View Full Version : Age of Ruin [IC]

2019-09-10, 12:54 PM

Somehow, you had all gotten through. The Fyli Half-Orcs guarding the city gates eye the lot of you suspiciously as the four wagons belonging to the human merchant Morren creak and groan as one by one they trundle past the outer portcullis. Their leader, the Λοχίας, Lochias in the common tongue, personally inspects each of your merchant passes and Wogate visas. With a grunt of assent you are allowed to pass alongside the wagons. The air sweetened and seasoned by the load of seeds and spices bound for Grayson Keep.

The road is both bumpy and rocky, and travel with the large wagons of the caravan is slow. The oxen step carefully around stones and potholes while the drivers carefully wend through boulders and other larger obstacles. You reach a fork. A dilapidated sign points the road to Grayson Keep as 500 miles to the East. When he hired you, Morren reckoned that it would take nearly two months to take that route. However, south of Wogate lay the Black Forest, home to Covenant Elves and the Barbarian Roth tribe. Taking that road would cut the trip nearly in half and that is the direction Morren intends to take.

You turn south.

You have each noted that you never see the cloaked stranger far from Morren. Indeed, while you were negotiating pay rates with the merchant (100 gold pieces each as well as a bonus equal to 2% of the total profits of the venture), you couldn't help but notice the stranger lurking in the corner of the tavern. Now he is here, bundled in his robes and the hood of his cloak pulled over his eyes, as always. It doesn't seem to trouble his vision for he moves with a delicate ease. His frequent bouts of coughing, however, indicates that he is not well. He speaks to no one though appears to whisper to Morren on occasion. None of you have heard his voice beyond the coughing. You aren't even sure what race he is.

A day passes, and you set up camp for the evening on the outskirts of the Black Forest. It is mid-Summer and the trees are alive with the call of thousands of insects chirping their song and breaking the stillness. The forest lives up to its name for you cannot see far past the eaves of its outermost trees. Fireflys dance in the air just outside the range of light of your campfire. The wagons are circled and the oxen loosed to graze, their drivers keeping a close eye upon them. The stranger remains at his seat in the first wagon. Morren is finishing a rabbit stew aided by a pinch of the spices from his stores. There are four of you, adventurers all. You have spent most of your recent lives dealing with the stigma that adventurers hold. Whatever else about your pasts, you can agree that you hold at least that much in common with one another.

2019-09-10, 01:54 PM
Luna Valxina - 21/21 HP - 15 (17) AC (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1932257)

Luna sat in her hammock which she had set six or so feet off the ground between two sturdy trees about eight feet apart. Her eyes stared back at the glowing fire and the group she and her cousin had set out with. She could just catch sight of the man in the back of the wagon; the glow of the flickering flames giving him an even more ominous appearance, than did sunlight.

She played with her wand and sat lost in thought. She would ever so often glance into the darkened wood as if expecting some unknown evil to shamble out of the close-knit trees.

Her bag was hanging over her hammock by the loops. It was held up by the rope securing her to the tree near to her feet. "The food smells wonderful Morren, but it could have more vegetables." she chimed in as she dropped to the ground, with her weapons, mess kit, and wand in tow. She moved to take a seat on a log nearer to the fire she had set for the group. She held onto her mess kit awaiting her portion to be spooned out as the meal approached being ready.

[roll0] To check the treeline for any movement out of the ordinary.

2019-09-10, 04:37 PM
Verflu Augen 20 hp/12 AC

When the group came to a rest, intending to camp for the night where they were, Verflu posted his horse and mule and unhooked the mule from the cart and took the saddle off of his horse. He gave them both one night's feed each as the loyal beasts earned it. Afterwards, he set up an alarm where he believed was most likely to see entrance by unwanted intruders and made the alarm to ring mentally so that he would be alert, should anyone cross that alarm he established.

After setting up the alarm, Verflu set up his two person tent and got in. He got out his tome, gifted to him by his master, a Devil whose name he does not yet know. He opened the tome, Keye Libertas Vade Mecum, and read the first page's inscription that he had memorized. Oh how he loved the inscription that gave him his freedom.

Master has bid him go with Morren but Verflu was suspicious of the party makeup. Morren was obviously lusting after wealth, but that was understandable. Morren was probably the most trustworthy of the group besides the wagon drivers who were nothing spectacular.

The other human, Teucer, he called himself, seemed alright.

Verflu did not like the nameless cloaked figure. Anyone willing to go to such lengths to hide themselves are not to be trusted.

Less trustworthy still were the slavers scum, the elves. Verflu did his best to remain amiable but he could not help but wait for the dagger of betrayal. Elves that are friendly-ish to any but their own race are the least trustworthy. They build up your confidence in them and then sell you off to Saraxes.

Still, Master wanted Verflu to work with them. And so he shall tolerate the elves so long as they keep their distance. Verflu, paranoid, set up an alarm just outside his tent. This one, any but Verflu, would set off a screeching alarm to be heard by all who dare invade his private space.

40 days feed - 2 = 38 days feed

2019-09-10, 08:15 PM
Black Forest Outskirts

Morren spoons a bowlful of stewed rabbit into Luna's bowl. "Sorry, love, but the only veggies I have require plantin' and growin'".

He then clangs the spoon against the side of the pot. "Soups on!" He calls out.

2019-09-10, 08:23 PM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

Rael rolls his eyes at his cousin complaining about food. Not that anyone can tell since he's wearing a mask. She was a druid, couldn't she just conjure up some vegetables or something? He mentally shrugs at this and takes a bowl of the stew as soon as its finished.

Noting that one of their members retreated into a tent immediately upon setting camp he tries to do the polite thing. He walks over to the tent and says, "Hey......human" realizing he doesn't actually remember most of the names of the people in their group the moment he had to actually address someone, "the food is ready. Unless you're giving me your share." He grins at this little joke. Nobody can see it because he's facing the side of a tent.

2019-09-10, 08:41 PM
Verflu comes out the tent. He sees the masked elf and nods silently.

Remembering that he's supposed to work with the group and that they are part of a greater plan, he suppresses his prejudice and bows slightly.

"Thank you, I appreciate you letting me know about the food and as for my portion...food is life, food is love, food is glorious!" Then he jokes "I'd sooner whack you upside the head than share my food!"

Verflu pops back in the tent to get his bowl and then closes his tent behind him before walking over to the food and sitting with everyone.

He briefly holds up his bowl in gratitude. "Thank you for the food Morren, it's much appreciated."

2019-09-11, 07:22 AM

Teucus finishes setting his tent, making sure it is in sight at all times, his things safely inside. The stew done, he goes up and picks his fill. Looking around, he tries not to grimace at the elves.

This is a job. They may be good people. After all, some of the slavers have been humans in the past. On the other hand, all elves have been slavers. Pah.

"Aren't we all nice and cozy here. After we eat, we split watches. I will go around and take a look, see what kind of creatures live nearby.

Then, I say me and Verflu take the first and last watch. You two sl... I mean elves can take the middle. You can see better in the dark, can't you?"

Teucus finishes his soup, eating a double ration of he can get away with it. He then goes on to scout the immediate environment, checking for signs of life, recent passing or ominous trails.

Using primeval awareness to see if there humanoids nearby, and Survival to check for tracks etc.

2019-09-11, 09:28 AM
Smiling at the almost verbal slip, knowing that there was at least another that shared his feelings comforted Verflu.

"I think that sounds good to me. We'll take the first and last watch. The middle watches can be done by the elves. After all, our masked compatriot looks like he's very comfortable in the dark of night. " Smiling, Verflu turns to the elves. ""Is this agreeable with you both?"

2019-09-11, 10:12 AM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

Rael shrugs at this and replies, "Sounds fine to me, it is true we are better in the dark than humans." He mentally adds "and better in the day too"

After Teucus leaves (but not before he's out of range of hearing), Rael looks to Verflu and asks, "So what's the glutton's name? It might be inconvenient to call him sl-human in the case we find trouble out here." Stressing the "sl" and not having any real pause to it to make a point he didn't miss the slight. After a moment he gives a sort of not super nice grin, making a point that "sl" could be meant as slave just as easily as slaver.

2019-09-11, 10:51 AM
Verflu shrugs, not really caring that the masked elf seemed to be offended by the other human's almost slip. "Beats me, all I know about him thus far is that he's human, looks to be a skilled forest man and has a strange skull on his person. Beyond that, I know just as much as you do. I'm sure he'll tell you if you ask him.

I'm Verflu, on account of my "cursed" right eye that I can still see out of. Figure if we're going to work together, you'll need to know my strengths and weaknesses. I do magic, and I do most of it with my trusty staff. I've learned how to make words hurt, how to supplement that pain with a curse. I've learned how to make words help, making whomever I choose stronger. I've learned how to make people friendly to me for just a moment, though they loathe me afterwards since people simply do not like to be manipulated. I've learned to be semi decent with illusions. But probably what I've learned that hurts the most is when I channel my magic into a beam of dark energy that hits with just as much force as an arrow shot from a bow.

I can make a person fear me for no reason other than I want them to be afraid of me.

OH! but the funnest of them all! Let me show you. "

Waving and chanting in infernal, Verflu transforms himself into a likeness of Rael using disguise self. "I can transform myself to appear as what I am not. Such a handy skill to have when you're an outlaw in your hometown for ....ahem....minor arson of residences of loyal servants to the tyrant Saraxes.

Now, me, I'm dreadful in hand to hand combat. I can whack people with my staff but I'm likely to muck up and get sharp pointy objects to the gut instead. No no, no up close and personal for me. I prefer to poof myself away or turn invisible and hightail it outta there until I can regain a strategic position. So if we face big scary people with pointy objects and bad intentions, please don't count on me to be brave and engage them until I'm a comfortable distance away."

Verflu dismisses the disguise self illusion and motions to Rael. You now know more about me than I allow most to ever know about me. I only do this and share such knowledge with you because in a group as big as ours, the only way I can profit from our trades is to keep the group as intact as possible. So I want to manage expectations of what I can or cannot do. Now my masked friend, what is your name and what can you do?

2019-09-11, 11:07 AM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

There is a lot of eyebrow raising as Verflu makes his long and maybe overly detailed introduction. But... mask.

"I am Rael Amakiir, chosen wielder of the stolen Flowing Citrine. I put sharp pointy objects in people's guts." he replies and jangles his collection of weapons.

2019-09-11, 11:13 AM
Perking up at the word stolen, Verflu's interest is piqued. "Ah! a stolen weapon! Tell me of this flowing citrine. And tell me who is foolish enough to steal from elves? "

2019-09-11, 11:21 AM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

Rael is a bit surprised to get a response of genuine interest. "It is my family's legacy, dating back before the birth of most races. It is made entirely of the gemstone citrine, as the name implies, and can flow from one shape to another. It has other powers, but I'm sure you understand that these are family secrets." "That I don't actually know myself" he mentally adds, "The fools, as you are right to call them as the Flowing Citrine chooses its wielder, who stole it were of course dwarves. None other are lowly enough to do so." There's some real venom in his tone once he mentions the dwarves.

2019-09-11, 11:52 AM
Ahhhh! Did master know this one was going to be on this trip? That he was looking for such a weapon that could possibly be powerful enough to wreak true havoc among Saraxes and his servants. I must keep an eye on this one.By the nine hells, I hope this one isn't a slaver like the rest of his kind. thought Verflu, for before this conversation with the masked elf, he had no idea why in the 9 hells he was sent to be part of an insane caravaneer's group, for everyone knows that to traverse the black forest is almost as good as a death wish.

"Dwarves eh? When I was just a kid, I used to sit around with all the other kids and listen to the stories of the town elders. Naturally, the stories had to have a pro-Saraxes bent to it but when you get past that language, you glean that the dwarves were once considered an honorable race. That they'd sooner die than to be expelled by their clan for such lowly acts as theft. But now, ironically, their lives depends on the very thing they used to forsake as Un-Dwarven.

Nowadays, you'd be wise to secure your purses and artifacts around dwarves for they are not to be trusted as far as you can throw those heavy tiny bastards.

I hope that one day, you and the flowing citrine are reunited and that those guilty, pay the price."

2019-09-11, 11:56 AM
Luna Valxina - 21/21 HP - 15 (17) AC (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1932257)

Luna shakes her head and thanks Morren with a smile,"It is fine. It smells delicious, Thank you." She nods her agreement with Teuces and Verflu, "That sounds like a good idea to me." She makes her way back to her hammock, turning into a monkey mid-step when she got close. Monkey-Luna rushes up the tree, with her mess kit of stew, and almost as quickly as she had turned into such a creature. She was back to her normal self swinging in the hammock. The back and forth between her cousin and their newfound companion made her giggle between bites. "That is quite impressive, to say the least."

Once her meal was finished, Luna pours a small bit of water into her mess kit, swirls it around, and empties it out onto the ground below. Tired she kicks her feet up and relaxes into her blanket, her gaze turning upwards to the thick trees above her. What an interesting day, She thought. While wrapped in her blanket, Luna closes her eyes listening to the others talk while drifting off to sleep.


2019-09-11, 12:10 PM

Teucus hears the comment as he moves out. He almost smiles. He was aggressive first, true, but elves are mostly slavers.

Without stopping, he turns walking backwards, smiles and sets in clear, unaccented elvish

In Elvish "Elves always wait for a turned back to attack. When confronted directly, they fold. Saraxes showed us that."

He then proceeds to scout around for a while. He comes back with clear water from a nearby spring and some wild almonds. He puts them to roast in the ambers of the fire, distributing them and the water to everyone, the elves included. Satisfied that nothing is amiss, he climbs up a tree for a better view, and takes point.

2019-09-11, 12:40 PM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

After Teucus comes back Rael lets him go about his business for a few minutes before out of the blue saying, "You only know the vindictive jealousy passed down to you by your elders, so I'll let your ignorance go unanswered with a blade. If only because they trained you to serve well enough to be useful." and he pointedly takes a handful of almonds and crunches down on them like they're the most delicious thing in the world.

2019-09-11, 01:55 PM

Crunching at the roasted almonds, Reucus looks up suddenly as the elf makes his comment. It is a look of surprise, not anger.

Could it be that he doesn't know?

He holds up three fingers, as he starts to speak, folding them as he counts

"Three. Three times I have witnessed elven slavers raid my home.

The first was when I was fifteen. I lost my father at that fight, but the elves were repelled. They only took three wounded with them.

The second was five years ago. The hamlet was left hollow. More than thirty people were taken. Not me.

The third, last month. My home was burned down. But to be fair, there were human scouts that did the work for elves. So perhaps this doesn't count.

So, no poisoned words from my Elders. Just memories."

With that, the harrowed look that had crossed Teucus' face leaves him and his usual smirk comes back.

"You must be awfully good with that blade, to trust it so much."

With that, he goes to his eerie in the tree, to stand guard.

2019-09-11, 03:21 PM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

Rael just gives a shrug at that, not knowing what to say about the first part and not thinking its a good idea to claim confidence he doesn't have with weapons he hasn't been using for years now or a lack of confidence in them to someone who has a grudge against elves.

2019-09-11, 03:55 PM
Verflu observed the interaction between Rael and Teucus. Just standing there quietly while letting them work out what was between them.

I dunno if this is going to be a problem. Rael seems to fit inside of what Master hopes to do, especially if he gets that flowing citrine weapon back. With it, a war could be waged in earnest with Saraxes and his servants. I need to wait for a good opportunity to get to know the other human in our security detail. We will see if he belongs in the plan or not. Until then, I need to complete my watch duties

Verflu walks up to the eyrie Teucus has positioned himself in, looks up and calls out. " Hey, I'm gonna look around and set up a couple of alarms for the watch so that if we get anything unwelcome, we'll know about it. Can you watch my back while I do that? Should only take me an hour to do it before I can properly be on the alert as well. "

2019-09-11, 11:59 PM

Teucus winces from his stupidity. He should have asked what others can contribute other than their eyes.

"Yes Verflu that will be good. I have your back. In the small path over there I have placed a hunting trap some twenty paces away. Be careful there."

2019-09-12, 04:41 PM
Verflu takes care to avoid the trap that Teucus mentioned and searches for good spots to place an alarm. He found one that he thought was decent and began the Ritual of the alarm, allowing for a mental alarm to ring in Verflu's head whenever something crossed over it. He did this because he was nervous that a squirrel or some small animal would set off the alarm and keep everybody awake and then it would be "let's play separate the head from the warlock's shoulder" the next day

There, that should do it I hope

Verflu then began patrols on the perimeter of the camp and kept a watchful eye out for anything malicious.

2019-09-13, 10:23 AM
The Black Forest Outskirts

The night passes uneventfully, and nothing is caught in Teucus' traps. That is not completely unexpected near an elvish wood. The animals always seem more clever.

In the morning, the wagon drivers set themselves to hitching up the oxen, striking camp, and eating some cold leftover stewed rabbit for breakfast before Morren calls for the caravan to continue. There is an old road that runs through the Black Forest, once a trade road between Wogate and the elves of this ancient wood. The elves once had spells of protection over this road, but in the past fifty years they let the spells wane and eventually break entirely. The road has now been largely reclaimed by the wood and signs of animal passage marks the gnarled roots and thick underbrush that have taken possession.

Progress is slow, and the wood encroaches heavily on the path. Progress is slow, the wagons groaning and the oxen panting in fatigue. Morren and the Stranger ride up front and while Morren gets out to help the wagons along, the Stranger remains wrapped within his robes, saying nothing but still coughing now and then.

You find yourselves putting in more and more physical labor with each wagon that gets caught. The sun is shrouded by the canopy but with no wind the air is stifling and contributes to the claustrophobic feel of the forest. No birds sing here.

The lead wagon gets caught again, this time between two massive roots of a tree on the side of the path. Morren curses and drops to the ground, rummaging in the wagon for two wood axes. He calls for your group to come forward and assist him in hacking the roots away.

2019-09-13, 01:31 PM
Looking to ingratiate himself to Morren and the others, Verflu hops down off his horse, Dhul Torra. He walks up to Morren and takes one of the wood axes and starts hacking away at the tree root. Singing softly to himself whilst working

"hontum ghaamul, hontum ghaamul, nar hontum ul ishi auga; hontum ghaamul, hontum ghaamul, lat katu zi lat mat..."

Guidance roll if allowed to cast on self: [roll1]

Dhul Torra = Sleeping Beauty

Song = Look down, look down, don't look them in the eye; look down, look down, you're here until you die..

2019-09-13, 02:29 PM
Luna Valxina - 21/21 HP - 15 (17) AC (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1932257)

Luna shrugs and looks at her cousin, "Cin got hi? Im'll cheb- a ethir." Without waiting, Luna gestures to Rael and speaks in sylvan, "Rad- i waui.". With that, she touches his shoulder and moves up onto the side of the wagon to lean against onto a stacked supply of seeds so she can see above the canvas top. She holds an arrow knocked in her bow and scans the perimeter of the treeline. She tries her best to see the forest behind the trees for anything lurking in the growth.

"You got this? I'll keep a lookout."

Guidance - Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends.


2019-09-13, 03:12 PM

Teucus helps each time in clearing the wagons without any complaint. He also scouts ahead and behind as the wagons pass and manages to find paths to keep the wagons make up for the lost time.

Using Natural Explorer, Difficult terrain does not slow group.

Seeing the wagons stuck, Teucus takes a good look around, concentrating for signs of any humanoids in the vicinity.

Using Primal Awareness to see any humanoids are nearby

2019-09-13, 04:38 PM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

<"If by 'got this' you mean 'also keep an eye out for trouble' then yes. The humans are performing their role and using all of the axes."> Rael replies in elvish and keeps a look out for signs of trouble as well.

Perception: [roll0] + [roll1]
Survival (in case he spots any tracks): [roll2]

2019-09-16, 02:44 PM
The Black Forest

You detect about six humanoids nearby, one approaches Luna. Another reaches Rael

You detect the approach of your kin. The fact that you have spotted them (I rolled a 20 on my stealth, so good job!) is known by them. You are silently approached by a masked wood elf "The only reason we have not yet attacked is because of your presence, cousin. Why does one of the Kindred travel with these slaves?"

You must have been distracted by the irritating and clumsy chops the humans make against the tree root, or perhaps Morren's swears rankle your dignity, but you did not notice the approach of one of your woodland kin. Your first notice of their presence is when a voice whispers in your ear. "You do not appear to be a prisoner, why do you travel with these slaves? Speak quickly, or I cannot be held responsible for what happens next."

Verflu and Morren struggle against the gnarled roots on the path, aided magically by Luna's Guidance spell, but progress is slow. The axes have seen better days and many of your blows simply turn aside rather than hack into the root.

2019-09-16, 07:59 PM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

<"What a warm greeting cousin."> Rael replies in elvish to the elf while rolling his eyes.... which he only afterwards remembers once again nobody can see this kind of thing because he's wearing a mask. <"We are going to a city to sell wares. As you can see, the humans are providing the manual labor, while my actual cousin and I are attending to tasks that require actual competence like keeping a lookout for threats. I must commend you for sneaking up on me. But enough talk of small matters. Tell me, have you seen any dwarves? A group stole something from me and I would have it back, as well as their jewels*.">

While he talks, he pays close attention to the elf's body language to see if/the moment they intend to engage in hostility.

*The word he uses for jewels does not actually mean any kind of jewel in the elvish language. In fact its a mutation of a borrow Common word, but it occurred so long ago it has morphed into a more elvish sounding word and only really well read elves would even know this. What it conventionally means is testicles.

Insight: [roll0]

2019-09-17, 05:31 AM
Luna Valxina - 21/21 HP - 15 (17) AC (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1932257)

Luna's heart sank as she recognized her kin and hops down to meet the hooded figure. Once on the ground, Luna confronts the wood elf, "We are traveling under the guise of adventurers, but in truth we are hunting down a lead on a stolen artifact." She takes a look around to make sure no one else in the group has noticed the wood elves approach, "The party with which we travel is purely a means to that end, and I'd appreciate it if we were given safe passage through these woods."

Luna is speaking elvish of course, but I'm on my phone and can't easily pull up the translator.

2019-09-17, 02:57 PM
AC17 HP28

Teucus first felt them, and then noticed them. It is the little signs, how they like to spread in even number groups, how they go after elves first and how they always carry their bows a certain way.

Pointies always believe they are invisible, he sais to himself, almost smirking.

He straightens, as if relaxing his back and then casually picks up his bow.

Very silently, he notifies those within earshot.

"There are elves about, six of them, one each near Luna and Rael, and four others there and there. Be ready."

Inside his head, he thinks

This is the test. Let' see which way Rael and Luna will jump. If they jump the wrong way, they will be the first to die.

2019-09-17, 03:08 PM
After being warned of the coming possible danger, Verflu prepares himself mentally

Try as they might, I'd rather die than be a slave again. If they try to take me as slave, I will fight them to my last breath. I'm bound to take 1 or 2 of those slavers down with me

Verflu quietly responds to Teucus ""Thanks for the heads up, I'm ready to fight them if need be. ""

Verflu stops hacking away at the tree root and prepares his staff. Waiting to see how Luna and Rael deal with this threat.

I'd rather not fight, but I will not be a slave again

2019-09-20, 03:32 PM
The Black Forest Outskirts

The wood elf chuckles lightly. <"The stout thieves know better than to venture near any land that the Kindred claim and we have not seen any of their ilk for many Turns. We will spare your companions and let you pass, but expect no escort or guard. The barbarians of the House of Roth may not prove so accommodating. There are also other dangers but you seem capable of defending yourself. Off with you now."> He says, withdrawing as silently as he appeared and without giving a name. The rest of the Kindred withdraw silently.

The wood elf nods as you speak, then she cracks a smile. <"You and your Kindred companion are safe, but we cannot offer escort or guard against the dangers of the wood while you take such...unfavorable company. Be wary, the barbarians control the wood ahead and will not be as gracious to you as we are to them."> she motions to the rest of the caravan. <"Not to mention that a pair of Ankhegs have nested near the old path ahead."> And with that she is gone. The rest of the Kindred withdraw silently.

The elves withdraw as quickly as they approached, leaving your two elven companions untouched.

Morren hears what Teuces says gently, and tries to continue striking the branch as if he knew nothing, but his swings grow awkward and slower, his hands tighten their grip until they turn white. A few of the drivers nearby are not near as non-chalant and being babbling prayers to Saraxes for mercy.

2019-09-20, 04:09 PM
Hearing the prayers of the drivers, Verflu grimaces in disgust, shook his head and walks up to Rael.

"So it looks like your being here has saved us. I am in your debt, I was not keen on fighting if there was a way to avoid it. Did they say anything?"

2019-09-20, 05:03 PM
Rael Amakiir (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2004850)
Wood Elf Rogue Inquisitive
AC: 15 HP: 24/24
PP: 15 PI: 15
Conditions: --

"They said they knew we were here because of your smell." Rael says seriously for a moment before giving a grin. "Also they mentioned we'll have to pass through the barbarians of the House of Roth, so I guess it will be your turn to convince your kin not to kill all of us because of our company. And a vague murmuring about other threats, but that's obvious. We're out in the wilderness here."

2019-09-21, 06:29 AM

Teucus leaves out a breath and straightens, stretching. He addresses the elf

"That was well done. Six elves might have made things ...difficult. But they were not so invisible themselves. Now we have to go through the Roth tribe. It is my turn to make things ...not difficult."

2019-09-21, 09:42 AM
Luna Valxina - 21/21 HP - 15 (17) AC (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1932257)

Luna returns to the group after Rael but chimes in on the dangers, "Yes, I was also informed by our kin that a pair of Ankhegs are nested further ahead." Luna looks at the caravan, "I'm not sure walking the caravan into their nest is a good idea." Luna looks to Morren as he suddenly starts to lose color. She pushes past the group and rushes forward with natural grace, "What is going on?" She asks as she moves to the human, "Morren?"

Either to find out what is going on and/or help.


2019-09-24, 02:10 PM
Morren waves Luna away. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting to encounter your folk so soon... Seems I made a good decision hiring you and your fellow." He nods toward Rael. "Ankhegs, you say? I suppose we don't have much choice but to press on. These wagons can't cut through the wood proper."

Finally, the lead wagon's wheel comes free from the roots and the drivers reluctantly return to their posts. Morren himself climbs next to the Cloaked Stranger who remained unmoving during the entire encounter and greatly resembled a pile of laundry. A thin, pale arm points forward down the path.

The caravan slowly ambles to life and the great wooden wheels trundle deeper into the forest.

The elven scouts retreat and are soon gone as silently as they arrive.

2019-09-24, 02:20 PM

As the caravan moves on, Teucus examines his options. Soon, the Roth lands will be close. It is better to be expected than to just arrive, with two elves in tow.

Teucus turns to the others.

"Slow down a bit. I am going to go ahead and look for the Roth. Announce us, before they find us. Verflu, how good are you in oiling people up? As the only other human, perhaps you should come too."

With Verflu or without him, Teucus then ventures deeper in the forest, stopping now and then to find signs of human occupation. When he is certain that he might be seen, he takes out a colored strip of cloth and weaves it, the universal sign for parlay. He makes a point of being easy to spot, but not noisy.

2019-09-26, 03:30 PM
Luna Valxina - 21/21 HP - 15 (17) AC (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1932257)

Luna backs away and nods slightly, 'What a strange creature...'. Her thoughts are interrupted by Verflu and she nods, "That is a good idea, but be careful." Luna busies herself by keeping watch.


Do I notice anything in the woods around us?