View Full Version : Half Orc fighter Arch class : ?? / class??

2019-09-15, 05:25 PM
Im sure many people have asked for opinions and I am as well. I'm playing a half orc other half is elf [not out of love]. And he uses a dual scimitar and have worked out back story and set up with DM. Im debating what to roll my char out as.
Str: 16
Dex: 12
Int: 10
Con: 19
Cha: 10
Wis: 13

I primary go in and a non hidden follower of Bane.
And debating going into champion for more crits or running an eldritch knight so i can hide my blade and summon it when needed.

Been debating ranger to lv3 and running to hordebreaker so i can just go swinging into a crowd like mad.

Or cleric so i can run deat domain as bane loves choas.