View Full Version : Wind Struck's Paper Chase IC

2019-09-05, 02:05 PM
For reference this is taken from Paper Chase written by Keith Herber, Mark Morrison, John Sullivan, L.N. Isinwyll, with Mike Mason, Dan Kramer, and Chris Spivey, thank you!

Paper Chase?
“Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places”
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Picture in the House

Welcome to your second scenario of Call of Cthulhu, the Horror/Investigative roleplaying game of mystery wherein you, an ordinary person, shall encounter and confront the terrifying alien forces of the Cthulhu mythos. Now that you've gotten some experience under your belt concerning the rules and the way the game operates, we will enter into our first freeform scenario. This is still something intended for a beginner, so it's not going to be incredibly complex or puzzling, but nevertheless, it is time to begin... welcome, to Paper Chase.

Ossipee, 12:44 PM, September 4th, 1921.

You've done it... you've made it. You're... alive. After hours of following the trail you collapse as in front of the first signs of a civilization not trying to sacrifice you in some time.
The flames flicker over you, covering the grass, scorching your legs, and your face as you cannot scream, for your mouth has been utterly charred over.
As you awaken in a grassy field, a butterfly resting on your head flits away into the cloudy blue sky above. You look around you. You are not in Emberhead anymore. You're somewhere else, somewhere... safe. As you rise to your feet and dust off your single dirty dress you realize... you're entirely without papers, you have absolutely nothing on you. But, surely you'll be able to find something. The flyer for the new show in Arkham also floats about your mind, you hope you'll be able to talk to them and explain your situation. After all, you were nearly sacrificed by an insane tiny village on the top of a cliff.

As you think that in full you realize just how crazy that really sounds. It would almost be a better excuse to say that your dog ate your ticket. Who would believe you?

You slowly trudge into the city, the bike is ruined at this point. With thick dark circles under your eyes and ruined shoes you shamble into the village. And they were new shoes as well! You wanted to give a good first impression at your audition, even if it was not supposed to be until the 4th. People seem to give you a wide berth as you try and flag them, so you eventually make it to the police station, but... what are you going to say? That you were kidnapped by a crazy village after they stranded you there and tried to burn you alive, but you managed to escape on a bike which resulted in a cataclysm of firey death for the town?

You can't help but wonder if anyone would even listen to your story...

2019-09-05, 02:34 PM
From the previous game, it seemed you implied they took Deidre's shoes. Well, if not.. I don't think her original ones were meant for walking this far on rough roads and wilderness. I think regardless she's lost/ditched them too. And the bike! Poor bike. Well, they really weren't made too sturdily back then, were they?

Deirdre wakes in a panic as flames char her body, her mouth, unable to even scream. She gasps, realizing she probably passed out and moved around, a clump of grass or something obstructing her mouth. She coughs weakly and looks around bleary eyed. The last thing she remembered was seeing some buildings. Finally, some civilization! And.. she.. laid down to rest just a little while. Either that or passed out. In her current state, it was all probably the same.

Deirdre's legs and feet still stung from burn wounds, she was dizzy, her chest hurt when she breathed... she padded into the town, to any clueless bystander looking like a crazed homeless person that nearly set themselves on fire. Her hair was a tousled mess and face still had soot on it, as did her dress, along with a recent addition of dirt and some visible charring on the edges. She was devoid of her jewelry and her feet were bare, their bottoms blackened, probably not so much from the fire the night before but just from walking so far without shoes.

She looked pleadingly to some people that approached, but they just completely avoided her, out of distance of her hoarse voice. She almost felt too exhausted to shout. Luckily, just as she was planning to just barge into a random store seeking help, she saw a police station. Shambling across the street, she clumsily pushes, no, pulls the door open, and practically collapses onto a waiting bench.

She looks up and around for a receptionist or officer of some kind that would help her. She fully intended to tell everyone what happened. Maybe it didn't matter if they believed her. But all she really, really wanted was some help and some medical attention for starters.

2019-09-05, 03:48 PM
Eventually, as she makes it inside of the small cramped police station of Ossipee (it's not the largest of towns), one of the workers happens to run up to her. "Ma'am, are you... by God, Todd, get in here!" Another policeman dashes over. "We've got to get her out of here!" She continues, "Can you... maybe help me lift... maybe we can get her to Doc Brown?"
"Todd" tries to grab onto your legs while the other officer grabs at your arms. "I'm not sure Fanny, I mean, the size of these burns... and, well, it looks like she's..." He then looks down towards you. "Ma'am, everything's going to be ok, alright? We're just going to take you to a doctor. Please, just... hold on." They begin to try and lift you out of the police station towards... somewhere (presumably the hospital).

2019-09-05, 06:02 PM
Deirdre nods weakly. She probably was not in the best state to be making suggestions, but as they grabbed onto her legs the pain stung once more, which prompted her to ask, short of breath, "Is there a.. police car?"

A thank you was probably in order for these people as well, but among the jostling and pain, and the myriad of thoughts swimming through her mind, it just didn't come automatically.

2019-09-05, 08:42 PM
The policewoman looks down at you and says urgently. "Sorry honey, we're not that big of a town. But, we'll get you some help, don't worry." They rush you, albeit as carefully as they can, towards a building a couple doors down. However each step feels like torture. The adrenaline wore off a very long time ago. You shut your eyes to help fight back the pain, but are startled as the policeman kicks down the door of one of the buildings. "Doc, doc, you gotta help her man!" You open your eyes slightly more as you see a man holding a stethoscope checking the heartbeat of a young boy.

"My lord, get her on the table, quickly!" The police lift you and set you down on the table, but as you come into contact with its surface your skin practically hisses, causing for you to arch your back in pain. "Ok, we're going to have to remove a lot of this dead skin, none of this is clean..." He then wheels around towards the boy he was giving a check up. "Jimmy, run on home to your mother now ok, I've got to work." As he sets about methodically removing and cleaning all of the dead or burnt skin.

"Todd, what do you think happened to her?" The policewoman stares at you while the doctor performs his work. The policeman looks back at her, with frightened eyes.
"Caught in a forest fire? Maybe she was in a cottage and left the stove on? To be honest with you Fanny, I have no clue, and I'm not sure if I want to find out." Todd lowers his hat over his eyes, and drifting in and out of consciousness you hear a faint whimper. You're quite certain that neither of these two policemen have truly seen a living human body as injured as this (given that you literally have 1 HP remaining, a mere punch away from death), and given the size of the town, that makes sense.

The doctor continues to work as eventually Todd heads back to the Department, but Fanny is concerned. As you slip in and out of consciousness, you're able to see her move over towards you and the doctor, who wipes some sweat off of his brow. "Um, excuse me, Doctor Brown, could I, maybe, talk to her?"
The doctor steals a quick glance in Fanny's direction only to focus back on his patient. "As long as talking doesn't have her make sudden movements, be my guest."

Fanny then leans over you, as he green eyes glance over your burned skin, and she asks you simply: "What happened?"

2019-09-05, 09:06 PM
'It hurts.. but.. at least I am getting help now..' Deirdre thinks something like that to herself, as she does indeed just let go, slipping in and out of consciousness as the doctor does his work.

When she comes to for a bit, and the police officer, Fanny, asks Deirdre what happened, she manages to reply, "I was attacked..."

If the bruise on her head from when the man with a club knocked her out in the church wasn't apparent enough, the marks on her wrists from when she pulled on the chains and miraculously broke free of them were. "They... tried to burn me alive... shackled me to a huge bonfire,"

Deirdre made no sudden movements, but her emotions were welling back up and she trembled slightly, eyes tearing up from recalling the ordeal. Her breathing was a bit labored, her lungs still damaged and likely choked with smoke particles, but she finished, "In Emberhead... the village... the whole village... they were in on it..."

I got to admit, your job must be a lot tougher than mine as keeper. You have to RP so many people! :smallsmile:

2019-09-05, 10:37 PM
As you mention Emberhead Dr. Brown and Fanny look at one another with confused gazes. "Miss, it's quite clear that you've suffered a rather traumatic incident. I'm just going to ask that you sleep for now. The rest of this could be very painful."

As you drift back out of consciousness, you can't help but listen to Fanny and the doctor conversing in hushed tones. "She can't mean...?" Only for the doctor to quickly cut her off.
"It is clearly a delusion brought on by one or many traumatic events, most likely occurring during whatever fire gave her these burns. I saw similar cases in the great war. Now please officer, as much as I appreciate your presence, my patient needs re..." As you drift off into slumber.

All you can think of are the faces, of May, Silas, Mr. Winters, Louise, Jacob, the Blacksmith, even little Ruth. As their faces burn to become nothing but motes of charcoal, you think to yourself and understand that even if some of them did help you, they were all, to some extent involved in... ritual sacrifice, and for what? Your subconscious mind is not able to answer these questions with a rational response other than Shakespeare appearing and quoting Hamlet, holding the burned skull of a young girl instead of Yorick's, only for him to stare at you and hold it out, almost like an offering.

On the Road, Having Just Crossed the Border of Massachusetts, 9:13 AM, September 5th, 1921

You awaken with a groan as a bump from below shakes you awake. Everything feels like pain. "Ah! You're awake, splendid, that means my initial treatment appears to be at least somewhat successful." The voice of the doctor, you recall that. As you look around, you see that you're in a car. However, as you do look around, you feel as if every ounce of your body is screaming out in pain, and all you can do is fall back down on the seat and stare up at the ceiling.
"I wasn't able to fully treat you with what meager medicinal supplies I have at my clinic in Ossipee. However, I do have a friend who works at St. Mary's Hospital in Arkham. They're one of the best in the area. I hope you don't mind that I'm taking you there now. You'll receive the most tip-top treatment there this side of New York."
As the car hits another bump in the road, you wince in pain and fall back asleep.

St. Mary's Hospital in Arkham, 6:28 PM, September 5th, 1921

You find yourself lying alone in a hospital bed. In front of you is a mirror, and as you look back you see a ghastly depiction of yourself. Not because of the burns, no. Those are bad, but there's something about you. Something that's intangible, but you can only describe as... experience. You think back on everything, What Happened? It's been a couple days since everything occured, but was it a dream? Some aspects are fading now, so it must be. It was just a festival with some weird rural townsfolk. The fire got a bit out of control, that's all. "Altitude sickness." You think to yourself. That's the rational explanation for everything that happened.

A doctor happens to enter and explains that you were admitted due to 3rd-degree burns, hysteria, and delusions. You're rather confused about the latter two, but you just thought yourself that things might have been different, so you simply nod along, although each centimeter of movement is pain. She then informs you that you will most likely have to be here for at least a half-week or so.

Arkham, 2:15 PM, September 8th, 1921

You happened to be reading a new cookbook concerning baked goods, oddly enough it seems the previous patient kept a wide variety of cookbooks in their room and the nurses never removed them, when an older gentleman knocks on your door. He looks to be in his late fifties, with several tufts of white hair and a scholarly look about him. "Erm, hello there. Are you busy? I was just waiting in my room, and they said it would be nearly an hour or so until Doctor Freeman could see me for my check-up, when I happened to notice you. You wouldn't mind keeping an old man company for a while, would you?" He gives you a wry smile, something that, in all honesty, you haven't seen in quite a while, at least, one that was honest and true.

2019-09-05, 11:19 PM
Wow, that's moving awfully fast! Though I suppose, with no money or real possessions at this point, and with arriving in Ossipee nearly dead, a "free"* ticket to Arkham (and medical help!) is just what she needed!

*Can't wait for that hospital bill... Welp. It's a good thing famous actors and actresses can make a lot of money, right?
Deirdre is too weary to protest that it wasn't a delusion. She spends most of her time unconscious.

Waking up in St. Mary's Hospital, she reflects on what happened. The doctors say she had hysteria and delusions. But she wasn't so sure. Deirdre recalled being stranded in a small village. Emberhead. She remembered a festival that was coming up and visiting people in town, though their exact words were fuzzy from memory. She remembered baking cookies.. and Ruth. She remembered hearing about a festival and expecting a joyous occasion. But instead, she swears she was chased around by people, and was chained atop a huge bonfire, as they all wore strange ceremonial garb and tried to burn her alive, in what can only be described as some kind of occult ritual. How could she possibly confuse this for merely a fire getting out of control?

It seemed no one was going to believe Deirdre. Just a happy little festival where a little fire went wrong - giving her many 3rd degree burns - wasn't going to cut it. It would make more sense to the average person, but she simply had no memory to support it. Crazy people tried to kill her. She wasn't the one who was crazy! There were evil people in this world, and there were crazy people as well. Was it really so irrational to believe that a crazy cult would exist?

But still... as her mental faculties returned to her in full function once more, she decided to be thankful for what she had and just let it go. After all, if what she experienced, or thought she experienced was true... Emberhead was no more. And at least, she supposed, they wouldn't be hurting anyone else. Besides, she wasn't fond of the idea of being locked up in a mental institution, or being drugged.

Personally, I'm not comfortable writing the whole thing off as "it never happened". I just can't believe such an experience could be easily erased. Now maybe if she had some serious head trauma...

Deirdre smiled at the older man, happy to have some company. It was rather dull being in a hospital, after all (and just think, modern hospitals are pretty bad too, and usually they have TVs!).

"No, not busy at all. I have all the time in the world..." she says with a smile. Despite nearly being killed, she was in quite a happy and peaceful mood. Perhaps, because she managed to push her old memories back. But, she kept telling herself she was safe now. Everything was alright now. She was even in Arkham. Soon, soon, after she recovered, she could try her hand as an actress... assuming the burns didn't...

Deirdre was worried about how her burns would recover. She hated the idea of them being with her for the rest of her life. She hoped it wouldn't ruin everything... She inhaled deeply, an otherwise peaceful and relaxing action, trying to tell herself it would all be fine, but wound up coughing a bit. Then she says, "You can stay as long as you want. My name is Deirdre, by the way."

She closes the book and gives the man her full attention.

2019-09-06, 12:23 AM
The man comes in, shakes your hand formally, only to sit down rather slowly and give a deep release of breath as he does. "Sorry, that must be my sixty years catching up to me!"
He then smiles. "I'm Mr. Merriweather, Rupert Merriweather, and it is a pleasure to meet you Dierdre."
He then looks you up and down. "Although, I must say, and I'm sure you wish the same, but I would've rather meet under more favorable circumstances."
He breathes deeply before raising his hands placidly. "If something unspeakable happened, I understand, but given the dearth of subjects to have riveting discourse on within hospitals, may I perchance ask what were the causes of such injuries?"

2019-09-06, 12:37 AM
Deirdre inhales this time, and it seems as if she has tensed up, holding her breath. The smile on her face quickly vanishes.

"Burns. They're 3rd-degree burns from a fire," she says tersely.

"Are you sure you cannot think of anything better to talk about? What is it that you do, Rupert? Do you have any family?" Her smile slowly returns, if not all the way. Almost as if it was a game.

'See, it's not that hard, is it?'

Is NPCs rolling for skills like psychology a thing? If so, I have something for Rupert to try.

Psychology: fail or succeed, it is clear that Deirdre doesn't want to talk about her injury.
Given Deirdre's apparent lack of emotional stress (such as sobbing) and her deft maneuvering into a different subject matter, it doesn't appear that she wishes to avoid the subject because it is particularly painful to talk about. There seems to be some other reason why she is avoiding the subject.

2019-09-06, 10:40 AM
Mr. Merriweather simply avoids the subject of her injuries, but his smile grows as he notices Deirdre's smile. "Well of course there are other subjects we can cover. I simply meant that most topics related to the environment we're currently in are a tiny bit, well, boring. Nevertheless, as for my occupation, I'm retired. However, I used to be an anthropologist, studying ancient cultures such as Ancient Egypt or the Roman Empire."

He then stares off out the window, "As for my family, well, my wife Agnes, bless her heart, is one of the kindest people I know. I also have a son, Bertrand." You notice his gaze turns almost remorseful as he mentions his son. But he quickly looks back towards you with the same smile on his face. "And what about you, Deirdre, what is your trade?"

'See, it's not that hard, is it?'

Hmmm...? Is this Deirdre's inner thoughts, or are you talking about me?

2019-09-06, 01:03 PM
"An anthropologist? Ancient Egypt? Why, that sounds positively fascinating!" Deirdre says, and her eyes light up. He could likely talk about his studies with her for hours... far more time than he said he had.

"As for me... well," she sighs. "I wouldn't quite say I have an occupation yet. I was coming to Arkham, in fact, by coach or train. I was looking to try to start up a career as an actress... Hmm. Funnily enough I wound up here anyway, but in a hospital bed....

Her thoughts were drifting back to what happened to her before, and she was clearly becoming more morose. She changed the subject again, but perhaps not to something happier.

"I don't mean to bother you, and you don't have to say anything either... But what's wrong with your son? Did.. something happen?"

2019-09-06, 02:39 PM
The man chuckles as you comment on the fascinating nature of his particular field of expertise. "Indeed, imagining what it must have been like for those ancient cultures has always given me a rush."

He then lets you finish as you discuss how you ended up here, but decides not to push it further. However, as he hears actress you notice an idea seem to come to mind. "Why, if you have no other plans, I happen to know of a play that's being put on: The Haunting of Agatha Mae I think it's called. They just posted an open call for auditions! I do not know when you shall be getting out of here, but when you do, that could be something of interest, no?"

Then as the conversation turns towards his son, he strokes his wispy beard. "Well, let's just say that in my life, I have seen many things, especially in my studies. However, my son is a man of logic and reason, apects that make him a stellar lawyer mind you, but I'm afraid that in this day and age, there are some things that our science has yet been unable to grasp, and these things might just shake him to his core."
He then shakes his head. "In Ancient Egypt, a vast majority of the population were concerned of the mystic arts, it gave them stability and security in life knowing that there were divine beings somewhere watching over them. Nowadays, with the Great War and new movements in culture and science, I am afraid that my son, like many others, has placed his faith in reason, and I only wanted to prepare him for a day where that faith could be tested." He then looks down solemnly.
"But I feel as if I am maybe boring you with the story of an estranged father-son duo. Let us speak of less dour topics. Do you perhaps know anyone in Arkham, a place to stay after your recovery, perchance?"

2019-09-06, 03:40 PM
At the mention of a play, Deirdre's eyes light up, even more so than before. "Wow, really!? That sounds like the perfect opportunity! And just imagine! Even if I still have burn scars.. well, it would look awfully fitting for a person that's supposed to be dead!"

She begins to chuckle, probably the happiest she's been while thinking about her burns, but started a fit of coughing. "That... that must still be the smoke.... Well. If they only just called for auditions, maybe I could still make it. The doctors and nurses are supposed to try and get me out of bed today, see if I can walk around...."

Rupert then explains about the dynamics between him and his son. Deirdre listens intently, but as the man courteously refrained from prodding into her little 'accident', she also fought back the urge to ask him questions about his son.

But it's when Rupert asks where Deirdre might be staying, that's when overall, her happy demeanor shatters. She.. looks like she's staring at the bodies of her dead family, sick, like she's about to vomit.

"I... I.. no. I didn't know anyone here. I was... I had luggage.. all my money.. where. It was.." It was all probably burned to ash or ditched somewhere deep in the woods by that devious coach driver, Silas. "It's gone! Everything's gone! I can't audition for a play! I got no place to stay, no money for food, not even.." She looks down and, perhaps for the first time paid close attention to what she was wearing: a hospital gown. The charred dress was maybe held somewhere for her, or more likely given its state, thrown away. "I don't even have anything to wear! How am I - how am I even supposed to get back home???" She begins sobbing hysterically.

2019-09-06, 03:44 PM
Mr. Merriweather looks taken aback by this reaction, and looks out to see if there's anyone else around, only to get up out of the chair and approach with his hands comfortingly. "Deirdre, look, whatever nastiness happened previously, that is all over now. You are safe, you are ok, that is what matters."

He then pauses and looks around again, only to continue. "Look, I happen to have several friends in this town who owe me a favor or two. I'm certain that I can help you back on your feet. It will most certainly not do to have a young woman such as yourself so frightened for her future. You have your whole life ahead of you, don't you worry!" He then pats her shoulders, and despite the pain from the burns, it does feel soothing through all of this to know that at least someone seems to have her back.

2019-09-06, 04:08 PM
Deirdre looks up, after hearing Mr. Merriweather's kind words and feeling his comforting touch. Her sobbing abates, slowly, but is replaced with more coughing.

"I'm sorry... I ... I can't believe I never realized this until now..."

Still sniffling, as she tried to get herself under control, she said, "It's alright.. I couldn't expect a complete stranger to.. to go through such lengths for me. Maybe.. maybe I could just.. if I could send a telegraph to my parents, maybe they could send me some money..."

But from the sound of her voice, it seemed like even Deirdre was doubting if her parents would come through for her. And what would she tell them?? Oh, if only Mr. Merriweather knew...

2019-09-06, 05:28 PM
Mr. Merriweather shakes his head. "My dear, you must agree with me, why we're at least acquaintances now, no?"

He then chuckles half-heartedly, trying to brighten up the defeated young woman. "But, in all honesty, I consider myself a good judge of character, and I value good-heartedness, and it seems quite clear from our conversation that you are just trying to make it in the world. There's a hotel on the corner of High and Garrison. Tell the man there, Mr. Erving, that I requested personally for you to head there. We go back for quite some time, and I'm sure he would be willing to offer you a place there until you can get back on your feet, which I am certain will happen in no time at all."

2019-09-06, 05:44 PM
Deirdre began crying again. Or was she laughing? Maybe tears of joy, as they call it. "Oh, I... Thank you, Mr. Merriweather. Thank you, Rupert. I swear to God, I may aspire to be an actress, but it isn't an act!"

Deirdre may have thought that last line was more of a joke, as she managed a smile through her teary eyes. She tried to lean forward a bit to hug the man. "You are so kind.. bless you! Bless your soul!"

After things calm down in the moment, she invites the man to stay and talk as long as he wants.

2019-09-06, 06:27 PM
Rupert looks rather bewildered to be suddenly hugged by this young woman, but nevertheless, soon eases into it. As he sits back down into his chair it's not too long before he begins to speak of his most favorite subject, Anthropology. As you are soon enraptured by his tale concerning the evolution of Egyptian religion, including the period of Akhenaten, and the transformation of an entire empire into a monotheistic cult of sorts.
Eventually, Mr. Merriweather is just getting to the point where the Romans and Egyptians began to exchange ideas as well as cults, including the widespread Roman worship of the Egyptian deity of maternal devotion, kingship, and magic, when a doctor calls out to him. He looks over and then turns back to you with sadness in his eyes. "Well Deirdre, I'm afraid this is where I'm going to have to leave you... but, I greatly enjoyed this conversation. Call me whenever you would like, I know a splendid cafe with the most fabulous of cookies just around the corner!"
He then takes out a scrap of paper and writes while noting: "Again, if you need anything at all, you can contact me at Crestwood 432. I wish you a good morrow, actress." He gives a wink as he finishes his statement and departs into the doctor's office.

2019-09-06, 08:23 PM
Deirdre looks a bit disappointed, but she knew he said he had about an hour. Time flies, doesn't it? She nods and says, "Goodbye. Thank you for visiting! And thank you.. for your help..."

She smiles softly to Mr. Merriweather as he leaves, but it fades later as she finds herself alone with a collection of cookbooks. For the time being, their subject matter just seemed.. boring. But then again, she had already perused through them all at least once...

Feeling boredom and perhaps exhaustion creeping on her mind from the lengthy social interaction, especially considering her state, she soon adjusts her position in bed, albeit somewhat painfully, and drifts off into a sleep.

Maybe she will dream of Rome or Egypt...?

2019-09-07, 02:26 AM
Also, note that there's generally going to be a week by week or so time-skip for me to describe external events and how they pertain to the game at large. If there's anything at all that you'd like to change in these vinettes, just let me know.

Arkham, 8:52 PM, September 5th, 1921

You dream of Egypt, but it's not of ancient egypt, at least, you don't think it is. Instead, your body walks (or does it float?) down stairs as they open up into a massive chamber held aloft ebon pillars, and a pit in the center of the room, filled with... squirming, moving, leeches. You feel like you were not able to truly focus on any of the details, with the exception of the contents of the pit.

Arkham, 12:32 AM, September 12th, 1921

The burns have almost entirely healed. You might not ever walk exactly the same way, but there's no serious permanent damage, even the scars are almost unnoticeable. Ah, the wonders of modern medicine! You've spent most of the last week or so reading and talking. Mr. Merriweather happened to come by every now and again and tell you yet another fascinating story, whether it was the competitions between the magicians of ancient Egypt, or the near-perfect preservation of ancient culture in Pompeii and what humanity has learned from it.
However, eventually it is time for you to be dismissed, but as you're brought out, you're handed a new set of clothes. "Your clothes, paid for by an anonymous donor... you may go." The attendant says with a long nasaly voice.
Confused, you also inquire as to the bill itself. "Paid as well... you may go." The attendant doesn't even bother to look up from her magazine but instead simply waves you in the direction of the door.

Arkham, 3:18 PM, September 12th, 1921

You walk up and down the unfamiliar streets, searching for High and Garrison until you eventually find it: The Greatview Inn. Stepping inside feels like a literal breath of fresh (this place must be air-conditioned during the hot summer days), and as you meet with the receptionist, and subsequently mention Mr. Merriweather's name, she smiles and nods. "He's a rather kind man isn't he. He always helps out around town, of course, his son won't have any of that. Anyway, here's your room!"

After being handed the key by the receptionist you slowly make your way up to your new room and fall upon the only thing that matters: the bed.

2019-09-07, 03:09 AM
In the Hospital:

Deirdre was quite surprised that not only did someone donate clothes to her, but paid her entire medical bills as well! She had an idea of who it could have been, but honestly it could have been anyone, really. Thinking about it all, being here alive and well, and what little was left of the burns was still very likely to fade over time... It was an amazing gift.

One small community tricked her and greedily, forcibly attempted to end her life for their benefit. Another community nursed her back to health and voluntarily offered her charity. Even after the bad she went through, to have such wonderful people help her and offer her real friendship and kindness.. she felt blessed.

But the nasally teenager engrossed in her magazines did not seem to comprehend this (I bet she's chewing gum too). Or.. maybe this sort of thing happened all the time and she just wasn't impressed anymore. Deirdre thanked the attendant anyway and went off to a private room to get changed.

The clothes selection was.. well, Deirdre didn't particularly fancy any of it. It wasn't terrible, but then again she tended to be picky and prefer different styles and fabrics. Maybe being a novice fashionista skewed her view a bit, as she always was trying to go for the perfect look which suited and expressed herself. But she had very little to work with... Sighing to herself, Deirdre told herself to stop being such a thankless wretch, and she finally decided on some articles to put on. She tried to observe herself through a small mirror and merely shrugged. At least she wasn't naked or only wearing a hospital gown.

But in the back of her head, some nagging feeling reminded her. She remembered to ask about something, which had been bothering her. She approached the attendant. "Um, hi again, sorry..."

Deirdre attempted a smile, knowing she was disturbing someone from their magazine. "Do you know if I was admitted to this hospital wearing a dress with poppies? Would you still happen to have it?"

Later that day in Arkham:

Deirdre strolled down the streets of Arkham at a very leisurely pace. She took in all the sights and sounds, trying to note streets and the names of shops. She couldn't possibly hope to remember it all. But mainly, she walked so slow because it was still a bit uncomfortable to walk.

Eventually she finds the Greatview Inn. The receptionist was nice, much different from the one at the hospital. Though Deirdre looks perplexed at what she says. "What do you mean? He doesn't like it when Mr. Merriweather helps people?" It was odd. Maybe she just misheard or misinterpreted what she meant.

2019-09-07, 12:34 PM
The teenager doesn't even look up from her magazine as she gets up and walks off into the back, still gripping her magazine when she returns and hands you a single piece of fabric, with the ends having been seared off. "You mean this?" You notice that the fabric seems to have the image of a poppy sewn into it.

______ (Because time is weird)

The receptionist looks off thoughtfully. "Helping people's not really the issue, but everyone knows Bertrand Merriweather likes his money, and his father's 'assistance' usually involves spending it. Bertrand obviously's pretty upset 'bout that. But hey, family dynamics're always weird..." She then looks you over. "Erm, miss, do you have any bags that I need to carry?"

2019-09-07, 01:14 PM
Back in the hospital:

Deirdre looks at the cloth curiously. The poppy, the searing! That had to be it! But she thinks out loud, "That's all that's left?"

She takes the piece of fabric, staring at it, thoughts roiling around in her head and memories flooding back. She eventually asks, "Yes, this must be it... there is nothing more? I'm sorry, it just... had sentimental value to me..."

At the hotel:

Deirdre nods at the receptionist's explanation, deciding not to pry into the matter further. With only what amounted to a paper bag containing one spare outfit (and no hat or spare shoes) and the charred remains of another dress, she realizes that the situation looks strange.

"Erm... No. I don't have anything else..." Deirdre admits. "It's... the main reason Mr. Merriweather wanted to help me." It felt a bit embarrassing, but she shrugged, literally trying to shrug it off.

2019-09-07, 01:24 PM
"No." The teenager doesn't even give you the courtesy of a longer explanation, as the bubble she made pops.

______ (let's do the time warp yeah)

The receptionist looks at you with a momentary glance of pity, but that soon washes away as she smiles helpfully. "That's fine, well, here's your room key." She then nods. "I wish you a happy stay!"

2019-09-07, 03:19 PM
hospital time warp yeeea

Deirdre emits a defeated sigh and says, "Alright. Thank you for your time..." But she couldn't help but feel a bit resentful. 'Kids these days.'

She carefully places the scrap of cloth in her bag and leaves the hospital.

At the hotel:

Deirdre manages a warm smile back. "Thank you," she says. Making her way up to her room, she turns the key and heads in. She explored the little accommodations before ultimately taking her shoes off (what a relief!) and taking a small nap.

I figured I'd leave it up to you to describe what's in the room. A nice bed, a small bath.. wardrobe? Balcony? Desk? Kitchenette?
I certainly am not expecting a suite. But one can hope lol.

2019-09-07, 06:32 PM
Before landing on the bed Deirdre begins to have a look around the room. It's cozy, with a nice kitchenette suitable for small meals, a writing desk, and against the south wall is a wardrobe. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a bath in the bathroom, merely a shower, but at least it ensures that you'll most certainly be hygienic. Lastly, she notices that her room has a balcony, and as she looks out just for a moment, she sees that in fact, her room does have a great view. Feeling suitably settled in, Deirdre falls onto the bed and rests in its cushiony-goodness.

Week-long time skip?

2019-09-07, 08:50 PM

2019-09-08, 09:59 PM
Arkham, 9:07 AM, September 13th, 1921

You awaken to sun shining through the windows, the mid-September heat rather warm as you lie within your bed. You run through the things you have to do today or at least, relatively soon. You'll have to audition, of course, why that was the whole reason of coming to the city in the first place (at least originally).

Arkham, 10:58 AM, September 13th, 1921

You rush up the steps to the theatre. You cannot be late for this audition, especially after that... event led you to miss whatever the other show was. In fact, you wonder if they'll even let you on at all, after all, from what you've gathered, you're one of the last people auditioning, which could be good and all, with the recency effect.

Arkham, 11:47 AM, September 13th, 1921

Well, that was it. It's strange. You recited your audition part, the role of Agatha Mae, but while you did, your mind was on something else: Emberhead. In fact, you cannot seem to get it out of your mind. Eventually, you figured the Orne Library, one of the greatest in the country, would have some answers, and while it does, it's not enough to satiate you.

Arkham, 9:50 AM, September 15th, 1921

You cannot help but feel glad within the confines of the church, it gives you a calming sense of solace, and it's nice to see a Christianity treated with respect, unlike the ruined church in Emberhead. You begin to sing along to Come Unto Him.

Arkham, 3:38 PM, September 16th, 1921

You turn yourself out, ensuring that you're facing both the spirit of Elena, the previous owner of your home, and the "audience" (which at this point is a bunch of chairs). You got the job. Apparently "Professor Merriweather," as he is called here, is close friends with William, the director, and mentioned your vast emotional range.
You realize that even though many of the people you're acting with are around the same age as you (it is a college/university town after all), for some reason you feel nearly twice their age. Maybe it's because of what you experienced, or maybe it's just you, either way, you're unsure.

Arkham, 11:27, September 18th, 1921

As you rush all around Bee's Diner collecting orders and waiting on tables, you can't help but feel a sense of normalcy return to your life. All the chaos in Emberhead seems like it was so long ago. A whiff of warm toast greets your nostrils as you grab a platter of bacon and eggs to serve to a hungry customer. You're rather lucky you managed to get this, as it turns out Jim (the owner) was putting up a "Help Wanted" sign right as you walked through its doors.

Arkham, 6:27 PM, September 20th, 1921

You've managed to find a small apartment next to Miskatonic University on Lich St.. It's a bit cramped, but cozy, and it is not like you had too much to bring with you.
Every now and then, Mr. Merriweather (or Professor Merriweather apparently) calls you up and asks if you'd like to head to a cafe and chat about how things have been going. The conversations surely serve to brighten your day and are intellectually stimulating, despite the fact that you're not really a student of history, you're both curious and talkative folk.

2019-09-08, 11:26 PM
After taking into account the questions and comments in the OOC thread, let's continue! :smallsmile:

2019-09-09, 01:23 AM
Arkham, 4:05 PM, September 25th, 1921

You're reading in Orne Library, maps are sprawled out in front of you, and a pile of books concerning a wide variety of subjects are stacked up right next to you. When suddenly a *tap tap* grabs your attention. As you raise your gaze from "Fire Rituals: from the Wicker Man to the Fourth of July, Why We Love Them" you notice that Mr. Merriweather happened to stroll up to your table. You also notice he has a cane, and has used it to rap on your desk. "Why I hadn't expected for you to be reading such a book as that? What, are you planning on capturing me and burning me alive? Should I be worried?" Your chuckle sounds false in your mouth, and it is here where you decide to tell him the truth.

Mr. Merriweather listens to your tale, nodding every now and then, but always looking at you with a deep intensity. After you finished he strangely does not look frazzled in the slightest, but looks out towards the university itself, his normal jovial attitude replaced with one that seems to be full of... regret? "You know, I used to be part of a club here, an extra-curricular society if you would."

He continues to stare off in the distance, practically counting the specks of dirt on each surface of every building. "We used to have such fun gallivanting around, ah vigor. To be young and spry again, eh Miss McCoy." He then looks back to you, the old smile now plastered on his face "Anyway, us old fogies fizzled out and stopped coming, but the club we originated from, now that's still going." He then strokes his chin, "You know, I think they're having a meeting this Friday night. You should go! I'm sure you'll meet some new people that way."

He then looks at his watch and gasps. "Well, I'd best be headed off, Agnes will chew my ear out if I stay out to late, and Bertrand..." The man looks down then looks back with a bright smile. "Ah, I don't need to worry you with the most intricate details of my familial life, farewell Deirdre!

Oh, and you might want to check a list of townships in the 1870s!"

Confused, you head over to a librarian and ask for another map of New Hampshire, only this one dated around sixty years in the past (closest one to 1870), and it's there when you see it: Emberhead. In a mad rush you search through a variety of other books written around this time and you discover that apparently, all that's left of Emberhead is a set of ruined homes and crumbled buildings, as it was destroyed in a freak forest fire around forty years ago...

2019-09-09, 02:14 AM
Before Deirdre recounted her tale, she warned Mr. Merriweather that her story would sound crazy. She told him she wasn't even sure if it all was real anymore and was doubting herself at this point.

"I feel as though I'm at a dead end. I'm afraid... did I just go completely insane? How did I wind up in Ossipee, covered in burns and without any of my belongings? Then that begs the question, what did happen?"

Then she spills the beans. She starts out broadly, generally summarizing what happened. And if Mr. Merriweather hadn't dismissed her by then, she goes back to the beginning, recounting as many details as she could, with, of course, other thoughts to interject in hindsight.


After that, it seemed he hadn't thought her a freak or crazy like she feared. But strangely enough, he was forlorn, gazing out a window.

"A club? A society? What was it exactly about?" she asks.

And when he gives the excuse that he's too old, she questions further, "What happened, Rupert? Did you stop going only because you grew older? Surely.. surely you aren't too old to go to a little meeting on Fridays!"


Upon Mr. Merriweather's last bit of advice, she finally found something. The revelation amazed Deirdre. She was dumbstruck, just staring at the date. "It exists... it exists!" she whispers to herself, trembling. Well, more like... it existed.

The finding was both a blessing and a curse to her. Nothing made sense. Absolutely none of it. She even remembered the date on that most recent tombstone, 1888. Even assuming the church and graveyard weren't disused for decades... How was this possible? How was any of this remotely possible??

And yet, she had never heard of the name Emberhead in her life before. Nor could she explain where the scrap of dress with the poppy came from. She could swear she never had such an article of clothing before, nor did her family. What were the chances that she would have such a vivid dream or hallucination, trek through dozens of miles of wilderness on foot covered in burns, and somehow peg the name of that village in that same location? How did she even get those burns? She couldn't make a fire out in the wilderness if her life depended on it!

'Something did happen...' she thought. But at this point... what more could she do? Feeling vindicated, if at least only partially, she carefully puts all the books and maps away and heads home. It was time to stop dwelling in the past. This was probably the closest to closure she was ever going to get, and she recognized that fact.

There was still a lot on Deirdre's mind. She cooked a light dinner, and feeling mentally exhausted, tried to sleep early but couldn't. The memories she had, the burns she suffered: they were so real. She wondered if Emberhead would exist today if she had merely let the flames consume her.

Her eyes wandered to a frame in the room, which oddly enough contained just that single scrap of singed cloth, with the poppy on it, and she thought of the villagers she met. How happy and friendly they seemed at first. But in the end.. she hadn't a high opinion of any one of them, save for little Ruth... Silas, she had no idea of his involvement. Or the blacksmith.. how guilty he looked, and the quality of the chains.. did he..? She cried one last time, for everyone. All the murderers who probably didn't even deserve the sympathy. And especially for those that were innocent in the matter.

But whether or not it was true, she was here and alive. And she was going to make the most of it. Going to that club Mr. Merriweather mentioned seemed like a good idea. It might just be the thing she needed. Deirdre breathed deeply, concentrating on her breath, her heartbeat, feeling the flow of her blood ebb all the way down to her extremities. It felt good to be alive, in a soft warm bed and with a bright future for tomorrow. She wanted to appreciate it more. And soon she did indeed slip into a peaceful slumber. The memories of Emberhead that haunted her hadn't been nearly as bad or prevalent since.

2019-09-09, 11:58 AM
Mr. Merriweather seems to be rather vague on the details except noting that "It was mostly concerned about stories, mysteries that could not be explained in their entirety. Eventually I'm afraid I lost some of my investigative spirit concerning such things... but that does not mean that you should try it!"

2019-09-09, 01:10 PM
Deirdre nods along to the explanation. It seemed pretty vague, and even though she felt she could trust this man with her life, she is hesitant. Deirdre asks, "Well... would you at least be able to come with me for my first time? I ... I'm not entirely sure if I belong there. And I don't plan on telling anyone else about my experience. Please? Just this once? I'm sure they'll be glad to see you, and I'll make sure they don't make you lift a finger if you don't want to."

She pleads to Mr. Merriweather with her puppy dog eyes.

Persuade! [roll0]

2019-09-09, 04:25 PM
For a moment, Mr. Merriweather seems extremely tempted (that would beat a hard difficulty, yes, but sadly...). However he looks away and says, "I'm deeply sorry Deirdre, but there are some important matters that I must attend to. Indeed, it would be best for you to go by yourself. In addition, I hardly know anyone there anymore, I have simply heard that it is still active and when you told me your story, I feel as if it could be a good place for you. No need to share anything with anyone else, I simply think that your presence there could help you during this transition."

Please give me a Psychology roll.

Arkham, 3:15 PM, September 30th, 1921

You head towards Room U35. You're honestly quite unsure what you're doing. What even is this "Club" anyway? Either way, you stand here at a crossroads, shall you open it? Or depart and focus on living the rest of your life, you have a job, an apartment, some friends (or at least acquaintances), it could most surely stay that way.
However, should you decide to open it, your life will surely be changed... forever.

Oh boy, that was long, but we're finally here. Again, I know it's very railroady, but that's kinda how I have to run the in-between segments, just to actually have everything make sense and ensure that the game does not drag on forever.

2019-09-09, 05:46 PM
Deirdre presses on, despite her better judgement. But what was the worst that could happen? Surely a bunch of crazy cultists wouldn't sacrifice her again? She laughed inwardly to herself at the thought.

Besides, if this little club wasn't her cup of tea, she could always.. you know, stop coming.

She opens the door and enters, preparing to greet everyone with a warm smile.

2019-09-09, 05:49 PM
Deirdre cannot help but get the feeling that while Mr. Merriweather believes everything he says concerning the Society (that it could be helpful and is full of good people, etc...) Deirdre cannot help but also notice that he seems to have some sort of powerful deep-seated fear of... something, she can't quite put her finger on it, but that is most likely the reason why her normal way of convincing people seemed to have no effect.

Also, now that I consider it a bit more closely I think that would've been Charm not Persuade (more appeals to emotion and puppy dog eyes). Nevertheless you may tick-mark Psychology.

You open the door to see three people sitting in an cleared-out lecture hall, but with several chairs surrounding the table. "Well, I'm still not sure this is entirely our area of 'expertise', Lois. I'm a risk taker, fair and simple, but that doesn't mean I'm inclined to go rushing off after the first person who calls wolf!" A young african-american woman says to one of the other members. She wears fashionable clothing and seems to be filled with a sort of youthful vigor.
"Lois," apparently the other student, flares up for just a moment. "Well ex-cuse me for believing there could be things in the world that God made other than us humans. Why, imagine the possibilities!" She is an young Italian woman with an athletic build and a stylish bob of dark brown hair.
"Now now, settle down. While I'm unsure if this would truly be an exploration into the unexplained, the money would still go a long... oh! We have a visitor!" As the third member of the group you see a man in casual clothes, but with a rather sporting fedora. "Lois, Jessie, it appears we have a guest here. Please, stop the fighting, would you?" He then turns back towards you. "Is there something I can help you with ma'am?"

2019-09-09, 08:20 PM
Deirdre had come a long way from when she first arrived in Ossipee nearly dead, destitute, and unsure of herself and anything anymore. Her hair was trimmed a bit here and there where it got damaged by fire, but the smell of smoke had finally washed out, and it was back to its former autumny brownish red glory.

With the end of summer approaching, summerdresses were on sale as stores made room for the fall and winter clothing. Deirdre couldn't help but buy a couple, as well as shop around in some thrift stores for a few other articles of clothing. And the poor, neglected lime-green hat in the discount bin, which she thought was unique and interesting enough to be her old hat's successor.

She wore one of those dresses now, along with her bright hat. Her purse was merely a canvas, handled shopping bag, and her wallet just an old envelope, but she still had all the charm she used to, albeit perhaps with a bohemian look to her. Still with a beaming smile on her face, she slowly approaches the three and waves, mainly by wiggling her fingers.

"Hello! I'm here for the club?"

Though she definitely overheard the three talking about something that sounded strange, she draws a bit closer still, glancing at the table. Maybe they were just playing some kind of game...?

Looking around the auditorium, she noticed the distinct lack of people present. She thought there might be more. Deirdre asks, "Am I early?"

2019-09-09, 10:01 PM
The man looks confused, "Early? No, not at all, why would you think..." He strokes his chin for a moment as Jessie happens to notice you standing in the doorway.
"Come in! We're always accepting new members, isn't that right Professor Jones?" She elbows him as you see that they're gathered around what appears to be a letter and a ticket.
"Hmm...? Oh yes, of course, forgive my absentmindness." Professor Jones tips his fedora in your direction.
"Anyway, I say we go for it, what's the harm? We investigate it over the weekend, see what we turn up, and if there's nothing... well. Then that's it, case closed!" Lois seems to be very focused on whatever this debate is.
"Sorry Miss..." All eyes look towards you.

2019-09-09, 10:07 PM
Deirdre looks perplexed around the room. She wondered what they were going on about. It was then she realized that she hadn't even introduced herself. The context of "Professor Jones" trailing off made complete sense now.

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Deirdre. Deirdre McCoy," she says with a slight blush. "And you are a professor at the university?" she asks with a hint of surprise.

As soon as she gets the chance, Deirdre asks, "If you don't mind my asking, what were you all just talking about?"

2019-09-09, 10:10 PM
The man with the fedora smiles, "Ah my apologies Ma'am, I'm Professor Jones, Nevada Jones. And yes, I'm
a professor of archeology at this famed school of ours."
The African-American girl then speaks up, "I'm Jessie, Jessie Williams. I'm studying history here, but I've always been interested in exploring God's mysteries."
Then the Italian girl makes her piece as well. "Meanwhile I'm Lois Russo. I'm taking engineering classes here. This seemed like an interesting way to investigate the supernatural."
After introductions have been made Professor Jones continues, "Sorry for suddenly involving you in this, but since you're interested, let me explain. We received word from a friend of mine and an alumnus of this university, Mr. Thomas Kimball, that he had a rather unusual break-in. Normally he'd contact the police, but it's rather strange and all, and given the nature of this society, I thought I should broach the topic of sending one of our number out there to explore."
Jessie's eyes then dart back towards you, "Professor Jones, does Miss McCoy even know what this society is?"
Everyone then awaits your response.

2019-09-09, 10:19 PM
"Well, um.. no," Deirdre says flatly.

"A.. friend said maybe I should try meeting you all. Said it might be good for me... I'm afraid he was very vague, however and didn't even tell me the name of your.. society. So, you investigate supernatural things? And people would rather have you investigate a break-in rather than the police??" she asks with disbelief.

2019-09-09, 10:52 PM
Lois laughs and then adds, "Well, sort of Miss McCoy, this a society of discovery. We explore the unexplained. I guess afterwards we might tell stories about it, but it's been here quite a long time, with different students and staff members leaving and joining. As for the police, it's not so much that we're taking over for them, more that Mr. Kimball did not want to bother the police department with the theft."
Jessie nods in confirmation, "We deal with whatever strangeness lies upon God's great earth-"
As Professor Jones cuts her off "Now Jessie, we're getting ahead of ourselves." He then looks back to you, "Now, we certainly have a wide variety of mysterious things in this world. However, in the end, much of the strangeness is more mundane than we originally anticipated." He looks then back towards Jessie and Lois, "Hence why I do understand Jessie's-"
"But Professor, why not have a look, I'm sure that there's something there. I highly doubt an alumni of this university such as Mr. Kimball would deceive us in such a way. It doesn't make any sense." She then turns towards Jessie, "And Professor Jones said we could use the mone-"
"Wait a moment, you're busy this weekend with James, I have a paper to write on the Emancipation Proclamation, and Professor, you said you had a gosh-darned load of papers to grade!"
The professor then strokes his chin, "That is true, Jessie, maybe I can..." He then turns towards you. "You know, Miss McCoy, I know you just met this little... Society of ours, but how would you like to go on an expedition to explore the unexplained? I'm not sure what you're doing this weekend, but I'm certain you would be well-compensated for your efforts."

The two students also look towards you, Lois stares at you with pleading eyes while Jessie merely seems to be gauging your reaction. You do recall that you have nothing going on this weekend.

2019-09-09, 11:15 PM
As Lois talks about exploring the unexplained, Deirdre immediately thinks of the experience she had in Emberhead. No wonder Mr. Merriweather recommended she come here... Still.. was delving into more mysteries, which might be just as confusing or worse than what she discovered, really such a good idea?

The three talk about the situation, still in rather vague terms. Deirdre would have asked them to slow down and explain what was going on in the first place, but Jessie immediately pivoted to everyone's busy schedules. Suddenly, she was put on the spot light. Mr. Jones was suggesting what now??

"Uh.. wh- what..??" Deirdre says, not only with sheer confusion but with her face paling. What were these people trying to pawn off on her??

Her usually cheerful and outgoing demeanor was cracked. Eying the two students and professor, Deirdre wheels back and stammers, "C-could you all please s-slow down and tell me what you're talking about?"

2019-09-09, 11:25 PM
Jessie looks alarmed as she notices your fright. "Look, Lois, you're going far to fast, you've scared the devil right out of her!" She then walks over to you. "I'm dreadfully sorry, you probably came here just to listen to some stories, didn't you." Watching your expression carefully she continues. "Well, we've all had rather, interesting experiences concerning the unknown."

She looks around towards her two compatriots who nod encouragingly. "If you'd like to investigate deeper into what cannot be explained, we happened to receive a decent job offer recently. I know that you just met this club, and you don't have to say anything right now, but if, by the end of today, you've enjoyed your time, just let us know so that we can telegram Mr. Kimball." They all then sink back down into their seats, clearly a bit frightened that their energetic nature has possibly frightened a possible member from their already small club.

2019-09-09, 11:49 PM
Deirdre nods slowly and cautiously. "Yes... why don't we just talk for a little while?" she suggests. "You sound really excited about this.. job, after all. What do you all do if you don't have one?"

2019-09-10, 12:26 AM
The group nods as a conversation begins amongst everyone, Professor Jones begins by noting how more and more of Peru was being unearthed, and that it was only a matter of time until a new great discovery was located there. Was it possible that new things unknown to humanity lurked in the shadows? The stories of the Inca Empire and their ancient mythologies could soon spill its secrets out for mankind to learn and understand. Not only that, but artifacts of great importance could be discovered, having been well-preserved throughout history, and could be put into a museum for all to learn about.

The passion Dr. Jones has for Archaeology is fascinating, and you expect that each week a different member shares some sort of story relating to new and exciting explorations into what previously could not be explained. In addition, you begin to gather that each member goes out on an "exploration into the unexplained" from whatever contacts they've heard or from whomever they know within the township of Arkham.

Eventually the discussion comes to a close, and the question remains.

2019-09-10, 01:33 AM
Deirdre was pretty interested by Professor Jones's talk. It was about as enlightening and intriguing as Mr. Merriweather's chats. She occasionally asked some questions, some seemingly not very bright for one who might be studying history, archeology, or anthropology at this university. But then again, of course, Deirdre wasn't studying there.

But overall, Deirdre didn't really have much meaningful to add to the conversation amongst the four. She wasn't well-versed in those subjects at all, hadn't gone on any "exploration journeys", and she just wasn't comfortable sharing her prior experience - the whole reason it was suggested she come here - with these people. Maybe.. maybe one day... but not until she really knew them and could trust them. Even then, she wasn't sure what good it would do.

Finally conversation comes back around full circle to the little job they were talking about earlier. Deirdre looks a bit sad and says, "Well.. I'm afraid I don't have any unexplained events I can share with you..."

"But I suppose, with you all being so busy this weekend, that's why you wanted me to look into it... Right, let's start over, shall we? An alumni from this university, Thomas Kimball, had.. as you said, an 'unusual' break-in..."

She looks at everyone expectantly. "Soo... care to begin with what was so unusual? And was anything damaged or stolen? I hope no one was hurt..."

2019-09-10, 10:00 AM
Three smiles grow onto the faces of the club members. "So... about the case, Thomas Kimball, an alumni of Miskatonic has been burglarized."
Lois then chimes in "But this wasn't any ordinary burglary, no. The burglar only stole books. There were a variety of other valuables within the house, but the burglar only took a couple of his uncle's books." Her voice then takes on a lower pitch, masked in mystery. "And even stranger is that his uncle, Douglas Kimball, vanished nearly a year ago without a trace."
Professor Jones then smiles as the two students retell the story, and cannot resist adding in a piece of his own. "Now Felix, Thomas has no idea if the two events are even related in the slightest, but apparently his uncle was a rather mundane fellow. Nothing ever happened to him, and the fact that these two strange events occured in the past couple of years and are associated with his uncle brought our attention." He then raises his hand to note, "We've helped people in the past, Deirdre. As I've said before, the Arkham Police Department sometimes calls on us, but Thomas lives in Arnoldsberg, a couple hours drive from here. I wouldn't expect any help, so I'm afraid you'd be on your own for this investigation. But it shouldn't be too bad right? You could just try your best and see what you can find."
He then hands you a coach ticket towards Arnoldsberg, "This was included in the request, I hope you wouldn't mind a motor-coach drive. It should leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully that'd offer you enough time to return on Monday." The Society smiles, hopefully gathering another member of their group.

2019-09-10, 11:11 AM
Perhaps jumping the gun, Deidre thinks out loud, "Huh.. it sounds like his uncle just came back to get his books..." She shrugs.

But it shouldn't be too bad right? You could just try your best and see what you can find.

Deirdre looks at everyone helplessly. "But.. what exactly am I supposed to do?? I go over there, talk to the guy, look at the empty space in his library... Then what? I- I'm not a psychic!"

This was included in the request, I hope you wouldn't mind a motor-coach drive. It should leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully that'd offer you enough time to return on Monday.

She looks down at the motor coach ticket. She was only really skeptical about the whole situation at this point, doubting she could do anything but have an awkward conversation with this 'client' and leave with nothing, making him angry and dissatisfied.

But Deirdre's face becomes filled with dread when she sees the motor coach ticket. She stares at it...

2019-09-10, 11:26 AM
Perhaps jumping the gun, Deidre thinks out loud, "Huh.. it sounds like his uncle just came back to get his books..." She shrugs.

Lois notes "That's what I said, but then Jessie asked why he wouldn't see his nephew, or where he'd been for a year, and why nobody spotted him. Which are all... decent points that could use explaining."

Deirdre looks at everyone helplessly. "But.. what exactly am I supposed to do?? I go over there, talk to the guy, look at the empty space in his library... Then what? I- I'm not a psychic!"

Professor Jones raises his hands, "We get that, ok? If you can't uncover anything then you can't uncover anything. But whenever I go to archeological dig sites, to get information about one thing sometimes I have to look at the big picture. Talk to the locals, check with the Police Department or the Library, search what remains of his belongings... Things like that might be able to give you a better idea of the bigger picture." He smiles reassuringly and Jessie nods. "I'm sure you'd do great if you just gave it a try!"

She looks down at the motor coach ticket with dread. She was only really skeptical about the whole situation at this point, doubting she could do anything but have an awkward conversation with this 'client' and leave with nothing, making him angry and dissatisfied.

But Deirdre's face becomes filled with dread when she sees the motor coach ticket. She stares at it...

The other three look at each other with confused faces. "Um, Miss McCoy, is everything ok?"
Professor Jones notes "I'm terribly sorry, Arnoldsberg doesn't have a train station, so driving there is really the only way to get there."
Lois puts a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sure it'll be fine, I know the driver, she's a nice woman, really. I fix up her car all the time. The ride there will be the smoothest you've ever had."

2019-09-10, 01:21 PM
Little did the others know how utterly suspicious Deirdre was of coach drives and their drivers at this point. Especially for a several hour drive... Deirdre was about to just get up and leave, apologizing, but Lois had some very hopeful information.

"You.. you know the driver? And you just fixed the car??" That also sounded just a bit unbelievable. Growing a little suspicious, Deirdre asks, "What's her name? And will she drive me back?"

2019-09-10, 03:14 PM
Lois nods, rather confused by Deirdre's line of questioning, but nevertheless answers. "I'm an engineering student, so it's a pretty decent way to earn money. As for the driver her name is Florence, Florence Bellview. She's a wonderful woman, dating (which the modern version apparently started being used in the 1920s) Mr. Blaine, I think it is."

If you would like, you may give me a Psychology roll.

2019-09-10, 03:23 PM
sure why not
psychology: [roll0]

Deirdre asks, "Is there any other information you have? Or.... is that it? Also, you said something about money. How much is he paying you?"

2019-09-10, 04:09 PM
It seems that there's a lot of pride behind what Lois is saying, that would be rather hard to imitate if this is all one big fabrication.

Professor Jones speaks up, "It's not much, ma'am it's simply that this club is not exactly... flourishing, no matter what passion there is amongst its members." He smiles at the two students. "Thomas was willing to offer a quite tidy sum of $10 (around $250 or so in modern money) if we were to just look into it." He nods, "I'm not saying at all that you'll have to give the money to us upon completion. In fact, you can really just give however much you want of the reward, I just thought it could help bolster our number."

2019-09-10, 08:17 PM
Deirdre thought about it some more. $10 seemed somewhat reasonable. It probably also assumed they would uncover something. But by 'they', it really meant Deirdre, their newest and most clueless member.

She sighs and says, "Well, it really is a shame that none of you will be able to come... After all, I'm sure the more of us were there, the better chance we have at solving that mystery...

Her tone lightens to a smug grin. "BUT... I suppose it's only fair that if I do all the work, I get to keep the money." Her tone was fairly playful here, but in any case, she really could use a bit more money... Not like it was the main reason she was doing this, though.

"Alright... Well, I've nothing better to do this weekend.. so I'll do it!"

Despite a few reservations she had earlier, she felt pretty confident nothing insidious was going on here. That still did not stop her from going out and buying a new pair of shoes meant for running, and asking a friend or two if they wanted to accompany her.

2019-09-10, 09:15 PM
The three club members cheer as she announces that, and strangely their faces don't even look dashed as she mentions the money. Rather confused by their response you're about to ask when Jessie laughs, "Don'tcha worry! We were going to spend the money on promotional materials to get new members, but hey, look we found one anyway, so I guess they're going to roughly the same place, right?" She then nods "Now go out, good luck, and may God be with you." The other two members smile as well as you soon depart, ready for adventure.

As you prepare to get ready you contact some of your friends, but it's rather strange (not like Emberhead strange, just weird coincidences) that all of them seem to have something going on this weekend. Unsure (considering what happened last time) you make sure to vet their claims, but in actuality everything seems to be alright! Nevertheless, the day soon arrives.


Arkham, 10:15 AM, October 1st, 1921

(Quick Recap Boxed Text:) You have been contacted by Thomas Kimball of Michigan. It seems his house has been burglarized and some of his uncle's favorite books have been stolen. The mystery also has the added wrinkle in that his uncle inexplicably disappeared without a trace nearly a year ago. Mr. Kimball would like you to find out who stole the books, return them if possible, and, if somehow these two events are related, discover the whereabouts of his uncle and whether he is still alive.

You board the coach, and you can't help but be slightly trepidatious considering that the last one you went on led to... well... you're not really sure exactly what happened. You are grateful, however, to notice several passengers have gotten on in addition to you. Florence does seem to be quite nice and she happens to make conversation along the way. Apparently, she is a bit of a self-appointed fashionista herself, and it's quite easy to make conversation about the newest trends. Anyway, it's time for a new journey.

Just Past Ossipee, 12:18 PM, October 1st, 1921

The coach crests over a hill with some slight difficulty, but eventually manage to crest it and make it through what appears to be the charred ruins of a town. You identify it to have most likely burned down in some kind of forest fire several decades earlier. It is at this moment when you realize exactly where you are. You're in Emberhead.
However this doesn't make any sense. You remember being here a month ago, you remember the people, the buildings, and they were most certainly not this old. This matches up with what the books and maps told you but... to see it in person?
However, you have little time to ponder this utterly confusing turn of events, when suddenly, you're gone. You've headed down the hill. The charred ruins of what must have at one point been Emberhead stand alone, fading off into the distance.

Arnoldsberg, 2:39 PM, October 1st, 1921

You exit the coach, thank the driver, and begin to look around. You've been dropped off on what you presume to be the main thoroughfare of the town, which, while most certainly not that large, is still respectable. You happen to notice an actual police department (you silently thank God), a real library (as opposed to one in the "village hall"), and even a newspaper, as a young boy eagerly runs up to you handing you a copy of the Arnoldsberg Advertiser for but a couple coins.
You pull out the rest of the letter, as you eventually find yourself wandering the streets of Arnoldsberg until the rural (if it could be called that) elements fade away, and as you reach 218, Aylesbury St., all that's there is one lonely house. You see almost none other except this one for a couple hundred feet or so, as you notice the most likely reason: it's right next to the graveyard.
As you knock on the door, you hear a voice from inside shout: "One moment please!"
Eventually, a young man opens the door, he looks around almost as if he expected several people but then extends his hand warily from the doorstep. "Hello there, I'm, well, I'm Thomas Kimball. Are you a member of... The Society?" He lowers his voice, as if it was some deep dark secret that the two of you were discussing in a crowd.

2019-09-10, 09:31 PM
Deirdre smiles warmly at Thomas, not deterred in the slightest that this place was right next to a graveyard. "Indeed!" she says, greeting his hand with her own. "Seems you're looking around for the others? Well, I wish I could tell you they were hiding waiting to surprise you. Unfortunately, Jesse, Lois, and Professor Jones had..." she sighs and continues, "prior engagement or obligations. So they talked their newest member, me, into helping you out. I'm Deirdre McCoy. It's a pleasure to meet you, Thomas."

2019-09-10, 09:51 PM
Thomas shifts slightly. "Well, uh, yes. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I th-think that I asked for you to look into the theft, and if maybe you could shed any light at all on my uncle's disappearance." He then realizes that you're still standing outside on the porch. "Oh, come in, come in, I'm so sorry. The break-in just has me a bit flustered is all, and it's not like the police are going to pay any attention to some missing books. Can I get your bags?"

2019-09-10, 10:08 PM
Deirdre nods as the young man explains his intentions. Well, at least she already knew that much...

"Can I get your bags?"

She didn't have much, not nearly compared to her first attempt at traveling to Arkham, but she had her "purse" and another large shopping bag with some clothes in it. Suppose that would have to do as her "suitcase" for a while...

"Uh, of course!" she says, handing him the two articles. It was really underwhelming for bags, but no matter. The gesture was nice.

Looking around as she steps into the foyer, she comments, "Wow, I must say, this really is a nice home!" (I mean, it is, right? I can only assume it's a nice luxurious home. The only bad thing being the graveyard).

"So, Thomas! Did you, uh.. want to get started right away, or maybe give me a tour of your home first? Or maybe we could unwind and you can share your story over a cup of coffee or tea?"

2019-09-10, 11:02 PM
Thomas blushes at your comment. As you enter you do see in fact that the house is quite charming, it's rather large and spacious, with a wide variety of elegant furnishings. "This, well, this used to be my uncle's house you see, and to be honest." Thomas then shrugs. "I have no idea which of his titles we-were taken, although, I do most certainly notice their absence, of course. A-as for conversation I'll just show you the... um... c-crime scene, and then maybe we can have someth-thing."
He then gestures for you to follow him and leads you down a hall to a room that looks rather unlike much of the rest of the house. It's cluttered and piled high with books of all shapes and sizes, and on all subjects, their only common trait is that it appears that at some point, they all were well cared for. "This, well, this was my uncle's study, I-I couldn't really bear to clean anything up, so most of it has been left a-as is. However, if you notice..." He points up towards one of the bookshelves and you see six clear dust outlines where presumably several books were. "I j-just discovered these spots missing a couple of days ago." He looks at you utterly confused. "I-I have no idea what anyone would want with my uncle's books, but the burglar d-didn't even take any of our, well, our actually valuables."

2019-09-10, 11:20 PM
"Huh. Yes, it's quite a mess, isn't it..." Deidre says as she picks her way across the room with Thomas. She looks at where the books used to be.

"So you don't know what those missing books were. Do you.. have any idea what he was researching before he left?" She looks at Thomas, though she guessed the answer was 'no'.

She follows up with a few other questions:

"Does anyone else live here besides you?"

"Were there any other signs of burglary that brought you here, before you noticed the missing books?"

2019-09-11, 12:03 AM
Thomas chuckles softly, "The better qu-question is what wasn't my uncle researching." He looks around to grab a book on cryptography and then produces another concerning the construction of the Great Wall of China. "He wa-was always reading, and practically never the same book." He then smiles fondly at the memory.
As you ask your first question, his smile becomes more obvious as he notes that "Well, it's me and Mary. My w-wife, kindest woman I ever know. She makes a wonderful mea-meatloaf as well. Sh-she's currently at work, but she sho-should be home to help me make dinner."
At the second question he strokes his chin, "I-in all honesty, I didn't realize what h-had occured until I was walking by the room and noticed those spots, missing. As for the last time time I would be sure of their p-presence, well, I have barely been in this room since Douglas disappeared." He then looks down defeatedly, "I know that's not that much h-help, but I hope you can solve this miss McCoy."

2019-09-11, 12:08 AM
Deirdre looks fairly uncertain. "So... the study door, you normally leave it open? And then you were merely walking by a few days ago.. and happened to notice the missing spots?"

2019-09-11, 12:10 AM
Thomas nods, "I-I know how strange it sounds, but I like to keep the door open. Everything else in th-the house has changed, b-but this just helps me remember him." His brow furrows. "I'm still s-so confused about what happened. My uncle wa-was not the type of person to just up an-and leave."

2019-09-11, 12:27 AM
Deidre frowns at the confirmation of that. "Well, dear... I suppose that means these books could have been taken at just about any time.. maybe a couple days ago.. maybe even a year ago? Although..."

She approaches the place where the books were missing even closer and takes a look at the marks in the dust. Come to think of it, did it look like a year's worth of dust had collected in here? And if so, how pronounced were these new marks?

"Maybe we could narrow down a smaller time frame just by looking at how a book makes a mark on this dust." She pulls a different book out of the shelf nearby, sort of dragging it out along the shelf, maybe as a person normally and casually would, and sees how it compares to the other ones that worried Thomas.

"I suppose you've already talked to your wife, Mary, and learned nothing, right?"

2019-09-11, 01:08 AM
Thomas nods, "She's j-just as concerned about it as I am. W-we were planning on raising a family here, but now I-I... shouldn't one feel sa-safe in their own home?"

You head into the study and immediately find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books. They are of all shapes and sizes and it could take a whole day to dig through the entire pile, and there is most certainly no record of his books, at least, one that you can obviously find. Instead it seems that many of them are simply piled haphazardly for Kimball the elder to simply grab whatever book fit his fancy. Simply looking through a few books allows for you to realize that Douglas Kimball was quite a well-read man. There are books upon almost every single subject, from numerology to theses concerning the tenants of the Christian church.

You examine the dust, it seems quite clear (no roll required) that the missing books were moved recently, maybe in the last week or so. Meanwhile, the dust on the other books does seem in-line with the amount that would accumulate over the span of a year.

Thomas thinks for a moment more, "I'm dreadfully sorry, I wish I could tell you more. I really didn't interact with my uncle that much. He mostly just kept to himself in his study. Always reading he was. Although if you're looking out for him, last I saw he was balding, with white hair, average height, and wearing round spectacles. Thank you again, and good luck!"
As you're about to begin your investigations Thomas suddenly shouts from behind you. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I almost forgot. You can use this room here while you remain here." He leads you to a rather spacious but comfortable room decently furnished, and sets your bags down inside. "I'm also of course, willing to pay if you're able to find any information concerning either the break-in or my uncle. Also, you mentioned you might want something to drink, right? I don't know how long the drive was, but Mary just made some wonderful lemonade."

2019-09-11, 01:19 AM
Deirdre looks over at Thomas with some concern. "Thomas... are you scared?"

It seemed like the young man's jitters were getting worse the more they talked about this "burglary" subject. At first Deirdre was thinking maybe he was just a bit socially awkward or bashful talking to her. He wouldn't be the first. But it really seemed something was bothering him.

"I promise you, there has to be.. some rational explanation for this," Deirdre says. Though after what happened to her.. No. This was only a couple stupid books! She approaches Thomas mustering all the smoothness and confidence she could find within herself. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

"Well... I guess by 'we', I really mean just me, since no one else is here," she sighed.

Charm roll to.. give this lad some confidence!!


2019-09-11, 01:22 AM
Charm roll to.. give this lad some confidence!!


Huzzah! Thou art truly the leader who inspires us all!

Thomas shakes his head, pauses, and then nods, looking towards Deirdre. "Yes, of course. Sorry, the last year has just had me a bit frazzled, that's all."

2019-09-11, 01:37 AM
Deirdre beams at Thomas. "Aww, thank you for letting me stay here. And here I was, thinking I'd have to walk all the way back to town for a room, or find a nice cozy coffin to nap in," she jokes.

When he offers lemonade, she jumps at the opportunity, "Why yes, I'd love some!"

As Thomas is pouring some glasses, she thoughtfully asks, "One more quick question. You also had no visitors here recently, right?" (assuming not, or it would probably be easy to point the finger at them!)

Deirdre sits down and takes a sip of cool, refreshing lemonade. "Well.. why don't you tell me about your uncle? Keep your mind off this little incident. Just.. you know.." she raises her arms some and flails her hands around a bit, "say what comes to mind. For starters.. what did he do for a living or.. your first memory of him as a child.. some fun times you had..." she trails off, hoping Thomas could describe his uncle in some way to her, put perhaps in a manner that wouldn't cause him to dwell on his disappearance or the potential insecurity of the house.

2019-09-11, 09:53 AM
Thomas shakes his head when you ask about visitors, and then pours both you and him a cup of lemonade. After taking a quick sip he says "Well, my uncle was, or is, or... I'm not sur. However, last I saw him he was balding, with white hair, average height, and he always wore large round spectacles."

He thinks to himself, "You know, I don't think I ever found those. It's all very strange. Nevertheless, my uncle was always reading. He always had a book in his hand, even at family gatherings, which would often be hosted here, he would spend little time actually talking with us." He sighs wistfully and takes another sip of the lemonade. "But whenever he did come out to talk he would always tell the most wonderful of stories. He was a fledgling author you see, but I'm not sure if he ever published anything.
I'm a bit ashamed to admit that much of my money comes from my family. I still make an honest living, mind you, but I believe Douglas lived off of my grandfather for most of his life."

He then brings out some crackers as well, and quickly adds, "But that wasn't a problem. Everyone loved my uncle, despite his eccentricities, and it's not like he had too many expenditures..." He looks back towards the study, "Well, except for his books..."

2019-09-11, 12:16 PM
Deirdre asks, "I'm sorry, you don't think you've ever found what? His glasses?"

She asks a few other questions, while enjoying her lemonade and crackers. Of course, not all at once:

"Do you have a photograph or a portrait of your uncle?"

"How long have you lived here with your wife? I'm assuming soon after you graduated from the Miskatonic University?"

"What about your grandfather? What did he do to become so successful?"

2019-09-11, 01:19 PM
Arnoldsberg, 3:09 PM, October 1st, 1921

Thomas nods, and adds on. "I'm afraid my uncle absolutely hated being in photos. He couldn't stand, well, standing there for several moments, and invariably having to retake the shot due to some sort of error."

As the conversation continues and his wife is mentioned he smiles commenting "Yes, Mary and I moved here soon after I graduated. I'm an accountant you see, while Mary works as a telephone operator. We make a nice living here, and I get to work at home, so it's quite the life. What about you, what do you do other than be a member of the society?"

As the conversation turns around to you, you may respond however you may like, but eventually you reach the question of his grandfather as Thomas notes that "He worked as a higher-up for Union Pacific. It wasn't anything extreme, but we're not poor thanks to him."

2019-09-11, 02:48 PM
Deidre shrugs at the explanation that her uncle hated photos. She couldn't blame the man for not wanting to stay still for long...

When Thomas asks her about what she does, she says, "I came to Arkham to try my hand at becoming an actress. Perhaps a very famous and well-known one some day!" She smiles with a blush and continues, "I just work at Bee's Diner, but yes. I am playing in the Haunting of Agatha Mae as one of the lead roles." She beams proudly. "We're still rehearsing now, but it'll be a fine show. You should come and see it!"


The lemonade and crackers were almost gone, but Deirdre figured she'd keep asking a few questions just to get to know the young man and his uncle a bit more.

"So what brought you to live here with your uncle? Did he invite you?"

"Do you know what your uncle did in the earlier parts of his life?"

2019-09-11, 04:44 PM
Thomas takes a final sip of his lemonade. "I just might, Mary and I haven't been to a show in the longest time."

He then answers your final two queries with an almost perplexed look upon his face. "Well, it's all rather confusing. When my uncle disappeared, I was asked to check out the house, but upon finding it abandoned, my father offered it to me. He figured that now that Mary and I are going to raise a family I could live here, at least until my uncle returned... but now it seems that's going to become a permanent case."

He offers you the final cracker. "From what I recall he always wanted to write, given his propensity for reading, I guess that makes sense... I don't think he actually wrote anything though, he just... wanted to."

He then adds on "And before you ask, I haven't uncovered any completed manuscripts or unpublished works except for a couple of paper-long unfinished beginnings to stories."

2019-09-11, 04:53 PM
This story took a bit of a turn Deirdre hadn't expected. "Huh, so he had already disappeared before you came here. Um..."

She looks rather perplexed herself. "So, erm. Your father noticed that your uncle was missing? Or someone else did? But they asked you to check the house even though.. they already figured he was missing? How did that all happen?"

2019-09-11, 05:01 PM
Thomas nods, "My father and my uncle corresponded... infrequently, but they were still close despite my uncle's standoffish nature. Nevertheless, my uncle hadn't responded to one of my father's messages in some time, so I, being in Boston at the time, was asked to take a quick train ride to check in on him." He then gestures to the house around him, "And then I found it like this, empty. Well, not exactly like this, it was messier but nevertheless many more rooms were unused." He then chuckles "I expect my uncle used but one room for most of his life."

2019-09-11, 05:11 PM
Deirdre ponders on the matter more and says, "That's still rather strange. I'd hardly think your father could expect you to raise a family here, especially if he expected your uncle to return anytime soon. I mean.. it's a very lovely home and all, but isn't that what he said? Why would he suggest it was a good place to raise a family, if he thought you'd have to leave when your uncle got back?"

2019-09-11, 05:48 PM
He shrugs, "I'm unsure. By that point we had no idea whether he'd be back or not, so my father figured if he did, we could find another home in Arnoldsberg. There are plenty of them close-by."

2019-09-11, 06:02 PM
Deirdre gets up and sighs. "Well, I suppose your father hasn't a clue where he might have gone either..."

She stretches a bit and says, "I'd better take a look at that study, I guess. Speaking of which.. you don't mind if I look through all those books or put them back, do you? I feel like all the clutter will hinder the.. investigation. With the state that the room is in, I feel as though it would be very easy to miss something. Still. I should probably take some notes..."

Of course, our star detective hadn't brought any tools of any sort to help her on this case. Not even a pencil and notepad, which would have likely been at least slightly helpful.

"Um, sorry. Do you have some scrap paper?"

2019-09-11, 06:17 PM
Thomas nods at your request to search around the study. He then gets up to put his plate away, but when you ask about the paper and pencil he looks somewhat concerned. "Um, yes, I think I should have some..." Grasping one of the cabinet drawers he pulls open its contents and hands you a pencil before striding over to another room and producing a notepad. "I hope this is of use!"

2019-09-11, 06:20 PM
Sorry for double posting, I just realized that I completely blanked about the room itself.

Arnoldsberg, 3:13 PM, October 1st, 1921

As Deirdre then enters the room she sees quite clearly that the study is cluttered and piled high with Douglas' books. They're of all shapes and sizes, and on all subjects, identical only in that they were all well cared for. However, you figure that cleaning this whole place up and searching through the study could take basically the rest of the day, is this how you shall begin your investigation (well, excluding conversing with Thomas)?

If so, please give me a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-09-11, 06:55 PM
Um sure. To clarify a bit, she'll take a broad look at everything first, like.. I guess looking for other marks in the dust, check the windows for tampering, get a birds eye view of everything.

spot hidden: [roll0]

Then I guess she'll just work on putting the books away. She'll write down the title, apparent subject if not clear by title, and what page number his uncle seemed to be looking at currently, if any. (not expecting a whole list from you)

Then, attempt to locate the correct place in the library it came from and put it back. I suppose if she isn't sure where it should belong, she'll start some brand new piles of books in a corner of the library or something distinct, but ultimately, the mess of books should hopefully shrink some?

reverse-library use! [roll1]

2019-09-11, 07:43 PM
Ok, long post incoming, because this'll take some time.

Arnoldsberg, 10:37 PM, October 1st, 1921

You've spent around seven hours pouring over, cleaning up, and sorting through all of the books in Douglas Kimball's study. Mary Kimball eventually comes home and the two give you a rather tasty meatloaf meal while you continue your job. The sun sets and you're still loooking through the tomes.

However, you were able to notice that the windows' locks are loose with age, and a determined effort could open them from the outside.

Meanwhile you begin to sort through the books...
Tarzan of the Apes, the part where Jane meets Tarzan
New England Journal of Medicine, discussing the new procedure of blood transfusions
O Pioneers, describing the Swedes
The Interpretation of Dreams, describing the Id, Ego, and Superego
Pygmalion, when he first constructs his sculpture
The idea of Stimulated Radiation Emission from Albert Einstein
The Marne, right as it looks like the British were retreating
Science Today, concerning the enigma machine
and more and more...

Thomas pokes his head in now and again to see how everything is going, but you feel like you're barely making any progress. Nothing here hints to what the burglar actually stole or Douglas Kimball's own whereabouts. Eventually, noticing your despair Thomas comes in as well. "You know, I just remembered! I think my uncle had a journal or something like that, here let me help you look." Even more time passes as you feel weariness wash over you as you're about to turn in and resume your search in the morning when you notice it.

It's not a distinguished book per se, but unlike literally every single other book in his study, this one does not have a title. It's rather small and appears to be... a journal. Realizing this could contain the answers you seek, you head back to your room to pour over its contents.

Arnoldsberg, 11:16 PM, October 1st, 1921

With a brief skim it seems quite clear that Douglas did not lead a very interesting life, and yet, every book that he read seemed to give him immense pleasure. It was as if he was living out a myriad of interesting lives all at the same time, or at least, that's how he describes it in his journal. Eventually, you reach the end wherein Douglas cryptically mentions "reaching a decision" and "joining with my friends below." You happen to ask Thomas for more information about Douglas' disappearance and you realize that this entry is dated the day before Douglas vanished. In addition, other earlier journal entries seem to hint at a network of tunnels beneath the cemetary, inhabited by mysterious "creatures" that Douglas happened to see moving about the cemetary at night. With this new information at hand, you decide to pursue some more leads further in the morning, but for now... you must rest.

Arnoldsberg, 8:37 AM, October 2nd, 1921

You have just finished a most marvelous breakfast of bacon, toast, and eggs, courtesy of Thomas (who appears to actually be a decent chef himself). As while you're eating, he happens to ask. "So, Deirdre, did you happen to find anything?" You notice he seems to be more at ease now that you're on the case. As they await your answer both husband and wife lean in closer.

Again, if you'd like to make any changes or things like that, just let me know.

2019-09-11, 08:01 PM
looks good!

Deirdre still was trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. After all the stuff she did last night, it was so mentally taxing... Still, with around 8 hours of sleep or so, she should be snapping out of it a bit later in the day.

She says to Thomas, "As a matter of fact, his journal seems.. intriguing. He mentioned something about tunnels under the graveyard, and joining his friends below. I think..." she sighs, thinking how strange it sounded and says, "Well. Maybe he wanted to have his own little real life adventure. Maybe he thought something was out there. I wonder if.. maybe there are some old tunnels out there. Maybe he went exploring and got trapped."

"But it's been a year now..." Deirdre lowered her eyes piteously, the implications would be clear enough. If Thomas's uncle went out exploring the graveyard and indeed got trapped in some tunnels, he surely would have dehydrated and starved to death by now.

2019-09-11, 08:22 PM
Thomas' face falls visibly, and Mary turns to her husband, putting her arm around his shoulders. He then looks at you, clearly saddened by the dissapointing news. "I know... I know that this is not entirely what we agreed upon, but can you just maybe look around? See what you can find? I know it's a lot to ask, but it would mean so much to me." He is surprisingly fraught, but then again, part of him seemed to be holding out hope that his uncle was still alive, and that is now gone.

2019-09-11, 08:33 PM
Deirdre nods timidly. "Y-yes.. I suppose I can look around, search for anything that appears to be a hole or tunnel of sorts... Although, I.. don't think it would be wise to venture far inside one myself. I wouldn't want another collapse or, whatever, to trap me too..."

"Will you two still be around the house today? If I find anything, I'll be sure to let you know right away.. Also, um. Would I be able to borrow a lantern, just in case?"

2019-09-11, 08:36 PM
Thomas is taken aback, and Mary gasps in surprise. "You didn't mean actually going down any of these 'tunnels', did you Thomas?"
Thomas' eyes dart back and forth between his wife and his houseguest. "No, not at all, I mean, unless you want to go down there, which clearly you don't. I just meant, maybe ask around, see if anyone else has heard of these tunnels. My uncle was getting on in age, perhaps he saw things that weren't there...?" He trails off as it's quite clear Thomas is just trying to grasp at answers. From the books you saw that Douglas was reading, he appeared to be very much "there."

2019-09-11, 09:01 PM
Deirdre chuckles some, a mixture of nervousness, embarrassment, and relief. "Uh.. oh! Haha.. well, you almost got me there! Getting me to wander off to my doom..." she tries to joke, with a wry blushing smile.

"So, uh.. ask around. I don't think anyone else lives so close to this graveyard, do they?" She gazes off in the direction of the graveyard, regardless of if there is a window or a wall blocking her view. "Hmm, maybe ask a funeral home..? But they probably just worry about the bodies and the families more, no? They probably have no clue either..."

She sighs and stares at the table. "I don't know. I don't think running around asking strangers about tunnels in a graveyard will get me anywhere. Just weird looks..."

"I'd be willing to look around the graveyard though. But of course, if I do find anything, I won't just dive right in. Maybe, considering the nature of your uncle's disappearance, it would be best to get the authorities involved if I find something. You.. did contact the police before about it, didn't you?"

2019-09-11, 10:07 PM
Deirdre chuckles some, a mixture of nervousness, embarrassment, and relief. "Uh.. oh! Haha.. well, you almost got me there! Getting me to wander off to my doom..." she tries to joke, with a wry blushing smile.

The other two look very concerned at the prospect of killing a young woman who's staying in their home, and cannot help but wonder where such dark humor came from.

"So, uh.. ask around. I don't think anyone else lives so close to this graveyard, do they?" She gazes off in the direction of the graveyard, regardless of if there is a window or a wall blocking her view. "Hmm, maybe ask a funeral home..? But they probably just worry about the bodies and the families more, no? They probably have no clue either..."

She sighs and stares at the table. "I don't know. I don't think running around asking strangers about tunnels in a graveyard will get me anywhere. Just weird looks..."

Mary notes that "No, we're about the only folk who live around here. As for a funeral home... there isn't really one in this town, but I'm sure you could find some records in the Library." She looks towards her husband, "Isn't that right, Thomas?"

Thomas simply sputters out a "Yes, that's a... much better plan, but hey, talking to people sometimes works, and Deirdre's an excellent conversationalist!"

There is a window looking out towards the graveyard, and you see a variety of well-kept tombs and gravestones next to lush vegetation.

"I'd be willing to look around the graveyard though. But of course, if I do find anything, I won't just dive right in. Maybe, considering the nature of your uncle's disappearance, it would be best to get the authorities involved if I find something. You.. did contact the police before about it, didn't you?"

Both Mary and Thomas nod assuredly. "I most certainly let them know of my uncle's plight. I just didn't contact them concerning the books..."
Mary then also adds in, "Indeed, although the police department is a bit small, from what I've seen they don't have too many officers... perks of living in a crimeless city, I guess." She chuckles to herself and Thomas smiles as he hears his wife's laughter.

2019-09-11, 10:14 PM
"Hmm, a library... perhaps," Deirdre says with a shrug. "Maybe there could be records of tunnels, used in a war?" She was thinking most likely the revolutionary war. This was probably too far north to have involvement in the civil war. "Maybe the history of this town as it was first started up could be helpful... Do you know of any groundskeepers that tend the graveyard?"

2019-09-11, 11:45 PM
Both Mary and Thomas shrug, but when you ask about the groundskeeper Mary notes that "That'll be Mr. Jefferson, he takes care of the place. Doesn't like talking with strangers too much though."

2019-09-11, 11:47 PM
Deirdre smiles and says, "Well I suppose I'll just have to win him over then, hmm? Where could I find him?"

2019-09-11, 11:56 PM
Deirdre smiles and says, "Well I suppose I'll just have to win him over then, hmm? Where could I find him?"

Thomas just notes simply. "Probably in the graveyard; he spends most of his time there."

2019-09-12, 12:04 AM
Deirdre nods satisfactorily. "Well, I think that settles it then. Not only is there plenty of light to go searching around, but it shouldn't be too warm right now. And Mr. Jefferson is probably out there as well... I think I should go there first, then. So.. will you two be staying at the house in the meantime?" she asks.

I just kind of want to know their plans, especially in case something important comes up. Maybe if I have to go to the town's library, it would also be nice to have a lift.

Assuming we're all squared away, Deirde will change into her other shoes for trekking around the graveyard. I imagine not only might the terrain all not be ideal, but she'd probably do a lot of walking. Plus you never know when you have to run from a zombie! :smalltongue:

2019-09-12, 12:26 AM
You converse with their plans and it seems that Mary still has work again, as does Thomas, but he should be in the house if you need to contact someone. He also informs you of the telephone number for the home, should you need to reach him there as well. Eventually you get ready to head out towards the graveyard.

Arnoldsberg, 9:12 AM, October 2nd, 1921

As you bid goodbye to the Kimball family you notice that it the weather is actually quite nice, with clear skies and the sun passing overhead. Nevertheless, you press on towards the graveyard.

When you arrive you notice in the bright light that it is reasonably well-tended, although the vegetation is quite abundant. There are many tall bushes and ancient trees which dot the spaces between the gravestones and tombs. It's quite clear that the cemetary has been here for many years.

However, as you begin to explore you notice a gardener digging out weeds at the far side of the cemetary.

2019-09-12, 12:53 AM
Deirdre looks about the graveyard a bit, keeping an eye out for any holes or secret tunnels, but to be honest, at the casual pace she was going, especially after spotting the gardener, she just wasn't going to find anything unless it had an arrow outlined in light bulbs pointing toward it. Even then, considering it was day right now, maybe not!

She approaches the gardener, slowing down as she creeps closer, and waits a bit before asking, "Ahem. Uh, hello. Are you Mr. Jefferson?" She attempts a calm, tempered smile for the man. Polite and happy to greet him. But not too enthusiastic.

2019-09-12, 12:58 AM
As you're walking around he turns around, waves a hello, only to resume with his work. As you then actually greet him he looks somewhat taken aback. "Yeah, I'm Jefferson..."


He then turns back to his work, "But I'm kind of busy right now, sorry." He pulls out a weed and begins to move away towards the next site.

2019-09-12, 01:08 AM
ooh, this guy has his own picture! The last two people who had pictures were plotting to kill me! Er, my character. But yeah. Must be important!

Deirdre quickly, agrees, "Yes, I can see that. I am sorry to bother you..." But unfortunately for the working man, she doesn't simply let up that easily.

"But surely you can talk while you are pulling out weeds. Maybe I could even help you out a bit?" Deirdre honestly wasn't dressed for gardening (probably not too bad of a mismatch though, only her clothes would still be fairly nice, and you wouldn't want to ruin them) but she was willing to bargain with the man and even get her hands a bit dirty if it would make him talk.

2019-09-12, 01:10 AM
Well, I guess this is a mix between using Ethos and Logos (seems to be a common mix amongst everyone), so give me either a Charm or Persuade roll.

2019-09-12, 01:26 AM
Let's go with.. persuade!


crit fail time?

2019-09-12, 01:33 AM
Jefferson looks at you strangely, as you mentioned, you're not entirely dressed for it. So he notes, "I'd prefer to work in peace, if you don't mind. I'm not in the mood for a chat." and resumes his gardening, heading off deeper into the graveyard (but still... around).

2019-09-12, 02:23 AM
Deirdre wasn't about to give up so easily. She practically ran after the man and said, "Please! I - I'm not just here for a chat! This is important! A missing man! Surely you knew of Douglas Kimball, who lived in that house right over yonder? His - his nephew is worried sick! We just need some answers, please!"

looks like you went to bed, so.. sorry if you were gonna say no. Just posting this to have an IC thing for you.

This is my best shot at an emotional appeal. No deals or logic. So this time I'll roll charm.


2019-09-12, 02:29 AM
I think you've already marked down Charm, so sadly that can't be improved. Weirdly this also struck me as being persuade-y, but indeed there was much more charm apparent.

He sets down his shovel and looks towards you, then off where the Kimball residence is. "Ok, guess I can talk for a bit." He sits on a gravestone. "What'd you wanna know about him?"

2019-09-12, 02:35 AM
don't think you told me to check off charm yet. Was it for calming down Thomas?

"Well.." Deirdre begins. "We actually uncovered his journal last night. In it he mentioned.. seeing things out here, in the graveyard at night. And he also mentioned tunnels. Supposedly there's a secret network of tunnels under this graveyard.."

"I was just wondering if you knew anything about these tunnels. Or, if you had ever seen Douglas searching around out here?"

2019-09-12, 02:42 AM
Hmmm... apparently I did not, and I just realized why, you're all good. Neverthless now you may check-mark it. Also, as you're talking with him, just give me a general Psychology roll to gauge his personality.

Jefferson looks confused and shakes his head, tapping his foot as he talks to you, "Don't know anything about no tunnels, but as for Mr. Kimball, why he was a rather kind soul." Jefferson then stares off deeper into the graveyard. "He'd tell me the most wonderful stories 'bout foreign lands. I'd be gardening n' he'd be reading. We'd talk about everything, from politics, to the weather. He'd always sit on that stone right over there." Jefferson then points towards a nondescript tombstone in the deepest portion of the graveyard, before glancing back towards his work.
He then turns back towards you, patting his thigh anxiously. "I haven't seen nothing strange tho 'round here. N' I've been workin' for twenty years. No matter what any of 'em papers say..." He trails off, but feeling that the conversation is done (no matter if Deirdre feels the same), he walks off, glad to be from the "distraction," and return to his labors.

2019-09-12, 03:05 AM
Alright. Psychology? [roll0]

Deirdre smiles and says with a nod, "I've heard nothing but the same. A kind man and great story teller.."

Seemed the man had very little else to say and really wanted to get back to his work, but the very last thing he said was weird to Deirdre. She follows again and asks, "I'm sorry. The papers? You mean newspapers?"

2019-09-12, 03:51 AM
Jefferson seems to be getting a bit irked by her presence. "'Course the newspapers, what other papers... look, can you please stop followin' me. I've got work that needs doing. I'm sure they've got copies at the library or somethin'."

As you press on after him please give me a Spot Hidden roll.

2019-09-12, 04:05 AM
"Yes, um.. Sorry... And if you want to stop by the house today for lunch or dinner, you're more than welcome to."

spot hidden: [roll0]
Let me guess... it's one of the stolen books in his pockets! :smalltongue:

The man was getting annoyed, and Deirdre felt that was about all she could get from him anyway. After letting Mr. Jefferson get back to his business, she heads over to the particular stone he pointed out: the one Douglas Kimball usually sat at. Maybe there was something special about it?

She reads the stone and any of the nearby surrounding stones and does a pretty thorough search of the area, with her imagination running wild. Secret passages, hidden tunnels, how would you hide one of those? A secret button of some kind? Would one of these stones merely slide aside...?

Probably nothing here. I would think the entire graveyard is too huge to do any kind of reliable and thorough search, but I suppose if there was any one location to pinpoint all of one's focus on, it would be this one spot, given it was Douglas's favorite spot, apparently.

Another spot hidden! [roll1]

2019-09-12, 04:08 AM
Deirdre looks around, but there really isn't anything here. The old tomb has been worn away by age and weather, so she does note that it would be the perfect place to perch and read a book. It's impossible, however due to the weathering, to work out who is buried beneath the tomb. She continues to look around, but turns up nothing.

2019-09-12, 04:20 AM
Deirde sighs and decides to head back to the house. Before when she talked to Thomas and Mary, it seemed the library might hold some answers. Now, the library seemed to be the best chance to get some results in a timely fashion.

Deirdre lets herself in the house and calls out to Thomas, just to let him know she came back.


"Well you were right, Mr. Jefferson doesn't seem to be much of a talker, but I got a little out of him. He doesn't know anything about tunnels, but.. it seems, perhaps, there are some stories in the newspapers regarding this graveyard. Looking around at the library is probably our best bet..."

Deirdre asks if there's anything like a bicycle she can borrow or a ride she can take to get to the Arnoldsberg Library. Otherwise it would be a long walk there...

"Oh, by the way. I did invite Mr. Jefferson over here for lunch or dinner. Not that I really expect he'll show up, but try not to act surprised." She blushes and apologizes saying, "I'm sorry he just seemed to get so.. agitated by my pestering him after a while. I felt kind of bad. Maybe if he comes over, something else might come to his mind though. Or at least, he could say a few kind words. Seems he really liked your uncle..." she smiles wistfully at Thomas.

2019-09-12, 10:37 AM
Thomas calls back down, "Sounds good, I wish you the best of luck! And of course, there's one in the back." As you mention dinner and lunch, his voice becomes more shaky. "Um... ok, well I don't think he'll show up, but, um thanks for letting me know!"

You then rush off towards the library.

Arnoldsberg, 10:35 AM, October 2nd, 1921

You enter the library, which, while rather small, is still sizable considering the size of this small town. Soon you begin to look over periodicals and other books related to possible tunnels in the graveyard. However, there are quite a few books to get through...

Please give me a Library Use roll as you spend time reading and researching!

2019-09-12, 12:43 PM
Time for the real library use roll!


2019-09-12, 02:03 PM
Arnoldsberg, 12:10 PM, 1921, October 2nd

You look through all of the periodicals, but in all honesty, you've barely turned up anything. The town prints a surprisingly large amount of news, but very little of it is of any relation to either Douglas Kimball, the burglary, or the graveyard.

You may Push the roll if you so wish, but otherwise, that's all that you uncover.

2019-09-12, 02:09 PM
I don't know what pushing the roll will do in this case? I hear it's supposed to make the consequence for failure worse than just failing? So any hint of what might happen? Will mannequins attack me, politely informing me the library is closed?

But in any case, had a slightly better idea.

Deirdre sighs once again. More books, more libraries. She wasn't getting anywhere!

There had to be something.. someone.. wait! Newspapers didn't just write themselves! (unlike what Silas seemed to think) Deirdre figured she'd have better luck trying to talk to someone who wrote these newspaper articles.

With a bit of hope and more glee in her step, she sets out looking for the newspaper office. Perhaps after asking the librarian or a few nice passerbys, she is set on the right course...

2019-09-12, 02:13 PM
I don't know what pushing the roll will do in this case? I hear it's supposed to make the consequence for failure worse than just failing? So any hint of what might happen? Will mannequins attack me, politely informing me the library is closed?

But in any case, had a slightly better idea.

Deirdre sighs once again. More books, more libraries. She wasn't getting anywhere!

There had to be something.. someone.. wait! Newspapers didn't just write themselves! (unlike what Silas seemed to think) Deirdre figured she'd have better luck trying to talk to someone who wrote these newspaper articles.

With a bit of hope and more glee in her step, she sets out looking for the newspaper office. Perhaps after asking the librarian or a few nice passerbys, she is set on the right course...

Indeed, basically you're provided with the opportunity to roll again by doing things like spending more time, being more aggressive, getting help, etc... but if you fail. Something worse happens than just... "You Fail!" Sadly I cannot really provide the fact that it will most certainly take more time (which is actually kinda a hint, now that I think about it).

You quickly rush around, and are immediately pointed towards the Arnoldsberg Advertiser. Wasting no time at all, you leave the shelves of books and periodicals and bike over towards the building.

Arnoldsberg, 12:19 PM, October 2nd, 1921

As you head into the Arnoldsberg Advertiser you find yourself immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activity going on in the small building. It seems quite clear that things are rather chaotic in this place. However, as you enter, one of the workers, comes up to you and remarks in one long breath. "Why hello there, I'm Artie Mallory, and I'm afraid that we're a bit busy at the moment, but why don't you come back tomorrow, I'm sure that you'll be able to... ask any questions or do whatever it is you want to do when we're much less busy, thanks, bye!" She then starts turning away from you to resume her work.

2019-09-12, 02:21 PM
Quickly addressed and left alone and ignored again, Deirdre could not even form a response before Artie left. It was too fast, even for her. She stood there and just blinked, but she wasn't leaving.

She took several minutes to take it all in, watch each person, see what they were doing. Maybe she could even eavesdrop on a conversation...

Does Deirdre have any idea why these people seem so busy? Just a normal workday? If so... tomorrow wouldn't be good either. Not like she has until tomorrow.

Also. Eavesdropping go! Listen: [roll0]

2019-09-12, 02:26 PM
Quickly addressed and left alone and ignored again, Deirdre could not even form a response before Artie left. It was too fast, even for her. She stood there and just blinked, but she wasn't leaving.

She took several minutes to take it all in, watch each person, see what they were doing. Maybe she could even eavesdrop on a conversation...

Does Deirdre have any idea why these people seem so busy? Just a normal workday? If so... tomorrow wouldn't be good either. Not like she has until tomorrow.

Also. Eavesdropping go! Listen: [roll0]

I should note, and this was my bad for not making it clearer, that you do have like a single moment if you would like to respond. So let me know if you'd like to before I make my next post.

2019-09-12, 02:35 PM
Alrighty. Let's shelf that listen roll temporarily then.

Deirdre chuckles and says, "When is a newspaper company like yours not busy? Have you eaten lunch yet?"

2019-09-12, 04:24 PM
Being personable (a shocking action for Deirdre), so I think that calls for... a Charm roll!

2019-09-12, 04:34 PM
If this game didn't have realistic limits, I'd have a charm rating of 140% by now. :smallsmile:


If it fails, then let's go plan B with the observing and listening?

2019-09-12, 04:43 PM
Artie looks back towards the typists clicking and clacking away. "I'm sorry. You're right, things have just been a little stressful. One moment, please." As she looks around to all of the workers she shouts out "LUNCH BREAK! YOU HAVE FIFTEEN MINUTES!" She then turns back to you, "Sorry, but we're about to print. I'm just a little bit anxious. What did you want, exactly?" She still seems rather focused on her work, darting glances back to her desk every now and then (despite it being a lunch break), but nonetheless, she's willing to assist you!

2019-09-12, 09:33 PM
Deirdre smiles and says, "Hi, I'm Deirdre McCoy. Are you always this anxious right before you are about to print or..? Well, I guess it's not my business..." She shrugs, and if Artie wants to tell what's bothering her, Deirdre will listen but ultimately when it gets down to what she is here about:

"So, I was trying to help out Thomas Kimball.. I'm not sure if the name rings a bell to you. The nephew of Douglas Kimball? He lives in that house way over by the graveyard. Apparently he disappeared about a year ago. And I've got to admit, I've come up dry. My only hope is.. well, it seems there have been some strange stories in the paper regarding the graveyard? Only, I was having a heck of a time finding them in the city's library. I was wondering if you knew anything about that, or could point me in the right direction?"

The explanation was kind of long and rambling and in all honestly was quite a long shot for finding a missing person, but still Deirdre looked hopefully at the woman.

2019-09-12, 09:39 PM
The woman seems to just nod along while Deirdre talks, but eventually says "Well, your best bet would be to check in our morgue. Any old articles about the graveyard would be there." She points you towards a set of stairs that leads down into the basement of the library.

2019-09-12, 09:41 PM
"Your morgue..?" Deirdre asks, bewildered. "You call the place where you store your old papers your morgue?"

2019-09-12, 09:45 PM
Artie looks at you confusedly but then shakes her head, realizing that this woman is clearly not acclimated to the world of journalism. "Yeah... ya' know, just in case we need to pull out something for a lata' investigation."

2019-09-12, 09:51 PM
Deirdre nods sheepishly, but a smile soon grows on her face. "Ah, I see. Alright then. So.. I really wouldn't know what I'm doing. Is it.. organized in a certain way? Or.. do you think you could just take a few minutes to point me in the right area? Oh, please, it would make such a great story, wouldn't it?"

She gazes outward in the distance, through buildings, objects, and people and stretches an arm out, as if going over a large title. "Man Missing One Year Found in Secret Graveyard Tunnels"

2019-09-12, 09:52 PM
Now this sounds more like a Persuade, so please give me one of those rolls. We'll say that you spend some time convincing her to help you.

2019-09-12, 09:55 PM
Sure I guess! Probably not a huge oration, but Deirdre can go over some of the more interesting details of the case and what a great story it could be!

persuade: [roll0]

2019-09-12, 10:08 PM
Artie listens but stares towards Deirdre, somewhat concerned. "Yeah... I'm sure it'd make a great story... but I have to get to work, maybe some other time." She then heads back to her desk and quickly begins typing away.

2019-09-12, 10:15 PM
'Well it was worth a shot...'

"Well, thanks. I guess I'm lucky you'd even let me look in there..." Deirdre gets up and heads toward the 'morgue'. Hopefully there were only dead stories in there, not dead people!

Hm now what? Is it yet another kind of library use roll? Or. Perhaps a description first? I dunno.

2019-09-12, 11:13 PM
You descend into the morgue, and as you enter the cool, dank, basement, you are accosted by a great number of shelves for all manner of files. You cannot help but feel wary at the task before you, but nevertheless, you persist.

As you suspected, I do in fact need a Library Use roll to search through all of these files.

2019-09-12, 11:19 PM
Well, maybe if I try enough library use rolls over this adventure ONE will succeed??


2019-09-12, 11:24 PM
Arnoldsberg, 2:46 PM, October 2nd, 1921

Exasperated by the sheer amount of reading that was going on, Deirdre was at this point most certainly flummoxed. After reading the tenth article about how a dog escaped town and it's owners were terrified about its whereabouts, she almost considered her case hopeless.

Please give me an Idea (Intelligence) roll, you may also Push the Library Use roll, should you so choose.

2019-09-12, 11:49 PM
Is there a way to determine how this library is organized? Like is it just by date, or are there different sections that contain different parts of the newspaper? (like sports, weather, ads, politics, comics)?

Is there any conceivable way to narrow this down and "describe" a better way of searching through this library, or am I just going to have to rely on a d100?

I'm thinking targeting newspapers dated back 20 years ago?

2019-09-13, 12:52 AM
Is there a way to determine how this library is organized? Like is it just by date, or are there different sections that contain different parts of the newspaper? (like sports, weather, ads, politics, comics)?

Is there any conceivable way to narrow this down and "describe" a better way of searching through this library, or am I just going to have to rely on a d100?

I'm thinking targeting newspapers dated back 20 years ago?

Indeed, they are organized by year, so if you'd like to give me a... 5-year range or so of when you'd be looking I'd happily give you a bonus die. However, if any pertinent information is outside this range of course, well, then that'll be no dice.

2019-09-13, 01:16 AM
Deirdre's brain is fried after several mindnumbing hours of fruitlessly searching through the public library and then more hours of sifting through irrelevant news articles. How was she ever going to find a speck of information in all this? Her sigh could not be more pronounced within the empty basement. She trudged up the stairs of the busy news office and shuffled her way outside without looking up from the ground. The sun was blinding outside, and she winced. It was a while until her eyes were adjusted to the outside again.

Deirdre visits a small cafe and has a bite to eat. Some iced tea and new england clam chowder really hit the spot. As she sat there at her small table, unwinding and enjoying the sun and fresh air, she eventually came up with a couple other ideas to try tackling this case. Not that she had high hopes for either of them.

On one hand, she could try visiting some drug stores and supermarkets. Now that she recalls, sometimes when she visited them there were little miniature newspapers there - tabloids (Apparently "tabloids" began as mini newspapers in the uk around the 1880s?). Sometimes they had the most sensational, outrageous titles. Maybe that's what Mr. Jefferson meant...

The other idea...Ok fine. If nothing bad is going to happen if I try an idea roll, I'll make one:


Welp, nevermind.

Maybe there was a museum in town? Nope. On the other hand, she didn't think there was one here. drat.

2019-09-13, 02:27 AM
As Deirdre happens to be eating, please give me a Credit Rating or Appearance roll (I have a feeling I know which one she'll pick).

2019-09-13, 02:34 AM
Ah, let's see... my meager 20% credit rating...? (well tbh if it was 20% BEFORE emberhead, it ought be like 10% now lol)

Or my stunning looks? Hmm, decisions decisions...

Appearance: [roll0]

And just to save some time, will little tabloid newspapers be existing in this town? My idea doesn't even need to find something blatant like GRAVEYARD GREMLINS STRIKE AGAIN, but I'm just looking for any kind of tabloid paper with some sensational title like that...

2019-09-13, 08:47 AM
That's actually probably true concerning your credit rating, but on the other hand... I think the text also mentions that you didn't bring all of your cash and valuables with you, and that you wouldn't suffer greatly economically if all of your luggage was lost.

As you're stopping to eat your clam chowder, and looking through a couple of sensationalist magazines (while they do exist, none of them seem to discuss the graveyard, at least none that you find with a quick skim), an old woman approaches you. "Why hello there, now what's your name? I don't think I've seen you around this town before." She stands next to your table clutching a saucer with a cup of tea.

2019-09-13, 09:58 AM
Deirdre looks up, completely not expecting to be approached by a spry old woman. She puts down the magazine, hoping the woman doesn't think that she's actually seriously reading it. She smiles and says, "Oh, hello. My name's Deirdre. And no, I'm not from around here. I'll be heading back to Arkham tomorrow.."

Great, step 1) find a sensationalist magazine.

step 2) Yes, I have a step 2 and 3. :smallamused:

2019-09-13, 10:11 AM
The woman looks surprised, "All the way from Arkham, really? Now what're you out here for?" She pulls back the chair, then looks back towards you. "You don't mind if I sit here do ya'? I could use a bit of company."

2019-09-13, 10:18 AM
"No, not at all. I guess I could use some company too.." Deirdre says, with a weary sigh. "I was just.. trying to help a friend..."

She didn't really want to go into too many details, considering the lady was a complete stranger and not really on a need to know basis. "His uncle disappeared a year ago, and now he's had a strange sort of break in.. or at least he thinks... And I've got nothing, really."

She chuckles. "I'm down to looking at this magazine. Maybe I can try to call up one of the authors..."

2019-09-13, 10:35 AM
The old woman thinks to herself, and then suddenly a spark of recognition comes to her eyes, "Ah, you don't mean Douglas, do ya'? He was such a kind man. I always saw him heading to the cemetary, books under his arm. Forever reading he was..." She takes a sip of her tea. "I'm sorry, where are my manners, I'm Mrs. O'Dell, and what's your name miss?"

2019-09-13, 11:02 AM
Deirdre nods, a bit surprised. "Yes, that was him, Douglas Kimball. "

She already gave her first name but says again, "Deirdre McCoy. Nice to meet you Mrs. O'Dell." She smiles warmly.

"So.. how did you know him? A neighbor perhaps?"

2019-09-13, 01:49 PM
The old lady smiles, clearly unaware of this fact. "Nice to meet you Miss McCoy, you have such nice manners!"

She then looks off into the direction of the graveyard and also the Kimball household. "Yes, I knew him. Although didn't he pass away? I remember some police puttin' up several flyers, but those didn't last very long." She then turns back towards you. "You know, I think that his nephew, Thomas, I believe, inherited his house. Have you talked to him?"

2019-09-13, 02:01 PM
Deirdre nods. "I talked to Thomas, yes. But you think his uncle passed away? Thomas told me he mysteriously vanished..."

She shrugs. Maybe the old lady had a bad memory or simply assumed something? "So the fliers, they had no picture of Douglas, right? How long were they up for?"

2019-09-13, 02:12 PM
Mrs. O'Dell shrugs, "Well, I'm not really sure, I just haven't seen him in a couple years is all." She stirs her tea with a small spoon. "I think they were up for a couple days, there wasn't any photo, no, but they did have his description. If I recall correctly he had a very big white beard, no, that's not right, he was clean shaven. I think he was bald though. Oh! Yes! He had these very thick and round glasses that he always wore."

2019-09-13, 03:12 PM
"That's kind of strange, the flyers only being up for a few days," Deirdre remarks. "Maybe I'd better ask the police department if they found something..."

Although at this point she wasn't sure what help that would be. Obviously if the police found Douglas or had any significant lead, they would have investigated and informed Thomas, wouldn't they have?

"Wait. You hadn't seen Douglas in a couple years? Are you sure?" She looks at Mrs. O'Dell, with some concern.

2019-09-13, 03:47 PM
"That's kind of strange, the flyers only being up for a few days," Deirdre remarks. "Maybe I'd better ask the police department if they found something..."

Although at this point she wasn't sure what help that would be. Obviously if the police found Douglas or had any significant lead, they would have investigated and informed Thomas, wouldn't they have?

"Wait. You hadn't seen Douglas in a couple years? Are you sure?" She looks at Mrs. O'Dell, with some concern.

Mrs. O'Dell nods sagely. "Yes, I think it was maybe last January that I saw him last, I think he was heading out to the graveyard to read again."

2019-09-13, 03:54 PM
Deirdre sighs and says, "Well, thanks for the information..." She wasn't sure how much she could believe Mrs. O'Dell, but perhaps a quick visit to the police station would be in order.

Deirdre sits with Mrs. O'Dell a while longer, perhaps making a little small talk. But eventually, it's off to the police station!

2019-09-13, 04:00 PM
Arnoldsberg, 4:09 PM, October 2nd, 1921

After talking with the Mrs. O'Dell, you walk over towards the Police Station. It's not entirely full to the brim, but the occupants are nevertheless quite busy, filling out and reading over forms. As you enter the desk officer looks up for a moment from his work only to return to it, asking "I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm rather busy, could you please come again tomorrow?"

2019-09-13, 06:18 PM
Yet another busy, busy person in this very small town... "I can wait a bit, but.. I'm sorry, I don't have until tomorrow! Is there anyone here that can help me? It won't take long.."

Deirdre looks at him with her best puppy eyes.

well you guessed it!

Charm: [roll0]

2019-09-13, 06:19 PM
Well, that's an Extreme success...

The desk officer looks up into her eyes and almost immediately slams his papers down on the desk. "Well, um, yes, I... suppose I spare a few minutes to assist a young woman such as yourself in great need." He steps out from behind the desk and you cannot help but notice it appears he's puffed out his chest... "How can I help you, madam?"

2019-09-13, 08:45 PM
"It's about Douglas Kimball," Deirdre begins. "His nephew invited me over for the weekend to look into his disappearance. You all - that is, the police department - were already contacted about this maybe around a year ago, at the time of his disappearance. And obviously he still hasn't been found. But I was just wondering.. did anyone find any sort of clue or puzzling piece of information? And why were the flyers taken down after such a short time if he wasn't found?"

2019-09-14, 01:43 AM
The man quickly shakes his head, "Uh... no ma'am. Nothing was ever found. We circulated his photo around for weeks or so along with a description. A missing person's report was filed. I assure you, we tried everything that we could!" He seems obviously like he wants to please you with better information, but it seems that will not be the case.

2019-09-14, 01:54 AM
Deirdre looks a bit disappointed. Well, everything she's tried has come up as a disappointment, except for finding that journal... "But.. I was talking to Mrs. O'Dell... if you happen to know her. She said the flyers were only up for a few days. Is that right?"

"Wait, did you say you had a photo?"

2019-09-14, 02:15 AM
The officer shakes his head, "Uh, no ma'am, and if you ask me, Mrs. O'Dell is a bit..." he makes a circular motion with his finger towards his head. "And... umm... I think so, just give me a moment to..." He rushes into the back room, before returning a couple moments later holding an old photograph.


"I think this should be right. We sent this out along with his description." He looks at you, almost afraid of what you might say. "Is that alright, ma'am? Can I help you with anything else?"

2019-09-14, 02:23 AM
Deirdre kind of frowned and nodded when the officer mentioned Mrs. O'Dell. She had a feeling her memory wasn't too great...

Then, after he leaves and returns with a photograph, she beams at him. "Oh wow! I heard it was so hard to take a picture of this man..." She studies the photograph intently before saying, "Well thank you for letting me see that. Hm. Come to think of it, I'm just curious.. Where did you manage to get a photograph of him, if he hated taking them?"

2019-09-14, 04:40 PM
The police officer nods, "That's what we heard at first, but after a great amount of digging, we managed to contact Mr. Kimball's brother, who happened to have a photo. We thought it would lead to something, but we weren't able to eventually find anything. So the case went cold, and still no signs of him have been discovered."

2019-09-14, 06:00 PM
Deirdre shakes her head with some sadness. "Well.. that is too bad. Thank you, sir. You've been such a nice help. I appreciate someone in this town giving me more than just a wave towards a library.. um, what was your name?"

After he tells her his name she introduces herself, with of course a smile. "I'm Deirdre McCoy, currently living in Arkham. It's some hours away. If you like theater, you should try and see the showing of The Haunting of Agatha Mae. I'll be in that one. Maybe I could even pull some strings and get you a front row seat." Deirdre smiles at him and winks.

She looks like she's about to go, maybe say a final farewell, but definitely has something on her mind. "Hey, I was thinking. Since you've been so helpful, and maybe there's a slim chance.. have you heard any rumors about strange sightings in the graveyard or tunnels underneath it? Supposedly there were some stories in the newspapers, but I just wasn't able to find them..."

2019-09-14, 06:08 PM
The officer quickly says, "Ripley, I'm Ripley ma'am. Officer Ripley Dern." As you mention the theater he notes, "Why that would be wild, Miss McCoy. I've always loved the theater, the way that the actors... act... and, um, it's amazing!"

As you make your final statement, he's about to return to his seat when he notes that "A couple of years ago, maybe six or seven, there were reports of some strange noises, coming from around there in the middle of the night. Patrols looked into it, passing every day in the morning for a couple weeks or so, I think. However nothing was ever seen... It was as quiet as a grave!" He smiles broadly, trying his best to get this woman to laugh.

2019-09-14, 09:05 PM
Deirdre could sense that maybe the younger officer didn't really know much about theater.. or perhaps he just was losing his way with words. "Well I'm glad to hear it," she says mirthfully as he describes the way he loved amazing actors act.

At his joke, Deirdre hardly laughs, perhaps it was more like a quick snort, but that plus a widened smile means she at least acknowledged the joke. "Quiet as a grave, you don't say..?"

She ponders for a bit and then says with a shrug, "Well, I can't think of a better one," another grin forming on her face, accompanied by an airy chuckle.

"Thank you so much for your time, Ripley..." She smiles once again with a slight blush on her face, and before leaving, writes something down on a scrap of paper and gives it to the officer. It was her phone number.

'He might not be the brightest or the best looking, but he was so sweet...'

Ok. That might be interesting later.

I wonder: I've at least got a much smaller date to sort through, with it being 6-7 years ago. Would there be time to go back into the newspaper office morgue and search within that time frame?

One bonus die, or maybe even two? :smallbiggrin:

2019-09-14, 09:14 PM
As Deirdre leaves, she notices Ripley, after he thinks that she's turned away, read over the phone number for her apartment. It would be a long-distance call, but he was fine with the cost... (Keeper now looks up information about telephones in the 1920s, EDIT: Keeper thinks that's... sorta accurate)

Arnoldsberg, 4:48 PM, October 2nd, 1921

Deirdre entered the still busy, but the winding-down building of the Arnoldsberg Advertiser, waving a quick greeting to Artie she descended back down into the morgue. It didn't seem that anyone else had been in here, as all of the "information" she had uncovered was still where she last had it laid out upon the table, but now she had come with a plan. Quickly she scanned all of the notes from the journalists and reporters in the years 1914 and 1915, and she set to work.

I did say a 5-year time-span, so I'm ok with providing 2 bonus dice for this Pushed Library Use roll.

2019-09-14, 09:18 PM
Wow, long distance for a few hours drive away? Well, I guess so. It's 1920!

Ok dice, please don't fail me now!!

Wait, let me sacrifice a goat first.

library use [roll0]

bonus 1: [roll1]

bonus 2: [roll2]

And also please benevolent DM, don't make my eyes fall out, or give me paper cuts or.. uh.. get a permanent hunch. Deirdre can take a hint when it's time to call it quits, I promise! :smallbiggrin:

2019-09-15, 12:08 AM
Don't speak so soon! Also apparently if it's not in like the same city it's considered long distance. This may not be the case (the amount of research I did sadly is not as much as I would have liked), but for now we'll run with it.

Arnoldsberg, 5:58 PM, September 2nd, 1921

Finally, the ruckus above had died down and Deirdre was able to get some actual peace and quiet around the newspaper building so she could actually search, and that's when she found it! There seemed to be a reference to something... strange. A reference to something else: "All information related to the cemetery can be found in the 1909 article."

Immediately confused by this piece of information, Deirdre rushes over and begins to search through 1909 instead, and that's when she finds it:

Please give me a Spot Hidden roll

However, emerging from the morgue, it's suddenly apparent why it has been so quiet. As you reach the top of the stairs you notice that the Advertiser is entirely empty. Quickly you try the door, only to realize that you must've been mistakenly locked in due to today's chaos...

2019-09-15, 05:26 AM
Spot hidden: [roll0]

Finally, a bit of something! But it wasn't that much. No secret tunnels, no magical creatures.. just, who knows? Naked people partying, or a person seeing things? This still wasn't going to be enough to find Thomas's uncle, she was afraid...

Coming back up to the main room, Deirdre comes to a realization. She was locked in! My how time flies.

Well, maybe getting out was a simple matter of unlocking the door from the inside? There had to be a latch or something on this door...

2019-09-15, 09:27 AM
You try the door, but it doesn’t budge in the slightest. It seems that you’ve been locked in.

2019-09-15, 12:59 PM
I know I'm "trying" the door. To me that just says simply trying to open it. Since I'm on the inside, I'm specifically looking for a way to unlock it from the inside. Even though this is the 1920s, I seriously doubt many locks wouldn't have that kind of feature?

2019-09-15, 01:00 PM
Please give me a Mechanical Repair roll to see if you can identify that feature in this door.

2019-09-15, 01:01 PM
Oh boy. I'm guessing it isn't just a simple little flip switch then. Well thanks for the very slim opportunity! :smalltongue:


2019-09-15, 01:03 PM
Well then! You may check mark the box next to Mechanical Repair.

You begin fooling around with the door, you honestly have very little idea of how this device is supposed to work, but hey, if you fiddle something for long enough, maybe you'll get it to work! And work it you do, as the lock clicks open and you push the door as well. Now the question is... where to next?

2019-09-15, 01:14 PM
No door or chains can contain Deirdre!! :smallfurious:

lol ok. But on a more serious note, I think she's just about to throw in the towel.. :smallfrown:

With a sigh of relief, Deirdre figures out how to unlock that blasted door. She turns around and looks at the building entrance for a bit contemplating if she should attempt to relock it? But that would just be.. ugh, impossible? Well it was a small town and no one was probably going to even try to get inside. She shrugs and gets on her bicycle. It was time to head back to the Kimball home...

Deirdre had quite a long day. She talked to numerous people and sifted through countless books and news articles. And even though she heard and discovered a bit more information, it just wasn't going anywhere. Her mind was frazzled, and it wandered as she rode back to the house she was staying at. Thinking about it all, the situation really did seem hopeless.

Once back to the home, she puts the bicycle where it belonged behind the house, knocks on the door, and lets herself in. Deirdre was just hoping maybe to get some dinner and crash on the nice bed. Or maybe just a nap, seeing as it was kind of early. Of course, Mary and Thomas would likely be in the house waiting for good news as well. But unfortunately, she didn't really have anything useful to tell them...

2019-09-15, 01:22 PM
Arnoldsberg, 6:12 PM, October 2nd, 1921

As Deirdre enters, both Mary and Thomas are preparing for dinner: a nice meal of mutton, potatoes, beets, and a roll. Thomas looks over and sees Deirdre's face, "Is everything ok? Were you able to find anything about my uncle?"

Meanwhile, you happen to notice that the table is set for four, as Mary comments: "Oh, I heard from Thomas that you said Mr. Jefferson might be coming over, is that not the case?"

2019-09-15, 01:30 PM
Yes, Deirdre looks not only very tired but dejected. Luckily, what was pretty much a bad day was not turned into a terrible day by being locked inside a business... She just shakes her head morosely. "Well.. no..."

"The best thing I found was a photo they have of your uncle at the police station." She manages a small smile just thinking of the officer but doesn't mention him. "And.. there was one news article in 1909 about someone, maybe your uncle, who thought they saw naked people dancing in the graveyard?"

She sits down at the table not noticing how it was set, propping her head up with her hands and emits a long, pained sigh. "Basically found nothing. My head feels like it's going to explode..." bit of an exaggeration, but she was getting a headache.

She looks up a bit confused as Mary speaks. "Oh, Mr. Jefferson..? Ah, maybe! I... honestly don't know if he'd actually come over. But right, that's what I said.. he might..." she nods a bit and then resumes staring at the table, almost ready to take a nap in her arms.

2019-09-15, 01:44 PM
As you mention him, the gardener bursts through the door. "It was open." You hear from the foyer. Both of the Kimballs look at each other with mild uncertainty but nevertheless, Melodias Jefferson shuffles into the dining room, looking slightly less disheveled than earlier, but he's not exactly in his "Sunday's best" either. "Evening." He mutters as he simply sits down in the fourth chair, and then looks towards Deirdre. "Thanks for inviting me, mighty kind of you."

Please give me a Spot Hidden roll.

Both of the Kimballs nod as Thomas agrees, "Why, of course! We're happy to have you Mr. Jefferson..." He struggles to find the words, "How... have you been?"
Mary then nods along with her husband, "Yes! We haven't really spoken in some time, or... at all, really."
Jefferson begins to dig into the mutton, talking between bites, "Good *chomp*. I've been good."
Thomas then turns towards you, "Well, Deirdre... as you were-" "*crunch*" "-saying, that's more than I've found. You've managed to find his journal, along with this photo, and that's been a great help. I was wondering though, while you were-" "*chew*" Thomas cringes at the sound of Melodias' sloppy eating, while his wife cannot seem to make eye contact with the man. "Searching through my uncle's study, did you find anything that might have shown how the books were stolen?"

Jefferson then points to the food and speaks to Mary. "These are really good, mrm, Mrs. Kimball." She does not dignify the gardener with a response.

2019-09-15, 01:58 PM

Though the bike ride gave Deirdre a little time to mentally unwind somewhat, the groundskeeper's arrival was rather jarring. 'He actually came? He actually came!' she thinks, somewhat surprised, yet hopeful? Maybe the man would be more talkative, more congenial, and.. friendly? She quickly tries to straighten out her hair and unwrinkle her dress. She honestly wasn't looking like her Sunday's best either at this point.

Deirdre carefully gets herself some food, putting it on her plate as she's listening to the others talk (and eat). She replies to Thomas, "Uh.. haven't checked the library at all today. When I looked last night I didn't really see a clue how they might have got in. Looks like maybe the window can be opened from the outside though. Do you normally keep your front door locked?"

As Mr. Jefferson continued to eat loudly, Deirdre blushed. 'Oh. My. God.'

"Well, Mr. Jefferson, I'm glad you made it..." A statement of pure politeness with some truth to it, but that was fading fast. "I'm Deirdre McCoy. And again, I apologize for disturbing you earlier today. It wasn't exactly my hospitality to offer, but I hope it makes up for my rudeness..."

Deirdre looks over to Mary with an 'oh God please don't kill me' look.

2019-09-15, 02:21 PM
You happen to notice, as he comes in and plops down, something in the pocket of his coat it's... a bottle? Yes, the tip of a bottle is peeking out, just for a moment, and it's gone again as he sits down (huh... 1920s with a hidden bottle).

Thomas nods, "Hmmm... I should probably check out that window. Let me see if I can bolster it, or something along those lines. As for my front door, I normally do, but when you were out I decided to leave it open so that way you could easily return." Mr. Jefferson seemed to be drinking lemonade during this time, hence the lack of interruptions.

As you actually speak to him he sets the glass back on the table and resumes eating, only to respond in between bites. "'Course, I'm not going to say no to a free meal, am I right? Those *chomp* were some odd questions though, I mean, Douglas was nice and all, but that was *gulp* some time ago." He then looks towards the other two members of the table. "Sorry for your *burp* loss."

Mary is doing her best to stay reserved, but at that point she simply gets up, and states: "I am done, good night!" and then rushes off, presumably unable to take much more. Although as she looks at you, you get the sense that she doesn't blame you for the gardener's rude behavior.

2019-09-15, 02:41 PM
Deirdre also does her best to stay poised and not say anything. It's not like the man was bad, just.. what, his mother never told him to slow down a bit when he ate, or not talk with his mouth full?? Maybe he just like, hardly ever did anything with other people? She also noticed the bottle. Hm. Perhaps if the man had done something to seriously garner her ire she'd say something, but she remained silent on the matter.

In any case, Deirdre was feeling rather tired and starved, so she wasn't just going to leave without eating something. She also didn't want to leave Thomas all alone. Sticking it out with Mr. Congeniality, Deirdre takes a bite of a beet and deliberately chews it a while and swallows it before speaking. Lead by example? Well probably not going to happen today....

"Yes, they were odd questions... I guess it all seems pretty crazy. With the burglary a few nights ago, I guess we were just thinking it may have been related to Douglas's disappearance? And some of the things in his journal seemed a bit strange, mentioning the graveyard..."

Deirdre shrugs. "With nothing else to go on, all we were left with was crazy and wild goose chases. Still didn't turn up anything, of course..."

She ponders a bit and then asks, "So, um.. you mentioned Douglas talked with you a lot out there. What would you say was his favorite subject?" Though in retrospect, it was probably a bad idea to encourage this man to talk during dinner...

Maybe she could at least get Mr. Jefferson to say some nice things about Thomas's uncle though. If his poor table manners didn't mar what he was saying.

2019-09-15, 03:27 PM
You may check-mark Spot Hidden, and please give me a Psychology roll as well. I'm afraid I can't continue unless I know the result of this roll.

2019-09-15, 03:33 PM
Psychology: [roll0]

Uh oh, sounds important!

2019-09-15, 03:43 PM
Melodias stares at Deirdre as she eats the beet in an incredibly foreign manner (to him). "Uh... yeah." He takes another sip of lemonade. "He uh... was reading something about some man,who would kill people when they came to his castle, or something like that. There was something to do with blood as well..."

Please give me a Know (Education) roll.

Thomas then jumps in, trying to cheer up his "employee", "Well, Deirdre, you've turned up some things, this hasn't all been for naught. And, I should hope that, if I barricade this loose window, maybe this shall not happen again!" He then thinks for a moment and adds in, "Also, maybe, and should you wish not to do this, I understand, I can see the weariness in your eyes, but maybe with all of the strange talk of the graveyard, the thief could be hiding out there at night? They might have been behind whatever weird stories have popped up over the last decade or two." Melodias then stares at Thomas.

"Are you saying that there's some sorta no-good thief, hiding out in my graveyard? Why, I best go get my shovel... actually, maybe after I finish these taters." He then digs in scooping some from Mrs. Kimball's plate ("Why not? She's not going to eat 'em.").

2019-09-15, 03:58 PM
education roll?? [roll0]

"Uh. W-what now??" Deirdre asks confused. "A- a thief out there? Maybe??" Was he asking her to go wandering outside at night looking for a thief in the graveyard? That sounded like a terrible idea...

"I.. I'm really sorry Thomas. I wish I could have found more. You don't have to pay me. May - maybe all of us in that, um, 'society' could come visit in one trip, and I'm sure with three or four of us we could dig up something..."

She looks worriedly at Mr. Jefferson. "I wouldn't think too much of it, Mr. Jefferson. It could be anyone really. Maybe a passerby that just really likes books, or kid playing a prank. The police have been out to the graveyard before and found nobody..."

2019-09-15, 06:30 PM
You think the book being described by Mr. Jefferson is most likely Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Thomas raises his hands up, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested anything, and to be honest with you, I think everything shall be ok. You've done your best, and as I've said, you've left me with my uncle's writings." He then gets up, "I think I should check on Mary, good night Deirdre, and thanks again for all that you've done."

He then gets up, puts his and his wife's plate away, heads into the study, and subsequently departs upstairs after presumably reinforcing the window lock. This leaves you alone with Mr. Jefferson, who's still finishing up the remains of his mutton.

2019-09-15, 06:41 PM
Deirdre sighs and picks at her food, still slowly eating it. Though it seems she wasn't nearly as big an eater as Mr. Jefferson.

"I think that book was called Dracula. You know the vampire, Count Dracula? I suppose it's just one of many stories he talked about..."

Deirdre tried to eat some more of her food, politely mind you, and ignore any uncouth things the other guest does.

Eventually she asks, "You're not going to go out there in the middle of the night, are you?"

2019-09-15, 06:43 PM
The man gives a muffled "Yearh" (no typo) in between the mouthful of food he's swallowing. "And 'course I'm going out again, I gotta get back. What'd you think I'd do?" He stares at Deirdre confused.

2019-09-15, 06:46 PM
Deirdre tries to explain, "Erm. I just didn't think you worked during the night? It's hard to see and all and.. I mean, if it's to look for any would-be robbers.. that's pretty dangerous isn't it?"

2019-09-15, 06:48 PM
The man looks concerned for a moment, but then puts on a stern face. "Yeah, well, I mean, I haven't been out there too much recently, it's getting a bit chilly at night... I doubt I'll spend too much time there." He then quickly adds, "Plus I got me a shovel. So don't you worry *swallow* yourself."

2019-09-15, 06:58 PM
Against her better judgement, Deirdre suggests, "Maybe I should come with you? J-just for tonight? I'll be leaving tomorrow anyway... Some extra light and an extra pair of eyes and ears probably wouldn't hurt..."

Deirdre honestly didn't know why she was even saying this. Obviously wandering around the graveyard at night by herself might seem dangerous, and perhaps the same for Mr. Jefferson. Maybe with two people it wouldn't be so bad?

Something nagged at her worrying for the man's safety. But on the other hand, she told herself there was probably nothing out there anyway.

2019-09-15, 07:17 PM
Arnoldsberg, 7:01 PM, October 2nd, 1921

The gardener shrugs his shoulders and gets out from his chair, leaving the plate on the table. "Just don't be getting in my way, alright?" As he gets up he pulls open his coat (you still notice the liquor bottle) and retrieves a flashlight, before throwing it to you. You barely react fast enough to catch the thing as he grunts out. "Here, now you can help."

Soon he strides out of the Kimball residence, picking up his shovel along the way, and heads into the graveyard to resume his work, not caring whether or not you follow.

2019-09-15, 07:31 PM
Deirdre fumbles with the flashlight but manages to catch it before it falls or hits anything. She just silently nods when he tells her not to get in the way. She hoped that wouldn't happen in any case. It would be pretty hard to hinder this man as he worked if all she really did was follow him around with a light...

Deirdre was just about done eating anyway, so she puts the dirty dishes together (no time to wash them I guess!) and looks around the house for a lantern to take as well. That search likely takes some time, and she tries to light it as well once she finds one, before jogging to catch up with the.. rather unsociable Mr. Jefferson.

2019-09-15, 07:36 PM
You manage to eventually catch up with him, as he simply walks in silence with you carrying the flashlight and the lantern behind you. As you arrive at the graveyard, you cannot help but recall Officer Dern's joke about it being as "silent as a grave," and given the dearth of conversation between you and Mr. Jefferson, it seems rather appropriate.

Eventually, he begins to work, trimming bushes, unearthing weeds, and a variety of other gardener-related activities. It is beginning to get late, as the moon rises higher and higher into the sky.

2019-09-15, 07:42 PM
Deirdre tried to keep her eyes peeled and listened around for noises, almost expecting a person to pop out from behind a tombstone or tree, but seemed it was indeed an uneventful night. And strangely enough, Mr. Jefferson was just pulling weeds and trimming bushes like it was in broad daylight. Well at least the extra light must be helping a lot...

With literally nothing happening save for dull yard work, and the business of the day once again catching up with Deirdre her eyes began to droop. She quietly asks, "Um.. how late do you normally stay out here?"

2019-09-15, 08:57 PM
Arnoldsberg, 7:35 PM, October 2nd, 1921

The gardener spits out gruffly, "Wouldja move the light over there?" Pointing towards a patch of brush. As he moves over and gets back to weeding he notes, "I generally finish around nine; a gardener's work is never done." With his non-trowel hand he gestures around and it is quite evident that despite his rude behavior, he is most certainly an effective gardener. "However, with the cold coming in, I think I'll be closing up sooner..."

Please give me a Psychology roll. Yes, I've asked for this roll a lot, the main thing is that you've encountered him in a variety of different scenarios, so I figure the situation has changed enough to warrant a new roll.

2019-09-15, 08:59 PM
Psychology: [roll0]

2019-09-15, 09:00 PM
You pass the time with Jefferson, helping him out as the moon gets higher and higher.

Is there anything else you'd like to do with him, or should we say that you guys are done and it's time to head in for the night?

2019-09-15, 09:03 PM
Deirdre was getting tired and it was starting to get chilly outside. She was really ready to just head back to the house, clean up, and go to bed.

2019-09-15, 09:03 PM
Deirdre was getting tired and it was starting to get chilly outside. She was really ready to just head back to the house, clean up, and go to bed.

Please give me a Luck roll.

2019-09-15, 09:05 PM
uh oh. Don't tell me they locked her out!


2019-09-15, 09:42 PM
Arnoldsberg, 8:02 PM, October 2nd, 1921

As you're starting to walk home, by happenstance you see the most beautiful sight. The moon shines at just the right angle upon the headstones that everything appears more beautiful in the night. The lush green everywhere being rather large and hiding certain parts of the cemetery almost seems to make it more beautiful. You cannot help but pause for a couple minutes to watch the marvelous scene before you.

And it is lucky that you do, for you suddenly notice a figure leaving the cemetary grounds and heading towards the house, towards one of the study windows. It hasn't spotted you, but you're also a couple of minutes from the house... what do you do?

2019-09-15, 09:53 PM
After departing from Mr. Jefferson and returning his flashlight, Deirdre trudged back to the Kimball house where she saw quite a beautiful sight in the graveyard.. and a lone, strange figure approaching the home...

She peers about herself nervously, realizing full well she's all alone, and perhaps about to confront this burglar. Deirdre wasn't sure what to do... alerting Thomas, calling the police, that would all involve heading towards their home anyway.

The young woman was quite nervous. She was going to be heading that way anyway... so she took a deep breath and slowly approached with her lantern. She makes sure she has plenty of room to run, especially to the front door of the house if things get nasty.

2019-09-15, 10:05 PM
Deirdre slowly begins to creep forwards, even with the lantern the figure hasn't seemed to notice her yet. It first presses on the latch of the window, but that doesn't seem to work, so instead it simply elbows the glass of the window and leaps inside with surprising agility. It's now inside the house.

2019-09-15, 10:12 PM
Deirdre gasps. Thomas and Mary were still in there! She only hoped this .. "figure" was only interested in the books!

She runs up to the front entrance of the home now, setting the lantern on the front porch and tries to enter silently.

2019-09-15, 10:13 PM
Deirdre gasps. Thomas and Mary were still in there! She only hoped this .. "figure" was only interested in the books!

She runs up to the front entrance of the home now, setting the lantern on the front porch and tries to enter silently.

Roll me a Spot Hidden as you're running please.

2019-09-15, 10:17 PM
Alright, spot hidden! Wait, I forgot I already passed one finally so maybe my chances aren't so great anymore.


2019-09-15, 10:19 PM
Deirdre enters the house and slowly creeps through, right as she sees a blur in Douglas' study. The figure has leapt out of the window, carrying a stack of books, dashing off back into the graveyard.


2019-09-15, 10:26 PM
The good news was that it seemed this person really only was interested in the books. And the bad news (to be a downer, considering it seemed everyone was otherwise safe) was that they were running off again!

She moves over to the window to watch the figure as it runs into the graveyard again. Then she peers down at the bottom of the window sill and the ground outside, weighing her own options.

Is it just me, or does it look like Douglas grew some fangs? Maybe Mr. Jefferson bringing up Dracula wasn't so far off...

Since you've bothered to give me this picture, and I can see the resemblance, would it be safe to assume Deirdre thinks it's Douglas?

Is it going to take a skill check to climb out the window, or can Deirdre do it automatically?

2019-09-15, 11:01 PM
What I've showed you is what I've showed you. If you think it's Douglas Kimball, Deirdre may think similarly. Also, because of your very low size, there's more than enough room to make it through.

2019-09-15, 11:13 PM
Editor's note: post edited! :smalltongue:


Deirdre stood at the window and watched the figure run off into the graveyard again... she noticed she was breathing a bit heavy, with the excitement and her latest bit of exertion.

It only clicked, moments after, but from the extremely brief time she saw it moving in the study... was that.. Douglas Kimball?? The baldness, the white hair, even the spectacles. But something wasn't quite right about him. Or maybe it was just the shadows.

Deirdre recalled her initial off-hand remark, that it was just Thomas's uncle that came to get some more of his books. At the time that would have made sense if they lived in the middle of a city or someplace. But out here, with the nearest neighbor maybe 200, 300 feet away and next to a graveyard? And the person running back into the graveyard?? That was pretty creepy...

Hm. If this was Douglas Kimball.. what the heck was he doing living in the graveyard. And how??


Deirdre didn't know what she was doing. Her gut told her it was indeed Thomas's uncle, but something was off. Maybe, to be safe...

She briefly goes back to retrieve the lantern and prepares to go out again. She gets a light jacket (more like a long, loose and thin button-up sweater than anything) and searches around the study for a book. Deirdre looks for a book with which she was intimately familiar with. She takes it with her and heads back out to the graveyard with lantern in one hand and the book held in her other arm.

Let's say this is... The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. First published in 1900, and it soon became a musical stage play. Of course, that is of great interest to Deirdre as well. :smallsmile:

(by the way, the book is quite a bit different than the movie...)

After Deirdre has traversed a bit into the graveyard again, around where she believes she last saw the man, she begins to call out, "Douglas?! ... Douglas?!"

(because that always works, doesn't it?)

2019-09-15, 11:42 PM
Grabbing the book, the sweater and the lantern you exit to see that the figure has run deep into the cemetery (albeit it is laden by books, so it's not as fast). However, as you begin your call, the figure fleeing gives a momentary turn, but suddenly as it hears the full name, it stops for a brief moment. It then heads deeper into the cemetary, as if it's expecting to be followed. As it eventually ends up sitting on a tombstone and pulls out one of the books, seemingly waiting for you. It is then when you realize, it's sitting on the same tombstone you were investigating earlier: the one Douglas Kimball sat on. As you approach, it comes fully into view.


As you then fully see it in its entirety, it sets down it's book and says simply: "Hello." It is at this moment that you are certain, this... creature, with its rubbery-skin, hoof-like feet, canine features, and terribly sharp claws, is (somehow) without a doubt, Douglas Kimball.

Please give me a Sanity roll.

2019-09-15, 11:49 PM
Aaaah, my miiiiiind!!! :smalleek:


I'd like to think if I saw this in real life it wouldn't make me go insane, but hey... I guess we've been utterly desensitized by fantasy novels, movies, games, and the like!

Dang it! Failed by one?? :smallsigh:

Now I wonder what happens.

2019-09-15, 11:53 PM
Same for me, but also, the way I see it, most of the time for things like this you don't actually go insane, it's more that a slight piece of your mind cracks, just a bit. Nevertheless, in a world without visual and special effects, insane makeup, and whatnot, it helps me understand it. After all, I think if you brought someone from the 1920s and sat them down in front of say an Avengers movie, they might think it all real and have a slight mind-break of their own.

That is sadly a failure, which means that Deirdre has lost 3 sanity, and because you failed the roll, I take an involuntary action for you.

Deirdre lets out a sudden, ear-piercing scream as she sees the inhuman creature standing in front of her. This... creature is Douglas Kimball? The man who loved books? The uncle to someone whose house he's staying in, he had a family... how could it be...?

Eventually, Deirdre manages to calm herself down, while Douglas simply raises an eyebrow during her screams and mental exchange. He simply gives her a moment to gather herself and calm down, only to finish by plainly asking: "Are you done?"

2019-09-16, 12:03 AM
After screaming, Deirdre swallows hard, and then nearly chokes on her own spit. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not.. but then again, the very act of contemplating if you were dreaming was usually enough to confirm you weren't or wake you from a dream...

Still, she couldn't believe what she was seeing! Or.. who?

The man's calm voice at least has a calming measure on her, and so she manages to compose herself.

She looks at him confused, standing there lamely. "Am I done .. what?" Oh yes, making a fool of herself? But on the other hand, if this person or.. creature which very much resembled Douglas Kimball turned out to be bloodthirsty and attacked her, screaming may not have seemed like such a stupid action.

She would blush, but she was still so shocked any form of social awareness anxiety wasn't registering. But she did say, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry... You're.. you're Douglas Kimball?"

2019-09-16, 12:04 AM
The thing that once was, or is Douglas Kimball, smiles a toothy smile, inside you see a row of horribly sharp teeth, and you cannot help but think of if a wolf's mouth was somehow transfused into a humans. The thought makes you nauseous. "Indeed, I am him; although, speaking of which... who are you?"

EDIT: lol, "I am me," whoopises :smalltongue:

2019-09-16, 12:15 AM
Dierdre fiddles with the lantern in one hand, with book held between her elbow and body, and she swallows again, this time managing to not choke. She still could hardly believe this was real...

If.. if this man.. somehow had a physical change like this.. and his teeth.. and his 'friends below'.. she had better be super polite...

"I'm - I'm Deirdre McCoy... Your nephew, Thomas.. he invited me into your home - your former home - I mean..."

She decided maybe she'd better stop there, maybe try starting somewhere else. She tried looking at something else, focusing on just about anything but this creature for the moment.

"Thomas has been worried about you. The whole town was looking. I hadn't met a single person yet that didn't like you. And well.. if that's you, sneaking into your own study to read your books.. that's got Thomas worried too. He thinks it was some kind of burglar..."

I am me made total sense too, lol

2019-09-16, 01:08 AM
The creature makes a rather surprised expression, drawing in Deirdre's averted focus for just a second, only for her to turn her gaze away once more. "Why Thomas noticed that? I had hoped that he would not discover my 'intrusion' into my own dwelling."

He then sets down his book and extends a rubbery claw, with nails as sharp as knives. "But it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Deirdre McCoy." He then thinks for a moment, the incredibly sharp claw hanging in the air. "I'm rather surprised the town even noticed my disappearance, why I rarely interacted with them at all!"

Yeah... but it didn't sound like Douglas, if you know what I mean.

2019-09-16, 01:19 AM
Deirdre sighs, now focusing more on the stars (I imagine on the outskirts of a small town they're fairly bright).

She explains, "Well from what I understand, it started when you stopped writing your brother. So he sent Thomas to check the place out, see if you were ok. They found the place empty. That's when they contacted the police and made a missing persons report. They put flyers up and everything..." She shakes her head at a constellation, wondering how the dramas in this family turned out so wrong. "And, well... your nephew has been living in the house a while now. At first it was waiting to see if you'd return. But now it feels like it's all but inherited to him."

Deirdre uncomfortably shifts her gaze back to.. the creature. Douglas. "But I guess.. you're happy now, the way things are?"

2019-09-16, 01:25 AM
The stars do seem to be bright... such an interesting subject, stars...

The creature nods its head once. "You know, I've just been weary. I've been... alive for more than half a century, and the only time I felt like I was living when I was reading. The mundane world which my nephew so dutifully lives in, was not intended for me."


He soon looks deeper into the cemetery, towards one of the tombs. "Things are splendid down below. I am able to read whenever I like, day or night. All of the demands that were always made upon me constrain me no longer." As he's talking about this subject you begin to notice that he's becoming happier. "I need not care for money, wearing the proper suits is not required for supper, and I am not obligated to talk with others, mealtimes notwithstanding of course."

He looks over at the study with the now-broken window longingly, only to look down at the books he "stole" from himself.

2019-09-16, 01:40 AM
Deirdre peered over at the house as well and frowned. It would be another thing to explain to Thomas. Another break in by a burglar. Only this was worse seeing as a window was broken.

"I.. think I can understand. Even though I don't have nearly the passion for reading nor writing as you..."

She trails off and begins again, "And.. you have friends? In this place, 'down below'? What is it like? What are they like?"

2019-09-16, 01:56 AM
The creature that is/was Douglas chuckles, "It is funny that you mention my passion for writing Deirdre McCoy, for I am actually thinking of cataloging my experiences below the surface. I think it quite clear that it should not be published on the surface, the world is not ready for such things, but..." He smiles, "Maybe one day, my writing can be read."

As you ask about life underground he slowly leans back against the tombstone and looks at the other tomb from before. "Life is... peaceful down there. No cars exist, nor trucks, or shouting people. As for the others, well, most of them do not remember what it is like to be... human, but they are kind souls nevertheless. Excellent reading partners as well, for they never interrupt." He chuckles to himself at the last statement. A deep, but also harrowing laughter like the sound of something scraping against one's throat.

2019-09-16, 02:11 AM
Deidre ponders out loud with a bit of creativity flowing and says, "Well... perhaps you could still write. But maybe pass it off as a work of fiction. With secret messages hidden within? Assuming you could ever find a publisher. Oh, that would be.. wild..." In her search for an appropriate word, she may have taken an adjective from Ripley.

Talking to this creature, what was once Douglas, didn't seem so bad now. The more she thought about it, it was like the book she held. She was a lot like Dorothy, and in the Land of Oz, there were munchkins, witches, talking scarecrows, talking tin men, talking lions... Just throw in talking men with goat hooves and wolf teeth.

She looks to the creature again and says, "I know it seems you'd rather have nothing to do with your former life, but.. for the sake of your family, would you be willing to do some last things to set them right? Maybe.. write letters to them every now and then, telling them you moved to a far-off country? Or..." with some more thought she says, "Maybe draw up a will? I don't know. Maybe in it, you could ask all your books to be donated, or placed in a tomb around here. That way you won't have to keep breaking into your old home." Deirdre sighs.

"That's the trouble. I mean.. if you are fine with Thomas living in that house.. he's starting to think it's unsafe with so-called burglars raiding it. He wants to raise a family, you know..."

2019-09-16, 11:35 AM
He nods and mutters, "That would be something now wouldn't it." as you bring up the concept of passing it off as fiction.

As you're musing about the similarities between a book of fiction and the "real" world, the creature notices it within your grasp. "Ah, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, truly a fantastical world that Dorothy enters, no?"

Then, when you talk about Thomas and the break-ins his gaze turns stern. "I cannot let him know that I am still alive. Informing him of anything may result in him seeking me out, and this life is not for him." He then looks straight into your eyes, which happened to glance back while you were looking away. "You must not tell him of this. You cannot reveal to my nephew that I am still alive. If he asks what happened, simply say that there was a burglar but you managed to chase them away. He shall believe it, and it shall put my nephew's mind at ease. He should not worry for my sake for so long, and it seems that my 'thefts' have only aggravated such things. No matter, if you say there is no correlation, then I believe it will grant him the closure he needs."

As you mention him breaking into his home, he winces. "I am afraid that this is my final trip. My friends below are closing off the entrance, and thus I had one last night before we leave for good." He then nods. "Thomas need not fear any longer."

Douglas then steps up from his spot and begins piling up his books so that he can carry them.

2019-09-16, 03:23 PM
Deirdre nods solemnly. "I.. I won't tell Thomas. I won't tell a soul. You have my word."

As Douglas begins gathering his books she holds out the Wizard of Oz. "Would you like to take this one as well? It's yours after all. I have read it several times over. I merely brought it as.. a conversation piece, I suppose..."

Before the creature leaves, Deirdre says one last thing to him. "Well.. we haven't talked for long, but it was a pleasure meeting you, Douglas Kimball... Uhm, sorry for screaming. Just.. Just remember: despite the fact that you hardly interacted with anyone, they still noticed you were gone. And they missed you." As she says this she slowly approaches with a timid smile, trying to focus on the more human features of his face, and gently places a hand on his shoulder.

2019-09-16, 03:31 PM
You place your hand on the creature's shoulder, as you feel your hand practically sink into its rubbery, inhuman flesh, almost like it's consuming you. Instinctively, you pull your hand away, and the creature gives the same slight chuckle. It nods, adds The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to its already large pile, and stares at Deirdre. "Thank you."

As you begin to head back you take one last glance towards Douglas, or at least, what was Douglas, if it is not him anymore. He clops over towards the tomb, laden down by his books, and then creeps inside the mausoleum. A few brief moments of silence pass until you hear a heavy THOOM, the sound of rock falling on rock, from within. Neither Douglas, nor what he called "The Others" shall be returning anytime soon.

With an utterly confused mind, you mull over the events that just occurred as you walk towards the Kimball residence. A man, an absolutely normal man, has become a... creature, that lives below the surface of the earth and looks like... that? This should not be possible, and yet, everything was just in front of her face. Is the world like a storybook? What then to say of the science that states we are the dominant life forms of this planet, and yet, now you know thr truth. There are other creatures on this earth... you are not alone.

With the truth of the situation, albeit, the unpleasant truth learned, Deirdre loses an additional 4 sanity points (so she should be down to 68 now). However, this truth also gives you more insight to the world at large, granting you 3 points in the Cthulhu Mythos skill (this also decreases your feasible maximum sanity down to 96).

I know that your character might have come to terms with such things, but nevertheless, the fact remains that this is a very unsettling and unpleasant truth. Deirdre is not insane, nor anywhere near it, but a tiny piece of her sanity has broken away.

You arrive at the home, weary from the tumultuous experience your mind has just undergone... will you ever be the same again?

Arnoldsberg, 8:29 AM, October 3rd, 1921

You've awoken from your deep slumber, the words of Douglas, or whatever it was, playing in your head like a radio jingle. As you stumble into the dining room, you see Mary and Thomas look up with your arrival. Mary looks at your rather bedraggled condition and notes, "I see someone didn't sleep well last night." Meanwhile, Thomas looks at you.

His eyes implore you, with every ounce of his being, hoping that you've uncovered something, something that will put his mind at rest, to give him hope that his life is not as crazy as he thinks. Of course, will the truth give him that solace? Your reverie is abruptly halted as Thomas asks, simply, and quite plainly: "Well, did you find anything?"

2019-09-16, 03:58 PM
Deirdre yawns and rubs sleep out of her eyes as she makes her way to the table. She silently nods, then shakes her head at Mary's comment, actually not sure how she is even responding to it. She just manages to say, "Sorry about yesterday..."

But when Thomas asks her, begging with his eyes, she looks surprised. She wasn't ready to deal with this yet! She just looks down at the table. "Erm.. no. Nothing. Didn't find anything last night. Just.. when I was coming back after helping Mr. Jefferson, caught a robber trying to break in. I scared him off...."

She didn't seem too enthusiastic or excited about such an important event.

2019-09-16, 04:10 PM
Thomas looks at you strangely, "You... scared off the robber? Oh... well... I see." He then breathes a sigh of relief, albeit, it seems to be full of grief as well. However, clearly a lot of the stress and tension from his fear of the home intrusion has also departed. "Ah, so this has nothing to do with my uncle then... I thought... maybe." His wife holds his shoulders. "I'm sorry to have involved you in all of this. But, it seems like you've solved everything!" He then fishes something out of his pocket. "Here, you've earned it." He hands you a mixed amount of bills equaling up to around $10.

Mary then looks at you as well. "You've brought my husband and I some much-needed solace. Thank you so much. If there's anything else we can do for you, just let us know." She then realizes something, "My, the coach to Arkham I believe leaves at nine! Here, this should be enough to cover the return trip. Safe travels!" She hands you a dollar give or take, enough for the coach ride.

2019-09-16, 06:17 PM
Deirdre just nods quickly as Thomas seems to swallow the lie. "Y-yes. You should have seen the look on the man's face! It.. it was as if the stupid blockhead thought the place was abandoned. He took some more books though.. Went straight in and out of the study window... Probably just another person that liked books as much as your uncle..."

She tries to look Thomas in the eye but it made her feel guilty. When he offers her money, she feels even worse. She couldn't take this money in good conscience when she knew the truth and was withholding it from him, telling him a blatant lie to the face.

"No... No, please, I can't accept this. I've utterly failed you in every way possible. They.. the real society members should have come." This statement was perhaps the most genuine, spirited thing Deirdre said today.

At the mention of the coach leaving she said, "Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late!" It was a convenient way to break away from the subject. After hurrying to her room to collect her things, she grabs some toast and puts an egg between it, and takes some large gulps of water before setting off. She does accept money for the ride, however. "Thank you Thomas and Mary! I have a feeling that guy won't be coming back anymore. I wish you a pleasant life!" She runs off down the road, quickly losing speed and stamina but nonetheless hurries as she can to the coach stop with her bags and meager meal in tow. She would have a lot to think about.

2019-09-16, 06:22 PM
Both husband and wife stare at this woman strangely, but shrug. To them you've provided safety, but money is money, so they relent.

You depart from the Kimball house, boarding the motorcoach as you do. It's a bit of a drive back to Arkham, but nevertheless that gives you time to collect some of your thoughts. You faced a harrowing encounter yesterday, chilling you to your core, and yet, Douglas spoke of leaving humanity, and you cannot help but, guiltily, feel some solace in this simple truth. This is one monstrous being, at any rate, who is not planning on returning. After all, many other people would not take such things as well, or as peacefully, as you did. Thus, Thomas Kimball can sleep soundly again, without fear of further burglaries.

This calm means that you may roll 1d6 and add it to your current sanity.

Time passes. The motorcoach drives over hills and bridges as you look out and see the wonderful landscape of New Hampshire. However, amongst the natural beuaty of the world, you cannot help but wonder... what else is out there?


Congratulations! You have survived this adventure as well. You may keep your investigator sheet and use it in the next Call of Cthulhu scenario. If I have noted that you have succeeded in any skills (I think Charm, Mechanical Repair, Psychology, and Spot Hidden), you will have a chance to improve them through experience. You also may have the opportunity to do additional things that we shall discuss in the Out-of-Character.
The End.