View Full Version : Help with disguising myself as a wizard

2019-09-09, 03:11 PM
My group and I are running Curse of Strahd, and during the last session, finished up the amber temple.

For those unaware of the amber temple, there are amber sarcophagi that offer dark gifts, one of which being lichdom and another being the power to revive anyone. However, with each gift, there is a drawback.

I accepted the gift for lichdom, but because I’m only level 8, am unable to compete the ritual. However, I struck a deal with the lich that oversees the dungeon and in return for his guidance in uplifting me, I would revive his dead master, who is currently entombed in the BBEG’s lair. With lichdom, the drawback was a desire to become the most powerful individual in the area.

However, when I took the gift to revive someone, I took on the appearance of an undead. I don’t want my party to realize that I’ve taken any dark gifts, because they were very vehemently against anyone taking dark gifts. (We have a good cleric and a paladin who think that taking any dark gifts will replace the BBEG with another dark overlord)

Until I reveal my lichdom later, I’m hoping to find a way to disguise my appearance, but I’ve run into some road blocks.

Both disguise self and alter self last for only 1 hour, and I obviously don’t have enough spell slots to do that. I was hoping you guys here could help me with an alternate solution.

2019-09-09, 04:50 PM
Are the other party members aware of the specific repurcussions of each dark gift? If not, you can use disguise self spells until you get to a location where you can fake getting a curse. Maybe use minor illusion, silent image, or even the fog spell after looking into a grave or opening some other chest/sarcophogi, then do your best impression of the end scene of The Last Crusade.

Make a big deal of finding a cure to your new undead appearance. Act confused and frustrated when remove curse spells from the Paladin and Cleric don't work. Lying through your teeth and recruiting the party to "help" you might be more effective than trying to stay hidden the whole time.

2019-09-09, 04:53 PM
I accepted the gift for lichdom ... the drawback was a desire to become the most powerful individual in the area.

Hang on let me quickly fix something for you...

We have a good cleric and a paladin who accurately think that taking any dark gifts will replace the BBEG with another dark overlord

Be confident in your own mind this is a twist the other players will be appreciate (even if their characters will not) before proceeding.

That aside - bog standard disguise kit.
Claim to have been cursed (when you 'refused' the dark gift *cough*) and your skin is horribly disfigured and you're ashamed/don't want anyone to see and wear a mask/cloak/hood/gloves/etc.
Hat of Disguise.
Multiclassing 2 levels of warlock is a rather extreme long term solution.

2019-09-09, 11:06 PM
Are the other party members aware of the specific repurcussions of each dark gift?

Unfortunately, the party is aware of what specifically will happen because a NPC has already accepted the dark gift, so I can’t just make up a story about being cursed in some other way.

Be confident in your own mind this is a twist the other players will be appreciate (even if their characters will not) before proceeding.

Most of the party has shown interest in specific gifts but the cleric and paladin are very vehemently against them so as a whole the party has agreed to not take any gifts. Based on our previous encounters with the BBEG, we’ve gotten absolutely curbstomped, and I don’t think that the extra level up from completing the dungeon will help us significantly, which is why I agreed to become a lich. Because of these two things, I’m fairly confident that the players will at least be pleasantly surprised once I unveil myself.

That aside - bog standard disguise kit.
Claim to have been cursed (when you 'refused' the dark gift *cough*) and your skin is horribly disfigured and you're ashamed/don't want anyone to see and wear a mask/cloak/hood/gloves/etc.
Hat of Disguise.

I can’t believe I didn’t think of a disguise kit/covering myself up. The outside of the dungeon is freezing too so it’d make sense canonically too. However, I still face the issue of having to remain covered up, as being the party will know instantly that I’ve accepted the gift once they actually look at me.

Thanks for the tips though!

2019-09-10, 05:09 AM
Been a while since I've touched CoS bit seems like you're running down the road of "antagonist" so don't be surprised if you end up rolling a new character soon (due to DM or the partys actions).

That being said, yeah, disguise kit works best. If you're human or humanish prodigy will be great.

2019-09-10, 05:56 AM
You will probably want to use magic aura in order to mask the fact you are an undead.

2019-09-10, 09:01 AM
Have the DM tell you to make a roll. No matter what it is, he "checks the result" and then passes you a note. You say "Seriously?" The DM nods, you say "Um, guys? Does this dress make me look...undead?"