View Full Version : Campaign Organization - Kingdom/Empire Level

2019-09-11, 07:09 AM
My group is building a whole kingdom in the North in an epic level FR campaign.

I am struggling with guiding them on the different Ministries of the government. Specifically the ones around the Realm vs Army. These are all mixed up in my mind, I am not finding alot of detail in other campaigns. Are there other services a kingdom would provide? Should these be together or seperate like this? Any feedback is welcome...

Avanti Ministry of Information- Arion Starsong - Male Phrenic Moon Elf Archivist/Malconvoker
Avanti Imperial Ministry of Information
Imperial Field Operations Command
Imperial Divination Operations Command
Imperial Counter-Intelligence Command
Imperial Special Operations Intelligence Command

Avanti Ministry of Knowledge - Syrenna Starym Female Phrenic Sun Elf High Mage/Archmage
Avanti Imperial Ministry of Knowledge
Imperial Divine Services
Imperial Arcana Services
Imperial Psionic Services
Imperial Archives

Avanti Ministry of Commerce - Varros Estelda - Female Phrenic Moon Elf Druid
Avanti Imperial Economic Development Services
Imperial Trade Commission

Avanti Imperial Treasury
Imperial Tax Commission

Avanti Ministry of the Realm- Nizanna Olrythii - Female Phrenic Drow - Bladesinger
Avanti Imperial Diplomatic Services
Imperial Realmspace Branch
Imperial Greyspace Branch
Imperial Krynspace Branch
Imperial Special Emissaries Branch

Avanti Imperial Citizen Services
Imperial Health and Nutrition Services
Imperial Infrastructure Support Services
Imperial Education Services

2019-09-12, 08:32 AM
I have a now 20 year old Homebrew world that has a 14,000 year history that's fairly detailed. It's been active for over 3,000 years in campaign time.

I love Geo-political and socio-economic structuring, and have a fairly well fleshed out system.

I don't have anything like what you are proposing.

I am not even sure WHAT you're asking here, are you looking for NPCs to fill these roles?

Also, EPIC? As in 20+ and using Epic handbook, in Forgotten Realms? Potentially the most useless convoluted handbook (from 3.0 no less) mixed with the most crazy throw anything in campaign world?

Why does it even matter at that point what the structure is? EPIC casters will have access to multiple GATES a day. Near infinite WISHES.

This falls apart quickly (EPIC)

2019-09-12, 02:40 PM
Ok yeah, thats the issue. Since Epic means unlimited power if you let it go there...we try to focus on the piece thats fun for the group.

This was an attempt to figure out the best way to organize a kingdom. Surely other groups have developed a spy ring. How did they built it? How large was it? Who ran it?

Do you have someone who runs your trade and commerce in your kingdom? What do they do? What's their responsibilities?

Do your cities have just a simple city watch F1 type watch or something more fun and creative? We love the Inquisitor archetype but what do others use?

Do you have a group of NPCs that do research for spells, psionics? What could a Chamber of Knowledge for all three disciplines be used for? Is it needed?

We allow most any sources and I manage the specifics as they are brought up to me by the group.

Maybe this is more historical references on how ancient kingdoms did it? Anything that might help... :)