View Full Version : Dragons of Rising Tides (IC)

2019-09-12, 03:39 AM
Many consider Solace to be one of Ansalon's wonders. Originally built upon the tops of the great, vallenwood trees, the hanging city was known for its acceptance for refugees and place where adventurers gather and share their stories. The most known of all where, of course, the legendary Heroes of the Lance, which has banished the Dark Queen and her armies from the world by returning the faith in the true gods. Many things have changed since then. Dragons came and went. The Knighthood of Solamnia reclaimed it past glory. The great vallenwood tress were burned by dragonfire only to be planted once more. Mages and priests has one has started to visit it, honoring the place which produced the greatest heroes for both. Then, the Dark Knights came, and with them came Chaos. Magic was lost and rediscovered among its trees, and mysticism and sorcery took root in the no longer small city. A bloated Dragon Overlord rose near the city, and refugees swarmed its walls in search for protection, forcing its people to build temporary homes near the ground. Suddenly, a storm covered Krynn's skies, and the War of Souls came with all of its power, bringing down the great green, and bringing back the lost gods. Mina found her place in heaven, and the balance returned to the world.

Each of Krynn's great events has left its mark upon Solace- the city was built, originally, upon the trees in order to find escape from the Cataclysm. The temples of the gods are found as a reminder for the power of faith, with Mishakal's being the most popular, while the Temple of the Heart stands beside them. The smoldering ruins of the Academy of Sorcery still stand, and mages still pay their respects to "Raistlin's room". The temporary refugees camp turned permanent, becoming the "lower city" which is built upon the ground. The Tomb of Last Heroes stands tall and proud, a reminder for the sacrifice of both good and evil in order to save the world, a masterpiece of black and white guarded by the Solamnic Knights. And above all, stands the Inn of the Last Home, famous for its cold ale, spicy potatoes and the heroes it produced through the years. Many people stand in line to get into the Inn, some due to the rumors about the great food and drink and others out of hope of touching a legend, or whatever remained of it.

And toward that city, many souls has started to gather, each for their own reasons. A travelling gnome walks through the streets, examining the elevators which were recently implemented to better allow people to get to the trees. An hobgoblin just entered the city, walking through the Magi Alley. A man of wood and iron walks to the temples quarter, ignoring the stares of the locals. A minotaur walks through the shadier streets of the city, opening hears and trying to avoid attention. Standing in the line for the Inn of Last Home, a lone mother eagerly waits to find information about her lost family. And in the inn itself, a lost knight and a fearful wizard talk with each other, both trying to find strength in others to do what they can't do alone.

Many legends started in Solace. Who knows what story this one would tell?

2019-09-12, 07:48 AM
This is the art style I imagine more(thanks to Redmalkav!):https://i.ibb.co/Jq7dzg1/Female-Krynnotaur.jpg
This quite eh level of art (mine) it give the emotional feel of her
Mina held her hood with her right hand, keeping it, from falling over due to her horns, and hide her face even more. She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself down. Nowhere, where she went, Mina was diffrent. Here, it seems everyone were diffrent.
If Krynn would have turned into a single city, it might have turned into Solace.
And still. Minotaurs were not welcomed happily. Especialy not by elves, which her clan took a major role at conquering their land.
And she was so weak. Mina was terrified. Not so few humans were even taller then her!
But she was determined to prove herself, usefull. She leaned next to the wall, overheard a conversation. If there were nothing of intrest, she moved on.
"Sargass, have mercy. I know I am weak. But I serve the stronger... so.. please.." she prayed in her heart.

2019-09-12, 11:27 AM
Tall and thin, Escolm has curly black hair streaked with gray. He lets his hair and beard grow as it will, keeping his hair tied back in a tight ponytail. Piercing blue eyes gaze out from a gaunt face, which is rarely graced with anything but a serious and contemplative expression.

He carries a staff made of dark red wood, straight as an arrow and topped with an intricately carved shape that resembles a dragon claw clutching a dark orange glass orb. He wears dark red robes with a black belt, from which hang a matching pair of daggers, a few pouches and a scroll tube made of lacquered wood.

After paying for the drinks, Escolm returns to his corner table. Sitting with his back against one wall he says, "I was born and raised here in Sloace, but I've spent the majority of my life at the wizard school nearby. Learning is my passion, and there's so much one can learn. Through my interest in the stars, history and magic, I've recently come to the realization that now's the time for me to get out and experience some of what I've studied for decades. So I'm seeking companions for the long road."

Paying for the drinks, he sips his tea and adds, "While I know nothing of your life before coming here, you seem the sort that's traveled more than a few miles. I've heard that you're always ready to aid those in need, despite all the drinking and gruff exterior. Ever consider leaving Solace, if properly motivated?"

Carter was leaning back in his chair, a powerfully built man in his later fifties or early sixties, his mane of dark grey hair a tangled mess, spilling down on to his vest. In one heavily-scarred hand, he held one of the mugs of liquor, while the other steadied himself on the table

"You say you don't know much about my life before living here?" A snort of laughter ripped its way out, "Well, Stranger," he brought the mug to his chapped lips and took a long, strong pull, before he sat it down hard, and forced a belch, "That Makes Two of us."

Chuckling at what had passed for a joke, the older man patted his stomach with the underside of his fist, and grinned, "Sorry. Escolm. You went to the a telling me your name, and buying me these drinks. The least I could is be using it proper. "

Another long, slow swig from the mug, and he sat it down, carefully turning something over, watery blue eyes unfocused as they fell into the cup in front of him, "I don't know what kinda use you think I'd be with ya out there on that long road, Escolm. I'm just an old drunk. What I mighta known I forgot a long time ago."

Rough hand going to one of the large arms and squeezing the muscles, Carter half-chuckled again, "Hell. My arms are startin' to play out on me even. I'm all skinand beer gut. Surely a bright Wizard like yourself could find someone a bit more... Heroic? Any of these strapping lads here for instance."
Escolm smiles slightly and glances around, "While there's undeniable value in youthful vim and vigor, there's a certain level of comfort in associating with those closer to one's age. I anticipate having several companions, so I doubt age will be a important factor.

About your forgotten past, whatever the cause, I'm curious. Before asking about such things, or expecting any answers, I suppose I should ascertain whether you want to recall and reclaim your past. Though you may be unable, or unwilling to answer, I must also ask if the memory of your past eluded your conscious before or after you began the heavy drinking?

Was there anything among the gear you had when arriving here that might hold clues to your past? Documents, symbols, unusual tools or implements?"

2019-09-12, 02:04 PM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

It had been a long, draining, exciting, nerve-wracking, wondrous trip from her home next to the Blood Bay. First a short journey on foot, swiftened an hour each day by Mercury, to Trigol (visiting the Window to the Stars along the way) and catching a ship from there to Port Balifor. She quickly booked passage out of the rough city across the Bay of Balifor south to Kurinost.
There she hired a minotaur guide who would help her on her way through Sargonesti. First they went to Alinosti, then they traveled upriver by boat. They saw only a few small towns along the way, but quite a lot of new and exciting (and in some cases annoying) flora and fauna. They parted ways when she was safely guided out of the forest.
From there she traveled west to the City of Morning Dew, where she examined "the Sunken Ship" and got drunk on morning dew mead.
After recovering from that she traveled west along the grasslands just north of the swamps, until she crossed a large river in New Coast territory. From there she traveled up the eastern coast, visiting a castle, a hurdrefolk relic, the ruins of nethletan, and Span which she noted bore some kind of similarity to the Window of Stars.
Finally getting to the north-western edge of the New Coast she came to Elsher’s Height, an ancient stone keep, where she took a ship to visit the Citadel of Light. Being there was an amazing experience and she would have stayed and talked to the many people longer than just the time she needed to ease her sore body before continuing her journey if she hadn't been bidden to continue onward by the mystery she was pursuing.
From there she took a ship to Crossing, whose mercantile culture would have been interesting to study longer than the few hours she was there before she was on her way south. It was certainly nice to see a few goblin faces again.
Finally she traveled through one of the mountain valleys to Solace. Though first she visited the Crystalmir Lake. She stayed there for the night before coming into the city.

Traveling through Magi Alley, she was sure she would find something interesting. Maybe a clue to the mystery of why she was summoned (haha, pun) here... or maybe just interesting things of magical nature or discussion.
At first she'd worried she'd look out of place, and maybe she did. But so far already she'd seen all sorts of people and hadn't yet noticed anyone staring and pointing at her. Although she did notice at least one or two people looking at her shield and armor with curious looks on their faces, especially after spotting her red headwear.
She just kept a (toothy/tusky) smile on her face the whole while, just happy to be here experiencing this place of so much history and meeting cultures.

This is the map I found that I used for this.


2019-09-12, 05:54 PM
Brina stood in line as patiently as she could. She had never stood in line to enter a tavern before--was not even aware that was a thing that could happen. Nor had she ever seen so many people all in one place. It was impossible not to rubberneck constantly. Solace was nothing like her home.

Of course, she had heard tales of the massive Vallenwood trees and the town built up in their branches. But she had assumed it was largely exaggeration. And the people! She saw races she had never seen before, never even heard of before. Draconians and goblins and elves mingled with dwarves and kender and humans. Priests wearing their holy icons around their necks and wizards in their white, red or black robes walked among knights in shining armor. It was all she could do to not point and gasp at everyone and everything she saw.

In a way, though, it was disheartening. How she wished her family were here to share in this. The kids would have loved the sights and sounds of the city. She shook her head to banish such thoughts, lest they overwhelm her. She was here for them. She had been told that Solace would hold the answers she sought. But the city was far larger and more crowded than she had ever imagined, and a part of her worried she was seeking a needle in a haystack. But it was the only lead she had to follow, so she forced herself to stand patiently in line, hoping this wasn't all a wild goose chase.

2019-09-12, 06:27 PM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12

With another long drink, Carter finally sat down an empty mug with all the gravitas of a felled foe, looking almost mourningly down into where the drink had been moments before, even as his hand went almost unconsciously towards where another sat waiting for a similar demise. Without looking up, his voice came, almost wistful in tone, face somewhere between drearily blank and stoic, even as the screams rose again again in his ears. "The Past can be a Fearsome thing. And Mine's never come lookin' for me yet. I don't know that it deserves lookin' for. Might be I'm a better man now than I was then." He promptly took another deep drink and Belched again, long and loud.

A dark hand, scarred by age, the sun, and all manner of other things wiped the suds away from his mouth, (Which in practice really more meant that it rubbed them into the mess of surrounding grey hair, making it grimier if that were possible,) and sighed deeply, though whether from frustration or contentment was hard to say.

"Still", his eyes turned towards the windows, and the canopy beyond, watery blue looking as if it were trying to connect itself to the blue of the sky beyond the canopy, and then he snorted in a half laugh, "If you can ask that, you really ain't been around town. I Got dragged into this place in a wreck of metal that used to be armor, carrying a Shield and a flask with some right pretty pictures on 'em if that's what you're askin' after."

2019-09-13, 01:12 AM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

The gnome stood in front of one of the tallest elevators, his eyes shining as he stared intently. He had been there for several minutes simply observing the mechanical conveyance. Once it reached the bottom for the fourth time, the gnome pulled out a small notepad and stylus and began to scribble furiously. After he filled up two pages with text, he started sketching the elevator, leaning in closely to view as much of the mechanical aspects as possible. After arching a passenger step off, a sudden realization struck the small man and a wild grin grew on his face. Darting forward, he stepped into one of the elevators. With a swirl of glee, the little gnome began scribbling more observations down as the elevator moved up.

An hour later, the gnome finally stepped off the elevator, escorted by a polite guard who seemed extremely concerned about his well-being and making sure he reached the ground oaky. The gnome found a spot under one of the trees and plopped down with a contented sigh. Pulling free a small apple, he took a bite absently, his eyes still fixed on the elevators, and a grin still plastered on his face. During his investigation, he had determined how the counter-balance and pulley system worked, as well as the breaking system and emergency safeguards. He was certain that by re-engineering a few of the failsafe s and bypassing the safety protocols he could increase the speed and efficiency by 50%, if not more! All he had to do was gain access to the primary motors at the top of the trees, and in three or four hours he could make his changes.

Of course he wasn’t idiotic enough to start tinkering with the system right now ... there was a matter of patents, copyrights, licensing. What good would it do to improve the elevator system and not earn any credit, or future exclusivity for production elsewhere? Perhaps he could visit the local Engineering Guild and obtain the right documents ... after he finished up his notes and put them into a presentable format. Or maybe he should just start on a prototype ... perhaps at the last Inn everyone kept talking about.

Gathering up his pack, Draydor Tinkertot began walking towards the Inn of the Last Home, Lost in his thoughts ...
Sorry for the delay - let’s do this!.
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-13, 05:25 AM
Though he makes constant eye contact when Carter is talking, and only glances around occasionally when speaking, Escolm continually scans the crowded inn.

"Now there's something not seen everyday, even in Solace - a minotaur and a hobgoblin, both female, fascinating."

With only some of his inquiries being answered, he focused on those topics first, "If you're satisfied with leaving your past forgotten I'll not pursue it further. However, I'd like to see these pretty pictures, if naught else than to slake my thirst for knowledge."

Since the primary purpose of this interaction wasn't being served, he reiterated that in slightly different phrasing, "What, if anything, would motivate you to leave Solace willingly?"

2019-09-13, 11:04 AM
"What, if anything, would motivate you to leave Solace willingly?"

Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12

Carter grunted, and reached into his vest, pulling out an old, dented up hip flask, handing it to Escolm with more care than he'd show for anything since they'd begun talking. "This'n's the only one I got on mesel' right now. The other'ns back in meh quarters. I'll letyer look it over later." The flask was nearly empty, the remaining dark amber liquid clearly some Very powerful form of liquor, given the smell if the cap was unscrewed. It was plainly, but Solidly built, and had clearly suffered some form of abuse over the years. On one side, half worn away and just barely visible, was the outline of a Skull, still staring mournfully outwards, while, on the other side, much more clearly, was a white lily, still resplendent despite the dents and the damage.

Meanwhile, the stocky man had finished the rest of his drinks and had resumed his far away gaze out the window, lost in thought. It had been years since he'd actually cared enough to pay attention to the imagery on the damn thing, but someone paying such heavy attention to it had drawn his thoughts almost forcefully back. And now, all he could think about was that those Pictures did mean something. Something that had been really important to it him, a long time ago in another life. Of course, that thoughtful moment ended when his face screwed up in pain, and he brought the tankard to his lips once more, only to swear loudly upon realizing that he'd drank the last of it, and turn his attention instead to his Spiced Potatoes, dragging the plate to himself and setting upon the tubers ravenously, eating them as quickly and efficiently as an old campaigner, wolfing down every last bite in short order.

When he'd finished his meal, (and sucked the remainders off of his fingers,) he'd turn back to the mage, and sigh. "I Still don't know why yer askin' me'f all people if'n ya want Strong Arms and Healthy backs, er hell, even if ya want Wisdom. Kiri-Jolith's honest truth, I'm one of the biggest fools yer likely to meet in these parts. Ask anyone. But..." He grumbled low, his eyes closing as two fingers massaged the bridge of his nose in frustration, "If'n yer serious about gettin' a buncha fool folk together on some errand, I S'pose it wouldn't hurt to have one more Fool along to keep... Outta Trouble. Calls it five gold, and some good ale, or better yet some Dwarven Stout on the way, and Ye've got yerself one old fool.""

2019-09-13, 05:21 PM
Escolm chuckles softly, "I'm not sure either, Carter," he shrugs as he adds, "maybe I can see something in you that others don't. Perhaps I'm just not a very good judge of character. It could be that I'm more a fool than you. There may be any number of other explanations. But I get the feeling we'll find out fairly soon, and the result might surprise us both."

The wizard looks uncertain and hesitant. He takes a deep slow breath, then says, "I do have a few invitations from fellow scholars, ostensibly to visit, talk, and utilize their research facilities. None of them are close, and none are near another. But there's no grand errand or heroic quest involved as far as I know," he hesitates a moment, then leans forward and lowers his voice, "unless, perhaps, the name Melech means anything to you."

2019-09-13, 06:34 PM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12

The old man ran his greasy fingers through his beard, then shook his head, "Can't say that it does. But lots words don't have any meaning to me. No use for an old drunk to know many words, after all." Leaning back in his seat once more, the wood groaned in protest and duress, and Carter's watery blue eyes narrowed, and sharpened for just a moment, before one more deep and unyielding sigh. "But I Guess if'n yer serious. Then ye've got yerself at least one more old drunk on the road." Wiping his hand on his vest, he held it out to Escolm.

2019-09-14, 07:11 AM
In the Inn of Last Home

Escolm and Carter
As the two were talking about their common interests, a waitress comes toward the table. "Just making sure you are feeling comfortable she said with a smile "and to make sure if any of you would like to order something- perhaps some of our famous spicy potatoes? Cold ale to wash your throat?" she looked toward the door, and the long line of people waiting to come in, and sighed a little bit

OOC- Escolm- yes, you easily recognize the symbols of the Lily and the Skull and the signs of the Dark Knights.

As the waitress waits for an answer, Brina enters the inn, being seated next to the bar to avoid seating her next to a stranger. "can we get you anything, dear?", the barmaid asks "you look like you have been through a lot- some wine to cool nerves? Something to bite, perhaps?".

Meanwhile, Draydor enters the line. It would take around 15 minutes for him to get to the inn himself.

In the Magi Alley
Ozlun looks around her, taking notice of anything of interest. Many of the stores and houses in the street bear the symbol of the Eye, marking them as a part of the Orders of High Sorcery. Some of the places are small, rented homes, where wizards can find rest in their travel in case the more popular inns are not of their taste. Others are stores, either selling herbs and material components (such as "Herbal Secrets"), magical literature ("Lunitari's Gift", for example) or magical items (like the small, narrow shop simply called "Alevaster's"). She notice a small sign which notes one of the buildings as a magical school, where children are formally educated in the ways of magic. A few stores, however, such as "Levinose & Malcom", do not bare the Eye's sign- and very few of the wizards walk around those stores, and some of the black robes even spits at them as they pass.

Near the Trough
Mina keeps her watch from the shadows, yet there doesn't seem to be much actively near the infamous tavern. Some people come there to drink, gamble and mostly waste their lives without bothering everyone else. 30 minutes pass, and nothing extraordinary happens.

2019-09-14, 10:11 AM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Olzun tries to get the attention of one of the black robes who doesn't look too mean and asks, "What is the story with that place?" looking over at Levinose & Malcom.

Well GM just dropped a ton of things I want to explore so.... join you guys when the line has emptied out I guess? :smalltongue:

2019-09-14, 10:53 AM
Handling the flask with care, Escolm looks it over in great detail for a few moments. He seems to have forgotten he's holding it while they talk, except that his fingers keep tracing the etchings. When Carter extends his hand, Escolm reacts by offering the flask back. Then he realizes the meaning of the known, occassionally seen, but for him rarely used physical interaction.

He shakes Carter's hand, then shakes the flask before handing it over, "I know this symbolism. Let me know if you ever change your mind about knowing your past."

When the waitress comes over he orders another round of drinks, including an ale for himself, "We'll drink to our new partnership with a toast for our good fortune on the long road."

2019-09-14, 12:57 PM
We'll drink to our new partnership with a toast for our good fortune on the long road."

Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12

Strong, hearty fingers closed around the heavy flask and he took it, stowing it with a wry grin, before the accompanying meaning of the words hit the old man with a force much harder than he'd been physically struck in quite some time. The gaping maw of his mouth opened as if to speak, before closing unceremoniously, words dying before ever they escaped as their leading thought was hastily buried with the promise of more alcohol, and the flask was tucked back in his vest pocket, very much unready to follow that line of questioning to an answer.

The mage ordered another round of ale, and Carter slapped the table enthusiastically, shaking the wood with a thunderous clatter, "Tsaro!" the older man shouted, "Tha's what I like to hear! Bring on the booze! ...Please," hastily adding the last word in response to the other patrons taking note of his behaviour, and not wanting to add yet another establishment to the list of places he was no longer welcome.

After the waitress left, Carter turned back to Escolm, "So. You said you were plannin' on gettin' a bunch'a other fools together? Any thoughts on Who? I could tell ya 'bout which strong folk do good work, and which ones I always see frequentin' the Trough."

2019-09-14, 01:36 PM
Mina was geniounly worried. Her father told her to follow her strong points- but those neither led to anywhere so far...
She had to have faith! Someone or something believed in her enough, to save her and to give her the next lead.
Mina's eyes shifted behind, again and again, as if she was expecting the shadows themselves to grab her into Abyss, where weaklings like her deserved to be.

Well, from the little she knew, people used inns as place of meetings. Maybe she will find something at the inn?
Relycantly she went toward the inn. If the line is too long, Mina will try to find a shortcut, or sneak her way in.

2019-09-14, 02:22 PM
The black robed give a long star at Ozlun, examining her armor and shield with contempt, but then shrugs and says "Sorcerers. Renegades who think they can worm their way into our turf. We should just hunt them all down if you ask me, but the mayor has connections with the Conclave, and protects them" an evil smile rise on his lips "someone like you should feel at home there" and then laughs to himself and walks away

Inn of the Last Home
The waitress nods and quickly leaves to the kitchen. She will return in around ten minutes later.

At the entrance to the Inn, Mina finds her place in line. There are around ten people between her and Draydor, which would mean she'll get to the inn around 20 minutes after him, if she is willing to wait. She can see the hatred from the people around her, but currently, they do not act towards her.

2019-09-14, 03:04 PM
Mina cover the hood again over her horns. A wait of 20 minutes isn't worth the fuss and the risk.
Maybe in this very line she might learn something benefical

2019-09-14, 03:56 PM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Olzun frowns at this. As much as she'd suffered worse and had in theory been prepared for it, she still wasn't accustomed or of a nature to just shrug off bigotry. She decides instead of wasting time being upset, she'll just indulge her curiosity. So she heads into Levinose & Malcom to see what it actually is, since "sorcerers" isn't really much of an answer about an establishment's purpose.

2019-09-14, 05:11 PM
Ferro was made from very dark redwood and metal as his core, so through any gaps in his armor, a dark red ish wood can be seen, twisting like roots. Over this can be seen a polished silvery steel plate armor. Given 'he' is proficient with it, and it doesn't bother him, he rarely switches to less defensive exteriers. He keeps these plates shiny.

His body frame, despite the bulky armor, isn't thick and is proportionate to a human, with a somewhat androgynous frame, lacking anything especially masculine or feminine. 'His' eyes are ruby like gems, which are bright and luminous. A strange rune marks his forhead, swirling in on itself. On the outside, he often wears cleric vestments in white red, and gold. The hammer of Reorx can be seen on these vestments.

(The above image is as close as I could get. As said, his exterior is polished steel, and thr symbols should be that of reorx. And the outfit probably isn't like that, but it's as close as I could get. I doubt it's that's extravagant by far though.)

Ferro would walk out of a temple, and wouls proceed through the temple quarter, in no real rush. He wore nothing but a white, red, and gold eine bearing thr symbol of reorx. On his hip, through a belt loop, a warhammer could be seen, polished and clean but nothing special. A backpack could be seen, a dark red color with a bit of cosmetic wear.

He ignored the stares he would get, as he had begun to adjust on his long journey here. Many seemed flabbergasted that a being such as him could exist, let alone be a priest and cleric of a god. He seemed to intimidate some, but being over 6 feet had that effect.

He would stop occasionally and offer his waterskin if any looked exceptionally thirsty, he mainly carried it for others benefit anyway. It was the same for rations. He had no need of food or water after all. Yet all thr same he would.walk up toward the famous tavern. Mainly for the purposes of finding company. He would approach the place without real urgency, and wait patiently if the place was full.

2019-09-14, 05:36 PM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

Draydor walked up to the inn, mind ablaze with thoughts regarding the elevator and possible applications across Mt Nevermind. Obviously the design was gnomish, but what was surprising was their existence her, rather than back home. Was there a gnome here who had been exiled? Or had inspiration simply struck while the creator was traveling? Perhaps someone in the local Guild could answer the question.

As he walked up to the Inn, he simply passed by the line, headed to the door. He didn’t really register the line, or the people standing in it. Typically, lines were reserved for those who needed assistance o some sort, and Draydor did not require anything of the sort. Surely there were tables and chairs inside - and judging by the size of the establishment, they surely had a number of automatons to take orders and deliver food. He was excited to see the variants here, so far from home.

Heading towards the door without a second thought, Draydor walked to the front door, much like he belonged. Because why wouldn’t he?
I’m sure he’ll get stopped, but Draydor will still head past the line and get inside. Not sure if you need a roll, but maybe [roll0]?
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-14, 07:21 PM
As the waitress waits for an answer, Brina enters the inn, being seated next to the bar to avoid seating her next to a stranger. "can we get you anything, dear?", the barmaid asks "you look like you have been through a lot- some wine to cool nerves? Something to bite, perhaps?".

"Well, actually..," Brina begins, but she is interrupted by her stomach audibly gurgling. All the good smells wafting about in the inn had apparently gotten to her. Cheeks reddening a bit, she adds, "Uh, I suppose maybe a little something." She didn't have a lot of coin, and she needed to make it last as long as she could. "Maybe a bit of bread and cheese? And a cup of wine, thank you." She could ask for information once she had filled her stomach a bit, she reasoned.

2019-09-14, 07:44 PM
After the waitress left, Carter turned back to Escolm, "So. You said you were plannin' on gettin' a bunch'a other fools together? Any thoughts on Who? I could tell ya 'bout which strong folk do good work, and which ones I always see frequentin' the Trough."
"I had no particular idea of who to seek out," Escolm shrugs, "just a vague premise of finding others who've traveled or intend on traveling. Any information you could provide might be useful. However, I have my doubts about many locals being suitable. Unless, of course, you have someone specific in mind?"

Pulling out pen, ink and parchment, the wizard makes a few notes, "Mostly I plan to rely on my skills of observation and hope providence provides appropriate opportunities."

2019-09-14, 08:09 PM
Ferro would turn towards the gnome that was walking past. Given this place seemed to be so famous you needed a line to get in, he felt like barging in wasn't a wise idea. He wouls look down at it, and speak in gnomish. "Maybe you should wait, these types seem to find barging in very rude, especially if there is a line." Ferro says all this very quickly, for gnomish was merely a very fast dialect of common. Ferro looked down at it, seemingly friendly enough despite the topic. Though some might not see that given a warforged faces seemed less understandable emotionally to most.

2019-09-14, 10:25 PM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12

Both of Carter's beefy hands wrapped about the back of his head as he leaned back in his chair again, teetering dangerously even as he stared upwards at the ceiling in obvious thought. "Well There's Leslie Humphrey's boy, Swayzee..." cracked features blanched, "No. No... He's been arrested fer stealin' that Hog. OH! There's that firecracker from the Trough that- Actually No. That's a terrible idea. Mona'd probably take the first opportunity to steal all the booze and money she could and skip back to the Trough to drink it all up. Uh... Oh, a'course There's Big John Pickman, the miner. Great big kid, good heart." again, his face screwed up as he remembered a crucial detail, "But he's still missin' after that incident down in the mines."

Another deep sigh of frustration. "...It's prolly best that we go with yer Keen senses a detection. Erryone I know is uh... Not exactly the Heroic types."

2019-09-15, 07:38 AM
Inn of the Last Home
After awhile, the waitress returns to the table where Escolm and Carter sit, bringing with her two glasses of ale. "Here you go" she says with a smile, and returns to work.

Meanwhile, the barkeeper nods towards Brina and says "no problem" she quickly calls to one of the waitresses to take the order while she pours some wine to Brina "Here you go. Are you in need for something? Some help behind what wine can offer, perhaps?"

Near the bottom of the tree, Draydor tries to barge through the line, ignoring the calls of protest from the other costumers- when a big man reaches out and grasp him by his hand. "That will not do, little fella" he says with a friendly smile "Some people in here lack patience and good manners, and you shouldn't put yourself in trouble with them" he nods toward a couple of dirty thugs who stand behind them, which stare angrily as the gnome "You better return to your place in line.."

Suddenly, Ferros comes forward and talks with Draydor. The man stars at the construct in awe and says "well well, that's not something we see very often. Are you both together?"

OOC- Mina is currently not around, as I assumed that Draydor stands in line beforehand. Assume that the 20 minutes wait will be once we'll settle what happens with Draydor and Ferro

Magi Alley
Ozlun enters the shop. Around her, she sees a number of jars made out of glass and clay, standing on shelves and containing all kinds of herbs, organs and other raw materials used for magic. An heavy scent of spices and rot fills the room- the signature spell for shops which sells spell components and materials. Behind a wooden bar, a lone human turns toward Ozlun, wearing regular clothes and holding a feathered duster in his hand. It was clear he was busy and cleaning some of the jars on the wall behind him.

"Hi there" he says with a smile "Welcome to Levinose and Malcom. I'm Malcom- how can I be of your service?"

2019-09-15, 09:05 AM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"Good day Malcom, I am Olzun. I was just curious what kind of shop this was." Olzun says with a friendly smile.

2019-09-15, 09:32 AM
Raising his drink in a toast, Escolm says, "Here's to good fortune, Carter." He takes a few sips and sets the drink down, "Have you heard talk recently about these strange apparitions?"

2019-09-15, 09:45 AM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"Good day Malcom, I am Olzun. I was just curious what kind of shop this was." Olzun says with a friendly smile.

Malcom puts the duster on the desk and answers "Oh, nothing too fancy- just a small shop which is specialize in selling herbs, spell components and other materials used for the arcane arts. We also have some potions and scrolls, but as it is not a part of the shop's expertise, they are mostly simple ones." he scratch his chin "We can, in theory, make the more complex ones, but it would take some time to produce them. We have both divine and arcane products- I am responsible for the arcane products, while my partner deals with the mystical stuff" he examines Olzun "Is any of that of interest for you?"

2019-09-15, 11:15 AM
Raising his drink in a toast, Escolm says, "Here's to good fortune, Carter." He takes a few sips and sets the drink down, "Have you heard talk recently about these strange apparitions?"

Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
"Thank ye, Ma'am," Carter said, accepting the drink with a giddy grin on his face, and taking a long, slow sip, setting it down with a contented sigh. Finally, Escolm's question seemed to percolate, and his eyes widened big as saucers, before he shook his head wildly, grey mane flying about in a mass of grease and dirt. "Nah. Don't know what yer talkin' 'bout, Escolm. Less'n yer talkin' bout some kind of ghostfolk causin' trouble in the world. I been on a coupla jobs lately that had folk tellin' tall tales they heard about some folk gettin' a good scare put into by folk that wasn' really there. I don' know what all the fuss is about. I See people ain't there more'n half the time Means I need'a'drink less. ...er way more, dependin'."

2019-09-15, 12:37 PM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

(OOC a hopefully this didn’t come across as ‘barging’ which feels somewhat aggressive. It was more distractedly oblivious. But I can roll with it)

Draydor blinked in surprise at the large man who reach out for him with a warning, finally focusing on his immediate surroundings. "That will not do, little fella. Some people in here lack patience and good manners, and you shouldn't put yourself in trouble with them. You better return to your place in line.."

Draydor peered around in confusion, eyes widening as he finally registered the crowd that he had been walking past. He started to stammer a response, but stopped when another shadow fell over him, speaking in his native tongue. "Maybe you should wait, these types seem to find barging in very rude, especially if there is a line."

Draydor almost squealed in delight as he started farting around Ferro, practically gushing over the warforged. ”BythegrandsmithyofReorxyouareincredible! MayIaskwhatForgeyouwerebornin? Wasthereanattendingmechano-prieatatyourmomentofsentience? Whatalovelywood,isthatanoakorwalnut? OfcourseIamnotanexpertwithwoodsoperhapsitissomevar iantofcherryorsandalwood. Howeverthatpolishedmetal,surelyitistemporedsteelof thehighestquality. AndarethosesymbolsofReorx?Theycertainlyappeartoind icateaffiliationwiththeChurch-wait,thoseareordainedmarkings...areyouapriest?”

Draydor is giddy with excitement, his words likely a stream of gibberish to anyone not proficient in the language of gnomes. He fumbles at his satchel, pulling forth parchment and pen to start taking notes and make sketches. This was turning out to be an amazing day!
I guess I wasted that naturally 20 on Persuasion ... and don’t worry, Draydor’s speech won’t:smallsmile: always be so annoying. He’s just really excited
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-15, 12:44 PM
OOC- just wanted to note it wasn't a wasted persuasion. That's why you got a friendly attitude instead of a more hostile one. If most people were to accept obliviousness as an excuse, kenders would not have been hated so much :P

2019-09-15, 04:14 PM
Escolm leans forward, his soft spoken words barely audible over the crowd, "Besides the apparitions of dead people flickering in the dead of the night and events long gone being witnessed by children, drunks and fools, there have been claims of visions. Dargaard Keep being rebuilt in the middle of the night, only to be disproved later in the morning. Rumors about new Towers of Sorcery which sprout from the ground only to vanish moments later are heard all across the continent. I know of at least one sighting of the Shadow Sorcerer. Some people have strange dreams about the life they could have had, if their choices were different, for good and ill. There is change on the horizon and I intend to understand it."

Paraphrased from initial recruitment post, with one bit added in, thanks DM.

2019-09-15, 04:17 PM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"I'm sure it would be if I had even a single coin left from my travels. I hope you don't mind that I'm just satisfying my curiosity right now. If it's not too rude to ask, what would you say the difference would be between the goods and services you provide from those that pay allegiance to the Order of High Sorcery?" Olzun replies, really hoping she's not going to get kicked out the moment he hears 'no coin'.

2019-09-15, 04:47 PM
Meanwhile, the barkeeper nods towards Brina and says "no problem" she quickly calls to one of the waitresses to take the order while she pours some wine to Brina "Here you go. Are you in need for something? Some help behind what wine can offer, perhaps?"

"Thank you," Brina says offering a warm smile. "How much do I owe you? And yes, I am hoping to find some information. You seem to get a lot of people in this town, including some exotic ones. I don't suppose you have seen any sligs, in particular? Maybe some with a couple of human children with them? A little girl named Aliyah, 12, and a boy Jayse, 10. Or maybe just the kids alone? They might have gotten away from the sligs and would have probably went for the nearest town..." She allows herself to ramble a bit, going off track, as she tries to keep her thoughts in order and utterly fails.

2019-09-15, 08:15 PM
Ferro would do what little he could do to seem amuse by this, ans would step away from the line, willing to wait to talk. Why not? He wasn't in a rush and if he couldn't get in later he could find another place to rent a room or stay outside. Given he was in good health he didn't even need to sleep. There were no spells to recover.

"I was 'born' in the 4th workshop in thr warforged sector of Mt. Nevermind. As to a mechanopriest, sadly, no. But I do well remember the moment... I imagine it... I don't understand sleep, but from what I hear it is probably close to waking up from an incredably deep sleep? But no dreams? There was a sort of mental.click and I was there..."

Ferro feigns a gesture of rubbing his chin, something many humans did, so he did so occasionally to seem more like them. It looked mechanical and purposeful despite the attempt.

"Some varient of cherry I think, an unusually hard variety the alchemical fluids imbued in it deepened the color to a dark reddish hue, so I can see the confusion. Yes they used tempered steel in my construction. And I am a priest of Reorx. After 10 years helping to build more of my kind, I went off in search of answers to the big questions. Reorx called to me, and I am now his cleric." Ferro says, equilly quickly and confusingly to those not accustomed to gnomish. "My name is Ferro, by the way. An inside joke, but it seemed fair enough, let alone now that I am a priest."

I left it normal for easeb of reading and to avoid going back and removing spaces I habitually use constantly. It was fun deciphering that though. :D

2019-09-16, 02:30 AM
Inn of the Last Home
While talking with Carter, Escolm does makes a mental note to the entrance of Brina. However, due to the loud noises and with her sitting with her back towards him, he can't read much of the conversation. From what he can see, she looks like a commoner, and lacks any identification of someone who knows the way of the sword or the powers of the world and its gods.

Meanwhile, the barkeeper gives Brina her the food she ordered. Once Brina mentions the sligs and the lost children, her expression darkens and she says "No, I must say I have not heard about any of those creatures moving around here. Are you saying they had children with them? I do hope they are ok..." she examines Brina's face "it looks like you need the food more than I need the money. Two silver coins should be more than enough, and I'll talk with the sheriff. Maybe he heard something. I'll let you know once I'll have an update- where are you staying in Solace?"

Meanwhile, Ferro and Draydor take their place in the line. Mina come shortly afterward, and she can easily notice the tall, construct person near the joyful gnome. From what she can see, most of the people in the line are just eager to get to the inn as soon as possible. Those who are near the gnome and his metallic companion seem to be mostly in awe from Ferro, while those near her give her disdain looks, a mixture of hatred and fear- yet they are yet to show direct hostility towards her.

Levinose & Malcom
Malcom just shrugs and says "well, not much of a difference other than the fact that many wizards are not that welcoming toward sorcerers in their shops. Some are more friendly than the others, but lately they become more and more tense. Someone needs to give service to those who don't get it anywhere. Wizards can be really stiff, if you know what I mean" he examines Ozlun "after all, I assume that you get enough trouble from them on your own for just wearing all of that armor and such"

2019-09-16, 03:00 AM
Mina stared in awe. The Last Home Inn. History were soaked in the wood planks, giving it a certain aroma, not less, then the spilled ale did.
She held her hood, covering her face as much as she could.
Mina wasn't worthy to stand here. She was a failure.
But she had to try again.
"Pl-please, mates. I am merely a traveler. I am not se-sseeking troubles.' she said nervously.
Primal instincts, led her hooves to sit near the construct person. He didnt seemed hostile, and maybe near him she will be safe.
"I am.. s-so sorry. May I join you two?' she has asked, looking desprate and terrified.

2019-09-16, 05:32 PM
Meanwhile, the barkeeper gives Brina her the food she ordered. Once Brina mentions the sligs and the lost children, her expression darkens and she says "No, I must say I have not heard about any of those creatures moving around here. Are you saying they had children with them? I do hope they are ok..." she examines Brina's face "it looks like you need the food more than I need the money. Two silver coins should be more than enough, and I'll talk with the sheriff. Maybe he heard something. I'll let you know once I'll have an update- where are you staying in Solace?"

"Yes, in fact, they are my children," Brina admits, absently clasping the locket around her neck in her hand. "I've been trying to track them down since they were taken." She places two silvers on the bar. "Thank you for your kindness and your generosity. And I've only just arrived in town, so I'd be happy to stay here if you have any rooms left."


(OOC: Brina spends 2 silver pieces.)

2019-09-16, 07:45 PM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"If it weren't for my traditions offending them, they'd just be offended by me for being born who I was anyway." Olzun chuckles and gives a shrug as if to say 'eh, what can you do?'. "Well I hope you have a nice day Malcom!" and with that she leaves the shop.

From there she heads over to check out Alevaster's. Though she had to strongly resist the urge to visit Lunitari's Gift. Either they would have been angered at her wanting to read books without paying or they wouldn't and she'd wind up spending the next several days in there instead of doing what she came to do.

2019-09-17, 01:37 AM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

Draydor was furiously taking notes, nodding rapidly as he listened to the warforged. He acknowledged the warforged, muttering to himself from time to time. ”Ah, yes, Fourth Workshop, excellent foundry ... that would be under Precandelasterancionarion ...good assembler, mediocre fabricator from scratch ... explains the lack of mechanical-priest ... yes, yes, sleep, dreams, awareness ...Can warforged dream? What would they dream of? Does awareness equal sentience? ... ah, yes cherry variant, alchemical treatment you say?, interesting ...
oak and walnut are typically harder woods, while pine is more prevalent ... I must presume the choice for cherry was completely aesthetic, unless there are bio-chemical properties associated with treated cherry wood, perhaps as a conducting material? ... of course it was tempered steel, very good there are a number of highly resistant alloys that could be added to improve defenses, or lighten this chassis ... a priest, that is amazing? Of course for Reorx ... this definitely warrants further investigation ... questions regarding purpose ... directly supports my hypothesis regarding the connection between self-awareness and sentience! ... ah yes, Ferro, I get it. My own outside name is Draydor Tinkertot, Laos a joke that only Mt Nevermind residents will likely get. Now may I ... [/SIZE]

The appearance of a Minotaur asking to join them stopped Draydor cold. He started at her unabashedly for at least a minute before he finally said in gnomish ”Ofcourse!Thisdayisjustgettingbetterandbetter“ . He paused for a moment to collect himself and slowly (for a gnome) repeated in common tongue. ”Please join us. Now, if I may ask you a few questions, who are you and why have you arrived in town, given the current aggression towards Minotaurs across most of Krynn?”

Draydor looked up expectantly, no malice in his question.
Sorry for the delay - work, dentist, and a post glitch that lost my first attempt!
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-17, 12:57 PM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
"Well, ye might unnerstan all manner a ghosts an' spooks, Escolm," Carter lifted the tankard upwards to his lips, and drained it in one long pull, setting it down and staring into it's empty confines, longingly, before cursing shallowly, and rising to his feet, "But ye first got t' unnerstan people." He "Strode" (Really more of a calculated and determined sort of stumble,) across the intervening space, only barely turning and swaying to avoid people, setting his tankard down with a definitive clunk on the bar beside Brina, though the heavy bootsteps and the odor of Solace's most notorious drunk would have announced his presence a moment before. "'Scuse me a Moment, Maam. But you got yerself the look of a woman wit a problem. As it so happens. I got myself a friend lookin' to solve some." He inclined his head back towards Escolm, "How can HE be'a'help to ye?"
He also turned towards the barkeep and plunked down a gold piece under his thumb, "More Ale, when ye get yerself a minnit, plea. An 'en the res' is a tip f'r th' nice young lady werkin so hard."

2019-09-17, 03:06 PM
Ferro seems not to be onset at the attention, he focused on Draydor as they waited. He would listen to all this with patience, seemingly fine with the muttering.

"Yeah, as I understood it, he mostly helped with assembling. As to cherry, supposedly some cherry varient are incredably hard. But when the alchemical fluids mixed with the woods that might change the wood anyway. As to dreams, no. Sadly I have never slept. Even when inactive I am fully concious, even if unmoving. Though daydreams are perhaps a seperate matter."

Ferro seemed unconcerned with this. To him, it was no different than talking about a person's hair color or shoes. But on the flip side, he had some questions of his own he planned to reply with."Well I was created to help make more of my own kind. I even have a built in alchemy kit to help make the fluids instilled into our wooden cores. Despite this purpose, I still ended up here. Though I suppose that leaves me with the same philosophical conundrum. Free will or fate? But that debate applies equally well to you and everyone else. The only change being fate being wether that's god controlled, or controlled by the gnomes who make us. I doubt that though, or i'd still be in Mt. Nevermind."

Ferro would go silent as the Minotuar came up. But he wouls take the next opportunity to alter thr subject. "What are your specs Draydor?" Ferro asked, his voice as even as before, asking with the same curiousity that Draydor had about him.

Indeed his curiousity seemed to grow a similar amount as he continued. "Do what was your moment of awakening like? Do yoy remember leaving your creators interior workshop? Why do only some of the other races have interior workshops? And how do they get all the materials to it? How do they fit a workshop inside themselves? Is there some conveyor system that carries materials from their mouths to their assemblers? How do people grow? Even the males grow, so they must have a different type of workshop inside them. I assume the purpose of eating is to provide materials for future growth? But why eat once you are doing growing? And back to females, you can't create something without purposefully acting, so how do they do other things while purposefully taking attention to manufacture and assemble new people?"

Ferro speaks on common this time, his curiousity such that he wanted others to feel free to explain such things if they wanted to. "Since priests should be in the workshop when new people awaken, how does the priest get into the mothers interior workshop? Or does he wait for the new person to exit? If so exiting must be traumatic with no one there to explain. Or does the mother have some internal communication device with the person as they awaken?"

2019-09-17, 04:03 PM
Surprised a bit by Carter's impulsive action, Escolm becomes intrigued when he sees who Carter addresses. It's another person anong many who doesn't match his criteria, in any way, for being here. While he tries to catch at least sone of the conversation, he mentally reviews all he's heard about Carter from others, and considers all that had passed between them today. When Carter motions toward him, Escolm nods once, raises his glass in a toasting gesture, then takes a drink of his ale.

2019-09-17, 05:43 PM
Mina was overwhelmed from the sudden and attention, and the quick conversation, which went to the strangest places.
But this wierd duo at least didn't seemed hostile.
She took a seat, staring for a moment, like a doe, who is about to be hunted by a dragon.

.. artifical being might be worth reporting later.
"M...my name is Mina. I know this an unusual name, for a minotaur, but my father had his reasons. Sorry if.. it's.. too.. wierd?' she presented herself and then apologized, and then reconsidered her apology.
"I am not welcomed between the Minotaurs. I guess I am...

.' she paused.
"Looking for a place to untap my potential. And Solace is told to be a place... ideal to start such search.'

2019-09-18, 04:48 AM
Inn of the Last Home
The barkeeper's face turns grim and she says "Don't worry, dear. We do have a spare room for you- and I'll contact my brother to see if he can help with anything. He has contacts among.." her words get cut by Carter's proclamation. She sighs, looks toward him and calls "Sit down and keep drinking yourself to death, Carter! She has enough to handle without your 'help'!" she turns toward the waitress that served him and Escolm and says "Lidia, please go to my brother and tell him to come. Say it is an urgent matter"

Meanwhile, the line towards the Inn starts progressing slowly. While some look angrily at the minotaur cutting the line by joining the gnome and warforged, the trio are strange enough that no one actually acts. Currently, they have reached the bottom of the tree, and start going up towards the inn.

Magi Alley
Ozlun enters Alevaster's and she sees a white robed elf standing behind a desk. Many drawers are found behind him, as well as two guards who sit in the back of the room. Stairs to the second floor are found behind him. There are no items to see in the store, and the symbol of the three colours Eye is hanged in the ceiling. The elf gives a long look at Ozlun and says slowly "yes.. can I help you?"

2019-09-18, 11:06 AM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"I would certainly hope so." Olzun chuckles a bit to herself, "I'm new to the city and was curious what this place is."

2019-09-19, 01:15 AM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

The gnome was so engrossed in the interviews with both Ferro and Mina that he didn’t register their current place in line, not the strange looks from those around them.

Ferro fires off a number of questions of his (Her? It?) own, giving Draydor a momentary pause before he leapt in with answers.

"What are your specs Draydor? Do what was your moment of awakening like? Do yoy remember leaving your creators interior workshop? Why do only some of the other races have interior workshops? And how do they get all the materials to it? How do they fit a workshop inside themselves? Is there some conveyor system that carries materials from their mouths to their assemblers? How do people grow? Even the males grow, so they must have a different type of workshop inside them. I assume the purpose of eating is to provide materials for future growth? But why eat once you are doing growing? And back to females, you can't create something without purposefully acting, so how do they do other things while purposefully taking attention to manufacture and assemble new people?"

Since priests should be in the workshop when new people awaken, how does the priest get into the mothers interior workshop? Or does he wait for the new person to exit? If so exiting must be traumatic with no one there to explain. Or does the mother have some internal communication device with the person as they awaken?"[/color]

”My specs? I suppose I would answer that in terms of height, weight, age - 4’, or 12 hands ... 40 pounds, or 2 stone ... and 40 years old. My composition is primarily flesh and bone ... skin, sinew, and hair, most of which you can see.

I do not recall my ‘birth’ as organics refer to it, but my earliest memory ... let me think. Ah, it would probably be my first fireworks show. My mother had designed a miniature ship to sale out onto a small pond and launch autonomously. I was fascinated by the ship as much as the loud noises.

Pregnancy, which I suppose would be analogous to the construction process for a warforged, is the way organic creatures create other organic life. The female’s body acts as incubator and safe haven which the material grows on its own, according to a blueprint that is made up from the two creators ... or parents. The new being, a baby, feeds off of what the mother ingests, in a symbiotic, and often parasitic relationship. In many ways, it is an inferior process to construction, with any number of potential miscues or anything anomalies occurring along the way. However, the spark of life that we gain through this process is no more and no less amazing than the spark that brings a warforged to life - just different.

One benefit to pregnancy is that the body does the work without requiring specific focus or attention, leaving the female, or mother, free to multitask. Food acts as both growing material and energy - our bodies are typically in a constant state of growth - hair, skin, nails ... so even after we achieve our nominal maximum height and weight, we still regulate food. We also use it as fuel for activities - energy that feeds locomotion, physical exertion, even magic usage.

As for the birthing, it can be traumatic. The process usually culminates in an automatic dispensing of the child, typically overseen by healers. However, if there are complications, the baby can be removed by way of surgery or magic. The newborn baby, or infant, possesses much potential, but initially, they are small, weak and unable to fend for themselves. The are reliant on their parents to aid, protect and teach them as they mature to full growth. Truly a fascinating process ...”

As he paused to take some notes, the Minotaur spoke up. "M...my name is Mina. I know this an unusual name, for a minotaur, but my father had his reasons. Sorry if.. it's.. too.. wierd? I am not welcomed between the Minotaurs. I guess I am...looking for a place to untap my potential. And Solace is told to be a place... ideal to start such search.'

Draydor beamed at her. ”Well met, Mina! I am Draydor Tinkertot ... or did I already introduce myself? This is Ferro ... but perhaps he introduced himself. Wait, Ferro, do you associate as a male, female, neither, both, or other? I am curious for proper pronoun usage.

Anyway, Mina, I hope you fine the opportunity to unlock and achieve your potential. What kind of things are you interested in? What are you specialities. As a female, would you have anything to add to the explanation of birth to Ferro?”. Draydor gazed at her expectantly.
Well, this character certainly isn’t the quiet type ... but that means a lot of dialogue in these posts!
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-19, 01:57 AM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
""Pfah!" he shouted, making a dismissive motion of his hands, "Shows whats you know! Imma happily back down and goin' right back to drinkin jus' as soon as I finish orderin' my next drink. ...Or did I already do that?" he scrubbed at his chin for a moment through stringy, brittle-looking hair, and then shook his, ""An yer damn right she don't need my help! I'm jus' the ol' drunk roun' here an proud'a it. But m' new frien' over there is a wizard, all fancy and magic. I 'magine He might be able to help out with... Uh... Uh..." he turned towards Brina, "What's yer name agin? I Seem t've forgot it."

2019-09-19, 07:03 AM
Mina was wierded out, from the discussion of such basic facts in life. But she guessed, the construct found those facts just as much alien.
Mina smiled, happy to feel welcomed- even if by such a bizzare induvdial.

She blushed, when he has asked for her opinion as female.
'Well, I don't know if I'll ever exprience it myself, I am not very attractive, in any way, and... my mother didn't much gave me insight, but I can tell, what the priestess taught us, when we visited the temple." she paused.
"Life are gift of the gods. But Sargass doesn't give gifts without a test. Woman need to win a male, and her body turn into a battle, which if she strong enough to win, her loot is a child which she can train for the benefit of the clan and the empire." her ears folded, and tail flipped nervously
"Weak women lose both their life and the child. This it the ultimate test for a woman.'

2019-09-19, 04:53 PM
"'Scuse me a Moment, Maam. But you got yerself the look of a woman wit a problem. As it so happens. I got myself a friend lookin' to solve some." He inclined his head back towards Escolm, "How can HE be'a'help to ye?"
Brina smiles as best she can as she is assaulted by the man's powerful breath, reeking with booze. "I, uh, am not sure, good sir. My name is Brina. My children were taken by sligs, and I've been tracking them down to get them back. Do you...or your friend...know anything about sligs?" It seemed like a longshot, especially as the poor man was trying to pay for his drinks with gold of all things, but he did ask and she wasn't in a situation to turn down any offered help.

The barkeeper's face turns grim and she says "Don't worry, dear. We do have a spare room for you- and I'll contact my brother to see if he can help with anything. He has contacts among.." her words get cut by Carter's proclamation. She sighs, looks toward him and calls "Sit down and keep drinking yourself to death, Carter! She has enough to handle without your 'help'!" she turns toward the waitress that served him and Escolm and says "Lidia, please go to my brother and tell him to come. Say it is an urgent matter"
"Thank you again," Brina says to the barkeeper. "I don't know what I'd do or where I'd stay otherwise. This town is so big compared to my own. I feel like I'd get lost for days if I let myself."

2019-09-20, 03:02 PM
Ferro would nod, thinking things over as he listens. It began tk make sense. But I made him all the more curious about how he neither needed fuel or growth. Oh he knew much of the why and how. He had helped make many of his own kind, but hearing all this made him marvel at it slightly.

It is a great shame then that others aren't like us. We require neither food, water, air, or sleep. There would be no concern with such resources if others didn't need those. Though I must say I do really wish I knew what food tasted like. People constantly talk of how good or bad things taste."

Ferro would continue listening, growing to appear a bit disgruntled as Mina continued. "That seems incredably unfair. As someone who has worked to build more of my own kind, I know how unfair it must be to be told some problem in the construction is your own weakness and incompetance. Constructing a new bring is hard enough when you are purposefully working to make it. Let alone when you don't get to see, hear or in any way sense what you are making as you are making it. It takes... what was the phrase... blood, sweat, and tears? To make something like that.. especially doing it blind and death. I am sorry some of your people are incompetent in their assessment."

Ferro seems to mean the best by what he is saying, and gets thatb he can't truly know what that's like. But he still can't help think that's unfair. He would turn around to check again hoe long the line was.

2019-09-20, 03:51 PM
In of the Last Home
The barkeeper's eyes darken when she hears Brina's situation. "Poor thing.." she whispered, but then moved her stare towards Carter "You sit down and wait for Palin or Gerard to come. I don't know what you two cook up, but this is a serious situation"

Meanwhile, the line progresses slowly, and it would take awhile for Mina, Draydor and Ferro to reach the top of the inn.

Magi Alley
The elf gives a long stare at Ozlun "you are in the Magi Alley, the symbol of the Eye is hanged on my door and this is clearly a shop. I assume that even you could connect the dots and get that we are not selling pigs in here" he rolls his eyes "if you don't know what is this place, then you clearly shouldn't be here" he stares at her armor, shield and weapons "clearly. Now, if you could not waste my time, you scare potential costumers who actually know where they are. This is not a place for curiosity- at least, if you want to keep all of your fingers"

2019-09-20, 05:20 PM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

"If you weren't taught to value curiosity then you have no business hanging the Eye here and I highly doubt any customer coming here would know the difference between anything of value and whatever pig **** it is you must be peddling. Have fun collecting fingers instead of knowledge or customers you foul pig-perfumed disgrace." Olzun huffs her retort and stomps back out.

As she leaves, her familiar flies down and smears a pellet all over the Eye mark on the shop's sign. "Gross, but appropriate Barnabas." Olzun comments.

Deciding she'll look in on one last place, Olzun decides to check out the magical school.

2019-09-21, 06:32 PM
Mina smiled sadly.
"Well, my mother clearly failed, when she gave a birth to me. She wanted to throw me away... but my father saved me.' she paused.
"Such is the way of Sargass. He testing us, weeding out the weak and incompetent. Though... somehow I am still around.' Mina wasn't sure,why she is opening herself up, to scrap of materias. But, she felt.. like she won't be judged.

2019-09-22, 11:33 AM
"Do you...or your friend...know anything about sligs?"

Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
"I'll be takin' mh seat in jussa Moment, Keep." Carter said defensively, hands rising palms up in a motion of surrender, "Aft'r all, I got a lil more life in me left t' finish drinkin' away," a slow close of his left eye followed that may or may not have been an attempt at a wink, "An' No matter what th' looks to th' contrary. Now Brinnna, Like I said, I don' know much about much, I'm really jus' th' town drunk, as this pretty feller jus' said, an' it ain' no Scheme we cooked up, I ain' gon' get nothin' outer this. But tha' man's a wizard, like to know more about it an' may be able to help you."

2019-09-22, 04:59 PM
"A wizard?" Brina asks, wide-eyed. She had never met a real wizard before, but had heard plenty of stories of the wonders--and horrors--they were capable of doing. A part of her was frightened by the idea of speaking to such a person, but another part was excited. And it was known that wizards were quite educated on a number of subjects beyond magic. But what kind of wizard needed a self-admitted drunkard to introduce him? There were clearly some pieces of this puzzle still missing. But Brina reasons that if they were up to anything bad, they surely wouldn't try to hurt her in this crowded common room, surrounded by witnesses. Or so she hoped.

"Alright, I will speak to him, if he wishes," she says.

2019-09-23, 04:17 AM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
"Tsaro!" Carter shouted, slapping one of his scarred, tanned and weathered hands against the other, and rising, (A bit Too fast, perhaps,) from the seat beneath him, turning back to the barkeep and, as quietly as the state of him allowed, said, "Send my next drink over to the table, anoth'r a whate'er th' wizards drinkin', an somethin' else fer the lady if she needs it," almost absently, as the salt and peppered head turned back towards Brina, another gold piece was added atop the first, though the words that escaped him were clearly addressed to the barkeeper, rather than Brina, ""That should about cover it. An', like I said, a nice tip f'r th' waitress. I Might be one foot in the Abyss, but I ain't there yet. Thank ye, kindly. Feel Free t' come on o'er when'ere ye got a mind, Brinnna," again, the woman's name dragged itself out, as if there were some trouble in pronunciation, "We'll see if'n we can't git ya some help proper fast."

2019-09-23, 04:48 PM
While Carter's engaged, Escolm looks over the crowd. It certainly was a busy place, largely owing to fame he surmised. When Carter gets up he turns his attention back there fully, trying to catch what he can of the conversation.

2019-09-23, 05:51 PM
With some reluctance, Brina follows the man to meet the wizard. "Hello, I am Brina Kirstein," she says in introduction. "Your...associate here says you can help me in tracking down a group of sligs?"

2019-09-23, 06:17 PM
Escolm bows his head slightly, "Hello Brina, I'm Escolm Slatespirit."

The wizard raises an eyebrow, glances at Carter, then smiles slightly at Brina, "Did he? Well, sligs are a nasty bunch. I'm not sure how well I could track them, but maybe we could recruit others who can. I'm intrigued, why are you interested in them?"

2019-09-24, 11:07 AM
Inn of the Last Home
The barkeeper walks behind her station, gather's Carter's money, and then throws it back at him. "I don't know what is going on here with your friend" she said "but if you want to be useful, no more drinks for you. You just go, sit there and sober up. It is not the Trough in here" she sighs "You are lucky that I'm not kicking you out of here, but if my father got his second chance in quieting the ale, so would you". She then returns back behind the bar, cleaning glasses and serving customers which have started to stare at the trio.

Magi Alley
As Ozlun calls her retort at the elf, she can see his face pale and his eyes burn with anger. She can barely go a few steps into the street, when the two guards get out of the store, one of them running through the street while the other comes towards her. "Hey, there" he says with a friendly smile "Now, I get that my boss can be a bit of a jerk- but I strongly recommend you to go back there and apologize. He has little qualms about calling the guards over such a thing, an he is a respected business man in here, and you are a foreign.." he looks at her awkwardly "and, well, an hobgoblin. The chances won't be in your favor, I'm afraid"

2019-09-24, 04:08 PM
Olzun (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Hobgoblin Summoner
AC: 17 HP: 11/11
PP: 11 PI: 15
Concentrating on: --
Conditions: --

Olzun sighs and replies, "Very well then." and heads back in. Taking only a step in the door she faces the petty and cowardly elf and says politely with a neutral expression, "I am as sorry my previous words offended you, as I am sure you are of yours offending me. I wish you and your place of business all the joy and good fortune you rightly deserve." with that she nods her heard shallowly and leaves again, not caring to hear a response. She's satisfied that both she and the owner both know she just "apologized" while apologizing for nothing at all and wishing him ill will while any report of the event will sound like she made every effort to appease him over a matter where he insulted a potential customer for asking what his business was.

As she walks off she says to the guard, "I trust in the case your employer attempts to report me for daring to be a hobgoblin and inquiring about his establishment's purpose you will let the authorities know I apologized for his rudeness as you informed me I must to avoid unwarranted legal troubles? Thank you for your guidance in this matter sir."
Of course while she was in fact thankful the guard tried to avoid problems for her, he was still supporting a petty bully of a man and felt no guilt at putting him in the position of making it seem like if her "apology" was in any way unsatisfactory to his employer or the authorities that the blame lay with him so he'd do everything he could to avoid there being any problem for either of them.

2019-09-24, 05:16 PM
Escolm bows his head slightly, "Hello Brina, I'm Escolm Slatespirit."

The wizard raises an eyebrow, glances at Carter, then smiles slightly at Brina, "Did he? Well, sligs are a nasty bunch. I'm not sure how well I could track them, but maybe we could recruit others who can. I'm intrigued, why are you interested in them?"

"They attacked my village, and took my two children," Brina answers, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "I seek the sligs so I can retrieve my family and bring them home. I tracked them to this general area, but then lost them. And I have no idea where they might be now." She frowns at the thought.

2019-09-24, 07:18 PM
"Horrifying," the wizard replies, glancing at Carter a moment before returning his concerned gaze back to Brina, "how rude of me, please have a seat. Now, how long ago was this attack?"

2019-09-25, 06:21 PM
Brina takes the offered seat. "It was...about two weeks ago. At first, tracking them was pretty easy, even for me. But as time went, their trail became more difficult to follow. I don't know if it was the weather or they started doing a better job of covering up their tracks. But eventually, I couldn't follow them at all."

2019-09-26, 04:30 AM
"I see," the wizard glances at Carter before returning his gaze to Brina, "How long since you lost the trail?"

He pauses between each question to hear the answer before continuing, "Have you notified the authorities here?

How old are your children?

If you don't mind me asking, what about their father?"

2019-09-26, 12:34 PM
"Have you even had a chance to prove yourself? I don't know anything about you.. but it seems wrong to me. I don't perhaps have much of a right to my opinion in your culture, but it just rankles people might be like that." Ferro turns away, not agressively, just to check out the line. How long would it take for them to get into the place? It was getting a bit much. "It seems people are getting upset by you joining us here instead of at the back of the line. I guess I see why."

2019-09-26, 01:03 PM
Mina lowered her head in shame.
"Yes.. and I have failed my clan several times..." she said meekly.
"Well, the Empire is strong thanks to the teachings of Sargass. My suffer is a little price to pay.'

She blushed when he mentioned people being upset at her.
"Well... people upset at me, one way or another. Around you, at least I won't attract violence, so me cutting the line, brought more harmony." she tried to justify her actions. At least to herself.
Of course most minotaurs wouldn't have apologized.

2019-09-26, 04:53 PM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
A little taken aback by the return of his coin, the old man stood for a long moment, eyes blinking heavily in a slow and deliberate motion of befuddlement. He made as if to fumble at putting the coins back into the pouch riding at his side, before putting it down onto the counter, no longer expecting ale and paying instead for something rather more ethereal, not speaking another until he'd turned full around. When he'd finally made way back to the table, he was making a show of grumbling and spinning his former seat about, plonking down heavily backwards and resting his grimy, bearded chin on the top of the chair and watching between the two of them mutely for the moment.

2019-09-26, 05:24 PM
"I see," the wizard glances at Carter before returning his gaze to Brina, "How long since you lost the trail?"

He pauses between each question to hear the answer before continuing, "Have you notified the authorities here?

How old are your children?

If you don't mind me asking, what about their father?"

Brina takes a few moments to gather her thoughts before answering the questions. She takes a deep breath first to steady herself before revisiting some old, bad memories.

"I lost the trail about five days ago. I didn't know what else to do, so I just kept moving in the same direction and hoped I'd find something. I ran into these two elves, and they said I would find what I was looking for in Solace, so I came here as it wasn't that far. I made my way here to the tavern, and spoke with the bartender, she she said she would alert the sheriff."

She adds, "My oldest, Aliyah, is twelve. The younger is my boy, Jayce, who is ten. Their father--my husband--he was killed in the slig attack. I tried to save him, but..." She puts a hand over her mouth and looks away, trying to get a rein on her emotions. "I'm sorry, just give me a moment..."

2019-09-26, 05:45 PM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

(OOC a sorry about the delay, but I wasn’t sure about how much more to say. However, as our portion of the story seems to have faltered, I’ll re-engage, too ...)

The gnome frowned at the Minotaur’s commentary, agreeing in part with Ferro’s assessment. ”If childbirth is a test, and ‘winning’ is based on the survival of both mother and child, how can your family consider you anything but a victory? There is obviously additional judgment and assessment of what is deemed valuable within your culture, but you live within a wider world where physical strength and size aren’t the only measures of worth. If so, several races would be considered worthless and disposable.

If one simply considers the myriad of potentially dire complications that could, and often do, occur during a pregnancy, one should be more impressed by the numbers of successful births. I think that you, Mina, are a product of a million consecutive miracles that had to occur to bring the unique you into the world. The same is true of you, Ferro, albeit a completely different set of possibilities. No entity should ever forget their presence upon the mortal Col is nothing short of amazing.

Unless, of course, you subscribe to the inverse chaos theory of creation that stipulates increasing entropy inherently begets order, and that the ‘miracle of creation is not just unsurprising, but inevitable.

Draydor paused to jot down some notes in a different book, then continued to speak.

”Now Ferro, in regards to your assertion on the superiority of mechanical beings over biological ones is a subject of great debate. There are several publications regarding this topic. Awakenings: A Warforge’s Path to Sentience ... The New Golem - Divine Inspiration or Engineering Marvel... Destiny and the Flesh That Wields It... Chocolate: Weakness or Reward ... However, I feel my Advanced Theory instructor, Professor Kikia Dazzleberry, said it best - ‘To each form, it’s purpose. To each lock, it’s key. And rarely does ‘one size fits all’ actually fit all sizes.’

Wise words from an outspoken gnome creationist who spent five years living with gully dwarves.

What is the issue with this line ...? ”. Draydor paused again, glancing at the line ahead.
Mo’ chatta!
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-26, 07:08 PM
Escolm speaks softly, "Take your time Brina, I apologize for asking about recent traumatic events in detail. Just one more thing, how many sligs do you think you were tracking?"

2019-09-26, 10:20 PM
Ferro turned towards Draydor. "I didn't say my kind are superior. Merely that if others didn't need to est, drink, or sleep, things might be better. No one would need to starve. With the nessisary components to sustain living no longer needed, the world might be a more peaceful place. Granted greed is omnipresent in every being, and true peace is impossible. But it would probably be better. I don't claim superiority." Ferro protested, not liking the insinuations.

2019-09-27, 04:00 PM
Escolm speaks softly, "Take your time Brina, I apologize for asking about recent traumatic events in detail. Just one more thing, how many sligs do you think you were tracking?"

Brina takes a moment to compose herself, even going so far as to bite her lip to keep her emotions in check. Once she feels ready, she says, "I'm afraid I don't know the exact numbers. It was over two score that attacked my village. I only saw maybe half a score of their corpses among the dead, although I didn't take a count. So...perhaps thirty or so? Although they may have split up or added more to their group by now, I can't say."

2019-09-27, 07:39 PM
"That's a lot of sligs," Escolm exclaims softly, "the lengths a loving mother will go to for her children are astounding."

Looking around the inn again he adds, "I'll help if I can. I suggest waiting to see what the sheriff says. Meanwhile, maybe we can find others willing to help."

He turns to Carter, "During your time in Solace, have you ever dealt with sligs?"

2019-09-28, 11:40 AM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

Draydor didn’t seem to notice Ferro’s response, and certainly missed her discomfort with the suggestion of superiority. ”I suppose you are correct in some ways - the need for food and water can be a driving factor for biological beings, and at first glance certainly seems to be an inferior trait. However, if all beings were constructed, I would posit there would still be disputes over resources - for building materials rather than organic fuel. Additionally, the circle of life begets a different type of growth and drives evolutionary changes in a different manner, thus creating breakthroughs quicker than patience and immortality might allow. You have an excellent mind, and I look forward to more discussions.

As well as with you Mina. It will be intriguing to see two different perspectives - the organic and the mechanical - approach problem solving together. ”

With a flash of insight in his eyes, Draydor starred jotting down words in a yet a third book, muttering about test conditions, control cases and key objectives ...
More RP ... now with extra dialogue!!
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-09-28, 03:01 PM
Mina smiled slighltly, from Draydor calling her birth a success. Of course, it was more nuanced, then she explained, but she appreciated it nevertheless. "Your words are quite encouraging...' she said meekly.

'Well... if... you don't anything.. what..drive you.. to..' she was at loss of words. Her mother were sort of a spiritual figure, but she wasn't much of a philosophy debater.


2019-09-29, 01:32 PM
Carter Thornheart (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996561)
Human Drunkard
AC: 11 HP: 12/12
Carter, who to this point had been sitting sort of listlessly, staring longingly at the empty tankard, mourning for it's contents, shook his great shaggy head. "I Know what they is. Great, overblown scaly rats. Kobolds what got too big fer their britches. But even they've got more sense'n to come knockin on a town big's Solace's got. Mossly jus' got local drunks causin' trouble. ...Though there was that one time that a coupla bandit types tried settin' up shop on the roads. They wound up giftwrapped nice'n perty fer the Sherriff. We take care'a our own here. " Returning to silence, it was broken a moment later when he stood from the chair at the number of Sligs, "...Thass a mite more'n I was spectin'. The Sheriff might help, but he also might try'n wait or some other silliness. Scuse me, I have t' go check if'n Im a liar," turning on his heel, before he stopped, wobbled slightly, and without looking back, said, "If'n I get tossed fer this, I'll meetcher outside," and withour waiting or another further word, marching (stomping, or determinedly stumbling) to the door. Words erupted from his throat as he addressed all in the bar, "HEY! WE GOT SOME YOUNGINS NEED SAVIN'. WHOSE WILLIN' T' JOIN UP AN SAVE 'EM?" He poked his head out the door, still shouting, at the top of his lungs, "TWO SCORE SLIGS TOOK SOME CHI'REN! ANYONE WI' ANYTHIN' RESEMBLIN' A HEART CAN COME WI' US TA SAVE TWO TERRIFIED SMALLKIN!"

2019-09-30, 06:06 PM
Brina winces at the man's shouting, and blushes at all the attention being drawn upon her. She was beginning to question what she had gotten herself into. Was this what the elves were referring to when they told her to come to Solace?

2019-09-30, 06:34 PM
"I suppose that's true. Though I don't know if I believe in immortality even if my kind don't age. Eventually everyone must die. I imagine all this means for me is that I am guaranteed a violent end, rather than a peaceful one. But that's not a great subject right now."

Ferro shrugged at that, as it was a thought process he had adjusted to and had accepted. If everyone had to die eventually, and he didn't age, then logically he must die from violence. But it never helped to dwell on such things. He would turn towards the line, still waiting to get in.

2019-10-01, 05:45 PM
Escolm sighs softly and shrugs as Carter sets off yelling. He looks at Brina and says, "We just met today, and this is the third time he's surprised me. Maybe he'll get some positive results, but he might easily get thrown out."

The wizard sips his ale and looks around the crowd again, "Regardless, Brina, I'll do what I can to help you. Do you have a place to stay here?"

2019-10-02, 01:11 AM
Draydor Tinkertot (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1996140)
Tinker gnome Artificer

Draydor shrugged away Ferro’s comments on immortality. He hadn’t suggested she was invincible; simply that with proper maintenance and care, she could effectively live forever. Sure, death by violence was a possibility, depending on one’s proclivity for adventuring or fighting, but it was by no means inevitable.

To Mina’s question, he frowned. ”Are you asking about purpose or drives? For me it is the investigation - so many questions and mysteries are out there ... so many answers waiting to be discovered. That is the thrill of life. ”

Draydor smiled dreamily, staring absently towards the inn as they slowly trudged forward.
Ready to move on whenever everyone else is ...
AC 14 HP 12 Init +2 Move 20
Str +1 Dex +2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +2 Cha +0
Weapon: lt hammer (+3, 1d4+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1), Lt crossbow (+4, 1d8+2)
Spells (Unl/2): mending, fire bolt / catapult, grease, arcane weapon, absorb elements, cure light wounds
Racial abilities: Tinker; magic tinkering (4/4)
Key skills: Investigation +6; Insight +4; Perception +4; Persuasion +2
Effect: Darkvision 60’; Advantage saves vs mental spells

2019-10-02, 06:22 PM
Escolm sighs softly and shrugs as Carter sets off yelling. He looks at Brina and says, "We just met today, and this is the third time he's surprised me. Maybe he'll get some positive results, but he might easily get thrown out."

The wizard sips his ale and looks around the crowd again, "Regardless, Brina, I'll do what I can to help you. Do you have a place to stay here?"

"Just met?" Brina repeats, a bit dumbfounded. She had no idea what the relationship between the two men was, but it had not occurred to her that they had just met. There was something disquieting about that, but she shakes the thoughts from her head for now. "Um, what? Oh! Yes, I just got a room here, in fact."

2019-10-02, 07:13 PM
"Just met?" Brina repeats, a bit dumbfounded. She had no idea what the relationship between the two men was, but it had not occurred to her that they had just met. There was something disquieting about that, but she shakes the thoughts from her head for now. "Um, what? Oh! Yes, I just got a room here, in fact."

With a slight smile and a raised eyebrow, Escolm replies with a softly spoken voice, "Excellent. I only asked because I have family here who would certainly insist on taking you into their home if they knew your," he pauses a moment, "situation."

He shrugs and takes another sip of ale, thinking again about what he knows of the symbols on Carter's flask. He was developing a deeper curiosity to see the man's shield.

"With all these patrons, and many more lined up outside awaiting their turn to enter, we should be able to find others willing to help."

Eyes scanning the patrons again he adds, "I grew up in Solace, but I've been away for decades studying. I've been back a little longer than a week, searching for traveling companions."

Looking back at her directly for a moment, he says, "Perhaps something more than chance brought us together, Brina."

2019-10-03, 03:42 PM
With a slight smile and a raised eyebrow, Escolm replies with a softly spoken voice, "Excellent. I only asked because I have family here who would certainly insist on taking you into their home if they knew your," he pauses a moment, "situation."
"Oh, are you and your family close?" Brina asks. "Are they also...wizards?" She didn't wish to pry, but she had never met a wizard before.

Looking back at her directly for a moment, he says, "Perhaps something more than chance brought us together, Brina."
Brina blushes and offers a polite smile, but isn't sure how to otherwise react to such a bold statement.

2019-10-05, 08:24 AM
When he sees her blush, Escolm smiles slightly, "I meant nothing more than hinting that the elves you met may have foreseen our meeting.

As to my family," he leans back and looks around again, "no other wizards, as far as I know. We're a fairly close extended family. Since my return I've been spending a lot of time with them. There's my mother, older sister and her family, and my older brother and his family. Quite a brood, all told."

2019-10-05, 02:35 PM
Mina nodded.
"Well, I also meant about artifical life. If you have no needs... what is driving you?'

2019-10-05, 06:27 PM
"That's quite a family alright," Brina agrees. "I hope to have one that large myself some day. But your siblings have families of their own, what about you? Did you never marry? And what of your father?" she asks. "I notice you didn't mention him."

2019-10-06, 12:27 PM
Speaking softly in a flat tone, Escolm scans the crowd, "I'm still a bachelor, no children. My undying love for study, lore and research quickly terminated any romance in my life. My father was a soldier, killed in the last war."

2019-10-06, 02:19 PM
"Oh, I'm sorry about your father," Brina says consolingly. "That must have been so awful to lose him like that. For you and your family."

2019-10-07, 12:17 AM
Ferro listens, going somewhat silent at this part. He looks about himself. What was going on? Was everything okay? This sure was taking a while, wasn't it? "Maybe it would be better to find a room somewhere else. It would probably save time in the long run. Though given the wait I will admit I am more curious." Ferro would say, shrugging to himself. "I would be easier if I knew what I was looking for here. But alas Reorx hasn't chosen to divulge that. I suppose I shouldn't complain."