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2019-09-07, 01:37 PM
Prologue - The Barracks of Citadel Volshyenek, Korvosa

2019-09-07, 04:29 PM
Janna leans back from the barracks table, making her chair balance precariously on its rear two legs. The dagger in her hands spins quickly as she practices showy knife tricks, the faded cuts scattered across her fingers evidence that she's not very good at it and should probably stop. She pauses only to look up at the others arriving at the barracks, finding some familiar faces, and some not so familiar.

"I'm not early because I'm keen or anything," she calls out to the new arrivals. "I just thought there'd be food available. I should have known better."

2019-09-07, 04:50 PM
Mikael clanks in, sets his spiked shield down beside him and takes a seat at a different table from Janna, preferring to have a bit of space.

"Ain't you got food at home? 'sides it ain't anywhere near suppertime anyhow"

Mikael rests his arms on the table in a rather casual manner.

I'm Mikael, by the way. Looks like we're gonna be working on this assignment together.

2019-09-07, 05:04 PM
"Janna. I swing that," she says, pointing back at the greatsword by the door. She catches sight of the spiked shield. "Looks like we'll both be in the messy part of the raid."

2019-09-07, 05:15 PM
Mikael whistles at the sword

"Niiiiiiiice! I like your sword! And....yeah, probably but there's no other place I'd rather be than in the thick of things, slicing and impaling those who are ballsy enough to challenge me. Betcha I can keep up with ya "

2019-09-07, 06:05 PM
Marcus knocks a couple times on the doorframe before poking his head in.

"Uh, hi. Is this the team for the Lamm raid? I was told we'd be meeting here to plan."

He blinks then, studying Janna for a few seconds.

"Hey, are you the Wolf?"

2019-09-07, 06:29 PM
Yeah come on in, pick a chair, plop yourself in it and hopefully we'll get to work soon and figure some stuff out

2019-09-07, 06:41 PM
Marcus walks over to the table and pulls out a chair to sit, leaning forward on his elbows.

"Sure, thanks. Oh, and my name's Marcus, Marcus Kincaid. I'm kind of new."

2019-09-07, 06:59 PM
Janna wrinkles her nose, then resumes spinning the dagger. "Hail, Marcus. Just so you know, I don't like that nickname."

She loses control of the dagger and it spins off onto the floor. As she reaches down for the knife, she nods at the man with the shield. "This is Mikael. He was just betting me thirty silver that I won't drop more bodies than him in the raid."

2019-09-07, 07:15 PM
Marcus frowns momentarily.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean any offense. I heard it from some of the other guards and it's kind of memorable."

Marcus shifts somewhat uncomfortably and looks between Janna and Mikael.

"Um, shouldn't we be trying to do as little damage as possible? I mean, isn't the best outcome that we take as many alive as possible so they can go before the Arbiters?"

2019-09-07, 07:59 PM
Mikael turns to Janna and grins
30 silvers eh? You're on

Laughing, he turns to Marcus
"Ha by the gods, you are new ain't cha? Yeah, Ideally we want to bring them in alive and sound and have them go for trial and have justice served that way. However, we'd be fools to discount the possibility that this raid would go down with Lamm getting the drop on us. He's got eyes and ears in plenty of places as these types always do. Information is what helps him to survive and keep his ship running smooth.

In the event, which I say has a decent chance of happening, that the raid meets with resistance. Ain't no harm in a friendly wager. 30 silver pieces might get me something shiny for Muiria."

Smiling, Mikael continues. "Don't worry, we'll do our best to honor our oath when we joined up"

2019-09-08, 12:55 AM
"Glad to hear it." Deklen had come up to the doorway silently and had been listening to the others talk for a few moments. He dropped his arms from their folded position and stalked into the room, looking at each face, taking a chair and turning it around before sitting legs astride it, arms over the headrest; doing so meant he could get to his feet faster and kept a handy wooden shield in front of his guts. "As it is, you can wish for minimum casualties, but I'd call that the least likely outcome as opposed to the best. My name's Deklen Callas. Pleased to meet all of you. Shall we get the obvious out of the way, in case you've heard of me? Yes, I'm currently under Geas against breaking the law, and yes, it's a punishment for my ... indiscretions."

Deklen figured the best defence was a good offense. And as it was, it would likely be hard enough once Isara Wellspire showed up and demonstrated what she thought of him, so some well-placed candour under the circumstances probably wasn't a bad idea.

2019-09-08, 06:40 AM
"If it makes you feel better, Marcus, I promise I'll give them a chance to surrender first," Janna says, kicking out another chair at the table.

Deklen's entrance makes her jump, but she quickly brushes it off. "Hail, Deklen... A geas, that's mind control isn't it? What's it to do?"

2019-09-08, 07:47 AM
"To serve, in summary." Deklen grinned. "Thou shalt serve in the City Guard for a term of not less than five years. During that time, thou shalt not violate any law of the city of Korvosa, nor by your wilful inaction allow any law to be violated if it is within your power to prevent it. That's how it was worded. Not so much mind control as direct coercion; noncompliance is ... painful." He clapped his palm to his forehead. "My manners! Well met - Janna Fleet, isn't it? Not many guardsmen I've met are good enough to carry a great old claymore like that one," he said, nodding at the two-hander by the door. He reached down, quick, lithe, and picked up Janna's dagger on the floor by his foot, flipping it over hilt-first and passing it to her. "Nice short blade, decent balance. Much more my sort of weapon."

Best not let them start asking more questions about my familiarity with daggers. Deklen turned to the other people around the table, folding his arms over the top of the chair's backrest again and resting his chin on his forearms. "And what have we here? Spiked shield, obviously a man who likes his brawls because he's good at it ... and a fellow with a rapier, but more importantly, what looks a lot like a spell component pouch on his belt. So you're a spellcaster, then - Marcus, was it?"

2019-09-08, 08:52 AM
"HA! Direct and to the point ain't cha Deklen? I like that. Pity you managed to **** off some powerful wizard and got your hind end geas'd. I've heard about those kinda spells, nasty bit of business, that. Though, if you're telling the truth about the terms, that makes you more trustworthy than even the newbie here. At least for now. "

Grinning with pride at the mention of his shield "I grew up on the docks, brawls were a regular occurrence and with 2 older brothers, you learn how to handle yourself. So figured I should train in a way similar to that brawling. Wasn't easy, but by the gods is it worth it to see the fear in the eyes of my opponents when they see a big burly son of a ***** coming at them with a longsword and a shield equally as dangerous as the sword!"

Realizing Deklen gleaned all of that in an instant "I volunteer this one for stakeout. Man has either been watching us for a bit and we ain't realize it, or he can gather information in an instant. Either way, happy to be working with ya instead of against ya Deklen"

2019-09-08, 09:50 AM
Marcus nods at Janna.

"It does actually, thank you." He turns to Deklen and leans in, interested."Yes, I am. Well, mostly anyways. I don't really associate with the Academae. You said you were Geased into service? I'm familiar with the spell, that's an interesting situation. Is it something you've ever tested?"

2019-09-08, 02:54 PM
Lucian ambles into the barracks, following the sound of the idle boasts being tossed around. Walking over to Janna's table he lets his heavy backpack drop with a thump and eyes up the team with a sly smile.

"Hello, everyone. I take it you're also part of the Lamm raid? You may have heard of me, I'm Lucian Espada, I mostly work right here in Midland. Naturally, I know about all of you: big sword, bad attitude - you're Janna Fleet; big man, spiky shield - you're Wasserboren; spell pouch and self-admitted newbie - you're Kincaid, the magical backup; and a man with a geas - you're Deklen Callas, the gattonero." He lets his eyes rest speculatively on Deklen, and for a moment it looks like he's about to say something more about him, but he holds his tongue.

"I was informed there'd be a sixth person on this raid - Isara Wellspire? Tallish girl, also a spellcaster? Any of you seen her?"

2019-09-08, 04:27 PM
"Ain't seen her yet, welcome to the party Lucian. "

Mikael observes the Rapier and grins and jokes "Ah by your weapon, you're one of them speedy, nimble types that like to poke people to death eh? We were just missing somebody who can actually do that!"

2019-09-08, 08:21 PM
Deklen nodded at Lucian's salutation but said nothing in reply. He wasn't sure whether Lucian identifying him as a gattonero was an invitation or some sort of implied threat, but seeing as the others hadn't asked into the meaning of that fairly specific Scizarni nickname, it was probably better to just let the remark pass -- perhaps to take it up with Espada later. He also wasn't exactly keen to speculate on Isara Wellspire's whereabouts, so simply opened his hands in a gesture of ignorance and turned back to Marcus Kincaid, letting Wasserboren pick up the conversation with Espada.

"Yes, I have tested the Geas," said Deklen to Marcus. "Once. Hence why I'm certain that noncompliance is a painful experience." It was reasonably clear that Marcus didn't want to talk about the Acadamae, which was interesting; he'd changed the subject rather quickly. So instead he nodded this time at Marcus's weapon. "And what about that thing? Have you had a chance to test it yet?" He grinned, trying to take some of the sting out of the riposte.

2019-09-08, 09:22 PM
Marcus quirks a thoughtful eyebrow at Deklen, not minding the jab at all. "I haven't had to use it in an actual fight so no, not in that way. I'm honestly pretty useless with it but I was advised in training that most people are less likely to start trouble around a guard who's visibly armed, and not everyone pays enough attention to notice a spell component pouch. So in that sense I'd say the fact that I've never had to use it means it's working perfectly. I suppose it's not dissimilar to a Geas really, more about the threat of harm than the actual application..."
At this point Marcus's eyes drift off to a corner of the ceiling and he begins mumbling to himself about the ethical ramifications of applied vs implied harm. After a few seconds his focus snaps back to Deklen.
"Sorry, I do that sometimes. Uh, short answer, no not really. And I hope to use it as little as possible. If I need to win a fight I'd rather do so before any weapons are even drawn.

2019-09-08, 09:34 PM
"An eminently practical approach." Deklen nodded. Here's material I can work with. "Although let me assure you, there's nothing threatened about this Geas. And your advice was deficient, at least in one respect: you'll see off the unarmed simply enough if you've got a weapon, but someone who carries a weapon typically isn't dissuaded by an armed man ... unless that armed man looks like he knows what to do with it. Come on!" Deklen slapped the top of his chair and got to his feet, stepping back a couple of paces and putting his hand to his own rapier. "Hop up and match my stance. Let's see if we can at least teach you to look like you're setting out to kill someone rather than setting out to a knitting festival."

2019-09-08, 09:45 PM
Marcus laughs and hops to his feet grinning. He picks up his rapier and circles around the table to Deklen. I like this guy. "Sounds good to me. How do you want me to start?"

2019-09-08, 09:50 PM
"With the fundamentals." Deklen took a few steps back, judging Marcus's arm length and putting himself slightly outside strike range in front of Marcus. "Draw and straight thrust, and then hold it right there. We'll be able to see how many bad habits the sergeants have given you."

2019-09-08, 09:59 PM
"Alright!" Marcus pulls his rapier and gets into a low guard stance with the rapier angled up and across his body. He then steps forward a short distance with his right foot and, keeping his shoulders squarely facing Deklen, thrusts at about shoulder height and runs out of range fully a foot and a half from him.

2019-09-08, 10:35 PM
Deklen nods, folding his arms, and stepping to the rapier's outstretched tip. "Now, at this point in training I've no doubt it would be customary to shout at you for executing the poorest thrust in the history of edged weapons. I won't be doing that because for someone who's clearly not been given the proper attention in training that would be fairly useless. And I've seen worse. So!" Deklen reached out with a finger and put the tip on the rapier's outstretched blade. "They teach you to aim a thrust for the body. Understandable. It's the largest target. But most of your opposition - and I'm sure the others here can confirm it from their own run-ins - knows the guard trains for that, so they tend to expect a body strike. Which is why," and Deklen pushed with his fingertip, bringing the rapier's point upward and more centred, so it now pointed straight to the bridge of Deklen's own nose, "a good thrust at the face makes a better opening move. It's a smaller target, yes, but it's also less armoured for the most part. Head wounds are usually harder to overcome than ones to the body. And at worst, it makes most humanoid opponents blink, even if the strike is woefully short. When the eyes are threatened, they close. And the hands jerk upward, to protect the face. And whatever those hands are holding is out of position. Meaning you can take that half-second more to aim your real strike properly. Which you're going to need to, frankly - that thrust was shoulder height, in a street fight it's going over the left or right shoulder. The other thing the head thrust gives you is a better chance to bring it upward" - and he pushed the point skyward, and walked up to the raised blade - "allowing you to slice with it with one downward pull."

Deklen stepped around the rapier, moving to step alongside Marcus. He opened his hands and slowly pushed the young man's leading shoulder a little more forward, pushed the trailing shoulder back. "Your shoulders are a little too square. That's coming from them constantly flogging you not to overextend your thrust. They do that because most of the drill sergeants train and use longswords. Or the odd greatsword, such as the one Ma'am Fleet is good with. A heavy edged weapon like that doesn't forgive overreach because its sheer weight is hard to pull back in at full extension. So those oafs don't remember that this," and he tapped the rapier again, "is about half the weight of a longsword and has much less mass in the blade to balance. It has much more reach than might be expected. They don't know how to teach you to twist your hip into the strike and let your shoulder and arm follow the momentum, let your forward leg take a little more of your weight. Gives you another maybe half a foot, and with a rapier that's usually all you need. You can kill a man with a slice, certainly, but we kill mostly with the tip. As the cleric said to the courtesan."

Deklen glanced to the others, giving them the courtesy of offering their own remarks. It was the best way to build trust with the assets.

2019-09-09, 08:20 AM
Mikael nods in agreement to Deklen's instructions"Deklen is on point about the training you received. It's obvious that if you ain't a longsword wielder like myself, you're not going to get the proper training. I've seen a bunch of newbies be ill-prepared for actual combat because of a current lack of variety in trainers. All the trainers got a buncha other **** on their minds. "

Gesturing at Deklen and Lucian, "If you value breathing through the holes that the gods have given you, you'd be wise to observe Deklen and Lucian when they fight if you can. Both of them are skilled fighters that all but the best of them will fall to. Now being, that you're a wizard, you've got more options for all kindsa ****. One of the freakiest thing I've ever seen was a wizard climbing the walls as if he was a spider. I thought I had him pinned down. Reached for my manacles to bring him in and he straight up starts waving his hands around, chanting in magic and he gets this spider out. Y'know what he did, he shoves the blasted thing in his mouth and swallows it. He then turned around and sprinted at the wall, jumped and smacked the wall with force and started climbing up away from me. I tell ya what, anyone desperate enough to eat a ****ing spider deserves to get away for another day. "

Realizing he was going off on a tangent, Mikael continued. "Anyways, my point is, you can sometimes even get out of a fight by being freaky as all get out. Which, if you ever find yourself in a position where you are overwhelmed and you've got several bogeys looking to hack ya to pieces, you need to get out of that fight and regroup when you've got the advantage. You need to use your magical talents for those cases. A dead guard is an useless guard. Do not ever be afraid to employ a tactical retreat to keep yourself alive. We ain't got room for any death or glory bull****. Always put yourself in a position to succeed and stay alive. "

2019-09-09, 03:50 PM
Lucian laughs heartily at Deklen and Mikael's earnest instruction.

"Well now, how do you feel after such sterling instruction, Kincaid? Ready to stab a man in the gut and watch him bleed out in the gutter? Or take his eye out and have to pluck it off the point of your rapier? If not, I'd stick to your real job if I were you, and that's to use your magic to help the team. The team's job" - he stops and stares meaningfully at the others - "is to make sure no one gets past us to try and take you down. We can do that, right? We're all professionals, so I assume no one's going to breaks ranks and go charging into combat like a damn fool glory hound and endanger the rest of us while they're at it. Am I right?"

Turning back to Marcus, he gives him a friendly smile. "Once this raid's over, if you're interested in learning how to use a rapier for real, I'm sure Deklen, Mikael and myself will be happy to train you properly."

2019-09-09, 04:01 PM
Nodding in agreement with Lucian"We will need to figure out our formations and strategy and you bring up a good point Lucian. Somebody's gotta make sure Mr.Magic ain't getting cut down. I'm a poor choice because my natural element is up at the frontline and in the nitty gritty of it all. Any volunteers on staying in the back ranks with Marcus?"

2019-09-09, 06:25 PM
Marcus drops his stance, smiling. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I think you'll find me quite capable of discouraging anyone from getting close to me. For example." I love doing this! Marcus closes his eyes for a moment and puts a hand in his component pouch, muttering under his breath.

A moment later a chorus of ghastly wails begin to sound from beneath the floorboards, growing progressively louder. Suddenly, Marcus's eyes snap open and he falls to his knees. A thin green fog begins to fill the room, seeping up through the floor and with it, long, thin spectral limbs slide up all around Marcus where he kneels, twining about him. Finally, a large, horrifically slashed and rotted head looms up from the ground through Marcus and he keels back through it onto the floor with a thud. The rest of the being follows, revealing a head comprised of the faces of several different creatures grafted together and wild, hungry eyes facing in all directions. Its body looks like a mass of hanging strips of flesh and cloth and the dozens of thin arms drag up a massive scythe that drips with black ichor. It looks at the others in the room and begins to slowly drift toward them with it's body trailing off behind it to merge with the fog.

2019-09-09, 09:20 PM
Deklen took an involuntary couple of steps backwards, hands dropping to his weapons at the sight of the dreadful thing Marcus has summoned ... You fool, he's not going to waste his spellcasting on a show for us. It's a prestidigitation. Callas grinned, rubbing his hand across his jaw. "That's a rather vivid imagination you have there, Marcus. Still, if it's going to take that much out of you to cast a spell - dropping to your knees - then I'd say there's something in the suggestion you'll need someone next to you. At least until I'm happy you can use that blade," he added with a grin. "Consider me volunteered for rear line protection duty. No gloryhounds here, I assure you."

2019-09-09, 09:31 PM
The wailing ceases suddenly and the spectral figure vanishes a moment after to reveal Marcus relaxing on the floor with his arms behind his head. He rises, dusting himself off and grinning.
"Oh that's just some flare I picked up going to the theater a few times. It's all just illusion anyways, that's what I specialize in. Well, that and enchantment. I'm working on the best way to give the impression that the life is being drained out of me to summon up a monster. Then I sneak away in the fog while everyone's distracted. Do you think it's too melodramatic? I'll admit I my have a bit too much fun with it. All that being said, I'm perfectly happy to have someone playing rearguard with me."

2019-09-09, 09:40 PM
"Well, you certainly took me in," said Deklen. "And if this assignment includes any sort of sneaking into places one perhaps shouldn't be, a good, convincing distraction will be quite the asset."

2019-09-10, 07:51 AM
Mikael watched the theatrics, hoping that none of those things were real. Internally freaking out while maintaining a cool exterior"Well I'll be, If I was a commoner with little experience with mages, I'd have wet myself. Your illusions are pretty dang good and I can only imagine the number of times your teammates are going to be thankful that you can do all that freaky occult thing to make folks terrified of you. "

I'll need to keep an eye out on this kid thought Mikael. It ain't often we get a mage without an infuriating fondness to fireball everything to ashes. This mage might actually be useful for more than making things dead.

2019-09-10, 12:25 PM
Marcus continues grinning, pleased by the reaction. "Well thank you, I've put a bit of work into all that. It can be difficult to make illusions convincing, especially if you also want people to see them as threatening. That's why I mostly stick with ghosts and things like that. No one thinks it's strange if an arrow passes right through one. Fog's good too. I know it's an illusion already so I can see right through it. Might be something worth setting up for us, like, a word or something to let you all know if what's about to happen is an illusion. Could be useful if there's a mist or something like that that we can all see through."

2019-09-10, 01:18 PM
Lucian hisses involuntarily at the apparition and steps back, hand on the hilt of his rapier. When the illusion dissipates, he laughs out loud.

"Well done Kincaid! Well done indeed. But if I might make a suggestion, instead of wasting such fine illusions on making others believe you're out of the fight, use them to scare Lamm's gang. Once we're inside, we'll need to move fast and keep up the pressure on his thugs. Anything you can do to keep them off balance will help us win that much faster and with fewer casualties on both sides. Just making noise like there are more Guard breaking in from another direction will help."

2019-09-10, 01:18 PM
Janna raises an eyebrow as the horrifying visage rises up through the floorboards.

"Magic's alright. Even mind magic. I've been hit by it a couple of times. You know that best friend spell? An elf once hit me with one of those to make me let him go. No, magic's fine. It's devil worship I can't stand."

She leans back, snatching her canteen from her pack and pulling the cork. She takes a drink, then rests it on the table.

"You ever get into that, Marcus?"

2019-09-10, 01:43 PM
Marcus rubs his chin and frowns for a second. "I do see your point. The main difficulty is in keeping up a convincing illusion long enough to scare someone long term. I'm sure it's not immediately apparent but that was actually 2 separate effects I was running there. First the sounds and then the image. The image I can hold as long as I want and move around while it's up but I can't use any other spells while doing so. So I have to set up the sounds first and I can't modify them on the fly. They also only last a short time for now. Once sounds cease threatening illusions usually become a lot less convincing.
He then turns to Janna.
"And no, I've never been involved in that, can't stand them either. That actually gets into why I'm only technically sort of a mage. I tried passing off an illusion of an imp for my graduation examination instead of actually summoning one. The Academae takes conjuration very seriously and they were kind of looking to get rid of me already. So instead of graduating I was expelled. After I'd paid for several years worth of tuition already of course."

2019-09-10, 01:58 PM
"Then keep it simple. Concentrate on noises, if that's possible. Loud and sudden is better than long lasting - make one or two of the thugs go look or reconsider the value of putting up a fight. If you must do the visuals, try for something plausible. A fire, perhaps? Everyone's scared of a fire, particularly if it starts behind you, cutting off your retreat."

2019-09-10, 02:22 PM
"Fire never really bothered me," Janna says, taking another drink. "Reminds me of home, somehow. Not that we could hardly ever afford to keep a fire. I don't know that anything really frightens me. I'm basically fearless."

She considers for a second, then adds, "Though, those tiny dragons everywhere creep me out. I don't like having things in my head."

2019-09-10, 02:59 PM
"Fire's actually one of the more difficult illusions to pull off because it engages all 5 of the senses. You see and hear the fire, feel the heat, and smell and taste smoke. Of those I can only effectively mimic sight for any length of time. I'm getting better but for now I can only keep a sound running for about 20 seconds.

2019-09-10, 03:55 PM
Listening to the others audibly disapprove of devil worship Mikael thinks to himself

Best not let them meet my older sister.

Approving of Marcus informing the team of his limitations and what he can or can't do, Mikael nods and a smile creeps out.

Mikael starts staring off in the distance, becoming lost in his thoughts and allowing the chatter to continue, preferring instead to envision how he will climb up the ranks, what with being a glory hound and all.

2019-09-11, 03:30 AM
Deklen waited until a lull in the conversation. "You must have had something particularly bothering you to try and cheat on your final examination," he said softly to Marcus.

2019-09-11, 07:48 AM
Marcus pauses to consider for a moment before answering.
"I... wouldn't necessarily call it cheating. Or at least that wasn't the intention behind it. It was more of a culmination of differences between myself and the Academae's teachings. The Academae is all about teaching students to increase their power at any expense for their own ends. Essentially, that power exists solely for the benefit of those in power. That never sat well with me while I was there because power has consequences.
Think about it, there are Imps everywhere in this city. Not only do those Imps cause general mayhem and harm the local pseudo dragon population, it also means that the forces of the Nine Hells have eyes and ears everywhere. I can't even begin to imagine the long term effects of that. But does the Academae care? No, because it's beneficial to a spellcaster to have a familiar and imps are one of the most powerful because they can use spell activation devices and damn the consequences!"
Marcus pauses for a moment, looking slighty embarassed by his outburst. After taking a breath he proceeds more calmly.
I believe that societies only exist because we're all better off in them than outside of them. Therefore society exists for the public good. And society creates power. Neither the Academae nor even the government could exist if Korvosa weren't here. So to my mind it follows that if society exists for the public good and power is dependent on society to exist, then power must also exist to serve the public good. That's why I became a Guardsman really, so I could put the power I possess in service to the city. It's also why I favor illusions. There's no chance of a stray illusion lighting the city on fire."

An Amy
2019-09-11, 08:36 AM
"... that's why I became a guardsman really..." she hears the end of the conversation as she nears the barracks, holding a quarterstaff firmly in one hand, steadying a quiver of bolts on her hip with the other. Adjusting straps of a pack and belt pouch, the unassuming woman approaches the door while purposefully not being quiet with her steps, tapping her staff against the ground as she draws upon the door.

"Greetings... all," Isara states as she looks about the area nothing the members of the guard, some she's seen and worked with, others she's never met before. Eyes easily find Deklen, whom she knows of but hasn't had the... pleasure of interacting with. She tries to keep her eyes from narrowing too much. The man was taken, judged, sentenced... in a way. Though repaying the community with service might be more fitting shoveling muck somewhere, she's not one to argue with the reasoning of the Hellknights. It wouldn't mean she'd keep her eyes entirely relaxed. She had no way of knowing if a geas was still good or not.

2019-09-11, 09:27 AM
Deklen fought down the impulse to clear his throat. If looks could kill. He'd had warmer receptions from constructs. He'd heard Isara Wellspire was ... concerned about his presence in the guard, but that expression was more like a novel than an open book so far as it related to Deklen Callas.

Calm down. These are all guards. It was only weeks ago they were hunting someone like you. She probably thinks you're dangerous, one part of him said.
I am dangerous, another replied.

So he took a slow, quiet, deep breath in, and let it out again, and summoned an affable smile, which, despite trying, he couldn't make reach his eyes. "Good morrow -- Ma'am Wellspire, I take it?"

2019-09-11, 09:42 AM
Eying the strange person that just walked in, he recognized her by the general description of others in the guard. Her skin was considerably darker than Mikael's. A product of being in the outdoors a majority of her time. Plus Mikael just turned light tan whenever he did work outside at the docks, on his off duty time.

Noting that she's not one for subtlety and noting her eyes at Deklen, Mikael gleaned that the druid had little to no love for Deklen. Wonder how he ****ed her off. Whatever the case, I best try and keep those two separate

Mikael lifts up his hand in acknowledgement to Isara's entrance. "Hello there, make yourself comfortable eh? Most everybody did. "

An Amy
2019-09-11, 01:44 PM
"Yes," she answers Deklen with a slow nod, relaxing her gaze. She feels she's well communicated her inherent distrust of the man, someone forced to serve the guard doesn't necessarily hold the same values as another member of the guard. But... well, in so far, the man hasn't violated the geas that she knows of. Not that she'd be in the know if he had. It wasn't the Korvosan guards that put him on it. Still, it wasn't good to dwell on it... she'd let that go for now.

"Thanks..." she said to the larger figure, Mikael. His appearance was striking enough to be remembered, but other than that she knew very little about the man.

"Is this everyone for the raid?" she asked to the room, looking around at the others. Janna, Mikael, and, of course, Deklen she knew. One other man she was taller than (by very little) and another lighter looking imperial that carried himself like a mage of sorts. She felt her memory should tell her something about the first... Isara moved into the room more and looked back toward the entrance as if expecting someone to follow on her heels to answer the question.

2019-09-11, 02:50 PM
"I think you think a tad too much, Kincaid," Lucian laughs. "A society just is. Learn the rules, make things work for yourself, job done," he summarizes his own views.

Turning to the new arrival, he introduces himself. "Greetings to you as well, Miss Wellspire. I'm Lucian Espada. Midland is my beat," he says, offering his hand to shake.

2019-09-11, 04:11 PM
Marcus shrugs at Lucian and turns to the new arrival with him, noting the spell component pouch on her belt.
"And I'm Marcus Kincaid, it's good to meet you. You must be the other spellcaster. I don't remember seeing you at the Academae. Are you from one of the temples then?"

An Amy
2019-09-11, 05:57 PM
"Isara is fine," she tells Lucian, taking his hand and letting a genuine smile cross her features. Yes, Lucian, she remembered. Of course, another Midland guard, but there are some people whose names continually escape her. Unfortunately, this just might be the case... probably due to a Lucian she once knew... "Good to meet you.

"And you as well Marcus," Isara turns to face the other mage while giving her head a shake. "No... I, uh, I'm not studied with them. I studied with..." The Shoanti? "Druids."

2019-09-12, 04:29 PM
Janna looks up from nursing a small dagger cut on her finger. "Oh, hail Isara. I heard they were bringing a druid in on this one. I knew it would have to be you."

She turns to look at Marcus. "Don't let the spell bag fool you. She's as dangerous as any of us in a close fight. Not to mention fast. I don't think I've heard of anyone getting away from her on foot."

2019-09-12, 04:52 PM
Mikael smiles at the kind words Janna said about Isara and then gazes off into the empty space.

It's true, by reputation, everyone in here is a very capable fighter and a fearsome opponent. The newbie is the only wild card here I think.

Man if this raid goes good, I wonder if I can secure the fishery they are located at for my family. I bet we could turn it around both as legitimate business for Braun and a front for Vex.

Mikael continues dreaming up of ways to make his very minor dock family more powerful and influential before snapping back to reality.

" So are we waiting on anybody else?"

2019-09-12, 05:27 PM
Marcus perks up imediately upon hearing this and focuses in on Isara even more intently.
"A druid? Really? I've never met one before. So how does that work with being in the Guard then? Aren't druids generally about nature and the wilds?"

2019-09-13, 02:51 AM
"Isara, then. Pleased to meet you. We've been discussing Kincaid's magical abilities and how they might help in the raid. Seeing as you're a spellcaster also, perhaps you could provide a brief rundown on your capabilities as well?"

2019-09-13, 09:05 AM
Before Isara can respond Watch Sergeant Verik steps through the door and says, "Alright, quiet down." Though members of the Guard choose their own gear, Verik is wearing what passes for an officer's uniform, a grey surcoat trimmed in red bearing the device of Korvosa over a mail hauberk. A sword hangs from one hip and a truncheon from the other. He leans his halberd against the wall behind him and fixes everybody present with an impassive look.

Verik has a narrow face with watery eyes and unruly brown hair. He isn't known for being particularly intelligent, however he is quite ambitious and more than a touch opportunistic. He's said to be connected to one of the more powerful noble familes, but which one changes with who is doing the telling. Regardless, he is one of the two Midland sergeants.

"You're all here. Good." His gaze seems to linger on Mikael a while longer than anybody else before he coughs and draws a small portrait out of a pouch at his belt. "This is Gaedren Lamm," he says passing it to Isara. "He's been known to the Guard for some time as the leader of a gang of street urchins and petty thugs. He's been arrested before, but not since he started getting others to do his dirty work for him. What has brought him to our attention this time is that he is suspected of the double murder of one Zellara Esmeranda and her son." Verik pauses to let this sink in for a moment.

"Lamm is currently working out of an abandoned fishery at Westpier 17. In addition to his "lambs," he has some dozen known associates, any number of which may be working in concert with him. Your charge is to take him, dead or alive, and bring an end to his criminal operations. You will receive a bonus of twenty sovereigns a head for any of his cohorts your capture alive and five for any slain. Lamm's possessions seized in the course of your duties are yours to keep. The churches of Pelor, Hieroneous, and Asmodeus have all agreed to take in any of the children who have no families to return to and who are too young to take care of themselves. Questions?"

2019-09-13, 09:17 AM
Marcus raises a hand and then, realizing he's not in class, speaks up and puts it down again.
"I have a couple questions sir. Do we have full clearance for mind-affecting magic in this case? Also, what do we know about the victims and the murder? Anything that would be helpful for collecting evidence?

2019-09-13, 09:44 AM
Mikael turns to attention to Sergeant Verik. He notices the gaze resting upon him a tad bit longer than for the others before Verik continued on to address the rest of the group.

Seems he still questions my loyalty even after I've told him I've no intention of running from the call of duty, should things turn sour for the city. He doesn't seem to realize my family has more to gain from me staying in the guards during times of tumult versus times of peace. There's more to be had all around, if a few should defect, the pot grows bigger for me. Mikael thought privately

He looks at Marcus as he asks his question to Verik and smiled, appreciating the wizard's passion for peace in this particular raid. After all, more to be gained from bringing them all in alive or as many alive as possible vs dead. Mikael needs the extra money for his family's business and the more the better.

2019-09-13, 09:48 AM
Deklen waited for the discussion between Marcus and Verik to end, though he took a moment to cast a speculative look in Mikael's direction. What was that all about?

When he had the opportunity to ask, he did so: "How quickly do you want him brought down?"

Deklen didn't think of himself as a cynic - that would have suggested reality was different to how he saw the world working - but there seemed to be something else at work here. Four times the money if they brought Lamm's cohorts in alive, but no mention of something similar for bringing in Lamm himself.

And Deklen might not have been a guard for terribly long, but he couldn't remember hearing of a 'dead or alive' mark being issued on someone suspected of murder. Usually even the guard observed some of the traditional legal hypocrises. Unless, of course, Deklen's worldview was correct and the sergeant's commanders knew full well that Lamm would likely never see the inside of a prison cell or a legal execution ceremony, and thus were in fact ordering a kill mission without saying so.

More relevantly, Deklen knew the more time one had to observe a target, the better the odds were of bringing the target down efficiently. Of course there were the risks of being detected in overwatch, but he doubted he'd look that much different to the locals if he started hanging around the docks. So knowing whether they had a timeframe would be useful.

An Amy
2019-09-13, 10:38 AM
Isara knows druidic magic isn't fully understood. It's all... mystical and sometimes even shrouded in 'fey' whispers. It can be potent, she knows, but she herself isn't going to wow anyone soon. Before she gets a word out, Sergeant Verik steps through and delivers his short brief of the situation and the orders. Her expression hides none of her questions, and she senses that others have similar... concerns. Suspected but willing to accept these people dead or alive. What investigation has happened so far? Sounds to her like this just turns out to be a really good reason to put more heat on a known criminal. Seemed odd to go after Lamm with such force... and fatality. Or rather someone wants him taken down permanently and is fine issuing 'dead or alive' commands. A petty criminal no one will miss. There's always an angle being worked... Isara doesn't mind having one less criminal on the streets... and it was good the children would be taken care of. Concerning, though, if the children might be used as shields or to attack. That knits her brows...

She waits for the answers the others have asked.

2019-09-13, 02:05 PM
Sergeant Verik seems, by his facial expressions, supremely bored but he answers Marcus' question readily enough. "You may use whatever means are at your disposal to effect the arrest. Lamm and his gang are expected to resist, violently. He has spent the last few decades carving out a niche for himself in the city's underworld. While he has often been suspected of various crimes he has just as often escaped justice. The First Arbiter has issued this writ personally." Verik produces a scroll with a red wax seal on it detailing Lamm's suspected crimes, those for which he is being arrested, and granting broad authority to the bearers to take him and any immediate associates into custody, using lethal force if necessary.

"The woman, Esmeranda, was a Varisian fortune teller who went missing about a week ago. Her son disappeared about six months ago. Back when her son was just a missing individual the Guard couldn't spare the resources to search for him. According to a letter Esmeranda sent to a friend before her disappearance she used her talent to discover her son's fate at the hands of Lamm and intended to confront him. The letter was designed to serve as a contingency in the event of her death."

Leaning back against the wall Verik taps the heel of one boot against the toe of the other and shrugs with his hands in response to Deklen's question. "As quickly as possible, but without losing any guardsmen to carelessness. The writ is in no danger of expiring, but Lamm has a talent for disappearing within the city. It seems he has a friend within the administration who passes him details on what buildings are unused and for how long. The fishery in question technically belongs to the Bank of Asmodeus at the moment, they'll probably have a new tenant lined up for it in a month or two. Lamm will have to move before then."

2019-09-13, 02:39 PM
"Oh the church of Asmodeus is going to take the kids in, are they?" Janna asks sharply. "Out of the frying pan, into the fire."

She regains control of herself, and stiffly slides her dagger back into her boot.

"Sarge, can the bank give us anything to help? Do they have a map, or any information on the building?"

2019-09-13, 02:49 PM
Mikael's ears perked up when he heard mention of the First Arbiter.

First Arbiter ordered this hit eh? With the way she spends her wealth on orphanages and children, she'd probably like to hang Lamm herself. I'll bring him alive just for her pleasure

Seeing an opportunity for a possible bonus, Mikael asks
"Do you want us to sniff out the mole in the administration as well and have them tried for aiding and abetting Lamm?"

2019-09-13, 04:01 PM
Enthusiastic bunch, this lot, Lucian thinks.

"Sergeant Verik - you mentioned a bonus for the apprehension of Lamm's henchmen. Is there no prize money to be had for Lamm himself? I mean, if his possessions are the prize, one could get one's hands on them just as easily with him dead."

2019-09-13, 04:49 PM
Verik rolls his eyes at Janna's assessment of the Asmodean church. "If you don't like it take them to one of the others. It makes no difference to me. As for help from the bank, I doubt it. The building is old, run down, and even in its prime it wasn't much to be proud of. I don't think plans ever would have been made of it at all. I think the Temple purchased the property at city auction a while back, so there might be a written description of the place in the records."

When Mikael chips in Verik shakes his head and display a characteristic lazy streak. "There's nothing illegal about providing public records. If you could prove bribery or something similar that might be different, but as it stands finding Lamm's informant would probably be a waste of time and a tip off."

It seems for an instant that a grimace passes across Verik's face when Lucian mentions compensation for Lamm. "Rolling up Lamm and his operation is worth a purse of five hundred sovereigns to Field Marshal Kroft," Verik says more than a little grudgingly, it would seem that he had wanted to claim that for himself, but couldn't think fast enough to provide a convincing deflection.

2019-09-13, 07:24 PM
Marcus keeps a carefully neutral expression while thinking about the case.
How do we get to the best outcome here? Obviously this could be very risky, especially with the presence of children. I'm sure none of them feel any particular love for Lamm so he's probably controlling them through fear, and scared people are hard to predict. If he has enough of a hold on them to get them to attack us or if they just panic and react violently...
Marcus's expression slips and he grimaces at the thought.
This could turn into a nightmare.
Marcus looks around at his fellow guardsmen in the order in which he met them, considering them and the mission ahead.

Janna Fleet. He'd been offput at first by the conversation he'd overheard between her and Mikael where they bet on kills during the assignment but he felt better about her after her assurances that she'd welcome any of the criminals surrendering. And then there was her distaste for the idea of sending the children to the Asmodeans. That hadn't sat well with Marcus either. It probably would have just shifted them from one harsh master who controlled them through fear to another. Overall she seemed a bit rough, but Marcus felt like he could trust her.

Mikael Vasserboren. Again, the conversation had been concerning but then Mikael had reassured him that he also felt the best outcome was taking everyone alive and that he took his oath seriously. He'd also been the one to bring up finding the mole so it seemed like he cared about doing what's best for the city and not just doing the bare minimum to get the job done. Marcus didn't feel totally sure here, especially given Sergeant Verik's reaction to him, but his policy was to trust the people he works with unless given a good reason not to. After all, they'd all taken the oath and needed to work together.

Deklen Callas. Marcus knew he should be wary considering the fact that Deklen had been a criminal himself but so many people fell into crime by necessity that he really felt he couldn't judge without knowing more. He'd been very forthright about the geas and while he'd heard the Guard was getting desperate for bodies in uniform he couldn't imagine they'd let a truly dangerous criminal on the loose. He definitely seemed competent enough, and with the geas there, regardless of why, it seemed like there wasn't really much a reason to doubt him. And besides, he really just liked the man and looked forward to working with him.

Lucian Espada. Obviously a pragmatist and obviously well-informed about the Guard itself. He seemed professional enough, and he'd shown an interest in keeping down casualties on both sides even before learning that there was more money in taking the criminals alive. There'd been that word he called Deklen when he came in that Marcus wasn't sure about. Deklen hadn't really shown much of a reaction but he'd also not spoken to the man since it happened. Maybe something to ask Deklen about. Overall, Marcus felt mostly comfortable trusting the man.

And finally, Isara Wellspire. Not much to say there yet as she'd barely spoken before Sergeant Verik came in. She obviously bore some ill-will towards Deklen but it seemed like they'd never met so there probably wasn't any history there he could ask about. He didn't know much about druids beyond that they were divine spellcasters like clerics but with a strong connection to nature and had the ability to take on animal forms. He was very curious about why one would be working in the city rather than outside it but she hadn't gotten a chance to explain that. She seemed a bit quiet but Marcus felt pretty sure he'd be able to get her to open up. And anyways, it would definitely be helpful to have another spellcaster around. They often had a lot more options when it came to dealing with opponents without killing them. And maybe she'd be able to use some healing magic too, definitely worth asking about.

Overall, Marcus felt a bit more confident about the mission after considering the team. Sure, it was a dangerous assignment and they'd have to be delicate, but everyone here seemed at least professional and intent on avoiding unnecessary harm. He'd met a few guards in his short time in the organization that wouldn't have hesitated to just kick in the door and wade in with their swords.

2019-09-13, 07:28 PM
"Ah! Excellent! We will do the Field Marshal proud, I'm sure," Lucian answers with a wide smile when Verik mentions the Field Marshal's purse. And perhaps we'll even receive it from her own hands... he muses to himself, his smile growing even wider.

"You know, Janna, even if the bank won't be able to help directly, the fact that they own the fishery does provide us with an avenue for approaching Lamm's hideout without giving ourselves away as members of the Guard. We could present ourselves as something he probably fears much more than the Guard - officers of the bank, come to foreclose early and evict him from his lair. Unless he's an utter fool, he probably won't be willing to immediately attack us, and he may even feel forced to treat with us. It could probably get our collective feet in the door, at least."

2019-09-13, 08:13 PM
Janna leans back, slowly looking between each of the guards, thinking deeply as she pondered.

Five sovereigns a head, but twenty alive. And there's twelve of them... so that's twelve twenties. Plus five hundred sovereigns for Lamm. But there are six of us. So what do we make out of it? And we get to keep whatever's in the warehouse. But that's probably just fish.

"Hm?" Janna looks up at Lucian, then around at the others. She considers it for a while, then says, "I think if I were a criminal hiding in an abandoned building - not that I've ever been in that situation - it wouldn't matter much to me if it was a guard, a banker, or a devil who came looking. I'd run if I were in a running mood, or fight if I thought I could take them."

She straightens up.

"But, uh- You probably don't want me for talking about plans. I'd be happy just to wing it. I mean... we could just go straight there. Right now. Spike the back doors, smash in through the front, and storm the place with bows before they know what's happening."

2019-09-13, 08:18 PM
Marcus's head jerks up, eyes widening. Perhaps he'd been wrong.
"But there are children in there, we can't do that! They could all be killed, trapped between us and the people controlling them with nowhere to run!"

2019-09-13, 08:20 PM
Mikael listens intently for the Sergeant's answer and was disappointed to hear that the mole wouldn't net him any bonuses. He tries to avoid pointless pursuits as much as possible. Mikael cracked a small smile when he heard Verik basically admit he was going to hold back 500 sovereigns and not share that with the group.

Heh fool should have just put a lower price on Lamm. 100 sovereigns would have been believable. I'm glad Lucian asked about Lamm's bounty. I look forward to my share.

Sovereigns AND a bit of possible recognition from the first arbiter? This raid is turning out to be better than I thought.

Hearing Marcus protest to something, Mikael turns to see if he might have to reassure the peace loving wizard that they ain't gonna slaughter who didn't need slaughtering

2019-09-13, 08:31 PM
Janna collapses back again, sighing and folding her arms. "Oh yeah, the kids. See! Planning's hard!"

2019-09-13, 08:43 PM
"Eh you're just trying to plan before we got a whole lot of information. All we know is that he's possibly holed up in Westpier 17, it's owned by the Bank of Asmodeus and it's a fishery that hasn't been used in a while.

We'll gather some more information, scout out the area, probably sending someone who's good at sneaking to observe patrols if any, how many folks go in and out and figure out the best time to strike.

It would be ideal to whittle down their numbers but Lamm didnt stay out the brig by being stupid. He's smart and paranoid to boot. If even one of his men break routine, he'll likely bolt to be safe. We gotta figure out how to account for that"

2019-09-13, 08:57 PM
Verik sighs, pushing off from the wall and putting a hand on his halberd. "Well, the particulars are up to you, and if there's nothing else, I have my own duties to attend. Report back to Citadel Volshyenek when you've completed the mission." From the sergeant's tone it would appear that he wants nothing more to do with the assignment.

Last chance for questions before Verik leaves and you guys head off to deal with Lamm.

2019-09-13, 09:09 PM
Marcus sighs in relief and sinks back in his seat somewhat embarassed.
"Oh, good. I apologize Janna, I overreacted. No other questions from me sir."

2019-09-14, 01:12 AM
"I have one more," said Deklen. "You said the Bank will likely find another tenant in a month or two. Is Lamm renting the fishery from the Bank of Asmodeus?"

2019-09-14, 01:32 PM
Verik purses his lips. "Well, I don't actually know. The bank isn't known for letting their investments lose money, and it would leave a paper trail for Lamm to do things officially," he says as if his conclusions were obviously unquestionable.

2019-09-14, 04:29 PM
Lucian smiles indulgently at Janna's comment about criminals and their hiding places. "It's a good thing you're not a criminal then. Were I criminally inclined, then I'd certainly be far more worried about getting on the wrong side of the Lord of Hell's own bank than us friendly Guardsmen. They're a tight-fisted, merciless lot, those bankers, and they take a dim view of anyone using their property without paying for it. If we turn up and manage to pass ourselves off as the bank's enforcers, then I'd expect Lamm's crew to think twice about attacking us or telling us to sod off. They might run, but they'd have to be properly desperate to immediately draw steel."

OOC: The above is all assuming that our DM affirms my suspicions in the OOC thread. If I'm way off base, I'll delete or rewrite.

An Amy
2019-09-15, 08:50 PM
Isara took mental note of those who'd at least voiced concern regarding the children. Yes, their presence there complicated things in her mind. They were just liabilities... they were, in many ways, her motivation for doing what she did. For them to have a better life, though she wanted to more see that they didn't end up in the hands of the Asmodeon church... perhaps better there than the streets, but still. Though the main objective was Lamm... And if Lamm were in the running mood, it might be best to spook him into running and to get him away from the children. It was a bit easier following a rat than coaxing one out of hiding even when you knew the hole they were in. As long as someone kept their eyes on him.

She otherwise kept quiet, suddenly getting the feeling that she knew nothing about the people she was to work with. Guards, like she, but with varying definitions of a "job well done", she was sure. Hopefully the variation wasn't too far apart.

2019-09-16, 12:22 AM
"Well, I'll leave you all to it then," Verik says with a nod and walks out of the room, the steel butt of his halberd clicking on the flagstones.

Chapter 1: The Edge of Anarchy

2019-09-16, 10:25 AM
Mikael smiles, excited to get started with his new shield-siblings.

"So now we can get to work and start planning this with the information that we have so far.

So far we know where Lamm's hiding, a very rough estimate of numbers, and that he's squatting on a property belonging to the Asmodeum bank. Lucian's brought up a good plan. We can go in there covertly impersonating bank enforcers and gather information that way. But this carries a flight risk. Half our advantage is upon knowing where he is now.

We could also storm the place and shock and awe them into submission but without knowing if Children could get caught in the crossfire, this is too risky.

It looks to me, the best course of action is to gather intel and try and figure out a routine of who comes in and who goes out.

But in order to do this well, we gotta know each other's non combat strength. For me, I can get information from anyone we capture using....persuasion of the rougher kind."

Mikael cracks his knuckles when mentioning his "persuasion" skills.

An Amy
2019-09-16, 11:12 AM
"I've no knack for sneaking around... But I could advise that if some are going to be gathering intel, that the some of us perform normal patrols near the warehouse on the sides where the scouts won't be so as to draw cautious attention. Nothing to provoke or spook, just normal guards going about a normal patrol. As for any other skills of mine, I could likely find whatever other hole Lamm might run off into should he get away from the fishery. That and I'm good in a rush."

2019-09-16, 09:57 PM
"Except for Isara you've all seen some of what I can do already. My magic is mostly focused on illusions and influencing people but I can do a few other things like some basic divination and transmutation. I know a short range communication spell that might be helpful if we're split up.

Other than that I know the city and its people relatively well and I'm a fair enough hand at stealth. I can open a basic lock if I have some time to focus on it but I'm still learning.

I'm generally not much good in a rush. My magic tends to be the most effective when it's unexpected so I'm at my best when I can put someone to sleep or or overwhelm their minds before they know I'm a threat.

As far as specific plans I'm definitely against storming the place and definitely in favor of spending a good amount of time learning all we can about Lamm, his people, and his operation. If we can get to some of his people I might be able to magically charm some information out of them or even get one of them to let us into the building when the time comes. That could be a bit risky and tip them off if it doesn't work though."

2019-09-17, 03:17 PM
"I may not be great at sneaking around," Janna says, "- or lying, or getting information out of people. Or sitting still for long periods. But... hey listen. What if he's moving people around by boat? It's a fishery right on the pier. If we hole up on the landward side we might miss people coming and going by water."


"Anyway, someone who can get around without getting attention should go and check it out right now. If they're quick they can get back and tell us the layout while we're still planning the overwatch. I can do it if you want."

2019-09-17, 04:23 PM
Marcus, typically quiet, is trying to shake off his introversion and aversion to speaking. He knows in order to move up the ranks, he's gotta seem somewhat leaderly or lick the boots of some noble. He vastly prefers the former to the latter as those who acquire rank by being some noble's pet is disgusting to him

So he tries to organize the group and coordinate the activities with his peers in the hopes of a good referral from his shield-siblings

"Alright, so shock and awe is off the table for now.

Marcus, your skills seems they'd be useful for setting up watch alongside one or two other sneaky types. So You'll probably go on that task.

Isara, your suggestion is a good one, do you want anybody to accompany you? If so, I'm fairly decent in a rush too. I've trained my body to almost treat my heavy armor as if I was just wearing common clothes"

Plus if I'm right, her darker skin is due to Shoanti heritage. She might be able to answer some questions of mine I plan to bring up later. I got to know if the things Runa said to me at dinner last night has any truth to it. I hope she will be honest with me, and I figure she will so long as I don't demonize the Shoanti

"Janna, you're helluva good muscle to have around. We probably should question some of our friends in low places, maybe you can go back up someone who can talk to them and be there just in case they start getting any bright ideas about attacking one of our own. Your greatsword will give them pause before attacking us.

Anybody else know what they need to do here?"

2019-09-17, 05:10 PM
"I see no reason to rush matters. I suggest splitting into three teams for now. One stakes out the fishery and takes note of whoever comes and goes, obvious guards, and so forth. The other two teams hit the streets and dig up whatever extra information we can about Lamm, his crew, their capabilities, and - as Isara suggested - whatever other hidey holes Lamm may have. This may take a couple of days."

"Once we have that information, we can plan our raid properly. Whether we go in hard and fast or try for a more subtle approach should be dictated by the intelligence our teams have gathered. I stand by the idea that making ourselves out to be enforcers for the Bank of Asmodeus is also a viable approach to get us inside without needing to break the doors down. In fact, we might even be able to make it official. Contact the bank, inform them of the squatters, and offer our services to run them off."

An Amy
2019-09-18, 08:21 AM
"Yes, I can go question around, see what the streets have to say about Lamm and his associates and such," Isara replies, stepping away from where she leaned against the wall. "That might get us a little history about him, let us know more about who he is. That could make understanding him and predicting him easier. Rushing wouldn't be something I'd do right now... not unless someone really doesn't like the questions being asked. Just, if we have a pinch, I can be good for one.

"But other than Deklen... who could recon the fishery? Would that be you Marcus? You said you've a bit of talent in stealth."

2019-09-18, 09:30 AM
Originally planning on accompanying Isara so that he could have the opportunity to ask more about the Shoanti sentiment towards the city, Mikael suddenly remembered that where Lamm is holed up is in the same docks as his family's business. Seeing an opportunity, he turns to Lucian to address him.

" Hey Lucian, can I come with you to the Bank of Asmodeus? I think your idea could help us to gain legitimate entry to the hideout, especially if we make it official. I can be your muscle in case Lamm's associates decides to put more holes in us than the gods gave us. Plus I know my way around the docks, been working there since I was but a boy barely old enough to walk"

2019-09-18, 09:37 AM
Marcus nods confidently to Isara."Aye, I think that's definitely something I can do. And if people in the other groups can come nearby periodically. I can relay messages to them from Deklan and I about who we've seen going in and out of the hideout without either of us leaving our hiding spots."

2019-09-18, 09:40 AM
"Sounds like some sort of plan to me," said Deklen, folding his arms. "At least I'll be able to put my feet up. I'd suggest you leave me in that area for a couple of days. That should give me enough time to properly look over the place from a vantage point - see if there's patterns to their movements and so on. And mind you ask for some sort of reward from the Bank for pushing squatters off their property - it'll probably come across as less suspicious to them, too."

An Amy
2019-09-18, 11:13 AM
"We're guards," Isara responded to Deklen. "We don't use our duties to extort or extract reward for doing our job. As well, there should be no reason to deceive the bank. Provided that no one in the bank is the one feeding Lamm information about vacant lots, they shouldn't have a problem lending a little aid to the guard ridding their property of squatters, especially criminals."

2019-09-18, 03:25 PM
"..We don't use our duties to extort or extract reward for doing our job..."

"It sounds like you all have things to do," Janna says, jumping up. "I've got some things I can check as well. If anyone sees me, it might look like I'm drinking, but I'll actually be investigating."

2019-09-18, 05:56 PM
"That's a very interesting viewpoint, Isara, though I fail to see how offering our services to the Bank could amount to extortion? We would be engaging in a legitimate business transaction to our mutual benefit," Lucian notes.

"Anyway, I'll be off to speak to my contacts and when I'm done I'll see if the Bank's amenable to my proposition. You're welcome to join me if you like, Mikael."

2019-09-18, 06:07 PM
"I'm of a mind with Lucian. Plus offering our services for a small fee is probably cheaper than having to hire others to do that. It also helps them solve a problem they want to solve with little risk. Mutually beneficial for all involved.

On that note, I'll join Lucian on working with the Bank."

An Amy
2019-09-19, 09:46 AM
Isara pursed her lips and remained quiet as the opinions accumulated for the idea of acquiring additional compensation for a job they were not just already being paid to do but a duty they were sworn to do... geased to do in one case. She was grateful this assignment came with rewards of its own, but it didn't seem right to seek more from others that just so happened to benefit. But she wasn't going to make more of a fuss about it. Honestly, if it hadn't been Deklen to propose such, she might have just kept quiet. It was a touch irksome that those that had voiced an opinion shared it with a geased criminal and not a fellow guard.

"I'll head out to find out what information I can about places Lamm might flee in case he gets the opportunity. Depending... it might be easier to apprehend Lamm if he's spooked on running to one of these other holes."

2019-09-19, 06:29 PM
With their course set the six guards take up their equipment and make their way out of Citadel Volshyenek into the city. An undertone of tension is almost palpable even in the crowded, bustling streets of Korvosa. People make way for the guard with nods and bows or glares and sneers. Whatever happens, it is clear that the tension must either resolve or break soon, and it's all tied to the King's health.

With their plans set the squad breaks off either into pairs or to do their own leg work. Rendezvous and points of contact are established and then the breaking of Gaedren Lamm's criminal empire begins. Marcus and Deklen make their way to his current hideout, the fishery in West Dock, Lucian and Mikael go to inquire at the bank, and Isara and Janna seem to think better of working as a team, acknowledging their quite different styles, before heading off each to their own contacts.

The building isn't hard to find. It's a decrepit, rundown old eyesore perched on the edge of the Jeggare river, atop a steep embankment. Over half of the structure extends out into the river on a forest of barnacle encrusted pilings. A rickety looking board walk wraps around the back side of the building and extends all the way to a ship moored to the side of the fishery. The vessel has quite obviously seen better days, and it would require a very brave, or very well paid, crew to try and make her sail ever again.

All of the external windows are boarded up, difficult to climb through but perfect for observing passers-by. There is a side door that opens on to the boardwalk, but it appears disused. The main doors are mottled with mold and grime but still seem solid enough. One, a set of double doors facing the road, is locked at all times with a rusted iron chain. The other, a pair of sliding bay doors, allow access between a large loading deck and the upper workroom. These are kept open during the day and shut at night.

During the day, it would appear that Lamm does a brisk business in fish slurry. Merchants with yesterday's leftovers and sailors with unattractive hauls sell what they would otherwise have to simply throw away and in return they buy barrels full a foul smelling blend of chum, river water, and seaweed. This slurry is popular as bait, fertilizer, or, in a pinch, for making "dock-dumplings" when poor laborers can't afford anything else to eat. Marcus notices that while most of the barrels are sold on a first in, first out basis, a few each day are set aside and only sold to certain customers. Customers who don't have the look of sailors or dock merchants.

During their stakeout Marcus and Deklen quickly identify over two dozen street urchins that appear to call the fishery home. Presumably these are the "lambs" who serve as the basis for Lamm's ring of pickpockets. Their ages range from about fifteen all the way down to around six or seven. A minority of them perform backbreaking labor in the fishery each day making the slurry, under the watchful eyes of their taskmasters while most of them are sent out into the city to cut purses or filch valuables.

Of perhaps more interest and concern are the taskmasters themselves. Between them Marcus and Deklen identify five known associates of Lamm, however they cannot directly confirm Lamm's presence at the fishery. The five known criminals are: Yargin Balko, human confidence man; Hookshanks Gruller, gnome pickpocket; Gilak "Giggles" Murbol, orc thug; Orsit Goldfinger, dwarf bookie; and Ransford Nottley, human thug. Goldfinger has been arrested peacefully in the past, but never revealed who he kept books for, probably why he's still alive. Giggles and Nottley both have records for various assaults and batteries, and are unlikely to go quietly. Gruller is known for using his stature to pass as a human child, both to pull off his crimes and to evade capture. He is known to have access to the common illusions possessed by some of his race. Finally, and perhaps most concerning, Balko has a penchant for using acid as a weapon and possesses some small talent with magic.

Deklen also discovers that the criminals keep a boar hound on site and that it roams the fishery after hours. Other patrols can be spotted at night when light peeks through the cracks in the window coverings. Guard presence in the area is minimal, but then again nothing obviously criminal is going on.

After a few delays and some stonewalling by the byzantine bureaucracy of the Bank of Asmodeus, Lucian and Mikael are finally able to speak with an official who has both knowledge of the property and the authority to divulge it. The woman behind the dark polished desk is a shrewd negotiator, taking her time before responding, seeming to calculate every angle. She refuses to give her name going by only her title, assistant director of waterfront assets. The AD is willing to entertain a payment for the guard clearing out any unauthorized inhabitants of the fishery, but insists that before a number can be settled upon the bank will have to inspect the property and assess any damaged caused in the eviction of the current occupants. She further insists that any goings on at the fishery in question are without the knowledge or approval of the bank and disclaims any liability therefore. Reading off of a description of the property, she reveals that the location is old and in disrepair, consisting of a main, split level with a smaller undercroft beneath. The ship moored at the fishery is certainly not sea worthy but would cost more than it is worth to the bank to either repair or scuttle.

From the Bank in North Point the pair of guardsmen make their way to Old Korvosa, to speak to Lucian's friends in the Scizarni. It quickly becomes apparent that while Lamm might be on the rise, many of Lucian's underworld contacts see him as old, washed up, and weak. The two guardsmen confirm rumors that Lamm is holed up in the fishery and several sources even indicate that he rarely leaves it any more. Preferring to always have a solid wall at his back. Despite this apparent paranoia neither Lucian or Mikael can find any trace of a threat against Lamm from the less scrupulous elements of Korvosan society. Admittedly, Lamm is unpopular among the Scizarni for his use of children, but nobody is upset enough to move against him. And the Scizarni conveniently dismiss their hypocrisy by pointing out that employing family is different from using children.
You are able to confirm that Devargo himself is Lamm's supplier of Shiver.

Lucian and Mikael learn that Lamm keeps some muscle with him in the form of a pair of human and half-orc thugs. They also learn about Yargin Balko, Lamm's right hand, a foppish man with a smattering of magical talent and an affinity for acids. Additionally it would appear that the "lambs" are kept in line through fear and coercion. Each is expected to bring in a certain amount of coin every week or face a beating.

Word about Lamm on the street is fairly hard to come by. It would seem that he is becoming increasingly paranoid and reluctant to interact with other criminals. Isara learns that he spends most of his time in the fishery and periodically sends one of his thugs out to fence the things that his lambs steal. Nobody seems to know about any secondary hideouts he or his crew maintain, and Isara is pretty sure that's because there aren't any. Lamm seems to line up one location at a time and has only recently adopted the fishery.

There are a few people who know about Lamm or have worked with him in the past. Most seem to think that he's a weak man and of those who have worked with him most cite his use of children as their reason for departing his crew. It would seem that Lamm is horribly cruel to his lambs, and more than willing to dispose of a less than profitable urchin. Word is that the old man hardly leaves his hideout anymore, except to move to a new one which he does every few months, although he's staying put for longer and longer these days. He's still got allies, mostly new hires. People say that his crew is heavy on muscle but light on brains, except for Lamm himself who seems to prefer it that way.

Janna confirms that the fishery is definitely a front for Lamm, who uses it to make a little bit of legitimate money but mostly for its unassuming location and the ability to move illegal goods without drawing attention. It seems that the place mostly produces fish slurry in barrels, but some of the barrels conceal either Shiver, a new street drug, or are sent off to fences to move whatever valuables his band of pickpockets manage to steal.

2019-09-20, 04:15 PM
Janna stomps back into Volshyenek barracks, dumping her weapons and shield in a pile by the door. Her chainmail rattles as she collapses into a chair, then kicks her feet up to rest on the table.

Finally she digs in her belt pouch for a second and pulls out a chunk of cheese, which she starts breaking pieces off and eating.

2019-09-20, 04:27 PM
Mikael comes into the Barracks not too long after Janna and sets his sword and spiked shield down gently.

He sits at a different table, preferring to be alone and gazes intently at his sword. Lost in thought about how to proceed with the operation. Prioritizing minimal casualties and collateral damage to the building. Seeking to ingratiate himself to the Bank of Asmodeus in Hopes of a greater payday

2019-09-21, 08:59 PM
Marcus limps into the barracks rubbing his back and carefully sits down at Janna's table with a soft groan, grimacing in pain.

"Janna, Mikael." He nods in greeting. "Why did no one warn me that stakeouts are literally the most uncomfortable thing you can possibly suffer through? I had to sit still in one spot, outside, on a rooftop, without moving, for 2 days. I mean, Deklen and I got some valuable information don't get me wrong but I feel like I've just gone through a full days worth of weapons drill."

He's followed in by a porter from a nearby tavern carrying a large pot, a small tapped barrel, and a couple loaves of bread. Marcus motions him to set them down on the table next to him and fetches out 6 bowls and mugs before paying the porter and sending him off.

"Anyways, dinner's on me. It's nothing fancy, just stew, ale, and bread. But after two days outside it's what the doctor ordered."

He ladles himself a steaming bowl of stew, cuts a thick slice of bread, and pours a foaming mug of ale before sinking back into his chair and taking a long pull from the mug with a contented sigh.

2019-09-21, 11:01 PM
"I was wondering why you were so coy about splitting off on our way out," said Deklen to Marcus. He stepped in past the porter, grinning. "I thought I'd developed bad breath from sitting two days under a set of stairs. Either way, well called to buy from around here. Whatever you would've bought off the street in the docks area would've had you erupting from both ends. I speak from experience." Deklen glanced around. "Ah; Ma'am Fleet - Master Wasserboren. Ma'am Wellspire didn't ... come to grief, did she?"

2019-09-22, 04:41 PM
Lucian saunters in to the barracks, looking very pleased with himself. Sitting down at the table, he helps himself to some ale and stew.

"Well? How did things go for everyone? For myself, I'm quite pleased with our fishing expedition, wouldn't you agree, Mikael?"

2019-09-22, 06:18 PM
Mikael gets back up and helps himself to some Ale before returning to his table

"I'll never turn down free ale. However, I must turn down the stew and bread. Muiria usually cooks some dinner for me and I tell you what, hell hath no fury like my wife when I won't eat her cooking. I might be big and strong but the woman's a fearsome foe with a ladle and pans.

And yeah, I'd say we did quite good. We got quite a bit of information. Some on the layouts of the fishery, and some about the personnel of Lamm's group. "

An Amy
2019-09-22, 09:15 PM
Isara returned with the stale tip of some bread she'd picked up back home on her way to the group that day. The smell of stew found her previously satisfied hunger reinvigorated. She wondered who'd brought such a strong scent of food.

As before, seemed she was the last to enter, her eyes scanning across everyone just as Mikael spoke a little about what he'd learned out and about. For all the time she spent, Isara had very little to offer, but in truth by finding nothing regarding what she searched, she felt very sure.

"Hello everyone," she greeted the others, making her way to the same spot on the wall she'd taken upon leaning last time. "All faring well?"

2019-09-23, 03:47 PM
"Doing splendidly, thanks to this hearty meal Marcus has provided us with," Lucian answers.

"Now, shall we get down to business and compare notes?" he asks the others. "Regarding Lamm, my contacts all agree that the fishery is his current bolthole and that he rarely leaves it any more. No one pays him much attention, but he seems paranoid about his imagined competition even though no one is about to move against him. All in all, I don't think we need worry too much about him packing up and moving out voluntarily."

"We also learned that Lamm's actual crew is quite small. Apart from Yargin Balko, his right hand man, it seems he's only attended by a pair of heavies - a human and a half-orc. The rest are children - his "lambs" - that he forces to do his bidding through fear and coercion. Balko, by the way, is rumoured to have some magical talent and a fondness for acids."

"Finally, Mikael and I spoke to the bank. We've gotten them to agree to hire us to handle evicting Lamm. They're drawing up the contract now, but it'll take a day or two to finish. We'd be paid a set sum with deductions for any damages caused when we move in on Lamm. I fully expect them to set ridiculously punitive penalties or to add some worrisome fine print, so before signing the contract, anyone that wants in should read it very carefully. If we do sign, however, we will have legal cause to walk straight up to Lamm's front door and demand a meeting without identifying ourselves as Guardsmen."

2019-09-23, 04:35 PM
Janna stuffs her hunk of cheese back into her belt pouch, then scoops two bowls of stew from the pot and settles back into her seat.

"That matches what I've heard. He's a rat who never comes out of his hole." Janna pauses to start attacking a bowl of stew. It seems to disappear in just a few spoonfuls, after which she pushes the bowl away.

"Also heard he's not too gentle with the kids. As in, that one the Sarge said he killed probably wasn't the first, just the first time he got caught. Wouldn't be surprised if he throws them at us in a fight to try and slow us down."

"Oh. And one more thing. It's not just an abandoned warehouse. It's a real, working slurry plant. That means the whole place is going to stink."

2019-09-23, 07:18 PM
Marcus sighs slightly in relief.

"Well I'm glad to hear you all say that because we never actually saw Lamm enter or leave the hideout. We did identify twenty four children that Lamm is using and five associates."

At this moment Marcus bring up a life size image of all 5 associates, 2 humans, a dwarf, an orc, and a gnome. He gestures to the orc and then the larger human.

"These are Giggles Murbol and Ransform Nottley. Both of them have long histories of violent crime and since we know about that they probably aren't too subtle about it. Even I probably wouldn't try asking them to come quietly. It probably wouldn't be too difficult to confuse them but they might just start stabbing if they don't know what to do."

Next he points to the dwarf and the less thuggish looking human.

"This is Orsit Goldfinger. He probably won't be too much trouble since he just keeps the books and he's been peacefully arrested before. I'd say he might be the most valuable one to take in besudes Lamm himself but he's never talked before about any of the criminals he's worked with so the odds of getting anything out of him are rather low. Next is Yargin Balko. He's the one I'm the most worried about. We heard the same reputation as Lucian about using magic and acid. I guess on the positive side as long as he's using acid we don't have to worry about the building catching on fire but we might have to wrry about it coming down around our ears. If we have to get in a fight I think he should probably be the first one to bring down. I can try to do that myself as an opening shot but generally speaking the more magical ability someone has the more able they are to both recognize and resist the kinds of magic I use."

Finally, Marcus gestures at the gnome.

"And this is Hookshanks Gruller, pickpocket. He's definitely one to memorize and keep a lookout for. He has a reputation for getting himself out of situations by passing himself off as a child. We're going to have to be very careful about not letting him get behind us. He has some ability with illusions so we'll need to look out for that as well. I'm thinking we should come up with some kind of code phrase to let the rest of the group know that something is an illusion if we're exposed to one and one of us figures it out."

Marcus sits down again and takes out his pencil and ink to begin drawing a map (https://i.imgur.com/vktUnVW.png) of the building for the group to use.

"If any of you know of any other people who might be a problem I'll be happy to add them in to the image. I should have a map ready in a minute as well."

An Amy
2019-09-23, 10:01 PM
Isara contorted her face in disgust at the idea of the children being sent out to face guard's. Perhaps they could be persuaded otherwise, but they'd be a concern regardless.

"I can only confirm more of what's been said," Isara added afterwards. "Lamm's a one-hole kinda rat and doesn't keep tabs on other dens, and this fishery is a newer joint. He's isolated himself from other criminals as well, so there's little chance of any others coming to his aid or his coin. He'll fence things out through someone of his crew... think it might be one of these five associates coming and going? Might work to ambush the one associate outside, if this fence-man turns out to be one of them. Either way, done just before our assault, things could go easier with one less person on Lamm's side."

2019-09-24, 07:12 AM
Janna draws her dagger from her boot and sticks the point of the blade into the gut of the illusory Nottley a few times. Her expression turns pensive as she brings the blade up to poke at its face.

"If we know who they are, can we find out where they all haunt? If we can catch up with all of them while they're out on their own, it might save us some trouble at Lamm's place. Plenty of lonely places in this city where someone might get jumped."

An Amy
2019-09-24, 08:18 AM
Curious, Isara pondered removing these associates one by one over a small period of time. Lamm surely wouldn't keep sending them out if they started to disappear. It might have been better to intercept the children as they go out to steal. Lamm couldn't survive without these children doing his work for him, so he'd have to send them out. And by some means, the man knew how to recruit more. Lamm might grow more paranoid if his associates stopped returning. Would need to make that look like criminal competition rather than running afoul of guards. He couldn't suspect a raid. If he did, it might put the children at risk.

Pensive, Isara waited for input from others.

2019-09-24, 08:23 AM
"We might have to get a bit more focused for that," said Deklen, folding his arms and walking over to peer at the map Marcus was drawing. "All five of these sterling fellows seem to be sleeping at this rothouse, so it's not going to be a case of appearing out of their bedroom shadows for a pillow party. And speaking of that, hitting the place at night or breaking in wouldn't be easy at all. The windows are all boarded up, which means whoever's inside can watch the street without being seen. They've got a boarhound on site. Wanders all over the fishery after nightfall. I suppose we could season some meat with something suitably horrible and throw it to the beast to stop it raising any alarms, but I suspect there's other guards about - people peeking through the window coverings, light, that sort of thing. And that's before you remember that pretty well the whole crew of street urchins is sleeping there as well. Call it a feeling I have when attempting not to cause my intestines to fall out onto the street, but taking that place by stealth at night is probably out."

Deklen looked again at Marcus's map. "Yes. Now, here -" and he pointed to the set of doors facing the street[1] - "these doors are never opened. Double doors, locked with a chain, day and night; looks rusted from what I could see. There's mold and grime over those doors, but I know good solid oak when I see it. No kick in the door antics there, I'm afraid, not unless someone fancies a sore leg. Anyway, there's a pair of sliding bay doors here [2] -- those are open during the day and closed at night. Some sort of workroom's accessible up there." He moved to the other side of the map. "Over here's [3] about the most interesting prospect for entry points, but still not easy. It's on the boardwalk, so I'm guessing someone there would have to worry about creaking boards, the usual sort of thing. But it looks disused. Given the other entrances are blocked or seem to be high traffic areas, I'd guess that's the bolthole. The guard comes calling at the front door or on that loading dock, they slip out the back. Or perhaps they've got a rowboat somewhere on the water inside - it's a fishery, I could glimpse water through the side doors, stands to reason it'd have access to the water. Anyway, that great old hulk down the end of the boardwalk's not sailing anywhere but the bottom of the river, but they've still got a rowboat tied up down the east end of that pier as well. I'd jam that door to stop anyone leaving before a direct assault, or at least post someone on the boardwalk when the fun starts." Deklen shrugged. "But then I'd have jammed the side door, set fire to the front door, and then waited to pick them off one by one as they came out to see what the problem was. Problem with that is the Bank of Asmodeus, of course. So. I suppose absent some rather impressive plan we're back to either the direct approach, having a friendly chat with one of these five gentlemen in a pub somewhere, or making like the landlord's turned up."

[1] = A1 on the map.
[2] = A2 on the map.
[3] = A3 on the map.

2019-09-24, 09:35 AM
Mikael listens to the others discussing the plan of attack and sharing information
"I dunno about y'all, but I'm going to be signing the contract with Lucian and then working as agents of the Bank to try and clear out the guys inside. We do have some options. We go as agents of the Bank and tell them there are serious matters to be discussed and that the bank is willing to allow Lamm to stay if he pays for the space and upon investigation of the place we give him a price or give them an eviction notice. If they deal, Lucian and I can get more information about the insides of the fishery and scope out the insides. We may be able to get more information about where they would bolt if trouble came.

The Assistant Director of Waterfront Properties for the Bank gave us a description of the Fishery. There's an undercroft inside. I'm thinking that is likely to be where Lamm is holed up and that may be why you guys" Mikael points at Deklen and Marcus "weren't able to see him. Chances are, it'll be easy to corner him in that undercroft if we managed to get inside and subdue his thugs. I don't know if the undercroft has any more escape points but I wouldn't discount that as a possibility.

An idea came to Mikael and he turns to Marcus.

"Hey, don't you magic types know how to turn people invisible?"

2019-09-24, 03:49 PM
"I don't think being too clever about this is going to help. If we try and pick off his associates ahead of the raid, failure means we alert Lamm to what's going on, with...unpredictable...consequences. No, since they all sleep in there with him, I think we're better off hitting them all at once with all the forces at our disposal - which happens to be just the six of us."

"I agree with Deklen that a night raid will be difficult to pull off as well. We'll need light and we'll need to break down at least one door, which increases the odds of us being discovered and the time Lamm has to react."

"Right now, I believe the easiest way for us to get inside is to split our team and go in during daylight. Most of us walk straight in through the sliding bay doors during the day, when business is in full swing. We identify ourselves as contractors for the Bank so it won't seem suspicious that we're coming in fully armed, and start raising an almighty fuss about Lamm and his crew being squatters. Either they try and throw us out, in which case the fight is on, or we get them worried enough that they try and make a deal with us."

"While the first team is providing a distraction, a second team busts its way in through the door on the boardwalk and takes them from behind. If we hit fast enough and hard enough, it's not unlikely that we can break Lamm's morale and force a surrender."

"But whatever we do, the most important thing to remember is that we want to take these fellows alive and we want to keep damage to the fishery itself to a minimum. Naturally, we also want the children safe and sound," Lucian says with a nod to Isara and Marcus.

"I'd suggest that everyone makes sure they have a club or sap on hand for the raid, and that we only draw steel if things get really hairy. We also need to make sure that all of these villains know that surrender is an option - in my experience, even desperate criminals would rather live another day than die on the spot. We could also shop around among the city's alchemists to see if they have any useful substances that can help knock out the opposition."

Several of these are from sources besides those that were okayed during character generation, so they would require GM permission.
Nets (PHB, p. 119) - Ranged touch attack to entangle foe and allows opposed Strength check to control movement. Exotic weapon though.
Drow poison (DMG, p. 297) - Injury poison, causes unconsciousness as initial and secondary damage. DC 13 to resist.
Flash pellets (CA, p. 119) - Blind everyone within 5 feet for 1 round and dazzle them for another. DC 15 Fort save to avoid the effects.
Screaming flask (CM, p. 135) - 15-foot cone, does 1d8 sonic damage and deafens everyone in area of effect. DC 15 Fort save negates effects.
Roach paste (DotU, p. 94) - injury poison that causes nausea for 1 round, then filth fever. DC 12 to resist.
Red tidewater (Planar Handbook, p. 77) - splash weapon that causes blindness. DC to resist varies with direct hit or splash. Also causes blinding sickness.
Slumber sand (Sandstorm, p. 103) - target struck falls asleep for 1 minute. DC 15 Fort save to resist.
Stinkpot (Stormwrack, p. 108) - smoke fills 10-foot cube. Living creatures must make DC 15 Fort save or become sickened.

2019-09-24, 04:41 PM
"They all sleep in there? Blegh!" Janna leans over to inspect the map.

"I volunteer for the break-in team. I'd probably end up making a mistake and messing up the bank trick anyway." She takes note of the door locations, then says, "What was the roof like? Low and flat?"

2019-09-24, 07:11 PM
Marcus flushes slightly at Mikael's question and answers in a rather flustered manner.

"Um, yes, generally. Well, that is to say that my talents do lie in that direction. That being said I'm sorry to say that I haven't yet mastered that particular spell. Or rather, spells of that complexity are still beyond my abilities for the moment. I only graduated a few months ago and while I'm still getting better I can't quite pull that off yet. It's like what I was saying the other day about illusions being more effective the fewer things they have to incorporate. Invisibility spells require a constant warping of magical energies around the subject and incorporation of visuals from the surrounding environment to..."

His voice trails off as he notices that he's rambling and he flushes even more. Keep it together Marcus, you were chosen for this just like everyone else. He clears his throat before continuing.

"Sorry, I can't pull off that particular spell yet but I'm more than capable of creating illusions to mask our approach into the fishery. I brought up before the idea of a fog illusion. If we go at them in the morning a fog wouldn't be odd and the air mght be humid enough that they won't even notice they're not feeling a fog. And since it's an active fishery they won't be able to notice ay difference in smell. Since you'll all know that it's an illusion though you'll be able to see right through it."

2019-09-24, 11:58 PM
Deklen nods at Janna's question. "Like most roofs in that area. Low and flat. Can't really tell how sturdy it is, though, judging by the state of it from the outside I'd guess it's not in the greatest of condition."

2019-09-25, 09:00 AM
Responding to Marcus "Bummer, but that's ok. I figured invisibility was a bit of a complex spell but since I don't know much about your talents yet, I figured I needed to ask because if you could turn invisible or turn Deklen invisible, that would have been a huge benefit because hey, who doesn't love a stabby invisible sneak on their team? I do like your fog idea. That could help to conceal the approach of those not on the bank team. How long are you able to hold up the fog trick? I'd hate for it to appear entirely coincidental that a fog just so happens to appear when Lucian and I come banging on their doors. "

Looking away from Marcus and looking at everyone else on the team
"Ok so, Lucian and I are part of the bank team so far, anyone else want to join us on that?"

Hearing Janna ask about the roof, Mikael chimes in
"Errrr...as f***ing cool as busting in from the roof sounds and as much as I'd love to see Lamm's lackeys wet themselves in fear from seeing a screaming woman with a greatsword come crashing down from above, I'd like to avoid that option if possible. Roofs are expensive to fix and we can make a bit more money if we avoid that kind of thing. Ideally, a busted door is all we do because I feel like that's within our capabilities to fix before the bank does an inspection. "

Looking at Deklen and Marcus and addressing them, Mikael asks "Hey do the rugrats also sleep in the fishery? Because if not, we can try and call upon them before the kids show up for work. Also, can someone remind me where to get Saps?"

An Amy
2019-09-25, 09:29 AM
"While we're making plans and such... if you didn't know already, I can take the form of an animal, not unlike a boarhound. I'm not saying it could be used to take the boarhound's place, though that could work for a short period of time, I'd think. More bringing it up so the rest of you aren't thrown off if you see a fanged predator suddenly fighting alongside you."

It was probably not a secret that she could do such. She'd not actively tried to keep it a secret as a guard, though she didn't bring it up and rarely did such even when on patrol. Still, best not anyone on her team be surprised in the wrong kind of way.

2019-09-25, 05:01 PM
"Well, it sounds as if we are in agreement on the basics then? Two teams, one front, one back. We go in during the morning as soon as the fishery's opened for business. I would like the "bank team" to be tough enough to hold its own if Lamm gets any funny ideas, so there should be at least three of us. Mikael has already volunteered, and I think we need one more person who looks like they mean business."

"Isara? Would you be up for joining Mikael and myself? Your talents will surely be a boon in a stand-up fight. That would leave Deklen, Janna, and Marcus to break in through the back door, though if you think two will suffice, more muscle in the "bank team" wouldn't hurt."

2019-09-25, 05:31 PM
"With the roof, I wasn't thinking of getting in - though if it's too rotten to support someone that might be an easier prospect than the door. I was wondering if we could put a reserve up there. If it's not too high to jump down then we could put a couple of people in the middle, in earshot of both sides, with just a short run to reinforce either team."

"We don't know where they'll put their strength, how they'll react to the bank, or how hard it'll be to get through the building."

She leans over and taps the bottom right of the building on Marcus' map. "This looks like it could be a blind spot for anyone looking out of the windows. If we can climb up there, we might even be able to make the door without ever being in anyone's line of sight."

2019-09-25, 05:57 PM
Responding to Mikael, Marcus proudly reports
"I can hold the fog illusion indefinitely as long as nothing breaks my concentration. That does unfortunately include casting other spells as well so I'll have to drop it to cast any spells for incapacitating people. And yes, as far as we could tell they all sleep in the fishery with occasional patrols throughout the night.

I think I'm generally in favor of the two team plan. I should probably go in with the backdoor team. If I'm right in front of them when the fighting breaks out and someone takes a swing at me I could lose the spell. I suppose the roof might work as well. I haven't mentioned it before now but I do actually know one short term flight spell. I can pull it off the majority of the time and it would be more than enough to get me on top of the building. I'd just have to do that before starting up the fog illusion. My communication spell lasts twenty minutes so we could make the timing work if I cast that on one person from each group, flew to the top of the building, and got the fog spell up for several minutes before you arrived. I could even check the roof for safety the evening beforehand."

2019-09-26, 10:01 AM
Mikael beams "Excellent Marcus! You're probably going to be the first useful wizard I've ever worked with. Every other cursed wizard wants to fireball first, ask questions later and it's infuriating as all get out. It also seems like you're more willing to work with us as a team and that, my friend, is excellent. Looks like you've got a good idea of what you're doing"

Turning to Lucian and Isara "It sounds like we got our bank team then. And no worries Isara, I love animals. I'd never dare to strike one unless it struck me first so you'll be pretty safe from accidental harm from me. I look forward to seeing your talents in combat. I've never actually fought alongside a druid before."

Addressing everyone, Mikael tries to stress the following points "It looks like we have mostly a plan set up, I'll shed no tears if a few of Lamm's men end up 6 feet under. It would obviously be ideal to take them alive for a bit extra gold and less paperwork but we gotta get Lamm, the bookie, and the children alive at a minimum. I'd also like minimal destruction to the property so that we can get a bit extra from the bank for taking good care of the property. "

An Amy
2019-09-26, 02:46 PM
Isara nodded back to Mikael. Thought she didn't intend to sign the Asmondeon document, there shouldn't be a reason to cause undue destruction to the building. Especially if it was in disrepair anyway and could come down on the innocent.

"So there's a chance that the 'bank' team will just go in, discuss, recon and leave, right? We should come up with something that signals the other team to assault."

2019-09-26, 02:57 PM
"The only reason for the bank team to leave if we gain access is if we turn out to be faced with overwhelming force, in which case sending in the other team would be unconscionable. No, the idea is for the bank team to begin the assault and then let the back door team know that it's time for them to make an entry. Marcus' communication spell should enable us to do that swiftly - and quietly too, if necessary. Withdrawing to return at a later time defeats the purpose of using bank business to gain entry in the first place."

An Amy
2019-09-26, 03:29 PM
"I was thinking that if Lamm turns violent against us, we need a way to signal the other team. I'd assume having them at the ready to help us get out of there is good. If we're on one side of the building and Marcus is on the other side... does this communication spell work outside line of sight?" Isara looked to Marcus for that answer...

2019-09-26, 07:57 PM
Marcus nods confidently. "Most certainly, neither line of sight nor line of effect is required. As long as there is some sort of path between myself and the linked subjects that's within the range of the spell we can communicate without problem."

2019-09-28, 07:17 AM
"Well, that's good enough for me to go with the door team," said Deklen. "You never know, maybe we can get it open quietly and save someone a bootheel."

2019-09-28, 12:14 PM
Marcus grimaces suddenly in realization at a thought. He sighs before speaking."A thought occurs to me. The flight spell I mentioned only works the majority of the time so I should probably make an attempt to get on the roof the night before the raid and stay there until morning to give us better odds of it working. I'm not looking forward to another night outside but I'd really like to make certain that I can be on the roof it's stable enough for that as it would be the ideal position to cast my spells. If I can find or make some peepholes in the roof just big enough to see through then they won't know I'm there and my spells will be more difficult for them to resist. Casting Color Spray from above would be even more effective than usual as the effect spreads over a cone. I'll also be ready to cast Sleep if I see a good opportunity."

2019-09-28, 01:09 PM
"Marcus, calm down," Janna says, drawing another cup of ale and pushing it into his hands.

"It will be all right on the day. Your magic will work, I promise. And if it doesn't, we can just throw you up. Either way better odds than dodging the boarhound."

2019-09-29, 01:08 PM
"Listen Marcus, I don't want to rain on your parade, but I'm not keen on you spending the night on the roof of the building we're going to be raiding the next morning. All that does is increase the odds that someone in Lamm's crew will notice you squirming about up there. Even if they don't catch you, it'll make Lamm even more suspicious than he already is. Also, there's no certainty you're going to find enough holes in the right places to be able to follow the action inside once it takes off. I strongly suggest you just stay with the back door team and let Deklen and Janna stop anyone from going for you."

2019-09-29, 07:13 PM
"Alright so sounds like we got our plan. Normally I wouldn't do this but I'm gonna put down 13 gold. This gold can be used to purchase any additional non lethal gear that might benefit our team since the goal is to take them alive.

I'm Ill prepared for such a thing and have no gear towards this. Anyone wanna get those gear for the benefit of the team?"

Hopefully lucky number 13 will yield some good results

2019-09-30, 10:25 PM
"I'm fresh out of funds right now," said Deklen. "But if someone wants to spot me I'll match 13 gold when my next paycheck comes around. If it's any incentive I'm happy to wander downtown to pick up some red tidewater or slumber sand for the bank team - if you're serious about taking as many people alive as possible you'll likely need a spot or two of the stuff. That said, given Lamm's lieutenants seem mostly made up of big bruisers I'd recommend tidewater if it comes to it. Straight out blinding agent. Slumber sand does precisely what it sounds like, but it sounds like Master Kincaid has that covered," he said, nodding at Marcus.

2019-10-01, 01:11 PM
"Ten gold is about as much as I can afford at the moment," Lucian admits. "A flask of tidewater should set us back about twenty-five gold, so we'll need someone else to add to the pot. If that's too dear, a gold piece 'll get anyone that wants one a proper sap. A couple of whacks about the head and our targets should be out of the fight quick enough."

An Amy
2019-10-01, 01:58 PM
"I can pitch in some," Isara adds, "mostly for the tidewater or sleeping sand if we can find it. We need to make sure to also have enough rope or manacles to take everyone alive and bound. Six, right? I have one myself."

2019-10-01, 02:39 PM
Mikael laughs heartily "Well whad'd'ya know, we're a bunch of paupers here ain't we? We pull this off right, I figure we can get ourselves some nice shiny coin. Of course, It should go without saying that those who make an investment in our gear should be recompensed. If anyone needs it, I can spot the coin for Saps. Just gotta pay me back when we get the gold eh?"

Turning to Isara, Mikael responds "I've got myself a manacle with a good quality lock and about 50 foot o' silk rope we can use. I ain't much good at tying people up though so I've mostly relied on my manacles in my past arrests."

2019-10-01, 02:56 PM
Janna leans forward, an intense look in her eyes. "Don't forget to keep the receipts. We can get that back on expenses."

She leans back, continuing to carve at her candle.

2019-10-01, 04:21 PM
"Alright, how about Isara stands us the tidewater. Just one flask as an equalizer. Everyone who hasn't got one and who'd like to help make sure we make the most of this raid buys themselves a sap if they know how to use one. Then we eat, sleep, and wait for the bank to finish its contract. Oh, and someone should probably be on post to watch Lamm's place until we're ready to raid."

2019-10-01, 09:47 PM
Marcus nodded at Lucian's suggestion. "That actually makes more sense than me skulking around down the stores looking for tidewater. I'll go stand a watch outside Lamm's instead - hey, Mikael, buy me a sap, will you? I'm good for it."

An Amy
2019-10-01, 09:53 PM
"I'll fetch the tidewater," Isara said with a nod to the others while stepping away from the wall again. "If anyone knows a good place off the top of your head, else I'll find out where myself. Never been in the market for it before. Got some manacles myself as well. Already have a sap too but can pick one up while I'm out."

2019-10-02, 12:08 PM
"I'll fetch the tidewater," Isara said with a nod to the others while stepping away from the wall again. "If anyone knows a good place off the top of your head, else I'll find out where myself. Never been in the market for it before. Got some manacles myself as well. Already have a sap too but can pick one up while I'm out.""Try Jolyon Horvath up in Slope District. He's usually good for more exotic stuff like red tidewater. Oh, and be careful when you handle it. If you get some on your hands, don't rub your eyes until you've washed up. There's things in there that can give you the blinding sickness..."

2019-10-02, 01:42 PM
Marcus rises after finishing his ale and digs in his pouch for coins to hand to Isara. "I can contribute 25 gold for a dose of the tidewater. It seems like a good idea to have multiple ways of dealing with things if we can manage it and I definitely don't mind saving a couple spells for if anything we can't predict goes wrong."
He frowns in consideration. "Speaking of that, what's the plan for after we make the arrests? Are we supposed to lead a horde of criminals and children through the streets to the Castle? I'm sure we can manage Lamm and his men, especially if they're unconscious or bound but we don't want to risk all the children just disappearing back into the streets along the way either. I'm sure they'll be scared and confused after a fight. They've probably been told things to make them afraid of the Guard too."

2019-10-02, 02:01 PM
"If we've managed to subdue and secure Lamm and his crooks, it shouldn't take more than two of us - three at most - to herd them back to the citadel. Hell, we can probably commandeer a wagon to do it if they can't walk. Should leave plenty of us to bring the children to the temples. Besides, if some of the kids don't want to come, are you going to force them?"

An Amy
2019-10-02, 02:39 PM
"I wouldn't want to tip our hand at all," Isara commented as she moved toward the others for their contributions to the tidewater, "but might we go ahead and speak to the churches and let them know? They might lend some aide and provide gentler hands for the children. I'm not saying even keeping these people around the corner while we deal with Lamm, more like just in the same district so they can be easily fetched as soon as we're successful."

2019-10-02, 03:16 PM
"I think both of you have good ideas.The Sergeant said the churches had already agreed to take them in so it shouldn't be too hard to get them to agree to send a wagon and a priest or two. Priests might do a better job than we could of convincing the children to go along as well. Maybe they could even bring some food down with them.
If it comes down to it though I do think the children should be made to go with them. It's not safe for them to be on the streets, especially recently. The best that can happen is that the temples are able to help them onto a better path. The worst would be that they just run away and end up on the street again after getting some food and a place to rest for a bit. I have to argue that it's not exactly unusual to make children do things that are for their own good even if they don't want to."

An Amy
2019-10-02, 03:43 PM
"I'm of the mind to encourage the children to give the church a chance, though no one should be forced to do anything. As long as they know where they can get support, I think that's best we should do."

"If no one has anything else, I'll head up to Slopes..." she said before finishing getting what people were contributing and heading out.

2019-10-02, 04:01 PM
Janna slides out of her chair and grabs the hilt of her sword.

"I'll come with you. Too much thinking. I need to stretch my legs."

2019-10-03, 09:20 AM
After giving Isara his contribution to the supplies, Mikael says
"It's probably around suppertime back at my house and If I want to breathe long enough to make it to the raid, I best get going too. I'll take care of the Saps for Deklen and I. Y'all have a good night and rest well eh! Let's do this!"

Mikael heads home to go and enjoy his wife's cooking and spend time with his little ones.

2019-10-03, 02:30 PM
Lucian leans back in his chair and drains his mug before letting out a thunderous belch. As the others begin to depart, he helps himself to the last of the bread and uses it to soak up the dregs of the stew. "Waste not, want not," he winks at Marcus and Deklen. "Thanks for the meal, Marcus. I'll be off home as well. Now don't either of you go gallivanting around the fishery until we're ready to move. Just stay close enough to keep a watch without being discovered."