View Full Version : DM Help First homebrewed adventure - outline help

2019-09-05, 03:23 PM

I hoped to get a bit of advice and help for an adventure I'm making for the first session I'm running with a group of 4 semi-experienced players and 2 new at level 1. I'm hoping to start and end it within one 4 hour session. I had originally planned to run 'A Scream in the Night' which features a Modron serial murderer, but I've run exclusively pre-written scenarios before, so this time wanted to try my hand at creating something from scratch and much more in tune with the created characters, as we have already come up with 6 interesting ones!

The characters are a wizard who is a Halfling charlatan, who gets by with his 'magic show' - a set of cheap illusions (which may or may not have some real spells chucked in there - the spells are mostly necro based). He also has a halfling Rogue entertainer pal, who may also be performing / have some kind of con running. There's a half-orc fighter pirate/smuggler off from a recent job, an elf artificer, studious and determined, a gnome druid who had a forced studious upbringing but now is a bit of a tearaway wannabe adventurer defying her parents wishes, and a Human Fighter who's the more traditional - fight evil for the sake of the righteuous and just and become a famous adventurer!

I've thought of this general outline.

Aim - The PCs try to steal back a stolen item from a guild encampment for carnval/circus folk who consider PCs to be 'profiting on their turf'.

Starting scene - Fighter, Druid and Artificer are meeting the Adventurer's Guild recruiter who's interviewing them and evaluating their worthiness to join. Starts mentioning a trial - cue dungeon delve adventure hook (collect a monster part as proof perhaps) for future session, either that, or the recruiter leaves when carnival folk get rowdy and tells adventurers to come to guild when ready.

Meanwhile, the Half-orc smuggler/pirate is in the same tavern waiting on goods/payment for smuggling services. The buyer/seller never turns up (future hook to track them down) - if half-orc decides to check their known location - he finds it empty and returns to tavern.

The Rogue and Wizard are preparing for the stage show. Halfway through either of their sets - the guild of festival folks turns up (recognised by the rogue who has history) and start booing/throwing tomatoes etc. as they do not appreciate PCs performing on 'their turf'. Maybe a fight breaks out, or it gets role played to conclusion and they leave. Upon packing up their things for the night, one of the PCs realises something of theirs is missing (maybe even the wizxards spellbook) OR the tavern owner realises she's missing something of great value and tasks anybody in the tavern with help tracking it down - offers reward for PCs who may not care - i.e. Half-orc (unless I establish a business relationship between half-orc and tavern owner before... Or potentially the guild of festival folks could have stolen 'the goods').

Scene 2 - The adventurers realise (through clues/investigation) that it was the carnival folk. They track down their location, with some exploration, possibly with some encounter on the way. I could seed The Scream in the Night, by having the party stumble across some weird symbols drawn in blood, metal shavings etc.

Scene 3 - This is a combat/stealth mission to break into their guild encampment to find the item and retrieve it, including the possible Druid's interaction with circus/carnival animals (which are often abused in these scenarios) to join the adventurers and help them, culminating in a possible final combat with a thug and his bandits/mastiffs.

Any suggestions/advice for this appreciated! Thanks.

tl;dr trying to build an adventure in which the PCs retrieve a stolen item from a guild encampment of carnival folk

2019-09-06, 04:11 AM
Sorry, my ADD requires me to paraphrase to understand.



The session is divided into scenes. Each scene can include any or all of the following keywords:
Setup: The description the DM gives the players.
Event: Some event the PCs can react to.
Information: What do the players learn from this scene?
Actions: What do the players (ideally) do in reaction to the event?
Change: How is the scene different when it ends from when it was set up?
NPC: What NPCs does this scene include?


1 - Adventurer's Guild
Setup: F, T and A meet with a recruiter for an interview. They are hoping to join the Adventurer's Guild.
Learn: They can join the guild if they complete a dungeon quest.
NPC: Recruiter.
Event: The recruiter stops the interview when the Event form scene 3 happens.
Ideal Action: F, T and A enter scene 3.
This is a great scene that allows the players to interact with the setting. It sets the story in motions and introduces the characters to each other.

2 Tavern

Setup: P is at a tavern waiting for his payment.
Event: The buyer doesn't show.
Ideal Action: P looks for the buyer.
NPC: None
Learn: The buyer is missing.
Change: None
Ideally you want the Pirate to end up with the rest of the group, and you don't want to send him on a solo mission. There is no event or NPC that interacts with him directly for him to react to. These are the problems that need to be solved in this scene.

3 Carnival Show
Setup: E and I are setup up their show.
Event: The Entertainer's Guild crashes the show.
Learn: Introduces the Guild.
NPC: Guild members
Action: E and I talk their way out of it and pack up their show.
Change: E and I can no longer do shows and are out of work.
Another very nice scene. It flows directly from the Adventurer's Guild scene and plenty of stuff happens for the PCs to react to and interact with.

4 The Stolen Item
Setup: E and I are packing up their show when they realize something has been stolen from them.
Ideal Action: The players investigate.Learn: One of the Entertainers stole the item.
Change: None.
NPC: None.
The PCs don't learn anything and there are no NPCs. It also counts on the players reaching the conclusion they have to break into the encampment, and that the guild had something to do with this, without having anything to set that specific decision up.

5 Steal it Back
Setup: The players are stealing the item back from the guild encampment.
Ideal Action: Combat and Infiltration
Event: None
Learn: None
Change: The players retrieve the item
NPC: Animals.
There's no dramatic conclusion to this story.
What changed from the beginning of the session and now?
- There's a missing buyer
- There's a dungeon

If you want these to be the hooks for the next session you want to REEAALLLYY sell it. Like super dramatically. Does the Half-Orc die if he doesn't get his payment? Do the F, T and A lose their chance to join the guild if they don't get the item before another adventuring group? Adding a sense of urgency is a great way to motivate the players to do fun stuff.

2019-09-06, 10:56 AM
Thanks for ordering it like that, sorry my original post wasn’t as clear. I’m looking for it to run within the four hours so probably shouldn’t have too many divergent paths.

I know I would like the adventure to include the following:

Illusionist and Entertainer to be running a stage show, either in Tavern or elsewhere which is interrupted, either by the Entertainer’s guild, or members of a travelling circus/carnival (could be one in the same) who consider the performance place as ‘their own’ - maybe having some deal with the owner of the tavern already established.

A culminating combat or infiltration into the circus/carnival area, or the Entertainer’s guild encampment.

I thought that a limited mission would be best to complete the adventure within 4 hours which may include different encounters.

Scene 1 - The Tavern

Illusionist, entertainer in the roster for this evenings stage show. Pirate sat at bar after delivering smuggled goods to tavern owner. Role play this out, they could have an established business relationship. Fighter, Artificer and Teenager agreed to meet Adventurers guild recruiter here for interview to be recruited.

Start with recruiter interview in which the 3 players describe their PCs, recruiter probes them with questions.

Concurrently, the stage show has begun with the illusionist or entertainer performing. Where they describe their characters.

Suddenly a group of carnival folk/local carnies enters the tavern and starts booing/throwing things. The show is interrupted. The tavern owner and bouncer start arguing with them - they talk about payment to the tavern owner for only providing entertainment sanctioned by entertainer's guild. Things start to get heated and PCs *should* intervene. This may involve combat or role playing to play out the scene.

This interrupts the interview by the recruiter who hands an address (of the adventurers guild location) to fighter saying to come by tomorrow and he'll have more details on the dungeon mission.

I want to try and set up the hook here to involve the circus/festival but not sure how to do this, and also how to involve the pirate who may/may not have his own smuggling thing going on. I thought of having the Carnival folk steal something from the tavern which the owner then realises (maybe the package of (…?) the pirate had delivered to the owner?) So that the tavern owner asks the PCs to retrieve, possibly for payment.

Scene 2 - Volunteers for mission (the PCs) meet the tavern owner and discuss plans, then travel.

Scene 3 - infiltration and retrieval of said item in the carnival area.

Obviously, this probably has a few gaps missing, but having some trouble figuring out how they all end up on a mission as an adventuring party together.

I also wanted to include something for each player, but this may not be possible in the limited time I guess.

Thanks for your help!