View Full Version : Board Issue Gender marker on profile

2019-09-17, 01:52 AM
Hi. I'm looking to update my forum profile and noticed there's no way to indicate I'm nonbinary. The closest you have is intersex, which is to do with what your genitals look like, can often be distinct from gender identity, and frankly doesn't apply to me anyway.

If there's any way to patch something in I'd really appreciate it.

2019-09-17, 02:57 AM
This has been asked (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543994-Suggestion-switch-quot-intersex-quot-to-quot-nonbinary-quot-under-about-me&highlight=gender) before (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?582637-Please-Add-Non-Binary-as-a-Gender-option&highlight=gender). Chances seem low of this getting implemented.

You could use your signature to tell people about your gender, along with preferred pronouns.

2019-09-17, 03:13 AM
The big problem here is that gender terminology changes and grows at a rapid pace. What would have been a comprehensive list two years ago would have taken plenty of effort to put together, and would look dated and incomplete today. A list put together today would be just as much effort, and become obsolete just as soon.

Intersex and leaving it blank are both decent "prefer not to answer/not applicable" options. If you have a better idea for what would fit a NA slot, you can suggest that. Broader gender terms are unlikely to be implemented.

2019-09-17, 04:45 AM
So long as you're open to suggestions, couldn't it be converted from drop-down to write-in, as with all other profile options? Or perhaps updates to the drop-down could be made by request, rather than a comprehensive list being made.

My concern with putting it in the signature is that there's an option to turn signatures off, and I have no idea how widely used that is. "Prefer not to answer" doesn't work, as I would in fact prefer to answer. And I am not, as mentioned, intersex.

2019-09-17, 05:04 AM
So long as you're open to suggestions, couldn't it be converted from drop-down to write-in, as with all other profile options? Or perhaps updates to the drop-down could be made by request, rather than a comprehensive list being made.

My concern with putting it in the signature is that there's an option to turn signatures off, and I have no idea how widely used that is. "Prefer not to answer" doesn't work, as I would in fact prefer to answer. And I am not, as mentioned, intersex.

Making it write-in is apparently not an option (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?238959-Gender-Field&highlight=gender).

2019-09-17, 06:42 AM
Honestly, my inclination is just that "intersex" mostly means non-binary. Like, not in the real world, obviously, but that's how I tend to read that marker on the forums. It's probably the best option available, and the little symbol for it conveys the meaning reasonably even if the message when you put your mouse over it is not. They really should add another option though, or change the meaning of the one they have (to at least having both meanings).

Roland St. Jude
2019-09-17, 10:03 AM
Sheriff: Thanks for the suggestion. While we're sympathetic to the desire, as noted above, there are questions of whether it can be implemented, whether we have the resources to do so, whether that commits us to constantly updating what is an optional field in the profile, etc. We certainly favor inclusiveness and accuracy, but we also have limitations.

It's on my radar as a desirable change, but not a high priority one in terms of the forum function. If Rawhide wants to weigh in of the technical aspects, he can post to the closed thread.