View Full Version : Multiple Prestige Classes And Spell Progression

2019-09-15, 10:01 PM
So I went 4 duskblade/1 warblabe/1 spellsword and now I want to go into jade Phoenix mage but my dm says that I wouldn't be able to progress my spellcasting from duskblade because I already started progressing it with spellsword. Is this right?

2019-09-15, 10:13 PM
So long as you can fulfill the requirements for prestige class and the progression itself. You could take 1 level of 80 different prestige classes that advance spellcasting and be alright. Is this DM trying to prevent 80 billion dips for one character?

2019-09-15, 10:38 PM
Never mind, he figured it out. He was looking at another class or something.