View Full Version : Axiomatic Warlock Familiar

2019-09-20, 12:52 PM
The warlock in the campaign I'm running is at the point of choosing a pact boon. The homebrew patron in question is highly lawful; the warlock was a pirate betrayed by his old companions, and the pact essentially spared his life in order to make them pay for their crimes.

I am trying to plan ahead for the possibility of Pact of the Chain; I know the larger planar setting hasn't been fully fleshed out in 5e materials, and my grip on pre-5e stuff is weak. Does anyone have suggestions for a imp/quasit-equivalent creature from Mechanus?

2019-09-20, 01:37 PM
It's a tough one because 1) the MM doesn't supply much in the way of low level good creatures ie there is no angel equivalent of the imp/quasit and 2) the list of available familiars under pact of the chain shows little pattern.
- Imp (LE CR1 HP10) Shapechange MR Invis
- Pseudodragon (NG CR1/4 HP13) MR Telepathy
- Quasit (CE CR1 HP7) Shapecahnge MR Invis
- Sprite (NG CR1/4 HP15) Invis

So chain familiars should be CR 1/4-1, below 25 HP, and have at least one magic ability. For Law, that only really gives us Blink Dog or a small Modron from the MM, both of which are weaker than Imp/Quasit. I think the better answer here would be to just reskin the imp/quasit chassis.

Tiny Celestial, Lawful Good
AC 13
HP 10
Speed 20ft Fly 40ft
Str 6 Int 11
Dex 17 Wis 12
Con 13 Cha 14
DR Cold, BPS nonmagical non silver
DI Fire, Poison
CI Poison
Senses Darkvision 120
Language Celestial, Common
CR 1
- Shapechanger - Crab, Cat, Owl
- Axiomatic Sight - see through magical darkness
- Magic Resistance
- Attack w/effect - small attack (1d4+3) with a minor DC 11 effect
- Invisibility

2019-09-20, 02:52 PM
The only mechanus creatures described in the monster manual al the modrons, but they seem perfect for the job.

Every modron is immune to all mind-control effects (which is a nice ribbon similar to the sprite's heart sense) and has truesight (which might be OP since the warlock can see through their senses. Nerfing it to devil's sight might be in order.). They are rather squishy, however (but hey so are the other options with the exception of the imp).

One thing I would reccomend you avoid is to compare whatever you come up with with the imp, which is pretty OP compared to the other three options. Besides, flavour is more important than mechanics.

To conclude, I think a tridrone or duodrone will suit your needs perfectly, altough you might need to look at that truesight.

2019-09-20, 04:23 PM
Why not a normal imp familiar that is mechanical. Kind of like the owl in the old Clash of the Titans movie.

2019-09-20, 06:09 PM
I second one of the modrons.

They are directly from Mechanicus and have a varying array of types to choose from to fit the powerscale Pact of the Chain provides. Imps and Quasits have a lot of utility features that Modrons lack, except for the buffed senses via Truesight. Otherwise, all Modrons really have is Multiattack, and no real utility options (like invisibility, shape change, and so on). Since Imps have devils sight and they and Quasits have magical resistance, shape change, and invisibility, it might even be fair to keep the truesight, as you get very little with Modrons as is. They are both CR1 and have ways to fly, so even up to the CR 1 Quadrone is reasonable, but it is very combat focused with very little utility that most other familiars can provide.

It would be very strong at level 3 as all modrons are combat based, but as you go on its still a familiar and will die fairly easily, just might take 2 hits for a bit longer than other options until you reach levels where it will be one-shotted. Its saves are also still lackluster, so just another way modrons would die in combat.

If you want a combat buddy, Modrons could work. If you want something that brings more to the table than just AC, HP, and damage (with maybe flight if Quadrones are okay, and Truesight if that goes through, but it IS pretty strong) then maybe go with the Axiom that Christew stated up as a refluffed Imp.

2019-09-21, 05:51 PM
Thanks everybody! Lots of good input.

I am kinda disinclined from the modron because, well, they're kind of goofy shapes with legs, and lack non-combat abilities.

Looking at the options thrown out, as well as the other lawful neutral creatures out there, I was considering re-skinning a blink dog as a lesser sphinx, in the spirit of the andro/gynosphinx. They both are highly lawful and have teleport abilities. The androsphinx also has a roar; a mini version of that added onto the blink dog chassis might fit into the "small attack (1d4+3) with a minor DC 11 effect" category.

How does that sound?

I am also drawn towards the idea of something automatonish as Sigreid floated.

2019-09-22, 05:18 AM
Thanks everybody! Lots of good input.

I am kinda disinclined from the modron because, well, they're kind of goofy shapes with legs, and lack non-combat abilities.

Looking at the options thrown out, as well as the other lawful neutral creatures out there, I was considering re-skinning a blink dog as a lesser sphinx, in the spirit of the andro/gynosphinx. They both are highly lawful and have teleport abilities. The androsphinx also has a roar; a mini version of that added onto the blink dog chassis might fit into the "small attack (1d4+3) with a minor DC 11 effect" category.

How does that sound?

I am also drawn towards the idea of something automatonish as Sigreid floated.

If you want something that can teleport and has some non-combat utility as well, consider reskinning the boggle frol volo's guide. The little bugger has the ability to leave oil puddles as well as teleport. You could reskin it to make it a little teleporting robot which can leak its oily fluids to create hazards.

In my feylock campaign, I have a boggle familiar called crowley and I absolutely adore him.