough. Me? Just doing my job as an auditor."

or doing a spy's work.

"Big Helm is watching you."

Well this cleric is doing one **** of a job as a helm cleric.
No problem about stealing or doing a spy's work.
Also I think he is neutral-neutral now

Though, seriously speaking, yeah, he has to watch himself to avoid his alignment sliding any further. Most deities are lax on their clergy and laity (entrance to afterlives being another matter), but Clerics still have to remain within one-step of their deity's alignment ('cept for Eberron clerics who get that requirement waived).

(Yes, some people may object on the grounds of a DM [indirectly or otherwise] imposing roleplaying restrictions on a player, but it comes part and parcel for certain [usually divine-flavored] classes, and for some of them [like the Cleric and the most infamous Paladin] it comes baked in into their class features. That said I would... implore DMs to be lenient in this regard, and even egregious cases should be first handled with gentle reminders.)

2019-09-04, 04:55 PM
"Obviously they don't deserve Helm's blessing if they're aren't protecting their stuff well enough. Me? Just doing my job as an auditor."

"It wasn't being guarded very well originally, but now it's safe with me."

2019-09-04, 05:11 PM
"Obviously they don't deserve Helm's blessing if they're aren't protecting their stuff well enough. Me? Just doing my job as an auditor."

"Big Helm is watching you."

Though, seriously speaking, yeah, he has to watch himself to avoid his alignment sliding any further. Most deities are lax on their clergy and laity (entrance to afterlives being another matter), but Clerics still have to remain within one-step of their deity's alignment ('cept for Eberron clerics who get that requirement waived).

(Yes, some people may object on the grounds of a DM [indirectly or otherwise] imposing roleplaying restrictions on a player, but it comes part and parcel for certain [usually divine-flavored] classes, and for some of them [like the Cleric and the most infamous Paladin] it comes baked in into their class features. That said I would... implore DMs to be lenient in this regard, and even egregious cases should be first handled with gentle reminders.)

Well the usefull informations have been provided already. We can keep the tone as low as you like.

I forgot to mention but this PC is a cleric and also has a level in paladin. Both devoted to Helm