View Full Version : Blade of the Four Fallen: IC Thread

Vrock Bait
2019-09-08, 05:58 PM
The moon shines on Trethon, capital of the elves, a gem of city lights amidst the dark sea. You find yourself walking through the streets, lively even at the darkest hour of night. Hundreds have traveled across the world to trade in what is called the greatest market in the world; and you are in its center. This place is called the Geas Market, where white magic is bought easily, and darker magic can also be bought... for a price.

Suddenly, you see the glint of a sword among the potions of the alchemists and the scrolls of the magicians. A man in a expensive cloak is accompanied by two hulking henchmen, this stranger can not disguise his noble bearings, even with the hood of a cloak on his head. The glint moves towards him, revealing itself as the short sword of goblin warrior.

He throws a smoke bomb, revealing his intentions. As soon as he appears, the Geas Market disappears, each vendor teleporting away with their goods. Behind him are three more warriors in tow. He activates a wand on the guards, paralyzing them, before rushing towards the nobleman. The other pedestrians on this street have fled, you are the only ones left.
Roll initiative.

2019-09-08, 06:04 PM

Tara, who up until a few moments ago was simply puttering about in the market with her mule Bessie, gasps as the attackers set forth. She looks around, seeing who else is there who might help.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-08, 06:17 PM
ignore this post, dive roller broke down

Vrock Bait
2019-09-08, 06:22 PM
Goblins: [roll0]
Noble: [roll1]

Vrock Bait
2019-09-08, 07:02 PM
Ja: [roll0]
Noe: [roll1]
Warhorse: [roll2]
Aerin: [roll3]
Let’s say the surprise round was when the goblins moved out and threw the smokestick, plus used a wand of hold person on the guards.

2019-09-09, 05:26 AM
After three days of travel, Ja and Nœ finally arrived at Trethon. Everything was new, spectacular, interesting, fascinating. A market, with everything you want and even more!
Where should they look first, where go first? They decided to walk just a bit more around and take a look at ... everywhere, before going back to business, but all of a sudden a smoke bomb explodes, everyone flees or vanishes, except Ja and Noe and 4 other persons.

Wha... What happens here?Nœ asks

2019-09-09, 05:37 AM
Ja was marveled at the high walls and the bustling market. But this place was too much for her. Too much people, too many smells and scents, too much noise.

At the sight of the goblins her warrior instincts feel at home.

Am I riding? if so the horse should act in my initiative.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-09, 05:49 AM
Since you're riding the horse, let's say you share initiative. Here's the combat tracker. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-y_P49-mDZ_wglbitcRz5q9xsjqea9BOaoUjioP54mo/edit?usp=sharing)

2019-09-09, 09:56 AM
Tara decides to act quickly, hoping what she does will be enough. She shouts a few words of power while throwing a hand out, the other fishing some materials from her pouch, and casts Grease directly on the goblin warriors.

DC 14 Reflex save to avoid falling prone. Aiming to hit all of them if possible, with any excess being placed between them and the noble.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-09, 02:22 PM
Spot check to see the Noble and goblins in the smoke.

Mercurion 2
2019-09-09, 06:14 PM
Ah, the market. So many people, so many…smells. And so unlike the peaks from which Aerin had journeyed. There he could go days, weeks, even months without seeing another person, but here…the streets were crawling with people…and things.

He stopped and looked to the sky, searching for a hint of breeze, the rustle of the wind, a sign from Devigus of his presence even here. Before he had entered the market he had called up Gale, the insubstantial, formless daughter of Devigus, one of his infinite children, and placed a sliver of power in her. Now he strode past the crowded stalls observing all the strange items for sale and all the equally strange beings selling them.

There was a hissing noise, an erupting plume of smoke, and suddenly most of the market disappeared. He had noticed the nobleman and his retinue, and caught just a glimpse of some horrid little earthen creatures headed towards them before the smoke engulfed the area. He decided to make matters into his own hands.

OK, first of all, he has sacrificed one of his 1st level spells to store it in his divine companion for later use. He’ll take a move action towards where he thinks the nobleman and his party are, so take a 30’ move in that direction. If he sees any of the goblins he will cast color spray (DC 14 Will saves, effects vary based on targets’ hit dice), trying to catch as many as possible. If he doesn’t see any after the 30’ move he will instead cast mage armor.


Also note that Aerin’s initiative modifier is +9 rather than +7

Vrock Bait
2019-09-09, 07:46 PM
You see a blue-skinned man walk towards the smoke. He a rainbow springs from his fingers, knocking a goblin unconscious. Before he reaches the smoke, a spell shoots from a halfling mage in the back, creating a greasy texture on the ground, launching the sounds of two goblins falling to emanate from the smoke.
Aerin narrowly succeeded on his Spot check, so sees only where the noble is generally. Tara cast Grease on the ground, causing two goblins to fail their Balance check. Aerin, you are next to a prone goblin, I think. Tara, finish your action.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 06:30 AM
The noble runs out of the smoke, towards Ja and Noe. Meanwhile, two other goblins sneak out of the shadows behind them. This may not have been just a four man job.

2019-09-10, 07:31 AM
These little buggers! Ja, that's your part! Let me support you! Nœ says and starts singing.
He also takes his backpack from his back and puts it to the ground, then he draws his sword (still singing).

Inspiring courage in every ally hearing me singing. Allies receive a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

2019-09-10, 09:28 AM
Ja does not want to go around smashing skulls just like that, but these fools do not make it easy.

She orders her mare Turo forward, and swings her hammer over her head, interposing the horse and her weapon between the goblins and the noble.

She attempts to intimidate the goblins.

You little critters, state your intentions and stop right now.

SWIFT: adopt bolstering voice stance MOVE: spur Turo between the goblins and the fleeing noble. STANDARD: Intimidate [roll0]

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 02:03 PM
Goblin 5:[roll0]
Goblin 6:[roll1]

With Aerin and Tara:
The one goblin not neutralized by the spell, the leader, is a scrawny and blue. Looking at it, you expect it doesn’t have much combat ability.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 02:11 PM

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 02:24 PM
Aerin does not recognize the creature, but Tara recognizes it as a Blue, a dangerous psionic goblin. The Blue manifests a barely visible rippling armor, and moves away, into the smoke covered portion of the street.

Meanwhile, with Ja and Noe, one goblin is frozen in fear at the commanding sight that is the half-Goliath crusader, while the other proceeds to attempt an attack at her.


2019-09-10, 02:31 PM
Watch for their leader! Tara yells, pointing at the figure entering the smoke. He's got psionics!

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 02:38 PM
Tara has won initiative, so goes first again this round.

2019-09-10, 02:42 PM
To see if I can spot Mr. Blue.


Assuming I can spot him I'll attack. If I can't, holding my action to sling a bullet at any foes who exit the smoke.

Tara readies a sling bullet, throwing it in towards the leader if she can spot him, otherwise holding it for when she can.

[roll1] to-hit.
1 damage on a hit. I'm weak!

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 02:54 PM