View Full Version : Need Keypad for Someone Who Can’t Speak

2019-09-13, 03:54 PM
I have a parent in the hospital who’s on a breathing mask and unable to speak. I’m trying to find something she can use to type out letters on a screen.

We’ve tried my phone, but the virtual keys are too small and she doesn’t have the coordination for it. Is there anything else we could use? I feel like there should be some sort of kid’s touchpad that could work here, but not sure what would fit the need.

Something with keys is essential, since her handwriting is too shaky. The ones I’ve found on Amazon are either too expensive or complete junk. Can anyone recommend something that would work?

2019-09-13, 04:47 PM
You could get a kids EZ type keyboard and hook it to a tablet. That would give her large keys to use and a screen that shows what she says. There are other ones built for adults that cost a lot more for what is basically the same thing if bright colors seem offensive.

2019-09-14, 02:47 AM
If she can use a regular computer keyboard, she can type on a phone/tablet using either a Bluetooth keyboard or a USB keyboard (you'll need an adapter to plug it into the phone - my friend has one for the "fake laptop" he built with a mechanical keyboard and a tablet on a stand).

Manga Shoggoth
2019-09-14, 04:31 AM
Would something like this do it? Big Button Keyboard (https://www.techsilver.co.uk/product/big-button-keyboard-large-keys/).

The Royal National Institute for the Blind also do stuff like this: Large print Bluetooth mini keyboard for iOS and MAC (https://shop.rnib.org.uk/accessible-technology/computers/keyboards/large-print-bluetooth-keyboard-for-ios-and-mac-white-on-black-keys.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2-LJuP_P5AIVDLDtCh0hAwekEAQYAyABEgI0IfD_BwE#fo_c=159 4&fo_k=9918b9178c45fe346efb0276fee69001&fo_s=gplauk). Might be worth having a look around their site for other ideas.

(Granted, these are UK outlets, but you should be able to get the same sort of stuff locally)

2019-09-14, 05:44 AM
You could try to simply use a tablet or laptop. On that the virtual keys are larger than on a Phone (at least, on my old and large tablet they are). My dad also has coordination issues after a stroke and he can use a tablet and laptop without too much problems.