View Full Version : SAGA Edition game, IC

Vrock Bait
2019-09-09, 08:01 PM
You’re in a cantina on a strange and distant world. The only people you really know are your crew mates, most other patrons of this “fine” establishment speaking a throaty alien language. You’re here waiting for a contract. The only name he gave you was “David”, and he claims to have a valuable cargo to smuggle, for which he is willing to pay generously.

After a few minutes, he finally appears. To you shock, he is a droid. “My apologies, fine salarymen,” he says, as he sits down, “My name is D-V1D. I work for the Rebellion. Major Antenos on Canto Base, specifically. And I need you to smuggle something to him.”

2019-09-09, 08:51 PM
Miri Trace

Miri had selected a table near the back of the catina, the better to give the young smuggler a view of the whole place. She had to admit she'd been in better drinking dens and gambling pits. For one thing the locals didn't seem to know their way around Basic. At least the drinks aren't terrible she thought as she leaned back in her seat and supped her Alderaanian Spiced Ale, her tight black flightsuit flattering her figure. The cantina might be shabby but she wasn't.

She was just scouting the cantina floor for the dozenth time when the droid appeared. Miri's green eyes widened even further than normal. She'd worked with droids enough to know what they were capable of, but even so this was a surprise.

'Hello, I'm Captain Trace. I've got to say you're shinier than I expected,' she told D-V1D, a smirk tugging at her lips. In a quiet voice she continued 'Now, where exactly is Canto Base and what do you want us to carry on this run?'

Miri glanced at her friends just in case they wanted to ask questions of their own.

2019-09-10, 02:24 AM
You’re in a cantina on a strange and distant world. The only people you really know are your crew mates, most other patrons of this “fine” establishment speaking a throaty alien language. You’re here waiting for a contract. The only name he gave you was “David”, and he claims to have a valuable cargo to smuggle, for which he is willing to pay generously.
Secles sits in the corner, his back to both walls, steadily working his way through his third beer as he fiddles with his wristcomp. He's been trying to track down a flutter in the port maneuvering thruster for the past week, and he thinks he's almost got it figured out. Even so, he keeps a wary eye on the crowd.

After a few minutes, he finally appears. To you shock, he is a droid. “My apologies, fine salarymen,” he says, as he sits down, “My name is D-V1D. I work for the Rebellion. Major Antenos on Canto Base, specifically. And I need you to smuggle something to him.”

"What she said." He begins bluntly, blanking his comp. "Plus, we need to know the pay, if there's anyone after the shipment, and how urgent the delivery is. The usual stuff."

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 05:41 AM
“We simply want you to smuggle 3 small crates to Cantos Base, on the planet Okayu. If there was not a need for confidentiality, then I would have hired lesser smugglers. If there was not a need for protection of the cargo, I would have hired a simple shipment of goods. Of course, my offer of 50,000 credits should also suffice, for the purpose of this mission.”

2019-09-10, 03:21 PM
A short ways away, a girl in a faded dark vest and cargos, and a pair of goggles not quite as dark, sits at a table with a strange musical device in her arms. Just barely out of reach is her upturned cap with a credit stick or two in it; she seems to be panhandling (or at the very least, playing music for her own drinks.) The lack of any band on a stage (or a stage for that matter...) bolstered her to try it out.

The goggles hide that she's glancing back over towards the others bargaining with the droid, and at the door of the place itself, keeping watch...

She plays a nice jaunty tune, her fingers flying over keys and tapping buttons and toggles without much effort.

[roll0] Perform check to see if I can earn us some scratch!

[roll1] Perception check to watch the place in case anybody we don't want to deal with--inquisitors, storm troopers, etc.--show up.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-10, 06:42 PM
As patrons come and go, many drop small credit sticks in your hat. However, others drop some sort of stone coinage, what seems to be the local currency. You glance around the cantina, searching for suspicious figures. You see a fight in progress in the back, between two large but stupid toughs, while a shadowy man lurks at a table in the corner, quietly sipping a beer. A tough-looking bounty hunter is at the bar, presumably celebrating his latest job, and a group of cosplayers talk over drinks. Mostly, however, you see the shaved heads of the rowdy bar fighters, marks of stormtroopers, the look of a man utterly destroyed, mourning alone in a corner, a braggart who is too drunk to be effectual, and the cosplay that is not effective enough of a disguise to hide a meeting of Shadow Wing gangsters. Looks can be deceiving, and you of all people know that.

You have earned: [roll0] credits.
[roll1] local currency.

2019-09-10, 07:55 PM
Not going to post another action again, at least until others have a shot, but... how many off duty storm troopers is Opal seeing here?

2019-09-10, 10:47 PM

In Binary: |Greetings D-V1D. What are the external dimensions and mass of the crates? Are there any handling or storage requirements? In the unlikely event that we are being boarded and the cargo may be discovered do you want some or all of it to be destroyed?|

2019-09-11, 12:42 AM
“We simply want you to smuggle 3 small crates to Cantos Base, on the planet Okayu. If there was not a need for confidentiality, then I would have hired lesser smugglers. If there was not a need for protection of the cargo, I would have hired a simple shipment of goods. Of course, my offer of 50,000 credits should also suffice, for the purpose of this mission.”

"Well said, and we also need to know where exactly on the planet the base is, as well as the necessary recognition codes so we don't get shot when we show up." Secles adds. "But aside from those necessary details, 50 buys you a lot of no-questions."

He scans the bar for anyone listening in, and continues "I figure we can lift in a couple of hours, barring any complications."

That's taking ten for 17 on perception to check for eavesdroppers, and the few hours is basically me fishing for a couple scavenger rolls before we take off.

What would you guys like me to make? I can do just about anything worth 500 credits or less, as long as it isn't super complex.

2019-09-11, 07:33 AM
Miri Trace

Miri smirked at Secles 'no questions' comment. 'I couldn't agree more. Well I think we are all in agreement about accepting and my colleagues with better maths skills can finesse the details.'

The young woman glances around the cantina. A couple of hours to kill... she could listen to the local gossip, maybe find a quick card game or too. At the very least she could finish her drink.

Perception: [roll0] - looking for anyone who looks like they might be interested in a game of sabacc.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-11, 08:00 PM

The bar fight appears to consist of two members of separate units fighting each other. There are about six others cheering them on.


D-V1D gives you the recognition codes and coordinates. He explains to you that the boxes measure 1 by 1 by 1 meters, and have a triangle inside a hexagon symbol on it. The droid tells you to pick the boxes up at storage unit 4, at the spaceport, before leaving without a word.

2019-09-12, 03:24 AM

The bar fight appears to consist of two members of separate units fighting each other. There are about six others cheering them on.


D-V1D gives you the recognition codes and coordinates. He explains to you that the boxes measure 1 by 1 by 1 meters, and have a triangle inside a hexagon symbol on it. The droid tells you to pick the boxes up at storage unit 4, at the spaceport, before leaving without a word.

"Well," Secles says, "guess we had better get a move on." He drains the last dregs of his beer and uncoils to his full height. "Let's get the cargo stowed, first. Then I can do my junk-hunting and Opal can get her money changed while Miri files a flight plan."

Vrock Bait
2019-09-12, 06:24 AM

At a table to the left, a group of Trandoshans are playing Sabacc, but seem to be gambling for impossibly low stakes. At a table to the right, some natives are playing a variant of holochess, which might be fun. They all look quite wealthy, if you could convince them to gamble.

2019-09-12, 11:04 AM
Miri Trace

Finishing her own drink and then standing up, Miri turned right and strolled over. 'Hello. Any room for a girl with a little time to kill before her next voyage?' Miri asks the locals, offering them a pleasant smile.

Persuasion: [roll0]

Vrock Bait
2019-09-12, 04:06 PM
They seem unable to grasp what you are saying. Should you try again?

2019-09-12, 11:57 PM

"Meet you back at the ship in four hours." Secles tells Miri, as he heads towards the exit of the bar.

I'm going to take ten on my perception checks to find salvage for a total of 17.

That gives me four little piles of 510 "junk credits" each.

2019-09-13, 07:05 AM
Miri Trace

Miri nodded at Secles before she turned back to the locals and registered their blank faces.

Not for the first time Miri found herself wishing she'd spent more time paying attention to language courses in school instead of looking over the cute boy from Alderaan in class. Still she tried again.

'May I play?'

Taking ten for Persuaion which is 17.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-13, 04:07 PM

The aliens seem to grasp your meaning, and invite you to sit down.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-13, 04:42 PM
Alien 1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
Miri now makes one.

2019-09-14, 12:48 AM

Z1X intends to say "I shall go to the ship and prepare the hold for the new cargo."

However "I'm going on a ship and preparing ownership for a new luggage." is what comes out of the old decrepit vocabulator, no matter what Z1X does the droid cannot get it to work properly.

2019-09-14, 10:53 AM
Miri Trace

Miri took a seat, glancing quizically at both players and board before settling in.

Int check: [roll0]

If my Gambler talent counts for this game my modifier is +4

2019-09-14, 02:24 PM
Finishing her last synthetic ditty, Opal glides over to the bar and slides half of the local currency she earned to the bartender and gets a basic, non alcoholic/stimulant drink while still keeping an eye on the storm troopers. Mostly she seems to be waiting for Miri to finish up before shadowing her out.

[roll0] Another perception, mostly to make sure no troublemakers are coming to look for rebel smugglers.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-14, 07:48 PM

You easily best the natives at their own game. They do not seem happy. One starts waving around a vibroknife, but his companion quiets him down, before handing your winnings over.

Here I would rule your Gambler bonus does impact the check, since I'm assuming the bonus is more from being able to sense what people are thinking. You've won:
[roll0] credits


The stormtroopers have stopped their competition, but out of the fire, into the frying pan, they say. The stormtroopers seemed to have realized their is an illicit gathering of gangsters at the far end of the cantina, so you might want to leave soon to avoid getting in any fights or attracting too much attention.

2019-09-14, 10:31 PM
Opal makes her way placidly towards Miri, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"We should go; it's been fun but we don't want to overdue things, right Miri?" she whispers, without trying to draw attention to the off duty troopers.

"I'm sure, after all, there are other patrons who'd rather enjoy their time here now."

Vrock Bait
2019-09-15, 09:41 PM
Time skip to loading in cargo.
We were stuck at a "door", it's my responsibility to open it.

2019-09-15, 10:07 PM
Z1X approaches one of the crates and attempts to pick it up.

Z1X can carry 94 kg (207 lb) without having to empty any storage compartments or strain.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-16, 06:27 AM

You pick it up with ease, removing it from the storage compartment.

2019-09-16, 10:03 AM
Miri Trace

Miri had not been blind to the locals unhappiness over her good fortune at the table and she felt glad her friend showed up. The scoundrel had no doubt she could handle the table if it came to blows but she did not want to attract more attention.

'Thank you gentlemen for the game, I wish you a good evening.' Scooping up her credits she left.

'Thanks Opal,' she said once they were out of earshot. Miri smiled at her friend. 'Don't worry I'd have walked away before we got to bloodshed. Trick of a good gambler - know your audience.'

She lowered her voice. 'Speaking of which did you notice anyone who was taking a little too much interest in us?'

2019-09-16, 10:10 PM
Z1X begins loading the crates onto the ship.

Perception, is anyone paying an unusual amount of attention to a droid moving a crate: [roll0]

Vrock Bait
2019-09-16, 10:15 PM

You don't notice anybody looking at you in particular, but you see some armored men asking around in the back. On their shoulders is the same symbol on the crates. Could these be the rightful owners? You've been paid a lot to do this job, though.

2019-09-16, 11:16 PM

Using its internal comlink Z1X says "Beware to all the staff, it is very likely that we do not have permission to pick up these boxes and must leave immediately."

"Attention all crew, there is a distinct possibility that we do not have permission to take these crates and will have to leave in a hurry."

If Z1X is able to get all of the crates are on-board the ship it will begin preparing the ship for takeoff.

Z1X has ranks in piloting.

2019-09-17, 01:02 PM

"Figures." He says. "I'll try to distract them so we can finish loading." He moves towards the back,watching the goons and people's reactions to them carefully.

I'll take ten on perception for 17. What do I see?

Vrock Bait
2019-09-17, 06:12 PM

They seem to be asking around a bit roughly, and you hear one of them mentioning shutdown of the spaceport.

Strength check.

2019-09-19, 02:43 PM
Secles moves back to help KE shift the crates. ""Looks like we need to get a move on, they're talking about shutting down the port." He reports.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2019-09-20, 05:38 PM
Miri Trace

Miri arrived, looking slightly breathless. After collecting her winning she'd had to file a flight plan for the Sable Merlin. Fortunately she'd already finished and had been able to check her comlink discretely.

'Any idea who we have after us?' She asked making her way past the cargo hold towards the cockpit just in case they needed to make a really rapid get away.

2019-09-21, 01:59 AM
Miri Trace

Miri arrived, looking slightly breathless. After collecting her winning she'd had to file a flight plan for the Sable Merlin. Fortunately she'd already finished and had been able to check her comlink discretely.

'Any idea who we have after us?' She asked making her way past the cargo hold towards the cockpit just in case they needed to make a really rapid get away.
"No idea, but their insignia matches the crates and they were talking about closing the spaceport." Secles replies, manhandling a crate into the smuggling compartment.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-21, 07:07 PM
With the last box loaded in, you get the ship ready to fly.

2019-09-22, 08:19 PM
"if we leave now, then it simply won't concern us..." Opal pipes in, stowing her keytar someplace safe for the ride about to occur.

"Best get in the air before any official announcement is made."

2019-09-22, 10:33 PM
Z1X makes preparations for liftoff.

2019-09-23, 04:23 AM
Secles assists Z1.

2019-09-23, 10:49 AM
Heeding the advice of her friends Miri went straight to the cockpit, ready to fly once everything was ready.

2019-09-23, 04:47 PM
Sensing a possible opportunity to assist, Opal stays in the cockpit or even in her gunnery--wherever she can get a position to look outside in the spaceport at the 'inspectors."

If necessary she knows of a few 'tricks' that may be necessary to slow someone down...


Rolling perception to check and see if there are any barrels, conduit wires or anything that can cause a messy distraction between us/the Merlin and these guys.

If there ARE, and Opal's force powers are within range, she may use them to fall over or trip them up. but she's not looking for live power cables or the acid delivery tubes or anything lethal...

Vrock Bait
2019-09-23, 06:30 PM
The trio of white-armored men are discussing with the man next to your landing pad, when they suddenly turn towards the exact direction of your ship...
They succeeded on Use Force checks fo sense nearby Force Users. Roll Use Force(Cha), to see if you can trip them before they get to your ship. You could also alert a crew member that you need to lift off immediately.

2019-09-23, 06:48 PM
"Incoming company!"

Opal calls out with a high pitch before putting a finger to her temple, eyes closed. She tries to move something, anything in their pathway to give them opportunity to bail.

Use the Force: [roll0]

"We must take off immediately!"

2019-09-23, 08:06 PM
Miri Trace

'So much for an uncomplicated getaway,' Miri muttered to herself as much anyone. She flicked the intercom switch to alert the others aboard: 'Hold on everyone, we're blasting off in a hurry!'

Before she'd even finished speaking the smuggler began takeoff procedure and get their bird in the sky.

If needed a roll for Pilot: [roll0]

2019-09-23, 11:56 PM
Z1X takes the co-pilot position.

2019-09-24, 12:30 AM
Miri Trace

'So much for an uncomplicated getaway,' Miri muttered to herself as much anyone. She flicked the intercom switch to alert the others aboard: 'Hold on everyone, we're blasting off in a hurry!'

Before she'd even finished speaking the smuggler began takeoff procedure and get their bird in the sky.

If needed a roll for Pilot: [roll0]

Never rains but it pours, huh.Sec!es thinks, as he takes his place at the Engineering station and hits the cold start for the engines.

I'm trying to make a mechanics check to warm up the engines just a little bit faster.
Mechanics: [roll0]

Vrock Bait
2019-09-24, 06:55 AM
"Incoming company!"

Opal calls out with a high pitch before putting a finger to her temple, eyes closed. She tries to move something, anything in their pathway to give them opportunity to bail.

Use the Force: [roll0]

"We must take off immediately!"
You move a large metal crate lying to the side the men towards them, hitting them.
You got 24 so you can move a Large object for 5d6 damage.
Their Reflex Defense: [roll0]

Miri Trace

'So much for an uncomplicated getaway,' Miri muttered to herself as much anyone. She flicked the intercom switch to alert the others aboard: 'Hold on everyone, we're blasting off in a hurry!'

Before she'd even finished speaking the smuggler began takeoff procedure and get their bird in the sky.

If needed a roll for Pilot: [roll0]
You move to begin lifting off. Flicking on and off numerous switches, you find that parts of the controls are jammed. You can still lift off though, but won’t be able to move very fast. No time to fix it now.
I assume you’re rolling to Increase Speed, which would fail, but you’ve successfully piloted.


Never rains but it pours, huh.Sec!es thinks, as he takes his place at the Engineering station and hits the cold start for the engines.

I'm trying to make a mechanics check to warm up the engines just a little bit faster.
Mechanics: [roll0]
You manage to fix the jammed switches quickly, just in time for the ship to start.
The exact thing you’re doing isn’t really well detailed in the books, so the roll just activated Increased Speed as the Pilot application.

Vrock Bait
2019-09-24, 07:14 PM
You’ve managed to escape, now time shift to the next stop your journey: the mining planet Saredo. I’ll describe it once I know you’re all off the ship and done with everything you want to do on ship.

2019-09-24, 08:54 PM
Uh, don't we have to roll for astrogation? Was there any pursuit from the port?

Vrock Bait
2019-09-25, 05:37 AM
Uh, don't we have to roll for astrogation? Was there any pursuit from the port?
Sorry, my mind was set to Mutants and Masterminds mode. Yes, there is pursuit. Roll Astrogation.

2019-09-26, 01:37 AM
Z1X interfaces with the nav computer using its scomp link and begins plotting a course through hyperspace.

Here is an Astrogation roll to make the check in one round. Book says that it is a DC 10 check unless the GM says otherwise.
Z1X has a +15 to use computers, +5 because the ship has a nav comp, -10 for doing it quickly.

Edit: Well nat 20, I guess we are on our way.

Vrock Bait
2019-10-12, 05:35 PM
You have arrived at the first step on your journey. While it may tedious, your destination is nearly on the exact opposite location in the galaxy, so you will have to make a few more stops.

Opening the door, you expect the fabled Spice mines of Imperial Outpost 37. You will have to be careful.

Instead, you find a group of white-armored soldiers milling around outside. To your surprise, one of the natives, a dark skinned tentacled blob, smiles at you warmly, and cries, "Welcome to Deriru!"

2019-10-15, 12:25 AM

Z1X exits the ship and goes to work refueling the ship and playing the part of the dumb droid while keeping a visual sensor on the visitors.

2019-10-15, 05:26 AM
Miri Trace

'Be careful everyone,' Miri had warned before they disembarked. 'We got lucky last time and I want to keep that pesky Imperial attention as far away as possible.'

As she walks down the Sable Merlin's boarding ramp Miri blinks in surprise at the greeting then waves back at the local. 'Thank you, nice planet you have here!''

Vrock Bait
2019-10-15, 07:38 PM
"Isn't it?" The native replies. "Those guys over there just liberated us from the Imperials a week ago!" The native points towards the armored men. "The Empire said that they would send another fleet here today, but they were obviously bluffing."