View Full Version : [IC] In the City of Seven Seraphs...

2019-09-12, 07:32 PM
There is a barred and locked door in a tiny alley on the east side of the courtyard behind the mansion, within the confines of the forcefield protecting the estate's perimeter. The forcefield is an opaque orange color from the outside, but on the inside it appears as a transparent, blue-tinted filter.
Standing by the door are a crew of adventurers preparing to enter the dungeon. One is a pixie wearing a dress and a rapier. Another is an elf with a hefty spear. A storm genasi with a staff catches the eye of what looks like a humanoid cheshire cat in light armor.

2019-09-12, 10:18 PM
The elf twitches her ears and sniffs at the air, seeming to sense something odd beyond what she can see. She says, "Well, are we waiting for anybody else? I'd like to get the Baron his ring back swiftly."

2019-09-13, 04:51 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

The pixie smiles pleasantly as serenely at the party, and does a curtsy withe her beautifully jeweled black and white dress. A top her long, silvery hair is a beautiful silver and blue satin crown, which contrasts with her red eyes.

"Greetings, I am Corona Sugarfloss," she says. She eagerly awaits introductions from the others, rather than answering the question.

2019-09-13, 08:27 PM
"Baron's expecting one more," the genasi says. A mild, turbulent wind ruffles hair and clothing nearby as he speaks. It's not hard to guess his manifestation. "That's probably her, coming up the alley. Lady moves like an adventurer. Salutations, Corona. Is 'Corona' okay? I'm Kiresh."

Just Helping
2019-09-14, 12:19 AM
On cue, Jin casually walks from the alley up to the others. She has the appearance of a human native of this city, with tanned skin and slightly unkempt hair. A longsword and some kind of dagger are at her sides.

"Sorry I'm late. This town is..." She shakes her head. "I'm Jin, nice to meet you all."

2019-09-14, 10:34 AM
The cat looks out over the last one, "You know, I think I should have done that. Much more... Mysterious." he muses. "I am Chereth."

2019-09-14, 10:44 AM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

Corona sniffs. "Ms. or Lady Sugarfloss will suffice, Mr. Kiresh," Corona says, with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, as well as Ms. Jin and Mr. Chereth. Now then, shall we address entering the dungeon. I also wish for Baron Nebrayr's ring to return to him swiftly."

2019-09-14, 10:45 AM
You all were given a modicum of knowledge regarding each others' capabilities, but the nitty gritty details weren't spelled out. At this time, one of you please appoint yourself or someone else as lookout, to be walking in front. If it is not you, they can argue and give us a bit of fun pre-adventure drama. :smalltongue:
For this adventure, I will require a marching order. Tell me who stands where. I'll provide maps once I get WiFi and can download the application to craft them (which should be fairly soon, give it a day or two).

2019-09-14, 12:07 PM
The impatient elf shakes her head and says, "Where are my manners? I am Briespen Wildleaf, of the Iron Wolf tribe. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I could scout for us, not much escapes my notice and I can be stealthy when transformed."

2019-09-14, 02:26 PM
"Ah well.. for that position.. perhaps.." Chereth says, walking Corona and suddenly from behind the impatient elf. "We can go together?" darkness clings to him like mist over a lake.

2019-09-14, 02:54 PM
Those of you with a mind for exploring would know that the more scouts, the better for information gathering. Also that with more scouts, you have to take extra care to avoid collecting more enemies at a time than you can handle.

Just Helping
2019-09-14, 04:07 PM
Jin looks between the shapeshifting elf, the shadowy man, and the flitting pixie... and then to herself and the armored man whose race she did not recognize. "Between all of us, I'm probably not the best suited for sneakin' around."

2019-09-15, 10:27 AM
Briespen grins and says, "I'd love for you to teach me that. I like that idea of scouting together."

2019-09-15, 01:52 PM
Jin looks between the shapeshifting elf, the shadowy man, and the flitting pixie... and then to herself and the armored man whose race she did not recognize. "Between all of us, I'm probably not the best suited for sneakin' around."

Kiresh grins. "No, not me either. Crackling lightning and booming thunder aren't real good for going unnoticed. Hey, Briespen -- I feel like I've heard of Iron Wolf somewhere. Bone-chilling howl, right?"

2019-09-15, 04:10 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

"I supposed I could assist in the scouting. While I consider skullduggery beneath me, I am quite small, and hard to notice," Corona admits. "Of course, if someone else would rather do it, I would not protest."

2019-09-15, 11:04 PM
Briespen turns to Kiresh and says, "Yes, I believe you have heard correctly. Perhaps you'll get to hear that same howl soon."

To Corona she says, "No need to do anything you don't want to, I think we'll be fine with me and Chereth. Shall we?"

2019-09-15, 11:44 PM
Kiresh clears the way and nods. "After you, then ..." He double-checks the grip of a small pack around his waist.

There's a fair bit I'm not going to haul around in here. Besides the magic items, I'm taking these:

everything in the food&water line
1 everburning torch, 3 sunrods
vial bandolier with owlbear musk
5 uses of you-know-what-atrice venom

And leaving the backpack, shovel, fire stuff, clothing, one evertorch, rainsticks, flowers, icechest, bow&arrows and the other half of the c'trice venom.

2019-09-16, 08:18 PM
The items you stowed away are safely locked in the Baron's private quarters until you return. You each have a key to your own chest containing those items.
The door closes immediately behind whomever enters first, and then that person feels the sensation of falling before coming to. They are on hands and knees on a cold stone floor.
Everyone else perceives the person opening the door to a silent cascade of swirling colors, popping like soundless freworks. As the person steps forward into the portal, they disappear and the door slowly swings shut.
Everyone that enters feels the same sensation and becomes aware of being on their hands and knees in the same way, even the pixie. You all collect your senses in spaces equidistant to one another.
Each of the bricks under your feet seems sized for a giant, like the builders simply sanded the ends and edges smoothed and cemented them together to serve as a dull, durable flooring. The walls are made of the same material, and the room you are in is about twenty feet on a side. A single wooden door on one side of the room is labelled with large scratches as if scrawled with a sword: "East".

2019-09-16, 10:44 PM
Briespen shakes her head to clear it. She looks around and says, "That was... disturbing. If you are all recovered, let's move."

She then crouches down and swiftly her clothing and gear change into black fur, covering a now thickly muscled, sleek looking black panther. The panther looks at Chereth and nods.

Using Wild Shape, gain +4 Init and +5 to Stealth from Stalking Panther Form.
Once we move on, Briespen will move stealthily and make active perception checks periodically.

2019-09-16, 10:46 PM
"Lets, shall" The catman says, starting to move into maze with the others. "Well.. This is unusual.. You think that way is east or that we should go east?"

2019-09-17, 12:31 AM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

Corona, on her hands and knees, is surprised about the unladylike position she found herself in. She is awkwardly stunned for a moment before flitting back to her usual altitude, which is eye level to the others. After that, she brushes herself off and clears her throat. "Hem hem. Very well then. Lead the way, Mr. Chereth," she says. "Not that I'm sure this plane has an 'East...'" she mutters to herself, afterwards. Usually which way is where has to be agreed upon for places with no magnetic poles.

2019-09-17, 01:38 AM
Kiresh gets up, claps a little dust and grit off his hands, and nods approvingly at Briespen's reshaped form. He taps on the floor and walls with his staff, apparently testing them for durability. "Where I grew up, Lady Sugarfloss, the compass circle was divided five ways rather than four," he comments while the scouts move ahead. "Five elements, too. I'm bemused by the number of people insisting on four in both fields; thaumatology and manalogy make a much easier study with the presumption of five. And 'dis-north' is a perfectly reasonable way to describe 'south' without losing the potential benefits of the pentacle compass."

After another moment, he says, "Well, we haven't heard any screaming yet, so we're off to a good start. But I didn't think to ask before they snuck out whether we wait here or follow."

2019-09-17, 09:52 AM
The door to the next room is made of a bright wood and actually has a small vine growing through it. Upon opening the door, you can see what looks to be a larger copy of the first room, though it has holes in the floor in random places. They aren't holes straight down; it looks more like a network of burrows, since they have entrances that are almost horizontal and then the tunnels turn perpendicular to the entrances.
Also, the room has no torches, but is just as dimly lit as the last room. All of you have concealment versus attacks made without Low-Light vision or darkvision. Same applies to enemies, though. If you receive concealment from a power or feature like Shadow Walk, you get total concealment from that ability instead in this magic candlelight.
If you have a way to get rid of zones, like dispel magic, you can attempt a check related to that keyword (arcana for arcane powers, nature for primal, religion for divine, and your choice of dungeoneering or arcana for psionic) to remove a portion of the dim light without expending that power.
Briespen sees three of the holes in the ground have creatures sitting in them as if on lookout. One is a black kobold with horns and a thick tail. Another is a white kobold with huge claws and saber teeth. Both of those wear plate armor, but only the black one wears a shield and wields a scimitar. The last creature appears to have the upper half of a green kobold and the lower half of a scaly lion, with a snake's tail and long, thin fins on each of its joints. It wears a harness made of metal pieces held together with straps of cloth, and a fullblade rests across its forelegs. Only its rump fits in the hole.

I need a stealth check from each member of the party other than Briespen, who already rolled. Briespen's and Chereth's success or failure will be doubled, as they are the scouts on point. Therefore, you already have 2 successes.
If you all score at least 4 successes together, you will get a surprise round and can attempt to bypass these creatures with bluff (to misdirect them) or stealth (to sneak past), or try the risky move (higher DC) and put blades to their necks for intimidate.
If you do not get at least 4 successes, this fight will be unavoidable and you get no surprise.
If you get 4 or more failures, this fight will get a lot harder.

2019-09-17, 12:23 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

"Well, I know some planes base their navigation on the physical movements of the surface. My home plane uses a 4 direction system when on land, but more to venerate the seasons," Corona says. "It works well enough mathematically. We fey are naturally attuned to magic, so 5 points are unneeded. Furthermore, wood was as an element on the Feywild after Oberon kept making too many puns of an impolite nature to Titania."

[roll0] Stealth

2019-09-17, 08:06 PM
Chereth takes a moment to peek himself, before vanishing, to the others behind him and Briespen, appearing next to Corona. "Shhh. Kobold mutants. Two." before heading back to meet up with Briespen again. Shadowstuff clings heavily to the catman, as he marks one of the two kobolds.

Course if I fail, I probally won't get the kobold marked I guess. 1d20+14

2019-09-18, 09:08 AM
Quick correction: there are three.

2019-09-18, 12:29 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

"Hm... well, if we can capture one, perhaps we may be able to to acquire some valuable intel," Corona squeaks, stroking her chin.

2019-10-11, 12:22 AM
Roll initiative!

2019-10-13, 10:46 AM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

"Hm, either way," Corona whispers quietly. "We'll make their acquaintance."


2019-10-14, 05:40 PM
Briespen in panther form suddenly blurs into action, daring into the room and mauling the closest enemy with her vicious claws.

Charging "Blacky", moving to J7. Using Savage Rend

Guess you can't combine different dice. Roll in OOC was 22 damage.
If I hit, slide Blacky to I7 and it is knocked prone.

2019-10-14, 10:54 PM
Unaware of the intrusion but catching on quickly, the armor-plated kobold twists its horns up to catch your claws, and hurls its shield into your face to hide its scimitar and give it a chance to catch up to its attacker. Unfortunately, what actually happens is that your claws rip out one of its horns, and you thrash the monster wildly before tossing it behind you. However, the moment your claws come loose, you see its wound closing over and a tiny protrusion coming out once again -- it's regenerating!
(OoC: Hit! Blacky is slid and knocked prone!)

2019-10-16, 10:27 PM
"There's the screaming," Kiresh says with a grin. He launches into the room, sparks and turbulent air behind him.

I'll charge Blackie, getting into flanking position -- thanks, Briespen! -- at H7, with howling strike at-will in place of the MBA. [roll0] to hit including CA, [roll1] plus [roll2] lightning damage and slide Blackie to I8 so that someone else can get a flank too :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: I'm just gonna go ahead and assume a 22 misses. :smallyuk:

2019-10-17, 07:08 PM
Kiresh rushes into the room, but the strange palor of the room throws off his depth perception; the distance of his stride doesn't match up, and his swing is out of reach until he lurches forward wildly. The strike connects, but it has no weight behind it and clangs off the black kobold's armor.

Since Briespen and Kiresh both charged, but Kiresh's attack missed, currently Briespen is maintaining aggro.

2019-10-18, 09:57 AM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

"Well, this won't do at all," Corona says crossly. She flits her way forward and advances on the kobold mutants. "We should insist on maintaining a lower volume when working indoors." She conjures some arcane magic with a wave of her scepter and some arcane mutterings, directing it at the two kobolds.

Moving to current position, H7. As a teeny target, gain partial cover (+2 defenses).

Marking both with Aegis of Assault (marking penalty is -3). Black and Whitey are marked!

Centering a Stone Blood on the two kobolds.
[roll0] versus fort, slowed on hit, versus greeny.

[roll2] versus fort, slowed on hit. versus whitey.

Stone Blood
StandardAction Areaburst1within10squares
TARGET:Each creature in burst
HIT: 1d6+(Intelligence modifier)damage,and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn

2019-10-19, 12:29 AM
As the combat starts, the catman shifts through the battlefield like shadow that casts darkness upon darkness itself, thrusting a key into the back of the black kobold.

Using Encounter Power - Blade from the Mist
Shifting to J6 with Phasing
Activate's Shadow Walk, Maintaining concealment.

I think I'm getting all the stuff for 4e here. Its been years since I've played.

[roll0] vs AC
Belt of the Brawler makes the key deal damage as if it was a club
Ki Focus of Raining Blows gives +3 to hit (I think this was a misspelled Rain of Hammers key focus.)
Ki Focus Expertise gives +2 to hit
Dex +4 to hit
Half level +5 to hit.
Cruel Shroud gives me advantage for another +2 to hit

Club does 1d6 damage
Invoking Shrouds - Leathal Shroud increases the damage from 1d6 to 1d8+5 per shoud.

[roll1] - Club Damage+Dex+Cha. Don't know if the +3 from the ki focus is added once or twice.

[roll2] Shroud if I hit
[roll3] Shrouds if I hit/miss

Just Helping
2019-10-19, 10:21 PM
Looking over the situation, Jin inserts herself into the fray last, charging her sword with arcane energy.

"Good intro to working together as any," Jin speaks quietly. She prepares to strike the enemy...

Move: To H8

2019-10-28, 04:24 PM
Using Encounter Power - Blade from the Mist
Shifting to J6 with Phasing
Activate's Shadow Walk, Maintaining concealment.
I think I'm getting all the stuff for 4e here. Its been years since I've played.
[roll0] vs AC
Belt of the Brawler makes the key deal damage as if it was a club
Ki Focus of Raining Blows gives +3 to hit (I think this was a misspelled Rain of Hammers key focus.)
Ki Focus Expertise gives +2 to hit
Dex +4 to hit
Half level +5 to hit.
Cruel Shroud gives me advantage for another +2 to hit
Club does 1d6 damage
Invoking Shrouds - Leathal Shroud increases the damage from 1d6 to 1d8+5 per shoud.
[roll1] - Club Damage+Dex+Cha. Don't know if the +3 from the ki focus is added once or twice.
[roll2] Shroud if I hit
[roll3] Shrouds if I hit/miss

That is, unfortunately, a miss, but it deals 22 damage and brings Blacky down a peg.

Shocked out of its torpor, the four-legged abomination reacts by launching itself around the corner and opening its mouth -- out of which a cloud of noxious gas blasts forth like a geyser and then hangs in the air.

[roll0] vs. Kiresh
[roll1] vs. Corona
[roll2] vs. Blacky
[roll3] vs. Briespen
[roll4] vs. Chereth
[roll5] vs. Jin
against Fortitude for [roll6] poison damage, and regardless of hit or miss each target takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
This close blast 5 becomes a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. When a creature in the zone takes fire damage, the zone is destroyed and all creatures in the zone (including the one that first took the fire damage) take 10 fire damage.

Corona, you're up! :smallsmile:

2019-10-28, 10:05 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

"How uncouth," Corona tuts. Corona responds with a faster than light strike from her rapier! Teleport behind the black scaled mutant, she lashes out at him with steel and magic! She then conjures a maze of mirrors around the other two dragons!

Reaction, trigger the Aegis of Assault.
Teleport, and MBA.
[roll0] Versus Reflex.
[roll1] Damage

Move to Brispen's Square.

[roll2] Versus Will, Whitey
[roll3] Versus Will, Greeny
Hit: The target is immobilized and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
next turn.
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Just Helping
2019-10-29, 10:54 AM
Jin Status:
HP: 51/81
Effects: Ongoing Poison Damage 10 (save ends)

As the poison gas washes over Jin, she smirks. With a flick of her wrist, her sword flies under the cloud and strikes out at the attacking abomination!

Trigger: Green has hit Jin
Effect: Jin may make a basic attack against Green, and Corona may move up to her speed and make a melee basic attack against Green.

Type: Ranged
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Damage, If Needed: [roll2]

Regardless of if her blade strikes true, the attack leaves Green open for Corona. "All yours, Corona!"

2019-10-29, 08:42 PM
The blade flings past the monster's arms, ripping the edge of its scaly crest and scoring a rivulet of blood. It seems not to bother it too much; in fact, it seems to enjoy the obvious harm you've caused it.

31 is a hit, and 17 is some solid damage. Good work!
I'll go ahead and reveal this now: The two in armor are elite soldiers and the abominable scaley is a standard brute.

As Jin's shouting carries through the room, you all begin to hear scraping and scuttling noises coming from the tunnels...

You got [roll0] rounds before this fight gets harder.

2019-10-30, 06:25 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage
(Accepting MBA)

Corona attacks with her tiny rapier, lunging at the green monster in the maze.

[roll0] Versus Reflex, Greeny.

Note black is Marked, and green and white are probably immobilized and are taking -4 to attacks.

2019-11-01, 03:12 PM
Taking the hit squarely in its chest, the mutant thrashes its tail and flails out with its arm as if trying to push away your sword.
The black scaled kobold stands up and waves its hand with a grin and the hiss of a whisper, tossing a gout of burning, liquified rock in an arc around itself.

Move to get up, standard to attack opponents in a Close Burst 3 against Reflex...
Kiresh: [roll0]
Jin: [roll1]
Briespen: [roll2]
Corona: [roll3]
Chereth (if he is still here and near Blacky?): [roll4]
for [roll5] fire damage on a hit, or half damage on a miss. Unless someone can prevent the fire damage somehow, the cloud will most likely explode for 10 more damage (as described in the effect that I posted before).
This was its encounter power, and I think it almost bloodied just about the whole party. Good thing the white one doesn't have an encounter power, and none of these encounter powers recharges when the enemy gets bloodied. Oh wait... :smallamused:
>> Why can't I ever roll this well as a player??? Though, after you kill these the reinforcements are chumps. Dangerous as support, though.

Chereth and Kiresh, you're up! Whitey is going to delay on his turn, so don't wait up.

2019-11-02, 02:20 PM
At the first sign of danger, the catfolk takes decidedly defensive measures, and bamfs on out of there. Gritting his teeth he focuses on blacky again, using the shadows to try and attack the beast once more.

Took 10 points of poison damage

Reaction - Slayers's Escape to F9
Slayer’s Escape Assassin Utility 6
After you are struck, you fold shadows around yourself and
Encounter ✦ Shadow, Teleportation
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: You teleport 5 squares, and you become invisible until
the start of your next turn.

Free action to apply a shroud

Executioner’s Noose Assassin Attack 1
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around
your foe’s neck, and pull.
At-Will ✦ Force, Implement, Shadow
Standard Action R anged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Dexterity modifier force damage, and you pull the
target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your
next turn.
Level 21: 2d6 + Dexterity modifier force damage.

[roll0] vs Fort
[roll1] Force damage.

having successfully attacked the beast, pulling it away, the catfolk Bamfs out again this time appearing behind Corona

2019-11-06, 04:09 AM
Kiresh seems to enter a battle-fury, screaming out a soundless wave of palpable electric energy that makes the air seem to bend. He smashes the black abomination with his staff and races across the room to do the same to the green one. A wine-red lightning bolt briefly leaps between the genasi and his first target, singeing both -- but the kobold gets the worse end of that deal.

2019-11-06, 11:29 AM
The scimitar-wielding mutant's chestplate crumples inward, and it releases a sputtering roar. The sounds coming from the pit of its throat are interrupted by streaks of blue-white lightning that arc between the nostrils on its snout.
The tauric abomination, still (in part) recoiling from the last strike and recovering from the use of its breath weapon, is caught off-guard again and gets its tail crushed and disjointed as a result.
The whitescales tries to shake off the confusing effects of the mirrors, and snakes its claws into what appears to be a vicelike grip on empty air.

He uses a minor action to attempt a saving throw: [roll0]
And, he uses Diabolic Grasp on Corona, provoking an opportunity attack from Kiresh: [roll1] vs Reflex (-4 if the saving throw didn't succeed), [roll2] damage and slide Corona to K10 on a hit.
If he succeeded on his save, he'll shift to L9.

Just Helping
2019-11-07, 11:54 AM

Jin takes a step back from the black-hued foe, quickly throwing her sword at the enemy as she retreats. Unfortunately, she flinches from the poison and her throw goes wide, her sword harmlessly flying around before returning to her grasp. Nodding to herself, Jin sends a blast of healing energy to Kiresh.

Jin's actions:
HP:51/81 -> 41/81
Save: [roll0]

Move: Shift H8 -> I9
Standard: Greater Magic Weapon
-- Attack: [roll1]
-- Damage: [roll2]
-- Crit Dmg: [roll3]

Minor: Curative Admixture for Kiresh -- Kiresh regains hit points equal to Kiresh's healing surge + 5

If Magic Weapon hits, Corona gets +1 to hit and +4 to damage until the end of their next turn.

2019-11-15, 04:47 PM
The greenscales swings at Corona with its fullblade!

[roll0] vs Reflex, for [roll1], half damage on a miss.

2019-11-16, 01:11 PM
Corona Sugarfloss, Fancy Swordmage

Corona Sugarfloss is bloodied by the blow! She retaliates by striking with a brilliantly glowing blade against the green monster.

[roll]1d20+18[roll] 20 Versus AC
[roll1] versus Will
[roll]1d8+ and dazed until the end of my next turn.

If she dazes it, she will hide in Keresh's square for cover w/ Teeny Target.

Four Corners Attack
Encounter 11✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence modifier + Wisdom modifier damage. Make a secondary attack against the target.
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude, Intelligence vs. Reflex, or Intelligence vs. Will
Hit (Fortitude): If the attack hits the target’s Fortitude de- fense, the target takes 1[W] damage and is knocked prone. Hit (Reflex): If the attack hits the target’s Reflex defense, the target takes 1[W] damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Hit (Will): If the attack hits the target’s Will defense, the target takes 1[W] damage and is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Just Helping
2019-11-18, 12:07 PM

Jin once again intercedes on an enemy's attack, charging her sword with lightning before throwing it at the green-scaled foe!

To-Hit: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
Crit Dmg: [roll2]

On a hit, Corona will gain resist 5 all until the end of my next turn, including against the triggering attack.

2019-11-20, 06:39 PM
Shifting its weight to the side, the abomination barely avoids Jin's blade with a cunning twist of its upper body.

The horned blackscales hurls itself towards Briespen, swinging its shield but keeping its sword aimed straight forward.

[roll0] versus AC on Briespen, provoking from Jin but with a +2 AC versus the OA for having the Defensive Mobility trait. Damage on a hit: [roll1].

Chereth, you're up!

Just Helping
2019-11-21, 12:47 PM
Jin catches her blade, immediately lashing out at the enemy running past her.

Hit: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
Crit (on a 20): [roll2]

2019-11-22, 01:17 AM
With another puff of darkness smoke, the assassin slipped around back behind Bri, putting another shroud on blackie before unleashing a number of darts at the beast.

Shadow Darts Assassin Attack 1
You launch a volley of chilling darts of shadow energy at your
Encounter ✦ Cold, Implement, Shadow
Standard Action R anged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex. Make three attack rolls. If any of
them hit, resolve them as a single hit, and all of them must
miss for the attack to miss.
Hit: 1d8 cold damage if one of the attack rolls hits, 2d8 cold
damage if two hit, or 3d8 cold damage if three hit.

darts at blackie, invoking shrouds..

[roll0] Dart 1 [roll1]
[roll2] Dart 2 [roll3]
[roll4] Dart 3 [roll5]
+3 damage for Ki Focus

[roll6] Shroud
[roll7] shroud damage/focus./

2019-11-22, 11:26 AM
Corona's Trap Card!!!!

(Blacky had triggered Corona's mark, -3 mark penalty)

[roll0] versus refl
[roll1] damage

2019-12-03, 05:51 PM
Continuing his flurry of violent movement, Kiresh briefly transforms into a wind-whipped wave of caustic acid, splashing over the white aberration before retracting. Nearly unnoticed in the mad fray, a piece of the wave solidifies separately from the genasi, a small wedge of material floating in the air, dark green but rapidly moving toward red-black.

Kiresh brings down his staff hard in a two-handed smash deliberately between the two nearer foes. The air seems to groan and warp for just a moment before a flash of lightning connects the kobolds.

Minor action: put familiar in active mode in my space. It doesn't do anything yet, just setting up a later benefit.

Move action: flowing evasion targeting myself. I'll shift into Whitey's space and then back out to K10, dealing 5 acid damage to Whitey from my pitted flowstone. The shift improves my AC and Reflex for another turn. When I take a move action, IIRC my familiar can as well, which it'd use to shift from my original space in K11 to J12.

Standard action: vault the fallen, targeting Whitey and Greeny. No OA due to Staff Expertise. EDIT: And by "vault the fallen" I mean "arc lightning", which is the power I actually rolled for.
Whitey: [roll0] vs Reflex, with a hit dealing [roll1] lightning, choosing not to slide
Greeny: [roll2] vs Reflex, with a hit dealing [roll3] lightning, slide to L9 on a hit

A little trap card of my own -- if an adjacent enemy attacks me and I'm still standing, hit or miss, I'll use curtain of steel ("curtain of wood", I guess, it's a staff):

[roll4] vs AC, [roll5] lightning damage and slide1 if there seems to be a worse place for them to stand. A crit will trigger rampage since this is a barbarian power.

Just Helping
2019-12-21, 11:18 AM

Jin wordlessly shifts to the right, completing the flank with Corona. Her longsword charges with a light arcane aura as she strikes out at the flanked foe.

Move: Shift to J9
Standard: Magic Weapon
To-Hit with flank: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Dmg: [roll2]
Rider On Hit: Kiresh gets +1 to attack and +4 to damage until end of next turn

Her blade strikes true, cutting into the beast's flesh as Kiresh receives an arcane buff.

2019-12-24, 04:26 PM
Corona Sugarfloss

Corona salutes Jin with her rapier, then follows up with an attack!

[roll0] Vs. AC
[roll1] dmg
[roll2] Vs. Reflex or be dazed.

Encounter 11✦ Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence modifier + Wisdom modifier dam-
age. Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude, Intelligence vs. Reflex, or Intelligence vs. Will
Hit (Fortitude): If the attack hits the target’s Fortitude de- fense, the target takes 1[W] damage and is knocked prone. Hit (Reflex): If the attack hits the target’s Reflex defense, the target takes 1[W] damage and is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Hit (Will): If the attack hits the target’s Will defense, the target takes 1[W] damage and is dazed until the end of your next turn.