View Full Version : PTU: The Blossoming World IC

2019-09-14, 06:55 PM
Recruitment thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?596660-GM-Found-Recruitment-Hoping-for-a-pokemon-tabletop-united-game)
OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?597975-PTU-The-Blossoming-World)
IC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?598031-PTU-The-Blossoming-World-IC)
Encounter maps (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1192TyVua1HLOeC_VppHwh8Gh6LjcdFcXUPYJf7N25oM/edit?usp=sharing)
World map (http://i.imgur.com/WECboBu.jpg)
Shipping chart (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kkL7tFH65q2pHBHveVG8C5og2kz0nOd1fk93ZFFsbp4/edit?usp=sharing)

Yesterday, you woke up as ordinary people, gathered with your tribesfolk and the rest of Hoenn on the banks of the River Mauve, all of you praying for guidance and salvation from the gods in answer to dire omens.

For the first time in memory or lore, the gods answered.

Yesterday, you went to bed as the chosen champions of the gods who blessed you with unimaginable powers, set above the rest of your kin and saddled with the world's hopes.

How about that?

After the wave of divine manifestations and blessings, and some ensuing havoc from the spirits appearing around the Chosen who hadn't found seclusion beforehand, the senior Pyre priests and oracles went around inviting the Chosen - 'inviting' because there is no authority or force left in the world that can command you - to a private meeting to determine the gods' designs for them and how best to carry them out.

The earthen room was dark, lit only by a small fire around which the elders sat. Many of the Chosen who attended - some dozen or so - stayed in the darkness, or covered their faces with cloth or masks. Few spoke, most still wrestling inwardly with the weight of their new powers and responsibilities.

Each Chosen and oracle brought their own piece of understanding regarding the gods' wishes, and collectively you determined the core of your task: to go out into the world as your patrons' agents and use their power to do what they cannot in the physical realm, binding and anchoring the spirits they have scattered for the purpose of revitalizing the stagnating ecosystem.

However, not all are of one mind of how to conduct this task, or the nuances of its meaning, or how to appropriately represent their patron in the course of things. They began to leave, in ones and twos, or else listened to the forming plan but refused to go along with it for their own reasons. In the end, only you five decided to travel together, having plotted a course that takes you near eighteen sacred sites across Hoenn where you will imbue spirits into the land as a wellspring of power for their kin to follow.

The next day, a public ceremony was arranged to announce the Chosen who wished to be recognized, for the populace to shower them with blessings and gifts for their long journey. You note that a number of Chosen had already departed during the night, while others appeared here who you do not recall at the private meeting.

Your overall impression from the gathered tribes... is that only those closest to you still acknowledge you as yourself. To everyone else, you have become something greater than and set apart from their lives - symbols, perhaps, but no longer people. You can expect to be hailed as heroes and avatars of the gods wherever you go, your needs taken care of and every wish answered to the best of their humble means. But it seems you will only find human warmth and empathy from those who share your burden and those precious few who can still see you for who you are behind the miracle. Treasure and nurture those bonds, for they will light your way when the stars go dark.

Your place in the world has irrevocably changed. How will you let it change you?

With the festivities concluded, you five are veritably kicked out before midday, given packs full of food and a hearty farewell. You'll be three days to Slateport, where runners have been sent ahead to prepare a boat to take you to the first sacred site on Dewford Island, where you'll be received by a small settlement of Slate sea-farmers who provide for those who await changes in tide and weather to return to the mainland.

Once the noise of the festival grounds being deconstructed fades behind you, the blessed silence of the road is your first real chance to catch your collective breath. No priests telling you they know best, no family and friends smothering you with praise or tears, no perpetual crowds that defy all efforts at privacy...

Just you five with common duty and the will to face it together, the wind and the river and the grass rustling beneath your feet, and the invisible spirits you now know permeate the world.

Maybe you'd like to introduce yourselves, get to know your fellow hero-pilgrims, and start sorting out your thoughts and feelings now that you're allowed to think in peace?

2019-09-14, 07:27 PM
It was curious, perhaps. Of many of the tribes that geared for this day, few were as meticulously cold and calculating with her gambit as one Song Hwa-young, who seemed to have asbolutely no surprise that her daughter had managed to contract the spirit of destruction, Yveltal, and become its chosen.

She seemed ready to field any and all questions from everything from Pyre tribe priests to curious onlookers and everything else. And by 'field' questions, she was as a ruthless scythe cutting the chaff from the wheat.

Seul-bi spent most of the following twenty-four hours in seclusion, having no one but the one companion she trusted to be by her side.

It didn't matter that people didn't view her as anything but a symbol. People didn't really think of her as a person anyway. They never have. And her mother never let them consider her as one. She was born to be a vessel, a container for the purpose of regenerating the world, no matter how dark the task may be.

And it is with quietness that the shrine maiden of Yveltal walks with her companions. To those who already know her, she's quiet and morose; depressive might be an apt word for it, the way she quietly murmurs and never really raises her voice or voices much of an opinion. But she is driven and ready, to do what it is that must be done -- for that is most of the reason she has ever been given to live her life. And those who know her as well know that much of the emote and cheer comes from her lifelong pokemon companion, perhaps the only one she truly opens her heart to so far:


doof doof doof doof doof

Yes, it's a big round Bidoof, Bee-na.

Bee-na clambers on her head and she sinks a little underneath her companion's sheer weight. "... that's heavy ... Bee-na ..."

2019-09-14, 08:43 PM
Goldi hadn't done much talking during the grand meeting. While they had all presumably been given a bit of insight into what the gods wanted from them, she got the feeling they'd each gotten mostly an insight into what their god wanted from them. And some had darker designs than others. Jirachi's insight had been...vague. She knew now he was the patron of wishes, and it seemed that while he was abundant in benevolence he was a little lacking in self-direction. So she had spent more time listening than speaking. Her duty as the Wish Granter might be the one that decided a tipping point in the future, and she had to understand the situation if she was to avoid causing a catastrophe.

As the small group walked down the path Goldi was observing the others. She'd been the one to speak up and suggest they travel together. None of them had brought up anything about 'cleansing the land through a holy flame' or establishing cults to worship their power, which a week ago would have seemed like too low a bar for new friends, but she'd had to adjust her expectations over the course of the past few hours. But now she was getting a little worried, as they'd been walking for a few minutes in general silence.

'Should I say something?'

She had some experience with leading small groups, but those had been younger children learning forest-craft, an area she was experienced in. In this group she seemed to be the youngest, and at best none of them had any idea what they were doing. She didn't want to entertain the idea that she was the only one so far out of her element.

'I should say something. Just to get things started.'

She was about to speak when Seul-bi's voice caught her off-guard, and for a moment she was relieved that someone else had taken the first step. And slightly embarrassed at her relief when it turned out to be a response to her spirit climbing atop her head, and not directed at them.

'Say something! Just say something! Say anything'

"Hello I am Goldi!"



'Say something better!'

"I'm, uh, sorry I don't know if there's really a proper way of talking about these things. I guess just saying them? I'm not sure if you remember me from the meeting, I didn't say much. I'm the Chosen of Jirachi the Wish Granter, Willow Innslow. My friends call me Goldi, and I hope you all will too."

Ushering a small bear out from behind her legs she presented Wallace to the group. "This is Wallace. He's been helping me to tend to plants while we travel, and we've already found some amazing things that can be done by cross-pollinating plants. It's like syrup sap, only better. I...I guess that's kind of my thing for now? Trying to make the world better in a million tiny ways. Jirachi's insight was a little vague, so I hope to learn from all of you and our journey, to know best where to apply the powers I've been gifted."

2019-09-14, 09:52 PM
"H-hello," Seul-bi pips up in surprise as someone else finally speaks up. She rather looks like she has much the same thoughts, though on her end it's almost as if she was used to it... like she shouldn't intrude. A pause. There's a weight to ther tone -- not a weight as if speaking with authority, but a weight as if the very act of speaking was very much difficult. "My name is Song Seulbi, of the Tree Tribe. I am.... I am the Chosen of Yveltal."

... or maybe it's just the weight of Doof on her head?

She looks to Wallace, and though it's faint, a glimmer exists in her eyes. "He's very cute..." she whispers. Lower. Lower.

"Bee-na, please... my head..." she quietly begs.

Bee-na doesn't move. Doof is forever. Doof is head.

2019-09-15, 12:52 AM
The last to arrive at the grand meeting, Brant had missed the opening discussions. After meeting with Sergio, he'd gone to follow after Kites and see what was wrong. He'd never seen that look in his brother's eyes before - always intense, but never that... hostile.

'Forget him. We said that we would go to the meeting.'

The thought ran through his head as he stood at the edge of the festival, looking out at the river. The fluffy shape in his arms wriggled around, adjusting its position, his robes sticking to it and wrapping around it like a little cocoon. Brant looked down at the creature, the 'Swirlix' it was called, a name like a memory from somewhere he'd never been. But that was a classification, not a real name. He would have to think of a name for her.

It was true that he had told Sergio he would attend the meeting. Not wanting to disappoint his mentor, Brant turned his back on the river. He never did contribute anything to the meeting, but he was given a time and a place to meet with other Chosen.

There are fewer of them than Brant remembers seeing at the meeting.

'Selfish. A poor choice.'

Why wouldn't they show up? Didn't they know what was at stake? Taking a breath, Brant releases his tension as he realizes his fists are balled together in frustration. He runs one hand over the back of the other, tracing his knuckles and bones. Dulce - he'd chosen the name for the Swirlix - has decided to take a ride in the hood of his robe. It looks like another Spirit is trying to clamber atop its partner's head. Perhaps they naturally enjoy being at elevated positions, or was it the increased visibility range? An assertion of dominance? Brant had seen that sort of behavior, among his community's leaders. They would hold themselves up high.

Brant has never stood high. He walks in a hunched posture, eyes furtively glancing up for only a moment before looking back at where is feet are going. When the topic of cross-pollinating plants comes up, his demeanor shifts, eyes brightening. "You've been cross-breeding plants?" he asks, stopping to reach back and retrieve his rucksack. Undoing the clasps, he opens it up and displays the portable grower he has inside - nothing growing right now, he'd just picked it up at the festival before they left. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

"I had a garden, back home. I've been, ah, trying to produce a strain of wheat resistant to the rootrot. For wet season," he opens up, smiling broadly. This is the first time he's met someone who experiments like him! "The dark-seed specimens also have thicker roots, so I think the traits are tied together. But the thicker roots dry out more easily in dry season."

2019-09-15, 09:10 AM
"That's amazing!" Goldi exclaimed, pulling out her own planter. Inside are some wild rawstberries beginning to fruit. "I've never been in one place long enough to try anything with grains, but berries have a pretty fast growth cycle and can be found pretty easily in the wild, so I've done quite a bit with those. I only really have a surface level understanding of how it all comes together, it's more trial and error for me. Maybe we can compare notes, there might be some wild berries with the right traits to solve your problems? Oh, oh, when we stop for lunch I'll pick a few and make us all some snacks! Wild Rawst preserves and honey on oats. The honey is a new addition, but the rawst and oats are a traditional traveling snack for Soot."

2019-09-15, 11:26 AM
Though there hadn't been too many people to witness Senyu's heedless flight from Grandmother's hut into the dark woods, somehow word seemed to have spread around the festival by the time the Chosen assembled for their meeting. Thankfully most of the populace were still working on the assumption that the Chosen could do no wrong, and his mad dash from the festival grounds seemed to have been taken as something of great spiritual importance.

Still, there had been one benefit to his run - on his way back, he'd happened to run into another Chosen (not literally, fortunately, though it was something of a close call); a young woman from the Slate Tribe who'd just been leaving the area of the festival grounds that had been occupied by the Pyre Tribe's priests. They'd briefly discussed their new situation before going their separate ways (in no small part to avoid drawing too much attention from the gathered festivalgoers) - and he'd been rather happy to see her at the meeting, and happier still that she was one of the five Chosen who'd finally decided to stick together. She was, to some extent, the closest thing to a friend he had now. Even Melia was treating him differently - less like an equal. He supposed it wasn't entirely inaccurate.

Unlike the others, Senyu didn't have a spirit physically travelling with him; his spirit was residing in whatever splinter of his soul it had taken to calling home. This was as much a practical consideration as anything else - the small metallic spirit was powerful but slow, and despite being barely the size of Senyu's head it weighed as much as he did.

He was absently paying attention to the discussion between the duo in front of him as they compared notes on breeding new strains of plants. Grandmother would be furious. 'It's for the gods to seed the world with life, not us mere mortals.' Not that she can do much about it now. A smirk twitched at the corner of his lips before he remembered, flushing slightly with embarrassment, that the conversation had been precipitated by the younger girl introducing herself.

"Uh, I'm Senyu, Chosen of Our Great Mother." Unlike the other two, he didn't use his patron's true name. "Also of the Tree Tribe. Thus the, uh..." He trailed off somewhat, raising the ornate staff he was carrying with him. He couldn't quite bring himself to proclaim it was a tool for channelling the will of the gods. "...this."

2019-09-15, 12:29 PM
"I've only been to Tree territory once since I was old enough to lead foraging teams, are you from Fortree? That's actually where the original cutting for my plant comes from, my mother got it as a gift from someone there and raised it from when she was a girl, and when I had learned how to care for it she gave me a cutting to tend as my own."

She wanted to ask about the staff, it clearly meant something to him but just as clearly there were things he was working out for himself. "I could tell the people there really care about their lands. There are so many places that you can only find quality wildberries along soot trails, where caravans have tended to the bushes and berries. Tree, though, anywhere you look you might be able to find wild orchards and berry patches."

2019-09-15, 12:45 PM
Rayleigh had arrived relatively early to the meeting, though not of punctuality. In truth, she had not been inclined to the service at all, and maintained herself in a secluded corner during the proceedings. Of course, they would linger. she had uncomfortably mused, having made sure to keep a sharp eye out for the rest of the Stone Family, who would surely wish to keep face and linger, even as she could detect the disappointed stare of her father and the furious scowl of her brother, for no one within their noble lineage had been chosen, as far as they knew. Nevertheless, Rayleigh had stayed. Not that she needed to; most of the Priests had been running on the same itinerary born from what knowledge they possessed, and when she asked for genuine guidance away from her family, she was fortunate enough to receive kind assistance then and there.

This meeting was but a refresher to the previous aid she received. However, in choosing to leave her family without informing them at all as to what had happened, Rayleigh choose to forsake any chance of her old social network being able to assist her at all. So when she encountered a youth similar to herself the previous day, already interested in setting off as soon as possible, almost already prepared to put their old lives behind them, the two had actually somewhat hit it off, and somehow convinced each other to return for their own safety and peace. And it was more on him than on the speaker that Rayleigh's eyes drifted from her corner. And in following him, outside the view of anyone from her old lineage as much as possible, Rayleigh discovered her new traveling companions. Perhaps her first new real friends.

"I've never had much chance to actually study how the plant life that my people use is grown." Rayleigh pipes in, with some legitimate curiosity, moving forward to catch a better view of the planter in Brant's hands. "I've only been able to assist with the cultivation of our fruits at best. When you stop, would you be troubled if I watched?"

Realizing part way through her request that she had not introduced herself as the others did, she adds "My name is Rayleigh of the Slate Tribe, Chosen of the Rainbow Flame. It is a pleasure to be included." There was no need to mention her family. She hoped not to have to worry about them for a long time.

2019-09-15, 12:47 PM
"I'd be happy to teach you!" Brant swings his backpack around back into its place, bumping Dulce's spot hanging in his hood. The little spirit had been napping peacefully in her mobile hammock, but not stirs awake, blinking her eyes and looking around. "I call the system I've discovered, ah..." he laughs nervously and rubs the back of his arms, "B.. Brantalian inheritance. Er, I," at that moment, he realized he hasn't introduced himself.

"Oh, I'm Brant," the young man extends a hand. If shaken, it turns out his hand is coated in some sort of sticky substance. "I was Chosen, too. Obviously. I am the Hero of Truth." He says the words awkwardly, hesitantly. They still don't feel right on his tongue. 'Hero' is such a lofty title.

Dulce tries to hop down from Brant's hood, only to stop suddenly in the air. "Ah! Ow!" Brant's ponytail has caught onto the spirit's hide, and now she's dangling in the air with her feet kicking, Brant hopping backwards on one foot and trying not to tip over and fall from the sudden shift of balance. "Help!"

2019-09-15, 01:35 PM
The Hero of Truth? Rayleigh muses, putting her palm up to her face to stifle her giggle. It had been a while since she had reason to smile so much recently; the muscles in her face felt unused for a while. We may be picked for a greater purpose, but he seems to be ready to be a Legend! Nevertheless, she personally accepts his handshake with some grace, only slightly jolted by the sticky wet sensation in his palm. Taking only the briefest moment to clean her own hand, Rayleigh moves to grab Brant's shoulders. "Be careful! Here, let me help, Hero." she replies, her slightly sly grin faintly returning as she did.

2019-09-15, 01:54 PM
Goldi couldn't help but laugh at the antics around her. 'I think we're gonna get along just fine.'

Taking a moment to compose herself and take in a large breath of fresh air, she let it out in a loud relieved whoosh. "Alright, I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm confident we can do whatever it is." A brilliant smile was on her face as she turned to address the group."So, I know we're still a long way off from the boat, but what would you all say to some team building exercise? It's probably best to get all of our embarrassing rookie mistakes out of the way out here where no one can see us, right? How about we find a good looking spot around here and see what it is we can really do?"

2019-09-15, 02:08 PM
Steadied by Rayleigh grabbing his shoulders, Brant reaches back to get a hold of the dangling fairy and gently peel his hair off of her, so he could set her down. A few stray locks are still stuck to Dulce, and Brant embarrassedly picks them off. "... No more hood rides. At least until I get a haircut, okay?" Dulce looks up at him with a tongue-dangling pout before getting distracted by something else.

Released unto the ground, Dulce is drawn towards the smell of something sweet in Wallace's tiny claws and waddles over to investigate. Brant stands back up and tries to flick the removed hairs off of his hands. At least the source of the mysterious coating on his hands was now obvious. "Sorry about that. And thanks, it was Rayleigh right?"

Chuckling uncertainly, he suggests, "For this exercise, maybe we should go down by the river? I think I need to wash up."

2019-09-15, 03:05 PM
"Yeah, I came from Fortree," Senyu nodded to Goldie, wearing a smile that was somewhere between proud and embarrassed at her praise for his tribe's home. "To be honest, I didn't do much of the plant cultivation side of things, though," he admitted. "You're probably a lot better at that than me. I mostly -"

He was distracted from his idle mutterings - directed as much at himself than Goldie or the group - by Brant's plight. He started forwards to help, but Rayleigh got there first. "Try not to squash your spirit on your first day," he remarked, drily, once it was obvious that all was well, evidently none too inclined to continue with whatever train of thought had been interrupted.

"River sounds good to me," he agreed, as the topic turned to testing out their new abilities. I wish I could be as confident as you are.

"I think my first spirit is a spirit of...earth? Stone? I haven't really got the hang of this yet. But in any case, I'd like to expand my repertoire of spirits."

2019-09-15, 04:13 PM
Seul-bi starts shrinking away and just behind the group as the conversation takes place. It doesn't really change her habit now that she's out here in the world... quietly tuck away and let people discuss and be social, and only speak if you're called for. It's better that way...

She doesn't exactly know anything about botany or what they're talking about berries and honey, though Senyu mentioning he was from the same Tribe does pique her interest. Did she remember him? She doesn't remember... there were lots of people at the Grand Festival.

"Um. Okay," she answers as Goldi suggests going by the river to try their abilities.

2019-09-15, 04:37 PM
"I would like to see us further our connections with our spirits and each other just as much as we might forge new connections." Rayleigh replies, pulling from within her pocket a Brucite colored Crystal, which within dwell her spirit, still sleeping. As she gave it her attention, however, the creature within stirred, returning her gaze. In but a flash, she was carrying the four legged hairy creature in her arms, its contained clutched in her fist. "At least, I feel I might need to work on mine. Some of you already have names for the ones that came to you, but I still don't even have that for..." with a pause, Rayleigh found herself momentarily stuck. She sheepishly lifted her companion a bit further into the air, examining its body, as it starred at her, its head half-cocked. After a moment, she brought the creature back to chest level, blushing slightly. "him. I do not yet even have a name for him."

2019-09-15, 06:44 PM
"Oh, eheh, she'll be fine," Brant murmurs half-apologetically to Senyu, waving off his dry chastisement. "Very malleable. Like a cushion. ...With syrup poured all over it."

Interest piqued by the crystal Rayleigh had drawn, Brant takes a step closer, circling to get a look at it from different angles. "A form of 'storage' for your spirit? Curious, yes, very, where did you come to find such a thing?" Reaching into a pocket, Brant fishes out a bit of paper on a whittled-flat bark backing, and a thin piece of charcoal. "As a matter of fact," welling with curiosity powerful enough to burn away his usual aversion to human interaction, Brant holds up a finger and performs a 360-degree turn as if to gather the group's attention around it like a spindle. "Each of us has a spirit already, yes? How did you come to find your spirits?"

"As I feared that I was having a heatstroke, Dulce emerged from a piece of candy. Soot candy," he points at Goldi, not accusingly, but as if the gesture were a demonstration of where 'Soot' candy came from. "Now, I don't have her candy here for a more thorough analysis of its properties, because she... well, she ate it. But if any of you still possess the object from which your spirit appears..." his voice trails off and he whirls his finger around, gesturing for everyone to cough up.

Dulce, meanwhile, has hopped and waddled over to Wallace, whose honey-covered claws have gained her attention.

2019-09-16, 04:24 AM
A thorough analysis?..I didn't even know the spirits came from a specific object!

Senyu glanced back briefly at Seul-bi as she started to fall behind the group a little bit. Maybe it was the furry spirit sitting on her head slowing her down. He paused for a few moments, rummaging in his belt pouch for the little carved figurine. "It was dark when I unintentionally performed a summoning, so I don't know what specifically my spirit came from," he admitted, "but I...contained it, or whatever the correct term is, in this. Though I'm not sure whether the figurine has any real power now the binding has been completed or whether my spirit is simply a part of me now." He gave a small shrug, and made a vague gesturing motion, which caused a small, four-legged metallic creature to materialise on the ground in the midst of the group.

It was the first time he'd had a good opportunity to examine his own spirit, though he wasn't sure what it was capable of - or really very much about it at all. He certainly couldn't mimic Rayleigh's method of determining its sex. "Do we know for sure that spirits only have two sexes?" he asked the group at large. "They aren't human, after all. For all we know they might have one, or five, or dozens."

"Uh, in any case, if we intend to perform another summoning to test our abilities...when I last performed one, I conjured half a dozen spirits - maybe more, but I couldn't see all of them. So we probably shouldn't all perform summonings simultaneously. Maybe just one of us, for now?" While he was speaking, he caught back up to the group - though he didn't resume his former position in the midst of the others, instead keeping pace with Seul-bi. He didn't really want anyone to feel left out on their first day, and she certainly seemed quiet. He didn't overtly try to draw her into the conversation, though, just giving her a friendly smile if she happened to look at him.

Meanwhile, the metallic spirit he'd brought out hauled itself (rather slowly) over to Dulce and Wallace, examining them curiously. It was...rather difficult to determine its emotions given its lack of any real expression, but it seemed friendly enough.

2019-09-16, 06:31 AM
"I think.... I think my spirit was given to me."

Rayleigh had glanced from one figure to another, curious how her story might sound. It was certainly different from either of Brants or Senyu's, and she was not sure of the theory herself yet. "I'd encountered another, much more powerful natural phenomena.", Rayleigh began to explain. "It was after I ....after I met my Patron, so to speak. I'd almost returned to the area where I first saw it, and then, Lightning burst through the forest. B-but it wasn't at all the way it should have been; the sky above was almost cloudless, and the bolt flew sideways in-between the trees. It even paused right in front of me." she gesticulated, holding her companion on one arm to demonstrate the movement with her free hand. "And at the spot that the Lightning had paused, a ball of static lingered for a while... and it turned into this little one when I focused on him." she finished, petting the creature she was holding, as he starred at the group of companions that had gathered together on the ground.

"I agree that it would be wise to have only one person attempt a Conjuring, as the others observe them. There's still so much to learn: About both the spirits, and ourselves. What they can be summoned from, what they eat, how they communicate, whether they can feel as we feel, what other powers they might have, their gender(s) or lack thereof..." she adds with a slightly embarrassed pause, her face flushed. "What constitutes a proper summoning, whether or nor what is around us matters, how the process might differ between each of us, and whether or not we ourselves are more different now from before. We might be... At least I think I am." Rayleigh admits, the timidness she had been suppressing rearing itself again, as part of her still wished to berate herself for that audacity. "I gained new talents since I met my Patron. One of them was to have crafted this... storage without doing so. It sort of... sprung from my being, when I felt a need for it, when I first met this being."

2019-09-16, 07:40 AM
"I see," Brant slowly lowers his finger into a crook, bringing it to his chin. "So spirits can come from not just objects, but phenomena..." Taking a few short strides to keep up with the little metallic creature, Brant bends down to take a closer look at it. "The shell resembles wrought metal, but purer and smoother than anything manmade. Could it have come from an iron deposit below the ground?" He marks down a few things on his note pad.

"And you did not in fact perform a 'conjuring,' suggesting that you wandered by as someone else performed one," he holds up his finger again, directing it towards Rayleigh. "I find this to be the most likely explanation, as nothing like this has ever occurred naturally before. Or perhaps an aftershock resulting from so many of us conjuring spirits in a short time frame?"

He squats down next to the spirits and makes a turning motion with his hand, directed at the metal one. "Could you roll over, please?"

2019-09-16, 07:59 AM
When the matter of how they found their spirits came up Goldi's smile faltered for just a moment, but she fought through. "I was with my parents, trying to find the words to tell them I had to leave, and already feeling lonely without them. I think I subconsciously was crying out for an anchor to hold on to. And then I saw him." She nodded towards Wallace, who had taken to patting a paw against the smooth head of Senyu's spirit in a gesture halfway between a head-pat and a curious poking. "He was trying to reach some wildberries, and before I knew why I was doing it I'd plopped one off the bush for him. Cooking for people has always made me feel more connected to them, and when I fed Wallace I instantly felt that." Goldi pulled a berry out from a pouch under her cloak, tossing it towards the small gathering of spirits and giggling as Wallace instantly dive-rolled to catch it, then placidly walked back to continue patting his new friend's smooth rocky head as he munched. "If he's ever hiding I can lure him back out with a few berries without fail."

"Alright, so, where should we go? The river and the woods seem the most...spirit...ty...I guess. Although if Wallace came from a berry bush, Dulce from a piece of candy, and Rayleigh found hers in the aftermath of a lightning strike, I get the feeling that literally anything could result in at least something." She shrugged. "Any preference? I definitely want to try in a wild orchard or maybe a flower field, but those are more lucky chances that you stumble upon than seek out."

2019-09-16, 01:43 PM
"Iron? Uh...maybe? I think you probably know a lot more about metals than I do." In truth, Senyu wasn't really that bothered about the specific origin of his little spirit. He gave Goldi a little sympathetic look as she spoke about leaving her parents. He knew all too well how that felt - he might have wanted to leave the Tree Tribe, but that was no fault of his parents' at all. "I think the river might be the best bet," he mused, as much to distract himself from his own loneliness as anything else. "It looks like none of us have spirits that came from rivers or ponds or anything at the moment, and if we're travelling it would be nice to have a guaranteed source of water. Assuming water spirits can do that..."

Down on the ground, Senyu's still-unnamed spirit accepted the curious petting from Wallace happily enough, butting its head up against Wallace's paw playfully. When he came back after his little excursion to catch Goldi's tossed berry, the metallic creature snuffled at his paw and then his mouth, obviously a little intrigued by the berry smell, but then turned its attention to Brant. It tilted its head on one side for a moment and then obeyed, rocking from side to side to build up momentum and then flipping itself onto its back, the impact creating a not insignificant divot in the ground and a thump.

It was only after the metal spirit had flipped itself that it realised that the spike on its back had embedded itself quite thoroughly in the ground, stopping it from righting itself, and it waved its stumpy little legs in the air, giving Brant a rather affronted look as if to blame him for its plight.

2019-09-16, 04:22 PM
Seul-bi looks a bit overwhelmed, but finally answers with no small amount of uncertainty: "I always had... Bee-na with me."

Which isn't exactly something that's... /possible/, given the lack of animals around them until now...

Her eyes almost lull over as she looks up towards the Bidoof to murmur, "Bee-na came to me when I was little. No one seemed to be able to hear her, but I knew she was there with me the entire time. Helping me through thick and thin, keeping me company when there was no one around. She's very cheeky, but I wouldn't trade her for anything else in the world..."

A pause.

"But... it feels like she's actually become very heavy on my head ever since the Grand Festival....... I wonder why that is..."

The Bidoof looks towards the rest of the group, ontop of Seul-bi's head. Her black bead-like eyes gleam a little with protectiveness.

2019-09-16, 05:01 PM
Crouching down next to the... Aron, Brant taps at the hard scales of its belly with a fingernail. "Still quite solid underneath, but certainly top heavy. Can you feel this, Aron?" He asks, the species name coming to his tongue amid a slight wave of dizziness. Realizing the spirit's discomfort, he sets his notepad down and gets a grip on its head and back, gently lifting it with no small effort to help it right itself.

"Apologies, hm. We will need a way for you to get back up if you find yourself upside down without anyone to help..." Brant looks around, then his eyes settle on his notepad. "Aha!" He turns to look up at Senyu and motions to the flat tip of the Aron's spike, "If we construct a disc of wood and place it here, this protrusion will be unable to spear into the ground. Thus preventing him from being stuck."

His eyes scan over to Seul-bi, flicking between her and the Bidoof upon her head. 'And I can't forget about you.' But further questions could wait until they tested their conjuring abilities and found a place to rest. Instead, Brant motions for Goldi to take the lead, then folds his hands in front of him. "Ah, yes. Our destination. Yes. I will bow to the superior experience of the Soot Tribe, naturally."

2019-09-16, 05:21 PM
Goldi giggled and gave an elaborate bow at Brant's compliment. "Then as resident expert in half-randomly wandering, I shall endeavor not to lead us astray."

Survivor/Intuition (4d6+2)
Find Invoking location (target: River location; alternate: Flower field)
Result: 13 (18 if Forest Clues would apply)

2019-09-16, 05:49 PM
"I'm not sure that could have happened, Brant. I made quite sure I was alone. Someone might have come by..." Rayleigh remarks, turning her head up to the sky above as she did, remembering the rainbow. "But I doubt it. I have reason to believe that the second incident was connected to the first... Though either way, I might be the least familiar with what a summoning is intended to be; either I had assistance with mine, or I did not perform one at all..." she added as an afterthought.

As she watched the others interacting with their companions, Rayleigh looked into the face of hers more closely. "Everyone else seems to know so much more... or maybe, everyone else has been taught so much more.... can you teach me what you know?" she whispers to him. For answer, the creature yawns directly into her face. Rayleigh closed her eyes in a nearly nauseated squint. "Thanks a lot, Electrike." Rayleigh stopped, somewhat surprised at what she just said, the last word said as if another had spoken yet. Yet she knew instinctively that this was his name. Or rather, if there were more of him, what they would be called.

That glorious moment of realization flowing through her, Rayleigh smiles at Electrike, until he starts trying to lick her face. With a resigned combination of smirk and sigh, she sets him down, fully expecting, and not being disappointed, to see him immediately sniffing out his others, as she in step with the group to their Invocation Spot. "So. We agree that only one person should attempt this at a time, for safety and for study. Who should it be?" Rayleigh brings up to the group at large, a trace of her own history providing some business-like crispness to her voice.

2019-09-16, 06:52 PM
Dulce, looking somewhat disappointed at being ignored by Wallace, soon gets scooped back up by Brant. He pats the small spirit on the forehead and falls in step behind Goldi. "Come to think of it, my own was unintentional as well. I don't even have one of those 'storages' you and Senyu use." He looks up, while Dulce licks his palm, retrieving some of the sticky, sweet coating she'd left there earlier. "Certainly I could tell when it happened. It was like a wave of heat through my whole body. If I were to try it again, well, I would like to do so by a water source. So that I may cool off easily."

2019-09-17, 03:32 PM
The Aron wiggled its stubby legs a little more quickly when Brant tapped it on the belly, though it was somewhat debatable whether it could actually feel him tapping it or whether it was just hoping he'd help it get back to its feet. It certainly seemed pleased to be the right way up, and nudged Brant's leg gently with its head in an apparent gesture of thanks.

"Would the platform stay attached when I dismiss it back to whatever incorporeal state it lives in, though?" Senyu mused, as he did exactly that, the metallic spirit dissolving into motes of light that flowed back to Senyu and orbited around him for a few moments before sinking into the young shaman's body. Though I don't plan to let it...him...out of my sight.

"Well, if we're planning on doing this conjuring by a river," he continued, "then I see no reason for you to not be the one to perform it, Brant. Though..." He paused for a moment. "Once we get closer to the river, if it's okay, I might take a few moments to try to protect my...uh, Arran?" He mispronounced its name. "...from the water and mud that will be near the river. I don't know much about metal, but I don't think letting him get all wet and muddy would be good for him. He's slow enough as it is." And I can't just hope that every spirit is as willing to befriend me as my little iron friend was.

2019-09-17, 04:24 PM
Seul-bi follows along with the others with that exceptional quietness of hers; the countenance on her face looks unsure enough that she would be able to Invoke a spirit, and it doesn't seem like she'd be the kind to raise her hand and volunteer. Sure enough, she's rather used to the 'be-demanded-of-something' type of relationship. "I'm fine if you... want to do it," she speaks to Brant.

The real power in this relationship has a placidly confident expression of go for it, doof.

2019-09-19, 12:36 AM
Brant concentrates and pushes a wave of energy out from himself along the riverbank. It washes over the ambient spirits, giving them form - strange, colorful, wholly inhuman - and the strength to act upon your world.

For some reason, all of these ones are kinda blobby and cute.

They seem unsurprised, or perhaps unaware, of their new situation. They continue on with whatever they had been doing until you take action to interfere.

Streamlined white spirits with sharp-looking... noses...? fly over the water, chasing little blue long-legged spirits across its surface (how can they stand on top of the water?). Two bouncy blue ones watch from the riverbank, hopping up and down through the tall grass to follow the antics.

Behind you, brown orbs with enormous red eyes watch sleepily from the trees. A trio of red spirits gather around the base of one tree, each rubbing their... head-arms? together to produce a melody like a high-pitched violin - those costly and delicate instruments produced from Fortree wood and fibers, imagine the wonder that spirits can replicate their sound!

A long shadow slips quickly downstream toward you, nearly matching the water's color. Its vinelike body winds in elegant figures, united with invisible currents. You won't have long before it's passed you out of sight.

Please direct your attention to Encounter Maps: Riverbank (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1192TyVua1HLOeC_VppHwh8Gh6LjcdFcXUPYJf7N25oM/edit#gid=821863210)!

You may deploy your Trainer in either Avatar or Divine form, and one spirit if you so choose, anywhere within the yellow area, and immediately take your first turns.

Eschewing the Speed stat for ease of asynchronous play, PCs may act in any order they choose, then all NPCs will act, repeat.
(Speed is still important for evasion and major battles.)

NPCs are identified on the map. Only ones that engage in combat will be specifically labeled on the HP/status tracker.

If your HP is recorded inaccurately, please adjust! You'll also need to update it after leveling up. There's no formulas in the encounter maps to break yet.

2019-09-19, 01:17 AM
As Goldi leads them through the woods to the riverbank, Brant looks out over the water. He chuckles nervously, now, sensing everyone's eyes upon him from behind. As much as he'd wanted to try calling spirits intentionally, being the first and with everyone watching? The stage fright has left a little knot in his stomach. "Hm, well, no time like the present, right?"

Brant gently sets Dulce down and takes a step up to the edge of the water. He stretches his fingers and licks his lips, trying to consider how he might do it. Closing his eyes, he tries to find the place that brilliant presence nestled itself in his core, like a shining sun. A deep breath in, and he exhales. The warmth rushes through him and out into the world, and Brant feels a wave of dizziness come over him, staggering down to one knee. Eyes now open, he sees his skin is glowing, the glow quickly fading.

Then he notices all the shapes and colors moving around that weren't there before, and the knot in his gut turns to a million little fluttering sensations - hopefully not little spirits spawned into his guts, that would be awful.

"I did it!" Brant exclaims, raising his hands up victoriously. Sensing his elation, Dulce worbles and hops up and down beside him, tiny stubby tail thumping the ground.

Completely oblivious or uncaring to the river mud now caking one leg of his pants, Brant turns his attention to the spirits, in their variety of forms. As expected, there are spirits in, on and around the water. Blue colorations, largely, just as the sea reflects the blue of the sky. Inching forward closer to the water, he tries not to move suddenly - at least not again, after his spontaneous celebration. His skin still feels like it's burning up, except where his hands sink into the cold mud. Since the water-skimming spirits are busy in their chase with the air-skimming spirits, he addresses the bouncing ones on the shore, "Pardon me. Spirits. May I wash my face in your river?"

Dulce hops along towards the same place, since those spirits look like the most fun. She's a little more shy around the mud than Brant and hops around the worst patches.

Brant will use his 5 movement to get to K12. Dulce moves with him but avoids the mud and goes to L14.
Brant will attempt to be polite and respectful approaching the spirits.

2019-09-19, 04:49 AM
Senyu watched, curiously, as Brant began to call the spirits, with something of an awestruck expression - and a small flash of envy. It's simple for him. If he can conjure them with nothing more than an act of will, why can I only do it through this ridiculous dance?

As the spirits materialised, though, his attention was completely consumed by them, and he looked between them all in wonder. Last time he'd seen a mass of spirits like this, it had been dark. They're so...beautiful.

It was the sinuous, serpent-like creature that immediately caught Senyu's attention, though, and he stumbled through the brush towards it, avoiding the thicker clumps of foliage instead of trying to push his way through. And then - just as when he'd first met his own spirit - he found himself feeling a strange...connection...to the river-spirit, as though its mind had somehow become a little entangled with his own.

What he didn't realise was that that connection went both ways, and the serpent was getting a view into his soul just as he was unwittingly looking into its. His desire to bring the serpent with him was made manifest - as was his lack of confidence in himself, the lingering envy towards Brant, and the complicated whirl of emotions relating to Grandmother and his training, still simmering away under the surface.

Outwardly, as he pushed his way through the brush, he didn't speak - but as he watched the serpent-like creature moving, his eyes began to glow with an unearthly blueish light, and if anyone looked at him out of the corner of their eyes he would almost seem like there were little patches of scale flowing over his body, appearing and disappearing as though obeying some hidden pattern.

Swift: (Unintentionally) try to Channel the serpent and fail.
Shift: Shift 5 squares, kinda dodging around the rough terrain.
Standard -> Swift: Try again, and succeed this time.

Since it's now Channeled, Senyu learns what all its Moves, Abilities and Capabilities are, and he gets a sense of its emotional state, motivations and memories (if a newly-conjured spirit even has those), and it gets his emotions & intentions/motivations as well. Lasts as long as it's within 20m of him for now (it's currently 11m.)

2019-09-19, 06:32 AM
Rayleigh turned in place, astonished in reverential bliss. "So this is what the world should be like..." The act of Invoking and the energy produced were fascinating in and of themselves, but nothing compared to the new lifeforms spread out around them. Creatures beyond the limits of imagination, hiding in plain sight...

As she finished revolving on the spot, Rayleigh noticed the slender shade hidden under the water. And she noticed that Senyu had noticed it as well. In fact, Rayleigh stared at him for a moment, watching as he silently focused on the object of his gaze, and as he appeared to manifest his own energy. Is that what that looks like?

The creature in the river seemed to be the only spirit nearby that would soon leave the area, if it continued on its course. The others seemed content to be at peace, or to chase each other around. With that observation, Rayleigh moved to follow Senyu, though trying not to be caught in any of the shrubs. As she too allowed her stare to target the aquatic creature, her eyes flashed Vermilion for a moment. "Senyu... I think... I think if I'm looking at it correctly... I think that's called a Dratini." she breathed to him. She did not fully know where the name comes to her; more as if someone else had a designation for it. Yet she trusted it to be true as she did with Electrike, whom conveniently is obeying his Summoner's silent cue to follow her.

Allowing her gaze to shift further downriver, Rayleigh eyes rest upon the long-legged blue spirits standing atop the water. I wonder how long until I know your name. she muses to herself, as she grabs her arms; the sensation of her heart overflowing made her knees weak and her spine tingle. Her fears about her home, her deep grief about her mother renewed, the wondrous joy of having a purpose, the exhilaration of freedom, the curiosity of new acquaintances that might treat her like an equal. All these feelings kept locked within her seemed to sparkle through the air itself, though only she and her game could make out the sensation. Throughout this process, the green of her hair and eyes appeared to shimmer, and her long mane seemed caught in a non-existent breeze.

Shift Action to also move towards the river efficiently.
Standard Action to use Pokemaniac: Success! Rayleigh identifies the target, along with its Level, Type, Nature, Abilities, Moves, and Shoe-Size.
Swift Action to use Channeler on the nearest Surskit: Success! Raylegh doesn't get as much information, but still learns its Moves, Abilities, and Capabilities. She also communicates her own feelings and emotions to it, and it may do so as well. Lasts so long as we're within 20 meters of each other.

2019-09-19, 09:45 AM
As the area exploded in light and life, Goldi's eyes were shimmering. "This...is...so...COOL!" She half-shouted, trying to keep from scaring off the creatures that had appeared. Even as she did so, Wallace had leaped behind her legs to conceal himself, constantly shifting position as he noticed a new creature in a different direction. Chuckling softly to herself she pulled him up into her arms and moved out into the open a bit more, stopping in front of a pair of trees with the sleeping brown blobs.

Rather than shouting Goldi pulled out a container with her most recent batch of berries, popping open the top and letting the scent waft up to them. Pulling out a Pecha that Wallace had found she held it up in an open palm. "Hey there, you guys hungry?"

2019-09-19, 10:10 PM
Seul-bi sounded somewhat intimidated by the number of spirits that'd come out. She wasn't certain there would be so many! But she needed to be courageous. While the others had found things to do closer to the river, she moves a little closer up north, peculiarly looking towards the group of red, round bugs and the owl nearby. "H-hello...?" she whispers, rummaging through her pack and holding out some dried fruits that'd been prepared for the journey. "Do you want some food?"

The Doof quietly watches, as if... observing how her companion's first real egress into the wild will go.

2019-09-20, 02:32 AM
The Wingull and Surskit continue their chase, too focused on it to pay you any mind. Rayleigh will catch the one she's Channeled glancing back at her repeatedly, but it can't afford to break its concentration for long, lest the other Surskit pull ahead and the Wingull's pressure fall on this one's heels.

The Azurill by the shore follow their Surskit along, bouncing merrily. Brant and Dulce catch their eyes - one Azurill watching longer than the other - but you're apparently much less exciting than the water sports, and their attention quickly turns away.
They either don't understand or don't care what you do with your face or their river.

The Dratini, on the other hand, is immediately entranced by Senyu. She shoots out of the water like an arrow, still aiming downstream but twisted to face the shore as she sails past.

Your eyes meet--

Time slows to a near-standstill, the spirit's alien face and graceful body framed in a spray of sun-sparkling water droplets--

--And the moment is gone. Dratini knifes back into the water without a splash, so you know it's deliberate when she flicks a spray of water in your direction with her tail. She's too far away for it to reach you, though.

Meanwhile, away from the river...

Goldi has attracted the attention of two of the Hoothoot, but not yet enough to overcome their caution. They scooch sideways along their branches to get closer, their enormous red eyes rarely blinking.
Do spirits even eat like humans do? You may have to show them what you want them to do...

The trio of Kricketot shuffle toward Seul-bi in unison, pressing around her legs, their song (https://youtu.be/Vo4P5Rvg-mA) never faltering. They collectively stare at your face, intentions unclear. You can't tell if they're uninterested in the food, or waiting for permission to receive and partake...

Emotional state: You're immediately hit with a feeling like a runner's high - whether you've experienced one yourself or merely heard it described. Her mind is clear and her heart is soaring with the sheer bliss of movement, speed, power, fluidity. Following that first impression, though, must be her reaction to your empathic connection: a sense of marvel and wonder, that such a creature as you could exist and communicate in such a way, let alone that you're paying attention to her specifically. It's fascinating, and she'd like to know more about you - first of all, if you can keep up!

Motivation: She wants to keep flowing with the river current, with no goal or destination in mind, until whenever she feels like stopping. Aside from that, though, she wants to see you prove yourself - that you're worthy of her continued interest. Nobody just claims a current because they want it; they need the speed to catch it, the strength to hold on to it, and something to compel it to stay. If you can't manage that, then you're just a passing curiosity on her journey.

Memories: Her memories are more like fragmented impressions than anything coherent, and clearly inhuman.
Mountains - the cold, crisp air and steep drops.
Trees - their fragrance in early summer, their leaves floating on the water, the humidity they trap in the wind-blocked air.
Valley and wetlands - gentle slopes taken at a leisurely pace, the temptation to wander astray, the pounding cacophony of rain.
Salt in the air, the hints of approaching sea. The thought of facing the coming vastness is at once thrilling and terrifying. Will you lose yourself within the freedom you sought?
--Wait, is this...? You recognize the geography as the course of the River Mauve, from its origins on the border of Soot and Tree territory, down the route your tribe traveled to the festival grounds, up to your present meeting place.

Moves: Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Twister
Abilities: Shed Skin
Capabilities: Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Weight 1, Underdog
Emotions: She's fully absorbed in an instinct-driven sense of mixed excitement and panic. Something like if you were having fun playing tag with the bigger kids, but suddenly you're it and you don't know if you're gonna get poked or punched out the moment you stop running. She's curious about you, and sympathetic toward the impressions you dump on her, but really can't give you her full attention right now sorry!

Moves: Bubble, Quick Attack
Abilities: Danger Syrup
Capabilities: Overland 4, Swim 4, Jump 2/2, Power 1, Weight 1, Naturewalk (Wetlands), Threaded, Honey Gatherer, Underdog
Level: 14
Type: Dragon
Nature: Sassy
Abilities: Shed Skin
Moves: Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Twister
Shoe Size: none

2019-09-20, 03:11 AM
Rayleigh continued to walk toward the creatures at the river, starring at the scene before her. Captivated by the awe-inspiring beauty of the Dratini though she was, Rayleigh only allowed it a moment's worth of her notice. The Blue-Legged Spirits were being chased, threatened by the Flying Creature. A feeling that Rayleigh could sympathize with, in a way. As her figure continued to sparkle, she did her best to catch the gaze of its other, willing it, wishing for them to understand her as best as she could, still not fully sure why she was compelled to act, or what it might do.

Please, come to me. She murmurs with her soul, stretching out her arms as wide as possible, as an expression of welcome, newfound yet heartfelt concern for the creatures mixed with her feelings. I'll protect you. I promise. The nameless Electrike, as he followed his master, reared up before howling, getting excited from the exciting scene before him, his tail wagging.

Rayleigh's Turn
Swift Action: Successfully Channel another Surskit.
Shift Action: Approach closer to the bank.
Standard Action: Mystic Senses Check to Modify Pokemon Disposition, trying to make the Surskit(s if possible?) trust her more.

Electrike's Turn
Shift Action: Follow Ray to the edge of the bank.
Standard Action: Howl, gaining 1 Combat Stage in Attack.

2019-09-20, 06:17 AM
"A...Dratini?" Senyu repeated, softly. He opened his mouth to say something else - and then the Dratini jumped, and whatever he'd been about to say turned into an awed "Whoa..."

He stumbled forwards, keeping his eyes on the Dratini's sinuous passage downriver, and tripped over a root, pitching head-first towards a bramble push - and then suddenly he was flying, soaring clean over Rayleigh's head and out over the river.

Exhilaration rushed across the mental link and he laughed delightedly, the laugh somehow echoing in the minds of everyone around him even though he never actually made a sound. His tail - why do I have a tail?! - lashed behind him excitedly as the feeling of water on his scales nonsensically flowed over him.

"You wanna race?" he 'said,' his words only audible to the Dratini this time (and while she might not have understood the words, the tone of his mental voice was every bit as expressive as his real one. "Okay...then let's race!"

There were questions, of course - how had he taken this form without any kind of rite or prayer, how did he even know the serpent wanted to test him in the first place? But somehow none of that mattered to Senyu right now. There was only the current...and the chase.

Swift: Bind 1AP to Shared Senses; Senyu now receives all the sensory information Dratini does, and there's no longer a limit on the distance she can be from him without being de-Channeled.
Standard: Switch to divine form.
Shift: Shift, using Mew's Sky speed of 6, to fly towards Dratini.

2019-09-20, 09:55 AM
Crawling his way past the mud patch, up to the river's edge, Brant finds himself next to the bouncing blue creatures, as Dulce hops her way around the muck to keep up. Before he can get to the river and the refreshing waters, he notices movement out of the corner of his eye and sees a pink creature with a long, slender tail flying towards the river. "Oh! Another spirit!"

Looking at the backs of the other spirits as they ignore her, Dulce pouts jealously. Not the least of all ameliorated by the appearance of something else pink and cute drawing everyone's attention! In the hopes of enticing Brant and the nearby spirits to pay attention to her instead, she shakes her fluff furiously, releasing a cloud of sugary powder into the air around them. A mist smelling of gumdrops and caramel settles over the bank of the river.

Attention pulled away from the new spirit, Brant turns to find the source of the sudden diabetes explosion hopping up and down and chirping. "Oh, interesting. Is that the sticky substance you secrete in your hair?" He sticks out his tongue to let some of the sugar droplets settle on it like rain.

Brant and Dulce move.

Dulce uses Sweet Scent in an attempt to enhance her Allure.

2019-09-21, 12:22 AM
"Ah, hehe, I guess not every spirit is going to be a glutton like you, eh Wallace? "

Any disagreement Wallace might have had with Goldi's assessment of him was moot given that he'd been reaching for the pecha the entire time she was talking. "Here, show them it's safe." Setting him down she pulled out a small knife and split the pecha into three equal parts, setting two of them a few feet away from each other then stepping back a few feet and putting the last in Wallace's paws. Without hesitation the small fuzzy spirit downed the pecha portion, then began eying the odd round spirits atop the tree trying to decide if he could beat them (and Goldi) to the other two.

Charm: 8 + Food

2019-09-23, 04:07 PM
Seul-bi looks incredibly charmed by the Kricketot's song, feeling like she doesn't want to interrupt them. It's amazing! She's heard song from the village of course, but here, hearing spirits create their own song... "U-um, here."

She sets it down on the ground on a little napkin; some dried fruits and nuts, which she hopes they can eat.

The Doof looks quietly proud, thinking this is a good step for her... maybe...

I'm going to try... Charm? [roll0]

2019-09-25, 03:46 AM
All at once, the scene erupts into chaos - or more like, the chaos coalesces around each of you catalysts.

Dratini dives back into the underwater current she came from, her silhouette rushing swiftly away once more.

The Surskit - all three of them, with the not-Channeled one following the lead of its kin - suddenly break from their circular pattern and skitter behind Rayleigh's promised protection. I-is it really okay for something with so many legs to run at you so fast...?

The closer Wingull reflexively follows its mark with such focus that it doesn't notice the rapidly approaching obstacle that is Rayleigh's face! It crashes directly into her with an undignified squawk, tumbling into the tall grass at her feet.

The Azurill are delighted by this new and exciting turn of events. One bounces over to Rayleigh's side where the Surskit are gathered, making small bubbly noises as if cheering for the runners after a race.

The other Azurill's and Wingull's attentions are diverted by Dulce's delicious scent and eminently edible-looking fluff. Azurill follows Brant's lead and catches an airborne poof in its tiny mouth. Its eyes go wide and its face lights up - apparently spirits smile just like humans do!
The Wingull, on the other hand, either doesn't recognize Dulce as a living thing (as opposed to, say, a new kind of berry) or is utterly incapable of empathy. It digs its beak right into her for a big helping!
The Azurill once again learns by example and takes its biggest bite out of Dulce... but Azurill is neither big nor bitey and does no actual harm.

Goldi, while removed from the mess at the riverbank, has prompted a bit of action for herself! After seeing Wallace eat one of the pecha chunks and eyeing the other two, one of the Hoothoot divebombs its closest piece! It stands on one leg, holding the berry to its beak with the other spiky foot, and watches the two of you warily while it nibbles in front of you.
The other Hoothoot made a move at the same time, but hesitated and declined to follow through. It watches from its branch for another opportunity...

Seul-bi's area is the one bastion of tranquility on the formerly tranquil riverbank. The Kricketune seem to ignore her offering, or perhaps feel the need to emphasize their gratitude before indulging... They continue pressing in around Seul-bi's legs, looking up at her like some goddess. Their melody changes, transitioning into something uncannily soothing. It reminds you of your treehouse gently swaying you to sleep, the gentle night wind whispering a lullaby through the leaves...

The strength begins to leave your limbs...
The spirits' song drowns out any other thought...
Just you and the music...
You and music...
You are music...

Each Kricketot uses Growl on Seul-bi!
AC 2, rolls of 12, 11, and 4 vs Speed Evasion
-1 Atk Combat Stage per hit

Wingull accidentally uses Struggle on Rayleigh!
AC 4 vs Defense or Speed Evasion, -2 accuracy from rough terrain, roll of 15
20 Normal/Physical damage on hit, resisted 1 step (because it wasn't a directed attack)

Wingull uses Bite Struggle on Dulce!
AC 4 vs Defense or Speed Evasion, roll of 17
23 Normal/Physical damage on hit

2019-09-25, 04:26 AM
Fast as the Dratini was, Senyu was faster. He dipped down to just above the surface of the water, so the tips of his six little toes - where are my boots? - were skimming against the water, making himself obvious to the underwater serpent as he caught up with her quickly.

He all but ignored the commotions breaking out on the riverbank - not intentionally; in another situation he'd have been excited to watch everything at once. But with his mind and emotions entangled with the Dratini's, the antics of the other spirits (and humans) seemed far less important. Even Brant's exclamation as the other 'spirit' appeared barely got more than a slight twitch of one of his ears. (Dulce might have been a little gratified to know that her burst of sweet-smelling powder got the most reaction of all, as he licked his muzzle and paws to get every drop of the sugary substance that had settled on him.)

But some tiny thought butting at the back of his mind, the part that wasn't consumed with the feeling of chase, kept trying to get his attention. It was very distracting, and it was almost with a little frustration that he slowed down slightly to consider what exactly it was he seemed to be forgetting.

...oh, right. I wanted to have her on my side. Can't do that if she keeps swimming.

As he shot ahead of the Dratini, he made an abrupt change in direction just in front of her, arcing round to his right and heading back towards land (in a spot that wasn't too taken up with excitable spirits), hoping the serpent would follow - the turn had slowed him down, so likely she'd end up ahead of him again, but their entangled thoughts would mean it was easy for her to tell where he was trying to go. He knew she was just as quick on land as on the water, so hopefully the change in terrain wouldn't dissuade her from keeping up the chase.

"Catch me if you can!"

Standard: Sprint.
Shift: Shift, using Mew's Sky speed of 6x1.5=9, taking a kinda windy path that goes past the square just to the right of Dratini before bending around and moving towards the shoreline.

2019-09-25, 10:48 AM
Gratified, at first, at the attention, Dulce proudly burbles as Brant, Azurill, and the curious creature over the water enjoy the sweet powder floating through the air. Brant laughs at the Azurill's expression, "It is good, isn't it?" But the interaction is suddenly cut short when one of the gulls, bereft of its prey, is drawn to the sweet smell.

Dulce lets out a sharp yelp as the Wingull bites her, then growls and yaps at the offending spirit. The Azurill she doesn't mind so much, if she even notices it in her harsh words(?) for the gull. Fluttering strands of energy start to coalesce in the air around Dulce. "Dulce, are you okay?! Oh, that looks- come, come, quick," Brant quickly moves to scoop the innocent Azurill up out of the way before a ball of shimmering air is launched in the Wingull's direction.

Brant picks up the Azurill.

Dulce is not a happy puff, and is going to use Fairy Wind on Wingull to voice her displeasure.
Accuracy Check: [roll0] Base AC 2
Damage: [roll1]

2019-09-26, 03:56 PM
Seul-bi's eyes kind of glaze over for a moment, head slumping after a moment. It's incredibly soothing. It's not like anything else she's ever experienced. Is this what being swayed to sleep by a mother would be like? It's sad to admit, but... it's true...

Her and the music...
Just the music...
She is the music--

The Doof shakes her head sadly. And quietly pounces on Seul-bi's head and makes the shrine maiden let out an uncouth 'grok' as she covers her mouth up embarrassedly. "Was I falling asleep?!" she stares around, hoping no one's noticed.

2019-09-26, 05:54 PM
"Kyaaa!" Rayleigh unwillingly lets out a high-pitched squeak. Even though the creatures present were all much smaller than her, having suddenly gained the attention of not only the ones she was communicating with, but even those thought not to have been focused on her, let alone to be suddenly approached by so many so quickly, was quite a shock. Such so that she was quite unprepared for one of them to collide with her face. "Oww..." As she rubs her nose, her unidentified companion goes through a cycle of emotions himself; eager to interact and play with the other spirits, surprise and curiosity as they approached, ...and a protective defiance as the flying one impacts with his master. Even as it lay stumbled at Rayleigh's feet, the Electrike adopts a combative stance, with its hackles raised, legs bent as if ready to spring, and small sparks generated from its body.

Rayleigh barely has time to take full count of the scene around her, from the water-dancers behind her, to the cute bubbly bouncy one on her other side, before Electrike's growling catches her focus. "Easy, boy." she asks of him in an attempt at a calm voice. This new creature was just as foreign as any of the others, but even as it was chasing them, Rayleigh was not inclined to let her Electrike continue the chase for precisely that reason. Indeed, Rayleigh attempted to open her heart to it as well, though the pain in her face kept her from focusing properly. Instead, she vocalizes her thoughts. "Are you hungry? We have spare food, if you would behave yourself. But you have to play nice. No more chasing." She gently reasons with the creature before her, crouching down as low as possible to be less intimidating, just as she would have addressed the children of her village. Indeed, her voice had a motherly ring to it, as she smiled to the other newcomer spirit. "I'm sure we could find something for you to eat as well, if you wanted."

Electrike is readying a Struggle Attack against the Wingull if it makes another attack. ....I wonder if this game is using Attack of Opportunity Rules. Regardless, we're looking at an attack roll 17 vs an accuracy base of 4, and a base damage of 25 before Wingull's defenses and typing come into play (poor thing might get 1-2 injuries if this hits hard enough).

Rayleigh, meanwhile, tried and failed to Channel the bird as a Swift Action (so close to having had perfect rolls this encounter, with a 13/15), and is continuing to play Undertale as a Standard Action with a Disposition Increase Attempt (an 18, hopefully aided by the promise of peace and food, assuming Electrike's Bad-Cop doesn't screw up her Good-Cop). I wonder if she can also talk with the Azurill as the same time, if all the Surskit are up to listen to her together...

2019-09-27, 09:34 AM
Rayleigh's outcry caught Goldi's attention for a moment, causing her to look back. While the girl seemed to have recovered and had things in hand it did bring Seul-bi's situation into her view. "Wallace, go see if Seul-bi is okay. I'll be fine here." When it paused, eyeing the remaining Pecha segment, she giggled. "I'll make you a snack later, don't worry."

Immediately the fuzzy glutton rushed off like a man on a mission while Goldi returned her attention to the pair of fluffy spirits. "I'm not sure how well you can understand me, but I get the sense you're smart enough. We're on a mission, to save this world, and you and your kind are a very big part of that mission." She placed a hand over her heart for a moment, nudging gently at the power nestled inside of her and causing a glimmer of golden silks to appear twirling around her for a moment. "We don't know what kind of tasks, or dangers, are ahead of us. But we could certainly use help, and friends, along the way. If you think you could help us, and want to come with me, I would gladly accept your help."

Arranging her skirt around her and sitting down on the grass she pulled a new object from her pouch and placed it in front of her. "This is the fruit I gave Wallace that bound us together. If you eat it, I imagine the same thing would happen. Will you join me?"

Charm, Convince to accept the 'pokeball' : 10

Wallace will ready an action to use Baby Doll Eyes (AC2, -1 Atk CS) if one of the Kricketot's attack Seul-bi

2019-09-29, 11:00 PM
The Dratini doesn't follow Senyu's lead, but she *does* swerve and slow down, as if tugged off-course by a force stronger than just your toes dragging the water.
Through the channel, Senyu senses that she's not interested enough to leave the river and keep playing, though she's still intrigued by him if he stays engaged. Besides his speed, which he handily demonstrated, she wants to see his strength and wits.
When she's swept off-course, though, he feels the echoes of her deep 'why did I just do that?' kind of confusion. It leaves her in a bit of a daze, traveling slower but also instinctively following the current.

On the riverbank, things only get noisier! The Wingull who crashed into Rayleigh's face flails around in the grass until it finds its feet, then stands there yelling indignantly at her. The Azurill there thinks its fun, and burbles back at the Wingull in its loudest squeak in between fits of bubbly giggles. The Wingull isn't sure what to make of this, and starts honking at Rayleigh, Azurill, and Electrike in turn.
Two of the Surskit are neither particularly happy nor upset by this situation, and remain cautiously huddled behind Rayleigh. The one Rayleigh first channeled, however, has her attention fully on Electrike. She pokes him once, gingerly, and jumps back from the sparks. She pokes him a few more times in rapid succession, finding she doesn't mind the sting too much. Then she strokes down his back in a soothing gesture, a little stiff yet unflinching at the risk of getting shocked. Rayleigh's channel confirms the Surskit's intentions to calm Electrike down, motivated by empathy for both him and the Wingull and a twinge of fear for herself and her fellow Surskit.

Brant's Azurill squirms in his arms, but seems more entertained than distressed - judging by it's smile and giggles.
The Wingull and Dulce much less so; the Wingull reels back from the blast of energy and tumbles into the tall grass. From that partial shelter, it opens its beak as if to squawk like the other one, but no audible sound comes out. Instead, Brant feels a slight headache and sense of vertigo, while Dulce outright stumbles. What could the Wingull be doing...?!

It seems the Hoothoot understood what Goldi was offering and isn't quite ready to accept it, but it's not outright refusing either. At least, that's the impression you get when it flies up to perch on your head...
You've attracted the attention of the other two Hoothoot; the further one flies cautiously to a nearer tree, ignoring the concert nearby, while the hesitant one comes to eat the last pecha piece that you laid out for it.
As it's eating, it stares at you unblinkingly with those enormous red eyes... You feel like it wants you to do something, or maybe be something...
Wouldn't you make a fine, fine tree?

At Wallace's purposeful approach, the Kricketot form up into a barrier between him and Seul-bi. Their song suddenly changes from soothing to ominously threatening, though Seul-bi can't easily shake off the weakness that overcame her...

Dratini will leave the map in 2 turns at her current speed, next turn if she speeds back up!

Wingull #2 used Supersonic on Dulce, with a natural 20!
Dulce is now Confused!

Hoothoot used Hypnosis on Goldi! But it missed with a 2 vs AC 6...

2019-09-30, 04:12 AM
For the first time since he'd unintentionally forged the empathic connection with the serpent, Senyu was jolted out of his exhilaration and excitement by Rayleigh's sudden yelp as the Wingull crashed into her. She was obscured by the bushes from his position hovering above the river surface, but he could sense her easily enough. There was an awful lot of noise coming from the direction she was in, but it didn't sound too hostile. Nonetheless, he mentally reached out to the Chosen of Ho-oh. "You okay?" he asked her, the voice seeming to echo out of the air around her, totally inaudible to anyone else.

He didn't completely forget his new playmate, though she could easily tell that as much as he was enjoying the game he was fully prepared to abandon it if it turned out that Rayleigh did need his help. But for now, he spiralled around the Dratini in turn, toes brushing against the riverbank as he span, and made a pushing motion with his little paws - and the serpent would feel an unseen force gently begin to push against her, threatening to push her back upriver against the current.

Shift: Fly around the Dratini.
Standard: Push via Telekinetic. 8 vs AC4+Speed Evasion, and a rather underwhelming 13 vs Dratini's Combat or Athletics roll. If I win, Dratini gets pushed 3m backwards.

2019-09-30, 03:35 PM
Seul-bi snaps a little as she hears Rayleigh's cry, looking around -- but her panic starts creeping into her when Wallace comes nearer. She pats the teddy bear-like spirit on the head gently, before turning towards the Kricketot as their song starts becoming more menacing. O-oh no, oh no, do they feel threatened?

"U-um, Wallace is a friend... you don't have to feel threatened, okay?" Seul-bi stammers. She sucks in a breath as Doof looks on from a distance. Be brave. You can do this... even if you feel extremely weak and demoralised right now.

Oh no here comes another potential disaster Charm attempt to improve disposition! [roll0]

2019-09-30, 04:40 PM
Goldi casually shrugged off the fanciful thought that had entered her mind. Her, a tree? Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing, many trees fed her people. If she had to be anything other than herself, a tree wouldn't be so bad. But right now she had very far to travel, and trees couldn't do that. Picking up the offered fruit Goldi returned to her feet, carefully so as to not disturb the spirit perched on her head. "That's fair. I hope you don't mind, but I need a moment to help a friend. Maybe actions do sometimes speak louder than words."

As she said this a stream of golden lights flew out of the pure-white flower affixed over her heart, spinning around her before settling into an orbit made up of light golden silks. A flurry of sparkles hovered about her head, seemingly always forming a vaguely five-pointed star shape no matter what direction you look from. Her already protective instinct redoubled as the power flowed through her. Goldi gently floated up a few feet, ignoring the pair of spirits that had surrounded her. They would do what they would, she had her focus elsewhere. "Spirits of music, we do not wish for conflict. We came here to meet you, and learn. If you do not harm my friend Seul-bi, then you have nothing to fear from Wallace."

Transform to Legendary Form
5' step north and up into the air
Charm to defuse the Kricketot situation, spending AP : 6

Readied actions:
Wallace will Lick (AC2 (+1 to hit), 1d6+20 phys ghost; 15+ Paralyze) if a Kricketot makes a non-status attack
Goldi will Defender to intercept any non-status attack on Wallace

2019-09-30, 06:53 PM
Wobbling a little on his feet, Brant tilts himself away from the powerful currents of the river, shaking his head. "Dulce?" The little candy monster doesn't respond, as she tries to correct her blurring vision and focus on the Wingull in front of her. In a delirious state, she stumbles forward and attempts to bite onto the Wingull's wing in a sort of eye-for-an-eye revenge. But instead she simply chomps down on a piece of grass.

Brant nearly freezes, not sure how to help his little companion. Or whether it is his place to interfere between the spirits. Of course it is. His role. This is an important part. Yes, he has to do something. Act. Use my power.

Stepping forwards through the cattails, still cradling Azurill in one arm, Brant moves into clear view of the Wingull. He feels a surging heat welling up inside of him, but chokes it down. The spirit, so much smaller than him, is already hurt. He isn't sure how much it could safely take and isn't willing to risk it. Misbehaved though it may be. Instead, he holds up a hand towards the Wingull, palm forward.

"Stop," Brant commands, his uncertain voice backed up by a fiercer and more confident echo. His arm glows a shining white and a ring forms around the outstretched palm, then launches itself at the Wingull, wrapping around it. The ring of warm light constricts, binding Wingull's wings, and the bird's body is slowly enveloped in light. As the light dies down, a tiny spark of white flame floats back to Brant's outstretched palm. He cups his hand around it, looking on at first in dismay at what just happened, then in curiosity as he realizes he can still feel the spirit's presence within. "Oh. Oh, so that's how that works?"

Dulce looks around, still in a daze, trying to find where the target of her ire disappeared to. She yips at the grass and ruffles her fluff, as if putting up her dukes.

Dulce passes Save to act through Confusion.
Dulce attempts a Dirty Trick to Hinder Wingull, but misses due to the tall grass.
Brant uses a Basic Ball on Wingull and critically strikes, then succeeds on the Capture Roll.

2019-10-01, 12:41 AM
Amidst the quacking of the creature before her, Senyu's voice pierced Rayleigh's own thoughts, crisp and clear as though he were with her. He can speak with his mind, as well as his heart... Rayleigh pondered, having initially watched him interact with the River Spirit, and knowing that he was not as close as his voice would have suggested. "I'm alright, but thank you for asking." she calls to the river, blushing slightly out of embarrassment, suspecting that the others might not have been aware of their 'conversation'.

Back to the matter at hand, Rayleigh fully rests on her knees, not quite sure how else to make herself seem more docile. Knowing that the water-dancers might still be rattled, not helped by her no-named companion's defensive nature, has her even more set on trying to defuse all tempers at hand. Please, let me listen to your heart. And let you understand mine. There's no need to be so agitated, little one... She intunes, imitating one of the Surskit and stroking the Electrike to try to calm him, and slowly setting her other on the ground before her, that the upset flyer or the playful bubbly-creature might have more opportunity to know her, aside from her face.

Electrike still waiting for an excuse to tear the bird up. Hopefully it won't come to that. Do I need to re-roll what his readied action would be every turn, I wonder...

Presumably, a successful Channeling Attempt on the Wingull, and supposedly a similarly successful attempt to chat it up.

2019-10-05, 04:45 AM
Senyu's gambit pushes the Dratini completely out of her current. She floats to the river's surface, lost in a daze, pulled gently to and fro by the current and the echoing flow from your telekinetic shove. Your link clearly reflects the vacancy of her mind; she's vaguely self-aware, but unconscious of her surroundings or you, and without a single thought or wish right now, except to not feel so lost and confused.

At Seul-bi's urging, the Kricketot fall back slightly from their defensive line, clustering tightly side-by-side around her legs. However, with Goldi's glorious approach, they become even more tense and focus all of their attention on her flying form.
It seems the Kricketot have grown extremely committed to Seul-bi, and perceive Goldi as a threat to her rather than themselves? Or maybe they're just very possessive?

The Hoothoot on Goldi's head very skillfully remains there as she manifests her power and takes to the air.
The other two Hoothoot more cautiously retreat to the trees to watch the confrontation unfold.

The Azurill in Brant's arms continues laughing and squirming. By the time the Wingull is safely Bound and Brant can move his attention elsewhere, the Azurill no longer needs his arm for support; it's upside-down and thoroughly entangled in his clothes and accessories. How... How did it even manage that?
It looks up to meet Brant's eyes and blows a big, playful bubble at his face, not the least concerned about its own position.

Rayleigh seems to have stabilized the situation immediately surrounding her; the Surskit remain huddled behind her, with the one joining her in attempting to soothe Electrike, the Azurill is still making cute little yips at the Wingull in between laughs and bubbly hiccups, and the Wingull continues squawking at Rayleigh even after the Channel is open. It might be stuck in the habit.

The Wingull's thoughts are neither as complex nor as well-organized as either of the Surskits'.
It seems that it was chasing the other spirits by pure instinct, without further motivation or the least idea what to do if it caught one.
It's now encountered a completely unprecedented obstacle - that is, you - and doesn't know how to deal with it - you - beyond venting its frustration and waiting for things to sort themselves out one way or another.
You're not sure if their whole species is this dull, spiteful, and irritable by nature, or if it's just this one you had the particular fortune to meet...

Dratini will leave the map in 2 turns at her current speed, next turn if she speeds back up!

All three Kricketot are preparing to use Bide!
(It's technically a reaction to taking damage, but in this case I think it's fair for you to have forewarning of their intention. If they take no damage, nothing will happen and their use of the Move will not be spent.)

2019-10-05, 04:58 AM
Seul-bi is most immediately in awe of the transformation that Goldi has gone through. The five-pointed star... it was as if her body had become enveloped in an idealised version. A wash of fear comes over her. What... would I look like, if I channeled Yveltal? Would I become the -hated- thing mother cautioned me of?

She lowers her head, trying to swallow that panic. She lays a hand gently on the Kricketot. "... it's okay... Wallace, Goldi, I think they're... protective of me."

It feels good, to have someone be protective of you... is this what it's like?

"They're my ... friends," she urges them a bit more gently. The word feels odd, but... it's not bad to say at all. "Will you let them hear your wonderful music too?"

Intuition 13 to understand their intent; Charm 14 to convince them Goldi and Wallace aren't enemies! Would one of them want to come with at this point, or do I need to do something else?

2019-10-05, 05:48 AM
For a horrified moment, Senyu thought he might have hurt - or even killed - the serpent. His empathic link reassured him that that wasn't the case, but feeling her emotions just sort of...disappear...made him feel nauseous, far eclipsing the happiness he'd been beginning to feel at the playful game of chase he'd been having (and at the others seemingly being okay.) She wanted to see how strong I was, he told himself. Not my fault she wasn't expecting to lose. He didn't convince himself.

He flitted down, toes sinking into the sticky mud of the riverbank, just next to Brant. "It's okay," he whispered telepathically, soothingly. "You're not alone." In a flash of light, the small, metallic creature - Aron, Brant had called it - appeared in the river. It seemed rather startled by its watery situation, but (perhaps due to an unconscious telepathic nudge from Senyu) seemed to figure things out quickly enough, and paddled its way towards the limp Dratini, pushing its broad head against her flank and swimming to shore, bringing the - much larger - serpent with it.

"If you want to go back into the water, you can, I promise." And he meant it - Senyu might have wanted to bring the water-spirit with him (and still did), but the sheer feeling of loss the serpent had felt made him feel awful. "But...I'd like it if you could stay with us. Even without your current, you'll have friends." A happy burbling from behind him made him turn around, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched the strange, ball-like spirit clambering over Brant. "See?"

Very tentatively, he reached out with one little paw, trying to rest it on the Dratini's head.

Move: Shift, ending up kinda just next to Brant.
Free: Spend my last 2 AP to Quick Switch Aron into the water.
Swift: Channel Aron.
Standard: Make a Charm check, substituting Intuition via Mystic Senses, to improve the Dratini's attitude (or more relevantly, try to make her feel a little less lost without her current): 15

Standard: 'Pick up' Dratini (more like just pushing her, but whatever.)
Standard: Carry Dratini to put her...well, basically on the same square as Senyu, or thereabouts. Athletics 10 to deal with the fast-moving current if needed.

2019-10-05, 09:32 PM
Staggering around amidst the bushes, Dulce ends up walking face-first into a bunch of brambly branches and getting stuck. She struggles herself out, yanking a few more bits of fluff out in the process. Ragged, covered in mud, with bits of leaves, grass, and branches stuck to her, Dulce sits down on the ground to lament the state of her once-luscious fluff.

The small flame cupped in Brant's hand drifts aside and floats near his shoulder as he turns his attention away from it to the little bubble-blowing spirit hanging inside of his robes and with its tail wrapped around his necklace. He laughs and wipes his face as the bubble pops, reaching down to scoop the spirit up in one hand. Noticing Dulce's current sorry state, he squats down and takes a seat cross-legged next to her, positioning the Azurill in his lap. "Oh dear. You're not looking so good there, Dulce. Hm..." he looks down at the bouncing blue spirit and remembers why he wanted to find a Water spirit in the first place. Brant motions to his despondent cotton candy to draw Azurill's attention there, "Do you think you could help me get her cleaned up?"

His back to Senyu, he has yet to notice the human voice coming out of the pink cat floating around behind him.

Dulce deals 2 damage to herself in confusion, then Takes a Breather to cure herself.

Pokepsychologist check to try and get Azurill to help clean up Dulce.

2019-10-05, 10:50 PM
As Seul-bi speaks up and clarifies the issue, Goldi suddenly realized how threatening she must look to the tiny creatures. Wallace was like a small child to her, and even he towered over them. She must look like a giant!

Lowering a few feet to make contact with the ground once more she bowed towards the line of spirits surrounding her friend. "I am sorry if I sounded unkind. We are still learning." Pulling Wallace back a bit to give them more space she left a few treats in his place as a peace offering.

"Wallace, come say hello to our new friend. I'm thinking about calling him Barnaby." With a bit of prodding Wallace made his way closer to Goldi and the feathered spirit atop her head. Climbing up to her shoulder he reached up with one paw as though to shake hands.

Goldi will use Focused Training to give Wallace another +2 on skill checks.

Wallace will use Charm to improve the HootHoot's disposition : 12

2019-10-09, 01:03 AM
Rayleigh tilts her head in slight confusion. You don't even seem to be aware yourself of what you desire, do you? Are there other spirits that are so obtuse? She wonders, a twinge of frustration mixed with concern and pity through her connection. Starring around, said concern increases a bit as she notices the gang about Goldi and Seul-bi, though she allows herself the assurance that the two of them are at least twice as equipped as she is.

Glancing again at the Water-Dancers still seemingly unsure of whether this situation would get any worse, Rayleigh decided to change her own tactic a bit. Maybe what we all could use is a demonstration... she muses, turning to the Bouncing-Bubble, and attempting to open her heart to it as well. And maybe you might make the best volunteer. Would you like to be my first new friend? I promise you can trust me to be just as fun as the others. she emotes with a smile, focusing on it, arms spread as if hoping it might accept an invitation to approach her to be picked up for a hug.

Channeling the Azurill as well, and hoping to work on the dispositions of those involved by interacting with it.

2019-10-11, 01:14 PM
The moment you touch Dratini's head, her consciousness sparks back to life - except this time, rather than the current, you are her anchor. Her concerns are behind her; her full attention now is on exploring the wonderful new mystery of the bond you'll build together.

Looks like you proved yourself swift enough, strong enough, and clever enough to change a river current's course!

Seul-bi's and Goldi's feelings finally get through to the Kricketot. They relax their stances - or at least, that's what it looks like, near as you can tell from their blobby physiology - and their song quiets to a gentle background melody that accentuates the sounds of the rushing river and wind in the trees.

The Hoothoot remains contentedly, stubbornly perched on Goldi's head. From Seul-bi's vantage, it looks like it's settling in for a nap.

Brant's Azurill happily sprays water all over Dulce, washing off the accumulated mud and a few layers of fluff if not stopped. It seems happy to follow Brant's instructions, as if it were a fun new game.

Rayleigh's Azurill hops onto her outstretched hand, bounces off it onto her shoulder, attempts to balance there (and succeeds for several seconds!), then tumbles down her back. The Surksit huddled there skitter out of the way of the landing, but approach again once the action has stopped. They clearly feel safe in Rayleigh's company.
While the Azurill's antics are happening, the Wingull gets bored and flies away across the river.

The way we'll do friendship captures is: I'll roll up the stat blocks for each option you've earned, then you can choose a certain number based on the sets you like. You'll need to spend the ball/prana for each capture option you take, but don't need to roll for it.
Reminder that we're ignoring BSR, so Natures are simply a +/-2 stat adjustment and roleplay prompt.
You can assign stat points freely, and reassign them upon each evolution.

You may Bind one(1) of these Kricketot; the others will remain in the area for future travelers to hear their song on the wind and the water.

Kricketot 1:
Level 8, Male
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Shed Skin (becomes Confidence when evolved)

Struggle Bug
Bonus: learns Perish Song at lv.30

Kricketot 2:
Level 8, Male
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Run Away (becomes Rally when evolved)

Struggle Bug
Bonus: learns Memento at lv.30

Kricketot 3:
Level 8, Male
Nature: Curious
Ability: Shed Skin (becomes Confidence when evolved)

Struggle Bug
Bonus: learns Snarl at lv.30
You may Bind this Hoothoot; if not, it will stay and continue its silent vigil.

Level 8, Male
Nature: Desperate
Ability: Keen Eye

Bonus: learns Wish at lv.30

You Bound this Wingull!
You may Bind this Azurill; if not, it will continue to play at the riverbank... though it may miss its friend.

Level 8, Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Keen Eye

Water Gun
Wing Attack
Bonus: learns Twister at lv.30

Level 5, Male
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Thick Fat

Water Gun
Tail Whip
Water Sport
Bonus: learns Future Sight at lv.30
You may Bind this Dratini; If not, she will continue her journey toward the sea. Who knows when and how you might meet again?

Level 14, Female
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Shed Skin

Thunder Wave
Bonus: learns Aqua Jet at lv.30
You may Bind this Azurill and one(1) of these Surskit! The other Surskit will continue on as they have... but much more wary of other Wingull.

Level 5, Male
Nature: Cuddly
Ability: Thick Fat

Water Gun
Tail Whip
Water Sport
Bonus: learns Present at lv.30

Surskit 1
Level 8, Male
Nature: Calm
Ability: Danger Syrup

Quick Attack
Bonus: learns Giga Drain at lv.30

Surksit 2 (the one trying to sooth Electrike)
Level 8, Female
Nature: Skittish
Ability: Danger Syrup

Quick Attack
Bonus: learns Power Split at lv.30

Surskit 3
Level 8, Female
Nature: Dreamy
Ability: Danger Syrup

Quick Attack
Bonus: learns Endure at lv.30

2019-10-11, 02:39 PM
For a moment, Senyu didn't move. Then a big, beaming smile spread over his little pink muzzle and he reached forwards and hugged the serpentine river-spirit - or, at least, tried to. His arms weren't actually long enough to reach around the Dratini. That didn't remain the case for long, though, because as fluidly and unexpectedly as he'd transformed into the pink, cat-like creature when he'd first connected with the Dratini, he returned to human form. His limbs felt so heavy and sluggish, and he lost his balance and sat down in the mud with a bump. The Dratini took full advantage of this to spiral around his body, resting its head on top of his so it could look around at everything going on around them. It looked a little like he was wearing an extremely oversized scarf.

It took a good minute or so before he finally remembered what the duty of a Chosen was, and cautiously reached into his belt pouch with one hand until he found a wooden figurine. Holding it up so that the carved 'eyes' of the figurine met the Dratini's - not a hard task when it was watching his actions curiously, tongue flickering in and out - he chanted something that sounded almost more like a song than a ritual, and light played out from the figurine over the Dratini. For a moment or two it seemed to become semi-transparent before solidifying again and wrapping itself more thoroughly around Senyu.

After a few moments, Senyu stowed the figurine - which had somehow become a little more serpent-like, despite still looking hand-carved - awkwardly got back to his feet, still grinning like an idiot and moving carefully so as not to dislodge his new passenger, looking around to find the others, obviously wanting to boast about his new friend but having just about enough self control to not shout aloud about the matter.

The Aron (which had made its way through the thick mud of the riverbank mostly by ploughing a furrow through the ground until it got to more solid terrain) paused for a moment in trying to scrape mud off itself to look up at its master and new companion, looking a little disgruntled.

Senyu glanced down at it. "Not my fault you weigh nearly as much as a grown man," he teased it.

It was the first time he'd actually addressed the iron-spirit as though it were a living thing.

2019-10-11, 02:59 PM
"gbrghblrgl" Dulce burbles as she's drenched in a sudden fountain of water. Brant shifts the little water spirit away, after she's been sufficiently cleaned. At first Dulce looks furious, before she realizes all of the mud and most of the brambles have been washed out. Deflating from her challenging posture, she waddles tiredly over to Brant and takes a seat on the ground.

Brant gently sets their new friend down next to her and smiles, "Yes, there we go. Much better." He regards the pair for a moment, then holds out a hand to each of them, opening up his palms. Each of his hands glows with a soft, pale light, which seems to beckon to them - an invitation from something unseen, accompanying Brant's words. "I realize we never did this officially, Dulce. So... would you two like to come with me, to see the land and seed a better future?"

He glances over his shoulder at the flame of the flying spirit from earlier. It might not be so happy to have been dragged along. Brant resolves to attend to it as soon as he has a moment.

Dulce looks up at Brant skeptically. So far this sight-seeing has been far too dirty for her liking, but he did step in to help every time something was going wrong. She waddles forward to press her face against his fingers, and is enveloped in the same glow that the Wingull had been before. Rather than transform into a little flame, the glow fades after a moment, her manifestation still active.

Will offer a binding to Dulce and Azurill.

2019-10-14, 03:15 PM
There's a quiet, tender smile from Seul-bi -- for once! -- as the Kricketot relaxes and she listens to their much gentler, warmer song. "... that was very difficult. I'm not really sure if I have the grasp of this yet," she admits. "No doubt there'll be much more temperamental, or even hostile spirits..."

She sighs very quietly. Then offers her hand out to one of the Kricketot. "Would you like to... come with us on our journey?"

I'll pick up Kricketot 1!

2019-10-14, 10:18 PM
As the situation with Seul-Bi and her new friends settled down Goldi once more attempted to offer the speckled fruit, which she decided to call a Bondsberry, to the spirit roosting in her hair. She smiled as it nipped the fruit out of her hand, and she felt the weight lessen as it seemingly dissolved into a pair of leaves attached to a smaller bondsberry nestled in her hair like a hair clip. "Welcome to the team, Barnaby."

2019-10-17, 07:15 AM
Electrike doesn't stop marking the Wingull until it has flown back over the river. With the nearest genuine threat gone, he visibly calms down, with all his ears, hackles and tail relaxed again. Indeed, the latter begins to wag as he turns to the Surskit, sniffing at them and the Azurill excitedly. Rayleigh, meanwhile, catches the little bouncing baby just before it hits the dirt, cradling it, somewhat awed that it would respond to her. Maybe... this isn't impossible for me... she ruminates, looking between the Pokemon before her. "My friends and I are going on a long, very important journey. We will be able to meet new beings, and take care of those that join us. But it might be a long time before you may have a chance to return here. I won't make you leave your home, if you wish not to, though I will hope you stay safe." She speaks to them, unsure of just how much they can understand.

Turning once to check on the bored Wingull, certain that it had given up on anything beyond its base understanding, she continues more softly; "But, I would enjoy more company. And more help. And I promise to do my utmost to help you, while you remain in my care. For example, this item..." Rayleigh pulls out the crystal that she used to contain the Electrike, so that they can all see it clearly, twiddling it between her fingers after a moment. "..can keep you protected within it while you remain with me. And my life may sustain you so long as our bond remains. If you would please demonstrate?" she asks, holding it closer to the Electrike. After a moment, he yawns, and in a flash, disappears, the gem suddenly illuminated from within. Rayleigh sets it, and the Azurill, down on the ground, and reaches through her pockets while giving them a moment to examine the shrunken Electrike.

"So... there you have it. Would you like to come with us?" she finishes, somewhat sheepishly, placing 4 more crystals on the ground near the first and standing back. All 3 sets of eyes of the Surskit turn to her, as the contented Azurill bounces up and down, its choice seemingly already made. With a pang, Rayleigh watches as the Surskit move back behind her, towards the river. As they hit the water, Rayleigh feels slightly woeful, though shock and surprise shoot through her like lightning as one of them -the one that had tried to calm her canine companion- appears to have been sayings its own farewells to its kin, before returning to her side.

Taking a cue from the other Chosen, Rayleigh kneels down, pocketing the spares and holding a crystal in each palm. "I don't think you have to stay within them, if you don't want to. You may rest inside, or you may walk with me, if you wish. We just need to bind your energy to mine through them." Both new Pokemon approach a hand; the Azurill eagerly, the Surskit somewhat hesitantly. As their prana sync, both materialize brief flashes of light, though they linger outside the crystals. "I... think it worked..." Rayleigh remarks, not entirely sure of herself. "Maybe we can verify it with some of the others, and meet our other new friends?" she asks of them, hitching a smile onto her face. And with that, she pockets the newly used jewels, sets the Surskit on her shoulder, and holds the Azurill in her arms, close to her chest. She might have found a new favorite.

2019-10-17, 01:15 PM
The light fades from Brant's hands as the Azurill, too accepts his proffered palm. He scoops up his two tiny fairies, cradling each in the crook of an arm, and they settle into position next to each other. Brant looks in either direction, seeing Senyu and Rayleigh gathering their own newly recruited spirits. The one coiled around Senyu's neck looks especially unusual, compared to the rest they've found at the river side.

"Did you see where that other spirit went?" asks Brant, coming over to take a closer look. It's hard to think of Senyu as younger, with his eyes looking so much older. "I saw one with a very long tail speeding down the river." He looks ahead, down the current. It might have gone far off already.

The newly bound Azurill buries himself into the crook of Brant's arm, peeking out from behind his sleeve and smiling at Senyu and Dratini

2019-10-19, 03:30 PM
The serpent coiled around Senyu's neck leaned forwards slightly as though sniffing at the two small spirits Brant was carrying - and then abruptly reared back, a sudden enough movement that Senyu almost overbalanced and fell into the river, barely keeping his balance with a rather undignified "Waugh!"

Once he'd managed to get back some semblance of balance - thankfully, the serpent was extremely light, so the fact that most of its body was no longer wrapped around Senyu and was instead stretched as far away from Brant as it could be didn't immediately tip him over again - he reached up awkwardly and patted the Dratini's head. "Hey, hey, it's okay! It's just a...uh, a pink thing and a blue thing? How do you guys do that naming thing?"

After a few moments, the Dratini coiled back around Senyu, giving Brant and his fairies a very mistrustful look. Senyu brushed himself off slightly - not that he'd actually gotten dirty - and paused for a moment to remember what Brant had been asking before he'd nearly taken an unexpected bath. "Uh, a flying pink spirit with a long tail? Wait, why do I know it was pink? Uh..." Senyu scratched his head a bit, looking rather sheepish. "I think that might have been me?" Somehow it was hard to remember what had happened - his head was all full of speed and chase and water currents.

"Um...I don't suppose any of you guys know what I've been doing the past few minutes?"

2019-10-20, 01:20 PM
"Swirlix and Azurill," Brant corrects, looking down at them and taking a sniff of the air. "They smell perfectly fine to me," he informs the serpent, holding up Dulce for her to get a closer look. "This is Dulce. She and Senyu already met. And I believe I shall call the new one Tercero."

Dulce seems offended by her poor review from the dragon, puffing out her cheeks and pouting. Still nestled in Brant's arm, Tercero rocks himself back and forth. He appears to actually rock himself to sleep, tuckered out after all the excitement of today.

After Senyu's explanation, Brant gently sets Dulce onto his shoulder, where she perches leaning against his hooded head. Brant circles Senyu, attempting to lift up the back of his shirt to take a look. "You? But, you don't have a tail, do you? No pink coattails." He pauses and taps his chin thoughtfully. "Come to think of it you aren't very pink, either. I don't think I would have mistaken you for a pink spirit. No, no, it must have been something else."

2019-10-20, 02:06 PM
"You are the heralds to a new age of this world, Brant." Rayleigh interjects, approaching the two men. "We must be open-minded to experiencing phenomena that we may not fully understand. Such as how Wisdom seems to plant itself within us from non-being, or how some of us can open our hearts to these creatures." As she explains, she turns her violet gaze to stare into each face, hopeful that the subject of her glance would understand to which talent she is referring to. "And these abilities may only be the edge of the Forest of Discovery." she adds, looking from Senyu over to Goldi and Seul-bi. Her Surskit crawled across her shoulder to take in the additional beings before it, while her own Azurill wiggled within her embrace, eager to play with the other new friends.

"The unidentified spirit was indeed Senyu. I believe I witnessed Goldi possibly using a similar ability, if we might ask her. But Senyu and I spotted the Dratini together. And while I had my own encounters, Senyu saw fit to pursue it. I believe he may have manifested more of the power of his deity to do so. He even communicated with me while in that state, though only within my mind. Did you not ask me if I was okay earlier?" she added, again locking eyes with him, no longer bothered by the being on her back or the baby fidgeting against her chest.

2019-10-20, 09:00 PM
Goldi approached the others discussing her and Senyu's transformation, nodding at Rayleigh's comment. "I don't know where the knowledge came from, but when I felt Seul-Bi might be in danger I felt it well up in me. Manifesting the aspects of the gods, wielding their power to oppose others, or impose our will on others. It's...scary. Not just that there might be others out there with this power who could abuse it, but that I might become so used to it that I become one of those people."

She let out a long sigh, visibly collecting herself, and when she looked back up she had some more of her old confident back in her eyes. "But that just makes me understand Jirachi better. This kind of power should only be used for others, to help others."

2019-10-23, 04:00 PM
Seul-bi quietly looks towards Goldi to murmur, a bit more bashfully, "Thank you for coming to help me. I wasn't..." She frowns quietly. "I'm not really confident about my ability to befriend and channel spirits. I'm not--" She looks towards some of the others, feeling some of the connections they've made during their own encounters. But she realises she's being self-depreciating again and stops. "... hmm. I suppose we are all still puzzling this out..."

She looks back towards the Kricketot, scooping it up very gently into her arms. "Seong-woo... is that name okay with you?"

2019-10-23, 04:29 PM
"I don't have a tail now, obviously!" Senyu protested, trying to turn around to follow Brant. "But I remember flying over the river, and I can't exactly do that now either."

Opening our hearts... Senyu smiled slightly. That's a nice way of putting it.

"Uh...yeah, I did," he nodded to Rayleigh. "That's about the one thing I do remember. I couldn't see what was happening with you and all the spirits around you, and..." He gave a small shrug. "Somehow I spoke to you through the Great Mother's power." Senyu tapped his fingers on his staff, obviously pondering what had happened. Not the first time I've done that, but last time was with someone I've known since we were children. Maybe...maybe that connection works with people I care about or...feel protective of, maybe, even if only momentarily.

He glanced over to Seul-bi. "Yeah, I'm definitely in the same situation of not having any idea what I'm doing," he nodded, with an amused chuckle.

The Dratini, meanwhile, seemed rather put out at another fairy being brought closer, giving a disgruntled-sounding hiss and resting her head on top of Senyu, closing her eyes - though judging from the way her tongue flickered out to taste the air occasionally, she was definitely still awake. The Aron...well, the Aron just stood at Senyu's feet, looking up at the group with a patient expression.

2019-10-24, 12:18 AM
"You are right, Rayleigh, we are treading new ground," crooking up a finger, Brant straightens it out to point at Senyu. "So we must test this. Transform." With a wave of his hand, he waits for Senyu to perform.

Then he looks over at Goldi and corrects, "One of you, that is. One of you transform. Or both. Both is better, repeatable results."

Could these 'transformations' be what his own god had meant, when it commanded him to call upon its power? When faced with real danger you must not hesitate as you did today. Brant knows the truth in those words, but that day was not today. The Wingull was not real danger.

2019-10-27, 12:21 AM
When called upon Goldi had a moment of panic, but quickly tamped down on the instinct. 'Its fine, just think back to what you did in the moment. Picture Seul-Bi surrounded by the spirits.'

But as much as she tried, she couldn't summon the same emotion. The situation had been a misunderstanding, and she couldn't make herself think badly of someone that didn't mean harm. Even as she was beginning to despair the stray thought wandered through her mind 'They need to know how this works, focus, do this thing for them.' No sooner had she thought this than she felt a flow of warmth, and the faint golden motes of light forming a vaguely star-shaped constellation around her flared into existence. While she didn't float up into the air, she could feel gravity's hold on her cease.

Looking around at the group she smiled. "I thought it might be a reaction to danger, but now I don't think so. It responded to my desire to help others. I'm not sure if that's what Senyu was doing when he cased after the dratini, but maybe it's different because of our patrons. Did you feel something that aligned with yours when you took off? Maybe curiosity or competition?"

2019-10-29, 02:07 PM
The swiftness with which Brant closes the space with Goldi nearly jostles Dulce from his shoulder, were it not for her sticky grip on his hood. He reaches out to try and prod the motes of light with a stick, careful not to touch them directly. "I see. Yes. So the gods' power can manifest physically, as with any other spirit. I wonder, if we bring the spirit world into ours', will all the gods also receive physical forms?" Withdrawing the stick, he holds it to his chin, tapping it softly against his skin.

"My own patron suggested utilizing his power against the Wingull. I believe this is what he meant. I felt it too excessive," turning on his heel, stick still tapping at his chin, Brant marches back over to stand before Senyu, expectantly. "The gods' natures are very different. Our methods of 'catching' the spirits also differs." He glances back at the Wingull's flame floating over his shoulder. "I hypothesize that the method of invoking also differs. What were you feeling when you experienced the change? What were you thinking? Did you experience any physical cues?"

2019-10-29, 02:34 PM
Senyu regarded the transformed Goldi with a rather awed expression, Brant's words taking a few moments to filter back to him. I don't think I looked that impressive...

"Uh, I think it was more that I wasn't thinking," he answered Brant. "I'm still not quite sure how I did it, but when I focused on the Dratini -" he reached up and stroked the serpent's head with his free hand "- I formed a...connection, I guess you could call it. All instinct and emotion. To be honest, it...kinda overwhelmed me." He was quiet for a few moments, tightening his grip on his staff. The Aron padded forwards and nudged his ankle with its broad head in an apparent gesture of comfort.

"It was in that state that I became the fake spirit - for want of a better name for it - that you saw, Brant. I honestly have no idea how I did it, or even really what I was feeling at the time. I think maybe my body, and my soul, and my instincts - they all know how to tap into the Great Mother's power, but my mind is...a little bit behind."

2019-10-29, 04:31 PM
Seul-bi witnesses Goldi's transformation again, still with a look of awe on her face. "Responding to a desire to help others..." she murmurs very quietly, looking down to herself. Would she be able to do it too? Channel the gods' power... channel Yveltal's power. But in her case, it was nothing so benevolent as that. She felt its presence. It was one of pure... destruction -- not malice, but simply the one whose role it was to cut the thread. To unmake. To erase. That others may create something anew.

But to be that destroyer...

2019-10-31, 10:25 AM
"I don't think 'fake' is the right word," Brant muses, reaching up to his shoulder to pet Dulce behind the ear. The little candy spirit leans into the attention. "Spirits appear to come in all sorts of strange forms."

Then something occurs to him and he asks, "Have none of your gods spoken to you?"

2019-11-03, 08:53 PM
Though his rapid approach had caught her off-guard, Goldi managed to not jump as Brant practically rushed her. Once he turned his attention away she allowed the flow of power to settle back down, feeling the glowing motes wink out as she did so. While she'd been too distracted to notice it last time, with her attention focused on herself she noticed how lethargic returning to her normal state left her. Not really tired, more that she could tell just how much more energetic Jirachi's power made her. Brant's question about talking with the gods brought her attention back to the present conversation.

"Uh, I did. Briefly. It was before I knew who he was, and looking back on the conversation paints it in a slightly different light. Nothing substantial, though. Everything after that was...like the knowledge was just there, suddenly. Some of it buried, most of it hazy, but enough for certain instincts to form."