View Full Version : Optimization Flying Invisibility

2019-09-09, 07:19 AM
S9 in AL allows tieflings and aasimars to gain a flying speed at the price of some of their racial traits. This opens up some opportunity to create build that relies on flight and invisibility.

What could be the best possible build utilizing these two features?

I am limited to a choice of two races: aasimar from Volo and tiefling. The former ignores PHB+1 in AL in S9 while the second uses the SCAG Winged tiefling variant without counting SCAG as +1.

My thoughts of the builds are:
The character must have at least 2 levels in Rogue class for Cunning Action. Since in AL the location of invisible creatures is always known unless you take Hide action, I need the ability to Hide as a bonus action.

Now the spells I must have are:
nondetection - protection against both see invisibility and true seeing.
invisibility and greater invisibility - to become invisible.
blindness/deafness - to counter enemies with truesight.
The flight will defend me from creatures with tremorsense.

That leaves me with only two class options: Bard and Wizard.

Which subclass should I take to benefit from greater invisibility, having a flying speed of 30 feet and ability to take Hide action the most?

2019-09-09, 10:48 AM
S9 in AL allows tieflings and aasimars to gain a flying speed at the price of some of their racial traits. This opens up some opportunity to create build that relies on flight and invisibility.

What could be the best possible build utilizing these two features?

I am limited to a choice of two races: aasimar from Volo and tiefling. The former ignores PHB+1 in AL in S9 while the second uses the SCAG Winged tiefling variant without counting SCAG as +1.

My thoughts of the builds are:
The character must have at least 2 levels in Rogue class for Cunning Action. Since in AL the location of invisible creatures is always known unless you take Hide action, I need the ability to Hide as a bonus action.

Now the spells I must have are:
nondetection - protection against both see invisibility and true seeing.
invisibility and greater invisibility - to become invisible.
blindness/deafness - to counter enemies with truesight.
The flight will defend me from creatures with tremorsense.

That leaves me with only two class options: Bard and Wizard.

Which subclass should I take to benefit from greater invisibility, having a flying speed of 30 feet and ability to take Hide action the most?
Counterspell is another spell I would look to have in that build. Counterspelling while being invisible has benefits in that the caster cannot attempt to counter your counterspell (unless they see you). Also, being invisible and flying means you can be more easily than others within 60' of the caster you want to counterspell.

Don't count on blindness too much. A lot of the things that will have truesight will also have magic or legendary resistances. Just have a back up plan to greater invisibility for these occasions (assuming you go with gr invisibility in the first place).

I wouldn't worry too much about bonus action hide. Flight already makes you inaccessible to most melee enemies so you will have to worry about the ones using ranged, and they will already have disadvantage on their attacks against you. Unless you decide to go full rogue, or want rogue levels for another reason, don't bother with it. Cunning acion is an overkill imo and is not worth the two level investment.

If you want to play someone invisible (using concentration for it) and flying, you want a build that puts all its eggs to having strong actions and very little on defense otherwise. So in other words, you want to build a glass canon.

Evoker wizard is an option. They have strong actions in blasting, and they have strong alternatives to greater invisibility. Though it's a bit of a waste to play a wizard and utilize your concentration regularly with greater invisibility. Though the flying speed will be pretty handy for when you want to use spells like sickening radiance, dawn and whirlwind (cause the effect ignores your allies but not you, so the best place to be in these scenarios is up in the air, while allies and enemies are fighting inside your effect).

Or you could play a melee glass canon. Hexblade is the first thing that comes to mind. They don't get greater invisibility (feylocks do though, but I think I would prefer hexblade), but they get darkness and later on shadow of moil. They wont make you exactly hidden (especially shadow moil), but as I said earlier, you dont have to worry too much about it. Just put your resources in attacking and dont worry too much about defense (though I would pick just one concentration boosting feat, most likely resilient con; other feats would go to GWM, maybe PAM -trying to stay relatively close and profit from reactions-, maybe sentinel if I can get some good reactions from PAM).

Another option is sorcerer. The only reason I am suggesting it, is that if your plan is to use greater invisibility a lot, you might as well twin it to include an ally who can profit from it (ideally a rogue, though any SS/GWM ally will do; or a squishy caster in a ranged heavy set up).

Try to grab some item that boosts your AC against ranged attacks, if there is any such item. Otherwise, a cloak of displacement would probably be the next best thing (cause you wont be attacked all that much).