View Full Version : Rules Q&A New Alchemist Idea, Thoughts? Opinions?

2019-09-19, 07:46 AM
Alrighty so i was Perusing the inter-webs for some new Base Classes and PrC and came across "Alchemist Savant" (Herein known as AS) and "Master Alchemist." (Herein known as MA)
Both seem to be pretty decent when it comes to making potions and the MA seems to be able to make potions of up to 9th level by the time you finish its progression (10 levels) here are the prerequisites for both

Skills: Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks
Feats: Brew Potion
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells or infusions.
Special: Favored in House (House Cannith) or Least Dragonmark (Mark of Making).

Skills: Alchemy 10 ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks.
Feats: Brew Potion, Magic Artisan (potions), Skill Focus (Alchemy).
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 4th-level arcane or divine spells.

Also note that i have access to all Pathfinder, 3.5, and 3.0 material to build this character. i also have the mutations from Future D20.

Meaning that you can start as a wizard for 5 levels,
then at Level 6 become the AS, and then once thats complete you can jump directly into MA. and by level 20 you will have completed all of it and from what i can see... a pretty decent spellcaster and a potent alchemist on top of it. maybe im missing something but from what i can tell it seems pretty powerful especially since they both give you the ability to make up to 3 potions a day (so up to 6 potions a day) and if you take a couple of crafting enhancement feats you can decrease the time and cost of those potions by a fair amount.

Thoughts? Opinions? what do you think of this character idea and can you think of any ways to improve upon it? should i drop the AS and just do MA? or should i try doing both? or perhaps there are feats out there that will help me more than crafting feats?

Also note that if i decide to drop the AS, ill probably switch from wizard to Archivist because its one of my favorite classes, plus its like a divine wizard.

2019-09-19, 08:18 AM
good combo. it's a bit unclear whether the master alchemist unlocking higher level potions lets you have alchemist savant spellvials at higher levels, but the wording 'just as you would craft any other potion' would probably lend itself to a pemissive DM ruling imo.

I think universal potions are still fixed at spell levels 1-3, but everything else seems to synergise at a glance.

2019-09-19, 08:37 AM
good combo. it's a bit unclear whether the master alchemist unlocking higher level potions lets you have alchemist savant spellvials at higher levels, but the wording 'just as you would craft any other potion' would probably lend itself to a pemissive DM ruling imo.

I think universal potions are still fixed at spell levels 1-3, but everything else seems to synergise at a glance.

Thats what i thought too, and i haven't found anything to disprove that so far.