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2019-09-07, 04:47 PM


For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres - Armasse is coming! Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden's death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the weeks leading up to the event. Armasse is a citywide celebration, but the majority of the event, including its jousting matches and other entertainments, takes place at Clydwell Plaza, just west of the cathedral. All of you had gathered in good time, part of the massed crowd of soldiers and citizenry ready to hear Lord Hulrun himself speak and give his blessing upon the day...


You awaken in pitch darkness.... Muscles bruised and heads aching sounds of moaning, clattering rocks and shifting stone echo around you in the darkness. Fuzzy phosphorescent glows faintly shimmering in the distance as your eyes struggle to adjust to the inky darkness. All of you struggle to breathe, dust filling the air and a smell of brimstone choking you slightly. Moans nearby alert you to the sound others. A soft dignified voice muttering in Elven

My eyes, he has taken my eyes

While a male voice bellows in pain as he grunts "I need help. Someone, anyone you must help me"....

As you all struggle to move the area is pitch dark, some can see in the dim darkness a cavern, rubble, rocks, a solid wall of collapsed stone above and the sharp iron tang of blood nearby. With the wounds and bumps from where you must have fallen you cannot remember immediately what has happened....

You awaken in pain in a pitch dark space....

Whatever equipment you own please adjust to what you normally carry on your person around town. Typically this will include arms and armour as its military themed festival

2019-09-08, 04:29 AM
Arriving in the square earlier in the day, the others saw a fiery-looking Halfling, a feybane scimitar on his hip. His red hair and green eyes were striking, and left an lasting impression on those he greeted. His confidence was almost palpable as he practically strutted from stand to stand. This Halfling certainly seemed to feel comfortable in his skin.

As Osiah opened his eyes in the darkness, he reached up to touch his throbbing head. His first thought was he had obviously drank too much for his own good - he had a weakness for dwarven ale, but nowhere near the stomach for it. However, when his hand came away with blood, he felt his heart race as he reached immediately for his scimitar and daggers

Finding the blades, he sighed in relief. If he had been mugged, they would have taken his weapons. After a moment, he began to hear moans and mutters in the dark. He couldn’t understand everything being said, but he did make out one clear call for help. Suddenly, a light flared up. He covered his eyes in discomfort, muttering ”Aim that they other way, yeah? Trying to get my bearings.”

Clambering to his feat, Osiah stretched and pulled a small stone from his pouch that he tossed in the air. Another light illuminated the area, this one hovering around the halfling’s head. With a quick stretch, Osiah looked around, taking stock of the situation before asking ”All right, who needs a hand? And who knows what in the nine hells is going on?”
Intro done!
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-09-08, 10:19 AM
Arriving the square the others see among the crowds a young woman, tall and svelte, with fair complexion, blue eyes, and long blonde haired pulled back into a braid. Many would call her beautiful and indeed she has an easy, alluring smile and a natural charm that's obvious from a distance. She wears a tailored navy blue dress in the latest fashion and a simple dagger at her waist. On her left hand is a heavy gold ring of the sort nobles wear, though no other aspect of her appearance would suggest she belonged to the higher classes.

Like many of the other girls of the Kenabres Hospitalier, Tali had been granted time off for the festival of Armasse. She'd gone along with the others to Clydwell Plaza to watch the knights joust and maybe catch the eye of the dashing Sir Galahad, or Sir Herment the Swift! Unlike the others, Tali was actually curious to hear Lord Hurun speak. To be honest, though the healers had been generous, Tali knows she has little talent as a healer. Maybe she could make an introduction to one of the city's administrators. Having some skill with words and people, perhaps she could find a job where she could be put to better use in the city's administration. Just hearing Lord Hurun speak - the craft of creating a speech to appeal to the masses ought to be interesting.

Such it was that when the time came she slipped away from the jousting to join the crowd gathering around the Cathedral of St Clydwell, barely remarked by the other junior healers except for muted sighs of relief at not having to compete with Tali's charm and beauty for the attention of the knights.

Tali isn't sure what happened next.

As her eyes open in the darkness she becomes aware aches and pains all over and the cries of those around her begging for help. The luminescent darkness isn't a particular challenge for her elvish eyes and doesn't last long in any case, twin lights illuminating the scene and allowing her to get her bearings. Quickly checking herself over she identifies a few particularly nasty scrapes and bruises, but nothing that would be an immediate impediment.

Pushing herself to her feet she only briefly laments the state of her best dress and brushes a few tousled locks out of her face.

"Who's here? Does anyone know what happened? Where are we?" she calls out. In elvish she adds <Where are you? Who took your eyes? I'll help you soon.>

2019-09-08, 11:32 AM
Arriving at the square the others see a short copper-haired lass wandering the festival with amber eyes wide in delight. The curls of her bright hair frame a pale and soft face while the rest of her form is covered in a set of scale mail. Thick cord hangs around her throat holding a wooden carving of a muscular arm clasping a chain . A bandolier of pouches stretches from shoulder to hip where it hooks to a wide leather belt, pouches and waterskin bouncing freely on one side while a hand on the hilt keeping the sheathed blade of her sword from freely swinging on the other. A large shield of wood hangs at her back, the helm to her suit hooked to one of the shields straps. She moves with an energetic bounce to her steps, heavy boots thumping the ground while her armor's scales rustle and shift.

After stashing her pack at her temporary lodging Ranna sunk herself into the festivities with a gusto moving from stall to stall and display to display with a cheerful clatter. As the time for the Lord to speak drew near she wormed her way through the crowds. After all a speech from a Lord would start the real festivities off and she was curious how she compared to the other warriors around.


As eyes open in the darkness they promptly close with a groan as Ranna kicks and twists to wiggle free of the shield she was laying upon. Sitting up just in time for lights to flare causes her to jerk back, eyes clenched and a snarl slipping from her. "Kurgess's chain can't ya warn a lass first." Patting herself down in a rustle of metal she untangles her helm and sets it upon her head before standing up. Using a foot she pops her shield upright, a hand holding it even as the other reaches for the wooden symbol at her throat. "Let there be light so that we may see the challanges to come." A golden glow outlines the hand holding the symbol, a glow that promptly transfers to the front of her shield with a single touch causing it to shine as if it was a torch.

With yet more light filling the area she grabs her shield and begins moving around helping those that can up to their feet. The babbling in tongues she can't understand has her pausing before heading for the one that spoke at least a bit in common. Her approach to the blonde in the messed up dress isn't subtle at all, the glowing shield warning of her movement even if the thuds of her steps and the rattle of her armor didn't. "Not sure what happened. But ya can understand the other voice?" Without waiting for a reply she offers out a steadying hand. "Help with 'im? Sounds in pain but can't understand a word he says."

2019-09-08, 04:20 PM
Around the small halfling and the young blonde woman lights spring up illuminating the chamber. The ceiling and far walls of this vast cavern recede into darkness around the centre where you all lie. On one side, to the west, the wall has collapsed in an enormous mound of rubble—here and there the arms or legs of victims who didn’t survive the fall protrude. In the northern half of the cavern by the wall, at the very edges of the lights (some 50ft away), a disturbing shape looms. Nearly the size of a horse, what appears to be an immense black spider crouches silent and still on the ground. To the east, only visible in the shadows to the sharp elven and halfling eyes some 80ft away there are two dark holes in the walls, each tube vanishing into darkness but offering a possible way out.

Around the centre of the chamber you glance around at those that have survived. A halfling, a young woman garbed in armour, a heavy set man in scale mail, an attractive half elf in a ragged blue dress and a tough looking half orc. Also there are 2 older folks and a young woman. Two of them look injured, the man only superficially.


THe young woman looks tough and hardy, aside from her leg currently trapped under a large rock and bent askew. She looks up as the lights flicker in the cavern and she hisses as she shifts. Tali recognises her, Anevia, she thinks, the wife of one of the influential Hospitaliers, a half orc named Irabeth. Anevia looks about, "What, what happened? I remember the demons then the explosion then we fell."

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPAlRTBDt2_KVmfPOE6oQGvzvPBceLX KhteujtSnjaCjjjbSJz

The other voice belongs to the slightly fat looking prosperous merchant. As lights flicker on he looks about, eyes screwed up in "Mind the lights, slowly now. He appears the least injured of people, mainly dust and superficial scratches, but his voice is nasal and abrupt. Clearly a man used to getting his own way. "Who of you is in charge here, I demand to speak with the master of your patrol..."


THe elf voice can be from near the southern wall. A tall and spare looking elf with long white hair and the robes of a magister. His eyes though are bloodied and clearly injured severly. Kalos bites back a word as he realises its Master Aravshnial, one of the more powerful Riftwardens in Kenabares and a powerful magister who has schooled you from time to time in the arcane arts. The elf looks about, heeding Tali's response and Ranna and Osiah. With clearly more voices the injured wizard switches to common. "Who is there, I am Aravshnial, but I am injured. I cannot see.... Where are we" despite the elf's composure you can hear a hint of panic in his voice.


As you sit, paused in thought or dazed and your ears still ringing memories suddenly crash home about what has happened...

Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plaza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun’s shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral’s facade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor. To the west, the fortress known as the Kite—the location of Kenabres’s wardstone—had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens. A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcome sight rising from the crowd Kenabres’s greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who had until that moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human.

Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature’s identity was immediately obvious: Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabres! As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev’s body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the crowd. The sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world.

The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape—it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness. Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone.

As your ears clear you can still hear a faint rumble from the rocky roof above you evidence of the battle still raging perhaps.

2019-09-09, 12:34 AM
Shh! Kalos whispered after a pause, barely heeding the others' injuries, as he gestured as frantically as he dared at the giant spider. He slowly edged toward Aravashnial to prevent him from making more noise, never taking his eyes off the giant spider.

(Sorry, should have edited rather than deleted.)

Arriving at the square, the others saw a tall young elf peering over the heads of the crowd with rapt attention, presumably in anticipation of Hulrun's speech. His high cheekbones, long face, and almond-set eyes gave his face a haughty, imperious cast. Aside from his obvious elvish features, skin like dark bronze and jet-black hair mark him as a foreigner.

* * *

As his eyes opened in the darkness, he swayed in a vertiginous daze for a moment before scrabbling at his pouch for his spell components. "What... what just...?" he groaned before finding a firefly and illuminating his surroundings. He froze with animal fear the instant he saw the giant spider's outline.

2019-09-09, 10:34 AM
Arriving the square the others see what appears at first to be a dwarf, until perspective asserts itself and you realize that it is in fact a very large man. Dressed in battered scale armor emblazoned with the wings of Sarenrae and a skullcap with a nose-guard and chain falling to protect the back of his neck, the man stands still in the midst of the crowd watching with irritated blue eyes as people move around and past him. Slung in a loose wooden scabbard on his back is a mighty curved sword, handle worn but large enough to be held with two hands. The man is leaning slightly, resting his weight on the iron-banded haft of his large halberd - the blade of which also caries the wings of Sarenrae - while his other holds the top of a bulging and over-supplied back-back. Passersby hear a constant stream of grumbling... "... rediculous, for that much I could be renting an entire house! Imagine, the nerve of charging a gold a week to a warrior of the Crusade to come... as though they think I won't return!
And the deposit! I'm large, but not clumsy..."


As eyes open in the darkness, hands immediately tighten on the shaft of the halberd, using it to lever himself upright. Moments later a loud clatter sounds as he gathers his bag, leaning it upright against him as he looks around. A roll of the shoulders confirms that everything is where it should be, and he turns to scan the area around him, the blooms of light allowing his poor human eyes to find purchase in the darkness. The spider... concerning. A moment of prayer... "Blessed Sarenrae, grant this poor servant sight to judge good from evil." His eyes flash a moment of brilliant gold before returning to blue, and he scans the room, looking for any threats or danger.

In my head-cannon, Patrick was having trouble finding accommodation having just arrived in town. I can revise that if preferred.

2019-09-09, 08:24 PM
Osiah was moving to check on the bodies when the three survivors spoke. At Anevia’s words, the halfling frowned, then gasped as his memories came rushing back in. The speech ... the attack ... the dragon ... the balor ...

Tears came unbidden to the little man’s eyes as he remembered the final act of the mighty silver guardian. She had acted to save their lives ... his life. If ever there was a sign of divine intervention, there it was. Wiping his eyes on the inside of his sleeves, he snorted as someone hushed the old elf. ”Why? The spider? It already knows we’re here. Better to make some noise and scare it off. We’re probably intruding on it’s home.

Now somebody help me with these folk. Anyone good at healing? Her eg and his eyes look pretty bad.”

Moving towards the two injured folk, he bowed his head to both. ”Stay calm, ma’am ... grandfather. Help is here. Looks like we need to get that leg free and splint it ... and probably put a bandage on you eyes, sir. Seems like we were the lucky ones that ... that Terendelev sacrificed herself for. I have to believe that means something. Now let’s get some names around here. I’m Osiah Flitterfoot, hero and savior!”

He winked to those nearby, trying to add a bit of levity to an otherwise grim situation.
Will keep an eye on the spider, but at 60’, hioefustay put for now.
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

Morbis Meh
2019-09-09, 08:55 PM
Arriving in the square earlier in the day, the others saw a large but not overly broad half orc with a hideous scar that gave him the appearance of a perpetual, maniacal grin. The rest of his appearance didn't generally matter since his height generally cause others to be at eye level with the scar and once people saw that they generally stopped noticing his other features. He generally kept to the edges of the crowd in a large, non descript trench coat. To be perfectly honest he looked suspicious as hell, the only reason authorities didn't arrest him were due to his holy symbol of Iomedae being prominently displayed. The surrounding festivities annoyed him, it gave too much cover to those wishing to create mayhem but his superior insisted on Smiling Jack going out and taking a break (realistically his superior just wanted to brooding half orc out of the temple). Smiling Jack begrudgingly accepted the order and took the opportunity to scour the crowds for any sign of unacceptable mischief. For a moment he caught frantic movement out of the corner of his eye and when he turned to face it....

__________________________________________________ _______________________

As smiling Jack opened his eyes in the darkness, his vision was slightly blurry, most likely due to dust or at least he hoped. When his vision settled he sat up and began looking around in the pitch black. His orc heritage allowed him to see the distinct outlines of other beings, well until someone decided to turn on a light.

Smiling Jack let out a particularly scathing curse, in orcish of course, and quickly shut his eyes to the painful brightness.

"Blood and ashes, next time give some warning before you go lighting up a place." He grunted as he slowly reopened his eyes, allowing them to adjust to light level. He grunted as he appraised the rag tag group that surrounded him.

His head hurt, probably from the fall but the halfling's incessant chattering didn't do much to help alleviate the dull throb. He huffed at its self proclaimed 'savior' title. "Doubt anyone here has the ability to repair full on sensory organs, as for the leg I can use some magic but it would probably be better for me to hold off on using it since it is limited."

2019-09-10, 03:50 PM
With the gaze from a selection of people you can all clearly see the spider seems to be lying still, too... still. As Smiling Jack, Kalos and Osiah watch it you all come to the realisation that the massive beast is dead. Fortunate indeed that the creature's body is some 8ft in diamater with legs some 10ft long and pincers the size a longsword! As you squint in the dim light Smiling Jack can see maybe a few shimmering silvery scales scattered around the massive beast.

2019-09-10, 04:30 PM
Tali almost doesn't notice the cooper haired girl steady her as she rapidly processes what happened. "Yes, I speak elvish," she says. "But it sounds like he speaks Common too." Then a spark of recognition makes its way through into her consciousness and her eyes narrow. "Wait.. cousin Ranna? Oh my gosh, Ranna!"

Tali's face lights up with delight, current situation momentarily forgotten. "I can't believe... I should have thought-! I'm so glad to see you!" She pulls her shorter cousin into an intense hug. "I thought I'd lost everyone!" she gasps, emotion threatening to get the better of her. She squeezes the hug a little, then releases Ranna and steps back.

"Wow you've grown. A little, I guess," Tali chuckles. She takes a deep breath to compose herself, turning her attention back to the scene.

"We aren't a patrol! Just survivors of the battle above! Hold on a moment, we're still trying to get out bearings," she tells the merchant.

"I know Anevia, she's the partner of one of my order," Tali tells Ranna. "Give me a hand digging her out?" Tali crouches down beside the injured human woman, tearing strips off the hem of her dress to form bandages without hesitation.

"Hi Anevia, my name is Tali. I don't think we've met, but I know your partner Irabeth from the order. I think you're going to be ok, but we need to take a look at your leg."

"Can you help him?" Tali calls out towards Kalos, gesturing across the cavern towards Aravshnial. "I'm sorry, I don't know all of your names yet. Except for Ranna. I'm Tali, Tali Summers."

Morbis Meh
2019-09-10, 04:47 PM
The half orc rolls his eyes and grumbles incoherently under his breath. He takes a moment to ensure his bow has still in workable condition. Satisfied that it was still operational, Smiling Jack knocked an arrow and proceeded to move closer to the slain vermin. He moved cautiously, he was in a foreign area and impulsive decisions could cost lives, then stopped just shy before the scales. He crouched down to get a better look at them.

Just let me know what you want rolled, for now I will roll perception until something more specific is required.

Perception [roll0]

2019-09-10, 04:51 PM
Armor rustles as the helmed head nods decisively. "Be at ease, friends. By the Light of Sarenrae I have divined that there is no evil present here to threaten us. I am Patrick, and by my life and the Light I will see you each free of this place. Please, be at ease and allow us to protect you." The voice is deep, a heavy calming rumble in the illuminated darkness of the cavern. He extends his arm to include the others who had risen and taken action, the calming notes in his voice directed to those who seemed ill-at-ease with the current circumstances.

He nods to the halfling Osiah, echoing her intent. "Allies, are any of you proficient at treating wounds? Perhaps best to approach without expending our magic first, we know not what we might encounter here." Patrick moves to stand near to the young woman, but facing the merchant with a friendly smile on his face, and his halberd held upright in his hand at his side. The effect is only slightly spoiled by the rattling clank that accompanies his putting back down his backpack at his side.

Trying to be Diplomatic (immunity?) with the NPC-types.
[roll0] Diplomacy

2019-09-11, 04:32 PM
Kalos didn't relax until he was sure the giant spider was dead, or at least not reacting at all to their presence.

"Unfortunately, I am no healer. I will guide Aravashnial if none here can mend his sight."

2019-09-11, 06:37 PM
Ranna's head bobs in a nod as she steadies Tali, attention wandering to the other people starting to move around. "Aye. Be pretty horrid if we had to mimic actions to understand one another." The mention of her name has her head whipping back around to face Tali, the start of a question leaving her lips before the taller girl drags her into a hug. Her form stiffens before what exactly the blonde is saying reaches her and she squeezes Tali in a tightly. "Plenty o' us left. Da and the rest o' the lot will be happy to know ya... here. Probably a week long party at the least."

The comment about her lack of growth has her scowling even as she straightens up as best as she can. "Not all o' us make weeds jealous of our sprouting ya know." Her stance doesn't add much when compared to the over a foot taller blonde.

With a shake of her head and a squeeze on Tali's arm Ranna moves over to Anevia, shield set nearby so that the light shines. Crouching down she slips her hands beneath the rock and starts working on lifting it off Anevia's leg, her voice lifting as questions fill the air. "Name's Ranna. Not... exactly a healer but but I can patch folk up. Messed up eyes are new but Kurgess knows I've helped with my share of snapped bones." She pauses and glances over to the group approaching the spider. "That thing really dead or just good at faking it?"

Not sure if you need a check to move the rock but can edit one in if needed.

2019-09-12, 02:47 AM
Tali, Ranna, Osiah and Patrick move towards the overweight finely dressed man and Aneiva. The young woman looks up at Ranna, a grimace on her face clearly from the pain. "My thanks Ranna and Osiah, our saviour!" She punctuates the comment to the halfling with a soft, if pain filled smile, . I am Aneiva, I am a border scout with the rangers. We need to get out of this cage and back to the surface." She winces as Ranna and Tali manage to move the rock flexing her leg and crying out in pain. "Oh. Its shattered. I need some cloth, some arrows.." she mutters, seeming matter of fact and focused on the task at hand. Reaching her backpack she neatly tears the sleeves of a worn looking shirt and begins using the cloth and some arrows to make a splint. Looking up at Ranna and Tali she mutters, "I think we must be in "old Kenabres" the tunnels under the city. There must be a way up, the city is in danger." Both woman note that as she speaks of the city above in danger Aneiva's free hand clutches a locket around her neck.

Patrick, speaking with the merchant is struck by how out of place he seem.s Clad in velvet and fur lines silk he is paunchy and overweight with a face with broken red cheeks from one who drinks too much. "You had better protect me soldier" he barks angrily. "I am too important to be stuck down here. Which way is out?" His tone is abrupt and rude. Staggering to his feet he looks about, clearly fearful and eyes lingering on Aneiva's broken leg and Aravshnial's blind eyes. Glancing to Patrick he nods tgo the others, "Well, lead us out of here..."

By the elf Kalos bends down, his mentor's blind eyes looking left and right. Despite the blindness Aravshnial seems to be keeping admirably calm. "Will you help me up young Kalos. What is happening?" As Kalos offers to lead him he nods, a thin hand gripping Kalos's forearm with surprising strength. He whsipers in elvish <Who else is down here young one. I can here many voices. We must take care. There are said to be many dangers in the old, tunnels. I still have some magics within me that could aid you. But I will need your assistance."

By the massive spider Jack crouches down, a half dozen scales of glimmering silver lie amidst the rubble, each the size of a small plate. You realise they must have come from the ancient silver dragon herself before she fell. Even as you crouch lower the body of the spider seems to shudder and ripple almost before with a tearing sound 4 massive man sized maggots tear free from the thing's body. Their pasty white slime covered bodies shining wetly in the lamp light as their clawed faces looks left and right and the new sources of food!!

4 giant (~4ft long) maggots have popped out the spider's body. Jack is ~10ft from the body, others are ~50ft away.
Players have the initiavev

Morbis Meh
2019-09-12, 08:18 AM
Smiling Jack grimaces, he is in a position no archer really wants to be in. He quickly fires the knocked arrow at the nearest of the maggots, hoping to strike it down before it could act. He didn't wait to see if it connected, it would be foolish to remain in front when some of the others seemed more suited to the front lines.

AC: 17
HP: 10/10

Standard: Firing a single arrow [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Move action: Move back 30 ft to allow others to step in front

2019-09-12, 11:42 AM
Patrick smiles warmly at the odious merchant, eyes warm with sincere concern for the pompous fool's safety. "Of course, yes. Your safety along with that of all those here is my concern, and I will be addressing that shortly. In the mean time..." The twang of a bowstring draws his attention at that moment, and from the corner of his eye he sees the gleaming white maggots crawling forth from the spider. Such a normal sight this is that it takes a moment for the scale to set in. "It seems the moment for protection is at hand. If you will excuse me. FOR THE LIGHT!" With that bellowed warcry the immense man stampedes across the cavern, his footfalls sounding the impending doom of one of the crawling obscenities that threatened the already-fallen group.

Charge the most middle-ish of them, looking to get into the thick of things.

Furious Focus Power Attack: [roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage

Patrick the Brave (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2003854)
Male LG Human Paladin (Shining Knight, Warrior of the Holy Light), Level 1, Init 1, HP 12/12, Speed 30 (20)
AC 14, Touch 9, Flat-footed 13, CMD 15, Fort 2, Ref 1, Will , CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Halberd +4 (1d10+3, x3)
Falchion +4 (2d4+4, 18-20 x2)
Javelin (4/4) +2 (1d6+3, x2)
Scale Mail (+5 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Condition None

2019-09-12, 02:43 PM
<Introductions later, Master. Stay behind me!> Kalos returned in Elvish as he guided Aravashnial with one hand and retrieved his crossbow with the other. He quickly lined up and shot at the nearest of the disgusting creatures.

Move Action to draw the crossbow, Standard to shoot it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-09-12, 03:48 PM
As Tali catches sight of the maggots her first thought is to tell her only known family member to stay back, but then she realises that her heavily armoured cousin would probably take offence at that. Instead she simply says "Go, this is your scene. I'll take care of Anevia. You too Osiah! Go!" She waves the pair off.

Tali appeals to the overweight merchant for aid, partially in an attempt to keep him from doing anything daft. "Help me! We'll leave the fighting to our allies. We'll need to move her if the maggots get past."

Diplomacy [roll0] to wrangle the merchant.
Perception to see if she overhears the whispered elvish. Sensitive Elf Ears. :smallwink:[roll1]

2019-09-12, 09:13 PM
The clatter of the rock shifting off Aneiva's leg fills the air even as Ranna backs up a step, head bobbing in a nod to Osiah. "A bit of cheer in these... times aye?" Turning back to the injured woman she moves to check on the busted leg only to pause as arrows and cloth are used to splint Aneiva's leg. Hefting up her shield and properly settling it on her arm she brings the light closer. "You've done this before?"

The merchant's words have her shaking her head. "A bit hasty don't you think?" The twang of a bow has her twisting, small form ducking behind her shield as she brings it around. Her stunned gawking at the sheer size of the maggots wiggling free of the spider are broken by Tali's words, a hand waving towards Osiah even as she breaks into a run towards the fight. "To arms! Keep the wounded out of it best as can." Her boots thump against the ground with every rushed step while her armor rustles noisily with her running. Despite her rush her pace is slow compared to the others around, her short stride and heavy armor leaving her only arriving as the others begin launching their attacks.

20ft move be slow. Running all out puts her about the middle of things but unable to do more.

2019-09-13, 09:11 AM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler extraordinaire

Osiah smirked at the exchanges between the survivors - grumpy half-orcs, pompous merchants, over-the-top knights, cool elves - it was a smorgasbord of stereotypes! All they needed was a roguishly handsome and plucky halfling ... oh wait!

As he was moving to help, he heard the sounds of combat from the direction of the spider and groaned. I told them to leave it be ... He grinned at the knight’s expected response, but when the armored lass actually shouted out “To arms!” it was too much, and he actually laughed out loud.

Raising a hand to forestall any harsh response, he stood and drew his scimitar, saying, ”Oh, yes, of course ... to arms! And two legs as well, thanks for noticing!” He started giggling as he moves to stand between the wounded at whatever was causing a ruckus across the cave.
Draw Weapon and 40’ move ... and just a little bit of mockery :smallbiggrin:
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-09-16, 01:53 AM
A slightly confused melee breaks out as the maggots flop free of the immense spider corpse. One of the white pustulent bodies is pierced twice in quick succession as an arrow from Jack and a bolt from Kalos both tear into it, milky liquid leaking from it as it flops and dies. A second dies as Patrick runs in, halberd high, and levels one with a splatter of ichor. Behind him Ranna and the cheerful Osiah run up to support him.
Further back the proud Aravshnial stands by Kalos, trusting the fellow elf to keep him safe.

Horgus looks at Tali for a second, the clear desire to save his own skin warring with the safety of the group before he nods. "Fine, but sometimes losses are part of business." as he moves with Tali to help Aneiva up to her feet. Tali can hear him but also the whispers between the two elves. Aneiva for her part looks to Tali a brief grin. "My thanks, I have no desire to be eaten by something that disgusting." She winces as she gets upright but between Tali's shoulder and her bow as an impromptu crutch she seems to be steady enough.

By the corpse the remaining two maggots converge on Patrick. One lunging forward with suprising speed seeking to sink its mandibles into him, the other rearing up and vomiting the disgusting contents of inards over the hapless soldier!

Bite [roll0] dam [roll1]

Vomit! Ref DC 12 to avoid [roll2] acid, if hit further DC12 Fort or sickened for [roll3] rounds

Go go party

2019-09-16, 03:08 AM
"I think the others have the maggots under control," Tali observes, mostly for Aravshnial's benefit, but also to reassure the merchant about the course of the combat. She relaxes a little, confident the non-combatants are in the care of some competent warriors.

"Two of the four are down and I expect the others will follow shortly now combat is fully joined."

"However, I hear there are many dangers in these old tunnels," she says with a knowing glance towards Kalos and Aravshnial, using the same phrasing the old wizard used to signal that not only does she understand elvish, she has sharp ears as well.

"Some things you can't afford to lose," Tali tells the merchant, responding to his framing their situation in business terms in kind. "If we're going to get through this we'll need to protect our core assets. Anevia is a scout - a vital resource down here! The best protected spot in the group will be next to her. Stay close and you'll benefit too."

Tali decides to answer Aravshnial's question next. "There are nine of us down here including yourself. My name is Tali Summers, an aspirant for the Hospitaliers Kenabres. My cousin Ranna Roen is also here - she a skilled warrior, as is Osiah Flitterfoot. Patrick is a knight in shining armour, and Kalos I believe you know. Anevia here is a scout, but her leg was damaged in the fall. We also have a half-orc archer and a merchant gentleman, though I'm afraid I haven't yet heard them speak their names."

Tali gives Anevia's hand on her shoulder a squeeze. "Don't worry, I'll help you get back to Irabeth," she reassures, having noticed Anevia clutching her locket earlier and put two and two together.

Morbis Meh
2019-09-16, 07:46 AM
Smiling Jack keeps moving, ignoring anything and everything but the targets. He sweeps to the side, ensuring he can get a clear shot at the one that decided to vomit. With a quick, practiced movement he looses another arrow into the fray.

Attack roll [roll0] feel free to subtract 4 if the one that vomited is considered to be in melee

Damage [roll1] forgot PBS dmg so 8

2019-09-16, 10:04 AM
Patrick grunts as the maggot's mandibles dig into his calf, but is quick enough to duck the spray of vomit from the other. With a careful and practiced step back he slashes across with his halberd, intent on ending yet another of these threats.

Five foot step back and to the side, then Furious Focus Power Attack on the one that bit me! [roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage (I did the math wrong last time)

Patrick the Brave (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2003854)
Male LG Human Paladin (Shining Knight, Warrior of the Holy Light), Level 1, Init 1, HP 8/12, Speed 30 (20)
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 1
Trip Halberd +4 (1d10+3, x3)
Falchion +4 (2d4+4, 18-20 x2)
Javelin (4/4) +2 (1d6+3, x2)
Scale Mail (+5 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Condition None

2019-09-16, 04:05 PM
Kalos reloaded his crossbow and shot at the maggot after Patrick stepped back to clear the shot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-09-16, 06:39 PM
A low snarl seeps from Ranna as the maggots attack Patrick. With her being in range she pauses just long enough to draw her blade before bringing it down upon the biting maggot. "Patrick right? How's the bite? If ya need be backup a step to recover."

Move action to draw sword and then attack. Biting maggot, unless it's already squished? 1d20+4 to hit.
1d8+3 dmg.

2019-09-16, 08:19 PM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler extraordinaire

Osiah watched in disgust as the maggots attacked the knight (Patrick, wasn’t it?) with mandible and vile. ”Oy, Pat! Ya got a little something on your arm ... you should see a doctor about that! Let me see if I can help ...” Moving forward, the halfling engaged the maggot that bit Patrick, trying to skewer the little bugger.

[i]Advance to attack, trying to flank. [roll0] (+2 if flanking), [roll1]. Will use parry and riposte if the maggot attacks Osiah.
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-09-19, 01:01 AM
In a flurry of bolts, blades and pole axes there is splattering sound as bolts, arrows and blades chop and skewer the disgusting maggots. The remaining creatures are dispatched with minimal fuss (but with maximum gore). Towards the back as the sounds of fighting end Arishvinial rests a hand loosely on Kalos's shoulder. The blond old elf speaking quietly, this time in Taldan (common) "Ah, that sounds positive. I guess in some ways that we are lucky to be trapped with skilled allies." The old elf turns to the sounds Tali's voice, "Thank you young mistress. I am glad I am not alone down here. That would be very unpleseant."

Aneiva beside Tali looks suprised. "Thank you. I had not thought people knew of myself and Irabeth. I am worried, she will have run to the battle above. I pray to the Goddess that she still lives and hasn't perished yet. It looked like there were so many demons."

The fat man nods interrupting harshly. "Aye, the city will be in ruins. A lifetime of work destroyed. I am Horgus Gwerm. You may have heard of me?" For those local to the city you have. He is a powerful merchantile noble in the city with warehouses and well know for importing and exporting much the material required to persecute the Crusades and feed and equip the massed thousands of crusaders. "I knw your wife, Irabeth and her Eagles have been sneaking around my warehouses. Don't think I don't know."

Aneiva blushes slightly then nods towards the exit where two yawning tunnels lead out of your cave.... "Which way then young Tali?"

Morbis Meh
2019-09-19, 03:17 AM
With the killing done, Smiling Jack surveyed the grim field of battle, strewn with the corpses of what he assumed was demon maggots and his smile grew a little. It was only a brief moment before the meaningless platitudes and idle chatter began. Smiling Jack physically slumped at the first worlds and mumbled under his breath as he quietly collected his two arrows.

When someone mentioned which way to go he stomped over to the fork and looked down either path before he suddenly began sniffing the air in either direction. The last thing he needed was what appeared to be a civilian healer wandering down a tunnel under his watch.

Perception [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

2019-09-20, 01:23 AM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler extraordinaire

Osiah reaches the maggots in time to flail ineffectively at andead one. Smiling at the others, he flourished his blade, announcing, ”Ta daa!” Something on the ground caught his eye, a shimmer that caught his breath in his throat. He leaned closer to peek ...
Wasn't there something over here?
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-09-20, 03:22 PM
The young halfling and the the hefty half orc both pluck out the palm sized silver scales from the rubble and rocks. The scales glow slightly, each scale glowing as it comes near one of the young heroes, although one scale glows near each of the heroes. You all recognise the silvery scale scales as those from Tenderlev the ancient silver dragon herself who saved you ni her death throes. Each scale has a but a single power....

Each scale has one power, you may choose:-

Cloudwalking: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast levitate. A pillar of roiling clouds rises below the levitating object or creature, growing and shrinking with the target's altitude. This pillar is 5 feet in diameter (regardless of the target's size) and provides concealment (20% miss chance) to any creature or object wholly contained within.

Disguise: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast alter self. While disguised, the target gains a +4 bonus on all Bluff checks made against evil creatures.

Resistance: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast resist elements - but only against electricity or cold.

Sacred Weaponry: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast align weapon, but only to make a weapon lawful or good. Unlike a normal align weapon spell, this effect can be cast on an unarmed strike or natural weapon.

Morbis Meh
2019-09-20, 06:10 PM
Smiling Jack grunted as he picked up a scale, it felt warm to the touch but he didn't think much of it. He slid it underneath one of his wrist guards before moving to the passage entrance he believed was the best choice.

He didn't bother turning around while he muttered aloud in his deep, monotone voice "If you folk are quite done flapping your gums you should grab a scale, it may save your life. Best we get a move on unless you would rather continue your tea party in this dammable hole."

I am selecting the 3/day levitate with effective obscuring mist below, height is invaluable to an ar her XD

2019-09-20, 07:03 PM
With the maggots dead Ranna sheath's her blade and turns to the only one she'd seen injured. Leaning in she peers at the wound in concentration, free hand reaching out to aid in examining. "Here's ta hoping those things aren't poisoned... though the one sprayin' stuff makes it less hopeful."

Having finished checking on Patrick she straightens up and after a glance at the others heads after the archer, a frown curling her lips and her shield coming up defensively when she sees the twin tunnels. Planting herself a bit away and between the two tunnels she makes sure the archer is behind her. A snort slips from her at Jack's words. "The condition of some is... troubling for moving fast. So will a wait hurt?" A tilt of her head is given towards the tunnels. "Not much for underground myself. Do ya see a difference in the paths?"

Do we need a poison check for Patrick? I'd not think maggots capable of such but the one did spray acid.

2019-09-21, 01:32 AM
"I know we will get through this, master," Kalos reassured his elder. "If nothing else, remember we are not here by accident—we are safer here than up there. Oh, do you know the esoteric properties, if any, of silver dragon scales?"

2019-09-21, 02:30 AM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler extraordinaire

Osiah raised one of the scales and smiled sadly, remembering the last act of the silver dragon. At Jack’s comment, he frowned and spun around. ”Wait a damn minute, buddy ... there was tea?” Smirking, he sauntered back to the others, handing out the remaining scales to the unhurt (and non-asinine) folk gathered around.

Gazing across the group, he rubbed his chin. ”So before we go rushing off into the dark, maybe we take stock and plan out our journey. It looks like we’ve got, what ... six, seven able bodies and two who need some extra attention. Grandfather there just needs a shoulder and extra set of eyes to get by ... but how about you, Little Sister? Are you good with a splint, or do we need something to carry you?

Either way, I don’t see us getting out of here fast, but slow and steady can still win the race...”
Just putting in for some planning
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

Morbis Meh
2019-09-21, 12:25 PM
The half orcs face remained placid while the others tapped and wasted time "Who said anything about moving fast, I said move out. No need to hold a conference on what to do since there are only two tunnels. Well 3 I suppose if someone is feeling up to the challenge of climbing but I doubt the injured would agree to that."

His cold eyes drift towards the blind elf and the woman with the broken leg "As for them it is pretty simple, they already have a person each to look after them. One already volunteered to look after the blind elf and Tali has already demonstrated that she isn't willing to fight on the front lines so best she stay in the back with the other injured. If you want to stay down here and see what other surprises there are fine by me but for those who want to get out of here to see the sun rise then you will have to get up and move out."

2019-09-21, 04:51 PM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler extraordinaire

Osiah turned away from Jack, rolling his eyes. The half-orc was obviously one of those who needed to be constantly in motion, more concerned with action over planning; leaps of faith over calculated risks; doing over thinking. That mentality could get a man killed out here!

Maybe that’s why Osiah decided he liked him.

”Well y’all heard Chuckles - but for the volunteers, are you good with what you’re signing up to? If not, let us know! ”
Ready to press
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)[/QUOTE]

2019-09-25, 12:27 AM
"With no other clues as to which is the 'correct' passage, we might as well take the upper one. With luck it may even continue upward."

2019-09-25, 02:30 PM
The mighty blade whipped back and forth to clear it of the viscera from the maggots. Patrick planted the butt of the weapon and leaned on it as Ranna examined his leg. "Thank you, I think it only got some of the flesh.
If it worsens, I will certainly call on you. For the moment..." Patrick turns his attention to the others, doing his best to conceal the limp. He strikes an impressive figure, fully armored with a large blade on his back and bloodied pole-axe in hand, a solid mountain of a man. "The situation above is unknown to us, but likely dire. We must, for the moment, concern ourselves with... ourselves. Tenderlev, Sarenrae bless their silvered soul, saved us. I know not why, but I believe that we must proceed, we must persevere. We must survive, and to do that we must work together. I agree with those who speak of both caution and movement. Staying here we achieve nothing. If we are well enough to travel, I recommend movement. If there is no objection, then let us ready ourselves and move. I have only a little supply, but enough to keep us fed for a short time." He pauses, taking a breath.

"As for the right path, I say we go left. The right path is rarely the path to the right." The statement is deadpan, leaving it open to interpretation as to whether it is a joke or a serious statement.

2019-09-25, 08:06 PM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler

Osiah nodded solemnly at Patrick’s proclamation. ”Aye, if we wish to go, we will need to move. Movement will be the key to our motion. And motion shall transport us to where we must move. Now, as I understand you, the right is rarely right. Does that mean the wrong is rarely wrong? Or Left is wrong, which in our case is right? But right is wrong, which means we should stay here. Wait, that can’t be right ...

Or perhaps you mean the predictable path rarely leads in the direction you want; which would mean I order to go up, we should head down, since the upward path would inevitably be wrong. Or left. Or both.”

Osiah moved to the paths, listening at both and checking them to see if either was recently travelled or newer than the others.
Wee! I’m okay with whichever, unless our perception suggests a better path. [roll0]
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-09-26, 04:22 PM
Tali turns the silver scale over in her hands. The feeling of power is strange, yet at the same time curiously familiar. Reverently she places it in her purse.

"I don't think proverbs or word games are any basis on which to choose a direction," she disagrees with Patrick and Osiah. "I would tend to follow the suggestion of our archer friend and head up to get back to the city. I don't know why Terendelev saw fit to include me among such a proficient group of warriors, but the city needs you all to get back as soon as possible!"

"Anevia? Do you have any insight on the route?"

2019-09-26, 06:35 PM
Replies and words bounce around the cavern as people prepare themselves, Ranna keeping watch over the two tunnels. Twisting slightly she peers up at the Orc, a shrug shaking her shoulders. "If not trained for it folk always want a choice or say in the actions. Even if it's a one way path." Turning fully she begins to say something only to pause and glance down at her shield and back up at Jack. "We've a path it seems. An' mayhap a little less light will help you. You'll see further in the dark then this simple spell will reveal right?"

After receiving Jack's reply Ranna heads back ot the rest, a glance giving towards the halfling checking the tunnels before she moves on. Passing Patrick she briefly claps him on the back. "We're in a bad spot. But we're alive. And we can keep going." Nodding towards the armored figure she moves among the others checking that all are ready, a brief hand upon the merchant's back guiding him towards Patrick. "A ragtag group we are but we'll see you safe. Patience though please as we know the others not. But fear not. We are alive. So long as one is alive they can press on. Even as our bodies scream for rest and bone's crumble we can press on." She pauses, head tilting before moving to Tali. "Perhaps I should not have quoted that one. He did spit it out while trying to win a race using his hands as he'd broken his legs but minutes earlier."

With a shrug and a light squeeze upon Tali's shoulder she leans in. "Fairing well Cousin? Hate to ask of ya but can ya keep an eye on them? Call if something goes amiss? A... lighter touch would probably be better for 'em."

Morbis Meh
2019-09-30, 12:28 AM
Smiling Jack starred at Ranna blankly "There isn't much of a decision, move and try to find a way out or remain here and die. As for which direction we can always mark our way and double back if need be. I do see in the dark and can scout if others wish it of me but it would be prudent to stay together in unknown territory."

The half orc watched the tiny woman wander off and moved to the front of the entrance that climbed upwards. Logically it was the sound choice but one could never really be sure in an unfamiliar area.

2019-09-30, 03:26 PM
"I'm holding up," Tali reassures her cousin. "Looking after the non-combatants is probably what I'm most suited for, so don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them."

"I agree with our archer - if we're all ready we should get moving and stay together. The city above needs you."

"Archer? I'm sorry, but what should I call you? I mean, I can keep referring to you as Archer if you'd like, bit it feels a little awkward and I don't intend to cause you any disrespect."

Morbis Meh
2019-10-01, 03:41 PM
The half orc turns to address Tali, his hideous scarred grin in full display but his eyes hold a slight tinge of amusement as he answers though his voice is as stony as ever "People call me Smiling Jack, it's as good as any other name I suppose since I wasn't really given one as a kid. Now if we are done with the chit chat I suggest we move in silence unless necessary. "

2019-10-02, 01:17 AM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler

Osiah sighed at the seriousness of the group. Perhaps the sticks up their collective butts gave them comfort, but he tended to try and keep things light. However, there was no cheering up some people. He motioned to the half-orc with his blade, murmuring ”Well, it seems we’re decided. Upward and onward ... lead on, Happy!”

Osiah followed a few steps behind if the half-orc took the lead. Otherwise, Osiah would step forward.
Taking the tunnel that looks like it goes up, I guess.
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-10-03, 03:53 PM
Horgus stays close to Tali and the now mobile (albeit limping Aneiva). "I don't care as long as we can escape these caves." Aneiva looks at him then at Tali, a grin on her face. "I think the route on the left may be for the best. I can keep up. But I will stay near Arishnivial and his young apprentice. I still have my arrows so can defend myself if I need to." With flickering magical lights the party heads down the left hand path, a path that slopes slightly upwards.

The path narrows and and winds for a few hundred feet before ahead the path seems to open up into a small chamber some 40ft in diamater arcing up to a ceiling 30ft above and shrouded in darkness. This smaller cavern appears to have once served as a campsite or temporary lair. A torn bedroll lies next to the cold remains of a fire. A pile of bones, broken equipment, and rubble lies just past the campsite and on the far side a crevice in the far wall suggests that the path continues onwards.

2019-10-03, 05:58 PM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler

Osiah peered into the cavern, cautiously moving forward. ”Looks like somebody was here. Question is, how long ago, and who was it?!” Osiah moved to search the bedrolls carefully, looking for clues as to who the travelers were ... and what happened to them.
HPs: 9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round)

2019-10-03, 06:37 PM
Ranna gives her cousin's shoulder another squeeze before nodding. "Good. Lead 'em well then Little Countess." There's mirth in her voice and a grin just visible within her helm as she talks to her older and taller cousin. Mirth that drops as she gives a small nod. "After this is all over we need ta sit and talk. There seems more goin' on then we heard past the blighted witches if ya still alive Cousin."

With a nod and slight bow towards both Horgus and Aneiva she briefly drifts towards Kalos and Arishnivial. "If we had a choice we'd stop and rest but it's quite unsafe here. Will... Arishnivle... Arishnial..." A small sigh slips from her before she shakes her head. "Will you both be fine for now? A safer place should let us check the wounds better." A few moments for replies and she's moving towards the gathering by the tunnels.

Ranna stays quiet for the trip through the tunnel, ears and eyes alert for any dangers. Her slower pace leaves her about the middle and she uses this to keep a watch on the front and the back of the party best as can in narrow and winding tunnel. The opening chamber and it's debris has a frown curling her lips as she watches Osiah search. "The junk makes me think this isn't a good sign. Any clue if it was friend or foe?" Moving towards the crevice she plants herself between the path's continuance and the party as they spread among the cave. "The bones bring my mind to the thought of trouble."

2019-10-04, 04:23 PM
"Countess? What, I-" Tali trails off, confused. She raises her left hand to inspect the intricate ring on her third finger as if seeing it for the first time. "I think we'd have a lot to talk about. I'd like that," she recovers with a smile.

But as the party traverses the passage, Tali is quiet, deep in thought. At least until the party reaches the next chamber.

"We've found an old corpse," Tali explains to Arishnivial. "We're just pausing to check for signs of danger before proceeding."

2019-10-05, 03:19 AM
"Just bones—he's been here for a while. I daresay whatever killed him must be long gone."

Morbis Meh
2019-10-06, 06:28 PM
Smiling Jack knocks an arrow and proceeds to follow the loudmouth halfling, not trusting his powers of observation. He generally found that those who spent most of their time listening to themselves speak were too busy to notice anything else. He examined the forgotten campsite carefully, yes it was old but it might give some indication of what to expect or Iomedae willing, something useful for later.

Perception [roll0]

2019-10-17, 04:49 PM

Adjusting the heavy pack on his back, Patrick looks on the camp with a small sigh of relief. "Extra supplies, that is providence indeed! Sarenrae blesses us on this road.
We should collect it and carry on, if we are all up to the challenge. We will do well to stay close and careful."

He joins those proceeding forward, his halberd held in broad hands at the ready.

2019-10-18, 12:49 AM
As the young halfling approaches the long dead corpse there is sudden quiver in the ground. The chamber you are all in shudders as the ground behind the body drops away and a slithering mass of slime and teeth emerges.

The creature resembles a large fleshy worm, the parts you can see measuring some 15ft in length, the rest concealed underground. The end where the "head" would be is a horror, split into three tips each ended in a cluster sharp teeth and suckers. Poor Osiah is the closest, the toothed appendages lashing out towards him.

Surprise round

Three headed worm attacks Osiah
[roll0] dam [roll1]
- if hit grapple [roll2] Vs CMD

2019-10-19, 03:35 AM
Osiah Flitterfoot, Halfling Swashbuckler

(OOC - crappy time to roll a 2 on Perception I suppose)

Osiah was peering at some of the bones when the monster ambushed them. He never saw the creature lash forward; he just felt the pain as teeth punctured his armor and wrapped him up. As he was pulled back towards the maw, he frantically tried to squirm free, knowing full well that if he didn’t he wouldn’t see another dawn.
Osiah is screwed - hit and grappled. As soon as he has an action, he’ll attempt an Escape Check. Unfortunately, it looked old like he gets a -4 to the roll for being grappled. [roll0]
PS - I guess my initiative is only 20, due to the grappled condition.
HPs: 3/9; AC: 17 FF/Touch: 14/14
F +0 R +6 W +4 Move 30’ Initiative +3
Skills: Perception +9 Acrobatics +7 KS Local +4 Climb +4
Attack: Scimitar (+5, 1d4) Daggers (+5, 1d3)
Panache: 2/2
Effects: combat reflexes (4/round); Grappled

2019-10-23, 01:52 AM
Kalos was quick on the draw, and shot a bolt at the worm the instant it reared its exceptionally ugly head.

Taking Kalos' surprise round action. Was waiting for the DM to roll initiative but his action will be the same whether he goes first or second.

[roll0]; -4 to this roll (for shooting into melee) if he doesn't beat the worm's initiative.

2019-11-01, 05:21 PM

"Not on my watch you don't! FOR THE LIGHT!" Patrick lets out a fierce bellow as he stomps forward and lashes out with his halberd seeking to cleave the head free from the rest of the worm!

Power Attack with Furious Focus! [roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage

2019-11-01, 07:06 PM

"Osiah, no!" Tali cries, starting forward with outstretched hand before catching her step - the realisation that she can't do anything more than the warriors are already attempting and a sudden feeling of being a little drained stops her in her tracks.

Unawares to the young orderly, a slimy oil envelopes Osiah's armour.

Grease. +10 to escape artist checks.