View Full Version : [IC] The Hammer of the Barren Coast [4E]

2019-09-17, 01:40 PM
The Hammer of the Barren Coast


The Mahara left their old homeland and courageously ventured into the unknown. The seas were choppy and ridden with storms. Many ships were lost to the unrelenting waves and the attacks by vile sea monsters. As the Mahara neared the coast of the lost continent of Renje, the wild folk’s ships ran aground on rocky reefs hidden just beneath the water’s surface. The King Among Wild Folk braved the blade-like reef and the crashing waves to be the first amongst his people to step foot on their new homeland. He dubbed this land Daggerblood, after the peninsula’s knife-like shape and the rust colored earth that covered it. The King sent many scouts out to explore the continent, commanding them to head in all directions for a week, then return to report back what they have learned of the neighboring lands. While his scouts sallied forth, the Wild King set up his Yurt atop the tallest hillock on the peninsula.


That was a week ago. The Wild King’s yurt is now surrounded by a sea of other yurts and tents. The wild folk in the camp have come to call this place Reddawn and speak of how it will become the center of Maharan culture on this continent. Govromm, Chieftain of one of the largest groups of Mahara who made the perilous journey south to Renje – the mighty Frosttoem Clan – grew disgruntled with the Wild King’s insistence upon “cowering” in the hills while they wait for the scouts to return. Following a loud shouting match between the King Among Wild Folk and Govromm, the latter lead his people off the Daggerblood Peninsula and north to a place along the newly christened River Courage. Thereupon the Chieftain founded the Camp Frostwatch. A second disgruntled chieftain – Gwaza – of the Bluesong Tribe also left Reddawn. Gwaza lead his blue dragonborn east, into the mountains that tower above the coastal lands.


Many of the other clans, equally eager to explore the continent and establish their own communities, have grown impatient and wish to begin large-scale settlement of Renje as soon as possible. Yet the Wild King persists in his view that the Mahara must wait until they know of the dangers that lurk on this unknown continent. It has been two weeks since the Mahara came to Renje and only one scout has returned. He spoke of massive predatory lizards and gigantic flightless birds with razor sharp talons that dwell in the lands to the south. As the third week slowly approaches, none of the other scouts have returned. With each passing day, the clan leaders grow more and more dissatisfied with their current situation and persist in their desire to begin settling the land.

During a grand meeting of all the clan leaders, the King Among Wild Folk reluctantly called forth several bands of fearless braves. You were one of these braves. He tasked you and your fellows with heading north along the coastline with the goal of finding the missing scouts and to survey the land for future settlement. After the meeting ended, and the clan leaders dispersed, the Wild King privately tasked you with delivering a sealed message to Chieftain Govromm, whose new camp lies betwixt Reddawn and the Barren Coast of the north. The King Among the Wild Folk stated that the Minotaur chieftain would - most likely - not like what was written in the letter. The King beseeched you to tread carefully around Govromm, for he was always quick to anger and slow to forgive.


By the time the meeting had ended, night had fallen upon the land. You now find yourselves in a yurt that has come to be called the Melting Snow, which serves as one of the alehouses in Reddawn. The establishment is run by a buxom goliath named Hoaalohakupa'a. She is a sultry woman who raised in a traveling dwarven circus. While at the circus, she learned many languages and how to brew many kinds of alcohol. She escaped her captors and joined the Wild King many moons ago. Hoaalohakupa'a served as the King Among Wild Folk’s translator when dealing with the Vamwe, since she was fluent in all their tongues. With the Maharan exodus to Renje, her skillset became far less useful. She retired from the King’s tribal court and created the alehouse to give the Maraha a place to relax and leave their worries at the door flap. Scattered around the yurt are paintings of various snowy landscapes she had acquired after a raid on a particularly brutal and bloodthirsty Vamwe baron’s castle.

2019-09-17, 05:06 PM
Mistletoe is in her usual spot, a small teardrop-shaped basket-like structure, open to one side, with some padding in it, hanging from a ceiling beam. Out of the way of the tall folk's heads and horns. Sometimes she balls up in it when sleep does take her and she dreams of fire and ash, but right now, the pixie's legs dangle over the edge, leaned back in her little cocoon, quietly playing her lute. It has a surprisingly deep, rich sound for such a small instrument, and the melodies tend to be slow and entrancing. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement with Hoaalohakupa'a (or Loha, as Mistletoe calls her). Mistletoe's people are unnerved by her staying near them for long, even if they at times do their best not to push her away, so she needed some other place to stay, away from the burning sun. The goliath gets nearly free bardic services (and a very effective bouncer) when she is around, Mistletoe barely needing any water, food, and space, even though she does drink a lot for her kind. Not alcohol, no. The fey does not drink the poison the tall folk cannot go without. She only wants water, always feeling a thirst. Heat gathering towards the top of the yurt does not affect her much either, always feeling hot anyway. Loha gave her a spot with a nice view of the largest of the landscapes buried in snow, and the sight at least helps her remember the winter days in the home that was. Just leaning back, letting her mind and fingers on the strings wander, at times reaching for the water cup hanging nearby. Sometimes, her voice accompanies the melodies as well, but those times are rare.

She will be away from this place for a while, heading out into the hateful wastes. Dealing with foolish tribes that could not await splintering away from the weakened trunk that is the surviving Mahara. Losing their homes, sailing across the furious sea, knowing nothing of this hateful new land, but already sowing strife. Mistletoe had not noticed these things for a while, too singlemindedly focused on protecting her kind and those near it, clinging to the prow in the whipping storms, throwing scalding steam and scorching flame against the creatures of the depths, and cracking their heated skulls with freezing fire hungrily devouring all warmth.

The current melodies takes a break. The pixie emerges from her hanging cocoon, taking the empty water cup. Faint ethereal embers are seen as she descends softly, seeking to fetch new water from a covered pot that could almost be a well to her. She looks to her new companions. New souls to shelter in the effort of their people surviving. Mistletoe looks to Loha.

"Any word from the north?" she asks, voice hoarse, as it often is, except in song. Or anger. The goliath hears much, and the pixie knows little about the minotaurs and the other tribes that broke away to the north.

2019-09-17, 05:29 PM
The lizardfolk that is seated in one of the closest seats to the cooking fire raises its head as the pixie descends to ask her question.
At the motion the multi-hued shawl - made from hundreds of dragonfly wings sewn patiently together - draped about the lizardman's shoulders shimmers with reflected fire light.

"If there were, what would be the purpose of our journey?"

Sss'nock muses openly as he idly picks up another hunk of dried fish to gnaw on.
There is no mug in front of him at all, as like Mistletoe the lizardman evidently prefers to keep his mind clear.

2019-09-18, 12:36 AM

Gorvak sits at the table quietly, staring off into the distance. One large hand is wrapped around a large mug, the other has a thumb hooked into his belt next to his flail. He hadn't sipped from the mug in several minutes now. He'd been spacing off again; that much was typical.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, the conversation registered, and he blinked his eyes, bringing himself back into the present. His round face opened into a big grin, showing several large shining teeth. "Probably still no word, but if there is anyone who would know it before the Wild King, it would be Hoaalohakupa'a." He winked at her as he said the woman's name, it rolled off his tongue much more naturally than it did for most. "But even if there is no word, perhaps a little wisdom about dealing with Govromm or his tribe. If we're to make contact with them, and there anywhere near as difficult to deal with as I've heard, that could help."

2019-09-18, 09:41 AM
The goliath walks over to the group's table and sits down. She pours herself a tall glass of Vamwe beer taken from an earl's personal storehouse before the Mahara left their homeland. She looks into her cup, collecting her thoughts for a few moments before looking up and rather bluntly stating, Govromm is an idiot." She lets her statement hang in the air for a few passing heartbeats before continuing, "Govromm is a warrior through and through. He stood back to back with the Wild King against the humans, the elves and the dwarves. His loyalty to the cause and the Mahara is not up for debate but..." She sighs heavily, "Govromm IS an idiot." She downs her tall glass of beer and then continues, "He is a brash and arrogant fool who always thinks he knows best. This is not the first time he has defied our King but it is certainly the most open and brazen act of defiance I have ever heard of him committing."

Hoaalohakupa'a pours a half glass of beer, then continues, "This entire display reeks of Govromm's third wife - Hunlossi. She never liked the Wild King and has a well known knack for melodrama. Behind her back, some call her Hunlossi the Human because of the way she breaks promises, burns bridges and throws her allies under the metaphorical wagon. She is a capricious and vile woman but... She, like her husband, is a competent warrior. I once saw her get into an honor duel with a goliath. It was only supposed to be a fight to first blood. The duel was well fought by both combatants. Hunlossi grew increasingly frustrated with the fact that she was not winning as quickly as she would have liked. Calling forth a deep strength, she body slammed the goliath onto a pile of freshly chopped firewood, then grabbed the goliath's head and slammed it into the wood again and again and again. It took fully four minotaurs to rip Hunlossi away from the goliath's broken and mangled corpse..." She downs her glass of beer and looks down at the table, not making eye contact with anyone else at the table. "Be careful. She is a beast not to be trifled with."

2019-09-18, 02:55 PM
There is a flicker in the embers of Mistletoe's eyes, reflecting in her water cup as she grinds her teeth and sets down upon the table of the group with her cup. "Bloodthirsty conquerors and usurpers. They win wars, only to have what they won fall apart in their hands that only know to strangle and crush. Like the Vamwe." The pixie's voice is like a whisper, but the words cut, with the last one accompanied by almost a low, deep rumble. She takes a sip to douse the hateful flames a little, and looks to the group.

"Silence will be my friend while among their tribe, for the sake of the peace. Their tempers flare easily. I do not want mine to do so in return." Mistletoe shows a slight bow, and takes another sip.

2019-09-18, 04:46 PM

Grulgar grunts at the information. He wasn't terribly surprised. Minotaurs had a tendency to be headstrong. He sipped his water, abstaining from the Vamwe Ale as he sat, thinking.

"That woman sounds like a vindictive one. I would presume that she has some rather painful memories to make her so. Tis a shame that she feels the need to drag her husband down this path. Unity under the Sun is necessary now."

2019-09-18, 09:06 PM
Sss'nock hisses as their hostess provides a possible reason for Govromm's divisive behavior. Sss'nock needed no encouragement to dislike their task as it stood already; as he understood it Govromm had been one of those to argue against admitting the People to join the other Mahara within the Bronzelight Marsh. It was easy to understand his reasoning - the slightly less than three dozen half-starved lizardfolk that arrived at the Marsh had no material goods to offer, and while the journey had seen each lizardfolk who could grip a spear bloodied, only a few of them were trained warriors. Fortunately not all had seen them as a burden, but the concept that his people had almost been turned away at the edge of the promised land because they simply weren't strong enough still made Sss'nock's blood warm.

"Let us deliver this letter to Govromm, and then let him deal with it as he pleases. Whether he likes it or not, his fate is bound with ours now, and we have more troubling issues than his ego. The missing scouts we must find."

Sss'nock finally adds, struggling to keep the concern out of his voice. The mahara had all come here in the hopes of finding a new land to call home, but what lands were without the blight of the Vamwe? Surely mere beasts had not been able to detain all of the scouts from returning. And if not yet more Vamwe butchers waiting for them on this distant shore, then what?

2019-09-19, 06:51 AM

"His fate IS bound with ours, which is exactly why we need to make sure he listens to reason." Gorvak taps the table with a finger to add emphasis as he makes his point. "I don't know what the Wild King has to say to him, but I trust his judgement. And if Govromm won't like what he has to say, it is probably some commandment that is for the good of all Mahara, but may hurt Govromm's personal pride. If we just deliver the information and do what he wants, it could hurt us all."

He takes a long swig from his drink. "But still, I agree with your point that finding the missing scouts may be a more important part of the task. The Wild King may never move us from this site if we don't locate them. Though there is little helpful information here on that vein of our mission."

He turns back to their hostess, "It sounds like this Hunlossi deserves the worst this world and the next have to offer. If she is the third wife, perhaps the first and second can pressure Govromm against her whims. Do you know anything of these women?"

2019-09-19, 07:12 AM
"If we just deliver the information and do what he wants, it could hurt us all."
"Or the fragile ego and its harpy take opposition as reason to begin aggressions against the king to satisfy their need for superiority. It took only a week for the Mahara to splinter after escaping extinction together, so I expect little good to happen no matter what we do without changing their ways. Less time wasted on them is more spent on work to help the people." Mistletoe will never understand this incessant need, this craving for politics and posturing of the tall folk. Why do they feel the need to devour each other when everything around them already wants to do so. When most of their people are already gone. She does not know how the final days on the land they left behind were for them, but she is slowly dreading that they were as unable to stand together then as they are now.

2019-09-20, 12:52 AM
"Chatsi is Govromm's second wife. She is known as the Lifebringer, for she has brought twelve calves into the world. She cares for her young, and the young of the tribe more generally, for more than she cares for politics." Hoaalohakupa continues as she pours a second round for everyone, "Govromm's first wife is Yamka. She has only birthed one calf - Kuvrun. He is a capable warrior and is said to be the next Chief of the tribe, if and when Govromm passes. Yamka was blinded by elven magic shortly after giving birth to Kuvrun. She now lives as a blind mystic who spends her time interpreting the signs of her fortune bones and "seeing" futures in fire. She lives away from the tribe, and is only sought out when Govromm wants to divine something."

2019-09-21, 08:23 AM
One can hope that the many children are not poisoned by the idiots. This Yamka divining from fire... it does not bode well, but there is also a little stray throught about what she may see in the flames of a taken. Mistletoe finishes her cup of water.

"The heat lurks." The pixie hops off the table, and soon returns with her pack and her dark clothes. She still loathes the outside in this land during the day, but she wants this delivery to be over so they can look for the scouts... and do scouting themselves, still hoping for a new home for her kind.

2019-09-22, 10:54 AM

"Thanks Hoaalohakupa'a, that information could be helpful in dealing with these idiots. May the all-father guide my hand in dealing with them," Gorvak said while shaking his head sadly.

He begins to rise. "It seems as though my companions are eager to leave for our mission. I suppose I agree, when the scout's lives may be on the line, it is best we get going soon." He grabs his pack that was sitting on the ground next to his chair. "Shall we?" he asks his companions.

2019-09-22, 05:57 PM
The parthy gathers their belongings and heads out of the tavern. It is the wee early morning. The sun has not yet crested the eastern mountains yet. A dim light blankest the land, giving the desert a soft pink-ish-red hue. The band of braves heads south, around the path leading to Reddawn and down to the coastline of the Blooddagger peninsula. The sun has just barely risen above the eastern mountains now, the temperature steadily rising with each passing minute. Once the party is about five miles away from the capital, they find themselves near a patchy part of land where sandbars rise just barely above the water's surface. The shallows are home to many small fish and crustaceans. As the braves march down the coast, Sss'nock notices several unnatural mounds of sand. Before he can investigate, several large blue and green crabs burst forth from the earth and charge at the party!

Blue Crab attacks first, then the party, then the Green Crabs!

The Blue Crab bursts forth from under the earth and spits out a blast of cold air in all directions!

Blue Crab Ocean Spray v Gv's Fort: [roll0]
Blue Crab Ocean Spray v Gg's Fort: [roll1]
Blue Crab Ocean Spray v Mt's Fort: [roll2]
Blue Crab Ocean Spray v Sn's Fort: [roll3]

Hit: Damage - [roll4]

The party is now up!

2019-09-22, 09:34 PM
Sss'nock nods at their hostess, gesturing to the dried fish.

"My thanksss for the well-cooked meal."

The lizardfolk murmurs, struggling a little bit with pronouncing the "s" in the common tongue used by the Mahara.
No doubt one of the reasons why some called him Sss'nake behind his back, as yet too afraid despite their disdain to call him that to his face.
Perhaps Govromm will oblige him, not that it would solve anything.

As they start to pack up to leave, Mistletoe says something that piques the lizardman's curiosity.

"The heat lurksss?"

Sss'nock repeats, hoping the pixie will provide more context for that statement but he does not press for information.
He could only hope that the other members of this hunting pack will prove to be more loyal and supportive than Govromm has.


As they near the unusual mounds of sand, despite their unusual surroundings something about the sight of them tickled Sss'nock's danger sense.
But before he could do more than raise a hand to signal the group to stop, the mounds erupt in flying sand as large crabs leverage themselves out of hiding, surrounding the group!
The nearest and perhaps largest one, with an unusual bright blue shell, spews a fine mist-like spray at the group that chills the air around it before they can react!
Even from this distance, the cold sends Sss'nock's mind involuntarily back to that long lonely march, his people slowly falling all around him . . . so cold . . .

Sss'nock snaps out of that reverie a moment later as he suddenly realizes that while he felt the cold, it did not last long enough to seriously affect him.
Looking around, he can see a coating of frost on Gorvak and Grulgar's armor, but none of his nor Mistletoe's immediately in front of him.
Did . . . did the fiery little pixie shield him with her body somehow?

"The fire lurksss indeed."

Sss'nock mutters as he hefts his trident, an odd-looking weapon featuring an upper and middle tine that are both broad and identical in appearance, but with the lower tine a slender blade held to the base of the weapon's head by a glob of soldered metal.
This was a replacement tine Sss'nock had been forced to attach after an ambush by the Vamwe's Silverwind Trading Company had seen his weapon sundered, the lowest tine completely snapped off.
He had replaced it using the slender blade of the ambush's leader, a halfling duelist and tracker that Sss'nock had skewered personally with the remainder of his weapon.
There had been no time to reforge the weapon, and so he had been forced to make due with her blade - fortunately, it seemed that there had been some magic in the halfling's weapon of choice.
Hopefully it would continue to serve its new master well.

Whispering a magical prayer to the ancient spirits of the land, Sss'nock feels a skittering sensation travel up his arm into the body of his weapon, and then he launches it in a well-practiced throw towards the blue crab.
As the trident comes near its target, the tip becomes coated in a layer of spectral venom, but the weapon skips harmlessly off the creature's thick shell.
The spectral venom transforms into a cloud of flies that lift the trident back up into the air, arcing it towards the green crab further down the beach, but they are unable to generate enough lift before dissipating.
The trident thunks uselessly into the sand a foot shy of the scuttling green crab as it finishes digging itself out, and then melts away into a swarm of green motes that rapidly fly back the way they came to collect around Sss'nock's hand, reforming into his trident.

Growling in irritation at the beast's stubborn hide, Sss'nock hops backward and whirls, turning to face another of the green crabs as it shook the last of the sand off its back to the group's north.
This time, his throw is dead-on, skewering the beast directly through the middle and splitting its shell in two.
The lizardfolk gives a roar of victory as first blood is unleashed, the magical trident again melting away into magical motes to return and reform in his hand.

Minor: Draw Trident
Standard: Attack Blue Crab with Spider Spirits
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Free Action: Activate Inevitable Shot to convert miss on Blue Crab into a new ranged attack on Green Crab #4, using the Blue Crab's square as the origin point. Since Green Crab #4 is 3 squares away, this should be in normal range, but I'm not sure if using Inevitable Shot resets the range counter or if it still needs to be within 3/6 of Sss'nock. Since the text of the power specifically says to use the missed creature as the origin point, I'm assuming that counts for everything including range limits. Add -2 to this attack if you disagree Felhammer!
Using Biting Swarm as a ranged basic attack for the Inevitable Shot re-direct to Green Crab #4
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hit: Green Crab #4 suffers a -2 penalty to-hit until the start of Sss'nock's next turn

Free Effect: Because Sss'nock's trident is a magical throwing weapon, it immediately returns to his hand after the attack is complete.

Move: Use Sidestep Racial Encounter Power. Sss'nock shifts 1 square north from H12 to H11, and then makes a ranged basic attack (using Biting Swarm as ranged basic) vs. Green Crab #1
To-Hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Hit: Green Crab #1 suffers a -2 penalty to-hit until the start of Sss'nock's next turn

Free Effect: Because Sss'nock's trident is a magical throwing weapon, it immediately returns to his hand after the attack is complete.

2019-09-22, 11:04 PM

Gorvak is taken almost completely by surprise. He'd seen Sss'nock raise a hand out of the corner of his eye, but it had hardly even registered that there might be danger when the attack began. He hadn't even turned around when he felt the icy mist blast into him. It felt like it cut directly through his heavy armor, chilling him right to the bone.

Gorvak let out a growl as he pulled his flail free from the ring on his hip. He spun around, seeing the group had suddenly been surrounded by crabs. His eyes quickly landed on the blue crab that had injured him. Gorvak in only a few large, purposeful slides, Gorvak was next to the crab. His mouth moved in a silent prayer to the all-father, as his flail came swinging down on the crab. The blow cracks hard into crab's leg, the flails chains wrapping around it. Gorvak gives the flail a purposeful yank, pulling the crab's legs from beneath it, and leaving it lying over next to one of the green crabs. Gorvak lets out a grunt of satisfaction.

Minor: Draw weapon
Move: to position shown on map.
Standard: Attack BC1 with Ardent Strike. If hit, he'll take [roll1] (Edit: Make that [roll=critical damage]1d6+15) and be subject to my divine sanction until the end of my next turn. And due to commanding vow and the staggering flail, I can slide him some, which I've noted on the map. As an additional side effect of the crit the slide is a little farther and he falls prone .

2019-09-22, 11:09 PM

(Oops, forgot I couldn't change the roll in the edit. Here's the crit roll.)

2019-09-23, 10:03 AM
HP 38/38, HS 9/9, AP 1
Effects flight altitude 1

Even this early, being outside is a miserable experience for Mistletoe, fluttering through the air alongside the group as tiny embers drift away from what is left of her wings. The scorching sun is not welcomed by the pixie, black cloth between her and the radiance, though the heat still finds a way, slowly, but surely. She feels feverish even when it is cold around her, she doesn't need more on top of what the fire within subjects her to. However, the pixie endures quietly. Useless complaints only fray others' minds.

Thoughts of treading through the shore water cross Mistletoe's mind, but they are discarded soon. It would only slow the group down and the heat will return immediately as soon as she steps from the water. That or the water will boil, sooner or later. It doesn't keep her from glancing at the shoreline, though, and remember dangling her feet in streams of a forest long gone. The burst of earth and cold is almost welcome, but there is a sting and violence in it. The burst of air crashes against a flaring eruption of heat, Mistletoe wreathed in flames, glowing white-hot from within her chest and throat and eyes, wings and hair burning violently with the inner fire. Cold snapping at her allies. Cold coming from hateful creatures spawned by a hateful land.

The beasts will burn.

Quiet Mistletoe screams, overlaid by a much deeper roar of the fire, as her allies already move to kill the creatures. Hands grab the thin air and rip upwards with a snarl, at the same time the larger bush with the crab and mound behind it erupt in roaring flames, turning the crab to ash and leaving the very ground burning. With a small burst, Mistletoe flies back in an radiant arc, ending over one of the sand banks, where she sees oversees all. And raises her hands, red and yellow rising from them, small spasms shuddering through her fingers, one clutching what appears to be a scorched fang. Ready to incinerate everything that threatens them.

Standard Ignition, area 1 centered on D15, attacking every creature within (and perhaps whatever is hiding in the mound on D15)
[roll0] vs Green Crab 3's Fortitude
Hit: [roll1] fire damage
Effect: Creates a zone in the attack area (C14-E16) until the start of Mistletoe's next turn. Every creature entering or ending its turn in the zone takes 3 fire damage. Creatures can take the damage only once per turn.

Move Fly from H13 to N11 (altitude 1)

2019-09-23, 01:02 PM

Grulgar thanks their hostess before shouldering his small pack and walking out into the early morning. The Sun was not yet up, but he could feel the warmth as they progressed North. AS teh day advanced he tilted his head back and enjoyed the warmth coming from the great orb in the sky. It was good to be outside.

Sadly his wonderful walk was interrupted by several giant crabs deciding that they wanted dinner. He disagreed.

"It looks like we'll be having crab for lunch!"

Grulgar will use Righteous Brand on the crab, giving Sss'Nock a +3 on Melee attacks till the end of his next turn.



2019-09-24, 04:05 PM
With a few crabs felled, the remaining let out a thundering warcry. As they do, the unnatural looking mounds jostle and gyrate, then several more crabs come crawling out. One of the crabs is immediately felled by Mistletoe's fire. Two crabs come skittering out of the mound nearest Gorvak. They immediately set upon him. The mounds furthest from the party burst open like thick pimples, each revealing a gigantic, horse-sized crab! One of the crabs rushes towards Grulgar, desperately trying to protect the smaller green crab. The red crab spits on his claw, coating it in magical ice, then cannons his claw forward, right at Grulgar's face! The smaller green crab shifts away from the enemy and then burrows beneath the sand... Meanwhile the other giant red crustacean barrels out of his hole, lopes across the shallows with ease, then attempts to snap Sss'nock with both of his pincers!

RC1 snap both of its pincers on Sss'nock:
--- [roll0]
--- Hit: [roll1]
--- [roll2]
--- Hit: [roll3]

RC2 charges Grulgar:
--- [roll4]
----- Hit: [roll5] cold damage, the target is both marked and immobilized.
----- Miss: Half damage and target slowed until the end of the crab's next turn.

BC3 spits magical cold at Gorvak
--- [roll6]
----- Hit: [roll7] Cold Damage

BC4 spits magical cold at Gorvak
--- [roll8]
----- Hit: [roll9] Cold Damage

GC2 shifts away from Grulgar and then burrows into the sand...

2019-09-24, 05:14 PM

Gorvak feels a brief chill from the attacks of the two crabs closest to him, but he quickly shakes off the effects. They're annoying enough to want to get rid of, but these new red crabs seemed like much bigger concern. Gorvak swings his flail in a wide arc around himself, trying to knock over the two smaller crabs, so he can make his way over to help Sss'nock, but one of the blue crabs bobs and scuttles just out of his flail's reach. The other one is hit solidly, cracking its exoskeleton, and sending it flying backwards in a heap of claws and segmented legs.

Gorvak glares at the dodgy little bugger, but steps cautiously away from it over to the big boy. "Come on there, you look like a challenge enough for me. Care to take me on then?"

Standard: Strength from Valor attacks all enemies in a close burst 1 vs. Fortitude.
(could also attack any others if there are more in the mound under BC3, but I'll leave that to you to determine)
Hit does [roll2] and I gain 5 temp hp for each target hit. Not sure how you want temps listed on the spreadsheet, so I just listed them in positive effects for now.

Move: Shift over to RC1

Minor: Divine Challenge on RC1 (maintained by being adjacent)

2019-09-24, 06:08 PM
HP 38/38, HS 9/9, AP 1
Effects flight altitude 1

The giant crabs emerging and attacking, harming the others only fuels Mistletoe's anger. Moving over the shallow water, air currents begin to rush around her tiny hands, the air flimmering, until she pushes them forward with another unnaturally deep roar, two jets of fire erupting from her little appendages. Seeing the pain Sss'nock is in results in the jets booming, becoming even bigger and more violent, aimed to consume the foul beasts, the pressure blasting water and sand away beneath the barely contained flames, steam hissing upwards. The pixie's allies feel the heat, but it does not burn them, with Sss'nock even feeling a soothing sensation, a bit of his pain leaving his body. Chaotic and violent as the enraged pixie may seem, she is far from uncontrolled madness.

The fire slams into the crab before Sss'nock and Gorvak, making it stumble momentarily from the sheer force as its flesh burns and shell begins to crack. However, the crab before Grulgar fares much worse. The jet hitting it experiences another burst, engulfing the creature, not so much slamming into as crushing it, turning flesh to ash, blasting the rest apart or turning it into molten stinking slag, scattered across the sands behind where it stood.

Move Fly from N11 to M7 (altitude 1)

Free Shield of Devotion on Sss'nock, healing him for 3 4 HP (Mistletoe's Charisma modifier) and granting Mistletoe a +2 power bonus to her next attack roll against Red Crab 1

Standard Elemental Bolt with Elemental Escalation, targeting Red Crab 2, and Red Crab 1 as an extra target. Mistletoe deals an extra d10 damage to both on hit.
[roll0] vs. Red Crab 1's Reflex
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3] fire damage

[roll4] vs. Red Crab 2's Reflex Edit: Critical Hit!
Hit: [roll5] + [roll6] + [roll7] 46 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24166370&postcount=30) fire damage

2019-09-24, 06:55 PM

Sss'nock grunts in surprise as the horse-sized red crab hits him from the side, one claw snapping around his right thigh while the other one slides along his shoulder, trying to work itself around his neck.
Moving quickly, Sss'nock manages to pull away from the claw on his shoulder, ducking under the claw's motion before it could try to snip his head off, and wedges the butt of his trident into the claw around his thigh to leverage it open and slide his leg out.
The lizardman manages to limp clear of the giant crab just in time before a wave of fire washes over the beast and a second blast flash-cooks the other gigantic crab attacking Grulgar.
The delicious smell of broiled crab spreads out from the second crab as it collapses to the ground a seared mess.
Sss'nock grins as he shifts around the injured crab, the pain of his wounds fading slightly as a soothing warmth spreads through his body.

"No Grulgar, today we feassst!"

He shouts, stabbing his trident at the crab's side while muttering a prayer to the Many-Headed Mother to guide his weapon to a soft spot.
His trident strikes true, breaking through the fire-weakened shell easily and skewering something vital inside as that crab also collapses.

Minor: Oath of Enmity on Red Crab #1
Move: Shift one square to the south
Standard: Overwhelming Strike on Red Crab #1 (Oath of Enmity triggers, allowing reroll. +3 To-Hit from Righteous Brand)
To-Hit #1: [roll0]
To-Hit #2: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: Sss'nock shifts 1 square to the westnortheast, and slides the Red Crab #1 into the square he just occupied (i.e. 1 square west)

Since that killed Red Crab #1, Oath of Enmity recharges. Sss'nock still shifts 1 square, although to the northeast instead since the crab is dead and there's no reason to cluster up with Grulgar now.

2019-09-24, 07:44 PM

Grulgar feels the shard of ice shatter against his armor, however it also seems to create a thin layer of ice over him, slowing him down as the scales stick together. Muttering a prayer to the Sun under his breath, he trudges forward and points his blade at the nearest blue crab

"May the Sun blind you!"

A flash of light shoots out from his blade and envelopes the crab

Using Sacred Flame



And Sss'nock gains 1 Temp HP

2019-09-25, 05:12 PM
With many of the crabs suddenly dead, the last remaining blue crustacean lets slip a mournful howl. Soon after, the ground shakes and the sea rumbles. First the two hidden green crabs burst out of the ground near Grulgar and Ss'nok! Then two more Red Crabs cannon out of the larger holes and charge Grulgar and Gorvak! Finally, a great whirlwind forms underneath the Mistletoe. Before the Pixie can react, a gigantic purple shelled crab rockets out of the sea and attacks the lizardfolk with terrifying speed and power!

RC3 at attacks Gorvak with an icy claw
--- [roll0] v AC (includes the -4 to hit due to charge)
----- Hit: [roll1] cold damage, the target is both marked and immobilized.
----- Miss: Half damage and target slowed until the end of the crab's next turn.

RC4 charges snap both of its pincers on Grulgar:
--- [roll2] v AC
--- Hit: [roll3]
--- [roll4] v AC
--- Hit: [roll5]

BC3 spits magical cold at Gorvak
--- [roll6]
----- Hit: [roll7] Cold Damage

GC2 attacks SSn'nok with a pincer
--- [roll8] vs. AC; 4 damage.

GC4 attacks Grulgar with a pincer
--- [roll9] vs. AC; 4 damage.

PC blasts the area with a cold breath!
--- Attack:
[roll10] vs. SS Reflex
[roll11] vs. GV Reflex
[roll12] vs. GG Reflex
-----Hit: [roll13] cold damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
-----Effect: Allies in the blast gain 5 temporary hit points

PC attacks SS with a giant pincer claw!
--- Attack: [roll14] vs. SS AC
----- Hit: [roll15] damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the Purple Crab’s next turn.
----- Effect: The target is marked and slowed until the end of the Purple Crab's next turn.

2019-09-25, 06:05 PM
As the massive purple crab surges out of the surf, some preternatural sense warns Sss'nock in advance.
The lizardman drops to all fours, shivering as another eruption of cold mist blasts out just above his back, immediately followed by a snapping claw that was nearly as big as Sss'nock.
As the crab pulls the claw back, however, Sss'nock surge back up to his feet, bringing his spear up into the creature's underbelly.
An eruption of small motes of primal energy burst forth from the weapon's tip, striking the crab's underside and forcing it to stumble back a few steps further up onto the beach and away from him (and Mistletoe as well).
As the purple crab rears back and prepares to charge forward again, Sss'nock shouts a magical command word in the common tongue before hurling the trident at it.


The trident skips off the top of the crab's hardened shell, leaving Sss'nock to only "hrmph" at his continued failure to break through with throwing attacks.
He then turns his back on the green crab still snipping at him and seeks to escape from the churning sands and surf that he suddenly finds himself in the middle of.

Immediate Reaction upon being missed by the purple crab - activate daily seeker power, Spirit's Rebuke.
Purple Crab automatically takes [roll0] damage and is Pushed 1 square (to the northwest, it's new current position on the map).
Standard: Sss'nock uses Biting Spirits as a ranged attack against the Purple crab. Due to his armor's property, he does not provoke any AoOs from the green crab for making a ranged attack.
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: Purple Crab takes a -2 penalty to-hit until the start of Sss'nock's next turn. MISSED

As a free action, Sss'nock activates the daily magic of his trident, impaling the purple crab and giving it Immobilized (Save Ends). Missed on the attack.

Move: Move to the south/southwest, treating the first square as difficult terrain and ending in H13. This movement provokes from Green Crab #2

2019-09-25, 06:24 PM

Gorvak's shield deflects the worst of the red crab's attack. It was still quite an impact, but, thank the All-Father, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. At least it hadn't been the big one. Gorvak longed to test his strength against such a beast, but he had the attention of the beasts on this side of the battlefield, and for now that was probably a more valuable advantage for his allies. Seeing Grulgar wavering out of the corner of his eye, Gorvak realized there was one more thing he could do for them. He shouted out, "Grulgar, come meet the challenge! The All-Father watches you!" Gorvak was certain that Grulgar worshiped a different god, but invoking the All-Father's power on his behalf may still shake him out of his stupor.

Gorvak quickly spun around to meet the red crab. He wanted to end this quickly. Neglecting his own defenses for the moment, Gorvak swung his flail in two lightning quick flourishes, each one pounding vicious cracks into the crab's exoskeleton. The red crab still stood, but he looked to be on his last legs. Gorvak scowled at it's endurance.

I reduced the amount of damage that Gorvak has taken because I don't think you accounted for the temps he got last round. If I'm mistaken about that, you can put it back to 8 from the red crab's attack.

Standard: Heedless Fury on RC3 [roll0]. If that hits, it will take [roll1], but I will also take a -5 to all defenses until the end of my next turn.

Minor: Divine Mettle for Grulgar. He can make a save before his turn (with a +1 bonus) against the daze effect.

Minor: Sohei Flurry on RC3. (Rolled in OOC to avoid double posting here. Didn't know if I was going to use this until I saw the result of the first attack, or else I would have just put it in this post in the first place.) It hit doing an additional 7 points to RC3.

2019-09-26, 03:15 PM
HP 38/38, HS 9/9, AP 1
Effects flight altitude 1

More and bigger crabs appear, and Mistletoe's rage builds alongside the rising danger. As the water splashes up and the positively gigantic crab attacks her allies, Mistletoe blasts fire into the side of the beast with so much force she propels herself backwards through the air with it, leaving a trail of steam behind her. Instead of steadying herself, she promptly vents her anger at the wounded red crab nearby, seeking to drown it in fire.

The sudden force of her first blast makes the fire hit the water instead of the huge crab, what little heat washing over it only turning the water on its shell to steam, but the added frustration of how little effect she had on the beast lets her score a hit on her second target, cracking and melting its shell, charring its flesh and boiling the rest. Spasms race through Mistletoe's body, bits of smoke coming from her mouth as her fires dim a little. She is far from done yet, but her body can't keep up this kind of full-force exertion anymore, lest she risks simply burning herself to a cinder to fuel the fire. She spits black fluid, hissing as it hits the water, and the pixie growls, gathering her fire.

Move Fly from M7 to P11 (still altitude 1, so ignoring the whirlpool on the ground)

Standard Elemental Bolt with Elemental Escalation, targeting the Purple Crab and Red Crab 3
[roll0] vs Purple Crab's Reflex
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3] fire damage

[roll4] vs Red Crab 3's Reflex
Hit: [roll5] + [roll6] + [roll7] fire damage

2019-09-26, 07:45 PM

Grulgar felt the wind woosh out of him, and he staggered a bit as he tried to get ai in his lungs. These crabs where far more tenacious then he had expected. He heard Gorvak's call, and felt the Sun shine down upon him, trying to push through it. Fighting through enough to act at least, he raises his blade high to catch the dawning sun.

"Sun....do...to....you..... what...you...to me..."

SOLAR FLARE!! ie Astral Flare

Hitting the Red Crab and the Purple Crab vs Will



2019-09-28, 08:10 PM
Dazed by Grulgar's attack, the gigantic purple crab cannons his claw forward, right at the cleric's face! The Red Crab, inspired by the larger crab's assault, gets in on the action and whacks the bugbear as well! The red crab then shift away and burrows into the soft sand. The smallest crabs each attempt to claw and bite Gorvak and Sss'nock

PP attacks GG
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the PP’s next turn.

Effect: One of PP's allies within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action!

RC4 will attack GG!
--- [roll2] v AC
--- Hit: [roll3]

RC4 will then shift and burrow :smallamused:

GC4 attacks SS with a pincer
--- [roll4] vs. AC; 4 damage.

GC2 attacks GV with a pincer
--- [roll5] (flanking) vs. AC; 4 damage.

BC3 bites GV
--- [roll6] (flanking) vs. AC; [roll7]

2019-09-28, 08:34 PM
Sss'nock grunts as the little crabs continue to relentlessly pick at the skin of his legs, gradually tearing deeper past his scales into the muscle.
This couldn't be allowed to continue for much longer or there wasn't going to be anything left of the lizardman to patch up!
Leaping away from the green crab still chasing him, Sss'nock lands behind the one menacing Grulgar and stabs his trident down at it.
As the spear cracks through its shell and pins it to the surf, Sss'nock kicks the crab's body off of the weapon's tines and spins around to get further away from the melee.

OA from the Green Crab from last round - [roll0], 4 damage

Move: Shift 1 square to flank Green Crab #4 with Grulgar
Minor: Oath of Enmity Green Crab #4
Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs. Green Crab #4 (+2 Flanking, Oath of Enmity in effect)
To-Hit: [roll1]
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hit: Sss'nock shifts 1 square (Southwest), and recovers his Oath of Enmity

2019-09-29, 03:18 AM
HP 38/38, HS 9/9, AP 1
Effects flight altitude 1

There is the desire to simply light the beach on fire to finally get rid of the smaller crabs, but the gigantic crab continues to draw Mistletoe's ire. Winded from how much of the flames she expelled, feeling nearly unbearable heat inside, she takes a deep breath, providing a brief cooling sensation, followed by feeding the fire that gets expelled towards the giant crab. She lets the force push herself back again, but the lance of flame finally connects, announced by a screech and an explosion of steam.

Standard Elemental Bolt, targeting Purple Crab
[roll0] vs Purple Crab's Reflex
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage

Move Fly from P11 to R16 (altitude 1)

2019-09-29, 10:19 AM

Gorvak lets out a loud curse in the tongue of the giants as the crab behind him chomps solidly down on his calf. He spins to look down at it continuing to mutter quiet, but no less angry curses at it. He spins his flail around a couple of times as he watches its swaying defensive movements, trying to find the right moment to strike. Suddenly, he shifts the momentum of the flail, lashing out at the blue crab. But at the last second, the annoying beast jumped aside, leaving the flail to thud solidly into the sand. Gorvak roared in frustration, "YOU WILL BE DEFEATED!" he shouts at the blue crab, challenging it to continue to fight him.

Even though he wanted to continue to fight the blue crab, Gorvak knew enough to to allow himself to be surrounded by two enemies when possible, so he stepped back and away from it, so that he was next to the green crab. This way he could watch both smaller crabs' movements at once.

Attack BC3 with ardent strike. [roll0], [roll1] and the crab is sanctioned and can be slid or proned.

Minor: Divine challenge on BC3 (maintained by having attacked it this round).

Move: Shift to position shown on the map.

2019-09-29, 02:52 PM

The air back in his lungs, Gruglar lets out a mighty shout as he steps towards the great Purple Crab, his sword shining as the sun as he swings towards the great beast.

"That is quite enough!"

Righteous Brand



And if he hits Grovak can get the +3 bonus to melee attack rolls

2019-09-30, 08:58 PM
The Red Crab bursts forth from the watery sand and double punhses the poor pixie! Meanwhile the Purple Crab wails on Grulgar, while the two smaller crabs attack Ss'nok and Gorvak!

RC4 attacks Mistletoe!
--- [roll0] v AC
--- Hit: [roll1]
--- [roll2] v AC
--- Hit: [roll3]

PP attacks GG
Attack: [roll4] vs. AC
Hit: [roll5] damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the PP’s next turn.

Effect: One of PP's allies within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action!
------------GC2 attacks GV with a pincer
----------------- [roll6] vs. AC; 4 damage.

GC2 attacks GV with a pincer
--- [roll7] vs. AC; 4 damage.

BC3 bites SS
--- [roll8] (flanking) vs. AC; [roll9]

2019-09-30, 09:27 PM
Sss'nock can feel his blood running into the sand from a dozen nicks and snips from the crab's claws, but it is clear that Grulgar is faring even worse.
Tapping deep into the knowledge he had gained from the ancient holy text he had been given by Old Furface himself, Sss'nock hurriedly sketches a rune into the sand with the butt of his spear.

"Be healed!"

Sss'nock declares as he pours magically energy into the hastily sketched rune, and it flares to life, bathing Grulgar in a gentle healing glow (Grulgar can spend a healing surge).
He then turns to the nearby Blue crab that had just tried to bite him and throws his trident point-blank into its face, cracking apart chitin in an eruption of ichor before his trident melts away and returns to his hands.

"Hold ssstrong, friendssss! The battle isss almosst oursss!"

Minor: Activate daily Rune of Mending, allowing Grulgar to spend a healing surge.
Standard: Biting Swarm vs. Blue Crab#3
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Hit: Blue Crab #3 and any adjacent enemy takes a -2 penalty to-hit until Sss'nock's next turn.

2019-10-01, 07:18 PM
HP 27/38, HS 9/9, AP 1
Effects flight altitude 1

The hit adds blunt trauma to the existing pain of feeling herself burn, and the moment seems to cause the pixie to flare up and turn to ashes, only for Mistletoe to reappear in a flash of flame a bit closer to the giant crab, battered and bruised. Singlemindedly, she continues to blast flame towards it, growling her displeasure that it is still alive.

Move Spacial Trip, teleporting from R16 to P14

Standard Elemental Bolt, targeting Purple Crab
[roll0] vs Purple Crab's Reflex (includes CA bonus)
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage

2019-10-01, 07:32 PM

Gorvak nods to Sss'nock in appreciation for wiping out the annoying blue crab. He then turns and finishes off the small green crab next to him with a solid thump from his flail. Time to go deal with the biggest threat. He moves up the shoreline toward the purple crab, saying a silent prayer to the All-Father to give him strength to face the upcoming challenge. He feels the god's spirit uplift him, allowing him to ignore the bruises he's already sustained.

Standard: Ardent Strike on GC2. [roll0]. Hit does [roll1] and he is sanctioned. I can also slide or prone him, if somehow he doesn't die.

Move: to position shown on map.

Minor: Lay on Hands for myself, spend a surge regaining 10 hp.

2019-10-02, 08:01 PM

Grulgar was hurting. His armor had saved him from death, but these crabs where relentless and the large one just wouldn't go down. He needed to retreat, to better be able to aid the others in their own healing after the battle was finally won.

"I leave this gift before I fall back! Take the Sun's protection!"

He swings at the Crab one last time, summoning forth a large shield to protect any under it, before retreating behind some brush for cover.

Using Numinous Shield which creates a Close Burst 2 around where Grulgar was. Any ally in it gets +2 AC until Grulgar's next turn. He then moves behind the bush and uses Healing Word on himself



2019-10-05, 10:50 AM
The Purple Crab slams its pincer into Grulgar, which inspires the recently-re-positioned Red Crab to attack the Pixie.

RC4 attacks Mistletoe!
--- [roll0] v AC
--- Hit: [roll1]
--- [roll2] v AC
--- Hit: [roll3]

PP attacks GG
Attack: [roll4] vs. AC
Hit: [roll5] damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the PP’s next turn.

Effect: One of PP's allies within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action!
------------RC4 attacks Mistletoe with a pincer
----------------- [roll6] vs. AC

NOTE: MISTLETOE gets a AO on the Red Crab!

2019-10-05, 06:24 PM
Sss'nock moves up on the truly gigantic purple crab, seeking to hit the monstrosity from behind, with a prayer to the Many-Headed Mother on his lips.
His faith is rewarded, as the trident penetrates deep into the crab's innards through a narrow crack in its shell!

Move: Move two squares to the east, and then 3 squares Northeast, including 2 squares for the last one which is difficult terrain due to the surf.
Minor: Oath of Enmity on the Purple Crab
Standard: Deflecting Thunder vs. Purple Crab
To-Hit: [roll0]
To-Hit #2: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] CRITICAL HIT! - 18 Damage total (Max of 13 + rolled 5 bonus magic weapon damage)
Hit: Sss'nock will deflect the next ranged/melee attack against him to the Purple Crab (assuming it's not the purple crab itself attacking him)

2019-10-05, 07:15 PM
HP 27/38, HS 9/9, AP 1
Effects flight altitude 1

The red crab snaps at her, but Mistletoe simply flies out of its reach, continuing her barrage at the giant crab, the threat in front of her irrelevant to her at this moment.

Move Shift from P14 to Q15 (altitude 1)

Standard Elemental Bolt, targeting Purple Crab
[roll0] vs Reflex (includes CA)
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage

2019-10-06, 12:19 AM

Gorvak bangs his flail against his shield. "Hey, big and purple. Over here!" he shouts. "Give me one of those little love pinches." He swings his flail at one of the crab's gigantic legs that is sticking out near where Gorvak is standing, it strikes true cracking through the shell of the spindly leg. Gorvak then flexes his bulky form steeling himself against the retaliation that seems almost certain to be coming.

Minor: Divine Challenge on the purple crab. (Marked and takes 4 radiant damage if he doesn't include me in an attack.)

Standard: Holy Strike [roll0], a hit does [roll1].

Minor: Stone's Endurance (resist all 5 until the end of my next turn).

2019-10-06, 10:19 AM

"GO AWAY FOUL BEAST! I AM SICK OF YOUR ATTACKS!" Roars Grulgar as the giant crab hits him again, much to his continued annoyance. He decides to remain behind the brush to keep some amount of cover and raises his sun symbol and fires a bolt of pure light at the crab.

Sacred Flame



And Gorvak can have 1 Temp HP

2019-10-06, 11:23 AM
The braves attack, beat and batter the colossal purple crab. As the beast nears death, a wisp of purple magic flies off the creature and rockets far out to sea, coming to rest on glowing red crystal. That crystal is placed atop a dolphin's head. A strange looking humanoid figure can be seen atop the dolphin. He pulls out a dagger and cuts the palm of his hand. He squeezes the palm to make the blood flow. Then the points his bloody fist at the party. You can almost hear the humanoid yell something but he is too far away, and the sound of the waves crashing into the beach drown the voice out. The humanoid and the dolphin then dive beneath the waves...


As the party's gaze returns to the crabs, their size slowly decreases, down, down, down until both the red and the purple crustaceans are no larger than a small dog. With their size diminished, so too does their aggressive nature. The two crabs grow cowardly and fearful. They attempt to scuttle away to safety, far, far away from the band of braves.

2019-10-07, 02:33 PM

The pixie's fury makes her throw fire after the remaining crabs even as they have shrunken, but she is hardly aiming anymore. Stupid animals, no longer a threat, and if they weren't fast enough to skitter out of the general area, it was their fault and no longer Mistletoe's concern. The dolphin and its rider have come and gone, leaving them with bruises and the growing heat. Not much she can do about this now. The fire receeds back inside, blackened skin slowly returning to its pale state, the tiny pixie giving a hoarse groan as she hovers back to the others.

"The hateful land breeds hateful creatures," Mistletoe hisses, righting her dark cloth as best she can to shield herself from the sun. The tribes came unannounced to this land, and some of them are half-mad with bloodlust and ambition for hardly a reason, so much is true. But to seek to slay them for walking down a beach bodes ill for any sort of peace with what lives here, whatever form it would have taken.

Mistletoe does not complain about her bruises. The others need help more, and she tries to aid what little she can. Hopefully none of the wounds need to be charred shut. Such ghastly marks such a thing leaves on the living body.

2019-10-07, 06:17 PM

Grulgar sat down under the bush with a low groan and rested against the small plant. The crabs had been rather fierce, but they had also been affected by someone else's magic, so they couldn't really be to blame. That figure concerned him greatly though, as the tribe didn't need an enemy like that.

"All is well Mistletoe, the crabs were just pawns of something worse, no reason to hate them."

2019-10-07, 06:53 PM

Sss'nock flashed a toothy grin through his pain at the retreating figure out to sea.
Despite his worst fears being confirmed that mere beasts were not the only threats in this new land, the stranger had chosen his minions poorly.
Instead of their deaths, this native had served them up their next meal.

"Let uss collect what we can of thessse crabsss. Perhapsss if we can presssent a feassst of our own to Govromm, it will ssoften the blow."

Following his own advice, Sss'nock began to collect the bits of crab that were still intact from the surf, piling them up and sorting out what was still intact enough to be edible.

2019-10-08, 06:08 PM

Gorvak leans down to grab the now tiny purple crab and flings it out to sea as hard as he can, shouting in frustration. "Grah!" He stomps his feet and shakes out the sand he'd gotten on himself during the fighting. "What in the hell is going on around here? Are we being toyed with by whatever that thing was on the dolphin out there? Did anyone get a good look at him? What was all that about anyway?" the words tumble out of his mouth in an annoyed rant.

After a few seconds of calming himself after the fight, Gorvak suggests, "Maybe we should dig in those mounds over there too. If these crabs are what our scouts fell prey too, they might have tried to cover their corpses or something." Gorvak uses his heavy shield as a makeshift shovel, trying to dig his way into the mounds.

2019-10-10, 07:42 AM

"There is. None of them said anything, just striking to devour, with vile hexers in the sea as well," Mistletoe answers to Grulgar. In the home that was lost, even the most hungry and crazed of animals could be understood. But nothing here.

The pixie looks to what the others are doing. She just wants to leave and be on her way to the camp instead of letting the sun race by among shattered crustaceans and untended wounds, forcing them to spend even more time under the merciless sun.

To Sss'nock: "Cook the meat, or leave it. It will spoil and rot soon in the heat."

To Gorvak: "What do you intend to do if you do find corpses, after digging up half the beach?"

2019-10-10, 10:18 PM

To Grulgar: "What do you intend to do if you do find corpses, after digging up half the beach?"

I assume you actually meant Gorvak, since he was the one digging.


Gorvak looks up at the pixie, a little annoyed. "I'm not going to dig up half the beach. Just these two odd mounds, it won't take long in this loose sand. As I said, I'm looking for the corpses of the scouts. Finding out what had happened to them was part of our mission, and these crabs could certainly have killed them. If I do find them, then I intend to report back in when we return. What do you intend to do if we return from a half-completed mission and have to explain that we didn't even take the time to do a quick look around?" He shakes his head and continues digging, as he speaks with a little less tension.

"Sit down. Cool yourself in the water. Relax for a few minutes. I think we could all use a brief rest after that fight anyway. This won't take long and I'll join you. We'll probably be on the road again within half an hour."

2019-10-11, 04:23 AM

Why should this be the only place where this could have happ- Mistletoe interrupts her own line of thought before it can flow out of her. No. No. These are allies. Stop.

Not saying another word, the pixie floats a bit away from the group, turned into the direction where they are going to head, where she remains, trying to ignore the desire to devour the ocean that would simply desiccate her from within.

2019-10-13, 08:50 PM

Grulgar gets up with a groan from the bush he had been under and moved to the est of the group, once again taking a seat, no use in wasting a chance to rest.

"No need to fight with each other, his point is well made, there may be something here"

2019-10-14, 11:40 AM
The party begins rummaging through the crabs and their burrows. In the burrows, the party finds several dismembered chunks of... People(?). Some of the larger chunks are clothed in a shredded silk-like material, that shimmers in the sun light. Inside one of the red crabs, the party finds a ram's horn whose thick-end has been fitted with a fist-sized, golden orb. When you tap the golden orb, it begins to glow. When you tap it again, the orb shines as bright as a torch. When you tap it once more, the light dissipates completely.

Sun Globe
Wondrous Item
Property: You can touch the orb to shed bright or dim light either 5 or 10 squares in all directions as a free action (or to shed no light).

2019-10-16, 12:26 PM

When the corpses are unearthed, Mistletoe hovers over, taking a look at them, drawn by the shimmering cloth. There used to be nymphs with the sun in their hair and threads, but this is probably more... mundane. But perhaps she can at least determine whether these creatures used to be one of them, or something else living in these harsh lands.

2019-10-16, 03:54 PM
With the crabs dead or run away, the party continues their journey. The land is harsh and barren, the sea azure but salty. Various lizards can be seen sunbathing in the dry heat, while many red and brown birds fly overhead. The mountains to the east are tall and imposing, some even have a touch of snow on them, but not much is left... Not in this heat. After a day of traveling, you come to a great riverbed that looks to house a massive river... But the water is all but gone. A small stream meanders through the parched riverbed. A minotaur in gleaming silver armor stands on the opposite bank of the dry river. In his hands is a long spear. Attached to the spear is a blue banner with a black horn upon it. The flag snaps back and forth harshly in the hot, arid wind. "You have come to the lands of the Frosttoem Clan. King Govromm has declared that no Mahara may pass over this river." He points towards your side of the river bank, "That is the land of the so-called Wild King." He points to the land under his feet, "This is the land of Frost. Leave, now. We need not come to blows."

You notice that the Minotaur border guard called Govromm "King" instead of "Chief".

2019-10-16, 07:03 PM
Sss'nock bares his fangs at the minotaur's challenge.
He moves to their edge of the stream, but does not cross the stated boundary . . . yet.

"Isss your "king" sssso afraid of words that he will not even permit messsssengerssss to enter "hisss" landssss!? We bring newssss to "King" Govromm!"

The lizardman shouts back, still feeling the sting of the crabs' claws even a day later. He really wasn't in the mood for this.

(OOC: I assume all of our HP and powers are back due to it being the next day?)

2019-10-17, 06:45 AM

After finding what he could in the mounds, Gorvak reported his results to the others. "There were bits of bodies, possibly our scouts, but nothing definitive to prove it. If anything, I'd bet against it given the cloth these bodies seemed to wear. I'd expect our scouts were clothed in sterner cloth than the silky material I found here. But whoever died, left behind this trinket. It seems to be a magic torch of some sort. Given my use of a heavy shield, it might be best if someone else carried it. Any volunteers?"


Upon coming to the river, Gorvak's face draws tight at the minotaur's words. This was not going to make things easier. And having to fight their way past these guards would only rile Govromm further. Maybe a more diplomatic tongue would be helpful. He steps up to the very edge of the river, where the waters lick at his feet and calls across the river adding to what Sss'nock had said. He tried to soften the lizardman's statements a little, "Just consider us an envoy from the neighboring realm. I'm sure your leader would be happy to hear from his neighbors for the good of his own people. A little diplomacy never hurt anything." Gorvak was careful not to use the word king or kingdom, not wanting to give Govromm's claims any legitimacy.

2019-10-18, 02:34 AM

"Tie string around it, have someone wear it as a necklace or hang off their armor," Mistletoe suggests.


At the pitiful remains of what was once a great river, the pixie has little to say. More lips slinging words at a single being rarely helps with convincing someone, rather to overwhelm them. This doesn't seem to be what the others are going for, so she remains silent for now, especially in the face of Govromm's idiocy the guard has to relay. Tall folk's craving for a throne will never cease to baffle her.

2019-10-19, 10:14 AM

"I will take the light if noone else shall"


Grulgar frowned at the guard's words. This was unnecessary, they should be allies, or if not that, at least on friendly terms while they were so new to these lands/

2019-10-20, 11:22 AM
The minotaur strides forward into the dry riverbed. He comes to a stop in the middle and drives his spear seep into the earth. "We were once brothers but your king abandoned my people. I am Faranak, cousin of King Govromm. I will not allow you - agents of a foreign land - to invade our realm, to pervert the minds of our people and to steal from us that which is our's. He snatches his spear and holds it at the ready. "I will defend this land with my life, should it come to that!"

2019-10-22, 02:18 PM

"We are here to deliver a message and to look for lost scouts. Are you telling me your entire kingdom is scared of a piece of parchment, and four people looking for their own," Mistletoe says, back to her hoarse voice. If this is the reaction to four people just wanting to deliver a scroll, the pixie has trouble understanding how this kingdom is supposed to function in the case of an actual threat, expecting the tight-wound minotaur to simply explode from all the pressure inside when faced with such a situation.

2019-10-23, 01:55 PM
The minotaur looks the Pixie over and nods. "I hear your words. A week ago, we were kin. Tomorrow, we may well be enemies... But today... I am willing to gamble on peace. Swear a blood oath that you will not harm or befoul my clan and I will take you to my King."

2019-10-23, 07:00 PM
Sss'nock's belief in peace and unity had faded over the years of struggle and the near extinction of his clan.
It was not surprising to him therefore that the Mahara were now fracturing after landing in this new land, merely that it happened this quickly.
Still, it was encouraging to see that the rift was not so wide yet that this minotaur brave did not attack them on sight and was willing to listen to reason.

"I ssswear that I come sssolely as messsenger to your King. I will not harm nor act againssst your people until my message isss delivered and I return to the Mahara. But I will defend myssself."

Sss'nock clarified, staring intently back at the minotaur as he delivered this last statement. If necessary to satisfy the oath, he will prick his left claw on one of the tines of his trident, allowing several drops of his blood to drip down into the stream that marked this new "kingdom's" borders.

2019-10-24, 09:55 AM
Faranak nods in agreement, "The oath is sworn. I will hold you - and your companions - to it." The minotaur then hops up onto the far bank of the dry river and starts walking north.

After a small walk, you come to a small village of yurts and tents. Many minotaurs walk about the village, as well as a large number of frog-men, all of whom have thick necks and bulbous orange eyes. They croak and groan and language you have never heard before. Faranak sees that you have noticed the frogs, "These are King Govromm's new allies - the Brglglr Tribe. We chanced upon them while exploring the wilderness. Their Chieftess - Grgbbl - and the King became fast..." He trails off for a moment then quietly adds, "Friends..." He shakes his head then continues, "The Brglglr Tribe know the terrain well and have helped this village thrive.

One of the frog men waddles up to the party. He wears a crocodile headdress and wields a gnarled staff surrounded by shimmering blue orbs. "Grglrm splurles! I am Bmurglbr, grand shaman of my tribe. I assume you are friends of Faranak!" He looks each of Maharan Brave over but his gaze settles on Mistletoe. The frog's eyes bulge out in excitement as he licks his meaty chops, "You are so.... Small... And delicate... Tell me little one, are there more of you? Do your people make up a large part of the Mahara? Or are you the lone survivor of Van... Vam... Vamhuuwaaa...?" He looks over to Faranak to correct his pronunciation.


"Vamwe! I would have gotten there eventually. Your language is so strange and alien to me." Bmurglbr smiles politely as his gaze returns to Mistletoe, "Were your people wiped out by the Vamwe? You must tell me everything about your people. I am fascinated."


2019-10-25, 03:07 PM

Grulgar looks down at Bmurglbr, his brows furrowing at the frogman. He enjoyed the enthusiasm, but... he seemed a bit rude.

"Shaman Bmurglbr, I understand that you may be curious but asking such a question of most of the Vamwe would be considered highly insulting and disrespectful, particularly after only just meeting them. You must understand that the events you ask about are very fresh as are the scars, so picking at them is painful."

He paused for a bit to let that sink in.

"However, if you wish to know I would be willing to speak to you of my own experiences and what I know of the others after we deliver our message."

2019-10-26, 01:52 PM

Mistletoe floats after the group. Seeing the frog people reminds the pixie of talking with the frogs at ponds, and getting passing tall folk to kiss them in hopes of turning them into tall folk princes. Ah, the laughter they shared at the sputtering and spitting. Of course, there were no frog princes in the forest. Anyone who earned the wrath of a fey to the point where they were turned into a frog usually simply got eaten or trampled by some other animal, or even other Vamwe, something the fairfolk watched with increasing glee as the Vamwe started not to just visit or trespass, but invade.

The names do sound familiar. They are pretty normal to Mistletoe, though other Mahara have told pixiekind that the names frogs gave themselves sound like gargling honey or clearing one's voice. Terribly rude towards the poor frogs, but the tall folk trying to imitate the sounds always makes for a good laugh for her kind.

Mistletoe is brought out of her strolling thoughts when a frog person starts to look at her. For a moment, she thinks his tongue is going to snap for her, leading to a momentary surge in heat (frogs at home also tried this, but they were usually too slow or dumb. And if a pixie got caught and wasn't tricksy enough to get out, well, they can't all be winners). However, instead of tongue lashes, there or lip flaps. And a lot of them, slinging questions. Mistletoe's eyes begin a piercing stare, with the embers within fixed on the frog man.

"Vamwe tried to take our forest, and either capture or kill us, sometimes for sport. When there was nowhere in the forest to run left, most who remained fled, while Taken like me burned down our home and the hateful Vamwe within, making them scream as their flesh charred, their eyes popped, and their insides boiled," Mistletoe's hoarse whispery voice relays, with an almost serene evenness to it. There is a short pause. "We also taste vile. Makes you burn from the inside out, too," she adds in a deadpan way, as a puff of smoke with a few embers within it escapes her mouth.

2019-10-26, 03:16 PM
Sss'nock blinks in surprise at the presence of the frog people here in the village, openly moving about in considerable numbers.
Given the hostility they had encountered from a native of this land yesterday, the lizardman would expect similar behavior from other inhabitants on this land.
But given the factions within the Mahara that even now were pulling apart further, perhaps the people of this land were not as united in their violence as the Vamwe.
Given they had an inhabitant of this land right in front of them, and part of Sss'nock's message was going to be a warning about the dolphin rider anyway, this seemed like an opportunity to possibly learn more about their foe from the other day.

"Greetingsss, Bmurglbr! It isss good to know that not all people of thisss land are sssso hossstile! We encountered sssomeone who attacked usss from ambussh usssing magic on our way here. Ssssome creature riding a dolphin, who enchanted crabsss to gigantic sssize. Are you familiar with who that could have been?"

2019-10-27, 03:46 PM

At first Gorvak is a little annoyed at this frog-man's interruption in their mission. His questions for Mistletoe seemed unusual at first too, but Gorvak reminded himself that as unusual as these frog people seemed to him, his party was probably equally as unusual to them. Gorvak moved up close to Mistletoe anyway, just to make sure she is safe.

"Grand Shaman Bm..." Gorvak coughed through his horrible mispronunciation of the name, trying to cover it up. "Have your people been in this area for long? Maybe you could help us solve a mystery. We are not the first people sent this way by the Wild King. Scouts were sent up this way and part of our mission is to discover their whereabouts. Did they happen to encounter your tribe at all?"

2019-10-28, 10:04 AM
Shaman Bmurglbr blinks his left eye, then his right as Mistletoe describes her experience with the Vamwe. He looks visibly stunned and awkward. He manages to blurt out, "I, uhh, did not realize..." before segueing quickly to Sss'nock, "OH! YES! You speak of the Undine! They are a sea people who live in the ocean. They are reclusive and isolationist, quick to anger, long to forgive. They do not like newcomers to these shores. They often attack seemingly at random... Until they grow accustomed to your existence. Then they merely keep you at arms length.

Turning to Gorvak, the Bmurglbr states, "We encountered one of your scouts. He was beset by dire wasps in the Mrggglglr badlands. We saved the scout but not before the wasp's poison had coursed through is veins. Although we saved him, the poison stole his vision. We then chanced upon the King of Frost as he was setting up camp here. We offered the scout to the King as a sign of friendship. From what I understand, the scout is still here in the camp."

Grulgar then speaks, to which the shaman nods, "Indeed. Go, speak with the King. We will have more opportunities to talk afterwards."

Faranak leads the party to the largest yurt in the village. The yurt is adorned with traditional blue and white blankets. The smell of roasting boar permeates the air as you near the hut. Faranak lifts the door flap and ushers the party inside. The party is confronted with an imposing 7 foot tall minotaur with chisseled abs and buldgeing pecs sitting atop a finely carved wooden throne. The minotaur wears a cold iron crown beset with fingernail-sized rubies and peals. The king's left hand rests atop a finely crafted minotaur-sized greataxe, also made from cold iron. The king is flanked by two minotaur women who wear veils (as is tradition in the Frosttotem tribe). The woman on his left wears a white veil, while the woman on his left wears a blue veil. In the center of the yurt is a great fire, with a large boar slowly roasting over the flames. No guards can be seen within the yurt.

Faranak is first to speak, "My king, these are... Ambassadors from the Wild King. Sent to deliver a message and to inquire about the Wild King's scouts." Your escort then looks to the party and motions for them to take the floor.


2019-10-29, 11:53 PM

Gorvak steps cautiously forward, seeing that none of his other companions are taking the floor. "We bring greetings from the Wild King. I am Gorvak, and these are my companions." Gorvak gestures to each of them, giving their names. "Your cousin speaks the truth of our mission. We do have a message from the Wild King, but first, I would like to inquire about the scouts that were sent this way. As we were making our way to you, we ran into the shaman of the Brgl... tribe." Gorvak does his best to pronounce the tribe's name, but his tongue obviously doesn't have the dexterity needed to wrap around the odd mix of consonants. "He told us that they had recovered one of the Wild King's scouts and that you'd been caring for him here ever since. Thank you for that. Do you have any other of our scouts here? Or perhaps have more information on what might have happened to them? We would gladly take them back to our tribes to see to their care when we leave."

2019-10-31, 01:28 PM

"Brglglr," Mistletoe's hoarse voice helps Gorvak as he stumbles. Other than this, nothing is heard from the pixie shrouded in black, having chosen to stand on the ground and thus practically disappearing from the view of most between her companions. All important things have been said, and restraint is needed here.

2019-11-01, 09:16 PM
Sss'nock listened intently to the frogman's words, considering his information just as important to their mission as the scouts' fate.
It was troubling to think that Govramm had managed to establish himself so quickly, with land, knowledge, and native allies already at his disposal.
Was the Wild King's caution in approaching this new land going to prove disastrous to the Mahara, or did he foresee the rapid unraveling of the Mahara if allowed to do as Grovak had done and rush out to claim whatever was near to-hand within this new land?
But there was always a cost to forging alliances, and although these . . . Brglglr . . . people seemed friendly, some of the Vamwe had also seemed friendly at first.

Rousing himself from his dark thoughts, Sss'nock regarded the new self-crowned king cautiously, attempting to take the minotaur lord's measure while the others talked.

Yeah, it's a long shot . . .

2019-11-03, 11:06 AM

Grulgar looked around at the Yurt that housed the king. He had worked fast, clearly, but he seemed to be a bit caught up in his own ego. Grulgar decided that remaining silent would be best.

2019-11-05, 11:49 AM
The King slouches in his chair as he munches on an apple. He seems completely disinterested in what the party is saying.

The female minotaur wearing a blue veil states, "The scout was poisoned. His survival stood on a knife's edge."

The woman in the white veil continues, "Praise be to the Great Moose that he was guided back to health by our shamans. We discovered the headless corpses of three other scouts. Each neck wound was cauterized. The smell of brimstone permeated the air around their bodies. Their heads could not be located. We believe local tribesmen may have killed them and taken their heads as a show of force. We buried the scouts in the wilds, per our people's custom. The Great Moose guided their souls beyond the river Kuruk to the boreal forests of Mohi, where they shall find eternal serenity among the elder trees and the spirit folk."

"We freely return the wounded scout to your care," states the woman in blue. "We do this as a sign of friendship, between our realms. It is a kindness that we were not required to show. Remember well our gift for our benevolence is not boundless."

You get the impression that the King is trying to appear disinterested and aloof but he is, in fact, quite interested in what you have to say.

2019-11-06, 05:47 PM

White veil seems to be the "good" one. Blue the "bad". The flame stirs when Mistletoe hears what happened to the scouts, fitting into the pattern of these lands.

Feeling they are expected to respond, the pixie has no idea what pompous kings like to hear or be adressed as. It is most likely that the customs of the fey will not be met with favor, and at the same time, she has never had the patience for vile politics. So when a bit of awkward silence threatens to creep into the place, she offers a "Thank you"

That seems to work most of the time among tall folk, and she even adds a bit of a bow (even if her opposites probably won't see much of it). Seeking to move things right along, the pixie looks up to her companions. "The message?" she says to get the thing passed, and to get through what may be a lot of wrath in the near future.

2019-11-08, 07:56 AM

Gorvak gives Mistletoe a glance, at her request for the message. He understood her desire to get this over with, he wasn't much of a diplomat either. But if the Chief reacts as badly as expected, Gorvak wanted to make sure they would be able to leave immediately if needed. And he wasn't leaving without that scout if it was possible.

He turns back to the two women, "Thank you for your kindness. We understand, no one's friendship is boundless. With that in mind, perhaps the scout could be brought to us now. We'd like to take the responsibility of his care from you as soon as possible. No reason to tread on your good will any longer than necessary, and I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing that we are here for him."

2019-11-10, 07:54 PM
Sss'nock grimaces a bit as Gorvak requests that the surviving scout be immediately brought to them.
There was no good reason to put off delivering the Wild King's message unless . . . ah, unless Gorvak thought that the message's delivery would be swiftly followed with them being driven out of the minotaur camp or worse.
The big paladin was not as dumb as he looked, it seemed, although if matters took a turn here for the worst Sss'nock knew they would have to be cleverer still to get out of the camp alive.

The fate of the scouts was yet another worry, however.
While the taking of their heads and the lingering scent of brimstone meant nothing to the lizardman, the differences from their own surprise attack suggested that there was another group beyond these Nadine.
Dolphin-riding crabomancers, frog men, and these sulfurites . . . the Promised Land was starting to seem awfully full of neighbors for the Mahara, most of them unfriendly.