View Full Version : Blood, Steel, and Fire Arena: woodwalker IC

2019-09-20, 03:47 PM
Level 1: Welcome to the Arena Serran Fairleaf (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gVay0FIY3QxL75tDv9EhTm1rDGxkK9msYxc_w__w1hE/edit#gid=0) and Kurok the Smith (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/140u-Olh2dRXMjlPv_k_JRbPGCPHkOWB23kAtYnl3qqA/edit#gid=0)!


Why you're here, no one knows. All you know is that to survive, you must overcome all that stands in your way, pushing on to find a way out. And your first obstacle is but a mere wall. A dank, slick, fifteen foot wall looming in front of you in the dark...

Ok, here we go! Here is the Arena Map (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1T2XaqonIh2lwOIHs8xksMsY-pF210Jzbdq6isNuQyBE)

The Wall is a DC15(T) and Slippery(Disadvantage) This part of the is considered to to be drenched in Shadowy Light(30' normal vision, 60' low-light vision, 90' darkvision). Shadowy Light causes Disadvantage on Perception(Spot) Checks.

We'll start going round by round, either character can act first. When initiative is required, I'll roll it and we'll go from there. Once a Wave is complete, characters will benefit from Catching their Breath and I'll rearrange positions and trigger Wave 2. And so on and So forth.

This Arena will be pretty brutal for 1st level characters and they will not survive, neither will the level 5 variants. I believe it is possible for the level 10 variants to survive it and I predict even odds for the level 20s to make it through all the waves.

Also, your character is assume to have left their Rucksack behind and have their Satchel, Belt Pouches, Misc Items, and any Equipped Armor/Shields/Weapons.


You describe what you're doing like this. "You speak like this." and you Think like this.

Action Count: Action Description and Rolls

2019-09-20, 07:18 PM
Kurok and Sarren stare at the wall ahead.

Well, up and over, Kurok! Hold on to this, I'll tie it to something over there.

She tosses Kurok the end of their rope, holds on to the other, and walks up through the thin air to the top of the wall and looking down the other side to see whats over there.

Not sure if I need to do these when not in combat, but its good practice anyways.

1) Manifests Wind Walk
2) Perception (Spot)
3) Perception (Listen)

Kurok will wait until she see's whats on the far side.

Well? What do your young eyes see over there?

2019-09-20, 08:37 PM
Round 1

With Kurok's boost, Sarren has no trouble windwalking up to the top of the ledge. Beyond the stirges hiding in the entryway is a bloodstained hallway...


As soon as Sarren crests the ledge standing a fully 15' above the ground below four Stirges take off from their hiding places on walls...


Stirges are horrid large monster mosquitos, the size of a man's hand, that try and suck the life out of anything they can. Stirges abandon their quarry when sated and attacks by single Stirges are rarely fatal. But everyone has hear the stories of finding a cow drained dry by a pack of them.

Stirges are Minuscule, have 1WP, 0HP, 18Def, and if they deal WP damage will latch on and force Con Saves to avoid being Drained. Upon Drained, the Stirge will abandon its quarry.

Only takes Windwalk(2) to do with a boost from Kurok.

And now we trigger an an Initiative

Kurok [roll0]
Sarren [roll1][roll2]

Stirge 1[roll3]
Stirge 2[roll4]
Stirge 3[roll5]
Stirge 4[roll6]

The hallway is bloodstained, but since Sarren does not meet the Trained Proficiency Gate in Trapwork he doesn't see the Trap. He may deduce it is likely trapped, but he doesn't see the Traps.

There is a Surprise Round, both Sarren and Kurok are surprised. Stirges just take flight. The Surprise Round is only a single Action long, so the Striges just Fly enough to take off and be airborne.

Stirge 3 is up
Stirge 3
Stirge 2
Stirge 1
Stirge 4

2019-09-20, 08:43 PM
Round 2


The first and fasted Stirge darts at Sarren before he can even set his feet...

Beginning of Round
Stirge 3
1: Move(Fly)
2: Attack Flatfooted Sarren [roll0] for 1 Piercing Damage Exact Hit- 1 HP damage reduced to 1HP Damage by HR of armor(Minimum is 1)
3: Move(Fly) to I4- No AoO due to Flyby Attack

Saren is up!

Stirge 3
Stirge 2
Stirge 1
Stirge 4

2019-09-20, 09:31 PM



Sarren quickly grabs the bow off her back and takes a shot at the nearest Stirge, then leaps down towards Kurok, but drops deceptively slowly.

Free Action (Quick Draw) - Pulls out Small Short Bow
Free Action (Quick Shot) - Draws out Ammunition
1)Attack Stirge 3 (at disadvantage with Quick Draw I think?)
2)Move (jump off 'wall'
3) Cast Featherfall(1)

2019-09-20, 09:37 PM
Sarren's reflexes were unparalled, despite pulling out her bow and an arrow in the same fluid motion she managed to fire it as well skewering one of the tiny, demonic, blood-sucking bugs before turning and leaping off the wall...

DC 15 Jump Check using Acrobatics to succeed on the Jump [roll0] which will reduce the 15' fall to 10' Need an 8. Featherfall(1) costs 1PP to reduce the fall 5' further, might want to upscale that to Featherfall(2) or Featherfall(3) if this jump doesn't work to avoid any damage. Fall damage is Wound Point Damage.

Upscaling to Featherfall(3) to avoid any falling damage unless you tell me otherwise

2019-09-20, 09:45 PM

The remaining Stirges dart over the wall following Sarrne down into a maelstrom of chaos...

Stirges 2, 1, and 4 are up. They will stop in the same squares as Sarren and Kurok. Being Minuscule they actually have to enter their spaces to attack. This will trigger an attack of opportunity, but they'll have 50% cover... provided by your ally... probably not great for Kurok to do with that Maul.

Stirge 2
1: Move(Fly)
2: Attack Sarren [roll0]
3: Attack Sarren [roll1] Hit 1HP

Stirge 1
1: Move(Fly)
2: Attack Sarren [roll2]
3: Attack Sarren [roll3] Hit 1HP

Stirge 4
1: Move(Fly)
2: Attack Kurok [roll4] Hit 1HP
3: Attack Kurok [roll5] Hit 1HP

Stirge 2
Stirge 1
Stirge 4

2019-09-21, 07:55 AM

Nice shot, little one! Now get behind me.

Kurok sets his maul down and swings his huge hands at the creatures, trying to grab them out of the air.

Just going to make three attempts to grab Stirges. He has Improved Grab, so any AoO is at disadvantage.

1) Combat Manuver: Grab
2) Combat Manuver: Grab
3) Combat Manuver: Grab

If both of the first two attempts succeed, he'll just try to crush them in his hand as an attack. Thats assuming I can do one with each hand since they're small? If I can only do one it will be grab attempts until they succeed, then an attack until its dead, then another grab if I do those two in the first two actions.

2019-09-21, 08:58 PM
Kurok reaches out and... manages to snatch one of the Stirges out of the air. With a bit of effort he is able to get a firm grasp on it and smash it flat with his other hand.

1.0: Attempt Grab [roll0] Advantage [roll1] vs 13 Minor Success
2.0: Attempt Grab or Grapple [roll2] Advantage [roll3] vs 13 Major Success = Restrained
3.0: Attempt Grab [roll4] Advantage [roll5] vs 13 or Attack [roll6] Hit, didn't even need to roll the Advantage. Unarmed attacks without the Martial arts feats can only deal one WP of damage which is all they have. Would have missed if it wasn't flatfooted!

It is Round 3 and Sarren is up!

Round 3

2019-09-22, 06:55 PM
Sarren pulls back on her bow again and tracks one of the Stirges before firing, then quickly firing again afterwards.

1) Aim
2) Attack with Short Bow
3) Attack with Short Bow

2019-09-22, 07:58 PM
Attack 1, at advantage because of Aim
Attack 2:

2019-09-22, 08:09 PM
Sarren takes a few extra breaths to draw a bead on the first stirge, releasing the arrow at the exact moment to scewer the stirge... he quickly draws another arrow and narrowly misses the final stirge...


The final stirge darts at Kurok before rising up, getting out of reach...

Nice, nat 20. That is a critical hit so long as it isn't negated by the stirges Luck Save against your Crit DC [roll0] vs Sarren's DC12 If its a failure Sarren gets to apply the damage types critical effect, in this case piercing gets to roll an additional [roll1] damage.

Stirge 1
.5 Step
1.5 Attack vs Kurok [roll2] for 1Piercing Hit 1Piercing HP damage reduced to a minmum of 1
2.0 Step
3.0 Move(Fly)

Stirge 1

2019-09-22, 08:23 PM
Kurok picks up his maul and waits for the bug to come back into range. Sarren meanwhile takes aim and fires again.


Kurok is going to hold an attack for when the Stirge dives in (if it survives that long)
If it does:
Attack 1:
Attack 2:

1) Aim
2) Attack with Short Bow

2019-09-22, 08:24 PM
3) Attack with Short Bow

2019-09-22, 08:31 PM
Round 4


The last remaining stirge makes another dive at Kurok having nimbly sailed around Sarren's arrows... twice it nearly impaled Kurok's exposed flesh... Kurok tried to squash the stirge with his maul and failed, the task as difficult as trying to smash well a mosquito with a hammer...

1.0 Move(Fly)
2.0 Attack Kurok [roll0] for 1 Piercing Hit 1HP to Kurok minimum HP after HR
3.0 Attack Kurok [roll1] for 1 Piercing Hit 1HP to Kurok minimum HP after HR

Edit: Seriously, these Stirges have hardly missed. I think their fulfilling their small and annoying design goal.

Stirge 1

Round 5

2019-09-23, 08:16 AM

Alright, thats enough of this!

She steps up holds up the palm of her hand and lets loose a blast of air at the bug.

1) Manifest Airblast(2)

Depending on what happens next will change her next actions.

A) The stirge is knocked prone, she walks up and stabs it with her dagger. I'm not sure if attacks against when prone are at advantage, if they are use the following rolls as such. If not then use the first roll as my attack, if that's cool with you..
B) Its blown back but not prone or damage she'll aim, then fire:

2019-09-23, 08:42 AM
With a concentrated burst of air Sarren blasts the tiny winged stirge into a wall splattering it...

Saves for Stirge [roll0] [roll1]

*I'm adding the same knockback damage damage on impact I'm adding to the Shove Combat Maneuver to Airblast. Should be universal, if the effecdt can knock something back 10' it should be a d4 damage, and if its 10' and prone it should be 1d6.

Sarren has 2 Action left in Round 4, Kurok has 3. We'll move on from here.

2019-09-23, 10:03 AM

Alright! Lets try this again

She steps up again into the air and to the top of the wall, and keeps an eye out for something to tie the rope too, in addition to any other dangers.

Action 2)Manifest Windwalk(3)
Action 3) Perception Spot

2019-09-23, 10:55 AM
Without hesitating, Sarren again takes to the air, this time without a boost from Kurok she's doesn't make it all the way, but high enough to grab the ledge and easily scramble over it.

Changing your actions a bit. Windwalk gets you 10' in the air and the wall is 15' so Sarren still needs to climb the last 5'. I'm doing to use that roll for that which is and easily a success for her as she was at the end of a windwalk she only had a slippery standing ledge ie DC10(-). [roll0] for the Disadvantage for being slippery.

About Perception: You never ever have to roll perception, it is always passive. All spending an action to Seek does is grant you advantage. We use the passive values located right below your race on the character sheet. Your characters are always perceiving I've completely eliminated those cumbersome rolls. Want to be cautions, Seek at 30'. Want to really look closely, Seek at 10'.

Kurok is up. He is like 7-7.5' tall as a Half-Giant. With a normal jump at his strength he can reach about 12' up.

Option 1
If he uses his action to jump and then he'll only need to succeed on one DC15(T) Climb Check at Disadvantage for being Slippery.

Option 2
If he wants Sarren to just reach him a hand, I'd say that won't work given Sarren's strength score he isn't strong enough to lift ~250+lb Kurok at all.

Option 3
He waits for Sarren to toss him a rope, even without something to tie the rope to, the leverage and the ledge would give Kurok Advantage to cancel the Disadvantage form the Slippery wall.

Option 4
Tie the rope to something, even if its makeshift like wedging between bricks with a loop. Will take a solid round of time for Sarren to set up, but will reduce the check to Climbing a Rope and Wall which is DC10(-) and eliminates the Disadvantage for the Slippery Wall since he'd be climbing the rope.

2019-09-24, 01:15 PM

Once at the top, Sarren finds a spot to tie off the rope and tosses it down to Kurok, then takes a closer look around:

1)Ties off rope


Kurok grabs on to the rope and begins to climb.


2019-09-24, 01:33 PM
Sarren finds herself a good spot to tie the rope off near the entrance to the ominous-looking bloody hallway...

With the rope wedged between bricks, Kurok begins the work of climbing up the wall...

Success. 5' Progress. 10' to go. DC10(-) Climb Checks. He's got two more actions to go.

I went Action get out rope, action search, action tie off should cover it. Sarren sees the bloody hallway but without being Trained in Trapwork she can't see the trap. Since Kurok is trained in Trapwork and has a high enough passive perception at Disadvantage(shadowy light) he'll instantly see the trapped hallway, but he lacks the DC15 Perception Check and Expert in Trapwork that would be required to detect how to evade the trap.