View Full Version : Remnants Of Glory [IC]

2019-09-15, 08:43 AM
The door creaks open. It moves smoother than you thought it would, and inside...

A bed. And a beautiful half-elf woman, sound asleep.

What will you do?

2019-09-15, 12:11 PM
"What is it, what is it??" Ganar pushed forward between his taller compatriots to see what new secrets lie within the chamber. When he sees the elven woman, he is briefly disappointed, but then mentally runs through his master's notes and remembers there is absolutely nothing in there about this chamber.
"Excuse me, miss? Who might you be and why are you in this- if nothing else of note- historical landmark?" He inquires, his words tinged with harsh Draconic accents but still perfect Common. "Very few dare venture in here, let alone make themselves a bed chamber in such a dangerous place."

2019-09-16, 12:28 AM
"Ganar, wait, it could be tra--aaaaand there he goes," Hert says, sighing. She approaches Ganar and peers over him, the spear and javelins bundled on her back clanking against her sheild as she walks. "Pretty sure she's either asleep or a corpse, Gar.1 And if it's the former, you might not want to stand too close." The half-orc glances about the room to see if there are any clues as to who this woman is.

1A nickname for Ganar rarely used by Hert when he's doing something that irks or concerns her.

2019-09-16, 01:41 AM
The room is plain, but elegant. While not overly ornamented, everything is rather high-quality.

2019-09-16, 12:19 PM
Chloe peers suspiciously at the nicely-appointed room, surprised that such would be found inside the mountain. As she approaches the sleeping half-elf, she looks for signs of trauma or distress. "You alive?" she asks rhetorically, leaning over the recumbent form to listen for breathing.

2019-09-16, 02:24 PM
The woman appears perfectly safe and unharmed, if deeply asleep.

2019-09-16, 11:29 PM
Feeling made a fool of, Ganar frowns. "O-Of course she would be, in that position, I had merely hoped my voice would rouse her from slumber so she may address us properly." He steps further forward without a thought and inspects the finer details of the room around her. "This is all very fine craftsmanship.. And so pristine! Yet in styles outside of our region. Perhaps part of a covert restoration effort on Master's end?" He continues to ramble on about trivial details of the surrounding room, almost forgetting the woman is there aside from a brief, avoidant inspection of the bed.

2019-09-17, 01:48 AM
Seeing Ganar's reaction, Hert does her best to hide her own frown. She nods at the kobold's observations, saying "Yeah um, probably."

She turns to Chloe. "Alive, I take it? We'd best try and wake her, then." Hert slowly reaches for the half-elf's arm and taps it, then gently shakes it. "'Scuse me, ma'am, but it's closing time... Okay, bad joke. Can you hear us?"

2019-09-17, 12:00 PM
The half elf stirs at being disturbed. Her eyes open blearly, blinking as they adjust to the light of the room.


Wh..... who are you? She mumbles as she peers over Gert's half orcen frame. Are.... are you a new guard She looks around slowly, creaking as her head slowly looks around. Guards, plural?

What.... what time is it? She inquired starting to lift herself off the bed into a sitting position. She instinctively puts her arm over her large partially uncovered chest. When's my wedding?

2019-09-17, 12:13 PM
You entered at mid-day.

You've not kept the best track of time, so you're not sure what time it is now, under the mountaintop.

2019-09-17, 01:11 PM
"Well," Hert says, stepping away from the bed, "I am a guard, but probably not the kind you're referring to. Hmmm." She bites her lip, unsure how to answer the half-elf's other questions, and looks to her companions for help.

2019-09-17, 06:19 PM
Chloe looks at the half-elf with concern and confusion. "Your wedding? You're having a wedding underground? We just found you sleeping here while exploring the mountain." Chloe glances at her companions before continuing: "Are you ok? Did someone hurt you?"

2019-09-18, 09:05 AM
"I do not know anything about a wedding of yours, but I estimate it would currently be just about night outside- we've been traversing this mountain for many hours prior to stumbling across this room." Ganar answers. "And I am most certainly not any kind of guard, but a powerful wizard's apprentice- have you seen him, by chance? Hard man to miss. I figured the immaculate state of this room may be part of a restoration effort on his part, but your confusion makes that hypothesis far less likely.. And possibly far more intriguing." he continues, his mind racing while he tries to piece together the current situation.

2019-09-18, 11:43 AM
Who... you've been wandering for hours? Alexandria purred confused. Why didn't the guards..... Alexandria tried to shake her head. What's going on? Where am I?

2019-09-18, 03:57 PM
"Maybe we should start over," Hert says. She clears her throat. "Hello there, my name is Hert, and these are my friends: Ganar--" she gestures to the kobold."--and Chloe." She nods at the human. "We're from Edinborough, just a few hours walk from this, uh."

Hert's eyes dart away from the half-elf to scan the room again. "Did your old lady have a name for this place, Ganar?"

2019-09-21, 10:01 AM
"My master always called this area- these ruins as well, not just the mountain- as Dragonspire, but I'm not sure the town refers to it as such based on their reactions to some of my questions." Ganar explains to Hert, then turns and bows shortly to Alexandria as a casual greeting. "Yes, my name is indeed Ganar, apprentice to the mighty wizard Helera. Does that name ring a bell? Master's notes never referred to such a place as this, which is quite peculiar of her normally detail-intensive self."

2019-09-21, 11:31 AM
Chloe smiles kindly as Hert introduces her to the half-elf. She gets out a waterskin and offers it in case the half-elf is thirsty, but otherwise stands quietly, not wanting to add to the deluge of questions.

2019-09-21, 07:46 PM
Dragonspire mountain? Alexandria squints her eyes quizzically, starting to rise to her feet and come up to her full six feet.

I've never heard of that name before, or your wizard friend Helena? Are you sure you're not lost?

2019-09-22, 04:48 PM
Ganar turns to his companions quizzically before turning back to the half elf. "Unfortunately we are not lost, miss, which means either you are, or something even stranger is going on here.." Ganar pulls out his spellbook and reads over it. "I shall do a ritual to detect any magic in the area, perhaps that may answer some questions. Please pardon me while I do so." He moves to a corner of the room and begins the divination ritual.

2019-09-22, 09:22 PM
When completed, the ritual shows you nothing overtly magical.

2019-09-23, 10:48 PM
After the ritual is completed and Ganar looks around, he frowns as much as his lizardlike face lets him. "Hrm. Well that's dissapointing." He remarks, then looks around the room once more. Old styled, yet pristine architecture and furniture, a woman with no idea what the world around them is like nor knows Master Helera, who's been widely known in the area for a few centuries.. He gets an idea, an utterly ridiculous idea, but rather than say it outright he constructs a more benign phrase to avoid seeming off-kilter.

"So, miss, I have a question for you- What do you know about this area, then?"

2019-09-27, 12:03 AM
"He'll be at this for awhile," Hert says as Ganar begins his ritual. Feeling peckish, she digs into her pack and pulled out some rations to munch down on. She held a ration out to the half-elf. "In the meantime, why don't you eat something to get your mind running?"

While the spell is still being cast, Hert says "Maybe we can clear some things up for each other. Could you tell us your name? And maybe a bit about this wedding of yours?"

2019-09-27, 11:08 AM
Standing behind the half-elf, Chloe rolls her eyes at the suggestion that she and her friends were lost. Knowing that it would be impolite, she manages to surpress any audible signs of her exasperation. Trying to keep a firm grip on her facial expressions, she walks around the bed and stands next to Hert so that she can face the half-elf.

2019-09-28, 12:31 PM
"He'll be at this for awhile," Hert says as Ganar begins his ritual. Feeling peckish, she digs into her pack and pulled out some rations to munch down on. She held a ration out to the half-elf. "In the meantime, why don't you eat something to get your mind running?"

While the spell is still being cast, Hert says "Maybe we can clear some things up for each other. Could you tell us your name? And maybe a bit about this wedding of yours?"

Alexandria holds up her hands in a warding gesture to pass on the ration.

My name is Princess Alexandria von Dragonstongue. Master wizard, and I am to be wedded at high noon, to the Heir to the duchy of the Ruby river. Alexandria seems resentful at that point.

After the ritual is completed and Ganar looks around, he frowns as much as his lizardlike face lets him. "Hrm. Well that's dissapointing." He remarks, then looks around the room once more. Old styled, yet pristine architecture and furniture, a woman with no idea what the world around them is like nor knows Master Helera, who's been widely known in the area for a few centuries.. He gets an idea, an utterly ridiculous idea, but rather than say it outright he constructs a more benign phrase to avoid seeming off-kilter.

"So, miss, I have a question for you- What do you know about this area, then?"

I.... This is the Twin rivers monarchy..... That's a strange question....? What's going on?

2019-09-29, 06:39 PM
Vague, Ganar thinks, But it's just barely familiar in a way that doesn't deny my theory. Need more evidence.

"Lady Dragonstongue, was it? I believe we would be better served showing you the area rather than waste air explaining what you will plainly see. Follow me, everybody!" He opens the door and marches out of the room with much more confidence than he entered.

2019-09-29, 10:14 PM
The way out is just as abandoned as it was on the way in. With all the active critters cleared our recently by you, and no time for new ones to come take their place, it's safe to walk leisurely out.

2019-09-30, 11:50 PM
Alexandria will follow, instantly confused why the castle seems entirely deserted.

2019-10-03, 12:51 AM
"Watch out for goblins," Hert says, walking beside Alexandria. Her shield is out, but she hasn't drawn out any of her weapons--yet. "We chased off a bunch on our way in, but there might be a few stragglers left behind."

2019-10-03, 01:05 AM
Goblins! Alexandria let out astonished.

2019-10-07, 09:43 AM
You make your way out, with Alexandria dismayed at the state of her home. Eventually, though, you exit the mountain, and head down to your home. Edinborough is happy to see you all returned-though a little surprised at seeing a fourth member.

As you start to settle back into the home life, with Alexandria in tow, you hear the sounds of horses approaching. It's tax season.

2019-10-08, 12:16 AM
Horses? Kingdom officials? Alexandria asks. Perhaps I should ask them why the palace is infested with goblins.

2019-10-08, 10:12 PM
"Did you say horses?" Hert asks, lifting her head to listen to their approach. Her eyes go wide as she makes the connection, "No, it can't be—tax collectors?! But my shift starts in an hour!" She groans. "And then there's Alexandria... Ganar, Chloe, you guys got a place for her? My parent's won't be able to handle a guest on top of those brigands."

2019-10-09, 11:40 AM
"My place could work, but it is outside town and I do not know we can make it before they do.." Ganar explains sheepishly.

That font color looked way different on dark mobile lmao

2019-10-09, 06:51 PM
You've got only a few minutes before they arrive. And the tax collectors... Well, let it not be said they were honorable men, for one who says that would be lying. A pretty young woman like Alexandria is especially at risk to the brigands the kingdom has empowered with tax collection.

Brigand is metaphorical here. They aren't literal bandits, employed by the kingdom. They're just asses.

2019-10-11, 11:10 PM
As the tax collectors get closer and closer, Ganar looks around in a panic trying to think of something. He looks up at Alexandria, walks behind her, and casts Prestidigitation to muddy her clothes in an attempt to dissuade their gaze.

"Apologies, Miss, but your attire stands out significantly here as-is. I will fix this up the instant they are out of our metaphorical hair.. well, mine is metaphorical, anyway." he whispers urgently

I don't actually know what she is wearing but I would assume it's far more expensive than anything else in the area given her status.. not to mention antique

2019-10-12, 12:08 PM
The horse canters in, and you see the tax collector, dressed in fine regalia, looking about. He sees you lot and calls over, saying "Acting the part of hooligans now, are you?"

2019-10-12, 06:09 PM
Holligans? Excuse me! Alexandria replied hands on her hips.

2019-10-12, 06:33 PM
"And what have we here? I've not seen you before," the taxman says, licking his lips.

2019-10-13, 04:06 PM
"Why, yes, she is new around here..!" Ganar goes to stretch the truth, tugging at Alexandria's dress from behind to signal such. "We found her lost near the mountain while exploring, and we weren't about to just leave her there like barbarians, so we took her with us. We just came back into town, see, haven't even had time to wash!"

Deception: [roll0]

2019-10-13, 06:18 PM
"Ah, well how kind," he says, dismounting and stepping towards Alexandria. He seems perfectly willing to believe your lie-not even aware that anything but the truth has been spoken. "Allow me to take her with me, then-I'll clean her up good," he adds with a wicked grin.

2019-10-13, 06:40 PM
"Not necessary," Hert says, stepping in-between Alexandria and the taxman. "As a guard of Edinborough, it is my duty to aid these folk--as it is your duty to collect crown." She stands to her full height and gives a toothy grin, her fists clenched at her sides. "But thank you for your consideration."

Don't know if you need a check here, but I'll roll imtimidation--Hert is trying to give off an intimidating presence without outright coercing or calling out this man. If you feel this would be more of a persuasion check, subtract 2 from this roll:

Intimidation check: [roll0].

Also, if it's possible, Hold action to grapple Chloe if she attempts to kill this man.

2019-10-13, 07:04 PM
The taxman scoffs. "You wouldn't dare touch an agent of the crown-and as an agent of the crown, I insist she comes with me."

2019-10-22, 01:26 PM
And as princess of the crown, I insist that you not touch me! Alexandria lets out, stepping back.

2019-10-22, 01:57 PM
"Oh, got a crazy one, eh?" he says. "You're no princess-the emperor has no kids."

2019-10-22, 05:57 PM
"Emperor?" Alexandria looks to her compatriots.