View Full Version : What are all the different grenade weapons

2019-09-05, 10:14 PM
I have a friend who wants to make a character who focuses on using the grenadier feat what are all the different throw able weapons she could use ?

2019-09-05, 10:33 PM
Eggshell Grenade, Dust
Price: 10 GP
Weight: --
(Oriental Adventures p. 78)
Thrown as a grenade-like weapon, so make a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 5'. A dust grenade that hits its target directly blinds the target for 1d4 rounds *NO SAVE*. Anyone else within the 5' radius splash must make a Fort save DC 10 or be blinded for 1 round. Craft (Alchemy) DC: 20. Expect the banhammer to be used shortly after deploying this.

2019-09-06, 01:34 AM
Players's Handbooks has acid flasks, alchemist's fire, thunderstones, tanglefoot bags, & holy water.
A&EG adds dwarfblind, defoliator, gravebane, verminbane, motelights, sparkstones, and stonebreaker acid.
Planar handbook adds unholy water, axiomatic water, and anarchic water.

I'm sure there's more.

2019-09-06, 07:54 AM
Thank you o appreciate the help I'll keep looking

2019-09-06, 09:44 AM
Eberron has a few.Try magic of eberron (also has the alchemist blade) and campaign setting.

Also look in A&EG (specifically at the gnome calculus to add range and enchants), comp mage, planar handbook, oriental adventures (blinding eggshell grenades are a must!), and RotD.

You may be able to ad-hock your own with jars of black sand as well (from Sandstorm).

Heroes of ruin has a healing salve as well, if you want even more alchemy.

2019-09-06, 10:16 AM
I'd heavily suggest your friend either take a level in a class that grants sneak attack (such as rogue), and/or the assassin's stance stance (from ToB) via swordsage or a feat. Then take Craven to improve his damage significantly more than Grenadier does.

Your friend may also want to consider getting his hands on some oils and salves (potions that work on contact, rather than when drank, both offensive and defensive) so he can hurl those via the gnome calculus, as well. If he's a spellcaster (which he ought to be, especially since only casters can craft alchemical items and potions), he should get the quick potion spell (from Spell Compendium) and use it a lot. If he's not a caster, he should buy a significant number of pearls of power for the party's casters so they can use quick potion to create lots of oils and salves for him every day.

2019-09-06, 10:29 AM
The two standard old school grenades:

1) oil flask + torch.
2) fireball.

Any class that could throw an oil flask with one hand and a lit torch with the other hand is throwing a grenade.
Any class that could throw a fireball is throwing a grenade.
Meteor Swarm is a "cluster" grenade.

2019-09-06, 11:12 AM
A psion with psionic minor creation can use that power to produce any number of plant-based grenade weapons. 1 cu ft of drow sleep poison (made entirely of fungus) or black lotus extract encased in thin amber vials (also created via the same power) can go a LONG way, even at level 1.

2019-09-06, 06:22 PM
I really don't think sneak attack, or any other form of precision damage, works with grenade-like weapons. By definition, you don't need precision when using them.

2019-09-06, 06:32 PM
I really don't think sneak attack, or any other form of precision damage, works with grenade-like weapons. By definition, you don't need precision when using them.

Not with the splash, but to the initial target it will.

2019-09-06, 08:44 PM
Dragon compendium has a bunch.

2019-09-06, 10:05 PM
If Pathfinder material is acceptable and you don't just pretend that there isn't a crashed space ship filled with sci-fi stuff (or just change the fluff to make them something alchemical instead of futuristic), then there are several varieties of grenades (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipmenT/goods-and-services/technological-gear/#Grenade) that Paizo published, most of which are 5d6 damage to everything in a 20 foot radius. They technically don't deal splash damage, but can be "thrown as a splash weapon." They are, however, a little on the expensive end for single-use items, costing twice as much as a scroll of fireball despite being pretty much the same thing but with the addition of a ranged attack roll.

2019-09-06, 10:18 PM
If Pathfinder material is acceptable and you don't just pretend that there isn't a crashed space ship filled with sci-fi stuff (or just change the fluff to make them something alchemical instead of futuristic), then there are several varieties of grenades (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipmenT/goods-and-services/technological-gear/#Grenade) that Paizo published, most of which are 5d6 damage to everything in a 20 foot radius. They technically don't deal splash damage, but can be "thrown as a splash weapon." They are, however, a little on the expensive end for single-use items, costing twice as much as a scroll of fireball despite being pretty much the same thing but with the addition of a ranged attack roll.Luckily, quick potion would allow you to make oils of fireball for the cost of a 2nd and a 3rd level slot (and as many 2nd and 3rd level pearls of power as you can afford).

2019-09-07, 01:46 AM
Players's Handbooks has acid flasks, alchemist's fire, thunderstones, tanglefoot bags, & holy water.
I'm sure there's more.

The Player's Handbook also has the "Acorn Grenades" created by the Fire Seeds spell

2019-09-07, 11:46 AM
If Pathfinder material is acceptable and you don't just pretend that there isn't a crashed space ship filled with sci-fi stuff (or just change the fluff to make them something alchemical instead of futuristic), then there are several varieties of grenades (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipmenT/goods-and-services/technological-gear/#Grenade) that Paizo published, most of which are 5d6 damage to everything in a 20 foot radius. They technically don't deal splash damage, but can be "thrown as a splash weapon." They are, however, a little on the expensive end for single-use items, costing twice as much as a scroll of fireball despite being pretty much the same thing but with the addition of a ranged attack roll.

Priced similar as a (single use) use-activated magic item, huh. Though the ranged attack roll kinda sucks.

Luckily, quick potion would allow you to make oils of fireball for the cost of a 2nd and a 3rd level slot (and as many 2nd and 3rd level pearls of power as you can afford).

Isn't Quick Potion limited to the usual spells that can be brewed into a potion?

Only spells suitable for making potions can be used in this way.

2019-09-07, 12:02 PM
Isn't Quick Potion limited to the usual spells that can be brewed into a potion?You can make an attack roll with a fireball, since the pre-explosion fiery bead can target stuff.

If you attempt to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, you must “hit” the opening with a ranged touch attack, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely.
So you should be able to target a creature with a fireball with an attack roll. Unfortunately, WotC never clarified whether attack rolls target targets, and yet the language in numerous places seem to assume that you can. Jury's out permanently, I guess.

Also, can't you create oils of stuff like magic weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/potionsAndOils.htm) with Brew Potion, despite not typically targeting creatures? If not, there's literally no way to actually make oils, since Brew Potion can apparently only target creatures, and there's no other way given to create oils, despite them quite plainly being a thing (and affecting non-creatures). Maybe Craft Wondrous Item? Honestly, that's more useful anyway.

2019-09-07, 12:15 PM
You can make an attack roll with a fireball, since the pre-explosion fiery bead can target stuff.

So you should be able to target a creature with a fireball with an attack roll. Unfortunately, WotC never clarified whether attack rolls target targets, and yet the language in numerous places seem to assume that you can. Jury's out permanently, I guess.

It's not explicit, so it likely doesn't. In any case, area spells don't normally target any entity; they affect an area (important for metamagic interactions). All of this suggests that Fireball doesn't target anything.

Also, even if we assume that the attack roll "targets", it targets neither a creature nor an object, but a hole or a "narrow passage", i.e. empty space. (The air-quotes around "hit" are also highly suggestive.) As such Fireball can neither be a potion nor an oil.

Also, can't you create oils of stuff like magic weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/potionsAndOils.htm) with Brew Potion, despite not typically targeting creatures? If not, there's literally no way to actually make oils, since Brew Potion can apparently only target creatures, and there's no other way given to create oils, despite them quite plainly being a thing (and affecting non-creatures). Maybe Craft Wondrous Item? Honestly, that's more useful anyway.

Brew Potion only allows creation of potions anyway, not oils. Likewise for Quick Potion.

(And yes, not having a clear way to craft oils is a thorny issue.)

Also oils target objects ("The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target"), and IIRC all examples of oils (well, the DMG ones, at least) contain spells that are cast on objects (those that can target either creatures or objects can be found in either potion or oil form). Strangely the rules also allow for oils to be applied to an unconscious creature as a full-round action, despite oils not usually targeting creatures. Perhaps the intent is for oils to be applied to the possessions of an unconscious creature. (Also, interestingly, by strict RAW oils cannot be applied to conscious creatures.) In any case, splashing oils on creatures is definitely not allowed by both RAW and RAI (unless there is a feat/feature or item description that provides a specific exception).

2019-09-07, 01:37 PM
You can make an attack roll with a fireball, since the pre-explosion fiery bead can target stuff.

So you should be able to target a creature with a fireball with an attack roll. Unfortunately, WotC never clarified whether attack rolls target targets, and yet the language in numerous places seem to assume that you can. Jury's out permanently, I guess.

Also, can't you create oils of stuff like magic weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/potionsAndOils.htm) with Brew Potion, despite not typically targeting creatures? If not, there's literally no way to actually make oils, since Brew Potion can apparently only target creatures, and there's no other way given to create oils, despite them quite plainly being a thing (and affecting non-creatures). Maybe Craft Wondrous Item? Honestly, that's more useful anyway.

Yes, oils are impossible to create with existing item creation feats by RAW. This is dumb but it's also RAW. It's reasonable to either fold oil creation into Brew Potion or CWI, but neither is RAW.

Affecting creatures or even having attack rolls isn't enough to make a spell into a potion: it has to "target one or more creatures." If a spell doesn't have a "target" line (many spells with an "effect" line or an "area" line lack a "target" line), it's not a valid option for potioning. (Also, Personal-range spells are not valid for potioning either, but that's not in the Brew Potion feat's text—it's in the DMG description of creating potions on pg 286.)